Nomen: Qui dies est? Decuria:
What Infinitive- Conjugation? Tell me what conjugation each verb is and translate. Example: videre- 2 nd conj-passive inf.-to be seen Put the 4th conjugation verbs in the blanks to answer the question: Romans treated infertility with:
Gladiator _______ ______ _______ _______ _______
1. (a)videre
(b)audire ______________________________________ __ (a)ambulare ______________________________________ __ (l)audiri ______________________________________ _ (o)scire ______________________________________ _ (0)sentiri
Latin Quiz
______________________________________ I _
Nomen: Qui dies est? Decuria:
_______________________________________ 2. (s)geri ________________________________________ 3. (n)amari ________________________________________ 4. (h)agi ________________________________________ 5. (c)petere ________________________________________ 6. (l)solere ________________________________________ 7. (r) terreri ________________________________________
Latin Quiz