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Picture perfect
Now you know what’s hot in the world of film it’s time to see what trends are picture perfect this wedding season…
• Film photography: As with videography, this vintage effect is taking the photography world by storm. While digital photography remains a staple for most couples, requests for film have been on the rise. Point and shoot cameras give images a nostalgic, fleeting quality – especially when photographing fun-filled dancing and party scenes.
• Direct flash: Want to feel like you’ve been snapped by the paparazzi on your big day? Using flash photography is a great way to give that look that everyone is used to from pop culture mags and the red carpet. Another reason for the resurgence of flash photography is that it gives consistent lighting and helps to capture those intimate moments even in less desirable conditions. So, rest assured that even the unpredictable Scottish weather won’t stop you getting great photos!
• Candid imagery: The days of the staged wedding photo may be behind us with many ‘togs noting that more natural images from the day (where both the you and your guests’ emotions can be clearly seen) are often client faves. Will you be embracing a more candid, authentic form of imagery to really capture the spirit of your special day?
• Photos by guests: Some soon tobe-wed couples are giving guests the opportunity to catch unique and intimate shots on their own, so why not add to the carefully curated work of your professional wedding photographer(s) with this inclusive, relaxed idea? One big trend for 2023 is leaving out polaroid/ disposable cameras for your nearest and dearest to use at the dinner table –or they could take them to the dance floor (is this reminding anyone else of the iconic Friends episode where Ross and Chandler buy disposable cameras and dress up for a wedding reception they're not even invited to to snap some pics?) This is a great option if you want to expand upon the film trend with some personal footage from those at the heart of festivities.
Whatever media style you decide on, be sure to meet with your photographer beforehand (either in person or on Zoom) and closely examine plenty of their work to ensure they're the right fit for you. ♥
Wedding Films
Buchan Photography And Videography fil
29 Bridge Street, Strichen, Fraserburgh, AB43 6SS
07487 370750 www.buchanphotography.co.uk scott@buchanphotography.co.uk
Contact: Jenna Porter & Scott Porter
Mark Stuart Wedding Films f
2 Colthill Crescent, Milltimber
Aberdeenshire, AB13 0EG 07720 891784 www.ms-films.co.uk info@ms-films.co.uk
Contact: Mark Stuart
Aboyne Photographicsfil♥
4 Netherley Place, Ballater, Aberdeenshire , AB35 5QE
01339 755304
07787 259120 www.aboynephotographics.com info@aboynephotographics.com
Contact: Russell & Laura Hogg
Andrea Wiseman Photography fi Aberdeenshire
07779 418765 www.andreawisemanphotography.co.uk andreawisemanphotography@aol.co.uk
Contact: Andrea Wiseman
Buchan Photography And Videography fil
Strichen, Fraserburgh, , AB43 6SS
07487 370750 www.buchanphotography.co.uk scott@buchanphotography.co.uk
Contact: Jenna Porter & Scott Porter
By Rhea fi♥
Albion Cottage, Station Road
Oldmeldrum, Aberdeenshire, AB51 0EZ 07789 771786 www.byrhea.co.uk rhea@byrhea.co.uk
Contact: Rhea Mckenzie
Clarke Joss Photography fi
93 Ash-hill Drive, Aberdeen, AB165YR 07824 555746 www.clarkejossphotography.co.uk clarkejossphotography@yahoo.com
Contact: Clarke Joss
Dani Rose Photography fi♥
1 Princess Rd, Dyce, Aberdeen, AB21 7JZ 07590 457496 www.danirosephotography.com danirosephotography@hotmail.co.uk
Contact: Dani Rose
Deeside Photographics fi Hawthorn House, 16 Bridge Street Banchory, AB31 5SX 01330 824300 www.deesidephotographics.co.uk deesidephoto@aol.com
Contact: J Logan
Elite Photographics Ltd f
27 Finlayson Street
Fraserburgh, AB43 9JQ 01346 511622 www.elitephotographics.co.uk graeme@elitephotographics.co.uk
Contact: Graeme Buchan, Lbipp, Lmpa
Hi Land Photography fi
1 Dawson Close, Aberdeenshire, AB32 6NQ 07788 208 02 www.hilandphotography.com amro.hassan@hilandphotography.com
Contact: Amro Hassan
Iska Birnie Photography fi
Wedding And Commercial Photography
Aberdeen City And Shire, AB41 6QY 07807 776016 www.iskabirniephotography.co.uk hello@iskabirniephotography.co.uk
Contact: Iska Birnie
Jennifer Riddell Photography fi
5 Castle Terrace, Inverbervie, DD10 0RE 07985 273041 www.jenniferriddell.co.uk jennifer@jenniferriddell.co.uk
Contact: Jennifer Ellis
Jonathan Addie Photography fil
2 Kettocks Mill Road, Bridge Of Don Aberdeen AB22 8WR 07903 856816 www.jonathanaddie.com info@jonathanaddie.com
Contact: Jonathan Addie
Owl Berry Photography fil
19 Lairds Walk, Boddam Aberdeenshire, AB42 3AZ 07850 030126 www.owlberryphotography.co.uk owlberryphotography@gmail.com
Contact: Jay Buchan
Simone Smith Photography fi 6 Station Road, Torphins, Banchory
Aberdeen, AB31 4JF 07920 798241 www.simonesmithphotography.com/ smile@simonesmithphotography.com
Contact: Simone Smith