Houston Hillel Sp 2013 Calendar

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Shabbat Shabbat with Houston Hillel

Shabbat dinner at the Houston Hillel Student Center begins at 6:30 pm with optional services at 6:00. Jewstontexas Shabbat dinners for graduate students and young professionals begin at 7:30 pm and take place at a participant’s home. No Shabbat dinner will be held at the Hillel Student Center during Jewstontexas Shabbat (exception: Feb. 8), but contact Kenny for assistance in creating Shabbat for you and your friends. January 11 January 18 January 25 February 1 February 8 February 15 February 22 March 1 March 8 March 15 March 22 March 29 April 5 April 12 April 19

Shabbat at Rice President Leebron’s home Jewstontexas Shabbat Tu b’Shevat Seder - Shabbat at Hillel Sushi Shabbat at Hillel Italian Shabbat at Hillel & Jewstontexas Shabbat No Shabbat dinner this week Thai Shabbat at Hillel Shabbat at Hillel with AEPi Rodeo/Chili Shabbat at Hillel Jewstontexas Shabbat Jewish Craft Shabbat at Hillel Passover “Chopped” Shabbat at Hillel Baseball Shabbat at Hillel Israel Shabbat at Hillel and Farewell Tamara! Jewstontexas Shabbat

Spring 2013

Highlights Friday, January 25 at 6:00 pm Hillel Student Center

Celebrate the New Year of the Trees through the Kabbalistic ritual that draws our attention to our place in the world around us

Paint some pots for Tu b’Shevat!

Houston Kosher Chili Cookoff

Mishloach Manot for Purim

Sunday, Feb 17 at 4:00 pm Hillel Student Center It’s a Purim tradition - gifts of food. Stop by Hillel to make some for your friends, family and roommates.

Hebrew Lunches at Rice

Check the Falafel for the date and time Rice University Want to practice your Hebrew during lunch? This is the place!

Sex and Sushi

First Night Seder

1st Night Passover Seder Monday, March 25 at 6:30 pm Hillel Student Center FREE for students!

Houston Hillel offers students FREE kosher for Passover lunches at UH and Rice and dinners at the Hillel Student Center ($10 each for non-students). How do you get yours? Just RSVP to Tamara at tmarksmo@houstonhillel.org. Rice lunches in Brochstein Pavilion Mar 27, 28 & 29; Ap 1 & 2 at noon UH lunches in the UH Hillel Lounge Mar 27, 28 & 29; Ap 1 & 2 at noon Dinners at the Hillel Student Center Mar 27, 28, 29 & 30 from 6 to 7 pm Passover Shabbat Dinner at the Hillel Student Center Mar 29 at 6:30 pm Houston Hillel’s 2013 Passover Seders and meals are sponsored by Elton and Janet Lipnick, David Lipnick and Amy & Myles Kelman in memory of Paul and Fannie Lipnick.

Chocolate Seders

Check the Falafel for the details on these delicious events to be held on campus at Rice and UH!

Passover “Chopped” Dessert Edition

Friday, Mar 29 at 6:30 pm Hillel Student Center Experiment with Passover ingredients and compete to make the best Passover dessert!

Bring Back the Bread with Houston Hillel

Tuesday, April 2 from 8:00 to 9:30 pm Star Pizza on Norfolk We can’t think of a better way to end the matzah madness.

Contact Kenny or Tamara for info!

Friday, Mar 22 at 6:30 pm (Services at 6:00) Hillel Student Center Decorate Shabbat candlesticks or make your very own mezuzah for your dorm! Multiple activities to choose from, or you can do them all!

Afraid you’ll be stuck with the munchies and not a macaroon or matzah in sight? Call Tamara and she’ll take you shopping for Passover!

Free Kosher for Passover Meals

Join the Houston Hillel or Jewstontexas teams!

Jewish Craft Shabbat

Passover Shopping Trips

Monday, March 25 at 6:30 pm Hillel Student Center RSVP to Tamara and let us know if you want to help lead the Seder!

Sunday, March 3

Explore Judaism


Tu b’Shevat Seder

Bring Back the Bread Tues, April 2 at 8 pm Star Pizza on Norfolk We can’t think of a better way to end the matzah madness.

Clothing Swap Sunday April 7 from 1 - 3 pm Hillel Student Center

Israel Go to Israel for FREE!

Experience Israel firsthand with Houston Hillel and Taglit-Birthright Israel. If you are 18-26 and have never been on a peer-trip to Israel, you are eligible to go for FREE! Register for summer trips at toisraelnow.org and contact Tamara for all of the details.

Israel Updates with Alon Nissan, JCC Israel Shaliach

Check the Falafel for the date and time UH & Rice University Jews love sex. Oh, sushi too. Have a sushi lunch and learn about the Jewish attitude toward sex and sexuality with Rabbi Amy Weiss.

Tuesday, Feb 5 at noon Wednesday, Feb 6 at noon

Jewish Conference Opportunities

Check out Rice University’s newly established relationships with Israeli universities, and explore alternatives for UH.

Study Abroad in Israel

Israel advocacy, eco-Zionism, NUJLS (the National Union of Jewish Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, and Intersex Students), or just a weekend with other Jewish college students - there’s a conference for every interest. Check the Falafel for the possibilities.

Israel Advocacy Conferences

Ask Kenny about opportunities to attend a variety of conferences. Scholarships available!

Mini-Courses with Kenny

Interested in midrash? Talmud? Perhaps Torah chanting? Give Kenny a call

UH Student Lounge Rice University

Clean your closet - Refill your closet Donate to those in need

Long-term Israel Programs

Houston Hillel has all the info on long-term programs in Israel. Check out houstonhillel.org or ask Kenny and Tamara about incredible opportunities in Israel - with generous financial assistance.

Bryan LeBouf Photography

Every Week UH Lunches

Every Tuesday, late morn to early afternoon Hillel’s UH Student Lounge Enjoy a FREE lunch with Houston Hillel in our cool Student Lounge in the A.D. Bruce Religion Center. No RSVP required.

Hillel Student Center through April 2013

Opening Reception Check the Falafel for date and time


Schmooze with Jews

Every Wednesday at Noon Rice’s Brochstein Pavilion FREE lunch at Rice every Wednesday! Stop by once in a while or each week.

for Jewish twentysomethings

Run with the Rabbi

Jews & Brews

Every Wednesday at 8 am Rice Running Loop Enjoy some schmooze time w/ Kenny. Meet him at Hillel at 8 am as he heads down Ashby to Rice, or find him as he takes a clockwise lap or two.

Every other Tuesday from 8 -10 pm OTC Patio Bar on Kirby Jan 15 & 29, Feb 12 & 26, Mar 12, Ap 9 & 23, May 7 & 21 Jews and Brews. The name says it all.

Hang with Tamara and Kenny at Rice

Every Thursday afternoon from 2 to 4 pm Rice’s Brochstein Pavilion One of them will be there to buy you a Cup O’ Joe and a snack while you schmooze about anything at all.

Cougar Coffee Hour w/ Tamara

Every other Thursday Tamara will be free for coffee or lunch on the UH campus from 12:30 – 2:00 pm. Email her at tmarksmo@houstonhillel.org and make plans to meet her somewhere on campus!

Bagel Shop Runs

Call Tamara if you need a ride over to the Bagel Shop - the best bagels in Houston!

Hillel Rehearsal/Study Space

Need a quiet place to study or rehearse? The Hillel Student Center is available any time of day or night. Contact Kenny to learn the possibilities.

Student Board Meetings

Jan 20, Feb 17, Mar 17 & Ap 7 Watch the Falafel for times Hillel Student Center Student Board meetings are a great way to get involved with Hillel.

Tikkun Olam Clothing Swap

Sunday, Ap 7 at 1:00 pm Hillel Student Center Clean your closet - refill your closet - give to those in need.

Tu b’Shevat Fundraiser for the Trees

Jewstontexas Shabbat Dinners

Fridays at 7:30 pm Jan 18, Feb 8, Mar 15, Ap 19 & May 17 Join us for a Shabbat dinner for graduate students and young professionals.

Jewstontexas Sports Leagues

Want to play on an intramural league with other young professionals? Contact Tamara if you’re interested in kickball, basketball or others!

Texas Medical Center Lunches

Help raise money to plant trees in Israel and to replace trees destroyed by Hurricane Sandy. Check the Falafel for more details.

Every other week or so Texas Medical Center Join the Jewish population of the Texas Medical Center - students and faculty - for a chance to schmooze, socialize and learn together.

Houston Food Bank

Law School Lunches

Contact Tamara if you’d like to join Houston Hillel at the Houston Food Bank.

Tikkun Olam Opportunities

Community Health Fair; The Medallion Assisted Living Residence – BINGO & Shabbat with Jewish Seniors. Contact Tamara for more info on any of these programs or other volunteer opportunities that pop up throughout the semester!

Watch the Falafel for the latest times and dates of free lunches and events at the University of Houston Law Center, South Texas College of Law and Texas Southern University Law School.

Rice MBA Lunches

Check the Falafel for days and times Rice University Cohen House Enjoy lunch with other MBA students and Houston’s Jewish business leaders.

Looking for event details? Check out the weekly Falafel email. Send a message to hillel@houstonhillel.org to get on the list!

Judy & Kenneth Arfa Desi and Max Blankfeld Vinnie Blaustein & Claire Rosensweig Rabbi Gideon Estes Kelli & Marty Fein Sandra & Steve Finkelman Judy & Lewis Florence Marcia & Howard Frankel Lynn & Lawrence Friedman Shifra & Terry Gardner Karen & Jay Harberg Kerry Hartis Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life Stanley Hoffberger Bruce Kardon Saranne & Livingston Kosberg Beverly & Leon Levinson Sharon & Sidney Mellon Sherri & Douglas Miller Evan & Judy Mucasey Judy & Ken Margolis Oshman Foundation Pat & Michael Ozer Dikla & Daniel Pickelner Nancy Rapoport

$500 and above

Anonymous Louise & Mike Beldon Barbara & Mark Brookner Shirley & Alan Cohn Debby & Gary Cortes Elizabeth Del Pico Frieda & Melvin Dow Phyllis & Aron Frank Morris Glesby Toby & Irving Gold Dan Goldman Joelle & Jerry Hamovit Houston Jewish Funerals Houston Kosher Chili Cookoff Sandy & Richard Jackson Jewish Federation of Fort Worth & Tarrant County Janey & Melvin Lack Eileen & Steve Lee Abigail & Marshall Levit Muriel & Marcel Meicler Ione & Sidney Moran Karol & Daniel Musher Carol & Barry Myones Linda & Jerry Paine Paula & Irving Pozmantier Gloria & Joe Pryzant Shirley & Marvin Rich Rozanne & Howard Rubin Marlene & Bob Rubin Ellis Rudy Lisa & Michael Sachs Carole & Barry Samuels Richard Schechter Susan & Ed Septimus Linden & Roger Sofer Shari & Eric Stein Leah Stolar & Bruce Kessler Sarna & Bill Sunshine Temple Emanu-El Dallas Andrea Stolar & David Vener Freda & Michael Wadler Judy & Ronnie Yambra

$1,000 and above

Mark & Suzie Lampert Steven Abramson Barry Adelson Neil & Laura Aquino Mimi Arnold Ellen & Marcus Balis Helene Baskir Carol & Michael Berenson Mark Berenson Courtney Berger Simon Birenbaum Rita Blumenfeld Matthew Broussard Lewis Brown Mindy & Stephen Brown Julie Cohn Alan Cordova Michael Covinsky

$136 and above

Vlasta & Ervin Adam Alexandra Akatkin Adam & Jennifer Baker Eitan & Debbie Bernstein Joan & Karl Blomquist Laya & Martin Bloom Kathleen & Sidney Blumenthal Sandra Borak Sandy & Richard Brochstein Marcia & Mark Citron Cynthia & Charles Cozewith Avraham & Rabbi Julie Danan Karolina & John Dickerson Samuel & Lindy Dorn Marcia Eisenerg Relda Finger-Hoffer April & Donald Fox Elaine & Jeff Friedberg Karina & Carey Gates Janice & David Gerber Marion & Gary Glober Mark Goldberg Bernice Heilbrunn Nancy & Larry Jefferson Marta & Sergio Kapusta Anita Karbelnig Daniel Karp Joan & Lawrence Katz Patricia & Michael Kivort Luisa & Arnoldo Kluger Shirley & Leon Mucasey Nancy & Ron Nodler Esther & Gary Polland Elana & Andy Priesman John Roach Lee & Gary Rosenthal Thelma & Morton Rubin Michael Rudd Bryne & Mike Scheinman-Miller Chana & Alan Schroit Robyn & Daniel Schwartz Liz & Rob Shoss Cheryl & David Shulman Adam Siegel Sherry & Jonathan Stoger Barbara & Richard Strax Linda Suib Gail & Gary Swartz Harriet & Nathan Wasserstrum Steven & Denise Weisberger Beth Yeshurun Brotherhood

$250 and above

Hal Rolnick $10,000 and above Glen Rosenbaum Aaron Forman Trust Barbie & Lennie Roth Janet & Elton Lipnick Albert & Ethel Herzstein Charitable Fdn. Betsy & Ed Schreiber Marilyn Shaw Robin Susman $5,000 and above Judy & George Taffet Ellen & Richard Lowe Tyler Federated Jewish Welfare Fund Maurice Amado Foundation Heather & Brian Wainstein Kamal Sheena Jeff & Jamie Weinberg Shirley & David Toomim Foundation Ken & Renee Williams Edith & Bob Zinn

Stuart & Barbara Aaron Steve & Judy Abrams Judith & Steven Abrams Patti & Daniel Altman Mari & Joseph Altshuler Betty & Sidney Aron Automated Building Services Pinhas Bendayan Sonia Benjamin Laurel & William Berg Ruth Berg Evelyn Berkowitz Cheryl & Melvin Bernstein Rachel & Eric Bishop Alison & Andrew Bloom Boy Scouts of America Pack 1190 Sarah & Denis Braham Sylvia & Steven Brody Joseph & Irene Bromberg Allen & Lenore Brooks Helen Brounes Michaele & Michael Brown Lynn Buchholz Glori & Edward Chaika Bobbie & Dick Chaitin Chevron Humankind Nancy Coben Ellen Cohen Eric Cohn Sharon Colbert

Up to $135

Marian & Arthur Daum Madelyne Dreyfuss Ilan Duvdevani Linda & Danny Epner Sheryl & Bernie Feldman Muriel Folloder Phillips Fredi & Paul Franks Judith & Stan Friedman Galina & Vadim Gelman Mark Gilbert Amy Gold Randy Gold Jay Goldberg Stanley Goldberg Daniel Gollins Abby & Laila Greene Lily & Fred Hakimi Bruce Halbridge Caren & Stuart Harris Punkin & Walter Hecht John Heydemann Kenneth & Bonnie Hirsch Joshua Hochberg Shioshona Jackofsky Emily Jackson Matt & Rabbi Samantha Kahn Leah & Paul Katz Leslie Kian Vladik & Olga Kreinovich Miriam & Jacob Lefkowitz Jean & Stephen Levey Velva & Fred Levine Cheryl & Richard Litman Tom Markus Amy & Mike Merkin Elaine & Sam Merwin Shirley & Bill Morgan Andrea Morgenthaler David & Allison Nagelberg Lidya Osadchey Lyndsay Pool Morris Rapoport Jacob & Nicole Ratner Glenda & David Regenbaum Ronald Richman Eunice & Leonard Rose Linda & Alan Rosen Leonard & Prissy Roth Rozelle & Herman Schultz Alison & Joshua Septimus Edith & Bernard Stolbun Rabbis Amy & Kenny Weiss Mona Wineburg

Congregation Brith Shalom Congregation Or Ami Susan & Melvin Cweren Judith & Nachum Dafny Dara & Ken Deitz Grant Dorfman Edna & Benjamin Douadi Barbara & Richard Dryer Lois Dunn Ruth & Ray Eagle Reva & Bruce Edison Rhonda & Solomon Eisenbaum Elmer Eisner Carol Emery Inez & Maurice Eskowitz Perry Factor Gerald Falchook Andrea & Lee Farb Leslye & Samuel Feinberg Marsha & Alan Feiveson Bernie Feld Beverly & Howard Feldman Henry & Renee Feller Nanette & Jerry Finger Leslie Fogel & Daniel Vianello Diane & Barry Fond Kay & Harris Forbes Marcia Forbes Joan & Paul Foster Carol & Larry Fradkin Lewis Frapart Beverly & Harold Friedman Jane & Stephen Friedman Fran & Abe Friedman Sally & Bernard Fuchs Jan & Martee Fuerst Alice & Steve Ginsburgh Hope & Philip Glassman Susan & Lester Glesby Jean Goldberg Elinor & Jack Goldberg Millicent Goldschmidt Carol & Barry Goodfriend Michele & Bob Goodmark Sue & John Goott Louis Gordon Ellen & Martin Grabois Barbara & Louis Green Dora Lee & Israel Grinberg Leah & Jonathan Gross Arline & Ben Guefen Alan Halpern Rodney & Suzanne Harrill Adrienne & Harold Harris Amira & Rex Hemme Nancy & Michael Henderson Charlyne & Robert Hochschild Mina & Julius Hochstein Lorraine Hoffinger Deborah & Jason Horwitz Charlotte & Michael Horwitz Winnie & William Isaacs Cindy Ivanhoe Joan Jackson Judith & Marcus Jacobson Cathy & Joseph Jankovic Miriam Joachim Stuart Kane Annette & Armand Kapp Carolyn & David Karesh Gerry & Jay Karkowsky Natalie Karp Mariam & Harold Kestenbaum Tillie Koch Maya Kriseman Mardi & Mark Kunik Lois & Lary Kupor Frank Ladin, II Rita Leidner Linda & Herbert Lesser Joseph & Jean Lesser Memorial Special Gifts Fund Marjorie & George Leventon Bryna Levi Susan & Aaron Levine Leonard & Andrea Levine Linda & Mark Levine Zachary Levine Esther Levine Jean & Mort Levy Joel Liebman Myra Lipper David Litowsky Robin & John Littman Martha Lottman Reba Magids Ronald Mart Lainie & David Mincberg Nicki & Jeffrey Nachenberg Ethel & Benard Nelkin Toby & Richard Newman Josh Ozer Jeff & Robin Percival Ada & Edmund Perwien Mark & Nancy Picus Pete Pitono Richard Plumb Marian Prager Claire & William Reingold Robin Reynolds

Gifts from January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012

Sandra Jackson Ellen & Richard Lowe Karol & Daniel Musher Yako Nesim Polikar z”l Marlene & Bob Rubin

Marilyn Shaw David Stern z”l David Vener Louise Weinstein z”l Rabbis Amy & Kenny Weiss Edith & Bob Zinn

Additional Shabbat dinner sponsors include: Congregation Beth Israel Congregation Beth Yeshurun Congregation Emanu-El Dallas Congregation Emanu El Houston Irving & Toby Gold Barbara & Louis Green Richard & Ellen Lowe Karol & Daniel Musher Jerry & Linda Paine Nancy Rapoport Judy & Ronnie Yambra

Shabbat Dinner Sponsors Houston Hillel’s 2012-2013 Shabbat dinners at the Hillel Student Center are sponsored by Elton and Janet Lipnick, David Lipnick, and Amy and Myles Kelman in memory of Paul and Fannie Lipnick.

2012-2013 Campus lunches at Rice and the University of Houston are sponsored by the Shirley and David Toomim Foundation

Houston Hillel’s 2011-2012 & 2012-2013 Medical Center & Law School ethics lunches are sponsored by the Albert and Ethel Herzstein Charitable Foundation.

Houston Hillel’s 2012 & 2013 Passover Seders and meals are sponsored by Elton and Janet Lipnick, David Lipnick and Amy and Myles Kelman in memory of Paul and Fannie Lipnick.


The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life


For additional information and to explore the impact of a legacy gift, please contact Rabbi Kenny Weiss at 713-526-4918 or kweiss@houstonhillel.org.

The Houston Hillel Edith & Bob Zinn Student Programming Fund The Holzband Hillel Programming Fund The Ernest Krautkopf Houston Hillel Special Programs Fund The Rubenstein Shabbat and Festival Meals Fund The Gloria and Jerry Ribnick Houston Hillel Passover Seder Fund The Ben McGuire Houston Hillel Lectureship and Program Fund The Houston Hillel Student Center Fund The Beulah Axelrad Yellen (Rice ‘36) Houston Hillel Entertainment Fund The Larry Massin Sports Lounge Fund The Raymond Plotkin Memorial Scholarship Fund

Your bequest will provide for the most critical needs at the time the money is received. Or, your bequest can benefit an established endowment fund, and will provide a permanent annual source of income for Houston Hillel. You can also establish a new endowment fund at this time or in the future.

• Your Legacy Gift will provide additional support through an incentive grant provided by the Areivim Legacy Community Project and Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life.

• Houston Hillel links the campus community to the Houston Jewish community.

Sindney & Betty Aron

Gifts to Houston Hillel’s Holzband Program Endowment

• Houston Hillel nurtures intellectual and spiritual growth in a pluralistic community.

• Houston Hillel creatively engages and empowers Jewish students through personal interactions and compelling programs.

• Houston Hillel is Houston’s only Jewish organization solely dedicated to serving Jewish college students and twentysomethings.

Why designate a legacy gift to Houston Hillel?

Anonymous Ilyne Burke z”l Shirley & Alan Cohn Debby & Gary Cortes Rabbi Gideon Estes

Thank you to Houston Hillel’s Legacy for Tomorrow. Through your vision and planning you make a commitment to Jewish life on Houston’s college campuses, and to the future of the Houston Jewish community.

Holzband Endowment Tree

Mallory Robinson Erica Roggen Jennifer Rolnick Karen & Bill Rubinsky Peachy & Morton Rudberg Katie Sarisohn Marsha & Lonny Schooler Barbara Schuleman Toby & Rabbi Jack Segal Marcia & Vic Shainock Muriel Shaw Rhoda Sheskin Leslie & William Shields Constance & Joseph Shoss Rabbi Pam & Jeff Silk June & Julian Silverblatt Irene & Arkady Sobolevsky Judy & Barry Solomon Larry & Annette Sondock Julie & Ronnie Stein Renee & Lawrence Stern Linda Susman Miriam Telles Pam & Moshe Vardi Arnold Vedlitz Jean & Joe Victor Hal & Hara Waldman Linda & Rabbi Roy Walter Julie & Ira Warshauer Hy and Shirley Warshaw Leslie & Sandy Weiner Babette Weiser Arlyne & Herb Weiss Phyllis & Eden Wenig Sharla Wertheimer Heather Westendarp Marilyn & Alvin Wexler Grace Wichmann Stephen & Lori Winikoff Karen & David Wolf Lorraine & Ed Wulfe Rhoda Zelitt Rabbi Brian & Miriam Zimmerman Eugenie & Len Zwelling

Houston Hillel Honor Roll of Donors

Rabbi Amy Weiss

Director of Food & Nutrition hillel@houstonhillel.org

Director of Jewish Life tmarksmo@houstonhillel.org

Tamara Marks-Moses

Houston, Texas 77005

in the A.D. Bruce Religion Center at the University of Houston

Houston Hillel’s Student Lounge


www.houstonhillel.or g

Art Institute of Houston Y Baylor College of Medicine Y Houston Baptist University Houston Community College Y Lone Star College - CyFair Y Rice University Sam Houston State University Y South Texas College of Law Y Texas A&M Galveston Texas Southern University Law School Y University of Houston Y University of Houston Law Center Univ. of St. Thomas Y UT Health Science Center Y UT Medical Branch Galveston Y Young Professionals

1700 Bissonnet

Houston Hillel Student Center Ida & William Zinn Building

Two Houston Hillel facilities & a presence throughout Houston

Administrator bdryer@houstonhillel.org

Barbara Dryer

Executive Director kweiss@houstonhillel.org

Rabbi Kenny Weiss

Houston Hillel enriches the lives of Jewish undergraduate students, graduate students and young professionals so that they may enrich the Houston Jewish community, the Jewish people and the world.

Spring Calendar 2013

The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life

Houston Hillel Spring Calendar 2013 Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Houston, TX

Permit #2293

Ida & William Zinn Building 1700 Bissonnet Houston, Texas 77005

713-526-4918 fax: 713-526-4966 hillel@houstonhillel.org houstonhillel.org jewstontexas.org

Houston Hillel is a beneficiary agency of the Jewish Federation of Greater Houston and appreciates the support of its many donors.

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