New Canaan, CT

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New Canaan

New Canaan Top 5 reasons to make a move to New Canaan, CT # 1 O U R T O P- RA T ED SC H O O L S There are many reasons to live in New Canaan, and one of the most important for many new residents to our tow n is the quality of our schools. W hether it?s our public school system or the private schools in the community , parents are able to send their children to excellent schools that traditionally rank among the best in the state of Connecticut, as well as the nation.

For more information about the New Canaan school system, simply activate the camera on your phone or tablet, and hold it directly over the adjacent code.

Source: https:// top-rated-schools/

New Canaan # 2 O U R ST RO N G SEN SE O F C O M M U N I T Y Go any where in New Canaan and you can feel the sense of community from our residents. Our tow n is full of people who are proud of the community and w illing to help their neighbors in times of need. We are a small tow n where residents pitch in to help each other, volunteer for community activ ities and support efforts to make our community a more welcoming place for new residents and people who v isit.

New Canaan # 3 O U R VA L U E D RI V EN REA L EST A T E M A RK ET New Canaan has a rich history as one of Connecticut?s most charming communities. Located about an hour northeast of New York City , the tow n is considered both a commuter hub for people who work in New York?s five boroughs and a great place to live and raise a family.

New Canaan # 4 O U R V I BRA N T D O W N T O W N New Canaan is a v ibrant mix of restaurants, one-of-kind shops, high-end commercial outlets and cutting-edge fashion boutiques. During the spring, summer and holidays, residents gather in the dow ntow n area to celebrate a variety of community events that include sidewalk sales, v illage fairs, concerts and traditional holiday celebrations.

New Canaan # 5 O U R T H I N G S T O D O A N D SEE

Par k s Waveny Park (includes tow n pool), Irw in Park, and Mead Memorial Park all offer vast open spaces, trails and recreation facilities. Kiwanis Park also has a beach area.

New Canaan Natu r e Center Dedicated to inspiring people of all ages to respect, protect and enjoy the world of nature.

Homes of Di st i nct i on Mid-century moderns, including iconic homes designed by Philip Johnson and the renow ned Harvard Five architects.

New Canaan Libr ar y A v ibrant community resource for learning and innovation, offering an extraordinary print and digital collection, dy namic programming, reader?s adv isory serv ices, up to the minute technology , technology assistance, and maker spaces.

Y MCA The bonds that are created here go far beyond classes and when you join our Y, you join a community.

New Canaan Hi stor i cal Soci ety The oldest (along w ith Westport) Historical Society in Fairfield County.

Gr ace Far m s Established w ith the idea that space communicates and can inspire people to collaborate for good. To realize this v ision, Grace Farms Foundation set out to create a multipurpose building nestled into the ex isting habitat that would enable v isitors to ex perience nature, encounter the arts, pursue justice, foster community , and ex plore faith.

Si lver m i ne A r t s Center Residents can enjoy the grounds, ex hibitions, stroll the sculpture walk, enjoy a special program or artist talk, or take a class or workshop.

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