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YOUR CHARITABLE INVESTMENT WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE Name:________________________________________________________________________________ Business/Organization:__________________________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________City/State:_____________Zip:___________ Phone: ______________________________ Email:_________________________________________

MANY GIFTS, ONE VISION ANNUAL FUND I/we commit to support the 2011-2012 Annual Fund with a gift/pledge of $__________________________ Please recognize me/us at the appropriate $____________ Monthly for __________ months beginning _____________ $____________ Quarterly for _________ quarters beginning _____________ $____________ One-time gift on _________________________________ Pledge payments are due by 6/30/2012.

giving level: □ Leadership Circle* □ Trustee’s Circle* □ Head of School Circle* □ Honor Circle* □ Mustang Circle* □ Family □ Community □ Friend * Leadership Level

$25,000 and above $10,000 - $24,999 $5,000 - $9,999 $2,500 - $4,999 $1,000 - $2,499 $500 - $999 $250 - $499 Up to $249

Payment Methods: □ Enclosed is my check in the amount of $ ________________________ (Please make checks payable to Houston Christian High School) □ Please charge $ ______________________ to my □ MasterCard □ Visa □ American Express □ One Time □ Monthly □ Yearly Card number: _____________________________________________ Exp. Date: _____________________________CVV _________ □ I am interested in giving marketable securities. Please contact me.

FORWARD IN FAITH CAPITAL CAMPAIGN I/we wish to support the Capital Campaign with a gift/pledge of $________________________________ Payable over one to three years.* $____________ Monthly for __________ months beginning_____________ $____________ Quarterly for _________ quarters beginning _____________ $____________ Annually for __________ years beginning _______________ $____________ One-time gift on _________________________________

Please recognize me/us at the appropriate giving level: □ Founder $1,500,000 and above □ Major Benefactor $1,000,000 - $1,499,999 □ Benefactor $500,000 - $999,999 □ Distinguished Patron $250,000 - $499,999 □ Major Patron $100,000 - $249,999 □ Patron $50,000 - $99,999 □ Partner $25,000 - $49,999 □ Contributor $15,000 - $24,999 □ Sponsor $7,500 - $14,999 □ Friend Up to $7,499

*Please contact the Development Office to discuss pledge payment periods longer than three years. Pledge payments are due by 6/30 of each year. Payment Methods: □ Enclosed is my check in the amount of $ ________________________ (Please make checks payable to Houston Christian High School) □ Please charge $ ______________________ to my □ MasterCard □ Visa □ American Express □ One Time □ Monthly □ Yearly Card number: _____________________________________________ Exp. Date: _____________________________CVV _________ □ I am interested in giving marketable securities. Please contact me.

Does your employer have a matching gift program: □Yes □No (If yes, please enclose your company’s matching gift form) Signature ______________________________________________________________ Date _________________________________

□ Check here if you wish your contribution to be dedicated to an individual(s) and list name(s) below: In Memory/Honor of: _______________________________________________________________ □ Check here if you are interested in a naming opportunity for this gift: Naming opportunity request: _________________________________________________________ □ Please treat this as an anonymous gift/pledge. □ I have included Houston Christian High School in my will or estate plan. □ I would consider including Houston Christian High School in my will or estate plan. Please make donations to: Houston Christian High School Attention: Development Office 2700 W. Sam Houston Parkway North • Houston, Texas 77043 Phone: 713.580.6027 Fax: 713.580.6002 www.houstonchristian.org | www.supporthc.org

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