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Algebra 1 Course Syllabus 713-­‐580-­‐6000 www.houstonchristianhs.org

Subject: Algebra 1 B-­‐1/B-­‐2/B-­‐3

Teacher: Amanda Mellor Performing Arts Center – PAC – Room 207

Conference Period: A1 (by appointment only) Phone: 713/580-­‐6039 Email: amellor@houstonchristianhs.org

Tutoring Availability: M, W, Th, F: 7:15 – 8:25 and after school for 1 hr Tu: after school for 1 hr Most days during lunch (Not Chapel Days)

Semester Verse: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” (Colossians 3:23-­‐24) Classroom Rules: Grading: 1. Be on time. Tests – 50% 2. Be prepared. In-­‐Class Assignments – 20% 3. Be respectful. Homework/Movie Assignments – 15% Participation Grade– 5% Mastery Quizzes – 10% Your lowest Assignment grade will be dropped. Materials Needed: • TI-­‐Nspire CAS • AAA batteries (to be kept in the classroom for calculator emergencies) • Binder – notes must be organized. There will be a note check every day. • College ruled notebook paper • Pencil (for all work) • Grading Pen – red, blue, green, purple – not black • Holt-­‐McDougal Algebra 1 Textbook • Set of fine-­‐tip dry erase markers (bold colors) • Mac Computer – for watching videos

Policies: Notes: Notes will be available on the portal in advance under “Class Documents”. You MUST print out the notes on your own time. (NOT from my printer.) Flipped Class Addition: You will print out your notes, watch the video, fill out the notes, and bring them to class. The notes will be completed in the video. Missed Class: 1. You are responsible to complete ALL missed work. See Student Handbook for details on due dates. 2. On your own, you should print out the notes, watch the video, and complete Cell Phones: Place your cell phone in the red drawer unit before class starts. You can retrieve it at the end of class. IT MUST BE OFF. If it goes off during class, it will be confiscated and a detention will be issued – no exceptions. Homework: The homework for this semester will be to: 1. Complete the Cool-­‐Down exercises (10 min) 2. Watch the Video (10 to 15 min) 3. Take notes on the video 4. Complete the Warm-­‐Up exercises (10 min) You should have to spend no more than 30-­‐45 min on your homework. However, I expect you to come to class completely prepared. Failure to be prepared for class will result in the following: First Offense: Denied entrance to class until the entire assignment has been completed. All classwork missed will then become homework. Second Offense: Same as First Offense, with a 50% deduction of Homework Grade. Third Offense: Denied Entrance, 50% deduction in HW grade, and detention. Subsequent Offenses will result in detentions as well.

Mastery Quizzes: These quizzes are timed. They will cover material learned in previous chapter(s). You will have up to 5 chances to make a perfect score. Each time you take it, the highest grade you can receive decreases by 5 points. However, after you have made a perfect score, each subsequent time your score can be increased 5 pts or decreased by 1 point. Example: First Round: did not pass Second Round: passed – grade is 95 Third Round: passed – grade is 95 + 5 = 100 Fourth Round: did not pass – grade is 100 – 1 = 99 Fifth Round: did not pass – grade is 99 – 1 = 98 Final score: 98 Tardiness: I expect you to be in your seat when the bell rings. If you are not “on time”, the following will happen: • First Time: Warning • Second Time: Bathroom pass will be taken away. • Third Time: Detention will be issued. Computers Computers will not be used unless otherwise specified. They need to stay closed. Consequences will be in effect if your computer is out during class (this includes the beginning of class). Bathroom Policy: Go to the bathroom before class begins. However, if an emergency arises, you may use a bathroom pass. You have 3 for a semester, so be careful how you use them. If you have them all at the end of the each quarter, I will give you a bonus. The bonus for the second quarter will be better, so I suggest hanging onto your bathroom passes. Missing Calculator: The calculator is an essential part of this class. You MUST bring it EVERY class. Consequences will be in effect if it is left at home or in your locker. It also must be usable – i.e. batteries must work!


EXPECTED BEHAVIOR: § o Cell phones are to be turned off and put in the red beast every class before we start! You are NOT to have access to your phone at any time during class, and this includes the times you might be dismissed to go to the restroom, etc. o Respect for instructor, peers and yourself (affects Participation Grade) o Honesty, integrity, exemplary character, responsibility o Attentive and active (not passive) participation in all classroom activities o Completion of all Homework Assignments (affects HW Grade) o Use of PENCIL for HW Assignments, Quizzes and Tests, and a PEN (not black) or colored pencil for making corrections o Present and on time to class with all necessary supplies (affects Participation Grade) o Participation in independent study groups; taking responsibility for your education is the first step to academic success and excellence o Attendance at tutorials before or after school when you need help, at your discretion o Leave Mrs. Mellor’s stuff in the same or better condition in which you found it!

UNACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR: o Closing up or leaving class before its dismissal by the instructor, not the bell o Profanity (verbal, physical, symbolic or written) o Cheating in any form (including copying homework, telling/asking others what is on a Test or Quiz) o Disrespect or general surliness toward instructor or classmates (affects Participation Grade) o Sleeping, or head down on desk, working on other material (affects Participation Grade) o Not taking care of this space (trash, writing/gum on desks, etc.) o Incomplete, non-­‐existent or uncorrected HW Assignments (affects HW Grade) o Waiting until the day of (or the day before) the Test to request assistance in learning major topics – this is unwise o Fishing for hints during Tests – this is my day to ask you the questions o Absence from class, especially if there is a recurrence on Test days (affects Participation Grade) o Removing anything from the classroom which is not yours o Asking if there is any extra credit work you can do to “bring up your grade” – aaaaaaagh!!! o Using a pen on coursework, except when specifically instructed to use one (affects Participation Grade or grade on assignment)

______________________________________________ Student Signature ______________________________________________ Parent Signature

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