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GENOVA FALL 2010 CAF - Clemson University

Students: Michael Beveridge Lauren Chapman Honor Cosentino Ben Higgins Dianah Katzberger Whitney Jordan Rebecca Mercer Adrian Mora Vanessa Reyes Max Streeter Melissa Warren Henry Wilkinson Heather Zhang Faculty Henrique Houayek* - Professor in Residence Luca Rocco Alessandro Rocca Giuditta Poletti Saverio Fera Administrator Silvia Siboldi Staff: Cristina Lagomarsino Lucia Ruggiero * Spouse Kelly Houayek


Students, faculty and staff at the Villa Party September 24 2010 Charles E. Daniel Center for Building, Research and Urban Studies Via Privata Piaggio 14, 16136 Genova, Italy 3

Genova Harbor






Vitra Campus




Vigevano wall


Genova Piazza 1 Piazza San Matteo 2 Piazza San Lorenzo 3 Piazza San Matteo 4 Piazza Fontane Marose 5 Piazza del Ferro 6 Piazza Luccoli






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Piazza San Matteo Henry Wilkinson


Piazza San lorenzo Dianah Katzenberger


Piazza Luccoli Melissa Warren


Piazza San Matteo Lauren Chapman


Piazza Fontane Marose Heather Zhang


Piazza del Ferro Honor Cosentino


Piazza Giacomo Matte otti Vanessa Reyes


Piazza del Ferro Whitney Jordan


Sketches: Sketching the Villa Porta Soprana Arco di Cadutti Piazza de Ferrari Genova Harbor Palazo Bianco Cinque Terre Casa del Fascio Group Trip 1 Independent Travel Pompei Villa Adriana Vaticano Roma Firenze



Top Left: Michael Beveridge Lower Left: Whitney Jordan Top Right: Melissa Warren Lower Right: Honor Cosentino 20

Sketching the Villa

Right: Adrian Mora Top Left: Heather Zhang Bottom Left: Max Streeter 21

Porta Soprana

Left: Michael Beveridge Right: Heather Zhang


Arco dei Caduti

Right: Heather Zhang Top Left: Melissa Warren Middle Left: Adrian Mora Bottom Left: Max Streeter 23

Piazza de Ferrari

Top: Heather Zhang Middle: Adrian Mora Bottom Michael Beveridge 24

Genova Harbor

Top: Right: Adrian Mora Bottom Right: Dianah Katzenberger Top Left: Heather Zhang Middle Left: Max Streeter Bottom Left: Honor Cosentino 25

Palazzo Bianco Via Garibaldi

Left: Rebecca Mercer Top Right: Dianah Katzenberger Middle Right: Heather Zhang Bottom Right: Max Streeter 26

Cinque Terre

Top: Whitney Jordan Bottom Left: Ben Higgins Bottom Right: Rebecca Mercer 27

Casa del Fascio

Casa del Fascio, Como: Michael Beveridge 28

Top: Window order at a Palace in Via Garibaldi: Adrian Mora Bottom Left - Porta del Battistero Firenze: Max Streeter Bottom Middle: Michael Beveridge Bottom Right - Window of the Palazzo Ducale di Venezia: Michael Beveridge 29

Venice Canal: Ben Higgins 30

Group Trip1

Castelvecchio; Verona: Vanessa Reyes 31

Notre Dame du Haut chapel; Ronchamp Top: Max Streeter Bottom: Dianah Katzenberger 32

Group Trip 1

Top - Fire Station at Vitra: Whitney Jordan Bottom Right - Gipsoteca Canoviana: Max Streeter Bottom - Left Nordic Pavilion Venice Bienale: Henry Wilkinson 33

San Pietro in Montorio; Rome: Henry Wilkinson 34

Independent Travel

Louvre Museum, Paris: Heather Zhang 35

Left: Brandenburg Gate; Berlim: Vanessa Reyes Right: Trinity College Arch; Dublin: Rebecca Mercer 36

Independent Travel

Ville Savoye, Le Corbusier; Poissy France: Heather Zhang 37

Barcelona Skyline: Ben Higgins 38

Independent Travel

On top of Latterbarrow, England: Adrian Mora 39

Left - St Paul’s Cathedral : Rebecca Mercer Right - St Paul’s Cathedral : Dianah Katzenberger


Independent Travel

Top Left - WestministerPalace : Rebecca Mercer Middle Left - Westminister Palace: Honnor Consentino Bottom Left - British Museum: Honnor Consentino Right - Big Ben Tower: Max Streeter 41

Top: Stonehenge, England: Adrian Mora Bottom - Lake Distric, England: Max Streeter 42

Independent Travel

Highlands, Scotland Castle: Whitney Jordan 43

Top - Greek Sculptures: Heather Zhang Bottom Left - Woman Sculpture in Barcelona: Melizza Warren Bottom Right - Nettuno de Bologna: James Beveridge 44

Independent Travel

Right - Michelangelo Rebellious Slave, Louvre Museum: Lauren Chapman Top Left - Alberto Giacometti Sculptures: Max Streeter Bottom Left - Eeastern Island totem, British Museum: Max Streeter 45

Notre Dame Cathedral Paris Left: Lauren Chapman Right: Dianah Katzenberger 46

Independent Travel

Eretteu in Acropolis; Greece: Heather Zhang 47

Top - Castello Estense, Ferrara: Henry Wilkinson Bottom Left: Palazzo Re Enzo: Michael Beveridge Bottom Right: Aqueduct: Michael Beveridge 48

Independent Travel

Right - Moulin Rouge; Paris : Lauren Chapman Top Left: Park Guell; Barcelona: Ben Higgins Bottom Left - Nemo; Amsterdam: Dianah Katzenberger 49

Left: Lauren Chapman Top Right: Max Streeter Bottom Right: Max Streeter 50


Left: Rebecca Mercer Right: Rebecca Mercer 51

Villa Adriana

Top Left: Whitney Jordan Bottom Left: Dianah Katzenberger Top Right: Vanessa Reyes Bottom Right Whitney Jordan 52


St. Peter’s Basilica: Heather Zhang 53

Left - Palazzo Barberini Staircase: Max Streeter Top Right - Spanich Steps: Heather Zhang Bottom Right - Roman Forum: Lauren Chapman



Piazza Navona: Dianah Katzenberger


Duomo: Heather Zhang 56


Right Giotto’s Bell Tower: Max Streeter Left - Townscape: Heather Zhang 57

Contemporary European Architecture

The CEA (Contemporary European Architecture) seminar focused on a selected number of relevant personalities, projects and theories of the European architectural culture. Through the critical examination of some architectural samples, we have explored the different ideas and theories about space, technology, and lifestyle. The period of observation is fragmented through the last ninety years. The course will treat the works of some European masters of the Twenties and Thirties of the last century; architects, theories and works of the second half of the last century; buildings, projects and new topics of the first years of this century. A part of the course was dedicated to the thinking, designing, writing and editing an architectural book. A personal production where the students were asked to fix and discuss ideas, concepts and critical observations suggested from the topics treated in class. The books have shown a clearly organized collection of illustrations, texts, drawings and any kind of architectural material, and also reported about other topics, as the trips and visits made during the semester.



Studio Projects

One of the most important considerations for your semester studies at Genoa is to understand the city’s urban context and its architecture. This semester’s studio project focused on the design of a building at the heart of the harbor area, the Piazza di Caricamento. The project challenged students in how to replace the existing Generali Building, for a building that would be more appropriate for the Ripa – the Genovese harbor front - and the city. The Generali Building is the only contemporary building in the area, built after the existing block was bombed in WWII attacks to Genova. Main design challenges came in the understanding Genova’s rich medieval urban form and how to translate cultural and regional aspects into contemporary design. Students worked in groups of two – mixing undergraduate and graduate students – analyzing and developing design solutions for the area.



Ben Higgins Melissa Warren


Whitney Jordan Dianah Katzenberger


Max Streeter Adrian Mora


Michael Beveridge Lauren Chapman


Honor Cosentino Vanessa Reyes


Rebecca Mercer Heather Nam Zan


This book has been produced by Henrique Houayek during the fall 2010 semester. It is a sample of the students experiences and their work produced while living at the villa . 68

The Charles E. Daniel Center for Building, Research and Urban Studies was founded in 1972 by Harlan Ewart McLure and Cesare Fera as one of the first architecture programs in the US to establish a satellite program in Europe. Since its creation the Genova program has serve as home for Clemson University, captivating and inspiring countless architecture students. The program balances studio experience with studies of Italian architecture, contemporary design, urban practices, culture and field sketching. Students spend about a third of the 15-week semester traveling around Italy and Europe. A resident professor from Clemson is assisted by Italian professors who also practice architecture in Genoa. Visiting critics and lecturers from Italy and Europe come to the center on a regular basis to lecture and critique student work. This book presents the work produced during the fall semester of 2010 with particular emphasis on student’s sketches and field studies.

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