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Outline Sophomore Research Paper

What is it? •  Serves as an organiza3onal plan for your paper •  Ar3culates what you plan to say •  Shows how you will get to where you want to go

Importance •  Ar3cula3on in point form for a superior dra< •  Chance to fix structural problems more easily •  Direc3on and substance •  Confidence •  Ability to tackle smaller, more manageable chunks

How to construct yours •  Take a deep breath. •  Read through your notes. •  Classify your findings / look for paGerns and trends. •  Do some more research where needed or see if two "weak" sec3ons might fit under one stronger heading. •  Re-­‐evaluate your thesis.

Starting the outline •  MLA heading and headers •  Title: Research Paper Outline – Major Grade •  I. Introduc3on •  A. Interest grabber •  B. Thesis statement: Write it out as a complete sentence here. •  II. Topic heading 1 •  III. Topic heading 2 •  IV. Topic heading 3 (could have 2-­‐4 topics) •  V. Conclusion

Organizing information •  Using colored index cards, write down your (revised) topics from your preliminary outline. This is your “star3ng outline.” •  Once you feel you have a good set of topics, take out your note cards and try to find a place for them in your “star3ng outline.” Insert them where they belong.

Forming a topic outline •  Give topic names to all of the pieces of informa3on (do not just write the quote in the outline!) and document them with appropriate cita3ons in your outline. •  End with the Conclusion.

Citations •  Use the first word of the Source Card cita3on (usually the author’s or editor’s last name) and the page number (if available). •  If the first word is an ar3cle name, put quotes around it. •  If it’s a book 3tle, italicize it.

•  Simply put the page number -­‐ no p., nor pp., nor pg., nor pgs, nor # signs. •  If there is no page number, you do not put anything but the first word of the cita3on.

Works Cited •  Using your source cards, list each entry alphabe3cally by the first important word (not a, an or the) of the entry. •  Use a hanging indent.

Important structural things •  Every I has a II; every A a B; every 1 a 2. •  Go over parallelism. Change any inconsistent parts of speech on the outline. •  Go over capitaliza3on. Adjust capitaliza3on.

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