Houston Christian High School is a college preparatory school dedicated to the highest academic standards for the development of moral character, the enrichment of spiritual lives, and the perpetuation of growth in Christian ideals.
Our Vision:
Inspiring young people to lead: uniting faith, intellect, and gifts to reach their greatest promise.
Houston Christian is founded under the providence of God and with the conviction that there is a need for a school in this community that will train the minds, develop moral character, and enrich the spiritual lives. Because of this, biblical principles are woven throughout all classes and extracurriculars, allowing students, staff, and visitors to see Christ in every aspect of life.
Who is Houston Christian?
540 students
459 families
*84% are 1 HC student families
69 zip codes
34% self-reported diversity
19 denominations
Houston Christian High School
Update from Admissions
retention rate is a testament to Houston Christian High School families’ satisfaction 97% Click
Houston Christian High School
Overview of Academics
Scan to view
Houston Christian High School Faculty & Administrators have advanced degrees 72%
Houston Christian High School
Houston Christian High School
Dual Credit with Colorado Christian University
Course Approval: 23-24 AP English 3
AP English 4
AP US History
Christian Worldview Latin
Pending Approval: 24-25 NEW
AP Biology
AP Chemistry
AP Environmental Science
DSP 11
DSP 12
AP Physics
English IV
47 HC Students received dual credit in 23-24
Houston Christian High School
36% Attend Out of State Colleges
48% Attend Private Colleges
95% Attend Four-Year Colleges
5% Attend Two-Year Colleges
10% Participate in Collegiate Sports
45% Reporting Scholarship Offers
Totaling $7.8 Million Our 2024 Graduates
Click here to schedule your visit to HC!
Athletics at Houston Christian
Cheerleading JV
Cheerleading Varsity
Cross Country JV (Boys)
Cross Country Varsity (Boys)
Cross Country Varsity (Girls)
Field Hockey Varsity
Football JV
Football Varsity
Volleyball Freshman
Volleyball JV
Volleyball Varsity
Basketball JV Blue (Boys)
Basketball JV White (Boys)
Basketball Varsity (Boys)
Basketball JV (Girls)
Basketball Varsity (Girls)
Soccer JV (Boys)
Soccer Varsity (Boys)
Soccer JV (Girls)
Soccer Varsity (Girls)
Swim & Diving Varsity
Baseball JV
Baseball Varsity
Golf Varsity
Lacrosse JV (Boys)
Lacrosse Varsity (Boys)
Lacrosse Varsity (Girls)
Softball Varsity
Tennis Varsity
Track & Field JV
Track & Field Varsity
Houston Christian High School Fine Arts
HC Theatreworks
Tommy Tune Award winning program produces a Fall and Winter Musical Production.
Houston Christian High School
Visual and Performing Arts
HC Band
Andrew Braun ‘23
1st chair trombone
TMEA 6A Region, 3rd chair trombone
TMEA 6A Region
Wind Ensemble & All-State Trombone.
HC Choir Performs
8 students received a superior rating for their solo at 2023 TPSMEA; Yianni Rokas ‘24 1st chair Bass 1 for the TPSMEA All-State
HC DOXA Advanced Dance produced two Stand Out Ballet Scholarships and one Stand Out Tap Scholarship
HC Orchestra
Daniel Kuo ’23 Orchestra Principal Cellist, 1st chair Cello, TMEA 6A Region 27 Orchestra, 1st chair CelloTPSMEA All State.
HC Visual Arts
Karli Kapche ‘24 “You Can Cow-nt on Me" Best of Show at HLSR
Houston Christian High School There’s
Houston Christian High School Program for College Readiness
The Program for College Readiness is a specialized, tiered program exclusive to Houston Christian High School designed to vigorously support students with mild to moderate diagnosed learning differences.
● Tier I - Academic Strategies
● Tier II - Advanced Academic
● Tier III – Maintenance for Independent Learner
● Tier IV – Maintenance with Mentorship
The Bush Center Programming
Collegiate Connections
Hankamer School of Business
Mays Business School & McFerrin Center for Entrepreneurship
Bush Library & Bush School
Wolff Center for Entrepreneurship
Distinguished Scholars Program
Deep dive into quantitative and qualitative research, analytical thought, debate, public speaking and producing an empirical research document.
Students apply and are selected for DSP.
Graduates earn a yellow stole for Commencement representing that they are scholars for life and their diploma indicates the DSP.
Passport to Lead
All 9th graders take Introduction to Christian Leadership.
10th-12th graders take Leadership electives
ALL students can complete tasks to earn stamps on their passport. Completion of 25 activities by the end of Senior year earns leadership endorsement on the diploma and graduates wear a red stole at Commencement.
Innovation Studio & Studies
New Innovation Studio: flexible workspace that houses our Innovation for Social Change class and our Robotics and Engineering class and club. Our studio showcases the creative and innovative work of HC’s students and faculty.
Innovation for Social Change: This course explores critical global issues within the spheres of society, environment, culture, and economics. Students learn and practice frameworks of Design Thinking, research, and collaboration.
Houston Christian High School
There’s Only One
● The Bush Center & Distinctive Programs
● Only Private Christian High School in West Houston
● Program-enhancing facilities: Brown Family Dance Studio, Harrell
Family Strength & Conditioning Center, BlackBox Theater
● Only ISAS/SPC school with an interdenominational identity
● Dual enrollment with Colorado Christian University