Portifolio of Urgent & Immediate Care Health Facilities

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drivearchitecture, ltd.

Prototype and Construction of Immediate Care Facilities As health leaders face the challenges of health care reform, urgent care facili es provide mul -pronged opportuni es to address current and emerging needs:       

addi onal capacity to meet pent up demand access to physician supervised mid-level care amidst PCP shortages increased referrals to system physicians and services expanded geographic footprint brand recogni on in growth markets opportunity for new revenue through retail strategies a broader community presence to support accountable care and popula on health strategies.

In a recent project for a North Carolina health care organiza on, drivearchitecture - a bou que design firm in Chicago - has provided fresh and innova ve responses that help to support a synergis c mul -pronged strategy for realizing these opportuni es.

drivearchitecture, ltd.

Strategic Goals:  Growth Strategy—Expand the systems presence into untapped high growth

markets by strategically placing both urgent care and primary care facili es to a ract new pa ent popula ons beyond the boundaries of the tradi onal market.  Broader Brand Recogni on—Build dis nc ve facili es that create brand

awareness, a ract new pa ents and win new customer preference for other offerings and services. Convenience would be the driver of ini al choice: Retail oriented, very approachable facili es, easy to find, quick to access, conveniently located on major arteries close to frequent shopping stops. Experience would be the driver for con nued and expanded choice: Programma c elements and staff culture focused on providing a unique experience of care that exceeds

drivearchitecture, ltd.




check-in / waiting


Strategic Goals (Cont.):  Increase System Referrals: Use immediate care needs as pivot point for

increasing PCP, specialty physician, diagnos c and other system referrals. Convenient, personalized immediate care in an appealing retail-oriented space that fosters rela onship-building and brand awareness offers high poten al to shi brand preference for system physicians referrals and other high-quality, accessible health care system offerings.  Physician Recruitment and Reten on—An appealing magnet to a ract

and retain primary care doctors who will want to locate their prac ces in convenient high growth loca ons, in compellingly a rac ve facili es that cater to the needs of both providers and pa ents.

drivearchitecture, ltd.

Strategic Goals (Cont):  Right care, Right me, Right place--physician supervised mid-level caregivers extend capacity

amidst physician shortages while offering immediate access and convenience at the lowest cost point of care. The immediate care need becomes a pivot point for focusing on overall health needs and building the rela onships and connec vity for con nued individualized care.  Lower cost/be er bo om line: U lizing a non-tradi onal architectural approach that is

retail-oriented, less costly in design than the typical health care architecture and design, and provides more economies of scale through development of a template approach that can be used for mul ple facility site development for both urgent and primary care offices. 

Facility Outlets for other strategic endeavors: Expanded access to serve employer contrac ng rela onships and access for emerging ACOs. Alterna ve for overcrowded ED. Expanded opportunity to offer value-based care while increasing new pa ent volume and market share.

drivearchitecture, ltd.

For informa on about a recently built project click here For informa on about an immediate care project built in leased space click here For informa on about immediate care combined with primary care project click here

drivearchitecture, ltd.

Chicago & Chapel Hill, NC www.drivearchitecture.com

The future... Moving forward we’re working on a ‘pop-up’ version of our prototype project where we envision a prefabricated modular version. In this scheme exam rooms, nurse sta ons, provider spaces, toilet rooms, Xray rooms, laboratory’s, offices etc. can be completely built off site and ‘plugged’ into a loose framework on site. In this model the land is minimally disturbed, and the parts and pieces of the en re system can be configured to meet any requirement. Need only two exam rooms and one provider space, it can be done in the order process. Maximum flexibility is achieved and the en re building is reusable and recyclable. And the biggest value add it’s designed to be a net zero energy user!

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