Course Syllabus Honor - Community - Heritage - Scholarship 713-580-6000
Subject: AP Statistics
A1 A4
Teacher: Staci Brown
Conference Period: B1
Quarter: 4th
Phone: 713-580-6050
March 19 – May 31, 2012
Room: PAC 109 Email: Unit(s): 1. Mixed Inference 2. AP Review
HCHS CORE VALUES - Honor - Heritage
- Community - Scholarship
Learning Standards/Objectives: 1. The learner will be able to conduct the appropriate type of inference as demanded by a scenario. 2. All previous standards/objectives
Classroom Rules: 1. Honor God in all that you do. 2. Follow all of the school rules. 3. Attend to the task assigned. 4. Cell phones turned off and put away. 5. If you borrow something, return it. 6. Treat everyone in the room with respect.
Grading: Tests - 70%, Quizzes – 15% (Your lowest daily grade will be dropped), Daily– 5%, Homework Quizzes – 5%, Mastery Quizzes – 5% Tentative test and quiz dates available on the assignment sheet, which can be found on the portal.
Materials Needed: binder or accordion file, pencil, CAS, batteries, notebook paper, graph paper, straightedge, textbook