置業 指南
Your Source for Quality Properties
April 2010 | Issue 5 | FREE
In this
Issue TACTICS IN MORTGAGE PRICE WAR 選擇按揭貸款攻略 Strategy for choosing a right mortgage plan
Regular maintenance ensure your home’s value
Created a unique home style by incorporating art collections A selection of properties for sale or to let Quality listings from property owners
Christian temple in traditional Chinese style Products and services enhancing your life
Find contractors, domestic helpers legal services and more Mortgage rates and stamp duty information
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Hong Kong banks have launched a mortgage price war targeting a bigger piece of pie in this business that boosted by the city’s housing boom. Would-be homebuyers might be muddled by various preferential mortgage plans but they could benefit from the tussle. Chantel Koh talks to experts about different mortgage packages. 為了搶佔市場大餅,最近各大銀行掀起一場利率減價戰,但在花多眼亂的供款計劃中,如 何選擇利率低、又乎合自己實際需要,我們請來專家教路。
ong Kong’s property boom that fuelled by excessive liquidity and historically low interest rates has pushed bankers to scratch their heads for ways to compete for mortgage business. When Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corp. launched its Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate-linked mortgage plan in mid-February, the city’s mortgage price war was kicked off. HSBC, the city’s biggest bank, announced a plan to offer mortgage rate as low as 0.65 percentage point above the one-month Hibor until April 30, which is equivalent to an effective rate of 0.73 percent while the Hibor rate hovered around 0.08 percent in early March. The rate of HSBC’s Hibor-based mortgage plan is capped at prime rate minus 2.5 percent, an effective rate of 2.5 percent based on a prime rate of 5 percent. The bank would also provide and a cash rebate of 0.5 percent of the loan drawdown and the prepayment penalty period is set at three years.
5.25 percent, they could provide a mortgage rate of 3.15 percentage points below the prime rate for prevailing customers, and it will be prime minus 2.9 percent for banks whose prime is 5 percent. Banks are offering an effective mortgage rate of 2.1 percent, an anonymous mortgage broker said, adding that the rate be as low as 2 percent for some exclusive mortgagors. However, Hong Kong Monetary Authority had set a reference level on mortgage rates for local banks starting from early March. The reference level is set at 70 basis points above the one-month Hibor, or 3.1 percentage points above the prime rate, which is 5.25 percent.
Big lender BOC Hong Kong launched a similar Hibor-based mortgage plan following HSBC, its major rival. Bank of East Asia also slashed its mortgage rate to 0.7 percentage point above one-month Hibor, and capped at prime minus 2.8 percent, an effective rate of 2.45 percent. The bank’s prime rate is set at 5.25 percent. From mid-sized banks and big lenders, they all turn aggressive in pricing their mortgage packages that dampened the primebased mortgage plans, which are granting borrowers low-rate loans. For banks that set their best lending rate at
HSBC, the city’s biggest bank, announced a plan to offer mortgage rate as low as 0.65 percentage point above the onemonth Hibor until April 30, an effective rate of 0.73 percent.
The Hibor rates, the ones banks charge each other, are more volatile and sensitive to the economic headwinds. However, economists believe that the interest rates would stay low for longer time. “Homebuyers are likely to save more interest expenses by using Hibor-based mortgage plans than prime-based packages in this year,” said Ivy Wong Mei-fung, managing director of Centaline Mortgage Broker. She expects the US Federal Reserve to raise rate after mid-2010 at the earliest.
地熱錢湧入香港,加上經濟因 素令利率維持低水平,令樓市 一片暢旺,為了爭奪按揭市場 份額,各大銀行都各出奇謀,匯豐銀行推 出超低息「同業拆息Hibor」按揭計劃後, 銀行業之間的按揭大戰,正式展開。 匯豐的樓按計劃低至Hibor加0.65厘,推廣 日期至四月底,以三月初Hibor約0.08厘計 算,其實際利率僅為0.73厘。 為了降低利率未來或會急升,令供款大幅 增加的風險,此樓按計劃鎖定最高利率為 最優惠利率P減2.5厘,以現時利率計算, 實際利率約為2.5厘。 與此同時,銀行亦會提供按揭金額百分之 零點五的現金回贈,罰息期為三年。 眼見競爭對手搶佔市場,中銀香港亦推出 類似Hibor按揭計劃,而東亞銀行亦推出一 個月Hibor加0.07厘的優惠利率,以P減2.8 厘、即實際利率2.45厘為上限。 以往只有中小型銀行會以低息搶佔市場, 但現在連大型銀行都加入戰團,由傳統P計 劃轉攻Hibor計劃,提供超低息貸款。 銀行提供P按揭計劃時,實際利率一般約為 2.1厘,個別信貸背景良好的客戶,借貸利 率可低至2厘。 置業人士可以因為低息環境而得益,但金 融管理局卻有意規管銀行低息「搶客」行 為,限制銀行不可提供低於一個月Hibor利 率加70點子,或P減3.1厘的按揭息率。 銀行同業拆息利率會隨著經濟情況,迅速 變化,但經濟學者普遍預計利率在未來一 段長時間內,仍維持在低水平。中原按揭 經紀董事總經理王美鳳指出,相對傳統P 按揭計劃,相信在今年內採用Hibor計劃的 置業人士,可節省利息開支,並預期美國 聯邦儲備局最快會在今年下半年,才會調
Banks in mortgage war: HSBC offers mortgage rate as low as 0.65 percentage point above the one-month Hibor, an effective rate of 0.73 percent. Wong advised would-be homebuyers to pay heed to the caps of the Hibor-based mortgage packages. “Borrowers should take the caps of the mortgage plan into consideration when assessing their affordability,” Wong said, noting that the Hibors are fluctuate and could pick up rapidly and surprisingly. The mortgage plan caps are varies among banks. For banks whose best lending rate is set at 5.25 percent the caps are from prime minus 2.95 percent to prime minus 2 percent, effective rates ranging from 2.3 percent to 3.25 percent. The prepayment penalty period is also ranging from one year to three years. Wong noted that borrowers should choose mortgage packages that offer a cap leveling with the market price of prime-based plans. Charles Cheung, a 33-year-old home seeker, said he is quite concerned about the pricing when deciding a mortgage plan. “The Hibor-
based plans are attractive to me as I expect the interest rates to stand at low levels this year.” He said the recent media reports and largescaled publicity by banks have drawn his attention. “If I know more about that kind of plans, I will consider using it.” Cheung, who is also an investor, said the prepayment penalty is one of the important factors that he is concerned about. “I could keep an apartment for rental use, and I would sell it very soon if the price climbed sharply,” he said, “I prefer some plans that without prepayment penalty.” A mortgage broker said some banks offer speculators with tailor-made plans that no penalty will be charged if the borrowers prepay their mortgage loans in the first three years. Instead, mortgagors need to pay a 1.95 percent handling charges for prepaying the loans beginning from the fourth year, the broker said.
Banks are aggressively competing for the growing mortgage markets, but they remain cautious about the borrowers’ financial conditions. The broker said banks are likely to grant the preferential mortgages to borrowers whose debt-to-income ratio is at 50 percent or below, the banks will also check with the TransUnion about their credit reference. “In general, if a borrower can meet the debtto-income ratio requirement and with good credit reference, the banks will approve the low-rate mortgage plans,” the mortgage broker said. “If your credit reference is bad, or you fail to provide income proof, banks would offer a mortgage rate as high as prime rate, which is either 5 percent or 5.25 percent,” she added. Mortgagors also need to provide income proofs over the past three months, preliminary sale and purchase agreements,
copy of Hong Kong identity card and address proofs when applying for the mortgage loans. Centaline’s Wong warned would-be homebuyers to be conservative when considering their own affordability as interest rates are likely to pick up when economy recovers. She suggested borrowers to maintain their debt-to-income ratio at 35 percent rather than the minimum requirement of 50 percent, “you have to prepare for interest rate hikes.” According to the latest figures from the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Hiborbased mortgages accounted for 62.6 percent of total in January, a 1 percentage point increase compared with the previous month. Prime-based mortgages made up 36 percent, dropped by 1.4 percentage points.
高利率。王氏建議準買家在選用Hibor按揭 計劃時,應特別注意利率上限,因為Hibor 利率波幅可以很大,影響貸款人的還款預 算。
每逢年初,各大銀行都 會積極推廣按揭業務, 為今年按揭生意目標搶 佔市場份額。由於銀行 近年轉趨著重傳統按揭 業務,如樓宇按揭業務 等,預料今年銀行按揭 競爭持續激烈。
事實上各家銀行的Hibor按揭利率上限﹐也 各有不同,範圍由P減2.95至2不等,實際 利率約為2.3至3.25厘,罰息期由一年至三 年不等。
最近有意在港島半山置業的張先生認為, 利率的高低是影響他選擇按揭計劃的取決 因素。「由於預計未來一年的利率仍然在 低水平,所以我預計會選擇Hibor按揭計 劃。」張先生又指出,最近透過傳媒了解 到銀行的Hibor計劃超低利率,所以下次置 業時會考慮採用。 他又表示,由於置業主要作投資用途,所 以最關注罰息期的長短。「我會先把物業 出租,只要樓價上升便隨時放售,不會「 長揸」,為免增加投資成本,罰息期的長 短對我比較重要。」 事實上,部分銀行向短炒投資者提供量身 訂造的按揭計劃,即使在首三年提前全數 還款,也無需罰息,反而在第四年後開始 全數還款,便要繳付貸款額百分之1.95的 手續費,這種俗稱為「一世鎖息」的按揭 計劃,與我們一般理解的起初數年罰息期 做法剛好相反。 雖然銀行「開水喉」全力爭取按揭市場份
MONTHLY INSTALLMENT COMPARISON Principal Amount: HK$2 Million Repayment Period: 20 Years 1-Month Hibor: 0.07% Prime Rate: 5.25% Mortgage Rate Monthly Payment
1-month Hibor + 0.65%
Prime – 3.15%
If interest rate hits its cap due to rise in Hibor Mortgage Rate Monthly Payment
Prime - 2.5%
Prime - 3.15%
Courtesy to Centaline Mortgage Broker
The prime-based mortgages are still indispensable despite the rising market share of Hibor-based mortgages that fueled by softened short-term Hibors, Wong said. For Hibor-based plans, rates are reviewed upon the maturity day of Hibor fixing period, which means one-month Hibor mortgage plan will be reviewed every month and those three-month plan will be reviewed every three months accordingly. Mortgagors are suggested to review their plans according to the maturity day and consider changing their Hibor-based plans to prime-based plans. Banks will charge an administrative fee for changing mortgage plan.
額,但有按揭中介人指出,銀行仍十分重 視貸款人的財政實力。他舉例說,銀行一 般比較樂意向貸款佔入息比例低於五成的 客戶批出貸款,銀行亦會查核申請人的信 貸記錄。如果兩者狀況良好,銀行會批出 低利率的按揭計劃,反之利率可高達P,即 5至5.25厘。 此外,貸款申請人亦要提供過去三個月的 入息證明、臨時買賣合約、身份證明文件 等。王美鳳提醒準買家,如果經濟復蘇加 快,利率也會跟隨飆升,所以在考慮自己 的還款能力時,要採取保守態度。一般人 認為按揭每月還款不應佔收入超過五成, 但她認為低於三成半是才是更安全的水 平。 跟據金管局的統計數字,一月份有超過六
成買家採用Hibor按揭計劃,並有上升趨 勢,反之傳統P按揭計劃,則只有三成六, 比對上一個月略為減少,Hibor按揭有取代 P計劃的趨勢。 儘管如此,傳統P按揭計劃仍然有重要市 場地位,利率較為穩定;反之Hibor利率是 按照結算日釐定,如果貸款人選擇以一月 Hibor利率為基準,其貸款利息便會一個月 更改一次,如此類推,如選擇以三月Hibor 利率為基準,其貸款利息便會三個月更改 一次。 如果貸款人不希望因市場波動,而繳付 昂貴Hibor利息,貸款人可轉回統P按揭計 劃,銀行會就不同個案收取手續費,所以 在申請Hibor貸款時,宜向銀行清楚了解當 中條款。
如何選擇合適按揭計劃? 如果我有意上車,應選擇傳統P按揭計劃、 Hibor按揭計劃、還是定息按揭? 由於利率可望維持穩定,倘若沒有突變因素,短期拆息將可持 續企於低水平,故目前選用一個月期拆息按揭計劃的「慳息」 效果最佳。近期一個月拆息徘徊在0.08%之歷史低位,以市 場上一個低至拆息加0.65%之按揭計劃為例,實際按息可低至 0.73%,屬記錄以來的低水平。
使用Hibor按揭計劃有甚麼注意事項? 基於拆息按揭波動性大,借款人應留意銀行提供的「封頂」 利率上限是否貼近市場水平,並預算一旦拆息抽升之供款額 增幅,以便衡量自己的負擔能力。若選用拆息按揭後發覺不 適合,借款人可向銀行申請轉用以傳統最優惠利率為基準之計 劃,需留意部份銀行可豁免首次轉換費,有些則需收取手續 費,費用介乎1,000至2,000元不等。
P按揭計劃有何優點? P按的優點是波動性較少,又可享低息按揭優勢,現時市面P按 的息率可低至2.1厘水平。
定息計劃有何好處? 定息按揭普及一向不高,因為本地客戶較喜歡在財務上享有更大 彈性,但如果未來息率將重返加息周期,假設加息1厘,以100 萬元貸款額及供款20年計,P按及H按每月的供樓開支會分別增加 1,548.59元及1,438.17元,可見定息按揭計劃有助鎖定按息,預 防未來供樓支出急增。 h
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roperty owners should maintain the properly in a good condition to ensure your own safety and that of others. Regular maintenance can improve your home’s value as well. The follow article provides a range of tips on how to keep your property in good condition, and information on financial assistance for home maintenance and repairs.
nuisance and the source of seepage is located, the Joint Office may issue a nuisance notice under the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance directing the person responsible to fix the problem. If the water seepage problem falls within the purview of the BD and the Water Supplies Department, the Joint Office will refer the case to the respective department for follow-up action.
時刻保持你的家居修葺妥善,才能夠保障 自己和他人的安全,定期維修你的物業亦 可以提升你的物業價值。以下內容為你提 供一些保養及維修物業的小貼士,並介紹 一些協助有需要的業主進行保養及維修工 程的貸款計劃。
家居出現滲水問題,尤其是排水或供水喉 管的滲漏,可能會對物業造成損壞,引致 污水未經處理便獲排放、水質污染、害蟲 侵擾和蚊蟲滋生等衞生問題,因此必須及 早處理。如你居住的單位天花或牆壁出現 滲水,你可以: • 先與鄰居商討解決辦法; • 如 無 法 跟 鄰 居 達 成 共 識 , 可 致 電 「1823電話中心」,中心會將你的查 詢或投訴轉交屋宇署及食物環境衞生 署成立的聯合辦事處跟進。聯合辦事 處接到投訴後會作出調查;若證實滲 水構成衞生妨擾並找到滲水源頭,可 根據《公眾衞生及市政條例》發出妨 擾事故通知,要求有關負責人士解決 問題。若滲水問題涉及屋宇署及水務 署負責的範疇,聯合辦事處則會轉介 相關部門跟進。
Problems with Water Seepage 滲水問題 Water seepage, especially from drainage or water pipes, can cause property damage and hygiene problems such as the discharge of sewerage, water pollution, pest infestation and mosquito breeding. You should ensure that any problem is dealt with quickly. If you notice water seepage from the ceiling or a wall of your flat, you should: • discuss it with your neighbours for remedy; • if you can’t reach a settlement, you can contact the Joint Office set up by the Buildings Department (BD) and the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) or through the Government Call Centre at 1823 for further investigation. If the seepage is considered a sanitary
“Do-it-yourself” water seepage test 家居滲水測試 documents/code/seepage.pdf
Falling Windows 窗戶脫落 Falling windows are a serious threat to the lives of others, and will make you liable for
criminal prosecution. Both property owners and occupants must ensure that windows are regularly checked and well maintained. If there is any loosening or sign of corrosion in a window frame, you should contact a professional for a thorough inspection and repairs. 無論是因一時大意或疏忽而導致窗戶脫 落,均對他人的性命構成嚴重威脅,屬刑 事罪行,因此你必須保持窗戶穩固。業 主及住客都有責任正確使用及定期檢查窗 戶,以確保安全。如發現窗框及螺絲有鬆 脫或銹蝕的跡象,應立即安排專業技工詳 細檢查及維修。 Do-it-yourself safety checks 檢查窗戶資訊 documents/code/GWS/GWS_DIY.pdf
Unauthorised Building Works 違例建築工程 You are required to gain permission from the Government for any significant building works planned for your home. This involves submitting plans to the Buildings Department for any works that can affect the overall structure of your building, such as: • Linking floors by removing parts of the floor slab or adding internal staircases; • Combining two or more units into one by removing walls; • Subdividing a unit into smaller units; or • Adding a water tank, canopy or shelter. Without approval, and construction by a licensed contractor, such works are illegal and must be removed or reversed. The
Buildings Department issues Removal Orders for all unauthorised building works, stating a specific removal period. Not complying with such statutory order is a criminal offence, and the Buildings Department will appoint a contractor to demolish the works at your cost. 如你擬為物業進行大幅改動或加建工程, 你必須得到有關政府部門的批准,包括須 就影響整體樓宇結構的工程向屋宇署提交 圖則,例如: • 將 物 業 內 部 分 石 屎 地 面 拆 除 , 或 加 建室內樓梯,以將兩層或以上樓層相 連; • 拆除分隔牆壁,以將兩個或以上單位 相連; • 分間單位;或 • 加建水箱、簷篷或上蓋。 未經核准或由非持牌承建商進行的任何工 程,均屬違法行為,業主須將有關工程部 分拆除,或回復原狀。屋宇署會向所有違 例建築工程發出清拆令,要求業主於指定 期限內拆除;如相關物業業主不遵守法定 命令,是屬於刑事罪行,屋宇署亦會安排 政府承建商代為清拆,並向業主追討工程 費用開支。 Building Maintenance Guidebook 樓宇維修指南 documents/code/bmg/BDG_ENG.pdf
• • • • •
Aluminium windows Drainage or plumbing Water taps and piping Flushing systems Removal of unauthorised building works Any additions to or alterations of buildings The Buildings Department and the Water Supplies Department maintain directories of qualified contractors who are ready to work for you. 要確保有效和合法地進行維修保養工程, 就必須聘用持牌及合資格的承建商。下列 維修或安裝工作,更必須由持牌及合資格 的承建商進行: • 鋁窗 • 排水系統或喉管 • 水喉及管道 • 抽水系統 • 清拆違例建築物 • 加建及改建工程 屋宇署和水務署編訂了持牌及合資格承建 商名單,供有需要的業主參考。 Registered General Building Contractors providing aluminium windows services 提供鋁窗服務的註冊承建商 gbc_b4_1.html
Licensed and Qualified Contractors 持牌及合資格承建商
Licensed plumbers 持牌水喉匠 and_engineering/licensed_plumber/ employ_a_licensed_plumber
The use of licensed and qualified contractors is vital to ensuring that maintenance and repairs are carried out effectively and legally. You should always hire a contractor for work in the following areas:
Registered contractors for building repairs and removal of unauthorised building works 承辦樓宇維修及清拆工程的註冊承建商 gbc_1.html
Loan Schemes 貸款計劃 If you own your home and need financial assistance to carry out maintenance or repairs, the Building Safety Loan Scheme offered by the Buildings Department and the Building Rehabilitation Loan Scheme offered by the Urban Renewal Authority can help. With this temporary assistance you should be able to maintain your home, even in the hardest of times. Besides, The “Building Maintenance Grant Scheme for Elderly Owners” administered by the Hong Kong Housing Society, is to provide financial assistance to elderly owner-occupiers in financial difficulties to repair and maintain their self-occupied properties and to improve building safety. 您正在為居住樓宇的維修工程費用煩惱? 屋宇署設立的「樓宇安全貸款計劃」及市 區重建局設立的「樓宇復修貸款計劃」, 為需要進行保養及修葺工程的私人樓宇業 主,提供臨時經濟支援,能在有需要時減 輕你的財政負擔。 Building Safety Loan Scheme 樓宇安全貸款計劃 index_bsils.html Building Rehabilitation Loan Scheme 樓宇復修計劃 html Building Maintenance Grant Scheme for Elderly Owners 長者維修自住物業津貼計劃 pm_bmgs.asp h
Metro City 首
professional property 都 services
Whole Building, SOHO 蘇豪區 全幢物業
2869 6321
Sai Ying Pun
2857 7321
Shop 5, G/F, 31-37 Mosque Street, Hong Kong
Shop 5, G/F, 52-54 Third Street, Hong Kong 3 Chico Terrace, Mid-Levels 半山區 芝古臺三號
~580 sf each floor | $38M
583 sf | $4.5M 19K
G/F to 5th floor • With cockloft and rooftop • Rare in market 地下至五樓 • 另附閣樓及天台 • 市場罕有
Stylish decoration • One bedroom • Open kitchen 時尚裝修 • 一房單位 • 開放式廚房
Albron Court, Caine Road 堅道 豐樂閣
Dragonview Court, Kotewall Road 旭龢道 龍騰閣
Apartment with sky garden, SOHO 蘇豪區 連空中花園住宅
Whole Building, WOHO 蘇豪西 全幢物業
1,575 sf | $13.8M
480 sf + Rooftop 380 sf | $4.48M
1,622 sf | $17.5M
~650 sf each floor | $22.8M
4 bedrooms • Sea views • Steps to SOHO 四房 • 海景 • 鄰近SOHO區
Open Views • Nice decoration • Jacuzzi 景觀開揚 • 精緻裝修 • 附設按摩浴池
3 bedrooms with ensuite • Open sea views 三房連套房 • 開揚海景 • 清靜地段
G/F to 5th floor • Adjacent to future MTR 地下至五樓 • 毗鄰港鐵西營盤站
Race Tower, Happy Valley 跑馬地 駿馬閣
Rowen Court, Babington Path 巴丙頓道 樂賢閣
Ying Piu Mansion, Breezy Path 卑利士道 應彪大廈
Centre Place, High Street 高街 匯賢居
811 sf | 7.2M
864 sf | $6.5M 20K
969 sf | $10M
900 sf | $8M
Racecourse views • High floor • With lease 馬場景觀 • 極高樓層 • 連約出售
2 bedrooms • Quite location 兩房單位 • 清靜地段
2 bedrooms • Stylish decoration 一房單位 • 時尚裝修
3 bedrooms • Store room • Balcony 三房 • 儲物室 • 附設露台
Amber Lodge, Hollywood Road 荷李活道 金珀苑
Rich Court, Peel Street 卑利街 怡富閣
Tung Cheung Building, Second Street 第二街 東祥大廈
Yee Shun Mansion, Second Street 第二街 宜順大廈
440 sf | $3.8M
471 sf | $3.2M
343 sf | $2.08M
418 sf | $2.58M
1 bedroom • Adjacent to escalator 一房單位 • 開揚景觀 • 鄰近扶手電梯
Just renovated • Steps to SOHO 一房單位 • 簇新裝修 • 鄰近蘇豪區
Top floor • Rooftop • Future MTR area 頂層單位 • 連天台 • 未來地鐵地段
Brand new renovation • Future MTR area 簇新裝修 • 開放式廚房 • 未來地鐵地段
We are recruiting experienced property consultants. Please contact us for details. 誠聘經驗置業顧問,歡迎查詢。 5319 5598
EAA Licence: C-030328
Treasure hunting in China real estate market? Foreign investors may be seeking chance of treasure hunt grabbing the rising property market in Greater China region. An expert partner with local intelligence, will be your key to success Uptown Property Consultants, a Hong Kong-based real estate agency expertise in acquisition of commercial and hotel properties, must be able to help investors explore the robust property market in China. To know more about how can we prepare your lucrative investment strategy, call us today!
大中華地區物業市場急促發展,不少外國投資者都在中國物色高回報的投資機會,但如果對當地政策認 識不深,你便需要一個熟悉市場情況的投資伙伴,當您的指路明燈。 以香港為基地的尚城物業,擁有中國主要城市具投資潛力的商業物業、酒店等放售項目;富實戰經驗的 團隊,助你拓展中國物業市場。想了解我們如何啟動您的財富動力,或希望透過我們的客戶網絡促銷您 的發展項目,歡迎與我們聯絡!
(+852) 3641 1280 Precious Properties • Investment Opportunies
Timothy Langston is a specialist dealer in eighteenth and nineteenth century furnishings, supplying clients with British and Continental fine art and antiques. The Langston Gallery is located at 44 Moreton Street, Pimlico, in Central London. The website is updated on a weekly basis, but for a comprehensive view of our latest stock we recommend a visit to Moreton Street and hope to welcome you to the gallery on your next visit to London.
Timothy Langston 44 Moreton Street London SW1V 2PB
A frequent traveller created a unique home style for a 1,300 sq ft apartment in Happy Valley by incorporating his art collections around the world into a minimal design. 經常被公司派遣到不同國家工作的專業人士,為了方便遷居,其家居大都採用簡約的裝 修,但透過藝術擺設的不同組合,既可為家居帶來新鮮感,又可凸顯個人品味。
he European tenant keeps refreshing his stylish home through seeking keepsakes from different places during his business trips. The two-bedroom home, which has a 1,600 sq ft terrace, is embellished by various ornaments.
What inspired you to design your home? I don’t like too fashionable design so I chose contemporary design for my home. I am now working in Hong Kong but I stayed in New York, Paris, London and Tokyo. I am always relocated by my company, so I could buy various ornaments from different cities.
Your home is not presenting a unified theme. Instead, are you displaying a “Mix and Match” style? Precisely. I like adding different elements and different styles to my home. I put a set of sculptures that I bought in Vietnam on the terrace, my coffee table was from Paris while the unique couch, which is designed by a Brazilian artist, was bought from a gallery in London.
What will catch your eye when you are choosing new paintings and ornaments your home? I am open to different styles though I give priority to contemporary designs. Chinese “pop art” has been getting popular. You can find some pop art pieces by top Chinese
個位於跑馬地樂活道的兩房單 位,面積超過一千三百方呎,平 台更達一千六百方呎,來自歐洲 的戶主經常要在不同國家穿梭,因此亦為 家居搜羅了不少藝術品。
你在佈置新居時,靈感來自何處? 主要是以當代時尚設計為主,我不喜歡太 過前衛的設計。由於公司經常要我派駐不 同辦事處工作,包括在紐約、巴黎、東京 等地,所以我順道在每個地方搜羅了不同 的家具擺設。
看來這裡的擺設包含不同的風格,你 是否喜歡將各種元素Mix and Match? 對!我喜歡將不同元素和風格的擺設,組 合起來,好像室外平台的空間,我放了 一組三個的越南木製雕塑,茶几在巴黎購 買、餐桌在東京買來、沙發則購自在倫敦 工作的巴西設計師,而且限量製造,只此 一件。
當你在購買擺設時,甚麼東西最能吸 引你的目光? 我喜歡不同的風格,但以當代設計風格為 主,而近年來中國的普普藝術亦越來越盛 行,身處香港,可以欣賞到中國一流藝術 家的作品。好像家中的解放軍士兵雕塑, 就是中國新晉普普藝術家秦鳳玲的作品, 我覺得它時尚之餘,亦很可愛,這股中國 普普藝術風,就好像美國七十年代時一樣 蓬勃,中國的普普術可以說是當代中國藝 術的一個重要元素。
artists in Hong Kong’s galleries. The People’s Liberation Army soldier sculptures, which are artworks by Chinese artist Qin Fengling, in my home are cute and stylish. The rising trend of pop art in China is similar to what happened in the United States during the 1970s.
Which one is your favourite here? I like the wood sculpture I bought in Indonesia. (Top right on opposite page) I thought it was ugly and weird when I found it. However, it attracted me as it was ugly. As I know, it is a tool used in worship ceremony.
How did you harmonize the practical needs and fashions of your home? It doesn’t really matter to me. I don’t have kids, so I can decorate my place on my own way. If I have kids, I would concern about whether they would be hurt from breaking the sculpture. I have to take care about many things if kids are here, but I am the only one who lives here now.
Why did you choose this apartment?
How do you make use of the open space at the terrace? I like the terrace and it is so rare for an apartment in Hong Kong to have such a big open space. I enjoy meeting friends, having drinks or even having suppers. The terrace was decorated in local style when I moved in last summer. I thought the terrace was wasted and I decided to make a better use of it. I did a makeover such as placing new wooden floor, decorating it with rattan furniture.
Why do you like staying in Hong Kong? Hong Kong is a convenient place to live. The weather is good while I feel easy to accustom to work and live here. Hong Kong airport is one of the best in the world. When I come back from a trip, I can just go home in 40 minutes. It took me 2.5 hours from the airport to my place when I was in Tokyo. I moved almost once a year over the past few years. Here in Hong Kong, I want to stay for a few years and I enjoy the living environment.
我最喜歡這個購自印尼的木製雕塑(右上 圖),其實我第一眼看到它時,覺得很 醜,但是越醜便越吸引我的注意,於是我 便把它買下來,相信它是印尼人用來祭祀 用的器具。
平台原本是太過港式的設計風格,上一任 住客沒有充份利用室外空間的好處,後來 我為它鋪上木條地版、放置籐製傢俬等 等,讓它看來很有休閒的感覺。
香港對你有何吸引之處? 在佈置家居時,時尚和實用往往很難 並存,你的看法是怎樣? 家居設計是否實用,對我來說並不太過重 要,因為我沒有小孩,所以我可以喜歡怎 樣便怎樣佈置,不用顧慮太多。如果我有 小孩,我便會擔心摔破擺設,讓他們受 傷。
你為何選擇在這個單位居住?外面的 平台對你很重要嗎? 我第一次看到這個單位便一見鍾情,因為 很少香港住宅擁有一個那麼大的平台,我 會跟朋友在這裡喝喝酒、聊聊聊天,如果 沒有下雨,也會在室外的餐桌享用晚餐。
香港是一個十分便利的城市,無論天氣、 工作或休閒活動,都很容易讓外來人適 應。香港機場也是全世界最棒之一,當我 每次出差回來、飛機正在降落時,我便 知到只要再花四十分鐘,我使可以安坐家 中,反之我之前在東京工作時,回家的路 便花上兩個半小時,所以現在我希望公司 暫時不要調派我到其他地方工作,讓我可 以在香港多工作幾年,享受這裡的生活環 境。 h Enquiries: DH Design Tel: 6971 1719
Do you feel that your living or working space is a bit monotonous? Decorating your home or business premises with masterpieces of art can definitely liven and brighten up your interior design. We understand that you do love art and wish to beautify your premises with pictures but you may face a concern of the need to match different interior environments and area constraints. That’s why in addition to selling genuine art pieces including Chinese ink-wash paintings, Western oil and water colour paintings, we are also pioneering to offer you with an exclusive range of free-size art printing services : Art print (with optional mounting service) Art replica Large-size mural art printing Overseas, mainland and local delivery
FINE ART GALLERY 雲峰雅苑 Tel: 2896 7800 / 9087 0002 (Ada Wong)
Fax: 2515 0448
South Bay Towers 2737’
3 Bedrooms + 1858’ Terrace Sea & mountain view, spacious unit 47M 9681 9608 Matthew
Hong Kong Parkview 2583’
3 Ensuites + CPS Facing east mountain view, good for investment 40M 9108 8853 Mina
Pokfulam Road 2200’
3 Bedrooms + CPS Full seaview, deluxe décor 25M / 75 K incl 9041 1178 Tony
2156 0500 Licensed Agent Wanted ★ Flexible working hours ★ Strong database & client base ★ Adequate advertisement on websites, newspapers & magazines ★ Company car provided ★ Up to 70% commission rate Please call Brian Tsang at 9221 9901 (confidential)
Mid-Levels Central 2000’
Starcrest 949’
York Place 980’
Mid-Levels East 1350’
Zenith 660’
Garden Terrace 2798’
Kennedy Road 2500’
Masterpiece 1123’
3 Ensuites + CPS Quite location, very rare 22M 6823 5208 Jenny
2 Bedrooms View of park, convenient to MTR & PP 6.5M / 21K incl 5172 8743 David
2 Bedrooms Prime location, excellent clubhouse 15M 6855 8179 Haryati
3 Bedrooms New building w/ excellent clubhouse 12M / 30K 9284 1392 Fion
4 Bedrooms Newly renovated, good layout 105K incl 9456 2587 Martyn
3 Ensuites + CPS Face to HK Park, prestigious location 88K incl 9679 5909 Thomas
3 Bedrooms + 2 CPS Nice décor, mountain view 10.5M 9772 1821 Fanny
1 Ensuite + Storage Directly on MTR, nice décor 43K 6200 3900 Debbie
TURN-KEY Property Investment FOR SALE: 5B, Golden Valley Mansion, 135 Caine Rd.
• 750 sf; 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, large living & dining area, study/ storage room; open kitchen • 10 mins. walk from escalator • Bright; designer decorated; completely renovated last year • Leased for $22k/ mo. incl. until 14/11/10 with mutual break-clause commencing 14/11/09 • Viewings available by appointment
• Asking $5.3M FOR SALE: 14C, Garfield Mansion, 23 Seymour Rd.
• 1,100 sf; 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom; large living/dining area; open kitchen; balcony, covered C/P • 10 mins. walk to escalator • Bright; designer decorated; completely renovated last year • Leased for $30k/ mo. incl. until 31/3/11 with mutual break-clause 31/3/10 • Viewings available by appointment
• Asking $9.7M FOR LEASE: 10B, Cameo Court, 63-39 Caine Rd. • • • •
750 sf; 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom; separate living/dining areas; open kitchen Next to escalator Bright with great city view; designer decorated; completely renovated last year Available Immediately. Flexible viewing schedule.
• Asking $30k/mo. inclusive If you are interested in any of the above please contact Derek Hinden (owner) at or 9776 2555. Agents welcome – full commission paid.
Rare & Magnificent
Artfully designed w/ pool, spectacular sea view, deluxe deco. w/ 4 bedrooms.
Morden Town House 1994’
Top graded decoration w/ 5 bedrooms & maid’s room, partial sea view, western community.
Marina Cove 1907’
Famous complex, big garden, 3 en-suites, 2 car parks, club house facilities.
Silverstrand 2668’
2792 9099 C-028262
Standalone house, full sea view, managed complex, close to town, rare supply.
Sea View Villa 2018’
Villa with multi level gardens, western deco, greenery surrounding, close to town.
Brand New House 2100’
Detached house w/ big lawn garden, tastefully renovated, designated CP, open green view.
Huge In-deed Garden 2100’ Detached house w/ private pool, western decoration, approx. 4000 land, greenery view.
Mid-level Town House 1900’
Managed complex in quiet environment, nice deco. w/ 4 bedrooms, sea view, carport.
Tai Mong Tsai 2100’
Corner house w/ serene environment & open view, decent cond. & good layout, 4 bedrooms.
Silverstrand 1800’
Newly renovated, western style, 3 bedrooms, nice kitchen, sea view, close to MTR.
Full Sea View House 1883’
Managed complex w/ comm. pool, open kitchen, garden, 3 en-suites, close to town.
Sai Kung Villa 1869’
Chuk Yeung Road 2100’
Detached house in nice complex, completely renovated, comm. pool, playground.
Sai Kung Yacht Club 2100’ Water front house, western condition, 4 bedrooms, nice kitchen, car park.
CWB Apartment 1380’
Corner house with big lawn garden, 3 bedrooms & Managed complex in convenient location, 3 bedrooms, spacious living room, close to town. fully furnished, close to market & Kowloon.
Boutique apartments at SOHO A gorgeous five storeys building located in the heart of the city. Just fully renovated and furnished. Interior sized 1,750 sq ft with balcony and private rooftop. Asking price $25.8M. For details please call 9091 7422
Sky Horizon A gorgeous apartment located at the quiet location of Mid-Levels, North Point. The apartment comes with stunning city and harbour views. Full clubhouse facilities. 10 minutes public transportation to Causeway Bay. Area: 1,439 sq ft. Price: $19.5M Contact: Miss Chan 9228 6048 北半山海天峰 中層三房單位,另附工人房,面積1439方呎,售價1950 萬元,享有開揚維港及大都會景色,查詢請致電陳小姐:9228 6048 Tseung Kwan O Flat A, 48/F, La Cite Noble, Tseung Kwan O,. A nicely renovated 603 sq ft 2-bedroom apartment, with stunning Clear Water Bay sea views and greeny mountain views. Facilities includes resident’s club house, swimming pool and tennis court. 1 miniute walk to the MTR station, supermarket and shopping arcade. For sale at $2.98M with lease. Please call Mr. Yuen at 9405 7829 將軍澳 坑口站新寶城48樓A室,603 呎,兩房間隔,簇新裝修,遠眺開 揚清水灣及翠綠景觀,完善會所,售 298萬元,請致電9405 7829袁洽
Future Escalator and MTR A 399 sq ft apartment at mid floor zone of Fung Yat Building for sale. The building is located on Third Street which is adjacent to the future Sai Ying Pun MTR station and new MidLevels escalator. Open views of King George V Memorial Park. Very high investment potential. Asking price $2.2M 西營盤豐逸大廈 399呎,220萬 元,位處未來地鐵站出口及半山 扶手電梯旁,投資減力高,查詢 請聯絡
SOHO apartment with terrace A nicely decorated apartment at Fat Lee Mansion, SOHO, Central. Interior 380 sq ft plus terrace 400 sq ft. Newly Bali style decoration. Cozy, quiet and convenience location. Fully furnished. Low management fee. $3.98M Owner: Mr. Chan 6605 4408
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Easter is to commemorate Saviour the Christ, according to Christian scripture, Jesus was resurrected from the dead on the third day after his crucifixion. However, many forgot the true meaning of Easter while enjoying the long holiday. A visit to the Christian church in Chinese Style architecture at Tao Fong Shan may offer the opportunity to find out what Easter actually means to you. 如果沒有親自到訪,很多人以為這個位於道風山上、被翠綠山巒環抱的建築群,是一所佛教寺院,但 細心觀察,這裡其實是基督教聖殿和退修場所。
Bible story is presented in form of Chinese painting.
ost people think Tao Fong Shan, the old lovely temple nestling amongst the trees on top of a hill overlooking Shatin, is a Buddhist temple when they first see it. They are wrong – but they can hardly be blamed for their mistakes. For the design and construction of the old buildings were intended to fool Buddhist monks, let alone the layman. Tao Fong Shan is a Christian mission founded in 1930 by the Norwegian missionary Karl Ludvig Reichelt (18771952). Reichelt started his mission in Hunan Province of China in 1904. There he gradually developed a vision to share the gospel with Buddhists in China. In 1930,
Reichelt created the Tao Fong Shan Christian Centre in Shatin, Hong Kong and invited a Danish architect, Johannes Prip-Moller to design the Chinese Style architecture. The Name Tao Fong Shan has a special meaning in Chinese: Tao means “the WayThe Words of God”; Fong means Wind and it signifies “The Power of the Holy Spirit”; Shan means mountain. Together it means: May the Words of God like the spiritual wind of the Holy Spirit blesses this green mountain and turn it into the land for the preaching of the Gospel. The most eye-catching architecture when you enter Tao Fong Shan is the Chapel aka the Christ Temple. In contrast to the familiar Gothic style churches, it is an octagonal classic Chinese brick structure which is a
reminiscent of the two temples leading to the Altar of Heaven in Beijing. If not for the cross at the top of the Chapel most would think it is a Buddhist temple. The mythological creatures on the roof had been replaced by Buddhist figurines which signify the preaching of Gospel to Buddhists. One of the significant features of the Chapel is the brass bell hanging in the centre of the building, it was crafted with patterns of the cross and “Glory to the God”. A unique West meets East character which turns it into a popular photographic site. The Pilgrim’s Hall is a Christian retreat guesthouse for individuals or groups. The adjacent Art Shop sells hand-painted gospel, porcelain, paintings, handicrafts, books on spirituality and Chinese Christian art.
The mythological creatures on the chapel roof had been replaced by Buddhist figurines.
Visitors heading to the Tao Fong Shan Cross must pass through this gate with width one foot only, symbolizes only few people know the way to spirtual eternal life.
活節是紀念耶穌基督為救贖人 類,釘死在十字架後第三天復 活的日子,可是很多人在放 假享樂之餘,忘記這個節日的真正意義, 大家可以藉著幾天的假期,遊覽沙田「道 風山基督教叢林」,尋回復活節的真正意 義。 道風山基督教叢林由挪威宣教士艾香德牧 師創辦,他於1904年抵達中國湖南省傳 道,並燃起專向佛教徒傳道的想法。艾香 德牧師於1930年在沙田創辦「道風山基督 教叢林」,並邀得丹麥著名建築師艾術華 設計中國式建築群。 「道風山基督教叢林」的名字也別具含 意,道是指「神的話」,風是指「聖靈的 能力」,叢林是「茂林綠野」,加起來就 有「願神的話如靈風颯颯,臨於道風山 上,使這片茂林綠野成為聆聽上主聖言之
當進入道風山,最引人注目就是矗立在中 央的聖殿,與一般人認識的哥德式教堂不 一樣,聖殿是呈八角形的中式磚瓦古典建 築物,與北京天壇的建築特色甚為相似, 如果沒有看到屋頂的十字架,相信不少人 會以為這是一所佛教廟宇:此外設計師將 一般中式建築屋簷上的吉祥獸,換作僧侶 雕塑,寓意希望向佛教徒傳揚基督教義。
參觀過建築群後,可以沿著小徑向東走, 抵達道風山十字架,這個高達十二米的十 字架,是道風山的地標,即使身在遠處亦 可清晰見到,遊人至此除了可以俯瞰沙田 景色,亦可在寧靜的大自然氣息中默想。
聖殿其中一個特色是門外懸掛的銅製大 鐘,上面刻有十字架及「榮歸上帝」字 樣,中西交錯獨特風格,成為遊人拍照熱 點之一。 聖殿的四周是一系列中式建築群,各有用 途,在長廊漫步,會經過供信徒作退修避 靜的「雲水堂」。 毗鄰的「藝術軒」發售 具有中國特色之基督教藝術品、陶瓷、靈
而位於蓮花池旁的「明陣」,即是一般人 俗稱的迷宮,但與迷宮不同,遊人不是在 裡面尋找迷失的感覺,而是在迂迴曲折的 路徑中漫步默想,並且在寧靜的環境下, 反思人生的變遷和一言一行,得到頓悟 後,再以平靜的心情走出明陣。 道風山遠離繁囂,但由沙田或大圍火車站 乘坐的士,只需不到十分鐘的車程。道風 山四周綠草如茵,清幽雅緻,可使人從庸 碌的都市生活中鬆弛下來,是在假日享受 閒適氣氛的理想地方。
Tao Fong Shan Cross
After visiting the building groups, one can follow the path heading east arriving at the Tao Fong Shan Cross. The 12-meter high cross is a prominent feature of Tao Fong Shan which can be observed clearly from afar. Apart from enjoying the scenery of Shatin one can also meditate with nature here. A labyrinth is located next to the lotus pond, it is a winding circular path marked on the ground. It is different from a maze because there is only one path to follow with no dead-ends or tricks. Visitors can follow the path to the labyrinth’s center and then walk back out. The goal of walking the tranquil labyrinth is to contemplate and to connect with god. With its beautiful and tranquil surroundings among lush greenery, Tao Fong Shan is ideally place for a relaxed leisure trip during weekends. It is a place away from the hustle and bustle of city life, and still only a few minutes’ drive by taxi from Shatin or Tai Wai railway stations. h
Tao Fong Shan Christian Centre Location 33, Tao Fong Shan Road, Shatin Telephone 2694-4038 Website: Transportation 10 minutes taxi ride from Shatin or Tai Wai railway stations.
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Vendor finds an estate agent to sell the property.
Vendor and purchaser sign a provisional (or preliminary) agreement for sale and purchase of the selected property (the provisional agreement is usually provided by the estate agent). The purchaser then pays the initial deposit, which is usually 3% to 5 % of the property price. Vendor appoint his own solicitor. Solicitor prepare the formal Agreements for Sale and Purchase.
Purchaser appoint his own solicitor. The solicitor checks the formal Agreements for Sale and Purchase submitted by vendor’s solicitor.
Vendor and purchaser sign the Agreements for Sale and Purchase. The purchaser then pays the further deposit, which is usually 5% to 7 % of the property price. Solicitor checks the documents related to property ownership and mortgage loan.
Purchaser apply mortgage loan from a bank if needed. Solicitor checks the documents related to property ownership and mortgage.
Vendor signs the Assignment at the solicitor’s office on or before the completion day, hand over the key of the property to the solicitor, and obtain the remainder of property price.
Purchaser pays the balance of purchase price (Maybe arranged between the solicitor and the bank providing mortgage loan) and sign the Assignment. Completion
Mortgage Loan Repayment Schedule (For Every $1M) Monthly repayment for 5 years 10 years 15 years 20 years 25 years 30 years
2.25% $17,637 $9,313 $6,550 $5,178 $4,361 $3,822
2.5% $17,747 $9,427 $6,667 $5,299 $4,486 $3,951
2.75% $17,857 $9,541 $6,786 $5,421 $4,613 $4,082
3% $17,968 $9,656 $6,905 $5,546 $4,742 $4,213
3.25% $18,080 $9,772 $7,027 $5,672 $4,873 $4,352
3.5% $18,192 $9,889 $7,149 $5,800 $5,006 $4,490
3.75% $18,304 $10,006 $7,272 $5,929 $5,141 $4,631
Stamp Duty: Sale or transfer Amount or value of the consideration Rate Exceed Does not exceed $2,000,000 $100 $2,000,000 $2,351,760 $100 + 10% of excess over $2,000,000 $2,351,760 $3,000,000 1.5% $3,000,000 $3,290,320 $45,000 + 10% of excess over $3,000,000 $3,290,320 $4,000,000 2.25% $4,000,000 $4,428,570 $90,000 + 10% of excess over $4,000,000 $4,428,570 $6,000,000 3% $6,720,000 $6,000,000 $180,000 + 10% of excess over $6,000,000 3.75% $6,720,000
Rate 4% 4.25% $18,417 $18,530 $10,125 $10,244 $7,397 $7,523 $6,060 $6,192 $5,278 $5,417 $4,774 $4,919
4.5% $18,643 $10,364 $7,650 $6,326 $5,558 $5,067
4.75% $18,757 $10,485 $7,778 $6,462 $5,701 $5,216
5% $18,871 $10,607 $7,908 $6,600 $5,846 $5,368
5.25% $18,986 $10,729 $8,039 $6,738 $5,992 $5,522
5.5% $19,101 $10,853 $8,171 $6,879 $6,141 $5,678
5.75% 6% $19,217 $19,333 $10,977 $11,102 $8,304 $8.439 $7,021 $7,164 $6,291 $6,443 $5,836 $5,996
Stamp Duty: Lease Exceed
Term Does not exceed 1 year
1 year 3 years 3 years Not defined or is uncertain Key money, construction fee etc. mentioned in the lease Duplicate or counterpart
Rate 0.25% x of the total rent payable over the term of the lease 0.5% x of the yearly or average yearly rent 1% x of the yearly or average yearly rent 0.25% x of the yearly or average yearly rent 3.75% of the consideration if rent is also payable under the lease. Otherwise, same duty as for a sale of immovable property $5 each