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Examination of the Thyroid gland The Thyroid gland is situated on the front site of the neck right under the Adam’s apple looking like a butterfly around the trachea. It is composed of two lobes connected with tissue bridge-isthmus. Thyroid gland Larynx
Inhibitory Stimulatory hormones Thyroid gland Tissue Organs
Way of regulation of the secretion of the thyroid hormones
Cartilage Thyroid nodules can be found in both lobes of the thyroid gland or in the tissue bridge. Hypothalamus Stimulatory hormones
When to make an appointment: If you feel: When there is increased secretion of the thyroid hormones - often a sudden fastened heart work - increased sweating
хормони стимулатори инхибитори Хипофиза хормони стимулатори Т3,Т4 тироидна
ткиво органи
- loss of weight despite the same way of nutrition - fragility of the nails When there is decreased secretion of the thyroid 200
hormones - drowsiness - slowness - swelling of the legs - forgetfulness
Genetic factors External factors: lack of iodine, ionization radiation Symptoms: hyper or hypo function of the thyroid gland Examination – Is the change palpable or the gland itself is entirely enlarged Blood tests – Level of T3, T4 and TSH in the blood Ultrasound – method that gives us information for the localization, morphology and representation on the changes and of course possibility for real time biopsy. New method in ultrasound is elastosonography where with applying gentle pressure a scale with colors of the changes can be seen that can help in differencing the changes on which biopsy must be done and changes that must be observed. Biopsy – every change with irregular borders, larger than 1cm, with presenting cystic fields and calcifications is recommended to de diagnosed with biopsy. Atrophied thyroid gland in hypothyroidism The procedure is done in “real time” under ultraHow to diagnose it? sonographic control and with a needle from 18 to Cooperation (Teamwork) between endocrinolo- 22 G. It is necessary to prepare the patient with an gists, path physiologists and radiologists is neces- antibiotic therapy and local anesthesia is given besary for a correct diagnose and treatment of the fore the procedure to avoid pain. changes of the thyroid gland. Treatment Anamnesis Every new discovered change of the thyroid gland Age of patient – for younger than 20 years and accompanied with a change in the blood level of the older than 70 years there id a great possibility for thyroid hormones requires further conservative malignant change treatment in consultation with endocrinologists, path pathologists. If there is a need for a surgical procedure – a consultation with a thoracovascular surgeon is necessary.