==== ==== How To Lower Cholesterol While Eating Things You Love? Click The Link Below To Find Out And Get A FREE Cholesterol e-Cource! http://www.loweryourcholesterolguide.com/ ==== ==== Foods To Lower Your Cholesterol - Oats, Nuts, Soy Did you know that you can eat certain foods to lower your cholesterol? Recent research has proven that eating oatmeal, soy, and nuts among other foods, can decrease the levels of cholesterol in the blood. 1. Oatmeal and Oat Bran Oatmeal not only makes a delicious breakfast, it is also an effective food to lower your cholesterol. It contains soluble fiber, which researchers believe attracts cholesterol in the intestines, preventing absorption and facilitating bowel movement. It has been shown to lower the bad cholesterol in the body while maintaining the levels of the good cholesterol. Oatmeal and oat bran, which can be found in several baked products and cereal, is easily integrated into the diet. Oatmeal is a healthy breakfast food to lower your cholesterol, and it can also be added to soups or breadcrumbs. About 1 and 1/2 cup of oatmeal a day is enough to lower your cholesterol levels. 2. Soy Soy contains isoflavones, which are proposed to be responsible for lowering bad cholesterol and triglycerides, while maintaining the levels of good cholesterol. Soy can be eaten as a side dish or a meal in itself. Soy-rich foods to lower your cholesterol easily be added to your diet. These include tofu, soy cheese and soy milk, among others. There are also soy burgers available in the market, which is a healthy replacement for regular fast-food burgers. 3. Nuts Nuts are also great snack foods to lower your cholesterol levels. These nuts include walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, pecans, pistachios and peanuts. However, take note that not all nuts are good for the heart. Some nuts, such as macadamia nuts and cashew nuts, have a high fat content, which can be bad for your body. Also, when buying nuts, make sure you get pure nuts that are raw and unsalted. Nuts that have been honey-roasted or placed in chocolates, will likely give you more fats and calories. About a handful of nuts daily is enough to provide its cholesterol-lowering effects.
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