Oman 101
the very best of this beautiful country
hOtels culture sights activities restaurants
kanoo world traveller 2013/14
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Let us invite you to a place of unspoilt beauty. Let us immerse you in the sights and sound of shopping in the souk. Let us share our beautiful Omani culture. Let us leave you with memories that yearn for more.
Let us show you Arabian hospitality at its finest, where traditions and leisure blend seamlessly with world-class dining and the award-winning service of The Ritz-Carlton. For reservations, call 968-2479-9666 or visit
©2013 The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C.
Beauty abounds While its GCC neighbours are known for their spectacular man-made attractions, Oman is blessed with an abundance of natural wonders. Its spectacular scenery, fascinating history and diverse terrain make it unique in the region and a mustvisit for all with a sense of adventure. Here you can indulge in all manner of al fresco activities, from swimming with dolphins and scaling mountains to cruising along fjords and watching baby turtles hatch in their natural surrounds. And what adds to Oman’s uniqueness in the region is its climate, which sees its Dhofar region delightfully temperate and carpeted in greenery throughout the summer months. Bliss.
5 14
About this guide There is much to experience in Oman, which means making a list of must-dos is essential. To make that process easier, we’ve selected the 101 best things about the country and placed them into simpleto-reference sections, so you need only enjoy all this special place has to offer.
The Hotels – heart of the city or a secluded escape? You decide The Restaurants – the very best of the country’s diverse dining options The Sights and Culture– soak up the country’s natural wonders and unmissable attractions The Activities – nowhere in the GCC has more to offer the would-be adventurer than Oman
Production in whole or in part without written permission from HOT Media Publishing is strictly prohibited. HOT Media Publishing does not accept liability for omissions or errors in this publication.
Produced by HOT Media Publishing FZ LLC
Oman 101
Welcome to Oman The lowdown on getting to and around the Sultanate
Getting There
Or, if you’re after something with
Oman Air is the national airline of
a bit more leg room, use National
Oman and it serves the country
Ferries Company to transport you
The number of kilometres underground
well, with flights available from all
across the ocean. It operates a very
other GCC countries. Depending on
efficient passenger service between
where you live in the GCC you may
Muscat, Khasab, Lima and Shinas.
also have the option of driving to
If you want to hire a car and drive
Oman, and passing some fantastic
around the country yourself – and
The number of ancient forts, citadels
scenery as you do so.
we heartily recommend that you do, as you’ll encounter lots of
natural charm – you’ll find that all
Oman is a vast country but
the big-name car rental brands are
thankfully there are many means
represented in the Sultanate.
of getting around it. You’ll find
that Al Hoota Cave descends
and watchtowers that are dotted around the country
1,966 The miles of coastline that wraps
lots of taxis for hire in the different
regions of the country (particularly
The Omani Rial is the official
in the capital, Muscat), but if you
currency of Oman. Banknotes
want to travel between them, try
are available in denominations
a firm like Allo (+968 2469 7997)
of OMR50, 20, 10, 5 and 1. If you
The number of female turtles that lay
who operate a decent standard
want to withdraw your spending
their eggs at Ras al Hadd each year - a
taxi service and, better still, a fleet
money while there, you’ll find that
of 4x4s designed to take would-be
ATM machines are widely available
explorers into the desert. If you
throughout the Sultanate in built-up
want to get between places in a
areas. 1 Omani Rial is equivalent to
hurry, Oman Air operates internal
2.6 US dollars, to which the currency
flights from Muscat and Salalah.
is pegged.
Oman 101
the country
50,000 spectacle not to be missed
Annual events of note... April
Russia’s world-renowned Mariinsky Opera performs Puccini’s Madama Butterfly at Muscat’s Royal Opera House from April 19-21
Nature lovers will revel in the sight of hundreds of African migratory birds taking to the sky as they head north for the summer
Celebrate Salalah’s monsoon season at the annual Salalah Festival, an enjoyable mixture of sport, dance and music
Renaissance Day (July 23) marks the anniversary of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos’s reign
Eid al-Fitr is celebrated throughout the country, so be part of the fantastic festivities wherever you are
This month is the perfect time to head to Ras al Hadd, where you’ll witness the stunning sight of turtle eggs hatching on the beach
The National Bank of Oman Golf Classic sees the game’s European Tour stop in Oman for the first time, at Muscat’s The Wave course
National Day (November 18) is marked this month with festivities throughout the country likely spanning two days
Oman’s capital is in full bloom this month, with brightly coloured and brilliantly arranged flowers covering Muscat
Muscat Fashion Week takes place anually this month, with catwalks brought to life with creations from local and international designers
From February 11-16 the world’s top cyclists come to the country to take part in the fourth staging of the Tour of Oman
This month is your last chance to catch one of a number of cultural evenings at the ancient Al Felaij Castle Theatre, organised by the Ministry of Tourism
Oman 101
The Hotels From desert resorts to capital retreats, a plethora of properties await you...
If nothing but the best will do for
foot of jagged mountains and aside
they can’t get enough of the hotel’s
your getaway, Six Senses Zighy
a wonderful slice of pristine beach.
standout spa (Muscat’s largest) and
Bay ( – arguably the
In fact, if you’re feel like channelling
fairytale surrounds: water gardens
Gulf’s finest offering – is a must-stay.
Bond you can even paraglide your
open onto two stellar swimming
Make your way to the mountain-
way into the resort…
pools and a serene atmosphere
flanked waterways of the Musandam
High levels of luxury can also be
pervades throughout the resort.
Peninisula and you’ll find a resort fit
found at the stunning The Chedi
A short drive leads to yet more
for a James Bond movie - its built-
Muscat (
opulence, this time in the form of
from-stone villas spread out at the
Regular visitors here will tell you how
Al Bustan Palace, A Ritz-Carlton Oman 101
Opening page: Six Senses Zighy Bay. This page, top to bottom: The Chedi Muscat; InterContinental Muscat.
Hotel ( Inside, its neck-craning 38-metre-high domed lobby sets the scene for the luxuries to be found elsewhere while, beyond its walls, lush gardens come dotted with sparkling swimming pools (five in total) – the largest of which is punctuated by palm tree islands and bears an infinity edge. Dive straight in and soak up the stirring natural vistas beyond. If you feel as though you could get lost in those Omani panoramas, The InterContinental Muscat ( will serve you
‘The InterContinental Muscat will serve you well a true oasis in the city that puts you at ease’
well – a true oasis in the city, you can’t help but feel instantly at ease on seeing its groomed gardens (35 acres, no less) – plus, you can leave it all behind for a taste of the city whenever you please, thanks to the hotel’s central address. At the sumptuous Shangri-La Barr Al Jissah Resort & Spa (shangri-la. com) you’ll have your pick of not one but three hotels, which collectively form this ocean-hugging resort. Our pick is the high-end Al Husn (meaning ‘the castle’), whose white marble archways, beach-side cuisine and glorious sea vistas offer the most romantic of stays. Soak up the oceanfresh breeze from the comfort of a shady lounger on the hotel’s private beach, which by night harbours nesting turtles (you can spot them with the help of resident turtle ranger Mohammed). Magical. The Crowne Plaza Muscat ( assumes an
6 Oman 101
eye-catching position, perched
beyond the fountain-flanked
on a cliff-top, presenting you with
driveway of the Radisson Blu Muscat
city-wide views. Set in an exclusive
( This hotel is
neighbourhood, it’s little surprise
perfect for those seeking proximity
that the hotel has its own high-end
to the hustle and bustle of Muscat,
features, among them a private
but if you’re feeling the need to
stretch of caramel-coloured beach.
unwind, the sun-drenched pool area
Prefer the pool? Drink-in the sight
is just the ticket.
of the ocean from the resort’s seafacing swimming pool instead. Bliss. Also home to a fantastic pool is
Also centrally based is City Seasons ( where in-room iPod docking stations
The Grand Hyatt Muscat (muscat.
cater to music lovers and DVD, this one coming
players (just ask reception) do for
with a lazy river that snakes its way
movie buffs. Aside from the technical
round the entire beachside pool
perks, you can also be sure of eye-
area. But that’s not all this 280-room
catching rooms, all of which exude a
hotel has to offer – its restaurants
contemporary edge.
afford plenty to whet your appetite
The Platinum (theplatinumoman.
(from Italian fare to Indonesian),
com) is an Islamic hotel (dry) which
while a fitness centre and tennis
cuts a striking dash on the Muscat
courts ensure you can burn off those
skyline - its pink, handcrafted
additional calories.
stone imported from Jodhpur,
And if you need a mix of activity and relaxation, you’ll find both
India, especially for the purpose. The proximity of the government
This page, clockwise from top: Ras Al Jinz; Crowne Plaza Muscat; Masira Island Resort; Grand Hyatt Muscat.
Oman 101
ministries and embassies makes The Platinum a hit with high-powered types, although you don’t have to be a diplomat to enjoy the fine dining on offer at rooftop restaurant Samah, which also offers fine panoramas of the surrounding hills. Forty-five minutes outside of Muscat is the design-driven Sifawy Boutique Hotel ( It’s the work of Italian designer Aldredo Freda and stands at the heart of a beautifully built marina. Rooms here boast Omani-influenced European elegance, and each has a balcony from which you can look up to what’s always a star-filled sky. Amenities-wise, you’ll find it caters well to the whole family, packing in a beach, children’s and adult pools and trips to snorkel, fish or dive. It all amounts to the perfect getaway. Another off-the-beaten-track abode is the splendid Masira Island Resort (,
‘Set across the soft, sandy beaches of Mirbat Cove, Salalah Marriott Resort is swimming with marine life. Get up close to it by scuba diving or snorkelling’
a great base to enjoy the pick of Oman’s natural charms. The area hosts all four of Oman’s nesting
pool and you can soak up the sound
resort is swimming with marine life,
species of turtles and is famous
of the waves as you dip.
which you can get up close to with a
for housing the world’s largest
Water babies can’t fail to enjoy
spot of scuba diving or snorkelling.
population of Loggerhead turtles. On
the offerings at The Crowne Plaza
But if that’s a little too daring for
site, just 21 rooms make for attentive
Salalah ( either.
you, simply lay back by the resort’s
and always first-rate service.
Home to no less than three pools,
sizeable swimming pool. Likewise,
little ones (and big kids) are bound
at the Millennium Resort Mussanah
pea-green environs of Salalah are
to make a beeline for the Splash
( you cannot
sure to beckon – and all the more
Fountains and whirlpool. For more
only partake in diving and snorkelling
so in summer when it maintains
fun in the sun, but on dry land, take
but sailing, dolphin watching and
the coolest climes around, and
an afternoon stroll around its tropical
even charter a yacht, thanks to a
even experiences rain. Despite its
gardens, or partake in a spot of
private 54-berth marina. After a day
reputation for a quiet getaway, the
tennis or mini golf.
at sea, retire to one of the hotel’s 234
Elsewhere in Oman, the lush,
emerald-hued region shelters some
If watersports are your thing, you’ll
rooms, all of which fuse Arabic and
nice hotels, not least the Hilton
love the dive centre located at the
Asian styles to comforting effect.
Salalah Resort ( Make
Salalah Marriott Resort (marriott.
You’ll nod off in no time…
your way past its pillared façade, all
com). Set across the soft, sandy
the way to its standout, ocean-facing
beaches of Mirbat Cove, this beach
10 Oman 101
Alternatively, make for the region’s commercial heart and settle in at the
Previous page: Salalah Marriott Resort. This page, top to bottom: Shangri-La Barr Al Jissah Resort and Spa; Al Bustan Palace, A Ritz-Carlton Hotel.
Crowne Plaza Sohar (ichotelsgroup. com). Outside, it looks the picture of tranquillity (groomed gardens, idyllic pond and sky-scraping mountain ranges), yet inside you’ll find plenty to occupy your days. A bowling alley and snooker tables, plus a pool and spa, are but a handful of the hotel’s considerable highlights. Styled to look like an ancient Omani fort, the Sohar Beach Hotel ( looks magical at night, when subtle spotlighting picks out the ramparts, the pool beneath and the sea beyond. There are floodlit tennis courts, a gym and a choice of dining outlets on site. Lastly, two quite unique dwellings can also be found in Oman. First up is Ras AI Jinz (rasaljinz-turtlereserve. com), a turtle reserve which grants you the chance to watch the nesting process of the endangered green turtle – truly a memorable sight. The bargain price of the basic but no-less comfortable accommodation on offer here includes breakfast and that all important turtle viewing. Meanwhile, a stay at Desert Nights Camp ( will send you deep into the honey-hued Wahiba Sands and beneath a star-lit sky. But, don’t worry, you won’t need to scrimp on style – guests set up camp in one of 30 beautiful Bedouininspired tents with all the creature comforts one could need. And when day breaks you can get to grips with anything from an idle camel ride to a adrenaline-pumping dune bashing. 12 Oman 101
The Restaurants Whether it’s a genuine taste of Omani cuisine you crave, or dishes from far-flung places, the country serves up a melting pot of gastronomic delights… When it comes to food, your biggest problem in Oman may be choosing where to eat: with restaurants inside high-end hotels, cafes dotting coastlines and independent eateries besides, you really will be spoilt for choice during your stay. The trick is deciding what you want… If you’ve already been won over by Oman’s beautiful natural vistas, perhaps a restaurant with a view will tug at your taste buds most. If you want to go upscale, there are few better places to start than Six Senses Zighy Bay’s signature restaurant Sense on the Edge (+968 2673 5555). Take up a pew on its al fresco terrace and you’ll find yourself at one with the rocks, sitting atop a cliff top and admiring far-reaching views of that famous turquoise-tone sea. Happily, the cuisine is as spectacular as the vistas. Fresh fare comes plucked from the resort’s garden, fish hoisted from the surrounding ocean (Omani lobster, anyone?) and extra touches come in the form of local dates and plump figs. Come nightfall, our tip is to go the whole hog and sample the restaurant’s five-course menu. With surrounds like this, you won’t regret it. Even in the capital of Muscat you can continue to make the most of ocean views – just seek out La Mer (+968 2466 2924) along Beach Road. While there’s a healthy smattering of eateries along here, La Mer is surely one of the best seafood restaurants 14 Oman 101
Left: The Beach Restaurant, at The Chedi Muscat. This page: Sense on the Edge, at Six Senses Zighy Bay.
in town (try the ‘surf and turf’ for fat
2321 1234) at the Hilton serves up
pink prawns and tender beef) and
an equally stellar setting on the
provides a trio of seating options too
beach, this time with a menu that
– absorb the view from inside, in the
sees fish flipped, grilled and cooked
garden or on the rooftop, all of which
in all manner of styles – from Asian
have slightly different menus, all
to Arabic – promising something
entailing locally-produced food.
for everyone. Just don’t head here
Another standout option in Muscat
between June and September or
is The Beach Restaurant (+968 2452
you’ll leave empty-bellied: it closes
4343) at The Chedi Muscat resort. If
for the monsoon season.
the weather’s forgiving enough, you
If your sole aim is to sample
can’t beat a seat outside where you’ll
genuine Omani cuisine, seek out
get a taste of the beach in more ways
Kargeen Caffe (+968 2469 9055)
than one: sparkling panoramas can’t
in Muscat. The Omani word for
fail to catch your eye, while first-rate
‘little wooden cottage’, Kargeen is
seafood (from Beluga caviar to juicy
aptly-named, a fact that’s apparent
oysters) will please the palate. And if
when you set foot inside: dark Middle
your appetite always wins the battle
Eastern woods are all around, spice-
with your bank balance, go all out
toned tapestries lay underfoot and
with the lengthier degustation menu
you’re never more than a step away
and prolong that view…
from a shisha pipe. Carnivores need
Over in Salalah, Palm Grove (+968
only have eyes for one dish – ‘shuwa’. Oman 101
Order the traditional local dish
made fresh and pizzas come straight
meat just melting in your mouth. If
(usually saved for special occasions)
out of a wood-fired oven. Our tip is
you have cravings for Lebanese food,
and you’ll be brought beef or lamb,
to ask after the dishes from Italy’s
though, take a turn to Fairouz (+968
wrapped up tight in banana leaves,
Piedmont region – Chef Valdetara’s
2477 6565). Set in the same hotel’s Al
sprinkled with a generous helping of
hometown, they’re always
Mazaar souq, you’ll be privy to really
herbs and spices and served straight
particularly tasty.
tasty hot and cold mezze, great grills
out of a smouldering underground
For Moroccan meals, you simply
and authentic entertainment too (in
oven. Eaten by Bedouin and Omani
can’t beat Shahrazad (+968 2477
fact, the eatery earned its name from
villagers (they’re said to cook their
6565), considered Muscat’s ‘only
the legendary Lebanese singer).
meat for up to 48 hours), it doesn’t
authentic Moroccan restaurant’.
get much more authentic than this.
You’ll find it within the three-hotel
pick, you simply must seek out
If Oriental cuisine is your first
complex of the Shangri-La Barr
China Mood (+968 2479 9666) in
them within the walls of Oman’s
Al Jissah, inside the Al Husn hotel.
the majestic Al Bustan Palace, A
luxury hotels too. If Italian tops
On arrival you’ll find that the buzz
Ritz-Carlton Hotel. Once here you’ll
your list, you’d do well to make
surrounding the concept is well-
spend ages ‘oohing’ and ‘aahing’
reservations at the award-winning
placed – the aromatic Lamb Tajine
over its inspired décor, which blends
Tuscany (+968 2464 1234).
Tfaya is a triumph, with the tender
Chinese calligraphy, birdcages and,
Foodies will find plenty to tempt
Located within the Grand Hyatt Muscat, its Chef de Cuisine Fabrizio Valdetara not only rustles up seasonal menus but ensures pasta is
16 Oman 101
‘At Kargeen Caffe, dark Middle Eastern woods are all around and spice-toned tapestries lay underfoot’
a culinary journey from southern Europe into North Africa. And for those who just like a good cut of meat, The Radisson Blu’s Al Tajin Grill (+968 2448 7777) will sate the appetite of even the greediest carnivore. Inside it’s themed to look like an Omani fort, all decked out in ruby-red hues, but when it comes to the cuisine steak is undoubtedly a specialty. Don’t despair if you’ve brought a non-meat lover with you, though, their lobster (served on a sizzling dish) is a standout choice too. Finally, if you’re out and about in Muscat, it’s possible to stop off for a quality bite (and a shopping spree) at the Bareeq Al Shatti Mall. Inside you’ll find Wasabi Sushi (+968 2469 9490); perfect for a healthy feed, enjoyed in a cool, space-aged setting. While Ubhar (+968 9599 2710) is also home to great design – in this case it looks like you’re sitting down for lunch in a trendy home store – its modern adaptions of Omani classics will fill up bigger appetites. Elsewhere in Muscat is Mumtaz Mahal (+968 2460 5907); a choice Opposite page: Tuscany, at the Grand Hyatt Muscat. This page: Shahrazad, at Al Husn Hotel, within the Shangri-La Barr Al Jissah resort.
outside, pagoda tents – all of which
pick for lovers of Indian cuisine –
just adds to the Asian atmosphere.
huge in size, it constantly buzzes
And when you do get down to the
with customers, showing proof of its
task at hand – ordering – you’ll find
popularity. Regardless of numbers,
both Szechwan and Cantonese-styles
service is usually swift and you’ll
before you. The set menus are a safe
soon be sinking your knife into the
bet if you just can’t decide between
likes of calorific butter chicken or a
them – and make sure to try the tea
spice-infused jalfrezi – to name but
before you leave, too, as it’s poured
two tasty options.
at an impressive height from an impossibly long-spouted teapot. Mediterranean fare is,
Next door, Left Bank (+968 2468 0080) serves up good quality bites (often with inventive twists) and
unsurprisingly, the order of the day
affordable offers, as well as a stellar
at The Mediterranean (+968 2685
view. As you dine you’ll be peering
0850) in Sohar’s Crowne Plaza,
over mountain-tops and across Qurm
where you can be sure to sample
Park - a delicious reminder of your
some a la carte that takes you on
time in Oman… Oman 101
The Sights and Culture Historic tales and a rich tapestry of tradition exist within Oman – we round up the cultural highlights not to be missed… Aficionados of the arts simply must
Swan Lake and famed opera singer
interactive Children’s Museum, the
seek out the Royal Opera House
Jose Carrares among them.
aim of which is to make science fun
Muscat ( Only
The museum-hungry among you
and accessible. Parents will love its
two years old, its young years
will find a smattering of intriguing
location – it takes shape inside the
defy its architectural character:
venues, including Muscat’s Bait Al
Al Qurum’s distinctive domes – while
the spectacular building shelters
Barandah Museum, which charts
kids of all ages will happily soak up
an auditorium and concert theatre
Muscat’s tectonic plate movement
stories of how science plays a part in
as well as landscaped gardens, a
over the past 750 million years (a
their modern-day lives.
cultural market and restaurants. Not
fascinating find for any would-be
only that, but its stage has already
played host to some world-class productions and performances –
If you have little ones in tow, spare their yawns with a visit to the
Whatever your age, it’s hard not to be impressed by the Jabal Hareem Fossils. Viewed in Wilayt Khasab, some 1,600m above sea level, the
Oman 101
Opening page: Royal Opera House Muscat. Opposite page: Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque.
‘At Misfat Al Abriyeen you’ll encounter ancient buildings and quaint alleys’
marine fossils include fish and
meaning ‘Green Mountain’ – is Al
shells credited with being up to 250
Jabal Al Akhdar. It’s lower than
million years old – a time when this
Sun Mountain but a natural sight to
mountainous region lay underwater.
behold nonetheless. The good news
Mind-boggling stuff.
is your legs needn’t do all the hard
When it comes to natural sites
work this time – accessible by 4x4,
of interest, Oman has plenty more
drive to the top and pause upon its
to offer. For beauty and history
wide plateau. Once there you’ll find
combined, you can’t beat a sun-lit
yourself in a ripe world of trees that
stroll around Misfat Al Abriyeen.
bear everything from apricots and
Set in the A’Dakhiliyah Region, this
figs to apples and pears, while the
traditional and characterful village
other most noticeable difference
teeters some 1,000m above sea level,
is the climate. Bar the summer
popping up from the mountainside.
(when temperatures reach around
Here you’ll encounter ancient
22 degrees Celcius), the air here is
buildings, ageing farms and quaint
altogether cooler – so much so that
alleys, all begging to be explored.
the winter draws a temperature of
Admire the village from a distance,
less than zero Celcius and, believe
meanwhile, and you can decide for
it or not, snow has even been seen
yourself whether the hearsay is true:
dusting the peak.
houses are said to have been built
waters. Oman is home to a unique
from afar.
irrigation system known as the ‘falaj’
Also standing well above the sea is
system – and a collection that have
the Jabal Shams – in fact, at 3,004m
become known as the Five Falajs
above sea level it’s the Arabian
have made it onto the Unesco world
Peninsula’s highest peak. Translating
heritage list. Falaj Daris comprises
to ‘Sun Mountain’, the mighty
two branches and is one of the
landform earned its name because
biggest falajs in Oman, perhaps no
it’s the first – and last – spot at which
surprise given that it springs from
to witness the sun each day. Though,
the magnificent Wadi Al Abyad.
getting to the top is no picnic:
Falaj Al Khatmayn, which has an
summits and slopes make it one heck
overall length of around 2,450m, is
of a climb (though intermittent guest
known for the precision with which
houses mean the less hardcore can
its water flows, and also for the fact
break along the way). But, we think
that its course runs through Bayt
you’ll find the effort worth it to see
Ar Rudayah, one of Oman’s most
Nakhr Balcony, a deep ravine that
famous castles. Falaj Al Malaki is
splits two parts of the mountain. The
fed by a whopping 17 branches and
result? Possibly the most dazzling
is located in Wilayat Izki. Falaj Al
vista Oman can afford (so don’t
Muyassar is considered to be one
forget your camera).
of the most significant in Al Batinah
Another famous peak – this one 20 Oman 101
From rugged mountains to clear
to rise and dip so as to mimic waves
Region, and features a particularly
deep waterway. Finally, there’s Falaj
third millennium BCE and has gained
cannon openings, it’s sure to have
Al Jaylah: a still-functioning piece
world heritage recognition. But there
been a superb stronghold – as its
of Omani history. How’s that for
is more to this fort than meets the
existence today proves.
eye: as well as a defence building,
Another window into Oman’s past
it’s home to a souq and ancient
can be seen through Qalhat. The
Oman’s atmospheric forts are well
mosques. A stellar spot from which
country’s first-known capital before
worth a visit for history enthusiasts,
to survey Muscat’s port would be
the advent of Islam, it is a ruined
architecture nuts and the just plain
the two towers of the Al Jalali Fort,
Bronze Age city. While there, picture
curious. The oldest in the country,
which overlook it from a cliff-top and
its former role as a prime trading
Nizwa Fort, is perhaps also its most
can only be reached by a tiny bridge
point between Oman and other
distinctive thanks to its circular
and stairway – though sadly, we’ll
countries – until it was devastated
shape – and the fact that it’s home to
have to leave such a venture to our
by an earthquake in the 14th century.
seven wells. The form you see today
imaginations; it’s closed to visitors. If
What you can still see today, though,
took 12 years to build in the mid-17th
you want to get to grips with Islamic
is the Bibi Mariam’s Shrine, thought
century and was inhabited by the
architecture, Al Hazm Castle in the
to have been erected in honour
imam Sultan Bin Saif Al Y’aribi, who
Al Batinah region is a prime example.
of a woman who reportedly built
drove the Portuguese out of Oman.
With a ceiling supported entirely
a mosque. One relic that can’t fail
As impressive, in terms of its years, is
by grand columns, three-metre
to impress you during this trip is
the Bahla Fort which was built in the
thick walls, huge wooden doors and
the Hasat Bin Salt – a rock citing
On to more concrete structures.
Oman 101
This page, top to bottom: Jabal Shams; Nizwa Fort
inscriptions that are thought to be as old as mankind. While it may sound morbid to some, the Bat Tombs have proved an intriguing day trip for many. A collection of graves can be found here dating as far back as the third century BCE, the styles of which hint at the number of bodies buried beneath. Look out for the beehivelooking structure which would have signified up to five tombs. Another trip worth taking is the
‘Jabal Shams is the Arabian Peninsula’s highest peak. Meaning Sun Mountain, it’s the first – and last – spot at which to witness the sun each day’
Frankincense Route, unravelling the background behind the country’s huge and thriving frankincense trade. Here you can not only wander round the Land of Frankincense Museum but see the resin-bearing trees up close, which parade all the way around the Wadi Dukah and the Al Shisur Oases. Last, but not least, on your cultural radar should be the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque. In fact, if you have time for just one site, make it this. Some 300,000 tonnes of Indian sandstone were used to create it, bearing space for some 6,500 worshippers. The pièce de résistance has to be its spectacular central dome, which pierces the skyline at 50m high and is illuminated by a gold chandelier that weighs some eight tonnes. Look beneath your feet to see a 21-tonne carpet that happens to be the second largest in the world.
22 Oman 101
The Activities Whether an avid adventurer, seasoned shopper or beach bod, Oman has something for you…
If an action-packed getaway is your idea of a good time, you’re in luck: Oman’s heady mix of sand and sea serves up pursuits aplenty. Among them is the popular pastime of offroad-driving, which will have you heading out into the desert in a 4x4, action movie-style. Once there, your driver will be surfing sand dunes like a stunt man, whisking you up and down for one crazy ride – don’t eat too much for breakfast. If you prefer to be in control, why not place both feet atop a sandboard and partake in the desert equivalent to snowboarding – though be prepared to trek back to the dune’s summit after the thrill of rushing down its slopes. There’s no lifts here… Another hands-on approach comes in the form of sand cycling. Hold on tight and you can shoot down dunes at breakneck speed. The good news is there’s no need to traipse miles back to a hotel after a day in the dunes – why not spend a night or two camping in the desert? Wahiba Sands is still occupied by Bedouin tribes and is well worth setting up camp for an insight into Omani culture. On leaving the desert, swap your sand cycle for a mountain bike and head out on a trip around Omani terrain, passing boulders, rock formations and wadis as you make your way along raw, rural trails. Climbing proves a fantastic 24 Oman 101
Clockwise, from top: Offroad-driving; Fisherman; Diving with turtles at AlDimaniyat Islands Nature Reserve.
â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Pass by the spellbinding sight of rugged mountains, beneath which a peacock-green sea sparkles in the sunâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;
Oman 101
This page: Tents with mountain views. Opposite page: Camel racing. Next page: Dolphin spotting
experience in Oman thanks to the country’s unusual landscape. Hire an experienced guide, start off at Snake Canyon and make your way through the narrow gorge, cutting through the Hajar Mountains. And if your feet ache, why not take a load off by heading across while suspended from a zip wire? It’s great fun. Trekking is a prime pick too, and Oman’s wadis will make the experience all the more pleasurable due to their spectacular panoramas. Wadi Al Hawqayn is one natural phenomenon that’s well worth making your way to – climb up rocks before taking a sun-kissed dip in its natural pools. Pack a picnic and make a day of it. Caving is a great way to explore some of Oman’s atmospheric natural If you’re after an Omani experience
sites, the best of which has to be the
but enthusiastic trekkers will feel like
two-million-year-old Al Hoota Cave.
they’ve struck gold once inside. And
of a more gentle ilk, or have kids in
It’s at the foot of Jabal Shams and
if you still haven’t had enough of
tow, go in search of the surprising
spans some 4.5km, of which 500m
Oman’s rocky terrain, make sure to
array of wildlife that inhabits the
has been fitted with walkways, lights
visit Rocks Park in the Wasta region
country. There are a number of
and settings so that tourists are
– it’s full of weird and wonderful
national parks that will please both
able to fully behold the history that
sculpted rock formations.
parents and offspring alike, and none
surrounds them. On arrival, a train
If you’re more of a spectator
more so than Al Saleel National Park
will transport you to the illuminated
than a do-er, leave the action to
in the Sharqiyah Region. You’ll need
caverns and a guide will accompany
the professionals and watch some
your comfiest walking shoes to get
you on a tour, offering stories and
camel racing – believe it or not, the
around its 220sq km area, and while
facts as you move through the cave.
hump-backed creatures can speed
adults admire the scenery, kids will
along at up to 40mph. Horse-racing
have eyes on stalks for the acacia
authorities to go inside Majlis Al Jinn
is also popular in the region and is
woodland’s residents – gazelles, wild
Cave (this one is a mere 50 million
all the better when viewed at one of
cats and wolves among them.
years old) but it’s one of the largest
the country’s big annual events. The
underground caves to be found
Royal Horse Racing Festival is one
Arabian Oryx, you’ll need to make a
worldwide. Reaching it is no small
such spectacle – so join the throngs
date for the Arabian Oryx Protected
feat (a steep rope descent included),
and cheer on your favourite horse.
Area, in the Al Wasta region. Here,
You’ll need permission from the
26 Oman 101
To see the country’s famous
surface, it’s no surprise that the diving and snorkelling opportunities in Oman are excellent, with sightings a guarantee. Al-Dimaniyat Islands Nature Reserve is one credible dive site – made up of nine islands, it’s home to a 100-hectare nature reserve, including eye-catching coral reefs. Alternatively, why not hire a boat and take it easy? Sail along Musandam’s Strait of Hormuz and you’ll pass by the spellbinding sight of rugged mountains, beneath which a peacock-green sea sparkles in the sun. Best of all, you can jump off when you see fit and paddle along with flippers and snorkels to see the colourful fish flapping their fins by the rocks. Meanwhile, game fishing also makes for a memorable day out. You could catch anything from yellowfin tuna to marlin. If you’re feeling really active, head also to Masirah Island where you can
‘Kids will have eyes on stalks for the woodland’s residents – including gazelles, wild cats and wolves’
flex your arm muscles during some high-octane windsurfing. This area is a surety for wind and ample waves (some measuring up to six-feet high).
fauna erupts between the desert and
whale-spotting expedition makes
mountains thanks to a dewy climate,
for a great day out. Dolphins are
be seen away from the beautiful
creating a feeding ground for these
often seen jumping through the
beaches of Oman, like Tawi Ateer
magical-looking antelopes.
waves – and don’t be bewildered if
Sinkhole: a 975,000 cubic metre
your boat’s captain starts making
sinkhole in Dhofar, the natural
known to take flight here. Indian
clicking noises; it’s all to entice them
wonder boasts spectacular views to
Rollers, Little Green Beaters and
alongside the vessel. On a much
the inky-blue waters below. Equally
Purple Sunbirds can be spied
bigger scale, humpback and even
fascinating is the region’s Khawr
throughout the year, while all manner
killer whales have been documented
Ruri – a World Heritage-listed lagoon
of other species flutter through on
in the waters – so keep your eyes
that’s home to prehistoric ruins.
their migrations to further shores.
peeled for the magnificent creatures.
While you’re there, venture to Khawr
Some 450 species of birds are
Speaking of rarities, the Oman
If you’re making for Oman in July,
Astonishing waters can also
Al Baleed. Close by, it’s also Unesco
Botanic Gardens in Muscat is a
you’ll be there right on time for
world heritage listed and overflowing
hotbed of plants (its 42 hectacres
peak turtle-watching. The month
with historical significance.
showcase over 1,000 of Oman’s
sees over 100 turtles ambling down
species) – 80 of which you won’t find
the sands of Ras Al Jinz, with the
was that belonging to a luxurious
anywhere else in the world.
females heading ashore to lay their
swimming pool, you’ll be pleased to
eggs. A magical sight. With so many
know that Oman is home to some
fascinating finds beneath the sea’s
stunning spas, offering far more
Let’s not forget the creatures of the sea either: a dolphin- or
If the only water you had in mind
Oman 101
than just plunge pools and saunas.
the form of bustling, colourful souks
traditional folk remedies. Those
Arguably the best in Muscat is The
that deliver a genuine taste of the
staying in Salalah, meanwhile, should
Spa at The Chedi, which is set on a
country’s culture (as well as plenty
make for Al Hafah Souq. Shaded
beach - thus enabling you to listen
of treasures to take home). If it’s a
under tall coconut trees, it’s certainly
to the sound of the waves as you
traditional experience you crave,
a different environment in which to
indulge in a treatment. CHI, The Spa
save your spending money for Wilayt
shop – as are the scents that waft
at the Shangri-La Barr Al Jissah will
Badiya’s Al Mintarib Tuesday Market
under your nostrils, a result of the
give you the V.I.P. treatment – you’ll
in the eastern region of A’Sharqiyah.
plentiful Middle Eastern perfumes
be whisked to your own personal spa
With everything from daggers to
found here.
villa for one of its soothing solutions,
native palm leaves, you’re sure to
If you’re in the capital of Muscat
while if it’s an au natural approach
find a souvenir to suit, though be
though, Muttrah Souq is the place
you seek, the sublime Six Senses Spa
sure to get there early; it’s only open
to go with its myriad alleyways and
at Zighy Bay will hit the mark with its
from 6am to 10am. Ar Rustaq Souq
shop-lined side streets. What’s more,
holistic approach.
is also in the area, so head there
the tailoring here is both reasonable
afterwards, not only to trawl its
and professional – so why not bag
malls of the nearby UAE, Oman
endless goodies, but to meet locals
an outfit or suit to take home and
offers up a unique day’s shopping in
who can often be seen distributing
remind you of your time in Oman?
A far cry from the gargantuan
28 Oman 101