Course Syllabus Honor – Community – Heritage – Scholarship 713-580-6000
Subject: GMO
Teacher: Mrs. Oldham
Conference Period:
Quarter: Fourth Nine Weeks
A4 Phone & voice mail: 713-580-6071 Email: Oceanography
Heritage Application and Verse:
Extreme Weather
Colossians 2:8 Se e to it that no one take s you captive through hollow and de c e ptiv e philoso p h y, which dep e n d s on hum an tradition and the basic principle s of this world rather than on Christ.
Topographical Maps
Learning Standards/Objectives: • The successful student will be able to meet the test objectives. • Specific objectives will be given to the students at the beginning of each unit. Grading: 50% 50%
Tests Laboratory Activities, Internet research, video notes Daily Grades (class participation, worksheets)
Materials Needed: pen or pencil current handouts
loose-leaf paper computer essential