Houston Hillel Newsletter Spring 2015

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Thank you to Houston Hillel’s Legacy for Tomorrow. Through your vision and planning you make a commitment to Jewish life on Houston’s college campuses, and to the future of the Houston Jewish community.

Anonymous (4) Joelle & Jeff Berlat Deisi & Max Blankfeld Sandra Weiss Borak Ilyne Burke z”l Shirley & Alan Cohn Debby & Gary Cortes Marian & Art Daum Barbara & Richard Dryer

Rabbi Gideon Estes Aubrey & Sylvia Farb Karina & Carey Gates Katherine Gomer Michele & Robert Goodmark Louis Gordon Emily Jackson Sandra & Richard Jackson Rabbi Samantha & Matt Kahn

Anita Karbelnig Laura & JD Leonard Beverly & Leon Levinson Ellen & Richard Lowe Muriel & Marcel Meicler Ione & Sidney Moran Karol & Daniel Musher Carol & Barry Myones Josh Ozer

Yako Nesim Polikar z”l Dikla & Daniel Pickelner Janet & Jeff Pozmantier Nancy Rapoport & Jeff Van Niel Barbie Roth Lennie Roth Lisa & Josh Rothstein Marlene & Bob z”l Rubin Rozanne & Howard Rubin

Lisa & Michael Sachs Marilyn Shaw Tamara Siegel David Stern z”l Andrea Stolar David Vener Louise Weinstein z”l Rabbis Amy & Kenny Weiss Edith & Bob Zinn

Why designate a legacy gift to Houston Hillel? Because Houston Hillel: • Is Houston’s only organization solely dedicated to serving Jewish college students and twentysomethings. • Creatively engages and empowers Jewish students through personal interactions and compelling programs. • Nurtures spiritual growth in a pluralistic community.

• Links the campus community to the Houston Jewish community. • Will receive additional support through a grant from the Grinspoon Foundation’s Life and Legacy Program and Hillel International for every legacy gift commitment made this year.

Your bequest will provide for the most critical needs at the time the money is received. Or, your bequest can benefit an established endowment fund, and will provide a permanent annual source of income for Houston Hillel. You can also establish a new endowment fund at this time or in the future. Edith & Bob Zinn Student Programming Fund Holzband Hillel Programming Fund Ernest Krautkopf Special Programs Fund Rubenstein Shabbat and Festival Meals Fund Gloria and Jerry Ribnick Passover Seder Fund Ben McGuire Lectureship and Program Fund Houston Hillel Student Center Fund Beulah Axelrad Yellen (Rice ‘36) Entertainment Fund Larry Massin Sports Lounge Fund Raymond Plotkin Memorial Scholarship Fund Desiree and Max Blankfeld Israel Scholarship Fund

For additional information and to explore the impact of a legacy gift, please contact Rabbi Kenny Weiss at 713-526-4918 or kweiss@houstonhillel.org.


don’t know what I’d do at college without Houston Hillel. From the first moment I stepped onto Rice’s campus Hillel made me feel welcome and included. I was worried about what I would do for High Holy Day services but because of Hillel there was no need to be concerned. Yet, for me Houston Hillel is a lot more than just a place to go to services. It is a way to meet and connect with other Jewish students at Rice and in the area. Through Hillel I can remain connected to my Judaism and Jewish peers even though I am far away from home.” Marissa Levy, pictured with Josh Morse, is a Rice University sophomore from Chicago.





I participated in Houston Hillel’s activities while a student or young professional.

Ask Rabbi Weiss to host Houston Hillel alumni in your area for dinner


I documented my experience with Houston Hillel in an awesome way (photos, newspaper editorials, artwork).

I want to donate financially.

Give to Houston Hillel’s special projects

Yes I want to fund Houston Hillel’s work on campus and in the Houston Jewish community.

Give to Houston Hillel’s annual campaign or endowment funds

I want to leave a legacy.


Join Houston Hillel’s Legacy for Tomorrow

I want to share my Houston Hillel experience with others.


Give back to Houston Hillel by becoming active in your local Jewish community

I want to share my experience with prospective donors. I want to share my experience with prospective students.



I want to meet Jewish students and young professionals like me between 18 and 29

I want to stay connected to the Houston Hillel community

I want to support Houston Hillel

ouston Hillel is a wonderful asset for students in Houston! Rabbi Kenny and the rest of the staff provide a supportive atmosphere that helps foster Jewish life on campus. This past year I had the pleasure of singing for Houston Hillel’s High Holiday Services. This experience was amazing! I really got to learn what goes on ‘behind the scenes’ of planning services. One of the things that is so special about Houston Hillel is that it brings together students from all different Jewish backgrounds and makes sure that everyone feels welcomed and included. I am happy to call Houston Hillel a Jewish home away from home.” Emily Moses, a second year masters student studying voice performance at Rice University’s Shepherd School of Music, is from St. Louis.


Yes Donate your media to Houston Hillel for us to share with others.



Attend Houston Hillel’s annual fundraising event

Advocate Houston Hillel to family, friends and the community

Connect with Houston Hillel online via email, houstonhillel.org, Facebook and Twitter

I attend the University of Houston.


I attend another university.

I attend Rice University.

I am a grad student or young professional between 21 and 29.

Yes Yes


Hang out at UH Hillel’s Student Lounge in the AD Bruce Religion Center

Attend Rice Hillel’s free lunch every Wednesday in Brochstein Pavilion Participate in Houston Hillel’s citywide programs, like Shabbat dinners

hen I first moved into college, I felt lost because I knew very few people at UH. I got excited when I heard there was going to be a Houston Hillel BBQ, because I knew it would be a comfortable environment for making friends. Rabbi Kenny had contacted me before school started and I immediately knew that Hillel would be a place where I would be welcomed. We Jews share a common culture, and it really comes to life when we are together. I mean, where else can I tell people that I’m verklempt? Thanks to Houston Hillel I am able to attend numerous Jewish events every month, am provided two free kosher meals a week, and have found my niche in the community. I have the opportunity to attend events such as Café Ivrit, where anyone can practice Hebrew, as well as the opportunity to volunteer at an AIPAC conference that I heard about through Houston Hillel. I truly enjoy the Friday night services and dinners, and I look forward to going every week. I intend on staying active throughout my college years.” David Enav is a University of Houston sophomore from Houston.


Connect with Jewstontexas (Houston Hillel’s community for Jewish 20somethings) at jewstontexas.org

Houston Hillel is a beneficiary agency of the Jewish Federation of Greater Houston and appreciates the support of its many donors.

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