HotListings March 2010

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Your Source for Quality Properties March 2010 | Issue 4 | FREE











In this

Issue BREEZY LIFE ON HOUSEBOAT 豪宅另類選擇:遊艇 Enjoyable living on a spacious houseboat but for lower price


TIPS FOR BUYERS 購買一手物業注意事項
















Things to know about purchasing new residential properties A selection of properties for sale or to let Quality listings from property owners

Report to show China’s elite consumer preference Products and services enhancing your life Find contractors, domestic helpers legal services and more Paris exhibition showcasing latest lingerie trend Mortgage rates and stamp duty information

14 24 32

HotListings is published by HotListings Company Limited Suite 1801, Wing On Central Building, 26 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong Tel +852 2537 7585 Fax +852 2537 7586 Email Website Printed by Fantasy Printing Limited Editor Julian Fung Deputy editor Fiona Murphy Advertising enquiries Tel +852 2537 7585 Email ISSN 2077-1398 HotLisings is distributed through convenience locations across Central and Western district, Mid-Levels, Wanchai, Happy Valley, Sai Kung, Discovery Bay, Kowloon West and various high quality outlets. Total print run 30,000 copies. You may also read our online magazine at The greatest care has been taken to ensure accuracy but the publisher cannot accept responsibility for omissions and errors. No part of this magazine maybe reproduced without the prior permission of the publisher or authors. The publisher does not endorse any products detailed or advertised in the magazine.






The costly property prices make it difficult for home seekers to possess a dream house in Hong Kong. In a sun-drenched Saturday morning, Michele Cameron tells us about her enjoyable life living on a spacious houseboat but for lower price. Chantel Koh reports. 身處繁囂的香港都市,要享受閒適的居住環境,不一定要搬到偏遠的鄉郊地方,設備豪華 的新型遊艇,也可以是一個另類選擇。




ameron and her family of four are living on Toad Hall, a 55-foot-long houseboat mooring at Discovery Bay marina.

She moved to a houseboat after spending four months in a boxy apartment in Discovery Bay. Cameron said: “I will never move out.” Toad Hall has an enclosed living area of 2,200 sq ft with three bedrooms. Master bedroom and two bedrooms are on the lower deck, living room on the middle deck while the upper deck is Cameron’s office and an outdoor area of the wooden top deck. She said a houseboat attracted her not only because of its spaciousness but also the price. Toad Hall, which she bought 18 months ago for HK$4.4 million, is the fifth boat she has owned in four years. “An apartment (in Discovery Bay) with similar size 18 months ago would have cost HK$12 million to HK$17 million, and without outdoor space that we have on the boats,” she said. Cameron said 65-foot-long vessel, with interior area of 2,500 sq ft, is most popular among the houseboat seekers as it provides three bedrooms. That kind of vessel is suitable for family of four to five.

standard of living; hence, they need a more spacious place to live. A number of vessels of 80-foot long with an interior area of 3,500 sq ft, are mooring at the pier but they are rarely available for sale. A huge vessel costs about HK$9 million, however, you may not be able to get one even you can afford to pay. Cameron could think of plenty of advantages and happiness living on a boat, when asked about if any inconvenience, she said: “No, be honest, no.” It could be dangerous if kids fall into the water. “For babies and young children, we will put a life jacket on them when they just learning to walk,” she said without anxiety. She added: “There is always somebody.” They are helpers, boat boys and security guards in the marina, she said, noting that she even doesn’t worry about security problem. Houseboat living is Cameron’s choice of lifestyle that filled with friendliness. “We know each other,” she said, noting that she knows almost everyone and every pet living in this paradise. A total of 214 boats with 700 people are living in the marina building a harmonious society.

A 60-foot-long mandarin vessel, which provides more storage, is recently priced at HK$4.5 million, while a 2,208-sq ft duplex unit in Discovery Bay is asking for HK$17 million.

Recalling the joyful times that she spent with her neighbors during the latest Christmas, she said: “It was lovely.” They had a Christmas lunch at the bar of the marina club.

People are always seeking for a higher

It just five minutes’ walk from the pier, you

中高收入人士來說,要在香港 覓得居所並不困難,但在香港 這個石屎森林中,即使有充足 預算,想物色到居住環境理想的安樂窩, 卻不是一件易事。 來自英國的 Michele Cameron ,五年前與他 的丈夫和兩個女兒移居香港,並選擇愉景 灣這個有較多外國人聚居的社區居住,可 是在機緣巧合下,她第一次參觀愉景灣遊 艇會後,便對該處的遊艇一見鍾情,決定 放棄在陸上的住宅,遷到遊艇上生活。 愉景灣遊艇會停泊了約214艘遊艇,井然 排列,船與船之間以木製小徑連接,形成 一個獨特的住宅社區。Michele一家四口居 住的「Toad Hall」 遊艇,長55呎,總面積 達2200平方呎,底層是睡房及主人套房, 中層是客飯廳、廚房及露台,頂層的駕駛 室,改裝成為夫婦兩人的工作間,船身前 方的夾板,則可以讓一家人閒適地喝下午 茶,享受日光浴。 Michele坦言,吸引她由一般住宅搬到船上 居住,除了是因為可享受猶如置身外國的 悠閒生活環境,價格吸引亦是一大考慮因 素。 以市場上一艘60呎長的遊艇為例,目前售 價約為450萬元,但同樣位於愉景灣、面積 相約的2208平方呎覆式住宅,就索價1700 萬元。 由於享受在遊艇上居住的,都較願意付出 更多換取更好的居住環境,因此面積較 大、設備更豪華的遊艇,更是供不應求, 當中面積達到3500平方呎的80呎長遊艇, 市場罕有,索價達到900萬元,奇貨可居, 準買家仍要「排隊」輪候。 生活環境悠閒,感覺就如在外國度假,而 且售價較同面積住宅便宜……Michele可



can go to the Discovery Bay Marina Club which provides various facilities including fitness club, restaurants, bar, tennis court and swimming pool. Cameron and her neighbors decorated their boats when Christmas, “we will do the same during Chinese New Year,” she said with a smile. Living on a houseboat has brought breezy life to Cameron who also decided to start her own business running an agency company selling and renting houseboats in the marina since she moved to her first houseboat four years ago. She could enjoy a mild sunshine and a gentle breeze when working because she is


running her company, HK Boats and Homes, on her houseboat. Cameron worked for Dell and General Electric in London as an executive recruiter before she moved to Hong Kong joining Standard Chartered and Merrill Lynch, all of them are big names in the financial industry. “But I love this job (as a houseboat agent) very much,” she said, “I can spend more time at home.” Walking along the path in the Saturday morning, Cameron greeted everybody, every pet and every boat boy in the marina. No wonder she can be the only agent, who got a license in London, to do the business in the Discovery Bay marina.

She said there is always 20 percent turnover in the marina every year because some of them may be relocated to other countries by their companies. People who buy a boat are mostly foreigners, she said, adding that quite a lot of them are experts; in particular, pilots prefer living in the marina as it near the airport. Unlike residential property prices, the prices of houseboat are more stable. Cameron has sold 37 boats since July 2006, but none of them had depreciated. “Insurance and mortgage companies said it (a boat) should depreciate HK$200,000 a year, but none of them had,” she said.


Michele Cameron

“The marina is now full, it’s difficult to get a boat, there they are in demand,” she explained. Houseboat is not a kind of investment tool for speculation or rental use. “But at least you don’t lose,” Cameron said. There are only five houseboats for rental in the marina, the monthly rent for a 65-foot vessel is around HK$65,000 and HK$30,000 for the smallest ones. Cameron has rented 16 boats since July 2006. Just like buying an apartment, buying a boat needs to consider the matter of getting mortgage loan too. She recommended two popular mortgage companies, Inchroy and Orix.

以隨便說出一百個住在遊艇的理由,但 Michele亦坦言,如果初次在遊艇居住,亦 有不少住慣高樓大廈人士想不到的注意事 項。「好像家裡有剛學走路的小孩,當父 母的便要多加留神,否則小孩爬到船邊掉 到水中,就會發生意外!」

距離Michele的遊艇五分鐘步程,便抵達遊 艇會的會址,住客可享用該處的餐廳、酒 吧、健身室、網球場、游泳池等,與一般 住客會所並無兩樣。

至於遊艇的開放式設計,會否造成保安問 題,Michele解釋,遊艇會是以封閉式管 理,訪客必需在遊艇會大堂登記方能進 入,區內亦有工作人員和警衛巡邏,所以 並不擔心治安問題。

曾經在戴爾電腦、通用電氣、美林證券和 渣打銀行工作過的Michele,現時經營遊 艇租售中介人的生意,不熟悉這個市場的 人士可能認為,這個市場過於冷門,不過 Michele指出,單以愉景灣遊艇會為例,每 年的買賣及放盤數目,約佔遊艇總數約兩 成。

擁有一個友善的鄰里網絡,亦是吸引市區 人士搬到遊艇居住的主要原因。記者採訪 一個上午,Michele走到哪裡,都能叫出所 有鄰居、工作人員、餐廳服務員、甚至寵 物狗狗的名字!與住在市區連隔壁鄰居姓 啥名甚都不知道,大相逕庭。

相對樓市可大起大跌,遊艇的價格則比 較平穩,自2006年起,Michele售出三十 七艘遊艇,至今沒有一艘價格低於購入 價。Michele解釋,遊艇並非投機工具,但 購入後不僅不會讓你損失,更可享受非一 般的優質生活環境。



percent. On completion, that can be a week or five to six months later, the buyer has to pay the balance.

Typically, buyers can get 90 percent mortgage for new houseboats and 70 percent mortgage for secondhand ones, Cameron said. Once a buyer has decided to buy a boat, he or she needs to pay HK$100,000 to secure the boat. Within seven days, the buyer has to complete a survey, which is done by a professional surveyor firm, for the valuation of the boat and to make sure it doesn’t get any problem.

There are some costs that buyers need to consider. They may need to take the boat to the shipyard for painting every ten years. The maintenance cost would be higher for tique vessels. Owners may also need a crew to wash the boat once a week. Electricity, gas and water fees are charged per normal usage. (See the table for other costs.)

A survey costs HK$8,000 for a 55-foot vessel, or HK$130 a foot. And within ten days of the survey, the buyer has to put down 10

If you have a license, you could enjoy also travelling on a boat during holidays, though the operating costs are considerable.

購買遊艇初哥宜注意按揭貸款的問題,市 場上Inchroy和Orix兩間財務公司,對承造遊 艇按揭較為積極,一般全新遊艇可辦理九 成按揭,而二手遊艇則可辦理七成按揭, 一艘55呎長的遊艇估價費約為8000元。買 家在估價後十天,需繳付船價一成作為訂 金,餘數則在成交期前繳付,一般成交期 為一星期至六個月不等。 一般住宅需要繳付差餉、地租等開支,但 遊艇則不一樣。遊艇每隔十年需要駛到船 廠重新髹漆,一些古典設計的船隻,維修 費會稍高;船主亦宜聘用工作人員每周清 洗船身一次。如果你擁有船隻駕駛執照, 亦可以將遊艇駕駛出海,但與一般駕車不 同,運作開支會相對較高。




Mandarin, Discovery Bay Marina

Bella Vista, Mid-Levels





HK$ 4.5M

HK$ 5M


2,200 sq ft

571 sq ft

Property and location



Open plan saloon and kitchen opening to large back deck with stairs up to open plan entertaining deck. TV lounge on half deck with fitted office leading to lower deck with 4 bedrooms, and 2 bathrooms (Master bedroom with ensuite, including Jacuzzi bath)

A 2-bedroom apartment with stylish renovation. Open view of Central and Victoria Harbour. Steps to SOHO and Mid-Levels escalator.

Other costs

• • • • • • •

• Management fee: Approx $1,500 per month • Rate • Government rent

Marine Department Fees: $5,000 per year Transfer Fees (Marina Club): $45,000 Berthing: Approx $10,000 per month Boat Boy: Average $1,700 per month Anti-fouling: $7,000 to 13,000 per year Insurance: $11,000 or above per year Club Membership: $800 per month for a family


STORY BEHIND “TAK, NICK” Every vessel has a name on it marking its own story. The collapse of Barings Bank, a remarkable event in the financial history, is also one the stories behind a tique vessel in the marina club. “Tak Nick”, the name of that tique vessel, which means “thank you nick.” It comes to the question, who is Nick? Nick Leeson, a former derivative broker whose unchecked risk-taking caused the biggest financial scandal of the 20th century, and his unauthorized speculative trading cased the collapse of the United Kingdom’s oldest investment bank, Barings Bank. The collapse of the bank did bring harm to many people but gave a chance to the current owner of “Tak, Nick”, which is previously owned by the Barings Bank. The owner took the chance and bought the boat from the troubled bank about ten years ago. Even Nick Lesson might be surprised that there is someone thanks him from causing the collapse of the bank.

擇居遊艇FAQ 問:在遊艇居住,如何取得水、電等 日常必需品? 答:愉景灣遊艇會每個泊位旁均設有 水、電、通訊設備備寸接駁點,只要 將有關設備連接,便能像一般家居使 用。由於船上不可使用明火煮食,所 以廚房設備以電能為主,垃圾則放在 每艘遊艇外的垃圾箱,由工人定時清 理。 問:颱風襲港時,船身不會晃動令人 不適? 答:由於各船隻緊靠停泊,並停泊在 防波堤內,所以晃動會太過強烈,如 住客感到不適,可以到遊艇會住客會 所暫住。 問:從事遊艇買賣,需要相關資格 嗎? 答:本港監管機構沒有相關要求,但 大部分從事此行業人士,均得到英美 相關機構的專業資格認證。 HL


12.38M Le Royal Arc 凱旋門

2261’, 3 Bedrooms + 3 Bathrooms, High Floor, Brand New Apartment, Near Wynn Casino

3.38M Zhu Kuan Mansion 珠江大廈 1220' , Central Macau, Sea View, 2 Bedrooms + Study & 2 Bathrooms, Nice Renovation, Open Kitchen

6.98M One Central 壹號湖畔

1273' , 2 Bedrooms + 2 Bathrooms Deluxe Apartment, Shopping Mall, Near MGM

1.5M The Verde 晶品

493' , Studio, Quality Living, Well Designed Layout, Situated at Convenient Location

7.6M/15K The Manhattan 曼克頓

2080' , 3 Bedrooms + 2 Bathrooms, Central Taipa, Club Facilities, Good Management, With Car Park


12.5M One Grantai 大潭山壹號 2019' , The Cotai Strip, 3 Bedrooms + 3 Bathrooms, Luxury Living

3.98M/9.5K Nova City 濠庭都會

1318' , 2 Bedrooms + 2 Bathrooms, Club House & Swimming Pool, Modern Apartment

3.38M Hellene Garden 海蘭花苑

1500' , 3 Bedrooms + 2 Bathrooms, Fully Renovated, Garden View, With Car Park


Pacific Ocean access within minutes from the deep water jetty of this luxury appointed stately home. 5,000 sq.ft., 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, formal dining, bar room, study, Italian tile and hardwood flooring, tropical gardens, extensive outdoor entertaining area and security parking for 4 cars makes this quality home a must to inspect.

AUD 2.68 million

TEL: (853) 28757716


2264 0664


The Portofino 2623'

Marina Cove 2391'

High Privacy 2100'

Luxurious development in Clearwater Bay, sea view

Yacht club sea view, high ceiling, private garden

Huge garden, corner hse in Clearwater Bay, sea view

$23.8M/ Rent $70K

$23.8M/ Rent $68K


Silverstrand 2700'

Clear Water Bay Villa 2800'

Green Villas 2178'

Huge lawn garden, sea view, prime location

Corner house w/ private garden & swim pool

Sea view w/ private gdn, high ceiling, swim pool

Rent $90K

$18M/ Rent $55K


Sai Kung Villa 1800'

Yacht Club 2100'

Conservation Area 2100'

Private lawn garden, 3 bedrooms, good condition

Nicely renovated, garden with private gate

Sea view, detached hse w/ garden, brand new

$15M/ Rent 40K


Rent $40K

The Giverny 2638'

Clear Water Bay 2100'

Sheung Sze Wan 2100'

Prestigious villa with excellent security

Detached, brand new, full sea view w/ lawn gdn

Private garden, 5 brms, good condition

Rent $78K

Rent $68K

Rent $40K

Classic Luxurious 3000'

Prime Location 2300'

Spacious en-suites with sea view, swim pool

Villa hse in silverstrand, garage, sea view

Rent $68K

$35M/ Rent $75K

Waterfront 2203'

Unobstructed sea view at Silverstrand, private swim pool

Rent $75K




There are certain things you have to pay attention to when purchasing a brand new residential property, be it completed or uncompleted. This article will provide some tips for you. 購買新落成的一手住宅物業或「樓花」有別於二手物業,作罝業決定前清楚了解當中細節, 可讓你減少不必要的困擾。


he designer showcases at sales office of new residential projects are likely to whet home seekers’ appetite but may not be able to spot their actual requirements. Getting a clear understanding of properties and their own affordability are essential and basic for potential buyers. 踏入樓盤銷售處,準買家常常沉醉於裝潢 美輪美奐的示範單位,憧憬搬到新居所的 新生活,但在動筆簽署買賣合約時,一定 要清楚自己是作出一個達數十年的長期承 諾。

PROPERTY AREA AND ITS SURROUNDING 單位四周環境 Visit the development site and get to know the surroundings, including transportation and community facilities.


If the development is being sold under the Lands Department Consent Scheme, the developer is required to include in the sales brochure information on prominent environmental features in the vicinity of the development, and to indicate on a plan showing any slopes and any retaining walls or other related structures which the owners of the development are required to maintain. You can also go to the Statutory Planning Portal to search for planning information of a particular area. 實地了解物業的鄰近環境,包括交通和社 區設施等。若單位獲地政總署所發出的「 預售樓花通知書」,發展商須在售樓說明 書內,列出樓宇附近的環境,並以圖則顯 示附近有沒有斜坡或護土牆須由業主負責 維修。你也可到「法定規劃綜合網站」, 搜尋個別地區的規劃資訊。

Statutory Planning Portal 法定規劃綜合網站

SALEABLE AREA 實用面積 A standardised definition of “saleable area” was adopted for sale of uncompleted residential units since 10 October 2008. Be aware of the following: • The “saleable area” of a unit means the floor area of the unit enclosed by walls (inclusive of the floor area of any balconies, utility platforms and verandahs). • “Other areas”, such as flat roof, roof, garden, cockloft, yard, terrace, bay window, air-conditioning plant room, car parking space etc., will be listed item by item, but will not be included as part of the saleable area.


When calculating the per-square-foot price, you should understand whether the calculation is based on the “saleable area” or the “gross floor area” of the unit. Enquire with the developer if you have any doubt.

自2008年10月10日起,「實用面積」的定 義已經統一。你可留意以下的事項: • 單位的「實用面積」是指單位的主體 面積,包括露台和工作平台的面積; • 「其他地方的面積」,例如:平台、 天台、花園、閣樓、天井、台階、窗 台、冷氣機房、車位等,則會逐項列 出,但不包括在「實用面積」內; • 計算單位呎價時,應注意是以「實用 面積」或「建築面積」計算,如有疑 問,可向發展商查詢。 Detailed definitions of saleable area 實用面積詳細介紹 pdf

SALES BROCHURE 售樓說明書 The following items are some of the information that should be included in a sales brochure: • The saleable area • Interior and exterior fittings and finishes • Expected completion date of the building • Estimation of management fees • Can pets be kept in the unit? • What communal and recreational facilities will be available at the completion date? • Whether owners need to share the expenses for managing, operating and maintaining the public open space or public facilities inside or outside the development, and the location of the public open space or public facilities • Slope maintenance responsibility



以下是售樓說明書必須提供的其中一些資 料: • 實用面積 • 室外及室內的建築材料及設備 • 預計樓宇竣工日期 • 管理費預算 • 業主可否在物業內飼養動物 • 屋苑落成後會提供的公用及休憩設施 • 業主是否需要分擔管理、營運及維修 保養屋苑範圍內或外的公眾設施或休 憩用地的費用 • 斜坡維修責任

GOVERNMENT LEASE AND DEED OF MUTUAL COVENANT (DMC) 政府租契及大廈公契 Don’t forget to read the Government Lease and the DMC (or the draft DMC) which contains important information for prospective buyers. A Government Lease states the lot number, lease term, user restrictions, etc. while a DMC includes provisions such as definition of common areas, principle of fixing management fee, ownership of the rooftop and external walls and specific rights reserved to the developer, etc. Sales brochures for development under the Lands Department Consent Scheme will contain salient points of the Government Lease and Deed of Mutual Covenant. 你應詳閱政府租契(又稱「地契」)及大 廈公契,兩者包含很多實用資料。政府租 契會列出:地段編號、批租期、用途限制 等。大廈公契包含的條文主要有:公用地 方、釐訂管理費的準則、天台及外牆業權 的擁有權及發展商的保留權利等。 若單位是在「地政總署預售樓花同意方 案」下銷售,發展商在售樓處須提供足夠 數量的政府租契及大廈公契(或其草稿) 副本,供準買家免費查閱。 Integrated Registration Information System Online Services 綜合註冊資訊系統網上服務


CONSENT TO SELL 預售樓花同意書 The Lands Department Consent Scheme is a system put in place to regulate the sale and purchase of uncompleted buildings and to ensure orderly sale of the same. Before you purchase an uncompleted unit under the Scheme, you should: • Seek confirmation from the developer whether a “Consent to Sell” has been issued or you can check it on the Lands Department website; • Note that the developer or the estate agent are not allowed to receive any deposit or “reservation fee” before the developer has obtained the “Consent to Sell”. 「地政總署預售樓花同意方案」旨在規管 未落成物業的買賣,及確保該等物業有秩 序地出售。決定購買之前,你應: • 向發展商確定該物業是否已獲得地政 總署發出的「預售樓花同意書」; • 留意發展商及地產代理不可在發展商 獲發「預售樓花同意書」前,收取任 何訂金或「留位費」。 Pre-sale Consent issued by Lands Department 查閱預售樓花同意書 htm

SIGNING AN AGREEMENT 簽署合約 The provisional agreement for sale and purchase of an uncompleted residential unit under the Lands Department Consent Scheme is not a binding agreement for the purchaser to buy the property but is binding on the vendor. However, if you withdraw from it, your deposit of up to 5% of the property price may be forfeited. If the unit is not under the Lands Department Consent Scheme, the provisional agreement for sale and

purchase is a binding agreement for sale and purchase on both the vendor and the purchaser. The developer may take proceedings to enforce specific performance of the agreement or retain your deposit and claim for damages for breach of the agreement. When you proceed to sign the formal sale and purchase agreement, the following things should always be aware of: • Estimated completion date of the development; and • The property handover date. You should also ask the developer about all the charges related to the transaction such as legal fees, stamp duty, building plan fees, etc. 在「地政總署預售樓花同意方案」下的未 落成單位,其臨時買賣合約對賣方具有約 束力,但並沒有規定買方必定要履行。不 過,若你簽署後取消該合約,你可能被沒 收訂金(以樓價5%為上限)。 若樓花並非在「地政總署預售樓花同意方 案」下出售,買賣雙方所簽署的臨時買賣 合約對雙方均有約束力。若你違反協議, 發展商可以向你採取法律行動,要求你履 行合約,或沒收訂金以作賠償。 當你與賣方準備簽署正式買賣合約,要注 意以下事項: • 預計屋苑落成的日期;及 • 發展商交樓日期。 你亦要向發展商查詢清楚交易的其他收 費,例如:律師費、印花稅、規劃圖則收 費等。 Sale and purchase of property under construction 關於買賣樓花的資訊 saleAndPurchaseOfProperty/ sale_and_purchase_of_property_under_ construction/index.shtml


Standard form of Agreement for Sale and Purchase 買賣合約的標準範本 pdf

INSPECTING THE UNIT 驗收單位 If you have purchased an uncompleted residential unit, you may not have the opportunity to inspect the property before signing any agreement or even the assignment. As soon as you have taken possession of the property after completion of the assignment, you have to: • Carefully inspect its fittings, finishes and the workmanship; • Jot down the details of all the defects and notify the developer as soon as possible. There is usually a defect liability period of

6 months to a year for newly completed property. 若購買「樓花」,你未必有機會在簽訂買 賣協議前檢驗有關物業。物業落成後,發 展商向買方交樓,其時你必須: • 小心檢查單位的設施、質素及手工; • 詳細記下單位的缺陷,盡早通知發展 商。

Notes to Purchasers of First-hand Residential Properties 一手住宅物業買家須知 propertypamphlet.pdf Guide to Purchasing Properties 置業須知 property.pdf


KNOWLEDGE IS EVERYTHING 知多一點 保障多一點 Knowledge and preparation is everything when buying a home. The links below will direct you to more guidance and advice on purchasing a first-hand property. 事前準備充足,搜集詳盡的資料,對買樓 會更有保障。以下連結載有更多關於購買 一手住宅物業的資料,以供參考。

Guidelines issued by the Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong 香港地產建設商會指引 The above information serves as a general guide. In case of doubt, please refer to the relevant regulations or seek advice from the legal profession. 置業為人生重要決定,如有任何疑問,請 查閱相關法例或徵詢法律意見。 HL


Pricoa Real Estate and Relocation Services ®

Stanley Townhouse HK$180K Inclusive Dramatic sea views from this comfortable, modern, southside home. This spacious 4,212 sq.ft. five bedroom townhouse comes with a private roof terrace, garden and balcony. With a state-ofthe-art clubhouse and 24 hour security and good management, this remains a popular option.

Mid-Levels Central HK$60K Exclusive Nestled among the lush green, tranquil surroundings on Tregunter Path- this prestigious property is very well managed. Apartments are nicely appointed with marble bathrooms and fully fitted kitchens. This 1,690 sq.ft. apartment comes with three bedrooms and Peak views.

Repulse Bay HK$70K Inclusive Panoramic sea and green mountain views from the balcony make this building a popular south side choice. This 2,500 sq.ft. three bedroom apartment is very nicely finished throughout. The balcony and additional 400 sq.ft. private roof terrace is ideal for entertaining. Clubhouse.

Stanley HK$77K Inclusive Popular family orientated complex within walking distance to Stanley beach and Stanley Main Street. This 1,902 sq.ft. apartment comes with three bedrooms, a balcony, and facilities include a swimming pool and child’s playground.

To learn more, call (852) 2822 6800 or visit ©2009. Prudential Financial, Inc. Newark, NJ, USA. All rights reserved.

EA Company Licence C-017904

Prudential Financial, Inc. of the United States is not affiliated with Prudential plc which is headquartered in the United Kingdom.

Sheung Wan HK$47K Inclusive Exceptionally well designed 1,305 sq.ft. one bedroom, duplex apartment. Funky kitchen area and quality finishings throughout, including Smeg kitchen appliances. Partially furnished.

May Road, Mid-Levels HK$53K Inclusive Nestled in a quiet green area above Central, this is one of the most well managed and convenient building available. This 1,373 sq.ft. apartment has three bedrooms and city views.

Mid-Levels Central HK$94.5K Exclusive Dramatic harbour views from the floor to ceiling windows in this modern property. This 2,346 sq.ft. apartment has four bedrooms and high quality finishing throughout. Clubhouse.

Peak HK$115K Exclusive Commanding views and fantastically well managed. This 2,210 sq.ft. three bedroom apartment is within one of the most prestigious properties on the peak. Balcony with sea views.

Mid-Levels HK$52K Inclusive Charming location. This nicely renovated 1, 750 sq.ft. apartment comfortably accommodates three bedrooms and a balcony. Supermarket, transport and parks nearby.

Repulse Bay Duplex HK$77K Inclusive Superb southside apartment. This 2,243 sq.ft. two bedroom duplex is very well finished throughout, comes with a balcony with sea views. Clubhouse and on-site shopping mall.


Mid-Levels Central HK$92K Exclusive This 2,565 sq.ft. three bedroom apartment has a fabulous layout with a large balcony overlooking Central. The building offers resident's superb facilities - including a swimming pool.

Macdonnell Road, Mid-Levels HK$58K Inclusive Unique property with a sensational roof terrace with green views. This fully renovated - 1,500 sq.ft. apartment has two bedrooms and wooden flooring.

Old Peak Road, Mid-Levels HK$79K Exclusive Prestigious property. This 1,973 sq.ft. nicely presented, three bedroom apartment is a popular option for those seeking easy access to Central. Superb clubhouse.

Pricoa Real Estate and Relocation Services 速

Beijing | Hong Kong | Shanghai | Singapore

Metro City 首

professional property 都 services

3 Chico Terrace, Mid-Levels 半山區 芝古臺三號


2869 6321

Sai Ying Pun

2857 7321

Shop 5, G/F, 31-37 Mosque Street, Hong Kong

Shop 5, G/F, 52-54 Third Street, Hong Kong Albron Court, Caine Road 堅道 豐樂閣



583 sf | $4.5M 19K

1,575 sf | $13.8M

Stylish decoration • One bedroom • Open kitchen 時尚裝修 • 一房單位 • 開放式廚房

4 Bedrooms • Sea views • Adjacent to SOHO 四房 • 海景 • 鄰近SOHO區

Pearl Gardens, Conduit Road 干德道 明珠台

Dragonview Court, Kotewall Road 旭龢道 龍騰閣

Rhine Court, Bonham Road 般咸道 禮賢閣

South Tower , Residence Bel-Air 貝沙灣 南岸

2,200 sf | $27M

1,622 sf | $17.5M

1,156 sf | $9.9M

1,688 sf | $22.8M

Designer’s decoration • 3 beds • Balcony 三房露台單位 • 附設車位

3 bedrooms with ensuite • Open sea views 三房連套房 • 開揚海景 • 清靜地段

Adjacent to HKU • High floor • Balcony 毗鄰香港大學 • 高層 • 附設露台

Sea views • Very high floor • Car park 壯闊海景 • 極高樓層 • 附設車位

Race Tower, Happy Valley 跑馬地 駿馬閣

Nikken Height, Prince’s Terrace 太子臺 日景閣

Tung Cheung Building, Second Street 第二街 東祥大廈

Centre Place, High Street 高街 匯賢居

811 sf | 7.2M

998 sf | $7.5M

343 sf | $2.08M

900 sf | $8M

Racecourse views • High floor • With lease 馬場景觀 • 極高樓層 • 連約出售

With balcony • Quiet location 附設露台 • 清靜地段

Top floor • Rooftop • Future MTR area 頂層單位 • 連天台 • 未來地鐵地段

3 bedrooms • Store room • Balcony 三房 • 儲物室 • 附設露台

Walk-up Building, Elgin Street 伊利近街 唐樓

Rich Court, Peel Street 卑利街 怡富閣

Whole Building, Hollywood Road 荷李活道 全幢

Yee Shun Mansion, Second Street 第二街 宜順大廈


650 sf | $5M

471 sf | $3.2M

2,954 sf | $28M

418 sf | $2.58M

One bedroom • Designer’s Decor 一房間隔 • 精緻裝修

Just renovated • Steps to SOHO 一房單位 • 簇新裝修 • 鄰近蘇豪區

Shops and office • Lively location 時尚生活區 • 具投資潛力

Brand new renovation • Future MTR area 簇新裝修 • 開放式廚房 • 未來地鐵地段

We are recruiting experienced property consultants. Please contact us for details. 誠聘經驗置業顧問,歡迎查詢。 5319 5598

EAA Licence: C-030328


Treasure hunting in China real estate market? Foreign investors may be seeking chance of treasure hunt grabbing the rising property market in Greater China region. An expert partner with local intelligence, will be your key to success Uptown Property Consultants, a Hong Kong-based real estate agency expertise in acquisition of commercial and hotel properties, must be able to help investors explore the robust property market in China. To know more about how can we prepare your lucrative investment strategy, call us today!

大中華地區物業市場急促發展,不少外國投資者都在中國物色高回報的投資機會,但如果對當地政策認 識不深,你便需要一個熟悉市場情況的投資伙伴,當您的指路明燈。 以香港為基地的尚城物業,擁有中國主要城市具投資潛力的商業物業、酒店等放售項目;富實戰經驗的 團隊,助你拓展中國物業市場。想了解我們如何啟動您的財富動力,或希望透過我們的客戶網絡促銷您 的發展項目,歡迎與我們聯絡!

(+852) 3641 1280 Precious Properties • Investment Opportunies



Company Licence No. C024330


Specialists in Sai Kung / Clearwater Bay

Extreme Residence 7500 s.f

Single lot number house, Private gate & pool, Huge garden. Rare on market



Detached House 4600 s.f

Single lot number house, Private gate & Pool, Sea view in Mid-level


High Private House

2883 s.f

Famous complex in tranquil location, Nice decoration and new condition


2100 s.f

Quiet location, Fresh air, Private gate & car port,Indeed garden with greenery view



Hebe Heaven Nice decoration house in sai kung mid-level, Sea view, Private pool


Silver Cape Road 2291 s.f

Full sea view, Designer decoration and good management


Marina Cove

2200 s.f

Spacious layout, Sea view, Private pool, High ceiling and big garden


The Peak 2100 s.f

Detached house, Private pool, Spacious layout, Overlooking Marina Cove, Indeed garden


1885 s.f

Famous complex in sai kung, Private Pontoon, Lake view, Club facilities

$19.5M / 55K

Clearwater Bay Village House 2100 s.f

Brand new detached house, Open green & sea view, Indeed garden

$16.8M / 50K

Private Pool

2600 s.f

2340 s.f

Detached house with private gate, Completely refurbished by architect with modern layout

$26.8M / 110K

Country Peak 2100 s.f

Tropical feel detached house with huge garden and private gate,Greenery surrounding

$25M / 130K


Las Pinadas 2200 s.f

Europran style, Garage, Good management, Open view

$15.8M / 45K

Sai Kung House 1600 s.f

Efficient layout, 5 bedrooms and big garden, Greenery view, Nice decoration


2900 s.f

Charming sea view, 4 bedrooms, Close to the Beach and MTR station


Western Community 2100 s.f

Quiet environment, Easy to public transport, Comm. pool and open view

$11.5M / 38K

Shop B7, Marina Cove Shopping Centre, Sai Kung, N.T.




2156 0500

Pokfulam Road 2200’

Cypresswaver Villa 1400’

Hong Kong Parkview 1235’

Macdonnell Road 1500’

Stanley Village Road 1420’

Igool Residence 1000’

Prince’s Terrace 500’

Mount Kellett Road 2600’

Magazine Gap Tower 2300’

Old Peak Road 1400’

Mid-Levels Central 1250’

Fujiya Mansion 1200’

3 Bedrooms + CP Deluxe décor, quiet & peaceful 25M / 75K incl 9041 1178 Tony

3 Bedrooms + Balcony Bright & airy, close to the beach 14.5M 9456 2587 Martyn

3 Bedrooms + CP Spacious layout, full seaview 79K incl 5172 8743 David



3 Bedrooms + CP Panoramic seaview, private gdn 19.6M 6855 8179 Haryati

2 Bedrooms + Balcony Nice renovated, back terrace 9.3M / 38K 9757 0927 Misako

3 Bedrooms + CP Spacious living room, gdn view 55K incl 5172 8743 David

2 Bedrooms Mountain view, club facilities 16M 9108 8853 Mina

1 Bedroom + 500’ Roof Fully renovated, open view 4.48M 6855 8179 Haryati

2 Bedrooms + Balcony Prestigious location, nice decor 42K incl 9456 2587 Martyn

4 Bedrooms + Balcony Prime location, high efficiency 15.2M 9679 5909 Thomas

4 Bedrooms + CP Colonial style, full harbour view 108K 9772 1821 Fanny

3 Bedrooms + CP Lowrise at Kennedy Rd, newly renovated 40K incl 9284 1392 Fion



中寶物業 專營中環 SOHO

7.5M Heart of SoHo 1150' Staunton Street, rare

2.6M Ryan Mansion 359' SOHO

2.88M Cheung Fai Building 427' Near Escalator

3.3M Kingearn Building 680' With private flat roof

2.48M Silver Jubilee Mansion 387' Open views

16.8M Shop at SOHO 680' Staunton Street

7.6M Hung Tsui House 900' + 400' Terraces 2 terraces

Tel: 2581 4325 2581 4326

Shelley Court 472' Open green view

1.56M Des Voeux Road West 350' High floor

Center Point Realty Limited William EAA License: C-031309 Sam G/F., No.34D Staunton Street, Central, Hong Kong


18M Best View Court 1700' 2 bedrooms,suite, balcony

6024 3828 9627 7825



Asking $6.5M

Clear Water Bay Duplex


Asking $9.2M

Brand New Whole Blk

1400’ w/ 800’ gdn, green view, 2100’ village hse w/ gdn. new excellent reno, cps. Lowest in the market. Must see.

Asking $16M

Clear Water Bay Western Reno

Asking $12.5M

Sea View Detached hse 2100’ detached hse w/ full sea view, gdn & roof top, cps.

Asking $19.8M

Silverstrand Villa

Brand new, open kitchen, qualified Sea view, tasteful reno, convenient reno, tranquil area, decent neighbor. shopping & transport, mgt & secu.

Asking $30M

Private Pool 3500’ detached villa hse w/ 3000’ gdn, private pool, sea view, new reno.

Casa Blanca An unique Mediterranean-style detached house located by the waterfront. It boasts an large garden of around 5,540 sq ft with a swimming pool. By Offer

Hing Keng Shek Village Detached House with Huge extensive indeed garden Private Pool with walled garden For Sale 29M

Country Park 4 ensuite Bed rooms with Maid Rooms Detached House with Big Garden full stop Mountain View For Sale 11.8M

Eastmount Property Agency Ltd. 26

2791 0498

Specialists in Sai Kung / Clearwater Bay C-021954-(A000) for virtual tour




Shop 8, Level 8, Silverstrand Mart, 2 Silver Cape Road, Sai Kung, N.T. C-020016

Specialists in Sai Kung / Clearwater Bay

21.8M / 65K GIvERNY 1908’ + GARDEN Open view, nice decor, modern kitchen, 3 bedrooms, ideal place for Habitation

46M / 90K bELLA vISTA 2782’ DETACHED HOUSE 6000’ huge garden, seaview, 5 bedrooms, garage, communal pool & tennis count

23.8M / 60K SILvER CAPE ROAD 2300’ + GARDEN Newly renovated, 4 bedrooms, garage, convenient location

16M / 45K bERKELEY bAY 1600’ POOL vIEW HOUSE Open pool view, garden, 4 bedrooms, nice decor, communal pool

7.88M CLEAR WATER bAY 1400’ vILLAGE HOUSE Whole block 2-story, open view, 1000’ indeed garden, 3 bedrooms

75K CHE KENG TUK WATERFRONT HOUSE Picturesque sea view, 4 bedrooms w/ 3 en suites, designer decor, garden & balcony

70K MARINA COvE 1760’ WATER FRONT HOUSE Corner house with big garden 4 bedrooms, nice decor, communal pool & tennis couet

14.8M TAI MONG TSAI 2178’ GARDEN HOUSE Seaview, peaceful location nice decor, 3 bedrooms, garage, communal pool & management

26.8M SILvERSTRAND bAY 2500’ SEAvIEW HOUSE Marvelous sea view, lovely garden, convenient location, 4 bedrooms, 2 car parks



Ag e


40M / 130K PORTOFINO 5003’ + GARDEN Prestigious villa, open green view, 4 bedrooms w/3 en suites, garage, communal pool, tennis court, shuttle bus

2719 0606 • 2719 1199

19M MARINA COvE 1885’ + GARDEN + PONTOON Open Lake view, I7’ pontoon, 3 bedrooms, garage, club house facilities

33M FLORAL vILLAS 2507’ HOUSE + bIG GARDEN Picturesque seaview, contemporary decor, 3 en-suite, tennis court & swimming pool, shuttle bus

Century 21


2799 9719


Super Grand Centurion Produce Award of Century 21 Property Group in 2009 Grand Champion in yearly sales of Century 21 Property Group & Century 21 Goodwin in 2009 Top Sales agency in Sai Kung in 2009 (No.1) 100% marked share in Buy & Sell in Floral Villas

16M 23.8M Brand New Detached 2100’ Silverstrand Villa 2500’ 3000’ huge garden, Private gate, 10 parking space Seaview in Tranquil locat, High efficiency & ceiling Danny 8200 8337 Peter 8200 8316

CWB Rd Hse 2100’ 1000’ Gdn, 2cps Marco 8200 8349

Sai Kung Villa 2600’ Western deco, Gdn, Rare! Simon 8200 8627



14.8M Seaview Villa 2178’ Open & Seaview, High ceiling, Club-hse facil Margaret 8200 8629


15M / 45K Mid-Level Hse 2100’ Pool & seaview, 1300’ Gdn, Cp Lily 8200 8616

16M / 45K Las Pinadas 2100’ Open view, Gdn, Conventient locat Stella 8200 8692

39.8M Silverstrand Villa 2978’ Private pool, Seaview, Deco David 8200 8626

Ta Ho Tun 2100’ 1000’ indeed gdn, 2cps Paul 8200 8631






Ag e

nt So


Ag e

nt Ag e le So

28M Sea View Villa 1994’

18M Sea View Villa 2018’

Western renovated villa, 1000’ lawn garden, partial sea view, quiet environment, great potential.

17.5M Marina Cove 1460’

Famous complex, lake view, 18’ pontoon, newly renovated, club house.



Ag e


Prestigious complex in quiet location, full sea view, deluxe renovation




2792 9099



24M Silverstrand 2300’

Detached House 2100’

Full sea view house, prestigious location, newly renovated, close to town

Mid level village House, 1800’ lawn garden, open & greenery view, two designated car parks.

Sai Kung Village House 2100’ Managed complex, greenery surrounding, easy access to public transport, car park


60K Clearwater Bay 2100’

Newly renovated, 4 bedrooms with 2 en suites, close to town


55K Habitat 1800’

Sea view town house, convenient location, tidy condition, 3 bedrooms & car park.

48K Silver Strand 2393’

Detached house, 3 bedrooms, sea view, car port, club house, close to MTR

42K Clearwater Bay 1680’

40K Country Park 2100’

Managed Complex, Decent condition, Detached house, quiet environment, huge 3 bedrooms with 1 en-suite, private gate & carport. lawn garden, 3 bedrooms, decent condition.



Boutique apartments at SOHO A gorgeous five storeys building located in the heart of the city. Just fully renovated and furnished. Interior sized 1,750 sq ft with balcony and private rooftop. Asking price $25.8M. For details please call 9091 7422

Mid-Levels, Conway Mansion Unit F, 7/F, 29 Conduit Road. 4 rooms (including 1 en-suite), large living/dining room, kitchen, 1 guest bathroom, 1 covered carpark. High 90% efficiency. About HK$2M new lavish renovations & electric appliances. Brand new pipes & double-glacing windows. Quiet. Clean air. Hill greenery view. High-class residential area. Near Central-escalator. Sell for HK$18.5M, or lease for HK$65,000 (incl). Tel: 6278 2912 半山,康威園 干德道29號,7樓F室,4房(包括1 套房) 寬敞飯/客廳,廚房,1客廁,1有蓋車位。 約90%超實用。約兩百萬港幣全新豪華裝修傢電。 全新銅喉,雙層玻璃窗。清靜,空氣清新,窗前 樹林山景,高級豪宅區,中環梯旁。賣HK$1850萬 或租HK$65,000(全包)。電:6278 2912

Tseung Kwan O Flat A, 48/F, La Cite Noble, Tseung Kwan O,. A nicely renovated 603 sq ft 2-bedroom apartment, with stunning Clear Water Bay sea views and greeny mountain views. Facilities includes resident’s club house, swimming pool and tennis court. 1 miniute walk to the MTR station, supermarket and shopping arcade. For sale at $2.98M with lease. Please call Mr. Yuen at 9405 7829 將軍澳 坑口站新寶城48樓A室,603呎, 兩房間隔,簇新裝修,遠眺開揚清水灣及 翠綠景觀,完善會所,售298萬元,請致 電9405 7829袁洽


Future Escalator and MTR A 399 sq ft apartment at mid floor zone of Fung Yat Building for sale. The building is located on Third Street which is adjacent to the future Sai Ying Pun MTR station and new Mid-Levels escalator. Open views of King George V Memorial Park. Very high investment potential. Asking price $2.2M 西營盤豐逸大廈 399呎,220萬 元,位處未來地鐵站出口及半山扶 手電梯旁,投資減力高,查詢請聯 絡

SOHO apartment with terrace A nicely decorated apartment at Fat Lee Mansion, SOHO, Central. Interior 380 sq ft plus terrace 400 sq ft. Newly Bali style decoration. Cozy, quiet and convenience location. Fully furnished. Low management fee. $3.98M Owner: Mr. Chan 6605 4408

Showcase your property in “Owner-to-Owner” for $350 only. Please download the booking form at or contact us at 2537 7585 在這裡展示你的自讓物業,只需350元起,請到我們的網站 http://owner. 下載廣告刊登表格,或直接與我們聯絡 2537 7585 ad@


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置業 指南

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CHINA MOGUL’S TOP FAVORITES Hurun Report honours best brands in China at “Best of the Best” 2010 awards to show China’s elite consumer preference.


he “Best of the Best” 2010 Awards for preferred brands of China’s richest consumers were announced by Hurun Report, the annual ‘China Rich List’ of tycoons and entrepreneurs. This is the 6th time since 2005 that Hurun Report had announced the annual research findings of brand awareness and preferences, consumption habits and lifestyle trends of China’s highest net worth individuals.

Comparisons Tier 1 Cities vs. Tiers 2/3


travel Hong Kong is preferred by Tier 1 millionaires and Yunnan by Tier 2/3. Overall all prefer Sanya. Lifestyle: With regard to lifestyle, swimming is the preferred hobby of Tier 1 millionaires and tea tasting for Tier 2/3. Collecting: In Tier 1 Chinese millionaires prefer collecting cars and watches while in Tier 2/3 the preference is for traditional Chinese paintings. Charity: The preferred charity for Tier 1 millionaires is the Red Cross and for Tier 2/3 Project Hope - China Youth Development Foundation (CYDF) who help build schools across the country.

The Chinese millionaire population in Tier 1 cities is slightly younger than that in Tier 2/3 cities (40 years old vs. 43); there are also more women millionaires in Tier 1 cities than Tier 2/3. More wealth is created from salary and investments in Tier 1 cities compared to real estate in Tier 2/3.

Brands: Favoured fashion brands of Chinese millionaires in Tier 1 cities are Giorgio Armani and Gucci and Boss in Tier 2/3.

Travel: Both Tier 1 and Tier 2/3 Chinese millionaires identify the US and France as top international destinations while Tier 2/3 millionaires also like Canada. For domestic

Jewelry: Chinese millionaires identify Cartier as the most preferred jewellery brand but among Tier 1 millionaires Bvulgari is also well liked and Montblanc is liked by Tier 2/3

city millionaires. Smokes: Chunghwa cigarettes are preferred by Tier 1 cities and are, on average, ten times the price of a normal pack of cigarettes. Tier 2/3 cities prefer local highend cigarette brands. Rupert Hoogewerf, founder and chief researcher of Hurun Report says “This year luxury brands are focusing intently on developing their market share in the Tier 2/3 cities”

Rich vs. Super Rich On average the super rich are aged 43 years old compared to 40 for the rich. 82% of the super rich are men. The super rich created their wealth through company ownership/ shares. Here we define the super rich as those with more than 100 million Yuan (EUR 10MIL; USD 15 MIL) CSR: The super rich consider industry leadership and tax payments to be the most important factors related to CSR, with the


environment featuring lower down their list of priorities. Travel: On average the super rich go overseas 4 times a year, mostly for business. Domestically the super rich go to Sanya and Tibet. Internationally both the rich and super rich identify the US as a preferred destination followed by France. However, relatively speaking, the super rich prefer both Canada and Singapore. Lifestyle: Compared to the rich the super rich like flying business and first class on Air China and relatively speaking have a preference for Hilton hotel brand. In relation to the rich, the super rich enjoy golf and have an average handicap of 24.1. Compared to the rich swimming and karaoke are not preferred by the super rich. For relaxation the super rich enjoy a foot massage. Yachts and Jets: General understanding of yachts and private jets is very low but expectations for these markets is high. Qingdao and Hong Kong are preferred places for berthing yachts. Drinking: The super rich tend to drink more compared to the rich and particularly enjoy Moutai, a Chinese liquor, or baijiu, but also worry more about their health and have private physicians to visit them at home. Investments: The super rich are less risk averse compared to the rich and like investing in real estate more. Education: Compared to the rich the super rich identify the US as a top choice for sending their child abroad to study followed by the UK. Cars: The super rich identify Mercedes Benz

E-Class as a car of choice; with Audi A8 a lesser preferred option. On average the super rich own 3.8 cars, compared to 3.1 cars for the rich.

Drinking & Smoking: Men drink and smoke more than women, they like Wuliangye and Chunghwa cigarettes but they prefer smoking cigars and drinking tea.

Fashion: The super rich identify Giorgio Armani as a fashion brand of choice with Burberry a lesser preferred option.

Finance: Women prefer China Merchants Bank and HSBC, which suggests they do more personal banking than men.

Watches: Compared to the rich the super rich prefer Patek Philippe.

Old vs. Young

Mobiles: Vertu is the preferred mobile brand of the super rich. They don’t identify Apple as a preferred computer brand but like them as a laptop brand.

Men vs. Women Age: The average age is 38 years old for women and 43 for men. CSR: Women think the environment is the most important factor. Lifestyle: Men prefer golf and women prefer swimming. Travel: In terms of domestic travel women prefer Hong Kong and men prefer Sanya. A higher percentage of women have plans to buy seaside resorts. Spend: Men spend more than women. Men spend more on overseas travel whereas women spend more on everyday luxury products. Fashion: Women revere Chanel for clothes, jewellery, cosmetics. Brands: Men prefer Piaget more than women, which is interesting as it is mainly targeted at women through men e.g. men buy Piaget products as gifts for women.

For the purposes of this comparison ‘old’ is any Chinese millionaires who are 45 years old and above. Wealth: The majority of wealth for the older category old comes from company shares. CSR: Industry leadership is the most important factor for the old. Travel: Compared to the young the old take more holidays and go overseas more for business, but they don’t enjoy leisure travel. They like visiting friends and family. The old prefer the US as an international destination and Sanya domestically. Generally they prefer the Hilton hotel brand. Lifestyle: The young prefer swimming, while the old prefer golf. The old enjoy family events and spend more on their child’s education. Drinking: The old drink more and prefer Swellfun, a premium Chinese liquor, or baijiu (white wine) brand. Brands: The old like the fashion brand Giorgio Armani and have a preference for Montblanc. Whereas the young like Chanel and Louis Vuitton. Finance: The old prefer ICBC and BOC for banking. HL








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The International Lingerie Exhibition (Salon International de la Lingerie) in Paris, showcasing the lingerie trend from top international brands.

re the terms freedom and control a complete contradiction? Not necessarily!

Both terms conceal a single premise: that the boundaries of the body remain unknown to reason. A key trend this year reveals a desire to push back our bodies’ boundaries. Whether this involves control, performance and effort or relaxation, freedom and gentle movements. Ever more extreme sports are becoming widespread on the one hand, while relaxing and beautifying activities such as yoga and Pilates, etc. are increasingly popular on the other. From a design perspective, professionals are choosing their mode of expression and creating an infinite number of different versions. In lingerie terms, controlling the body is primarily a question of fabrics: satins, compact jerseys, optical lace, etc. The aim here is to sculpt, smooth and shape the


body, offering hold without constraint. Beautifying the body in a sophisticated way, like Ritratti’s famous Star Cup or Valery’s lingerie coordinates in panne velvet and stiff lace. Parah spins a web around the hips and toys with lines, drawing on the body, as if in charcoal. Esbelt slims the waist with a net waist-cincher and tricks the onlooker with “buttockenhancing” push-up pants. Selma smoothes the body in a one-piece with black strips. Wacoal proposes the Beauty Secret line which shapes and enhances the body line: leaving nothing to chance, it tackles hips, thighs, tummies... While the colour range for control and shapewear is somewhat understated, freer styles make the most of neutrals. For total relaxation, intimates must follow the curves of a woman’s body in an aesthetic and discrete juxtaposition which seems to say: “I feel beautiful”.

Fabrics are reminiscent of the skin itself: toying with ultra-soft, honeycomb microfibres or airy resins. These intimates are all about lightness, a veritable celebration of curves and volumes in a make-up-inspired palette, ranging from smoky to beige tones, with the occasional splash of bright pastel. There are impressively discrete styles from Implicite (Néon) and Lou (Egérie) or bodyshaping seamless designs (Rhiannon) by Fantaisie, available in a nude palette. LZ has created a whole line of discrete, body-hugging and figure-enhancing styles in brand new colourways (crushed raspberry, pistachio, etc.) which do not show through white clothing. And it’s also about loungewear - transformed into loungerie refined and delicate from Lounge Lover with draped cashmere, sheepskin-style cotton from Occidente or silky and ultra-refined playsuits, which are popular this season from House of Girard or Jolidon. HL


Fauve, UK

Cyell, Netherlands

Jours Apres Lunes, France

Liz, Brasil


Lisca, Slovenia

Made in Femmes, France




RESOURCES Procedures for sale and purchase of property (secondary sale) Vendor

Purchaser Purchaser finds an estate agent to search for appropriate properties to buy; The purchaser inspects the property and negotiates the price with the agent or the vendor.

Vendor finds an estate agent to sell the property.

Vendor and purchaser sign a provisional (or preliminary) agreement for sale and purchase of the selected property (the provisional agreement is usually provided by the estate agent). The purchaser then pays the initial deposit, which is usually 3% to 5 % of the property price. Vendor appoint his own solicitor. Solicitor prepare the formal Agreements for Sale and Purchase.

Purchaser appoint his own solicitor. The solicitor checks the formal Agreements for Sale and Purchase submitted by vendor’s solicitor.

Vendor and purchaser sign the Agreements for Sale and Purchase. The purchaser then pays the further deposit, which is usually 5% to 7 % of the property price. Solicitor checks the documents related to property ownership and mortgage loan.

Purchaser apply mortgage loan from a bank if needed. Solicitor checks the documents related to property ownership and mortgage.

Vendor signs the Assignment at the solicitor’s office on or before the completion day, hand over the key of the property to the solicitor, and obtain the remainder of property price.

Purchaser pays the balance of purchase price (Maybe arranged between the solicitor and the bank providing mortgage loan) and sign the Assignment. Completion

Mortgage Loan Repayment Schedule (For Every $1M) Monthly repayment for 5 years 10 years 15 years 20 years 25 years 30 years

2.25% $17,637 $9,313 $6,550 $5,178 $4,361 $3,822

2.5% $17,747 $9,427 $6,667 $5,299 $4,486 $3,951

2.75% $17,857 $9,541 $6,786 $5,421 $4,613 $4,082

3% $17,968 $9,656 $6,905 $5,546 $4,742 $4,213

3.25% $18,080 $9,772 $7,027 $5,672 $4,873 $4,352

3.5% $18,192 $9,889 $7,149 $5,800 $5,006 $4,490

3.75% $18,304 $10,006 $7,272 $5,929 $5,141 $4,631

Stamp Duty: Sale or transfer Amount or value of the consideration Rate Exceed Does not exceed $2,000,000 $100 $2,000,000 $2,351,760 $100 + 10% of excess over $2,000,000 $2,351,760 $3,000,000 1.5% $3,000,000 $3,290,320 $45,000 + 10% of excess over $3,000,000 $3,290,320 $4,000,000 2.25% $4,000,000 $4,428,570 $90,000 + 10% of excess over $4,000,000 $4,428,570 $6,000,000 3% $6,720,000 $6,000,000 $180,000 + 10% of excess over $6,000,000 3.75% $6,720,000


Rate 4% 4.25% $18,417 $18,530 $10,125 $10,244 $7,397 $7,523 $6,060 $6,192 $5,278 $5,417 $4,774 $4,919

4.5% $18,643 $10,364 $7,650 $6,326 $5,558 $5,067

4.75% $18,757 $10,485 $7,778 $6,462 $5,701 $5,216

5% $18,871 $10,607 $7,908 $6,600 $5,846 $5,368

5.25% $18,986 $10,729 $8,039 $6,738 $5,992 $5,522

5.5% $19,101 $10,853 $8,171 $6,879 $6,141 $5,678

5.75% 6% $19,217 $19,333 $10,977 $11,102 $8,304 $8.439 $7,021 $7,164 $6,291 $6,443 $5,836 $5,996

Stamp Duty: Lease Exceed

Term Does not exceed 1 year

1 year 3 years 3 years Not defined or is uncertain Key money, construction fee etc. mentioned in the lease Duplicate or counterpart

Rate 0.25% x of the total rent payable over the term of the lease 0.5% x of the yearly or average yearly rent 1% x of the yearly or average yearly rent 0.25% x of the yearly or average yearly rent 3.75% of the consideration if rent is also payable under the lease. Otherwise, same duty as for a sale of immovable property $5 each

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