Houston Hillel Spring 09 Calendar

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Spring 2009 houstonhillel.org

Passover Shabbat Weekly Shabbat Services & Dinners

Every Friday night at 6:30 pm, Jewish students and young professionals gather at the Houston Hillel Student Center for Shabbat services and a free delicious meal. Watch your email for monthly GAP Shabbat dinners at homes around Houston. Arrive at 6:00 pm on the last Friday of each month for a Service Leading Workshop with Rabbi Weiss. Leading services is easier than you think! January 9 January 16 January 23 January 30 February 6 February 13 February 20 February 27 March 6 March 13 March 20 March 27 April 3 April 10 April 17 April 24 May 1

Shabbat on Campus at Rice Indian Food Shabbat at Hillel GAP Shabbat Dinner - Check the Falafel for location Sushi Shabbat at Hillel 70’s Shabbat at Hillel Rice Shabbat at President David Leebron’s home Shabbat on Campus at UH Valentine’s Day Sock Hop Shabbat at Hillel Outer Space Shabbat at Hillel Rodeo Shabbat at Hillel GAP Shabbat dinner - Check the Falafel for location Purim Shabbat at UH ZBT House Purim Shabbat at Rice Israeli Shabbat at Hillel Disney Shabbat at Hillel GAP Shabbat dinner - Check the Falafel for location Rock and Roll Shabbat at Hillel Passover Shabbat at Hillel Under the Sea Shabbat at Hillel Italian Shabbat at Hillel GAP Shabbat dinner - Check the Falafel for location Picnic Shabbat - Check the Falafel for location

Passover Shopping Trips

Weekly (or so) Events Rice Lunch & Learn

Every Monday at Noon Brochstein Pavilion Hang with Rabbi Kenny, enjoy a free lunch, and schmooze about a variety of Jewish issues. Stop by once in a while or each week.

UH Lunches

Every Tuesday Hillel’s UH Student Lounge Enjoy a FREE lunch with Houston Hillel in our cool Student Lounge in the A.D. Bruce Religion Center. No RSVP required. We’ll be there with food from late morning to afternoon.

Afraid you’ll be stuck with the munchies and not a macaroon or matzah insight? Call Tamara and she’ll take you shopping for Passover!

Free Kosher for Passover Meals

Houston Hillel offers students FREE kosher for Passover lunches at UH and Rice and dinners at the Hillel Student Center ($10 each for non-students). How do you get yours? Just RSVP to Tamara at tmarksmo@houstonhillel.org. Rice lunches in the Kelly Lounge Ap 13, 14, 15 & 16. UH lunches in the UH Hillel Lounge Ap 13, 14, 15 & 16. Dinners at the Hillel Student Center Ap 10, 13, 14 & 15.

1st Night Seder at Houston Hillel

Wednesday, Ap 8 at 6:30 pm Hillel Student Center A Passover Seder for students, led by students. RSVP to Tamara and let us know if you want to help lead the Seder!

Home Hospitality Seders

Let us know if you prefer home hospitality for either Seder.

Bring Back the Bread with Houston Hillel

Thursday, April 16 Check the Falafel for the location We can’t think of a better way to end the matzah madness.

Jews & Brews

Tuesdays from 8 -10 pm The Gingerman in the Village Jan 6 & 20; Feb 3 & 17; Mar 3, 17 & 31; Ap 28 & May 12 Jews and Brews. The name says it all.

Run with the Rabbi

Every Wednesday at 8 am Rice Running Loop Celebrate the middle of the week with an easy jog and some schmoozing with Rabbi Weiss. You can meet Kenny at Hillel at 8 am as he heads down Ashby to Rice Entrance 20, or find him as he take a clockwise lap or two.

Shabbat Services and Dinner


Every Friday night at 6:30 pm Hillel Student Center You’re always welcome at Houston Hillel for a free Shabbat dinner.

Hang with Tamara and Kenny at Rice & UH

Check the Falafel for weekly opportunities for Tamara and Kenny to buy you a Cup O’ Joe and a snack while you schmooze about anything at all.

Explore Judaism Rice Lunch & Learn

Every Monday at Noon Brochstein Pavilion Hang with Rabbi Kenny, enjoy a free lunch, and schmooze about a variety of Jewish issues. Stop by once in a while or each week.

Service Leading Workshops

Last Friday night of each month at 6 pm Hillel Student Center Jan 30, Feb 27, and March 27 It’s not so difficult to lead services - and it’s a lot of fun. Stop by and Rabbi Weiss will teach you all the basics.

Get High with Rebecca at the UH Rock Wall

Various times UH Recreation & Wellness Center Want to get high? In your free time climb the UH rock wall with Rebecca Dupree, Hillel’s UH Student President. Admission is free for UH students and $7 for non-UH students. Shoes, harnesses, helmets, and chalk bags are provided. For more information and to arrange a meeting time, please contact Rebecca at 832-758-4776 or rdupree@gmail.com.

Jewish Job Fair

Our various Student Board meetings are a great way to get involved and meet other students. Check the Falafel for times and locations or contact Tamara for the info - tmarksmo@houstonhillel.org.

ZBT House at UH Rice University

Kosher Cooking & Challah Baking with Rabbi Amy Weiss

Check the Falafel for the date and time Hillel Student Center Learn how to bake challah from scratch, as well as some other favorite Jewish foods! And best of all, take your delicious baked goods home to enjoy, if they even make it that far!

Jewish Conference Opportunities

Israel advocacy, eco-Zionism, NUJLS (the National Union of Jewish Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, and Intersex Students), or just a weekend with other Jewish college students - there’s a conference for every interest. Check the Falafel for the possibilities. Worried about the steep airfare and registration fees? Give Rabbi Kenny Weiss a call and he’ll make sure that money is never a reason to stay in Houston.

Check the Falafel for date and location Don’t miss this opportunity to explore some medical malpractice!

Texas Medical Center Lunches

Social & Such Cohen House Lunch

Monday, Jan 5 at noon Rice University Cohen House It’s the first day of classes - do we need another reason to munch at the Cohen House?

Watch the Falafel for the latest times and dates of free lunches and events at the University of Houston Law Center and South Texas College of Law.

This semester’s Medical Center & Law School ethics lunches are sponsored by the Alfred & Ethyl Herzstein Charitable Fdn.

Ice Skating

Thursday, Jan 29 at 8 pm Polar Ice Rink at the Galleria Just because it’s not wintery outside in Houston, doesn’t mean you can’t ice skate!

Community Service

Superbowl Watch Party

Sunday, Feb 1 Hillel Student Center Watch the Superbowl on the big-screen, with good food and friends at Houston Hillel.

Palace Lanes

Contact Kenny if you’d like to participate in this great opportunity.

Israeli, Salsa & Swing Dancing

Watch the Falafel for dates, and learn to dance the night away…

Blue Bell Ice Cream Factory Tour

Keep your eye out for a fun trip to the Blue Bell Ice Cream Factory!

Aeros Hockey Game Watch the Falafel for the details

Hillel Goes Camping

So many of you asked for a weekend camping trip that we’re ready to pull out the sleeping bags and make s’mores! Send an email to Tamara if you’re interested - tmarksmo@houstonhillel.org - and we’ll set a date.

Finals Study Breaks

Super Sunday Sunday, Jan 11

Jewish Student Music Recital

Check out Sababa at the University of Houston. Sababa is an independent student group dedicated to Israeli life and culture. Learn more at www.uhsababa.org. Look for events this spring celebrating Tel Aviv’s 100th Anniversary, remembering the Holocaust, art exhibitions, Israel on Campus Coalition speakers, and partnerships with Caravan for Democracy and the Israeli Consulate.

Law School Lunches

Wednesday, Jan 21 at 7pm Amy’s Ice Cream Kick off the new semester with an array of all your favorite ice cream flavors at Amy’s Ice Cream! Ice cream is on you – but exciting raffle prizes are on us!

Wednesday, March 11 at 9 pm $5 for all the bowling you can handle.


Every other week Texas Medical Center Join the Jewish population of the Texas Medical Center - students and faculty - for a chance to schmooze, socialize and learn together.

Welcome Back Ice Cream Social

Late Night Bowling

Experience Israel firsthand with Houston Hillel and Birthright Israel – a FREE 10 day trip to the Holy Land! If you are 18-26 and have never been on a peer-trip to Israel, contact Tamara to find out how you can go this summer! There will also be an exclusive 21+ Israel trip for young professionals from Houston!

Ever thought about becoming a Jewish professional? Now’s your chance to learn more and check out local job opportunities. Watch for more information.

Med/Law Dinner

Thursday, Feb 19 at 7pm Hillel Student Center Need a good laugh? Come to Hillel to watch Comedy Central’s ever-sohilarious Hebrew Hammer.

Have You Thought About Going to Israel?

St. Arnold’s Brewery

Check the Falafel for times and location Play Poker without men around! Every other Wednesday at Gail’s apartment; bring a small dinner dish. Never played before? We’ll teach you!

Hebrew Hammer Movie Night


Saturday, Jan 31st at 1pm Was he Jewish? Who cares! Let’s check out the beer!

Gals Only Poker Potluck

Saturday, March 28th at 6:30pm Rice University Enjoy Havdalah and a deli dinner with your friends at Rice University to mark the end of Shabbat.

Friday, March 6 Friday, March 13 Two wild Purim nights of costumes, food, and fun!

Fridays at 7:30 pm Check the Falafel for location Jan 16, Feb 27, Mar 27 & April 24 Join us for a Shabbat dinner for graduate students and young professionals.

Student Board Meetings


Purim Shabbat Celebrations

GAP Shabbat Dinners

St. Arnold’s Brewery Tour

Join the Jewish population of the Texas Medical Center - students and faculty - for a chance to schmooze and socialize.

Sunday, Feb 8th Celebrate the Jewish New Year for trees and help the community by planting trees that were destroyed around Houston during Hurricane Ike!

What’s Purim - or any Jewish holiday - without some food? We’ll eat some ourselves and create some to give away!

Tuesdays from 8 -10 pm The Gingerman in the Village Jan 6 & 20; Feb 3 & 17; Mar 3, 17 & 31; Ap 28 & May 12 Jews and Brews. The name says it all.

Texas Medical Center Gatherings

Tu b’Shevat Tree Planting

Mishloach Manot & Hamentaschen

Jews & Brews

When you’re cramming for exams it’s time for a study break with Houston Hillel. Check the Falafel for times and places.

Jewish Community Center

Tu b’Shevat Tree Planting

Sunday, Feb 8 Location TBA Celebrate the Jewish New Year for trees and help the community by planting trees that were destroyed around Houston during Hurricane Ike!

Alternative Spring Break Trips with Hillel

Rice and UH Spring Breaks, 2009 Call or email Tamara, who is putting together trips for UH and Rice students.

Stitch & Bitch

Check the Falafel for date Hillel Student Center There’s nothing like stitching and, er.. um... schmoozing! Novice and experienced knitters, spend an evening knitting scarves for M.D. Anderson cancer patients recovering from mastectomies.

American Cancer Society Relay For Life

An overnight walk that celebrates and remembers those affected by cancer.

Pancakes for Parkinson’s

Call us about this community service project in conjunction with Team Fox.


We’ll make PB&J sandwiches for SEARCH Homeless Services.

Hilda & Hershel Rich Community Service Project at Rice University

Check the Falafel for this community service opportunity in honor of Hilda and Hershel, who met at Rice’s Menorah Society (the precursor to Hillel)!

GAP Shabbat Dinner Friday, Jan 16

Super Sunday Sunday, Jan 11

Rice Cohen House Lunch Monday, Jan 5


Gals Only Poker Potluck

GAP Shabbat Dinners

Service Leading Workshops

Law School Lunches

Texas Medical Center Gatherings

Student Board Meetings

Hang with Tamara & Kenny at Rice & UH

Periodic Events

Service Leading Workshop GAP Shabbat Dinner Friday, March 27

Purim Shabbat at Rice Friday, March 13

Late Night Bowling Wednesday, March 11

Purim Shabbat at UH Friday, March 6


Service Leading Workshop GAP Shabbat Dinner Friday, Feb 27

Hebrew Hammer Movie Night Thursday, Feb 19

Tu b’Shevat Tree Planting Sunday, Feb 8

Finals Study Breaks

Hillel Goes Camping

Med/Law Dinner


Pancakes for Parkinson’s

Relay For Life

Stitch & Bitch

Aeros Hockey Game

Blue Bell Ice Cream Factory Tour

Israeli, Salsa & Swing Dancing

Jewish Student Music Recital

Kosher Cooking with Rabbi Amy Weiss

Hang w/ Tamara & Kenny at Rice & UH

Watch the Falafel for these great programs!

GAP Shabbat Dinner Friday, April 24

Rice Shabbat at Pres. Leebron’s Friday, Feb. 6


Shabbat Services & Dinners

Bring Back the Bread Thursday, April 16

Superbowl Watch Party Sunday, Feb 1

Passover Dinners April 10, 13, 14 & 15

Passover Lunches on Campus April 13, 14, 15 & 16

St. Arnold’s Brewery Tour Sunday, Jan 31


1st Night Passover Seder Wednesday, April 8


Ice Skating Thursday, Jan 29

Service Leading Workshop Friday, Jan 30

Havdeli Saturday, March 28

Welcome Back Ice Cream Social Wednesday, Jan 21

Medical Center Lunches (every other week)

Run with the Rabbi


Jews & Brews (every other week)

Free UH Lunches


Rice Lunch & Learn


Weekly Events

New programs pop up all the time - so check the Falafel!

Houston Hillel’s Student Lounge in the A.D. Bruce Religion Center at the University of Houston

Director of Jewish Life tmarksmo@houstonhillel.org

Tamara Marks-Moses


To get the Whole Falafel give us a call at 713-526-4918, or send us an email - hillel@houstonhillel.org. Be sure to tell us who you are, what school you attend (or if you’re a young professional), and your mailing address so none of that vital Houston Hillel information slips through your fingertips.

Houston Hillel’s Whole Falafel - our weekly email of news and events - will keep you up-to-date and informed about everything going on at Houston Hillel.

Do you get the Whole Falafel?

Administrator bdryer@houstonhillel.org

Barbara Dryer

Executive Director kweiss@houstonhillel.org

Rabbi Kenny Weiss

Stop by and say “Hello!”

Houston Hillel Student Center Ida & William Zinn Building 1700 Bissonnet Houston, Texas 77005

UT Medical Branch Galveston Y Young Professionals

University of Saint Thomas Y University of Texas Medical School

University of Houston Y University of Houston Law Center

Texas A&M Galveston Y Texas Southern University

Sam Houston State University Y South Texas College of Law

Rice University

Houston Community College

Lone Star College - CyFair Y

Houston Baptist University Y

Art Institute of Houston Y Baylor College of Medicine

Houston Hillel enriches the lives of Jewish undergraduate students, graduate students and young professionals so that they may enrich the Houston Jewish community, the Jewish people and the world.

Spring Calendar 2009

The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life

Houston Hillel The Foundation for

calendar at a glance

Two Houston Hillel facilities and a presence throughout Houston Spring Calendar 2009 Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Houston, TX

Permit #2293

Jewish Campus Life

Ida & William Zinn Building 1700 Bissonnet Houston, Texas 77005

713-526-4918 fax: 713-526-4966 hillel@houstonhillel.org houstonhillel.org

Houston Hillel is a beneficiary agency of the Jewish Federation of Greater Houston and appreciates the support of its many donors.

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