Cini Palmer Buyer Guide

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L A R C H M O N T B R O K E R A G E 2 0 7 0 B O S T O NP O S T R O A D , L A R C H MO N T , N Y 1 0 5 3 8 Cini Palmer Real Estate Salesperson M. cpalmer@houlihanl a ( 9 1 4 ) 6 4 9 -2 2 44 cinipalmer.houlihanl a

Meet Cini

I have been a full-time real estate agent since 2001. I grew up in the Washington, DC/Maryland area. After graduated from the University of Maryland, with a degree in Economics, I moved to New York City to pursue a career in both advertising and print, focusing on both creative campaigns as well as negotiating deals. When it was time to move out of NYC, Larchmont was the likely choice; close to NYC, the Long Island Sound and a lovely quaint town where everyone walked to school and town.

Making the transition to Residential Real Estate was seamless for me, having a creative background and strong negotiating skills helped with staging of homes, photography, social media and closing deals. My strong commitment to both my buyers and sellers speaks volumes to my success in real estate. I look forward to the opportunity of working with you on your next real estate transaction.

M. cpalmer@houlihanla ( 9 1 4 ) 6 4 9 -2 2 44 cinipalmer.houlihanla

20 Benefits of a Buyer's Agent

Buyinga h ome is li k ely on of the largest financial and lifestyle decisions you will make. A tru st ed advisor with local expertise, proprietary knowledge and industry connections is esse ntial. Wh en you choose aBuy er's Agent, they work for you, with your best interests in mind. Not only willth ey assist y ou in helping you find the right home, but they willguid e you through the entire purchasingp rocess.

What they aresaying about Cini

Cini Pa lm er is per haps the best,m ost service o rien ted real est a te broker Ive had t h e

privilege to work with. Her can-do a ttitude and creative problem-so l ving capa bilities

are apparent and contributes toan y successful h ome transaction. Cin i alsohas a

network of professionals fr om stagers toc leaners topain ters tom overs toorg anizers

which contribute to as uccessful h ouse sale. H er attitude and personali ty are refreshing

and allows her to work well with sell ers an d the buyers. Iw hole heatedly recommend

her high l y.

We have loved working with Cinithr oughout the years. Sh e helped u s fin d our firs t

home in La r chmont which was the perfect fi t for our young fam il y at the time. As our

family grew, we needed more spacean d Ciniw as exceptionally patient with us a s w e

spent the next 2-3 years tr ying t o fin d the perfect h ouse. Ci ni w as willing tosh ow us

anythingan d everything an d always madetim e for u s. E ven when she knew there was

a house that we would not end up buying, sh e tookth e time to show it to usan yway

just sow e couldbe tter understand the market and what was available. Once we found

the right house forus, C ini th en helped u s sell o ur first h ome. She had g r eat ideas for

how bestto sh ow our house and was able tosell o ur house ina w eeks ti m e. She is a

true professional, kn ows the market really well and makes the process of buying a n d

sellinga h ome as str ess free as possi ble. We always recommend Cinito an y of our

friends look ing fo r a gr eat broker. - Jen R.

Discovery, uncertainty, apprehension,an d indecision were indicative of the emotions

we felt as co m plete novices t o th e process of buying -co upled with a move to the

suburbs afte r 20 y ears of living onth e Upper East Side almost seem ed like

insurmountable odds. W e moved in August an d CiniPalm er was instrum ental inth e

accomplishment!Cinina vigated usthr ough an 18 m onth parkour negotiating obstacles

(often our uncertainty) with empathy, devotion, a n d a depth of knowledge which

allowed us t o com plete the process w i th a se nse o f achievement and realization tha t we

made the right choice acr oss allstag es of the purchasingcy cle. She is co mmi tted to excellence and to her client. Ciniis w hat we (and I ams ure many buyers) envisionas the idealr eal est a te agent. We felt privileged to ha ve her on our side. Sh e is the embodiment of a real est a te agent: fair, knowledgeable, patient, empathetic, and caring.

- Renaud L.

- Peter G.

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