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Exercises on Quote Integration and Documentation DQ = Dropped Quote (The quote is hanging out by itself with no connection to what’s around it.) PIQ = Partially Integrated Quote (Very little besides who says the statement is in the sentence.) FIQ = Fully Integrated Quote (The sentence containing the quote is fully commented on and connected to the argument.) Identify the following sentences as a dropped quote, a partially integrated quote, or a fully integrated quote, by labeling each with a DQ, PIQ, or FIQ: ______ 1. She says in her essay, “It is the story…of how an independent and courageous woman came to understand and define herself” (Woods 187). ______ 2. “It is the story…of how an independent and courageous woman came to understand and define herself” (Woods 187). ______ 3. Katherine Woods takes a sympathetic approach in her interpretation of Isak Dinesen’s character as she asserts that the story is one of “how an independent and courageous woman [comes] to understand and define herself” (187). ______ 4. Furthering the negative way in which other characters view her, James has the governess call Miss Jessel a “terrible miserable woman” who “suffers the torments of the lost… of the damned” (Chase 260). ______ 5. “Yet by the very nature of his subject, what we might want to describe as ‘realism’ of his technique constantly transcends itself…” (Alter 526). ______ 6. The youth began to question most things about society: “The 1960s counterculture youth were disillusioned with the vast social injustices, industrialization, and the mass society image in their parents’ world” (Reilly 1775). ______ 7. McMurphy’s actions parallel those of the youth of the 1960s, a generation which “challenge[d] symbols of conformity” (Moss and Wilson 292). 8. What are ellipses (…) for?

9. Why does #3 not have the author’s name in the documentation?

10. In all of the above, where are the (a) quotes and where are the (b) periods with respect to the parentheses? (a)_________________ (b)__________________ 11. Why are there brackets ([ ]) in some of the quotes?

Correct the following errors in documentation: 12. “The action of the scene…consists of symbolic movement…and declamatory speeches.” (Butterworth) 13. According to Mendelson and Riley, the machines controlling the ward are a symbol for the government controlling everyone (Mendelson and Riley 278). 14. Bronte makes it clear that she believes that “conventionality is not morality (Napierkowski 170)”. 15. The loss of John’s finger is like his separation from the war and the anti-war movement. (Reilly, 199)

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