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Sophomore Research Paper Holistic Scoring 8-­‐9 (90-­‐100) A research paper earning an 8 or 9 demonstrates a clear sense of purpose in its strong thesis and follows its proposed research agenda to completion. The thesis is arguable, significant, and specific with an appropriate scope. The paper is organized, specific in example, and tightly focused. In a controlled manner, the writer guides the reader through the information with strong transitions. The information is responsibly delivered and well documented. The writer addresses any loose ends and fully incorporates researched information and quotations that strengthen the paper. The writer faces problematic issues and satisfies the reader that he or she has fully explored the topic. The paper is effective, persuasive, and interesting to read because of its command of language and structure as well as its astuteness in choosing what to write and what to leave out. The introduction draws the reader in, and the conclusion closes the paper in a satisfactory manner. Generally, a 9 paper flows better because of more effective language and better analysis. 6-­‐7 (80-­‐89) A 6 or 7 paper offers a complete response to the assignment and good basic thinking, though not an always persuasive argument. Although not as convincing or thoroughly developed as the 8 or 9 paper, it demonstrates clear ideas, insight, and control. The 7 paper presents a more developed analysis and language command than does a 6. 4-­‐5 (70-­‐79) This research paper does not adequately treat the assignment or may demonstrate a lack of understanding of the assignment. The information does not connect to the thesis, and / or the paper neglects introducing and explaining the information presented. The writing often demonstrates a lack of control over the conventions of composition: inadequate development of ideas, an accumulation of errors, or a focus that is unclear, inconsistent, or repetitive. 4’s may contain distracting grammatical and mechanical errors and may demonstrate significant misreading or misunderstanding. 2-­‐3 (50-­‐69) This paper may be incoherent, unacceptably brief, or does not address the assignment. It may contain serious errors in understanding or the writing may prohibit the reader from understanding the message. The writer’s assertions are presented with little clarity, organization, or support. 0-­‐1 (0-­‐49) This paper contains no more than a reference to the task, or it is a paper that is not the student’s work.

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