Clinical History 56 year old male with scattered palpable nodules in both forearms
Ultrasound of the Monthh – Case 137
Ultrasound of the Monthh – Case 137
Ultrasound of the Monthh – Case 137
Diagnosis: Angiolipoma Angiolipomas are benign neoplasms made up of a combination of mature adipocytes and small blood vessels. They commonly present as multiple tender subcutaneous masses, forearm being the most frequent site. On ultrasound, the imaging features can overlap with those of lipomas, but angiolipomas tend to be more heterogeneous, generally more hyperechoic (brighter), and smaller than lipomas. Vascularity may not be detectable in all angiolipomas under ultrasound, but if detected, suggests a diagnosis of angiolipoma. Angiolipomas are benign and excision is curative.
Ultrasound of the Monthh – Case 137