Offer weekend LAS NACIONES

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189, 00€ ( t woper sons) Of f erval i dsi nce8t o11Maye2014.Weekendof“ LasNaci ones” -Di s countof10% i ns pat r eat ment s .Of f ernocumul at i v e wi t hot herpubl i cat ed. -Suppl ementHal fBoar d:16€perper s on.Ful l boar d:32€perper s on. -Suppl ementf orJuni orSui t e:+30€perni ght .ForRoy al Sui t ewi t hJacuz z i +110€perni ght . -Chi l di nADwi t hs uppl et or ybed:35€. -3ºper s ona30&di s count . -Pr i cef ordoubl ebedi ndi v i dual us e:135€f ort woni ght s . Addi t i onaladvant agesf orst ayatLaLagunaHot el : +Ex t er i orPar kcov er edf r ee.+I nt er netf r eef orourcus t omer si nr oomsandcommunar easi nt hehot el .+ gy m wi t houtex cl us i v ecos tf ort hecus t omer shot el .+TVi ny ourr oom wi t hUSBmov i l ( f r ee).+i nt er net cor nerwi t h2pcandpr i nt( wi t hcos t )

Avda.Ant oni oQuesada,53. DªPepa Ci udadQuesada( Al i cant e) Tl f . +34965725577 r eser vas@hot el l al aguna. com www. hot el l al aguna. com

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