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Dealing With Separation Anxiety
Separation Anxiety (SA) is an umbrella term used to define a multitude of anxiety related behaviors dogs display when the guardian or attachment figure is absent. This problem is also known as separation related problems (SRP), separation distress, separation anxiety related behaviors, and isolation distress.
The most common reported signs of separation anxiety are excessive vocalization, inappropriate elimination, and destructive behavior when the guardian is away. Less common symptoms include panting, salivation, vomiting, repetitive behaviors, trembling and freezing, restlessness, fear or aggressive behaviors when the guardian is attempting to leave.
It is important to understand that some of the behaviors occurring while the guardian is absent may result from anxiety but may also have other explanations. For example, excessive vocalization could be due to alarm barking as someone approaches the home, destructive behavior could be because the dog is suffering from lack of stimulation, and inappropriate elimination could be because the dog has a urinary tract infection. A detailed assessment of each individual case is necessary to determine the possible cause of the behavior.
There has been a lot of research seeking to understand separation anxiety risk factors. Research has been contradictory with the role of breed, gender, neuter/spay status, and origin in separation anxiety.
Recently some research has suggested that an inappropriate dog-guardian bond can play a role in separation anxiety development. This hypothesis was based on studies of children with separation related problems.
Certified Separation Anxiety Trainers (CSAT) are certified professional dog trainers who have received a specialized mentorship in separation anxiety related problems offered by a renowned separation anxiety specialist with more than 20 years of experience in the field and focus on the training of dogs with isolation distress and separation related problems. These specialists engage in several months of intensive study, high level coursework, and detailed discussion of case studies. In addition, these trainers also have extensive experience in dog training (positive reinforcement), behavior modification, and counseling.
Separation anxiety distress is successfully treated with a combination of methods. In addition to behavioral interventions focused on impulse control (so to increase tolerance to frustration), detailed plans focused on using systematic desensitization where all absences are carefully crafted and are conducted as long as the dog tolerates them. This means that we use science-based methodology rewardbased techniques to help a dog habituate to guardian absences. Some dogs may benefit from pharmacological intervention during the training period which would have been discussed with a veterinary behaviorist prior to training. All the training is done remotely via zoom or equivalent technology. This method has proven successful because the trainer can observe behaviors without interfering in the process. It has many benefits including no travel time for the trainer, safety for both trainer and guardian, ability to work with dogs living in remote areas or other countries where training in person may not be possible.
Dog Gone Fun Agility in Magnolia, Texas, offers dog training for EVERY dog sport. There is something for every person in the family and for every dog-type in the family, too! From athletic people and dogs to young people and puppies, there truly are fun activities for everyone at Dog Gone Fun, including people with limited mobility and senior dogs.
In addition to training classes, Dog Gone Fun offers competition events, seminars, and other group activities involving dogs, like Junior Handler Night. Training class categories include Agility, Barn Hunt, Conformation, Dock Diving, Disc, Mantrailing, Obedience, Pet Classes, Puppy Training, Tricks, Rally, Scent Work,
Treibball and Urban Rats. There’s a special set of classes just for Kids and Dogs. All classes are taught using positive based reinforcement methods and more training categories are being added all the time. Check out this variety of options:
» Dog Agility is a fast paced sport where handlers direct their dogs off leash though obstacle courses.
» Agility is great for dogs and humans of all ages! It can give both ends of the leash exercise and mental stimulation.
» There are classes just for fun all the way up to international competition.
Gone Fun Agility
By Monica Lundquist Dog