What are the advantages of dedicated windows web hosting

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What are the advantages of dedicated windows web hosting There are various modes of server hosting found in windows. There is shared web hosting as well as dedicated web hosting. However, people generally tend to chose dedicated web hosting in place of shared web hosting. This is so because there are certain glaring benefits of dedicated web hosting set up. Here are some of the most important benefits, that give an edge to dedicated web hosting over shared web hosting.

A few advantages of dedicated windows web hosting Dedicated web hosting is a system that can provide you with the resources and advantages of a whole server. Here are some of its most important benefits that can help your business performance.  Dedicated windows web hosting implies that a whole server is dedicated to your site. This means that there will never be a shortage of memory or bandwidth, thus your site will perform better than on shared site, where you have to share the resources with other companies.  This set is more secure and reliable than the shared space. Since you have a dedicated server to yourself, your data is relatively safer, and other companies cannot spy on them. Also it is maintained well and therefore is less likely to crash, thereby making business difficult for you. Moreover,

many companies will provide you 24x7 support, so that even if the server crashes, normalcy can be restored within least amount of time.

 The windows dedicated server is more preferable since it provides its customer greater control of the server. They also give you an access to several of their resources, thereby helping you in running your site smoothly. It is also more flexible than the shared servers, since it is only used by you, not other customers. It also gives you the scope of resource optimization.  There are certain Microsoft office based tools for web designing such as FrontPage. The windows dedicated server supports such tools to the core. Moreover, if you are using service platforms by Microsoft, such as SharePoint, it becomes easier to transfer file in the windows dedicated server.

 Websites which are created based on .Net technology, cannot work without windows server. It is preferable to select a dedicated managed site for your company. They are also known for their user friendly interface. There are several web hosting company in India. Some companies like hostjinni.com provides you with several types of servers to choose from, therefore they are quite good for customers.


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