置業 指南
Properties • Home Improvement • Lifestyle
June 2010 | Issue 7 | FREE
Industrial & Office Sales / Lease Specialists in Island South
Unit 19-21, 5/F, Tower B Southmark, 11 Yip Hing Street, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong. Licence No: C-010936 Kin Teck Ind Building
Derrick Ind Building
e Sol
2221’ + Private Roof
Nearby MTR 連約,近地鐵
Open view, High efficiency 新地工廈,景觀開揚
Po Chai Ind Building
The Factory
Remex Centre
Green View, With carpark 樹景,連車位
10500’ + 4000’ outdoor space High headrooom, Prime location 位置優越,罕有連平台
Prime location 未來港鐵站出口
B.T. Centre
Harbour Ind Centre
6762’ + Private Roof Top
2000’ - 4500’
Sky lounge, Chic interior design 複式單位,全新裝修
Wong Chuk Hang Ind Building
Kwai Bo Ind Building
1000’ - 8000’
@3800 11437’ - 22800’
2.6-4.5M 1010’ - 1789’
Partly Sea, Green view 深灣景,罕有全層
Flexible Size 全幢翻新工廈,間隔靈活
Corner units, Full sea view 全山海景,配套完善
Stunning sea view, 12’ headroom 臨海工廈,特高樓底
Sun Ying Ind Centre
Tin Fung Ind Mansion
Yally Ind Building
Regency Centre
ge le A
g le A
3.45M 1882’ - 2076’
High efficiency 實用率高,管理完善
Investment Hotline:
18.8M 7877’
Ocean Park & Mountain view 海洋公園景
7.3M 3028’
Prime location in proposed MTR station 黃竹坑頭段,可入40呎櫃
@8 800’ - 6000’
Well decorated lobby 華麗大堂,裝修即用
3527 0911 • 9326 3293 Jeff Wong
Ocean Park
Wong Chuk Hang
Lei Tung
South Horizons
Getting where you want to go is all about making the right connections at the right time As the affluent southside residential districts and the Ocean Park tourist centre become more accessible with the planned MTR extension, now is the time to invest in the ideally located hub area of Wong Chuk Hang.
WONG CHUK HANG ROAD Site area : app 18,000 square feet Sale units : 8,000 to 35,000 square feet
9603 7888
Licence: E209966
9326 3293
Licence: S130432
This industrial zone is ripe for development. Connected to the city-side via the Aberdeen Tunnel and the planned MTR line, centrally located between the wealthy residential areas of Pok Fu Lam, Repulse Bay and Stanley, and within view of Ocean Park’s new hotel developments, you couldn’t wish for a more connected area. To make your southside connections today, speak to the southside experts. With 15 years experience on the spot, Garson Real Estate Agencies has made its name as the people to come to for southside commercial and industrial property investment.
Licence: CO10936
24 IN THIS ISSUE June 2010 | Issue 7
11 06 40
06 11 16 24 30 32 33 34 36 40
‘Tong Laus’ at popular locations backed by redevelopment vision
What is happening in the property market
MUST-KNOWS BEFORE RENTING YOUR NEW HOME Tips for signing a lease with confidence
DUMPSTER DIVER’S HOME 舊物創造型格家居 Dumpster diving is the unique way to home decoration
A selection of properties for sale or to let
OWNER-TO-OWNER 業主自讓 Quality listings from property owners
Mortgage rates and stamp duty information
SPOT THE ORIGINAL FROM THE NOT Chanel launches J12 Marine diving watch
Products and services enhancing your life
The new drinking spot slips onto Wyndham Street
16 HotListings is published by HotListings Media Company Limited Suite 1801, Wing On Central Building, 26 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong Tel +852 2537 7585 Fax +852 2537 7586 Email Website ISSN 2077-1398 Editor Julian Fung Deputy editor Fiona Murphy Printed by Fantasy Printing Limited Advertising enquiries Tel +852 2537 7585 Email Appointed advertising agency Focus Marketing Group Tel: +852 2237 0000 Email: Cover photo Chinachem Group’s development The Lily HotLisings is distributed through convenience locations across Central and Western district, Mid-Levels, Wanchai, Happy Valley, Sai Kung, Discovery Bay, Kowloon West and various high quality outlets. Total print run 30,000 copies. To include your business in our distribution network, please call us at +852 2537 7585 or email You may also view our interactive e-magazine at The greatest care has been taken to ensure accuracy but the publisher cannot accept responsibility for omissions and errors. No part of this magazine maybe reproduced without the prior permission of the publisher or authors. The publisher does not endorse any products detailed or advertised in the magazine. We treasure your suggestions and comments. Please email to
hotlistings Properties • Home Improvement • Lifestyle
‘Tong Laus’ in SOHO & WOHO Backed by Redevelopment Vision
Hong Kong’s SOHO district, famous of its bars and restaurants, together with the neighboring West of Hollywood Road, also known as WOHO, are both obscure treasuries for property investors. Renovations could add value to the old and inconspicuous premises along the streets in the district, while a vision for redevelopment could bring an extra gain. Chantel Koh reports. 香港的「蘇豪區」華洋集處,是著名的酒吧和食肆集中地,而毗鄰的西營盤「 蘇豪西」,同樣有大量舊式唐樓建築,成為投資者物色收購的焦點。除了整幢 收購重建外,透過翻新再出租,也可以帶來可觀的投資回報。 Walking along SOHO district, or South of Hollywood Road, passing through Staunton Street, Aberdeen Street and Shelley Street, you may be attracted by a variety of restaurants but you may have never looked up at the small-scale old residential buildings, or “Tong Laus.” “Many veteran investors including property developers and investment banks are so keen on buying the building blocks for investments,” said Damien Gillooly, a director at Metro City Property Agency, an expertise in the old building trading market in Central and Sheung Wan and Western district. Properties in the nearby WOHO district have also emerged as investors’ new targets thanks to the construction of MTR West Island Line. Investors are hungering for properties in Kennedy Town and Sai Ying Pun. The new escalator, which will link Sai Ying Pun and Midlevels west upon its completion, is expected to lift the potential values of properties in WOHO, in particular, the Centre Street area. For instance, an investor is asking for HK$25.8 million for newly-renovated five-storey old building in Aberdeen Street with a saleable area of between 250 and 280 sq ft per storey. The owner, who bought it for HK$15 million a year ago, is seeking a 72 percent premium from this lucrative investment in SOHO district.
在士丹頓街、鴨巴甸街、荷李活道「蘇豪區」 漫步,到處都可以見到供應世界各國美食的餐 廳、酒吧,但抬頭一看,這些精緻餐廳所在的 位置,大多是一些破舊的唐樓大廈,這些唐樓 雖然樓齡大,設備也不及新式大廈,但卻是投 資者全幢收購的心頭好。 首都置業董事Damien Gillooly指出,很多資深 投資者都喜歡整幢收購唐樓,當中不乏發展商 和投資銀行物色投資機會,除了蘇豪區,他特 別指出受惠港鐵西港島線,以及新半山扶手電 梯於於二〇一四年前後相繼落成,位處西營盤 的蘇豪西「WOHO」,近期得到不少投資者洽 購,特別是正街一帶的唐樓物業。 Damien Gillooly舉例指出,鴨巴甸街現在有一 個全幢五層唐樓物業放盤,每層面積約為二百 五十至二百八十方呎,一年前以一千五百萬元 購入,經過裝修後,現時以二千五百八十萬元 放售,若交易完成,利潤達到七成二,獲利幅 度十分可觀。 為了達到理想的轉售價格,一般投購入全幢唐 樓的投資者,都會花一百萬至三百萬元,替 物業重新裝潢,按照現時樓市情況,他們大多 可以在十二至十八個月內,獲得四成至五成利 潤。 蘇豪區唐樓有價,年前就有另一個價值一千七 百萬元的鴨巴甸街全幢唐樓,以確認人形式 轉售,投資者在短短六日內,從中賺取三百萬 元,利潤之高令人驚訝。此外,另一幢些利街 唐樓,最近以四千八百萬元成交,比五年前一 千七百萬元的購入價,升值一點八倍。
Investors will usually spend HK$1 million to HK$3 million to “makeup” the “Tong Laus”, which could be sold at a higher premium with improved property conditions. “A capital gain of between 40 and 50 percent is achievable for an investment period from 12 to 18 months,” Gillooly said. The old buildings attracted even speculators and there was an investor made a profit of HK$3 million by selling a block in Aberdeen Street for HK$17 million through a confirmor sale within six days two years ago. Another investor has recently sold an old building in Shelley Street for HK$48 million, a 1.8 times appreciation compared with the price of HK$17 million in 2005 when the investor bought the property. The “Tong Lau” prices have been up considerably, Gillooly said. “Some of the properties are even too pricy to buy for making profit.” An average price of HK$5,000 per sq ft is reasonable, he said, adding that the room for making money would be much lower if the price exceeds that level. “For a five-storey building with 500 sq ft per storey, including 500-sq ft retail spaces and a roof, if it is priced below HK$25 million, I would expect a further room for appreciation,” he said. He said investors should prepare adequate cash before tapping the market as banks are banks are conservative in valuating old buildings. In most cases, bank’s valuation is amounted to 70 percent of the transaction price and
will only extend loan that equivalent to 50 percent of its valuation. For example, the valuation for a HK$25 million “Tong Lau” is only HK$17.5 million, the investor needs to pay HK$16.25 million as bank would extend only HK$8.75 million of loan to the buyer. SOHO is a popular entertainment district among Hong Kong’s foreigners who have also been actively trading the old buildings in the area, Gillooly said.
An average price of HK$5,000 per sq ft is reasonable. The room for making money would be much lower if the price exceeds that level.
“Australian investors are veteran in this investment market, and local companies have also been seeking long-term investments in the area,” he said.
“The site area of a single block of Tong Lau is small, maybe it just several hundred sq ft, but developers see the synergy if they can combine a few neighboring sites,” Cheung said. He reminded investors who buy the old buildings for redevelopment purpose to be clear about the plot ratio which determines the gross floor could be built on the site. The additional floor area that a site provides is an important indication when developers are considering acquiring a building, Cheung said. The number of listings for sale is quite limited, Gillooly said. “If the asking price is reasonable, a building could be sold out shortly after renovation.” Some of the investors will also hold the properties for long term rental uses, at the mean time waiting for bigger profits from appreciation in capital value. Gillooly said the monthly rent of a more than 300-sq ft unit could fetch about HK$16,000 due to the prime location. The rental yield for the properties could reach up to 7 percent.
The prices of “Tong Laus” were lifted by the increasing demands amid the frenzy property market last year, while the lowered threshold for the compulsory sale of old buildings for redevelopment has also led to the growing investing spree in SOHO and WOHO district.
“The old properties could be transformed into serviced apartments, the kind of units popular among foreigners,” he said.
James Cheung, a director at Centaline Surveyors, said the potential values of old buildings in the area could be spurred amid the vision for redevelopment.
Lo has been seeking for a studio flat in Central and Sheung Wan district. “If I go clubbing with foreign friends in Lan Kwai Fong, it will just take me five minutes and
“I think the area is very convenient,” said Amy Lo, a 32-year-old market manager working in Wan Chai.
唐樓物業採取保守態度,一般只會借出物 業估價五成的按揭貸款。 蘇豪區是外籍人士消遣的聚腳點,也是他 們物色物業投資機會的主要地方,當中 以澳洲資金最為積極,而本地投資者亦 在這裡尋求長線投資。隨著強制拍賣門檻 降低,相信可帶動蘇豪及蘇豪西一帶的唐 樓全幢成交。中原測量師行董事張競達表 示,雖然幢樓單位面積細小,只有數百方 呎,但發展商都憧憬與毗鄰唐樓一併重建 發展,可為地盤增值,增加發展利潤。 張氏特別提醒打算購入唐樓重建的投資 者,必須清楚了解重建地積比率,得到日 後可建單位樓面面積後,推算重建後售樓 或出租收入,這亦是一般發展商是否購入 一幢唐樓的重要考慮因素。 但即使手中有資金,但要物色到理想的唐 樓放盤,也不是一件易事。Damien Gillooly 表示,假如樓價合理,唐樓物業很快便有 新買家承接;而盤源少的另一個原因,是 因為很多唐樓業主不急求售,多作長線收 租,待樓價有可觀升幅,才善價而沽。
Centre Street, Sai Ying Pun costs HK$20 to take a cab home.” Centaline’s Cheung also noted the renovated properties in SOHO district could attract foreign tenants who work in Central and the retail spaces could be easily rented out to restaurants as the area has been wellestablished. He reminded investors to check the conditions of the buildings before transforming them into other uses as those “Tong Laus” may be too old to fit in with some rules, such as fire service ordinance, that required for certain uses.
唐樓價格可觀,但業者亦提醒投資者,很 多唐樓價格已上升不少,部分更定價過 高,欲購入作投資用途前,要仔細計算清 楚是否有合理的投資回報。 Damien Gillooly提醒有意入市的投資者, 平均每方呎五千元屬於唐樓的合理水平, 價格越高、回報越低。以一幢位於中西 區、樓高五層另加地鋪的唐樓為例,若每 層面積約五百方呎,其售價應為二千五百 萬元以下,才有合理的獲利空間。 除了物色售價合理的物業,欲投資唐樓的 人士,亦需要有充足的財政實力,與一般 住宅七成甚至九成的按揭不同,銀行會對
位處一線地區的唐樓,除了翻新出租,部 分更變身為服務式住宅;以一個實用面積 三百餘方呎、附裝修家電的單位為例, 月租可達一萬六千元,租金回報率達到 七厘。任職市場推廣經理、三十二歲的盧 小姐,便正在物色這類單位。「如果我在 中、上環一帶的唐樓居住,即使我和朋友 到附近的夜店消遣,我坐的士回家亦只需 約二十元車資,十分方便。」 此外,張競達指出,由於鄰近商業區,蘇 豪區的翻新唐樓可以吸引在中區工作的外 籍人士,物業的商鋪也很受餐廳及零售業 者的歡迎,不愁出租的問題。不過他亦提 醒投資者在購入唐樓時,要注意物業的結 構情況,因為部分太老舊的唐樓,可能不 能承受大幅度的改建,如果真的要作大幅 度改建,亦要留意是否乎合有關消防條例 等規定。 h
6.38M One Central 壹號湖畔
1273' 2 Bedrooms + 2 Bathrooms Brand New Apartment, Near MGM
1.5M The Verde 晶品
493' Studio Well Designed Layout Situated at Convenient Location
11M Le Royal Arc 凱旋門
The Praia 海擎天
2261' 3 Bedrooms + 3 Bathrooms Deluxe Apartment Near Wynn
938' 2 Bedrooms High Floor Open City View
1.68M Hoi Wan Garden 海灣花園 900' 2 Bedrooms Fully Renovated Open Kitchen
7.8M Pearl on the Lough 海明灣畔 2055' 3 Bedrooms + 2 Bathrooms Full Sea View Quiet Location
12M One Grantai 大潭山一號 2020' 3 Bedrooms + 3 Bathrooms The Cotai Strip Luxury Living
3.38M Nova City 濠庭都會
1050' 2 Bedrooms + 2 Bathrooms Modern Apartment Club Facilities
4M Ngan Fai Building 銀輝大廈 1800' 3 Bedrooms + 3 Bathrooms Top Floor Penthouse Unit Central Macau
10K La Cite 寰宇天下
1500' 3 Bedrooms + 2 Bathrooms Fully Furnished 10 mins to Central Macau
9.8K Nova City 濠庭都會
1300' 2 Bedrooms + 2 Bathrooms With Car Park Central Taipa
TEL: (853) 28757716
16K Manhattan 曼克頓
1600' 3 Bedrooms + 2 Bathrooms Fully Furnished With 2 Car Parks
Chinachem Group, the property empire of the late Nina Wang Kung Yu-Sum, has offered units in the 129 Repulse Bay Road luxury residential project for lease, marking its return in business after winning the legal dispute over the billionaire’s fortune.
隨著龔如心千億遺產案落幕,華懋亦乘勢推出淺 水灣出租項目「The Lily」,外型酷似百合花的The Lily,由建築大師Norman Foster設計,Norman Foster 在建築界可謂無人不曉,香港的匯豐銀行總行大廈 和赤鱲角機場,都是出於他手筆。
The Lily整個項目共提供一百個住宅單位, The luxury development, 面積介乎1,800至7,000方呎,其中5個為 namely The Lily, consists of 頂層連天窗複式單位,整體月租由9萬至 four modern residential towers 40萬元,租期由兩年起。 offering a total of 100 serviced apartments and unfurnished The Lily所位處的淺水灣道129號地皮,是 Molly Kung units ranging in sizes from 1,800 華懋於九七年樓市高峰時,以五十五億五千 sq ft to 7,000 sq ft, including five 萬元投得,樓面地價達一萬六千二百六十元,創 duplex penthouses. The units are available 出當時歷史新高。 from HK$90,000 per month to HK$400,000 with a two-year tenancy period. 華懋當時何解願意以此超高 地價購入地皮?原來跟 The Lily was designed by Pritzker Prize-winning 王德輝、龔如心夫婦 architect Norman Foster, who is best-known works 「長情」有關,龔如 in the region include the HSBC Headquarters in 心胞妹龔中心解釋, Central, Hong Kong International Airport and 當年姐姐龔如心為紀 Beijing Capital International Airport. 念一九五五年她十九 歲生日當天,與丈夫 王德輝結婚,並且翌 The Hong Kong’s largest privately-run developer 日於淺水灣渡過婚後 won the bid for the site in a government land auction in 1997 for HK$5.55 billion, or HK$16.275 首個中秋節,為紀念 這個特別時刻,所 per sq ft, setting a new record at that time. 以不惜工本投地以 及興建The Lily, The pricey site has a different meaning to Nina 「以寄託對丈夫的 Wang and her husband Teddy Wang Teh-huei, the 思念之情,及顯 founder of Chinachem. Molly Kung Zhongxin, the 示對本港的發展 younger sister of Nina Wang, said this is the place that her sister and Teddy Wang celebrated their first 信心」。言談之 間,龔中心好像 Moon Festival after they got married on September 要向大家再次 29 in 1955. She married him on her 19-year-old’s 「宣示」誰人 birthday, and the next day was the Moon Festival.
hotlistings No matter what the price, Nina Wang instructed staff to buy the site and develop it. This is to show her feelings of missing her husband, as well as to reveal her confidence in the city, Kung recalled. The property company has decided to keep The Lily for lease after it has changed the plans for several times since the building was first completed in 2003. Chinachem first planned to sell the units in this residential building, it then changed its plan to convert the building into a hotel development.
CHEAPEST HOME FOR HK$264 PER MONTH The monthly rent of public housing in Hong Kong could be as low as HK$264 after waiving rates under the government’s relief measures.
The Lily
The 8.17-sq meter (88-sq ft) unit, in Tuen Mun’s Po Tin Estate, includes living room, toilet and kitchen. The monthly rent is set at HK$291 before deducting government rate. The smallsized public units are heaven for low-income group as a cage home covers 20-sq ft in Sham Shui Po district could fetch more than HK$1,000 a month. The monthly salary for the public unit applicants is capped at HK$7,800 while the total net assets value should not exceed HK$180,000. Applicants should also prepare to live in cramped environment. See it online: inbriefissue7.html
WING LEE STREET DISPUTE Some of the residents in Wing Lee Street, Sheung Wan are suffered from the government’s decision to exclude the street from a longawaited redevelopment project. An unnamed official from the Urban Renewal Authority said some Wing Lee Street residents had revealed that disrepair in some buildings is serious. As they can’t afford to move out, they were so looking forward that the acquisitions by
the authority, the official said. The URA has recently proposed excluding Wing Lee Street from its Saunton Street-Wing Lee Street redevelopment project in response to public calls to preserve old and special properties. The URA official cited Bangkok’s floating markets as examples to explain the situation in Wing Lee Street. The markets are special to visitors but the problems of public hygiene and safety are hidden, the official said, adding that no one will have insightful understanding to the practical problems. The authority will keep in contact with Wing Lee Street residents though the redevelopment has been suspended, the official said.
SHAMA LAUNCHES SHANGHAI SERVICED APARTMENTS PROMOTIONS Shama has launched its Shanghai serviced apartment promotions at Shama Xujiahui and Shama Luxe, capitalizing on the increasing arrivals during the World Expo. The units are available from 19,000 yuan per month under a promotion package that includes complimentary continental breakfast, cable TV and broadband connection. Laundry and drycleaning services as well as indoor gym facilities are also provided. The offer includes two admission tickets to the World Expo for leases of more than three months. Shama Xujiahui is located in Shanghai’s favorite shopping destination, particularly when searching for technology’s latest offering. The district, Xujiahui, is filled with quaint boutiques, bustling markets and department stores. Shama Luxe at Xintiandi is in the beautifully restored Xintiandi district, where charming historic lanes meander through an endless array of fashionable boutiques and restaurants. Adding another level of opulence it the building itself, home to a magnificent clubhouse, spa and its own café. For more information, please visit
hotlistings 才是龔如心的最愛。 事實上,不僅龔如心夫婦兩人感情要好,華懋 對旗下出售物業都顯得十分「長情」,以The Lily為例,早在○三至○四年其實已經落成, 華懋幾經考慮,曾打算將之出售,後又擬轉作 酒店經營,最終因補地價過高而作罷,輾轉多 年至今才決定出租。至於旗下沙田碧濤花園, 落成至今十六年,以及開售至今已達二十年的 青山公路豪景花園,至今仍有一手單位發售, 可見坐擁巨額資金的華懋不急求售物業。而隨 著遺產官司明朗化、管理層的新作風,相信華 懋推盤策略亦會變得進取。
迷你公屋 月租$264 單身人士常抱怨置業難,市區新樓動輒上一萬 元一方呎,而隨著經濟情況好轉,租金也逐漸 回復到金融海嘯前的高價水平,究竟在香港這 個彈丸之地,怎樣住可以住得最便宜?便宜到 甚麼程度?答案是:月租二百六十四元! 位於屯門寶田邨的政府公屋單位,面積8.17平 方米,即只有88方呎,麻雀雖小,卻是五臟俱 全,你可能很難想像不足一百方呎的空間,竟 然可以塞下客廳、洗手間、還有廚房! 這種超迷你單位,原本租金為二百九十一元, 將政府差餉寬免計算在內,現時每月租金只需 二百六十四元,相對深水埗籠屋,面積僅二十 方呎、平均一千多元租金,這裡可以說是低收 入人士天堂。 不過要入住這種超便宜的迷你公屋單位,並不 是容易的事,除了要習慣進入大門前行兩步便 到達洗手間及廚房外,其侷細小空間的促感, 也不是人人習慣,另外申請入住人士的薪金 不可超過七千八百元、總資產不能多於十八萬 元,並不是人人都乎合條件。 迷你公屋片段 inbriefissue7.html
再說永利街 政府決定保育上環永利街,不會清拆重建,不 少市民拍手叫好,認為可以保留集體回憶,不 過從另一角度,卻苦了一班想改善居住環境, 卻財力有限的永利街居民。 有市建局中人抱怨,永利街部分樓宇嚴重失
修,曾經有租客向 他們反映,室內環 境不理想,他們卻 沒有財力搬走,業 主也因期待收購, 多年來都不修葺單 位。 他更以曼谷的水上 市場來比喻,我們 作為遊客,會覺得 曼谷水上市場很有 特色,其實當中暗 藏很嚴重衛生及安 全問題,但一般遊 客不會深入了解該 處居民的實際處 境,看完就走。
Shama Luxe
永利街的情況也是 一樣,部分保育人士可能抱著遊客看景點 的心態,自己卻居於半山區或新型大廈, 根本不會體會到住在牆身部落、鋼筋外露 單位的苦況。這位市建局中人表示,他們 雖然現階段不會重提收購永利街,但也會 與居民保持緊密聯絡,了解如何協助他們 改善居住環境。
莎瑪推出上海住房優惠 最近香港人旅遊熱門話題,都是圍繞上海 舉行的世界博覽會,但是看到中國民眾蜂 擁到上海的熱情,便嚇怕不少香港人,擔 心有錢都租不到酒店房間。服務式住宅 Shama旗下位於上海的是莎瑪徐家匯及莎 瑪 Luxe 新天地項目,就乘勢推出住宿及 連世博入場票的優惠,月租由人民幣一萬 九千元起,便可享用客房、每天歐陸式早 餐、洗燙、健身室等服務外,承租三個月 以上,更可獲得世博會一天票兩張。 莎瑪徐家匯坐落於地段繁華的徐家匯區, 百貨大樓林立,周邊擁有眾多餐館、酒吧 及其它必需娛樂設施,極具現代化氣息, 頗受鍾愛最新科技產品的消費者的歡迎; 而莎瑪 Luxe 新天地則位於時尚的新天地, 區內傳統石庫門老房子再結合現代化建 築、裝修和設備,打造出多家令人耳目一 新的高級消費場所及餐廳,兩者位置都是 上海的都市熱點,優惠詳情請瀏覽www.。 h
Want to share your views on property market and current affairs with our readers? Please email to 想跟我們的讀者分享您對樓市或時 事的觀點嗎?歡迎發電郵到
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For lease
Fair Wind Manor HKD40K Inc. | 1,028’
3 bedrooms/2 bathrooms, highly upgraded Modern low-rise in very quiet location Also available for sale, HKD15M
For sale/ lease
Cherry Crest HKD40K Inc. | 1,106’ Chris Chan
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EAA License: S-114541
Alana Fruean +852 9221 3607 EAA License: E-262718
Ruby Suen
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For sale
For sale
For International Properties
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Are you considering renting a new home? Here are the things you must know. If you do, you’ll be better prepared to sign a lease with confidence and get the most out of your new residence. 租住物業涉及很多注意事項,如果能掌握當中要點,可讓你在簽署租賃合約 後,無後顧之憂。
hen it comes to renting a new home, it is important to know your rights and responsibilities as a tenant. There are also things you should pay attention to when looking for a property and before entering into a tenancy agreement. Here are a few tips for you.
Looking for a Property You can deal directly with a property owner or appoint a licensed estate agent to help you find the right property. If you choose to appoint an agent, you should clarify with him or her details of the engagement such as the amount of commission and the time of payment before signing the estate agency agreement. More on tenancy practice and procedure pub_hk_domestic_tenancy6.htm FAQs of appointing an estate agent htm Information about estate agents html
Mortgaged Properties When you have selected a suitable property and are ready to enter into a tenancy, the property agent should make sure there is no error with the owner of the property. If you want more detailed information, you should check the land records of the property to verify the identity of the owner and find out if the property has been mortgaged to a bank or other financial institution. The owner of a mortgaged property should seek the mortgagee’s prior consent to the letting of the property. Where this consent has been obtained, you should learn about its conditions, if any. A property that is
let without the mortgagee’s consent may be recovered by the mortgagee, and as a tenant you face the risk of being evicted within a fairly short period. How to search the land records services_b.htm More on renting a property under mortgage landlord_tenantpropertyWithMortgage/ index.shtml
Signing a Tenancy Agreement You and your landlord are generally free to agree on the terms of the tenancy as long as they do not contravene the Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) Ordinance. Information about creating a tenancy pub_hk_domestic_tenancy2.htm Frequently asked questions about tenancy matters tenancy_q.htm Notes on Signing a Tenancy Agreement tenancy.pdf
Your Rights and Duties as a Tenant Besides details on the amount of rent and deposit, the duration of the tenancy and whether furniture and electrical appliances are provided by the landlord, the tenancy agreement should set out what you and the landlord have agreed to be your respective rights and duties. However, certain rights and duties are implied in a tenancy unless there are contrary provisions in the tenancy agreement. For example, using the property in a reasonable and proper manner is one of your implied duties.
近租金有再次回升的趨勢,部 分租約即將到期的租戶,都可 能開始物色新居所;租客在簽 訂租賃協議之前,也須注意以下事項,以 了解自己的權益和義務。
選擇承租物業 現時物色租盤的渠道多樣化,除了傳統透 過物業代理進行,也可以透過業主留下的 資料,直接與業主聯絡。如果你選擇委託 地產代理租用物業,則必須在簽訂地產代 理協議前,跟代理澄清有關的委託詳情, 例如佣金金額、繳付限期等。 租賃的實務與程序 pub_hk_domestic_tenancy6.htm 委託地產代理的常見問題 faq.htm 持牌地產代理及營業員資料 html
已按揭物業 當你找到合適的物業並考慮承租,物業代 理一般都會確保業權沒有出現問題,如果 租戶想進一步了解物業詳情,可以查閱該 物業的土地紀錄,以核實有關的業主身 份,以及查明該物業是否已按揭予銀行或 其他財務機構。 業主出租已按揭的物業前,必須先取得 承按人,即提供貸款財務機構的同意。你 應留意承按人發出的出租同意書是否有附 帶條件。如業主在未取得承按人的同意下 出租物業,承按人有權收回該物業,屆時 租客可能會被要求於短期內遷離該物業。 如何查閱土地紀錄 services_b.htm 承租已按揭物業 landlord_tenant/propertyWithMortgage/ index.shtml
More on the implied rights and duties of landlords and tenants pub_hk_domestic_tenancy3.htm Common provisions in a tenancy agreement pub_hk_domestic_tenancy7.htm
Paying Your Rent The Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) Ordinance states that if your tenancy agreement does not specify the conditions for paying rent, and of forfeiture if you fail to pay rent, your tenancy will imply a duty to pay the rent on the due date and forfeiture for non-payment within 15 days of that date. Statutory grounds for a landlord to forfeit a tenancy tenancy_a.htm#8 If for some reason your landlord refuses to accept your rent, you should send a cheque by registered mail. If the mail remains unclaimed, you can keep it as a proof for future legal proceedings if needed.
or after 9 July 2004, the parties can freely negotiate and agree between themselves on how the tenancy will be terminated. In the absence of any contractual agreement, a fixed term domestic tenancy will end upon expiry, and a periodic tenancy (which will be automatically renewed from period to period) will be terminated by issuing a notice to quit at the length of a full tenancy period. Tenancy renewal landlord_tenant/renewalMatters/index. shtml Your landlord will usually inform you about the sale of the property. If no new agreement is made between you and the new owner of the property, the terms of the existing tenancy will apply. Remember to clarify whether the previous or the new landlord is responsible for refunding your deposit. More on property sold while you are a tenant landlord_tenant/
Continuing a Tenancy
Terminating a Tenancy
Under the Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) (Amendment) Ordinance 2004, you and your landlord can decide whether to renew a tenancy created on or after 9 July 2004, unless there is an option to renew clause in your existing tenancy agreement or another written agreement that preserves your right to tenancy renewal. Under the old regime (tenancies created before 9 July 2004), a tenant of a domestic property is in most cases guaranteed the right to continue to rent the property as long as the tenant is willing to pay the prevailing market rent. For tenancies of domestic properties that were created on
A fixed-term tenancy created on or after 9 July 2004 will end at the expiry of its term. Both landlord and tenant need not to issue a termination notice. You or your landlord may also terminate the tenancy early through mutual agreement or if there is a break clause in the tenancy agreement. Frequently asked questions about tenancy termination tenancy_a.htm#4 More on the termination of tenancy before expiration landlord_tenant
簽訂租約 租客和業主一般可自行商議約上的條款, 但須確保內容不違反《業主與租客(綜 合)條例》,一般不超過三年的租賃關 係,可以書面訂立租約,由業主與租客簽 署作實。如果立約一方是有限公司,可由 獲授權人士代表公司簽約。 住宅物業租賃 pub_hk_domestic_tenancy2.htm 有關租賃事宜的常見問題 tenancy_q.htm 訂立租約須知 ch_tenancy.pdf
租客的權利和責任 租客和業主需在租約中,應列出租金和按 金金額、租賃期、以及業主會否提供家 具、電器等詳情,也應列明各自的權利和 責任。不過,除非協議中載有意思相反的 明確條款,一些隱含的業主和租客權責會 自動適用於租約,例如租客有合理及適當 地使用物業的責任。 業主和租客的隱含權利和責任 pub_hk_domestic_tenancy3.htm 一般租約的條文 pub_hk_domestic_tenancy7.htm
繳交租金 《業主與租客(綜合)條例》規定,假如業主 和租客沒有就繳交租金及欠交租金時的沒 收條件作出任何明確協議,租約的隱含規 定則為租客須在到期日繳交租金;而假如 租客沒有在到期日15天內繳交租金,業主 即可收回單位。 業主沒收租賃的法定理由 tenancy_a.htm#8 如業主因為某些原因而拒收租金,你應將
支票以掛號方式郵寄予業主。若郵件無法 投遞,你應保留有關信件,以備日後有需 要時在法律程序中作為證據。
續租事宜 根據《2004年業主與租客(綜合)(修 訂)條例》,你和業主皆可自行決定是否 就2004年7月9日或之後簽訂的租賃協議續 約。原法例讓租客在有租期完結後,以市 值租金繼續租用及佔用同一物業,但現時 雙方可自由協定如何終止該租賃,即租客 並無絕對優先權,在租約完結後可以繼續 以市值租金租用。
Free Advice and Assistance If you have questions about or need assistance with any tenancy matters, you could approach the Rating and Valuation Department (RVD) for its free enquiry, assistance and mediatory services. You can also obtain free legal advice from the Duty Lawyer Service. Information about free services on tenancy matters offered by the RVD More on the free legal advice offered by the Duty Lawyer Service
免費諮詢及援助 有關續租須注意事宜 landlord_tenant/renewalMatters/index. shtml 你的業主通常會通知你有關所租住的物業 的出售事宜。如你沒有和新業主重新簽訂 租賃協議,原有協議上的條款將繼續生 效。請注意釐清由舊業主還是新業主履行 歸還租賃按金的責任。
如對租務事宜有任何問題或需要協助,差餉物業估價署可提供免費的諮 詢、協助及調解服務,你也可透過當值律師服務尋求免費的法律意見。 差餉物業估價署就租務問題提供的免費服務 當值律師服務提供的免費法律諮詢 h
有關承租物業的出售事宜 topics/landlord_tenant/ landlordSellsThePropertyWith ExistingTenancy/index.shtml
終止租賃 於2004年7月9日或之後簽訂的固定租期租 約,會於租期屆滿後終止,而業主及租客 均無須發出終止租約通知書。如果雙方協 議提早終止租約,可跟據租約中「中斷租 期」的條款執行。 有關終止租賃的常見問題 tenancy_a.htm#4 租約期滿前終止租賃 topics/landlord_tenant/ toTerminateATenancyBeforeExpiration/ q2.shtml
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Metro City 首
professional property 都 services
Albron Court, Caine Road 堅道 豐樂閣
2869 6321
Sai Ying Pun
2857 7321
Shop 5, G/F, 31-37 Mosque Street, Hong Kong
Shop 5, G/F, 52-54 Third Street, Hong Kong 3 Chico Terrace, Mid-Levels 半山區 芝古臺三號
1,575 sf | $13.8M
583 sf | $4.5M 18K
4 bedrooms • Sea views • Steps to SOHO 四房 • 海景 • 鄰近SOHO區
Stylish decoration and furnished • One bedroom • Open kitchen 時尚裝修 • 一房單位 • 開放式廚房
Woodland Court, Woodlands Terrace 活倫臺 福臨閣
Apartment with Sky Garden, SOHO 蘇豪區 連空中花園住宅
The Rednaxela, Rednaxela Terrace 列拿士地臺 帝華台
Monticello, Kennedy Road 堅尼地道 滿峰台
531 sf | $5.5M
480 sf + Terrace 380 sf | $4.48M
934 sf | $9M
1,275 sf | $17.5M
One bedroom • Just stylishly renovated 一房單位 • 簇新時尚裝修
Open Views • Nice decoration • Jacuzzi 景觀開揚 • 精緻裝修 • 附設按摩浴池
3 bedrooms with ensuite • Clubhouse 三房連套房 • 附設會所 • 扶手電梯旁
3 beds • Stunning sea views • Balcony 三房單位 • 壯闊海景 • 附設露台
Skyview Cliff, Conduit Road 干德道 華庭閣
Apartment with rooftop, Caine Road 堅道 連天台住宅
Ying Piu Mansion, Breezy Path 卑利士道 應彪大廈
Amber Lodge, Hollywood Road 荷李活道 金珀苑
1,074 sf | 9.5M
620 sf | $5M
969 sf | $10M
440 sf | $3.68M
3 bedrooms with ensuite • Open sea views 三房連套房 • 高層單位 • 開揚海景
Studio • With rooftop 開放式單位 • 附設天台
2 bedrooms • Stylish decoration 一房單位 • 時尚裝修
1 bedroom • Adjacent to escalator 一房單位 • 開揚景觀 • 鄰近扶手電梯
Greenville, Glenealy 己連拿利 翠怡閣
Hang Hing Court, Third Street 第三街 恒興樓
Fung Sing Mansion, Third Street 第三街 豐盛大廈
Apartment with terrace, Second Street 第二街 連平台住宅
953 sf | $7.4M
360 sf | $2.18M
260 sf | $1.89M 8K
343 sf + Terrace 1200 sf | $3.80M
2 bedrooms • Steps to Central 兩房單位 • 鄰近中區商業區
One bedroom • Well illuminated • Quiet 一房單位 • 光猛清靜
One bedroom • Rooftop • Future WOHO 一房單位 • 附設天台 • 未來蘇豪西
Spacious terrace • Future MTR area 開放式單位 • 附設特大平台
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DUMPSTER DIVER’S HOME 舊物創造型格家居 Dumpster diving, the practice of sifting through trash to find discarded but valuable items, is the way of Johnny Hanson to create his unique home. 對於華人社會,「拾荒」一詞通常帶著負面意義,但對於這個太子臺單位的美籍屋主 Johnny Hanson,憑著垃圾尋寶「Dumpster Diving」,創造出獨特的型格家居。
he United States owner has reserved the antique brick wall of the 100-year-old premise which is the former site of Missions Etrangères de Paris. Adding in his collection from binning, Hanson showcases the priceless treasures in his 1,000 sq ft home at Prince’s Terrace in Mid-levels.
Why do you choose to live here?
I rented an around 800 sq ft apartment neighboring the Prince’s Terrace for about HK$8,000 when I came to Hong Kong in 1996. However, the landlord raised the monthly rent to HK$40,000 after my contract was ended. I couldn’t do it for four to five times of price. So I bought this ground floor unit at Prince Terrace.
Why did you have the idea of “dumpster diving” when designing this home? When I was in the university, I stayed in Los Angeles for a while and lived near Beverly Hills. The discards of the residents at the luxury district were all treasures for us. The idea of “dumpster diving” was therefore emerged. I and my friends sifted through trash to find useful items to decorate our home. Our friends who visited our home were surprised that how could we buy these expensive and fashionable items. After 20 years, “dumpster diving”, once again, becomes my own special way in decorating my home.
How would your friends describe your home style? They would say it’s “Shabby Chic” as my home looks rough but cool to them. My home also reflects my own lifestyle, “yuppie” and “hippie”, some of my friends said.
Which items are your favorites? I like most of them but the theater chairs that I brought from The Queen’s Theatre is my top pick. When I knew that the theatre would be demolished for redevelopment, I tried to call the manager see if I could get a few chairs, but I was rejected. I called the manager 15 times in a day to convince him but I was failed. I got into the theatre on the day of demolition by dressing up as a photographer. I entreated the construction workers, and they let me take away some of the chairs but they pretended not to know anything.
個位於半山太子臺的地面單位,面積約為 一千平方呎,一百年前原址是巴黎外方傳 教會的會址,單位所在的位置是教會的工 人宿舍。一百年後經過Johnny的重新改造,牆身保留 著原始磚牆特色,單位內的物品也是人棄我取,當 中不少更是用錢也買不到的珍貴擺設,拼湊成為一 個型格的現代家居。
為何選擇在這裡居住? 其實在一九九六年來港工作後,我一直在太子臺附 近居住,最初我以約八千元,租住一個八百方呎並 附設天台的單位,但租約完結後,業主突然瘋狂加 租到四萬元!雖然我不反對業主加租,但我真的不 能接受四、五倍的加幅!所以在物業代理介紹下, 購買這個太子臺的單位。
甚麼讓你有Dumpster Diving的念頭? 我在唸大學的時候,曾經在洛杉磯居住過一段 時間,我的朋友跟我萌起垃圾尋寶「Dumpster Diving」的念頭,因為住在比華利山的人大都非富則 貴,他們的垃圾對我們來說都是「寶物」;當朋友 來到我家時,都很驚嘆我們幾位窮學生何來有錢買 這些時尚的東西!二十年後,我在佈置新居時,再 次用這個特別的方法布置家居,好像在戲院、電影 布景等。
Brick-red wall displays raw style. 牆身不修篇幅,保 留紅磚牆特色。
我的朋友到訪我家,最多聽到的形容詞是「Shabby Chic」,意思是時尚中帶點經過時間沖刷的粗糙味 道,而且不求最貴,但求最好,另外也有人形容為 嬉皮「Hippie」、「Yuppie」,反映屋主的生活品 味。
這裡眾多擺設當中,有哪些是你最喜歡的? 有很多都十分喜歡,實在很難選出其中一、兩件。 但如果真的要選擇,我的首選從中環皇后戲院帶來 的椅子。當我從報章知道皇后戲院要拆卸重建時, 我們立即打電話到戲院經理,希望他讓我拿走幾張 戲院內的椅子,但是他一直都不願意,為了說服他 們,我曾經在一天打了十五通電話說服他!最後 甚至要在清拆當天,假裝攝影師闖進戲院,苦苦哀 求工人讓我們帶走幾張椅子,最後在他假裝「看不 到」的情況下,讓我們搬走椅子。 另一個我喜歡這幾張皇后戲院椅子的原因,是因 為我知道很多大明星在觀看電影首映時,都會選擇
Queen Theatre’s chairs, which might been used by famous movie stars, have become part of Hanson’s home. 在皇后戲院得來的 椅子,相信不少巨 星曾經是坐上客, 現在變成家居的一 部分。
Brass girl candle holder from Bali is one of Hanson’s favourites. 從峇里以超低價購 得的蠟燭台,也是 屋主的其中一件最 愛。
I know that many famous movie stars, such as Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee and Nancy Kwan (actress of The World of Suzie Wong), had visited the theatre and watched movies there. I took some chairs in the balcony seating area, where the movie stars might have taken a seat and watched movies. They are valuable and I maybe using the same chairs that the movie stars used before.
Why didn’t you choose some newer units but this old one? Actually, I don’t like brand-new apartments. In Hong Kong, you can find newly-renovated units everywhere. They are just typically with white wall and similar furniture as an Ikea flat. I like my home to look raw and rough, such a style is what I think long-lasting. You may not like it, but I like it very much.
Any tips for dumpster diving in Hong Kong? The period before Chinese New Year should be the best time for dumpster diving. Many families would renovate their homes before the festival and dump many things. I would also suggest people to keep an eye on news about demolition. You may find some valuable things near the sites.
Living room’s decorations is from a model agency’s conference room. 客廳中的銅板裝 飾,是在模特兒公 司會議室裝修時檢 來的。
The rare wooden folding door is from an old premise in Western Mid-Levels’ Po Shan Road. 現在少見的木摺 門,是在半山寶珊 道一幢舊式大宅拆 卸時得來。
Some unique buildings in Hong Kong have been demolished, as a foreigner, what do you think? I think it’s really a shame. China lost many things during the Cultural Revolution, I feel sad to see that. In Hong Kong, a British colony, you could find a lot of buildings with Victorian architecture in the past but not many left now. In recent years, the Hullett House and Sun Street in Wan Chai are good examples of preservation.
香港有很多特色建築被拆 去,作為外來人,你覺得怎 樣?
Living room decorated in rough style. 客廳的一角,保持 一貫原始粗糙的感 覺。
Johnny Hanson
樓上超等中間的位置就座,我也刻意挑選這幾張座椅,所以我的收 藏品中,很有可能是李小龍、成龍、關南施(《蘇施黃的世界》女 主角)都曾經坐過,十分珍貴。
半山區一帶有很多簇新單位,為何不選擇它們? 其實我不太喜歡簇新的住宅,在香港,無論你去到哪裡,所有住宅 都看來是剛剛裝修好的,永遠都是白色的牆、一樣的家具款式,甚 至看來像宜家傢俬陳列室一樣。但對我來說,我喜歡我的家居看來 原始一點、粗獷一點,這才是能夠恒久保存的事物,雖然你未必喜 歡,但我喜歡就行。
如果要在香港Dumpster Diving,有甚麼貼士? 在農曆新年期間,是Dumpster Diving最佳時機,因為很多華人家庭 都會希望在新年前裝修好家居,丟棄大量東西,所以這個時間是找 到好康的好機會。另外,也要留意新聞,便可知到有哪些有價值的 建築,快要變成建築廢物了。
我覺得這樣十分可惜,中國在發 生文化大革命的時候,曾經失去 很多很珍貴的東西,但香港以往 有很多殖民地維多利亞式建築, 現在卻所餘無幾,所以希望政府 可以認真地思考保育的問題。近 年我覺得保育得比較成功的,是 尖沙嘴前水警總部,以及灣仔日 街一帶,雖然不是完美,但也算 是一個好典範。 h
Interior design: Natasha Usher Tel: 25015911 Email:
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Purchaser Purchaser finds an estate agent to search for appropriate properties to buy; The purchaser inspects the property and negotiates the price with the agent or the vendor.
Vendor finds an estate agent to sell the property.
Vendor and purchaser sign a provisional (or preliminary) agreement for sale and purchase of the selected property (the provisional agreement is usually provided by the estate agent). The purchaser then pays the initial deposit, which is usually 3% to 5 % of the property price. Vendor appoint his own solicitor. Solicitor prepare the formal Agreements for Sale and Purchase.
Purchaser appoint his own solicitor. The solicitor checks the formal Agreements for Sale and Purchase submitted by vendor’s solicitor.
Vendor and purchaser sign the Agreements for Sale and Purchase. The purchaser then pays the further deposit, which is usually 5% to 7 % of the property price. Solicitor checks the documents related to property ownership and mortgage loan.
Purchaser apply mortgage loan from a bank if needed. Solicitor checks the documents related to property ownership and mortgage.
Vendor signs the Assignment at the solicitor’s office on or before the completion day, hand over the key of the property to the solicitor, and obtain the remainder of property price.
Purchaser pays the balance of purchase price (Maybe arranged between the solicitor and the bank providing mortgage loan) and sign the Assignment. Completion
Mortgage Loan Repayment Schedule (For Every $1M) Monthly repayment for 5 years 10 years 15 years 20 years 25 years 30 years
2.25% $17,637 $9,313 $6,550 $5,178 $4,361 $3,822
2.5% $17,747 $9,427 $6,667 $5,299 $4,486 $3,951
2.75% $17,857 $9,541 $6,786 $5,421 $4,613 $4,082
3% $17,968 $9,656 $6,905 $5,546 $4,742 $4,213
3.25% $18,080 $9,772 $7,027 $5,672 $4,873 $4,352
3.5% $18,192 $9,889 $7,149 $5,800 $5,006 $4,490
3.75% $18,304 $10,006 $7,272 $5,929 $5,141 $4,631
Stamp Duty: Sale or transfer Amount or value of the consideration Rate Exceed Does not exceed $2,000,000 $100 $2,000,000 $2,351,760 $100 + 10% of excess over $2,000,000 $2,351,760 $3,000,000 1.5% $3,000,000 $3,290,320 $45,000 + 10% of excess over $3,000,000 $3,290,320 $4,000,000 2.25% $4,000,000 $4,428,570 $90,000 + 10% of excess over $4,000,000 $4,428,570 $6,000,000 3% $6,720,000 $6,000,000 $180,000 + 10% of excess over $6,000,000 3.75% $6,720,000
Rate 4% 4.25% $18,417 $18,530 $10,125 $10,244 $7,397 $7,523 $6,060 $6,192 $5,278 $5,417 $4,774 $4,919
4.5% $18,643 $10,364 $7,650 $6,326 $5,558 $5,067
4.75% $18,757 $10,485 $7,778 $6,462 $5,701 $5,216
5% $18,871 $10,607 $7,908 $6,600 $5,846 $5,368
5.25% $18,986 $10,729 $8,039 $6,738 $5,992 $5,522
5.5% $19,101 $10,853 $8,171 $6,879 $6,141 $5,678
5.75% 6% $19,217 $19,333 $10,977 $11,102 $8,304 $8.439 $7,021 $7,164 $6,291 $6,443 $5,836 $5,996
Stamp Duty: Lease Exceed
Term Does not exceed 1 year
1 year 3 years 3 years Not defined or is uncertain Key money, construction fee etc. mentioned in the lease Duplicate or counterpart
Rate 0.25% x of the total rent payable over the term of the lease 0.5% x of the yearly or average yearly rent 1% x of the yearly or average yearly rent 0.25% x of the yearly or average yearly rent 3.75% of the consideration if rent is also payable under the lease. Otherwise, same duty as for a sale of immovable property $5 each
SPOT THE ORIGINAL FROM THE NOT Chanel launches J12 Marine diving watch.
hen mentioned Chanel, most people might think of its spectacular handbags with chain straps. Well, the market for Chanel is not limited to handbags, it is also through Chanel J12 watch that the company has achieved a substantial market share in the world luxury brand industry. Chanel hosted a cocktail for the launch of its latest addition to the J12 watch family, J12 Marine at MO Bar, Landmark Mandarin Oriental Hotel. Among the prestigious and glamorous crowd of celebrities and socialites in attendance were Joseph Cheng, Chilam Cheung, Margaret Yau, Wyman Wong, Elly Lam, Tisha Law, Charlotte Chan, Ingrid Chen, Eric Ho, Dorian Ho, Walter Hau. Chanel J12 watch collection celebrates its tenth anniversary this year by stating its identity as an authentic diving watch. At the cocktail, guests previewed the new J12 Marine which asserts its thoroughbred nature without conceding anything to aesthetics. Designed for those who love the sea, J12 Marine possesses all the attributes of a professional diving watch: a toothed, unidirectional, revolving bezel; luminescent raised hands, index and figure 12 for perfect readability in the darkness; a pierced, matt rubber strap that lets water allude to the force of currents and is highly resistant to water, shocks, scratches and ultraviolet rays.
[FACT SHEET] Case • Black high-tech sand-blasted ceramic and steel case with black rubber bracelet and blue bezel (38 and 42mm) or black bezel (42mm). • White high-tech polished ceramic steel case with white rubber strap and white bezel (38mm). • Engraved steel back. Bezel • Unidirectional rotating steel bezel, engraved and equipped with a high-tech ceramic or sapphire dial (in blue or black) for easy reading of time under water. • Luminescent dot at 12 o’clock acts as guide marker. Watch-glass • Sapphire watch crystal with a blue antireflective coating on the inside and outside (on the black version) or clear coating on the white model.
起Chanel,大家一般都會想到品牌的高級 手袋產品系列,或經典女士套裝,但其 實Chanel 也有推出時計產品, 當中J12 手錶系列,面世至今更超過十年。 Chanel J12 手錶系列最近也加入新成員,推出全新 J12 MARINE 海洋潛水錶,並於置地文華東方酒店 的MO Bar 舉行發佈酒會,請了城中名人及嘉賓包括 鄭元暢、張智霖、邱李茂琪、黃偉文、林心兒、羅 苡芝、陳姿允、陳斯允、何敬豐、何國鉦、侯維德 等,出席並欣賞J12 MARINE海洋潛水錶的精美及經 典。 為慶祝Chanel J12 手錶系列推出十週年,Chanel回 歸正統潛水錶基本步,推出J12 MARINE 海洋潛水 錶。於發佈酒會期間,一眾嘉賓率先欣賞到全新J12 MARINE 海洋潛水錶系列。 專為熱愛海洋的佩戴者所設計,J12 MARINE 海洋 潛水錶擁有專業潛水錶之各項功能特色,其中包括 單向的可旋轉錶圈;指針、刻度及數字12 均採用立 體螢光材質,以確保在幽暗中也能精密讀取時間; 鏤空的霧漆面橡膠錶帶,可使排水更為迅速順暢, 而且堅固耐用,讓它達到可防水,防震,抗磨損且 抗紫外線的功效。 h
Crown • Screw down steel crown with high-tech ceramic cabochon equipped with a crown protecter. Dial • Black or white lacquer dial. • Hands, numerals and the numberal ‘12’ is luminescent for perfect legibility in the darkness. Water-resistance • Resistant to a pressure depth of 300 metres (30 atm). Movement • Mechanical Swiss automatic movement (28,800 vibrations/hour). • Power reserve: 42 hours. • Functions: hours, minutes, seconds, date and time under water on the bezel. Bracelet • Matte rubber bracelet with openings allow water to be released from the bracelet. • Highly water resistant, shock resistant, light resistant, UV resistant composite material. Clasp • Polished and satin-finish ardillon buckle, engraved with CHANEL.
錶殼 • 錶殼為高科技精密陶瓷。 • 錶底蓋為不鏽鋼材質,並鐫刻 飾紋。 錶圈 • 單向可旋轉不鏽鋼錶圈,表面 配備高科技精密陶瓷 (藍色或 緞黑色) 或藍寶石水晶環圈, 而上方則依60分鐘刻度鑄成鋸 齒狀,以方便佩戴者精密地讀 取潛泳的時間。 • 12點鐘位置的標記配備一顆螢 光標識。 鏡面 • 藍寶石水晶鏡面雙面皆配有藍 色防反射塗層 (緞黑系列) 或 無色透明防反射塗層 (粉白系 列)。 錶冠 • 旋入式錶冠搭配高科技精密陶 瓷磨光凸圓形寶石,並配有錶 冠保護裝置。 錶盤 • 緞黑色或乳白烤漆錶盤。 • 指針、刻度與數字12均為立體 螢光材質,以方便在黑暗處精 密讀取時間。 防水深度 • 可承受相當於300米深的水壓 (即30 大氣壓)。 機芯 • 瑞士自動上鍊機械機芯 (28,800 次/小時)。 • 動力儲存:42 小時。 • 功能:小時、分鐘、秒鐘、 日期以及在錶圈上讀取潛泳 時間。 錶帶 • 霧漆面橡膠錶帶,搭配可排水 的鏤空設計。 • 可防水、防震、抗磨損及抗紫 外線的高複合材料。 錶扣 • 拋光與磨砂交替處理的不鏽鋼 針式錶扣,鐫刻CHANEL標誌。
Timothy Langston is a specialist dealer in eighteenth and nineteenth century furnishings, supplying clients with British and Continental fine art and antiques. The Langston Gallery is located at 44 Moreton Street, Pimlico, in Central London. The website is updated on a weekly basis, but for a comprehensive view of our latest stock we recommend a visit to Moreton Street and hope to welcome you to the gallery on your next visit to London.
Timothy Langston
44 Moreton Street London SW1V 2PB +44 (0)20 7821 0890
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Photos: Claudia Tse ( ©HKDR Design: Linguinii
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STIRRING UP SEXY SCENE The new drinking spot slips onto Wyndham Street
arving a slice out of Wyndham Street’s nightlife scene to create a niche of its own, is the newest bar on the block, Sliver. Offering a feature driven experience within a deceptively large 1,000 sq ft area, Sliver is the latest lounge on the strip, welcoming a stylishly savvy set of customers with a true appreciation for cool cocktails and spintacular DJs. The drinking spot is the brainchild of five Hong Kong businessmen who recognised a gap in the market for an intimate, hip, and ultra trendy concept bar along the popular Wyndham Street area. The idea was conceived over a drink in a neighbouring bar in September, and within 90 Days, Sliver was borne. The interiors were conceived & designed with the help of Manila Based Architect Joseph AdG Javier. More than just a bar, Sliver offers a seductive combination of tactile decorative details and custom built features for a cosy, friendly vibe in an energetic and hedonistic, environment. With a strong focus on serving the best cocktails in town with fresh & simple ingredients, along with their hand picked selection of Wines, Champagnes & Single Malts, an experience at Sliver promises to be a unique one. Hosting the most sought-after DJs, Sliver presents a weekly diary of exciting fixtures for customers. Every Wednesday through Saturday, Sliver’s revered resident DJs spin lounge soundscapes during Happy Hour from 5:00pm – 9:00pm, while on weekends, party-goers club out to Urban and Dance styles. In addition, Sliver plans to host Ladies Night on Wednesdays and Champagne Night on Thursdays along with regular theme nights targeted at having fun. Guest spot DJ and mixologist appearances will also be on the events calendar at Sliver. Sliver is located at 48 Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong. Tel: 2522 8318
HONG KONG 5 - 6 June 2010
Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
Complete Your Property Portfolio at The SMART Investment & International Property Expo
Keynote Speaker @ SMART Hong Kong Investment Opportunities in Distressed Real Estate Markets Worldwide Robert Moles
Chairman, INTERO Real Estate Services Current Chairman of INTERO Real Estate one of the fastest growing U.S. real estate companies and former CEO of one of the world's largest real estate firms. He oversaw Century 21®, Coldwell Banker®, Coldwell Banker Commercial®, ERA® and Sotheby’s International Realty® real estate companies, which combined have more than 13,000 franchised offices and more than 262,800 brokers and agents worldwide. Robert Moles speaks at SMART Hong Kong on opportunities for investors in distressed real estate markets worldwide. Not to be missed!
Hong Kong Property Market Update Judy Chai
Director & Co-Managing Partner Infinity Pacific Properties Ltd.
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