TODAY - Issue 1

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Lib Dems on the Up! Liberal Democrats


The Lib Dems were the only major party in the area to increase their share of the vote.

February 2005


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Will this be the last post for your post office?

The ten-point environment challenge offers a fair deal

-5.2 Labour Change in percentage share of the votes in Brentford & Isleworth between the General Elections in 1997 and 2001

10,000 MORE

POLICE Local residents in Brentford, Chiswick, Hounslow and Isleworth are fed up of listening to Labour talking tough about crime, but taking little action on the ground. Liberal Democrats want to see more police patrolling our streets to make them safer. Following meetings with local police, Prospective Parliamentary Candidate Andrew Dakers said, ‘The local police are being desperately stretched. Labour try to show that they are tough on crime through headline grabbing initiatives but the reality is that we need more police officers on our streets and a boost in the number of Immediate Response Vehicle drivers to make the public safer.’

Response to calls getting worse The Met Police have targets to make sure that all highest priority 999 emergency call outs are responded to within 12 minutes. The figures taken and analysed by the Lib Dems from London Mayoral Answers, showed that Hounslow was one of the five boroughs with the poorest record of attending emergency 999 police calls with 41% of callouts outside the target. Helping the Met meet their targets In April 2004, the Met highlighted that it was 1,000 drivers short in London Boroughs. Commenting on the figures, Lib Dem London Assembly Policing Spokesperson

41% of emergency calls answered late under Labour

Lynne Featherstone said, ‘Poor response times to 999 calls by the police puts the public’s safety at risk as a delay in responding to an emergency call could mean the difference between life and death, or catching a criminal and letting them escape.’ Liberal Democrats will ensure there are 10,000 more police officers on the streets to cut down on crime. Andrew Dakers is only too aware of the need to tackle the problem urgently: ‘When I meet the new Chief Superintendent of the Met in Hounslow Borough, Dr Ali Dizaei, later this month I will be discussing how more people can be recruited and retained in the police force within the Hounslow area.’

Andrew Dakers calls for more police to improve response to 999 calls.



A fair deal for the planet, a fair deal for you Liberal Democrat campaigner Andrew Dakers has challenged the Labour MP Ann Keen to show her commitment to the environment urging her to sign up to a ‘ten-point challenge’ to demonstrate this. ‘The public will not be fooled by a once-a-year speech from a party leader when his party’s record on the environment is so poor,’ said Andrew. ‘My recent visit to the waterside at Ferry Quays, Brentford, provided evidence enough that we need to introduce a 10p tax on plastic bags. ‘The dangers of not putting the environment first were all too obvious with last summer’s flood contaminating the Thames with raw sewage. We cannot always eliminate environmental dangers but we can certainly work to reduce their impact. ‘Only the Liberal Democrats have a serious

year round approach to the environment. We have consistently uncovered the G o v e r n m e n t ’s environmental failures and we are the only major party putting forward genuine green alternatives.’ The Liberal Democrats would put the environment at the heart of government by adopting a ten-point strategy which includes the following: Tax the aircraft, not the passenger We would scrap all passenger airport departure taxes which simply raise money for the treasury and would instead tax airlines for each commercial aircraft

The Environment Matters to Me I/We the undersigned believe protecting the environment must be a priority in Brentford, Chiswick, Hounslow and Isleworth. Name


Introduce a Plastic Bag Tax to reduce waste Set at 10p per bag, it could raise up to £800 million per year that could be directly channelled into sustainable waste management and reduce the need for yet more landfill sites.

Make building regulations tougher We would cut fuel bills and reduce pollution by requiring all new housing to meet improved energy and water efficiency standards through the use of environmentally friendly building materials and techniques. We would also cut VAT on energy savings materials from the current 17.5% to 5%.

Once they’re gone... ... it will be virtually impossible to get them back. The Government has overseen the destruction of the Post Office network across Greater London and our local branches are no exception.

Success in Kew Against the strong tide of Post Office closures, local Liberal Democrat MP Jenny Tonge forced through the reopening of a branch in neighbouring Kew, addressing the needs of the community. Andrew Dakers and Satnam Kaur Khalsa at Ferry Quays in Brentford. They are calling for a 10p tax on plastic bags.

Thames raw sewage deal Sarah Ludford MEP and London Assembly Member Dee Doocey are petitioning the European Parliament.

Take action now If you care about the survival of your Post Office, the Liberal Democrats are the only party to support. Local Lib Dem campaigner Andrew Dakers said: ‘Many people rely on Post Offices to receive credits, send a parcel or just buy some stamps. The closures mean that pensioners and physically disabled people will now have to travel longer distances to use a vital public service.’

……...………. ……….....…………….. ……...………. …….....……………….. ……...………. …….....……………….. Please return to: Liberal Democrats (The Environment Matters), 127 Central Avenue, Hounslow, Middlesex TW3 2RQ. The TODAY team may contact you from time to time to keep you informed on issues we think you may find of interest. Please let us know if you do not wish the information above to be used for this purpose. Printed by Mortons Print Ltd, Newspaper House, Morton Way, Horncastle LN9 6JR. Published by Brentford & Isleworth Liberal Democrats at 127 Central Avenue, Hounslow, Middlesex TW3 2RQ.

Further details of the strategy are on Andrew’s website,

London’s antiquated sewage system is unable to cope: 243 billion litres of untreated sewage have been pumped into the Thames in

the last four years. The levels of e.coli and other harmful bacteria are dangerously high, breaching EU water purity laws and affecting marine life and the health of Londoners, particularly those who take part in sports on the river.

Andrew Dakers outside Isleworth Post Office, which was ‘downsized’ and relocated to the nearby Spar store in the late ‘90s.

Post Office closures affecting you March ‘01


July ‘02 June ‘04


975 Greater London In the last three years, 250 Post Offices have been closed down across Greater London... Sources: House of Commons Library, POSTCOMM Annual Reports, Quarterly Network Numbers, Royal Mail Group

But the government persists in delaying the

installation of necessary remedial work. Sarah Ludford says, ‘Blair’s government won’t do it, so I’m going to the EU to get the installation of all the facilities needed to stop this 19th-century blight being perpetuated on 2 1 s t - c e n t u r y Londoners!’

TODAY SLEEPWALKING INTO IDENTITY CARDS As the government claims to the public that the scheme to introduce £15 a time ID Cards will be on a ‘voluntary’ basis, many people are asking whether we are in danger of sleepwalking into a radical change to our society. The Liberal Democrats think so. The cards will do little to tackle terrorism and the money would be far better spent on more resources for the intelligence services and 10,000 more police officers. The Conservatives have again jumped on the Labour bandwagon – unable to provide any form of useful opposition and failing to hold the Government to account. Lib Dem campaigner Andrew Dakers says, ‘I support the inclusion of biometrics in passports only, as a means of combating cross-border crime, illegal immigration, terrorism and fraud. The Liberal Democrats have also proposed establishing a National Border Agency by bringing together the officers from immigration, police and customs who currently have overlapping responsibilities at our ports and airports.’ Let us know if there are any issues you would like featured in TODAY, or if you would like to place an advertisement. Email Write The Editor, TODAY, 127 Central Avenue, Hounslow, Middlesex TW3 2RQ Call 020 8568 2209 Text/SMS 07788 116159

TREES LOST IN HOUNSLOW DEVELOPMENT Residents in Hounslow have called for improved landscaping plans on Key Site 1. Mr Jandu of Hounslow Central Residents Association commented, ‘Practically no original trees are to be left, and only a small area of mediocre planting.’ There are now calls for more public consultation amidst growing concerns that the development plans have declined a long way since they were originally touted as a ‘prestige’ project at the heart of the Borough.

April ‘04

15 Brentford, Chiswick, Hounslow & Isleworth ... and in Brentford, Chiswick, Hounslow & Isleworth alone, nearly a third of Post Offices have shut down since 2002. Source: House of Commons Library, Post Office Limited data


Sarah Ludford MEP is taking a petition to the European Parliament to resolve the problem of raw sewage in the River Thames.



……...………. …………….....……….. Rewards for using water wisely We would encourage the use of water meters for domestic households in areas with scarce supplies, with effective measures to provide security for disadvantaged people. People who use less water will find their bills go down.


Labour has been responsible for a 20% reduction in the number of Post Offices in London, refusing to do anything to stop the closures. Meanwhile, the Conservatives stay equally silent on the issue.

taking off from a British airport to encourage more sustainable aviation.

Tax high polluting vehicles to cut fumes We would reward motorists who drive less-polluting vehicles by reducing car tax on more environmentally friendly cars and motorcycles, abolishing it altogether for the greenest vehicles, funding this by increasing the amount of tax charged on the most polluting vehicles, such as 4x4s.


HEATHROW NIGHT FLIGHTS BAN Don’t be duped: Lib Dems have long made clear our position on night flights. We believe all flights should be banned between the hours of 11.30pm and 6am. At present all the night planes that fly over us and disturb our sleep are jumbos. The government calls these planes ‘quiet’ but it means ‘noise efficient considering their size’ something very different. There is no prospect of these jumbos becoming quieter to any extent that might be noticed by the human ear. Local people should not be taken in by propaganda of ‘quieter planes’. If the Labour government insists in forcing this disturbance on us, at the very least they should limit the numbers. Because of action in the high court it is not known when the next consultation will begin. Please watch out for it over the next few months. Local campaigner Susan Kramer and the Lib Dems have been campaiging against night flights since the 90s when the system first came in. We will go on campaigning, working with non-political group HACAN Clearskies. CHISWICK LODGE SET FOR AXE After years of fighting to save local care home Chiswick Lodge, residents may soon be forced to concede defeat. Despite extensive lobbying the Primary Care Trust has decided to close the Lodge and has referred the decision onto the North West Strategic Health Authority for final review. Lib Dem campaigner Ray Giles told TODAY: ‘Chiswick Lodge has been a landmark in the health and welfare of the people of Chiswick for the past 90 years. When care for the elderly is in increasing demand, why should the people of Chiswick be deprived of it as a result of financial mismanagement?’




‘Bad publicity, constant infighting and widespread scandal threatens to unseat one of Hounslow’s Labour MPs, according to a damning analysis by (Labour) party members.’ Hounslow Chronicle, 6/1/05

‘The Liberal Democrats also continued to make advances in London and the north of England helping them to consolidate their credibility as an opposition party.’ The Guardian, 14/06/04

g ‘Labour’s private pollin ree estimates that some th pporters million of its natural su Democrats may back the Liberal over Iraq.’ or abstain in a protest 4 The Independent, 8/11/0

‘“The Lib Dems are hammering us in the cities…” said one Labour official.’ Daily Express, 11/06/04

The Liberal Democrats enter 2005 ‘on about 22% in most polls compared with 13% or 14% ahead of the 2001 election … There’s something for everyone: cushioning for pensions, easing off the council tax, home care for the elderly, and an end to the New Deal and tuition fees. And he’s going to pay for this by putting a 50% tax rate on people earning above £100,000 a year … Voters like it.’ The Guardian, 23/12/04

Fight for better hospitals London, though there are still too many. The hospital now has a fully staffed infection control unit designed to fight hospital acquired bugs.’

Twickenham MP Vincent Cable has met with the Chief Executive and the Chair of West Middlesex Hospital to discuss their plans for fighting hospital infection and improving nursing standards. Six years ago the Liberal Democrat MP was one of the first national politicians to sound the alarm about hospital infections when a Whitton resident had c h e m o t h e r a p y treatment at the West Mid stopped because of MRSA infection. Since then, the issue has moved to the top of the political agenda and the West Middlesex has, in the past, been officially criticised for poor cleanliness. Why does it occur? Patients are at higher than normal risk of picking up an infection when in hospital for two reasons. Firstly, the population in hospitals tends to be

older, sicker and weaker than the general population, making them more vulnerable to the infection. Secondly, conditions in hospitals, which involve a great many people living so close to each other, examined by doctors and nurses who have just touched other patients, are the perfect environment for the transmission of all manner of infections.

Nursing standards The Lib Dem MP also drew attention to repeated complaints about poor nursing care: ‘Unfortunately residents tell me that their experiences are variable. Some nursing staff, mostly agency nurses, don’t appear to care very much.

‘The hospital, to their credit, acknowledges that while there are many nurses who are dedicated and professional, there have been some who are unprofessional and uncommitted. They have now improved the management structure so that there are more senior, matron-level staff and more of a permanent work force. The hospital is also planning a crèche to attract and retain young mothers with children.’


Improvement Vincent Cable (pictured) recently commented: ‘I am greatly encouraged by progress at the hospital. MRSA cases are falling and are certainly not amongst the worst in

Three things you can do today... Save our Post Offices

More bobbies on the beat

Support the TODAY team

I/We call upon Royal Mail and the government to stop the waves of closures of Post Offices. They provide an essential service to our community.

I/We agree with the Liberal Democrats that Britain needs 10,000 more bobbies on the beat.

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Please return to: Liberal Democrats (Save our Post Offices), 127 Central Avenue, Hounslow, Middlesex TW3 2RQ

Please return to: Liberal Democrats (Bobbies on the beat), 127 Central Avenue, Hounslow, Middlesex TW3 2RQ

Please return to: The Editor, TODAY, 127 Central Avenue, Hounslow, Middlesex TW3 2RQ

The TODAY team may contact you from time to time to keep you informed on issues we think you may find of interest. Please let us know if you do not wish the information above to be used for this purpose. Printed by Mortons Print Ltd, Newspaper House, Morton Way, Horncastle LN9 6JR. Published by Brentford & Isleworth Liberal Democrats at 127 Central Avenue, Hounslow, Middlesex TW3 2RQ.

The TODAY team may contact you from time to time to keep you informed on issues we think you may find of interest. Please let us know if you do not wish the information above to be used for this purpose. Printed by Mortons Print Ltd, Newspaper House, Morton Way, Horncastle LN9 6JR. Published by Brentford & Isleworth Liberal Democrats at 127 Central Avenue, Hounslow, Middlesex TW3 2RQ.

The TODAY team may contact you from time to time to keep you informed on issues we think you may find of interest. Please let us know if you do not wish the information above to be used for this purpose. Printed by Mortons Print Ltd, Newspaper House, Morton Way, Horncastle LN9 6JR. Published by Brentford & Isleworth Liberal Democrats at 127 Central Avenue, Hounslow, Middlesex TW3 2RQ.

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Printed by Mortons Print Ltd, Newspaper House, Morton Way, Horncastle LN9 6JR. Published by Brentford & Isleworth Liberal Democrats at 127 Central Avenue, Hounslow, Middlesex TW3 2RQ. Paper from sustainably managed forests.

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