Dinner Halloween at Hotel La Laguna 2014

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HALLOWEENOFFER Fr om 55€perper son

Enj oyt hemostt er r i f yi ngni ghti namyst er i ousr oom wi t ht wobeds Buf f etbr eakf asti ncl udedi nLaLagunaRest aur ant DI NNER“ NI GHTOFTHELI VI NG DEAD” 31stOct ober I ndi vi dualst ar t er Sal adt oSpel l Wi t ch Cr i spySt uf f edCof f i nMar i neSpect r um Sor bet Dr acul aCup Mai nCour se Medal l i onsofdeadcow, f r ui tf i l l i ngf r om bey ondt hegr av e Desser t Pumpki nf r i t t er swi t hchocol at e T wodr i nk sperper son Ever yonewhoat t endst hedi nner di sgui sedwi l lgett hedi r ectpr emi um. Thebestcost umewi l lwi naSpaci r cui t " Pat hofSenses"val i df oroneper son.


Speci alof f erf orFr i day31stOct ober “ Rel axofsensesSPAci r cui t ” Appoi nt ment : 965722100ext 1 ( namet hi spr omot i oni ny ourcal l ) Of f erval i df orFr i day31stand01November2014 Pr i cesf or2per sonsI VAi ncl uded NI GHT31s tOct oberof f er : Doubl es t andarr oom: 110, 00€ Juni orSui t e: 140, 00€/Roy al Sui t eo J . Sui t eJ acuz z i : 426, 00 T woni ght s: 31Octstand01Novi nAD: I ndi v i dual us es uppl ement : 30€ Hal fboar ds uppl ement : 16€/ per s on. Ful l boar d: 32€/ per s on. Chi l dr ens : ( av ai l abi l i t yi nJuni orSui t e) : 37€ Ex t r ani ght sunderr eques tandav ai l abi l i t y .

Adi t i onaladvant agesf orourcl i ent s: +“ Rel axofsensesSPAci r cui t ”( 90´ ) . +Fr eeGy m ex cl usi v el yf orhot el guest s . I nt hespai ti snecessar yt owel s ,capandshoes . +I nt er netaccessf orourcust omer sbot hi nr ooms andpubl i car easoft heHot el . +Fr eei nt er neti ny ourRoom,Bar ,Rest aur ant&Hal l . +TVi ny ourr oom wi t hUSBMov i e,f ory ourf r eeuse +I nt er netCor nerwi t h2comput er sandpr i nt er . Wi t h char ge.

Hot el LaLagunaSpa&Gol f Av da. Ant oni oQuesada53 03170CI UDADQUESADA( Al i cant e) 0034965725577/902222777 i nf o@hot el l al aguna. com

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