LOVEQTRA 2008 Annual Report

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2008 Annual Report of Love Qinghai-Tibet Rescue & Aid (LOVEQTRA)


Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. -Robert Frost You can only find out how good your horse is on a long road. -Chinese Proverb 1



The upper stream of Yellow River. From such humble beginning these network of small water journey into one mighty river which billion of lives draw blessings from. That is also our vision for LOVEQTRA.

Journey of A Thousand Mile Dawn of a New Era By Philip “Jashi Gobu” Poh, Co-founder and President

In late 2007, against a tsunami of foreign NGOs being closed down by the Chinese government, Love QinghaiTibet Rescue & Aid (“LOVEQTRA”, p ro n o u n c e d a s l o - ve q - t r a ) w a s miraculously and providentially allowed to registered with the Qinghai provincial Civil Affair Department (“CAD”). Under the current laws g o v e r n i n g N P O s ( N o n - P r o fi t Organizations, a more appropriate term for us since the Chinese government does not allow any non-governmental organizations-NGOs-in the land), CAD is the only department that can grant legality to any NPO in China. Convicted that we are here on earth to share ourselves, resources, and love to make other’s lives better and future brighter, we asked, “What is the Big picture here? How can we use LOVEQTRA to bless more and shed light into the deep recesses of the world?”


We did not have to look further. The answer came to us. My family live and work in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The average elevation is 4,000m, with Mt. Everest soaring at 8848m down south. Early 2008, this Roof of the World we love so deeply was besieged by one of the worst snow disasters in a century. Countless crops, many animal’s and some human lives were destroyed. Because of the crackdown of most foreign NPOs due to Tibetan unrest, many kindhearted donors channeled their love to help these snow disaster victims through us. In May, when the 8.0 scale earthquake shook S i c h u a n a n d t h e w o rl d , a g a i n LOVEQTRA was one of the very few NPOs who was able to work in the frontline rescue. We are now involved in the long term rebuilding work in the quake zone. We also run a home for 40 former slave and poor girls in a land occupied

by the mysterious warlike Tibetan tribe of Golog. Redeeming these girls physically is just the first step in giving them back their worth. Looking down the road, we have education, vocational training programs to help them stand on their feet. We also sponsor students who would otherwise be unable to attend high school. On behalf of the poorest of the poor and the needy you have touched, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to friends and families around the world who partner with us in 2008. From a humble beginning of 3 people, we have impacted the lives of thousands in our first year. As the ancient Chinese saying goes, “Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” We have taken this step. How about you? would you like to be on this incredible journey with us too? Nov 2008

LOVEQTRA2008-SAVING LIVES: Disaster Relief

Saving Lives


Our Saving Lives Portfolio consists of Disaster Relief, and Redeeming Girls from slavery and poverty. The snowstorm of winter 2007/8 took the whole country by surprise. Many southern provinces like Guangdong, Yunnan, Fujian were paralyzed with no electricity, water, heat, food, communication in Jan and Feb 2007. In Northwest where we are, things got worse as the harsh winter dragged on. But the snow disaster in Qinghai was not reported much outside of the province. Some did not want to draw more attention to this part of the country because of the March 14 incident which triggered a lot of unrest across all Tibetan areas. Nonetheless, the provincial government, who was familiar with snow disasters, was struck with what they have since called “the Worst Snow Disaster of the Century.” It delivered a deadly blow to lives of many nomads and farmers in Qinghai, most of them Tibetans. By the first week of March, the official report (Report of Disaster Relief

“We are facing one of the worst snow

disasters in many years...Love Qinghai Tibet Rescue & Aid came to our people’s rescue. They are a good friend of the government, a friend who is close to the hearts of the people...” Darlat County Government Brief, 15 Mar 2008

materials there. In fact, some workers from another local agency perished on the same road. The government was pleased with LOVEQTRA’s contribution in saving lives. The offered us accolades, thank you letters and even a piece of 5,000m land to “do whatever you think is fit.” With the generosity of so many people and organizations around the world, we managed to ship 120 tons of food, medicine, clothes, shoes, sunglasses, blankets, fuel to benefit more than 1,000 households in Darlag, Gabde, Maqen, Maduo counties of Division of Qinghai Civil Affair Department, No. 36, 11 March 2008) Golog Prefecture; Zekog, and Henan counties of announced 72,000 death in livestock, 310 million livestock Huangnan Prefecture (all Tibetan). We also bought more bordering death, 700602 population in crisis, and direct than 25 yaks for nomads in Golog and Yushu Prefectures. economic loss of more than CNY 500 million. By the time the snow eased in May, the loss were undeniably more severe than that previously reported. At the same time, due to (primarily) the aforementioned riots, the government swiftly closed down many foreign NPOs and foundations. As a result, LOVEQTRA became one of the very few legal and legitimate local NPOs who could channel funds and aid into the affected areas. We believe that LOVEQTRA was set up for times such as these, and we took our mandate seriously. The roads to these snow bound areas were treacherous: we almost lost our lives transporting aid

Top: Mountain of Food and Clothing from LOVEQTRA to the victims Bottom: Valley of Dry Bones. Tens of thousands of livestock died of starvation in the snow disaster.



LOVEQTRA2008-SAVING LIVES: Disaster Relief

Saving Lives

“This earthquake has destroyed everything I have and known about life”

Disaster Relief

Wenchuan (Sichuan) Earthquake

At 1428 hour, 12 May, an earthquake measuring at 8.0 on the Richter scale shook Asia and changed the face of Sichuan forever. This land, famous traditionally for pandas and spicy cuisine, now cries out helplessly to the world. Thankfully the Chinese government’s response has been swift and decisive. The proper name for this quake is Wenchuan Earthquake”, named after its epicenter. The official death toll is short of 90,000, but we who worked at the frontline easily place it at at least 200,000. Regardless, it is not possible to put a number on the suffering and loss of the quake victims. Philip rushed to the frontline the second day after the quake. He served there with our partner Holy Love Foundation (a 15-year old local Sichuan NPO) at the frontline until early June. From May 13 onward Philip participated in the Search And Rescue operation in ZimeiQiao (Anxian), which eventually saw the evacuation and rescue of more than 8,500 victims. For 2 weeks in June Philip then participated in the preliminary rebuilding work at a camp for the quake children in Mianzhu.

-Graffiti of a 9 year old

After coming back from the quake zone, Philip had to undergo a debriefing and counseling session to overcome his Post Trauma Stress Syndrome. He was one of the lucky ones: many frontline workers never got proper debriefing and are now reaping the negative effects in their lives. Because of this, we have decided to focus the next 10 years on Rebuilding Lives Through Psychological Treatment and Counseling. Thankfully an organization from the Netherlands has agreed to fund us and Holy Love a vehicle and some initial running cost for our Mobile Counseling, Psychological Treatment, and Youth Training Station. The Earthquake devastated a wide range of areas. This mobile station allows our team of psychologists and counselors to move around on regular basis with a team of among the quake children in the scattered quake zones. We are in for the long haul to help building their lives. private counseling file with our experts; 2. After 3 months we aim to stabilize our team and have a systematic program. C!nseling Center on Long term goals: 1. To have a healthy and productive post-Wenchuan Earthquake generation; 2. To train up workers to Wheels contribute to the long term Rebuilding The concept of a Mobile Counseling, Work in the quake zone. Psychological Treatment, and Youth Training Station is a novelty and an innovation by itself. We came up with this We have chosen to focus on rebuilding the idea to solve the problem of covering lives of children and youth, including students scattered over a wide quake areas. special needs children. The reason is that Instead of them coming to a city to seek we and our partner Holy Love have a counseling, which they would not do, we will go to them. This project’s short term combined 18 years of expertise and goals: 1. Within a year, we aim to screen experience in helping special need children We are partnering with more than 5,000 students and to stabilize and youth. our target group to a manageable size of counselors and psychologists from overseas no more than 3,000 students. Each will in this long term outreach and service. establish a professional relationship and

Building Lives

Why Children?

Carrying Each Other’s Burden “We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love our brothers.” -Yohannan bar Zebedee



Building Lives: Human Aid Special need adults at XSWC

What makes us

The lines tell it all

Full tummies at HSH

Will she survive to adulthood?

tick: our Vision & Mission

Transforming Generations, Restoring Lives through Transforming Minds, Restoring Hearts. Our mission is to execute justice for the oppressed, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, set

free the prisoners, lift up the bowed down, and uphold the fatherless and the widow. We started our Building Lives Portfolio in our preLOVEQTRA years: with a Girls Home in 2005 and High School Scholarship Program in 2007. Today this portfolio focuses on the poorest of the poor and most needy. It encompasses two sections: a. Human Aid, where we provide direct aid like food, clothing items, coal, animals, vitamin pills, medicine, blankets to S e n g ch u m d ro k m o G i rl s Home, Huangnan Prefecture Children’s Home, Xining Social Welfare Center; b. Education, where we provide scholarships for high school students who would otherwise not be able to afford to continue their high school. Sengchumdrokmo Girls’ Home (SGH) In 2005 Dockpo, LOV E QT R A’s c o founder and chairman, donated his family house for h o u s i n g re d e e m e d slave and poor girls in the Tibetan grasslands. Situated in the county town of Darlat (4,100m), Golog Tibetan A u t o n o m o u s Prefecture, SGH now houses 40 redeemed girls. It is fully accredited and receives constant praise from the government. Some girls we bought back from the grips of slavery, some from poverty. There are also some whose parents are just too poor to keep them (surviving on less than USD 0.10 per day). So they gave their daughters to us in order to get a much better chance to life and education with us. We house, clothe, feed, treat, and educate these girls, age ranging from 5-15. Due to the hard access (10-12 hours drive from Xining, the provincial capital on a partially dirt road ), it costs us CNY350 (USD 52) to sponsor each child each month. This sum covers


the child’s food, clothes, medicine, stationery, hygiene items, and miscellaneous fees at school. Currently we own, manage, and run SGH. We are finalizing with one organization to sponsor monthly for a year our 40 girls. Under our Fortified Education Program, we hope by 2009 to be able to send foreign teachers to station there to teach subjects like Practical Eng lish, Computer, World Philosophies and Religions. Thanks to an organization from Hong Kong, this summer we got fund to build and equip the kitchen and dining room, and a computer classroom for the girls. This winter they no longer have to squat in the cold to have their meals. However, there are still many needs like proper latrine and hot shower room, computers, playground, books for library, etc. Right now everyone goes to an outhouse with a half-finished wall 15m from the main building (right picture), and they are not able to take showers regularly. We also need qualified counselors, chaperones, a c c o u n t a n t , p ro j e c t manager for the home. Our long term plan for these girls is to give them back their self worth. This will necessitate systematic counseling, education, vocational training to help them stand on their own feet instead of constant reliance on hand-outs. Their future is in our hand, and we take our mandate seriously. Would you help us to help them realize their dream?


Some stories you’ll never hear... Lhamo (age 7) lived with her mother, grandmother and 5 siblings, all have different fathers. Since everyone but 1 child in the household was female, the family was vulnerable to men who always come to take advantage of Lhamo’s mother in the night. This is a common problem for women in Tibet, accounting for many illegitimate children. She has been with us at SGH since 2007. Tserang (age 14) grew up in a well to do nomad family. She was her parents’ only child. Growing up she used to play with their family's yaks. Her father owned hundreds of yaks, which in local economy equates to

wealth (each yak costs more than 2,000 Chinese yuan). When she was 8, her father went into town, and got into gambling. In one single night, he lost 70 of his yaks. That did not sober him up. Within a year, Tserang's father gambled away his entire family fortune. Stricken with poverty, Tserang's parents sold her to another rich relative for food and some cash. Tserang's relative treated her as slave. She had to start working at 4 am until 12 pm, sometimes beyond that. There was no end to her misery, since she was not trained to do menial work. Tserang spent her days and nights crying, but nobody cared. After a long and hard negotiation, LOVEQTRA redeemed her for more than CNY3,000 (USD441). She wants to be a teacher one day. also received sponsorship from other agencies and individuals. Still, we give as and when we have funding designated for them. We do not manage HCH. HCH is about 2 hours drive from Xining the provincial capital. Visiting Service Team (VST)

Xining Social Welfare Center (XSWC)

(fridge, sterilizer, ventilators), medical supplies, etc.

XSWC was built in the early 80s of the last century. To date it has not had any renovation. The situation inside XSWC is simply starling. Almost 160 so called “3 Have-nots” adults (Have not family and relatives, income and support, and ability to live an independent life), mostly special needs, cramp in limited space and share one pubic latrine. They have just enough food each day to keep them going from one day to another. They take a few showers a year. They have no new clothes, underwear, and shoes. XSWC is understaffed; they desperately need volunteers and qualified social workers to counsel these weathered elders, yet they could not interest many people to come and help. XSWS is also the final destination for orphans at the Xining’s Children Home if they do not get adopted or acquire skill to live an independent lives (many are special needs.)

There are great opportunities to serve. We need your financial help to make the new XSWC a livable place for these lovely elders. We need your professional help if you are a doctor, nurse, social worker, counsellor, manager, therapists who could spend either short or long term here (must speak mandarin for long termers).

We partner with a wonderful church from Hong Kong to bless them with some winter clothes, thermal socks, chairs and lockers in Christmas of 2007. The government decides finally to move XSWC to a new venue in 2009. This new place will have 28,300 m2, offering 500 beds. With the move in sight, the new XSWC is still in need of CNY 764,170 (USD 112,400) worth of basic items such as kitchen utensils (noodle machine, pots, pans, stoves), Electronics


Huangnan Prefecture Children’s Home (HCH)

HCH was set up by the provincial government in the county town of Jianza (1,800m) in 2007. By 2008 it houses 300 orphans from 4 county towns of Huangnan (meaning “South of Yellow River”) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. The government and some individual donors provided the fund for hardwares (building). In winter of 2007 LOVEQTRA raised awareness and funds to bless these children with food, medicine, vitamin pills, clothing so that they could have a warmer winter and fuller stomachs. Later in 2008, HCH

We have for the past 3 summers faithful medical and dental teams who have come to bless the people of Qinghai. In 2006 and 2007 50+ dentists and oral hygienists from Hong Kong and Taiwan served close to 1,000 patients. In 2008, the Taiwanese team joined force with a prestigious hospital experts to offer free consultation and treatment on Inner Medicine, Pediatrics, Gynecology, and Dentistry. We are planning to bring them into Tibetan areas again in the summer of 2009. These volunteers have taken no-pay leave, braved the harsh environment and long journey to serve the needy and poor thousand miles away from their home. Many find the experience rewarding and have been coming back each year! If your team has any special interest in teaching English, Computer, etc; or you are a therapist, nurse, children worker, geriatric worker, Child psychologist/ counselor, etc, and are looking for a fun and rewarding summer/winter experience serving the poor and needy in forgotten corners of the world, feel free to contact us for VST opportunities! It could be your best life experience yet...


Building Lives: Education

High School Scholarship Program Since spring of 2006 the government has provided “free” first 9 years of schooling (6 years of primary, and 3 years of junior high school) for rural and mountain kids. The smart ones going beyond junior high find themselves in a dilemma because Senior High School is no longer free. To keep them in school, we started our High School Scholarship Program (HSSP) in Sep 2007 by sponsoring 25 students in Qinghai & Gansu Tibetan areas. If you would like to realize their dream, it only costs you CNY 850 (USD 125) per year to sponsor a student in 2008-2009 school year. Your USD 125 covers about 85% of all their school and living expenses. They will learn to make up the other 15% themselves. We can sponsor more students if you ask your friends, neighbors, colleagues to each sponsor one student a year! Gombo Jie “I was born in a poor family, we have always had trouble with providing financially for my education needs. Especially after starting high school, it would have been extremely difficult without your great help. Now we do not need to worry at all concerning this thing. Right now all I have to do is focus on being a hard working student. In the previous semester’s final tests, I have noticed progress in my grades. I am ranked number 2 in all my class, which is not bad. But I still do not want to be lax in my studies. This next semester I hope to keep doing well and work even harder to be the best in all of my classes, giving it all I have. I hope to still ‘go up’ a level in my scholastic performance. Did you know? I have been very happy this last semester, and content. During my semester, I had opportunities to look at many extra-curricular books. I also was able to make many new friends in this last season, including a special friend named Wadma Drolma. Because of these extra activities, I am now a more lively and free-spirited girl. All of these great things are a consequence of your help to me. Though we are so far away from each other, I still want to send my sincere gratitude to you. Thank you for your financial gift and you support to me. Finally, I want to wish you and your family health and prosperity.” -- Gombo’s Letter to her sponsor Renchen Drashi Renchen comes from a poor farming family. He lives with his 82 year old grandfather who has been sick for the last 8 years. His grandmother also suffers many physical hardships; she has lost most of her ability to see. Renchen's parents often work different menial jobs in order to provide for him and his brother to go to school. Renchen was born with cleft clip and cleft palate. It was too much for the family to fix his conditions, so they left Renchen as he was. Unable to neither speak nor eat properly, Renchen suffered much physically, psychologically and emotionally growing up because of his handicap. This year, at age 16, an opportunity became available in the Qinghai Provincial Hospital for a fully sponsored cleft-palate operation. Our friend applied for him and drove him for 3 hours to the hospital. The operation went smoothly. Since then he has reentered school and caught up with his homework. Just like many of Renchen’s fellow students, he has a desire to go to a good University. But unlike the others, he is showing exceptional potential by working hard as a student. His teachers have made it clear that Renchen is outstanding in his work and commitment to do well in his studies. He is especially strong in Chinese, which will undoubtedly give him many opportunities in his future. After graduation, he could become a teacher, or perhaps go on to graduate studies and broaden his career possibilities. Songji Xiam Songji is from a farming area in the Repgong County. His lives at home with 7 family members, including his 75 year old grandfather. Both of his parents do manual work in their area in order to provide for his family. It has been hard to keep everybody in Songji's family well fed and clothed this season. One of Songji's sisters, though she wanted to study in high school, was not able to do so because of the lack of means available. She is now farming the fields. “My name is Songji Xiam, a second year student of the Minorities High School of the HuangNan Prefecture. My biggest goal for my education career is that I place into a Beijing University and study psychology. Thank you guys for giving me hope and an opportunity for a future in my academics. If it was not for you, I would not be able to dream as I do now. Just like a flower with an opportunity to grow, I hope to develop and be all that I can become with a good education. Because of the financial help you are to me, I do not have to worry about the money burden we used to have and can focus primarily on my studies. Just like the sun rays that give opportunity to grow, your support has given me hope. Finally, I wish you great health and the best of luck in all of your pursuits.”


--Songji’s Letter to his sponsor


Coming Soon...

Vocational Training Center If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest. - Benjamin Franklin

If Heaven made him, earth can find some use for him. - Chinese Proverb

We live in an ever changing world today. The global economy is in ICU. The US has just had her historic first half-black president. Both Mainland China and Taiwan governments have just made history by opening up direct mail, cargo and civilian flight routes on the strait. But on the snowy mountains where we live and serve, the denizens still face one perpetual challenge as those before them have faced for eons: survival. Since our inception, LOVEQTRA has been speaking out for those who cannot speak out, helping those who are unable to help themselves. We do not foresee our direction to change significantly in 2009. We will continue to focus on Saving Lives and Building Lives. On Saving Lives, we will look out for a fitting role we can play in Disaster Rescue and Relief work, and Redeeming girls from slavery. On Building Lives, we now focus on raising fund and awareness for improving facilities for: 1. our Girls Home in Golog; 2. Xining Social Welfare Center. We also ask for more sponsors to enable more students to go to high school in our High School Scholarship Program. We are rolling out our 10-year Mobile Psychology and Counseling Station with Holy Love in Sichuan. Ultimately, if like us, you think educating the young generation is the way forward in the long run, we invite you to


partner with us in our Vocational Training Center (VTC) project. The vision of this project is to teach the poor how to fish instead of giving them fish every day. Our planned VTC is located at the south-side of the famous Lake Kokonor and offers a spectacular view of the lake and mountain range. It is built upon the infrastructure of a high school, on a piece of 35,000m2 land. We are at the last stage of securing all the necessary government papers. We plan initially to offer Tibetan youths career training on Construction and Building, Agriculture, Food Production (Cheese and Sausage), Cooking, Tourism (Tour guide, Mountain guide, Handicrafts). We are looking for sponsors to help with our hardware building cost, running cost for the first 3 years, qualified teachers to come develop the curriculum, teach and empower these mountain children. We at LOVEQTRA have been much blessed by being a blessing to others. If you would like to share in and make our joy complete, consider being a blessing in any way to these poorest of the poor and most needy at the Roof of the World as well! there is always room for you on this incredible journey!


Just thought you might wanna know...

Who Are We

Love Qinghai Tibet Rescue & Aid (LOVEQTRA) is a China registered nonprofit, non-government charitable organization (registration no: [Qinghai] 63070165). Our organizational vision is Transforming Generations, Restoring Lives through Transforming Minds, Restoring Hearts. Our mission is to execute justice for the oppressed, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, set free the prisoners, lift up the bowed down, and uphold the fatherless and the widow. Our flagship Operation W.O.R.T.H. centers on Women Oppressed by & Redeemed from Traditional Hegemony (W.O.R.T.H.) It is a 10-year program designed to systematically Rescue, Empower, Assist, Commission and Train women who are and/or have been oppressed by the traditional system, cultural bias and heritage where they are born and live. We carry out Operation W.O.R.T.H. through our two main portfolios: Saving Lives; and Building Lives. LOVEQTRA is headquartered at Xining (2300m), Qinghai province, PR of China.

Where & Who Do We Serve We focus on the poorest of the poor, the most needy group in Qinghai, Sichuan, Tibet Autonomous Region. We work among mostly, but not exclusively, ethnic Tibetans living in grassland between 3,000m to 5,000m. We also work among the homeless and helpless in the city and town areas; the “3 Have-nots” group-no family and relatives, income and support, and skills to live an independent life; the Special Needs; the disaster victims. Our short term and immediate goal is Saving lives. Our long term goal is Building Lives, i.e., to train and equip these poor and needy to become self sufficient where possible. Our project sites in 2008 include Qinghai Province - Xining city; Darlag, Gabde, Maqen, and Maduo Counties of Golog Tibetan Prefecture; Zekog and Henan Counties of Huangnan Tibetan Prefecture; Sichuan Province - quake zones at Anxian, Mianyang, Mianzhu Counties.

How You Can Play A Part Be a Volunteer! Organize a Visiting Service Team! Donate your professional skills and time to Teach, Train, Equip, Cure, Bless, Comfort, Counsel, Build, Empower, Serve long term! Be our ambassador and help us spread the word! Be a financial Donor! Bank's Name: "Bank of China Ltd" 中国银行 SWIFT CODE: BKCHCNBJ280 A/C Name: LOVE QINGHAI TIBET RESCUE & AID OR LOVEQTRA HKD account #: 348006024578092013 CNY account #: 348006024578091001 EUR account #: 348006024578092038 USD account #: 348006024578092014 CAD account #: 348006024578092028 AUD account #: 348006024578092029 GBP account #: 348006024578092012 Branch Name: Guchengtai Fenlichu ( 古城台分理处), Xining (西 ), Qinghai (青海) Bank address: Guchengtai Fenlichu ( 古城台分理处), Xining (西

) , Qinghai (青海)

For all inquiries please write us: 1104 Shi, 2# Lou, WuHuanShuanSha, BeiXiaoJieKou, ChengbeiQu, Xining Qinghai PR China. Email: Tel/Fax: +86-971-8161198 (office).



Love Matters What We Have Received From You & How We have Used them HCH CNY




Snow Disaster Earthquake SGH 702527

175829 1001379

Scholarship 13712

Total Proceeds Received (Funds & Goods) Huangnan Children’s Home Xining Social Welfare Center Snow Disaster Wenchuan Earthquake

4% 1%2%

Sengchumdrokmo Girls Home High School Scholarship Snow Disaster Project includes: Food (Flour, Rice, Oil, Noodles, etc) (20.5%), Yaks (3.3%), and Goods (Clothing, Blankets, Shoes, Socks, etc) (7.4%) for Darlag, Gabde, Maqen, Maduo Counties of Golog Prefectures; Food (Flour and Rice) for Zekog (1.1%) and Henan (1.1%) Counties of Huangnan Prefecture; Sheep and new roofs for Zekog county (3.8%) of Huangnan Prefecture. Sengchumdrokmo Girls Home Project project includes: Building (new dorms, classrooms, kitchen, etc) (41.5%), Living expenses (5.7%), Goods (Clothing, Shoes, etc) (2.8%)







Snow Disaster Earthquake SGH 701500

Huangnan Children’s Home Xining Social Welfare Center Snow Disaster Wenchuan Earthquake Sengchumdrokmo Girls Home High School Scholarship Project Mgmt & Admin Snow Disaster Project includes: Food (Flour, Rice, Oil, Noodles, etc) (20.5%), Yaks (3.3%), and Goods (Clothing, Blankets, Shoes, Socks, etc) (7.4%) for Darlag, Gabde, Maqen, Maduo Counties of Golog Prefectures; Food (Flour and Rice) for Zekog (1.1%) and Henan (1.1%) Counties of Huangnan Prefecture; Sheep and new roofs for Zekog county (3.8%) of Huangnan Prefecture. Sengchumdrokmo Girls Home Project project includes: Building (new dorms, classrooms, kitchen, etc) (41.5%), Living expenses (5.7%), Goods (Clothing, Shoes, etc) (2.8%) Project Management & Administration include communication, IT, office expenses, transportation, lodging, meals, and incidental costs for our team to go to project sites, and salaries for local staffs (starting Oct 08)




Scholarship Mgmt & Admin 13712


Total Proceeds Used (Funds & Goods)

4% 1% 1% 2%




“It " more blessed to give $an to receiv%”

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