keebe 飯店指南 0715

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旅店指南全書目錄 Contents······················· 1 迎賓 Introduction··························· 1 關於集好旅店 About KEEBE Hotel···················· 1 樓層介紹 Floor Plan·························· 1 集好服務 Guest Service························· 1 電話使用指引+電話收費價格表 Telephone Instruction············ 1 電視頻道表 TV Channel························· 1 交通資訊 Transportation························· 1

旅客住宿須知 Terms And Conditions··················· 1 安全防護指引 In Case of Emergency··················· 1 客房備品價格表 Room Amenities Price List ················ 1



迎 賓

親愛的貴賓 Dear guests 歡迎來到基隆KEEBE Hotel集好·旅店! 本服務指南 涵蓋旅店完整的指引及資訊,如有任何相關疑問,請直 撥分機9,由櫃檯人員為您服務。 再次感謝您選擇入住KEEBE Hotel集好·旅店,願您 能度過美好的夜晚!

Welcome to the KEEBE Hotel This Hotel Service Directory contains comprehensive directions and information about our Hotel. Should you have any further inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact our Guest Service Team at extension 9. Once again, thank you for choosing KEEBE Hotel and we wish you a memorable stay. Yours sincerely, KEEBE Hotel

KEEBE Hotel 集好·旅店 敬啟

傳真電話 +886 2 2420-2879 旅店網站 連絡我們 訂房專線 +886 2 2420-1166



關 於 我

旅店概念融入港城海色、礦源山巒、人文美食,集結所 有本地特色的好,打造基隆前所未有的年輕新氣象,以 雅緻色調的體驗旅店為主軸。 氣味,比起其他知覺體驗,更有誘發情緒的能耐,讓人 心情放鬆、滿心歡喜或撩撥慾望,能激起對人和食物的 熱情,也是喚醒回憶的最佳方法,珍藏的旅程回憶將透 過氣味湧現。KEEBE 發音近似台語「氣味」,代表 Keelung基隆結合KEEBE Hotel集好·旅店帶給旅客的獨 特氣味。KEEBE Hotel是氛圍的原點,集結各種酣暢淋 漓、五感豐沛的旅居體驗,旅途中收藏記憶、蒐集感受 ,賦予更深摯更感性的回憶。

Of all our senses smell is the most powerful. A pleasing aroma can greatly affect our mood and allow us to relax, to find experiences such as eating to be more delightful and it can even stimulate our memory, allowing us to recall pleasant experiences. In the local Taiwanese dialect our hotel’s name “Keebe” has the meaning of pleasing aroma. This name represents our mission to offer our guests a unique and pleasing experience. Our hotel’s ambience brings together very sort of creature comfort and amenity to make your travel experience the most comfortable and memorable. Our hotel is designed around the concept of blending the best of the local culture and surroundings such as the beauty of this port city, the surrounding mountains, local traditional foods to create a modern yet elegant scene. Our amenities feature Premium Italian, Mediterranean health and beauty products, such as moisturizers and skin ointments made from virgin olive oil designed to keep skin healthy and rejuvenated. Our German Imperial Authentic Hilker bed mattresses are designed to give you an unforgettable, relaxing and comfortable night sleep. Your stay with us will help you escape from your routine and have you return home feeling refreshed and renewed. Keebe Hotel’s location allows you to step out the door and experience the excitement of local scene putting you just minutes away from Miao Kou food market, local transportation hubs and breathtaking natural scenery. An unforgettable new world of business bustling night markets, ocean breezes, mountain peaks and beautiful scenery are here to be explored. Truly Keelung offers travel opportunities unlike any other!


PLAN 樓 層 介 紹

B1 07:00~10:00 早餐供應 14:00~19:00 開放時間

1F 24小時接待櫃檯

B1 07:00~10:00 Breakfast Hours 14:00~19:00 Hours of operation 2-7 pm

1F 24 hour Front Desk Service


集 好 服 務


· ·提供住宿者免費自助式早餐,入住時請確認用餐人數 ·免費無線上網服務 ·免費提供嬰兒澡盆 ·免費提供轉接插頭 ·晨間喚醒 ·B1旅遊資訊自由索取 ·計程車預定及代叫服務 ·行李寄存服務 ·洗衣收送服務-請撥9聯繫櫃檯 ·啟明盲人按摩付費式服務 ·旅店邀請您一同響應環保,進出房門請使用房卡插卡節電槽,控制客房電源

·Complimentary Buffet Breakfast, please confirm the number of guests during check in ·Complimentary Wi-Fi ·Free use of infant bathtub ·Free use of electrical outlet adapter ·Wake-up Call Service ·Travel information brochures located on B1 ·Taxi Booking Service ·Luggage Storage Service ·Laundry Service - dial 9 to contact the front desk ·Blind massage (paid service) ·To be environmentally friendly and conserve energy each room key card must be placed in the card ·slot to activate the room’s electricity and has to be taken with you when you leave the room.


電 話 使 用 指 引


櫃檯服務 9 市內電話 0+電話號碼 行動電話 0+電話號碼 市外電話 0+區域號碼+電話號碼 國際電話 0+002+國碼+區域號碼+電話號碼 客房對客房 : 房號 Reception 9 City Call : 0+Number Mobile Call : 0+Number Long Distance Call : 0+Area Code+Number IDD : 0+002+Contry Code+Area Code+Number Room to Room : Room Number


安 全 防 護 指 引


本飯店備有完善消防安全措施,詳列災害事故的避難方法。 請先詳細閱讀,以便掌握避難知識,預防災害發生。 當您進入房間時 當您進入客房時,首先確認避難路線,客房門後貼有緊急逃生圖避難出口, 同時請您確認緊急逃生梯的位置,以便熟悉路線。 為了防止火災 室內易造成旅店火災,根據政府規定,嚴禁在室內吸菸,違者將通報衛生機關。 發生火災或發現失火時 請勿驚慌,立即通知櫃檯人員。 高聲呼喊,或發出最大聲音,通知鄰近房間的客人。 走出房間後,必須緊閉房門,防止火災蔓延。 聽到發生火災,或避難指示的緊急播音時,請冷靜迅速的按指示行動。 如果發現冒煙或聞到焦臭異味,疑似火災時,請立即通知櫃檯人員。 避難時 要迅速及時脫離險區,請勿為個人財物延誤脫離時機。 避難時絕對不能使用電梯。 在煙霧中脫逃時,請向出煙反方向的緊急逃生梯下樓離開,。 來不及離開危險區時 請使用電話聯繫客務部團隊,尋求協助。 電話不通時,請緊閉房門,於客房內開窗,倚靠窗邊揮舞毛巾或手電筒,作為呼救信號,等待救援。 為防止客房內侵入濃煙與火,請用水浸濕毛巾或床單等,堵塞門縫,等待救援。 發生地震時 請按照緊急廣播要求或服務人員的指示,不要驚慌,迅速行動。 絕對不能使用電梯。 為防止被翻倒的傢俱或震落物砸傷,請及時用枕頭、毛毯、椅墊等保護頭部。


安 全 防 護 指 引


The Hotel has installed reliable safety and security systems, but as a precaution, read the following instructions and follow this safety guide in case of emergency. When You Arrive In Your Room Check the Emergency Evacuation Plan located behind the door of your room for emergency exits. As an extra precaution, you may want to personally check their locations. Fire Prevention Cigarettes are the major cause of fires in hotels. Do not smoke in this building. According to the government policy, smoking is prohibited in the hotel. In The Event You Discover a Fire Remain calm and report the fire to the guest service team. Raise awareness by shouting “Fire” to warn other guests. Upon leaving your room, make sure the door is closed. This will prevent the fire or smoke from spreading. The location of the fire and directions to escape routes will be announced over the Hotel broadcast system. Follow instructions and remain calm. If you suspect the outbreak of a fire or detect a smell of smoke, please report this to the guest service team immediately. When Taking Refuge Leave immediately! Leave personal belongings behind. Never use the elevator. When fleeing from smoke: stay low, cover your mouth with a wet towel and make your way downwards immediately via the fire escape exit. If You Are Trapped Call the guest service team for assistance by telephone. Attract attention at your window by waving a towel and call for help. To prevent the invasion of smoke or flames, fill the gaps in the door with a wet towel or bed sheet, and wait for help to arrive. In Case of an Earthquake Remain calm and follow the instruction given over the Hotel’s broadcast system or by the Hotel’s personnel. Never use the elevator. Protect your head while escaping. Pay attention to falling objects.

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