Bad Color Palette
One of the most common mistakes that people make when it comes to designing their spaces is painting This is because it can affect the overall look and feel of the room Before you commit to a certain color it’s essential to consider the impact of the paint on the other elements of the room
Unbalanced Layout
A poorly planned interior design can lead to a lack of practicality and a positive visual flow In addition, improper use of space can negatively affect foot traffic and the room’s overall look Before you start the design process, it’s important that you consider the various factors that affect the space

Bad Lighting
Not only is bad lighting a common mistake in bedroom design, but it can also affect commercial and residential spaces In both cases, inadequate light sources can create a harsh or dim environment If possible, avoid getting stuck with the worst mistake when designing a space by incorporating the appropriate lighting into your build plans
Lack of Focal Point
One of the easiest ways to create a bland space is by not having a focal point A lack of focus can lead to an unorganized and empty environment Making interior design mistakes is easy to avoid by just planning ahead You can have a large focal point or a small feature per zone in a big room, such as a living-kitchen area
Wrong Furniture Size
Some mistakes in interior design can seem counterintuitive For instance decorating a small area with only small pieces of furniture can seem like a good idea but it can make the space look cluttered Overdoing it with too many chairs and sofas may take away the feeling of a large room