Greater Houston Partnership (GHP) 2015 Membership Information

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Membership Information

Greater Houston Partnership

President’s Letter Dear Members, This has been a banner year for the Partnership as thousands of you volunteered your time through our committees, task forces and initiatives to help carry out our mission to make Houston one of the world’s best places to live, work and build a business. Others of you engaged in our new GHP Councils series, which by all measures was a success and one we will build upon in the coming year. And still others of you engaged in our Programs and Signature Events dedicated to both business and professional growth. What a year – and it was all because of you! As we wind down our 25th anniversary year, we’re looking ahead to the excitement and challenges that 2015 will bring. It’s important to highlight that 2015 will be another important milestone year for the business community as it is the 175th anniversary year of founding of the Houston Chamber of Commerce back in 1840. Over the years, the Partnership and its predecessor, the Chamber, have been actively engaged in promoting and ensuring the long-term well-being of our community. But these organizations, in and of themselves, accomplish nothing without the contributions of both resources and time from business leaders like you. In 2015, we will continue to strive towards our mission, focused on the nine priorities we established at the 2014 Annual Meeting back in February. I invite you to join us once again because as a GHP member, you play a key role in making the Houston region a better place through your active engagement in our work. For 175 years, business leaders like you have been a part of this organization to make Houston the incredible global city we all enjoy today. It is up to us, as part of this generation of business leaders, to continue the work of our predecessors and move our city forward. Thank you!

Bob Harvey President and CEO Greater Houston Partnership


Extend leadership as the preeminent global energy hub

Develop, attract, and retain talent

Promote efficient and effective state and local government

Diversify into new growth clusters

Address critical infrastructure issues

Enhance Houston’s image with key audiences

Expand position as a global trading and logistics hub

Make Houston an even more attractive place to live

Ensure inclusivity and opportunity for all

Cover photo: david a brown/ dabfoto creative

Houston Region’s Key Priorities


committee structure The mission of the Greater Houston Partnership is to make Houston the world’s best place to live, work and build a business. We accomplish this through the active engagement of our members in our committees, task forces and major initiatives, each established to address key issues facing the region.

Board of Directors Executive Committee G o v e rn a n c e


Economic Development AND TRADE Steering Committee Public Policy Steering Committee

Audit EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION Finance Membership Nominating Invitation only

P u bl i c P o l i c y Business Issues Education • Higher Education • K-12 • Early Childhood


Health Care


• Air Quality

• Mental Health

• Aviation

• Water Issues

• Research

• Freight/Commuter Rail

Government Relations

Quality of Life

• Highways and Mobility

• Culture and Tourism

• Transit

• Local


• State

• Oil and Gas

• Federal

• Ports and Marine

• Parks, Bayous and Green Space

• Power • Renewables

bold indicates advisory committees, chairman’s approval required bullets indicate subcommittees

Ec o n o m i c D e v e l o p m e n t a n d t r a d e Regional Economic Development

international investment and trade

• Real Estate

• Foreign Direct Investment • International Trade Development bold indicates advisory committees, chairman’s approval required bullets indicate subcommittees

Ta s k F o r c e s cybersecurity


energy cluster

mexico energy Invitation only

i n i t i at i v e s upskill houston

houston image coalition

early matters

Talent attraction Invitation only engagement opportunities subject to change



economic development The Partnership’s economic development team works to promote trade, expand employment opportunities, strengthen existing businesses, grow the tax base and diversify the economy of the Houston region through direct outreach and marketing campaigns. This work is guided by the strategic vision of GHP Economic Development and International Investment and Trade committee members and GHP Board Members. These volunteers pinpoint businesses and industries to target for relocation or expansion efforts, hone strategies to improve outreach and site selection services, link the world to Houston companies and expand business abroad. Members that serve on the Economic Development and International Investment and Trade committees receive special access to strategic partners, unparalleled import and export market analysis, public relations collaboration, and access to international trade missions.


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Economic Development and Trade Committees economic development and trade steering committee The Economic Development and Trade Steering Committee was established in 2013 as a Governance Committee, primarily comprised of GHP Board Members and major investors in the Opportunity Houston 2.0 program. The committee oversees the Partnership’s economic development strategies and marketing plan to help the Houston region achieve a six-year goal of creating an additional 450,000 jobs and $45 billion in capital investment by the year 2020.

international investment and trade advisory committee The Greater Houston area was again the number one merchandise export region in the United States in 2014 and, since 2006, has increased foreign trade by $120 billion. The International Investment and Trade Advisory Committee focuses on increasing exports, encouraging trade development activities and attracting foreign direct investment in the Houston region. 2014 Subcommittees included: Foreign Direct Investment and International Trade Development

regional economic development advisory committee Since 2005, the Houston region has produced more than 600,000 new jobs and more than $60 billion in new capital investment. The Regional Economic Development Advisory Committee supports GHP strategies to recruit and expand businesses, create new jobs and attract capital investment in the region. The committee receives periodic updates on the Houston economy and presentations from stakeholders involved with the recruitment and retention of business, and helps guide and shape economic development team efforts. 2014 Subcommittees included: Real Estate

Task Forces Energy Cluster Task Force One of GHP’s key priorities is to extend our region’s leadership as the world’s preeminent global energy hub. The Energy Cluster Task Force will help develop strategies to maintain and extend Houston’s decisive competitive advantage in energy by improving collaboration and coordination, addressing gaps and barriers, and targeting high growth segments across the energy ecosystem.

Mexico Energy Task Force As the Energy Capital of the World, Houston is uniquely positioned to provide leadership and support as Mexico opens up its oil and gas sector to private industry. This energy revolution offers limitless opportunities for Houston businesses to compete in this new market. The Mexico Energy Task Force will serve as a catalyst for Houston’s energy industry to ensure it is properly connected and informed to take advantage of the historic opportunities that will result from these reforms.

engagement opportunities subject to change



public policy The Greater Houston Partnership’s Public Policy team advocates for policies that support rather than impede businesses. Structured around business leaders, the policy work of the Partnership is done by dedicated members who work to ensure our region is positioned to succeed. The Partnership’s legislative advocacy stems from the work of policy committees, leadership task forces and members working on issues at the local, state and federal levels. Every year, public policy concerns shift with the ebb and flow of business community needs. To best serve members in this dynamic situation, the Public Policy team serves as a crucial resource to advance legislative goals and conduct analysis on behalf of our members. The Partnership maintains a robust policy platform at the local, state and federal level that advances GHP’s members’ short and long-term priorities. Member engagement in the policy process drives our collective success, and your involvement is critical as we approach the 84th Legislative Session in Austin and the 114th Congress in Washington.


Public Policy Committees public policy steering committee The Public Policy Steering Committee was established in 2013 as a Governance Committee to set GHP’s policy agenda at the local, state and federal level. Composed of CEOs and other business leaders who are intimately familiar with the intersection between business and government, this group offers guidance and strategic direction to help GHP achieve its policy goals and objectives.

Government Relations Advisory Committee (GRAC) GRAC is one of two Advisory committees responsible for evaluating policy committee activities and works to ensure that lawmakers are aware of the Partnership’s policy positions and advocates for their adoption. Key members work cooperatively with board members and staff to support legislation that is good for Houston. 2014 Subcommittees included: Local, State and Federal

Business Issues Advisory Committee Business Issues is one of two Advisory Committees that review policy recommendations created within GHP. Business Issues committee members are typically among the most senior executives within their organizations, many with strategic and financial backgrounds. The Committee considers competitive issues, proposals with tax consequences, municipal finance and bond referenda.

health care advisory committee Houston’s Texas Medical Center is the world’s largest medical complex and contributes to the region’s economic success. The Health Care Advisory Committee advocates for local, state and federal policies that address the region’s challenges. During the 2015 Texas Legislative Session the committee will work to increase graduate medical education funding and preserve the $424 million within trauma care fund for indigent care. 2014 Subcommittees included: Mental Health and Research

education advisory committee Educational attainment and workforce readiness create a thriving economy. The Education Advisory Committee advocates for local, state and federal policies and regulations. During the upcoming 84th Legislative Session, the committee will work to restore $3.6 billion in public education cuts, implement reforms focusing on quality early education and protect Tier One funding for the region’s universities. 2014 Subcommittees included: Higher Education, K-12 and Early Childhood energy advisory committee Representing the Energy Capital of the World, the Energy Advisory Committee engages leadership at the local, state and federal levels to ensure development and implementation of sound energy policy that promotes economic growth, job creation, and energy security, while maintaining environmental protection, human health, and safe operations. For the upcoming 84th Legislative Session, the committee will work to defend the industry from adverse legislation. 2014 Subcommittees included: Oil & Gas, Power and Renewables

quality of life advisory committee GHP’s Quality of Life Committee was established in 1988. Since then it has considered legislative and regulatory changes related to green space, the bayous and waterways, commercial signage, conservation and air quality. 2014 Subcommittees included: Culture and Tourism, and Parks, Bayous and Green Space transportation advisory committee The Transportation Advisory Committee advocates for local, state and federal policies and regulations that expand and maintain our region’s mobility infrastructure. During the 2015 Texas Legislative Session, the committee will support legislation to fund improvements to the region’s surface roads, mass transit, airports and the port of Houston. 2014 Subcommittees included: Aviation, Freight/Commuter Rail, Ports and Marine, Highways and Mobility and Transit

environmental advisory committee A thriving regional economy requires a healthy environment, adequate water supply and clean air. The Environmental Advisory Committee advocates for local, state and federal policies and regulations that balance the region’s need for a healthy environment, while maintaining a strong economy. 2014 Subcommittees included: Air Quality and Water Issues.

Task Forces Immigration Task Force The GHP Immigration Task Force has been a constructive voice in favor of a comprehensive policy solution in what is often a contentious debate. The Task Force is made of business leaders who understand the practical impact immigration policy has on business and the fabric of the Houston community. As Congress continues to debate the proper solution, the Immigration Task Force remains committed to advancing a pro-business immigration policy.

cybersecurity Task Force The GHP Cybersecurity Task Force is comprised of leading experts, across multiple industries, from CIOs to programmers. In 2014, the Task Force released the second edition of “Cybersecurity and Business Vitality,” a guide that takes this complex issue and provides simple strategies that businesses of all sizes can implement to protect from a cyber-attack. In addition to the publication, the Task Force hosts an annual event to discuss the latest cybersecurity trends.

engagement opportunities subject to change



other opportunities It’s a great time to be a Houstonian and to be a member of the Greater Houston Partnership. In addition to our Public Policy and Economic Development Committees and Task Forces, we offer an array of additional engagement opportunities through our Initiatives, Councils, Programs and Signature Events. Our major Initiatives focus on four core areas: workforce development, early childhood education, Houston’s image and talent attraction. The GHP Councils provide members the opportunity to build connections to people and information, brought together to discuss a topic of mutual interest. GHP Programs bring together members from across the business community to meet their specific business growth and professional development needs. GHP Signature Events inform and engage the business community on an array of key topics. No matter which options you choose, there is a place for you at the Greater Houston Partnership!


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Greater Houston Partnership

initiatives Success. Demands. Skills. The Houston region is booming. Yet, even as our economy thrives, industry leaders and employers in key sectors consistently warn that a severe and persistent shortage of skilled, qualified workers threatens that success. UpSkill Houston is an unprecedented collaboration that addresses the key workforce challenges our region faces, and lays the foundation for the region’s long-term competitiveness. Working groups are established for industry sectors along with other critical components of the workforce ecosystem.





is diverse, molecular,

Houston Image Coalition In order to attract new businesses and the best and brightest talent to the area, GHP launched the Houston Image Coalition to coordinate the implementation of the Houston: The City With No Limits campaign. The plan positions Houston as not just a city with an innovative and growing business community, but a dynamic cultural and livable city with a great quality of life.

is eclectic, ambitious,









Houston Talent Attraction Initiative Houston’s incredible economic growth has increased the need for high-skilled, degreed professionals, particularly in energy, life sciences, technology and advanced manufacturing. Launched in 2014, the Houston Talent Attraction Initiative guides the efforts to leverage and implement Houston’s new brand image campaign to help recruit highly-skilled professional talent to the Houston region.

Early Matters is a broad-based coalition of business, civic, education, philanthropic and nonprofit organizations and volunteers, working together to raise awareness about the importance of high-quality early education. The Early Matters Coalition knows that intentional early investments significantly improve kindergarten readiness, third grade reading mastery, high school graduation rates, post high school education/credentialing and workforce readiness.

engagement opportunities subject to change


Greater Houston Partnership

Councils The Greater Houston Partnership seeks to build collaboration within the business community. The GHP Councils give members a chance to gather with their peers along with leading experts from the business community to gain insights into the key trends and issues impacting the region’s economy. Councils are open to all employees of member companies.

economic development


houston economy




From new commercial developments to trends affecting regional development, this Council will examine where the new jobs and announcements occur and explores issues related to expansion of your business. This Council connects you with the leaders making the next big thing happen in Houston.

Houston is the Energy Capital of the World, and this Council explores the region’s largest industry. From upstream, midstream and downstream, along with all of the supporting industries that keep Houston flowing, this Council connects you with the leaders driving the latest news and projects in this critical sector.

Knowledge is key, and this Council connects you with data and expert commentary from Houston’s premier economic research team at the Partnership and other leading experts from across the region. With updates on the Houston economy, along with sector-specific assessments, this Council provides the economic insights to help guide your business strategy.

Respected as a political powerhouse at the national level, Texas is also known for its engaging local and state politics. Voting laws, district alignments and party affiliations are critically important. This Council explores the most important political trends that impact the business community.



international trade

quality of life

Our region thrives through our ability to move our people to and from work, and goods in and out of the region. Explore the latest trends and developments concerning the “mission-critical” infrastructure that affects us all.

engagement opportunities subject to change

A strong education system, including early education through graduate school, is the bedrock of a successful community. This Council explores developments in education and how these trends impact our quality of life along with our ability to bring new businesses and attract top talent to Houston.

Home to the largest medical center in the world, this Council explores the heartbeat of Houston’s medical industry. This series features the leading minds and innovators driving the latest trends in health care delivery along with research and commercialization.

As a business in “America’s Next Great Global City,” members of this Council explore international trade and investment opportunities and connect with resources that can assist with navigating foreign financing, import/export regulations, and other key components of the international business toolkit.

Houston is a vibrant city of lush green spaces, award-winning dining, and a thriving arts and entertainment scene. Outsiders are consistently surprised to learn about everything Houston has to offer. This Council provides you the opportunity to connect with leaders dedicated to making Houston a great place to live.

Greater Houston Partnership

programs The Greater Houston Partnership offers a number of special programs reflecting the diverse character of our membership while meeting specific member needs. These programs also support ongoing member engagement with the organization.

GHP Ambassadors are a dynamic group of member volunteers who represent GHP with member companies. By providing regular communications and motivating members to get involved with GHP, Ambassadors rally members to take advantage of GHP benefits and resources. Ambassadors Business Development is an enterprising group of business professionals aimed at helping GHP members develop their businesses. The group fosters connections through innovative networking events, workshops and luncheons designed to increase business opportunities and promote the philosophy of members doing business with other members. Business Development EWP provides an opportunity for senior executive women to become more involved in supporting the strategic goals and objectives of GHP and to form close relationships while continuing to grow, both professionally and personally. Membership in EWP is exclusive to GHP members who are the top female executives of companies with revenues of $100M or greater. Executive Women’s Partnership (ewp) HYPE is a platform for young professionals to expand their business network and advance their careers while contributing their time and talent to GHP’s mission of making Houston one of the world’s best places to live, work and build a business. By offering networking, professional development and unique access to Houston business leaders, HYPE provides its members with the tools to be successful emerging community leaders. HYPE (Houston Young Professionals Endeavor) Houston was built on the foundation of entrepreneurialism and the Leadership Roundtable offers the executives of small and mid-size businesses opportunities for peer-to-peer engagement. Membership in the Roundtable is exclusive to GHP members who hold a senior C- or V- level position in their company, or maintain equivalent responsibility. Leadership Roundtable GHP provides an array of programs designed to help small businesses grow. Members have access to online resources as well as unique programs including Small Business Days webinars and workshops. Small Business Days Experience counts, and leaders know the value of networking. Mid-career women with a minimum of five years management experience have found an opportunity to expand their professional networks through the Women’s Business Alliance. WBA offers a wide range of development programs that empower high-performing women to leverage career advancement opportunities and build their peer networks. Women’s Business Alliance

engagement opportunities subject to change


Greater Houston Partnership

signature events The Greater Houston Partnership produces a number of Signature Events to inform and engage the Houston business community. GHP Signature Events offer the opportunity for networking with like-minded business professionals and feature Houston’s leading business and political minds in meaningful, informative sessions.

Select Signature Events January 15, 2015

February 13, 2015

April 16, 2015



Fall 2015

Fall 2015

August 29, 2015

20th annual






For a complete listing of 2015 Signature Events and sponsorship opportunities, visit


membership levels and benefits The Greater Houston Partnership brings together the region’s business leaders to tackle the top issues facing our community. Membership in the organization offers a wide array of engagement opportunities, many open to all members, with others reserved for members contributing at certain investment levels. We are committed to making Houston the world’s best place to live, work and build a business and seek to engage members that share this commitment to Houston’s long-term success.

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all members of the greater houston partnership receive: • Access to GHP Councils covering topics such as energy, quality of life, economic development and healthcare

board of directors

• Opportunity to participate in GHP Programs


• Special members-only pricing on GHP events and publications • Access to online tools such as Small Business Resource Center and Marketplace • Digital subscriptions to: • GHP Working for Houston, monthly newsletter • Economy At A Glance, monthly economic report • Opportunity Houston magazine, quarterly economic development publication

steering committee eligibility

• Invitations to premier networking opportunities and special events

advisory committee

advisory committees



sub committees

sub committees

sub committees




















• Company listing in GHP’s online directory


$1 ,0 0 0 – $2,999

limited partner

$3,0 0 0 – $4 ,999

Advisory Partner

$5,0 0 0 – $9,999

Senior Advisory $1 0,000 – $ 29,9 9 9 Partner

GHP membership designed for companies seeking insider’s access to information on Houston’s economy and business trends along with premier networking opportunities to build their business.

Geared toward companies seeking to engage with other members to help move Houston forward through engagement in GHP’s Public Policy or Economic Development and Trade Subcommittees.

Perfect for companies seeking to help address Houston’s top issues. The Advisory Partner has the knowledge and influence to make a positive impact on Houston.

Designed for companies who wish to make a difference in the Houston community through additional engagement, Senior Advisory Partners influence strategy and policy on a variety of topics.

benefits include:

benefits include:

benefits include:

benefits include:

• Unlimited participation in topic-specific Councils.

• Participation in up to three (3) Subcommittees.

• Opportunity to participate in GHP Programs.

• Acknowledgment in GHP “Partner Report.”

• Eligibility to participate in one (1) Advisory Committee. Committee Chair approval required.

• Eligibility to serve on the Board of Directors, if nominated, for nonprofit and small business leaders.

• Participation in up to three (3) Subcommittees.

• Eligibility to serve on one (1) Steering Committee, upon GHP Chairman designation.

• Invitation to the President’s Council featuring GHP’s CEO, a quarterly gathering of business executives.

• Eligibility to participate in up to two (2) Advisory Committees. Committee Chair approval required. • Participation in up to four (4) Subcommittees. • Onsite economic outlook presentation, upon request.



For more information, please contact us at executive committee appointment

board of directors

board of directors

board of directors




steering committee

steering committee

steering committee




advisory committees

advisory committees

advisory committees




sub committees

sub committees

sub committees
















General Partner

$3 0,00 0 – $59,9 9 9

Suited for the company seeking influence and impact across a wide range of topics, General Partners embrace the role of policy advocacy and wish to contribute to discussions to solve several top issues facing Houston. benefits include: • Eligibility to serve on the Board of Directors, if nominated. • Eligibility to serve on one (1) Steering Committee, upon GHP Chairman designation. • Eligibility to participate in up to three (3) Advisory Committees. Committee Chair approval required.

managing partner

$6 0,0 0 0 – $119,999

executive partner

$1 20,000 and above

Managing Partners are committed corporate citizens whose investment helps move the business community’s priorities forward and position Houston as one of the world’s most dynamic and successful metropolitan regions.

Executive Partners are corporate citizens whose generous investment and leadership role in the Partnership expresses their corporate values and commitment to Houston’s success.

benefits include:

• Appointment to Executive Committee.

• Nomination to the GHP Board of Directors.

• Nomination to GHP Board of Directors.

• Eligibility to serve on one (1) Steering Committee, upon GHP Chairman designation.

• Executive appointment to one (1) Steering Committee.

• Eligibility to participate in up to four (4) Advisory Committees. Committee Chair approval required.

• Eligibility to participate in up to five (5) Advisory Committees. Committee Chair approval required.

• Participation in ten (10) Subcommittees.

• Participation in an unlimited number of Subcommittees.

• Premier table placement at sponsored events.

benefits include:

• Invitations to VIP gatherings with elected officials, global business leaders, international figures and other influentials.

• Participation in up to five (5) Subcommittees.

• Premier recognition and logo placement at all Signature and Major Events.

• Onsite member orientation meeting to engage employees in the GHP mission, upon request.

• Logo recognition in GHP Boardroom. • Company logo included on GHP website homepage and highlighted in major publications. • Major sponsorship of Annual Meeting. • Two (2) complimentary VIP tickets with premier seating to four (4) GHP Signature luncheons.


E x e c u t i v e par t n ers

For more information, please contact us at

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