Bolaven Farms

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Bright-eyed Ong came to the farm with his family from the Northern Khmu village.

An Overview : Bolaven Farms : Laos Mission: A Call to Public Justice Somlee and his wife Dee do not own the land they farm and they lack the farming skills needed to produce enough food for their own survival. Instead, they settle for hunting and gathering in the forest to supplement their daily needs. Somlee and Dee never imagined they could receive training to become better farmers, much less qualify for loans to buy land. Could land ownership and a productive family farm become reality for Somlee and Dee? Pansi, a gentle fifteen-year-old girl, the oldest of five children, has never attended school and likely never will. She will more likely marry at a tender age of sixteen or seventeen and start her own family. Pansi’s life story is typical of many young girls growing up in rural Laos. Could scholarships for young girls make a difference? Landlocked Laos is one of the poorest nations in the world. The government recognizes the needs of the people and is taking steps to alleviate poverty. The National Poverty Eradication Program (NPEP) promotes gender equality, f o o d s e c u r i t y, e d u c a t i o n , Sustainable Farming Systems, and market access for crops. However, the nation lacks the resources needed to accomplish these noble aims. Could a

purpose-driven business play a contributing role?

“What the poor want is aid, but jobs – real jobs, subsidized ones. This is dignity and self-reliance are equally created for.”

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Base on this understanding, Bolaven Farms is providing dignified jobs with training in organic farming skills to our Resident Farmers, with the goal of making loans available to qualifying graduates to obtain land, food and economic security. Bolaven Farms, a business with the desire to act justly, is the leading organic grower and supplier of Bolaven Grown Coffees. Bolaven Farms manages the entire supply chain, from a coffee tree to your cup, the focus is on excellence every step of the way. Bolaven Grown Coffees are rare and distinctive, freshly roasted in Texas and deliver to your door within days to ensure quality and freshness. The Bolaven Farms Promoter who is calling on your place of business has a sample pouch of Bolaven Grown Coffee for you, free of charge. Please give us a few minutes of your time for a five minutes video presentation of Bolaven Farms.

LAOS Population ............................... 6.4 million Population (rural) ............................. 80% Family Income (rural) ............ USD300/yr Subsistence Farmers .............. 4.8 million Age 0 to 20 ...................................... 55% Life Expectancy .................... 53(F)/57(M) Ethno-Linguistic Groups .................... 147 Religions: Animists ........................................... 31% Buddhists ......................................... 61% Christians ........................................ 1.8% Land Area ........................... 236,800 km2 (About the size of Utah) Arable Land ....................................... 4% Permanent Crops .......................... 0.35%

Bolaven Farms: The Details Corporate Partnerships : A Call to Action As a Corporate Partner of Bolaven Farms, your company could align common-place coffee purchases with Corporate Social Responsibility mandates. Aside from your office coffee consumption, Co-Branding opportunities are available for your company to broadcast your strategic Corporate Partnership with Bolaven Farms. Five-pound Gift Boxes of Bolaven Grown Coffee could be sent as a gift to your valued clients to share the joy of your CSR mandates.

Raving Review : Bolaven Grown Coffees Bolaven Grown Coffees are produced and processed in the pristine environment of the Bolaven Plateau by the Laven people. Hence the origin of the name Bolaven Plateau, Bolaven in the Laven language means “The place of the Laven people”. Bolaven Grown Coffees are Strictly Hard Beans (SHB), which means the ripened coffee cherries are handpicked and passed through two floatation tests where the “Floaters” are rejected. The resulting parchment coffee is milled, graded and sorted. Only the qualifying grade 1 (SHB) green coffees are exported and roasted for your enjoyment.

BOLAVEN FARMS Farm Residents .......................... 83 Resident Farmers ....................... 59 Children ...................................... 24 Coffee Subscribers ................... 500 Corporate Partners ....................... 1 For more information, please contact: LaVern Plett (USA) Michael Templeton (USA East) Krystle Yap (Hong Kong) Sam Say

Model : Sustainability The model that is taking shape at Bolaven Farms is one of sustainability. The business will prosper by producing a quality coffee to service the demands of the marketplace. Income from the business will be invested in the community for the building up of the people. Setting an example by being sustainable ourselves, we will truly teach and model sustainability to our Resident Farmers.

“Our Resident Farmers could become proud owner of land with productive family farms. Their hope is our joy.” -Gil Suico, Agriculturist, Bolaven Farms

Bolaven Farms : Sustainable Farming System Located on the Bolaven Plateau in Southern Laos, the farm sits on 410 acres of gently sloping fertile land. At full production, the farm will produce about 200 tons of green coffee beans. Sustainable Farming System (SFS) is a proven chemical-free system which integrates Nitrogen-fixing plants with barn-kept livestock for soil fertilization. Organic fertilizer and pesticides are produced at the farm. Our Resident Farmers are contracted to stay at the farm for a two-year term. Housing, food and a living wage are provided. Graduating farmers may qualify for loans to obtain land and establish their own family farms.

Corporate Partnerships : A Call to Action Company: _______________________ Email: _____________________ Phone: _____________________ Shipping Address: ________________________________________________________________________ Product Selection: -BOLAVEN GROWN COFFEE Drip Grind ___ Whole Beans ___ -SWISS WATER Process Decaf Drip Grind ___ Whole Beans ___ Office Delivery: USD10/lb X = USD______ Gif Box: USD40/box X = USD______ Total Amount: USD________________ (payable by check on delivery)

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