H LET US EAT CAKE WITH THE CAKE MAN H Complimentary H Houston Premiere Weekly Publication H Volume 24 H Number 44 OCTOBER 31 - NOVEMBER 6, 2013
Talks About The Financial Crunch
A Legend of Black Hollywood
VOTE 2013
Who Will Lead Houston?
By Grace Octavia
04 05 Local Briefs 09 Darrell Wallace
Grambling Football By Jesse Jackson
Volume 24 • Number 44• october 31 - NOVEMBER 6, 2013 EDITORIAL
editorial@stylemagazine.com FRANCIS PAGE, JR. Publisher and Editor fpagejr@stylemagazine.com 713-927-5444 Jo-carolyn goode Editor-at-Large editorial@stylemagazine.com 713-320-5611 lisa valadez Hispanic Managing Editor lisa@stylemagazine.com 832-228-0764
By Jo-Carolyn Goode
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PG 3
jesse Jackson
commentary Grambling’s Football Strike is a Wake-up Call for the Nation
he strike of football players at legendary Grambling State University received attention across the world. GSU President Frank Pogue praised the players for providing the “creative tension” needed to bring attention to the plight of Grambling and historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) in general. The players were protesting poor practice facilities and dilapidated locker rooms, as well as the firing of their coach, Doug Williams, early in the season, but their protest exposed the broader real-
ity facing Grambling and HBCUs: they face a brutal and increasing financial crisis. At Grambling, President Pogue reports, aid from the state of Louisiana has been cut by nearly 60 percent over the last six years. The school has gone, as its Office of Finance and Administration reports, from a state “funded” institution to a state “assisted” institution -- and the assistance isn’t nearly enough. Trying to operate on a budget lower than it was six years ago, Grambling has cut full-time employees by more than one-fourth over five years. The state cutbacks have forced increases in tuition and fees of about 60 percent over the last five years. At the same time, the state has forced closure of summer school and raised admission requirements to make it harder to get into Grambling. Like most HBCUs, Gram-
PG 4 OCTOBER 31 - NOVEMBER 6, 2013
bling’s students come largely from lower income families, and are often the first in their families to go to college. They cobble together their tuition from financial aid, part-time work and parental loans. And to add to the misery, the Department of Education decided to tighten eligibility requirements for parental PLUS loans, denying applicants with even minor credit blemishes, such as overdue parking tickets or cell phone bills -- exactly the kind of difficulties that low income families often run into. The inevitable result is that Grambling and other HBCUs are losing students -- and estimated 28,000 were denied Parental PLUS loans over the past year -- as more and more qualified students simply can’t afford to pay their way. This is an historic reversal. Historically black colleges and universities have provided real opportunity to underserved communities, particularly African Americans. These colleges were founded in the ashes of slavery with a mission -to take the rejected stones and turn them into cornerstones of a freed people. Education, it was assumed, was key to reconstruction. Now, states are constricting access to college even as they expand entrance to private prisons and jails. They are moving from education and reconstruction to incarceration and separation. Instead of opening paths from poverty, they are locking more young people out by locking them up. This takes place despite the remarkable success of HBCUs. As Lezli Baskerville, president and CEO of the National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education, reported in 2008, HCBUs confer 24 percent of all Ph.D’s awarded to African Americans. They represent 4 percent of all colleges and universities in number, but enroll 16 percent of African
Americans in a four-year colleges, graduate 30 percent of all African Americans receiving bachelor’s degrees, 40 percent of those granted degrees in science and math, 50 percent of those graduating in engineering and 50 percent of those granted teaching degrees. Grambling State President Pogue notes that HBCUs “have never been equally funded in this country, and we’re not equally funded today.” He praises the football players for calling attention to the broader crisis facing Grambling State and other HBCUs, while redoubling his efforts to raise support from the school’s loyal alumni. But neither Pogue nor the alumni can carry this load alone. In many ways, historically black colleges and universities are the proverbial canaries in the mines of college education. What endangered them threatens public colleges across the land. State cutbacks are force higher and higher tuition and fees. More and more students are priced out of the very education they need. We all have a stake in educating the next generation. But with Washington fixated on cutting spending back to levels not seen since the 1950s, and states facing continued budget squeezes, we are asking the young to bear the burden that should be widely shared. Perhaps the strike by the football team of a legendary program will begin to wake us up. You can write to the Rev. Jesse Jackson in care of this newspaper or by email at jjackson@rainbowpush.org. Follow him on Twitter @RevJJackson. Share this story online at www.stylemagazine.com. - to the end of the article
Local Briefs The Robert and Janice McNair Foundation Set to Give Matching Grant in the Amount of $150,000 to Bum Phillips Charities
2981 South Riverdale Ln, Goliad, TX 77963. Once community donations have reached $150,000, the Robert and Janice McNair Foundation will match that amount for a total of $300,000.
Free National Black Pre-Law Conference in Houston
Robert and Janice McNair
n honor of legendary Houston coach Bum Phillips, The Robert and Janice McNair Foundation has agreed to give a matching grant in the amount of $150,000 to Bum Phillips Charities to help make Bum’s longstanding dream to open a retreat to serve the hearing impaired a reality. The Phillips family has requested in lieu of flowers, the public donate to Bum Phillips Charities. Fans are able to donate at https://www. bumphillipscharities.com or by mailing a donation to: Bum Phillips Charities,
hinking about law school but need to get the facts and connect with those who are currently going through and have already been through it in order to make a more thoughtful and fully-informed decision? In November, Houston, one of the largest and most diverse cities in the country (with the majority of residents being members of minority groups), hosts the nation’s premier
information-sharing and networking empowerment event for aspiring Black lawyers. The Ninth Annual National Black Pre-Law Admissions & Preparation Conference and Law School Recruitment Fair 2013 will be held from Friday, November 15th to Saturday, November 16th, 2013 at The Westin Houston, Memorial City conveniently connected to Memorial City Mall by skywalk. This unparalleled event focuses on reaching out to African Americans interested in becoming lawyers in order to provide them with game-changing “insider” information, resources, contacts, and confidence to increase their chances of success. Further information can be found at the official conference website at http:// www.BlackPreLawConference.com
‘Ms. J’ Jemison, Franklin Beauty School has been successfully teaching students since 1915. Known for running a tight ship and providing a “tough love” environment, Ms. J and her staff are facing changing times and are not always prepared for what will walk through their doors. The series follows the staff and students of Franklin, who come from all walks of life, as they overcome various hurdles to achieve balance and success. The stakes are high and to garner a cosmetology license could mean a whole new life for them -- but only if they can overcome their personal struggles along the way. Join the conversation on Twitter using #HoustonBeauty
Houston’s Franklin Beauty School Gets Reality TV Show
n Saturday, November 2, OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network is launching its latest show, “Houston Beauty,” a docu-series surrounding Franklin Beauty School, a 98-year-old, family-run cosmetology school in the heart of Houston, Texas. Led by the family matriarch, Glenda
The cast of “Houston Beauty” airs on the OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network
PG 5
Breast Cancer Survivor Creates Historical 2014 Divers Ability 5k Walk Run and Roll
By Bell
helma Scott is a woman who makes you stare in awe of her tenacity and drive. A mother of 5 she told Houston Style Magazine that Breast Cancer is hereditary in her family and that she has a 95 year old aunt who is “Healed” (as she doesn’t use the word survivor) of breast cancer. Thelma’s own breast cancer is in remission. Instead of looking at her illness as a dark cloud or an escape from death, she thanks it and sees it as blessing as it lead her to discover her 501 (c) 3. “October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but there are so many people that do not know that it is also DiversAbility Month” – Thelma Scott, Founder of BJE Thelma was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in March 1997. This made Mrs. Scott think of an inspiring woman whom she had met just a couple of years earlier; Congresswoman Barbara Jordan. Congresswoman Jordan told Mrs. Scott “whatever you are going to do, don’t procrastinate, just do it!”. Those words became so real as she began her fight to save her life. Little did she know she would have
Thelma Scott
to come to grips with her own hidden disabilities: spinal injury, memory loss, learning disability, and other illnesses due to her choice of treatment (chemotherapy) for her type of cancer. With her new way of life, she experienced the personal challenges of living in a world that lacks compassion for people who are different. Thelma had to learn how to read, spell, and write all over again. After Congresswoman Jordan’s death, her quote stuck with Mrs. Scott while she was trying to learn how to live with a unique ability: “One thing
Roll! It is historical because no one in the nation has done an inclusive disabilities walk. They either walk for cancer, or, heart disease, or diabetes, or mental health, or MS, or Autism, but they have NEVER all walked together. Bell: That’s an amazing concept and is so heart warming to know that you are touching so many lives. When does the actual walk take place, and how are you going to get everyone to walk together. TScott: We held a kickoff to let everyone know about the walk on Oct. 12th of this year. We are actually walking October 11, 2014 of next year. We are using all avenues to get the word out and let everyone know about the walk, that includes social media. We have had segments on channel 13, channel 11, and Fox 26. For more information/sponsorships/donations please contact Barbara Jordan Endeavors by emailing: bjendeavors@att.net or visit: http://www. barbarajordanambassadors.org/
Do You Know the Cake Man?
By Yolonda Pope Culinary Writer
is clear to me, we, as human beings, must be willing to accept people who are different from ourselves”. Thelma Scott then founded Barbara Jordan Endeavors (“BJE”) on her wedding anniversary, December 26, 2000 with the unconditional love and support of her now late Husband Otis Scott. Empathy for her new found peers moved her to place her education on hold while she developed the program that would discover unique abilities in all disabilities. BJE helps students with unique abilities on the high school level transition from high school to college. It also provides needed resources for parents and family members. Additionally, the ambassador sector of BJE provides college scholarships (funded by sponsorships) to graduating and college level students. Paying it forward, those students return and volunteer to help mentor other students that come into the program after them. Bell: The pleasure is all mine. Tell me about Oct. 12,2013. TScott: Oct 12th was BJE’s Kick Off event for our Historical 2014 DiversAbility 5k Walk Run and
ow that there is a cool snap
a white chocolate pound cake, an oreo
amazing, mouth-watering, sweet and
Cake Man a call at: (832) 718-8652, or
in the air, fall decorations are
cookie cake, and a variety of cupcakes.
tangy treat, many of us noticed imme-
send him an email inquiry to: anhanley@
beginning to appear along
The cupcakes included: chocolate oreo
diately how the key lime flavor came
with comfort food and pumpkin flavored
surprise, red velvet, key lime, and cheese
through perfectly without over power-
everything. Among the many chefs and
ing the rest of the cake. I loved the way
me on Twitter, @YPEatingwStyle and
home cooks who are warming their ov-
First of all, the white chocolate
my mouth puckered and my eyes wa-
follow my blog: www.eatingwithstyle.
ens and sharpening the kitchen cutlery,
pound cake was still warm when we re-
tered with delight as I experienced this
wordpress.com. If I haven’t been to your
Daniele Hanley “The Cake Man” is now
ceived it; the icing was struggling to hold
favorite spot yet, email me at: Yolan-
open for business.
Hanley, an Atlanta
on to the moist pieces of cake when we
native, arrived in our fair city about five
cut into it. One person commented “that
comments such as: “the oreo cookie
years ago with his family for work and
is the best pound cake ever!” I absolute-
cake was moist and yummy, the cook-
pleasure. Daniele, who is considered
ly agree with that assessment, the cake
ies were rich and insane, the oreo sur-
“the baker” in his family, was previously
had a light texture, but the flavors were
prise cupcake was very tasty and I love
employed full-time in custodial services
rich and well balanced. Another person
the surprise on the bottom”. Moreover,
until he took a leap of faith in August of
said, “I was so surprised that the cake
another person wrote: “the chocolate
this year.
wasn’t overly sweet, I loved it!”
oreo cupcake is the best cupcake I’ve
had, good surprise”.
Recently, The Cake Man de-
One person in our group left
livered a few of his decadent samples
seemed to surprise and please every
to our select tasting group. We were
person who tried one, my favorite was
Daniele Hanley is a “sweet genius”,
graced with chocolate chunk cookies,
the key lime. After the initial bite of this
but don’t take my word for it, give The
PG 6 OCTOBER 31 - NOVEMBER 6, 2013
Happy eating and please follow
daPope@stylemagazine.com . Thanks for reading!
I will go on record and say that
Daniele Hanley “ The Cake Man”
PG 7
PG 8 OCTOBER 31 - NOVEMBER 6, 2013
By Jo-Carolyn Goode Editor-At-Large
Darrell Wallace, Jr. is the New Face of NASCAR my team. I was finally able to get my the sponsors and drivers. He doesn’t guys a win. They have been working
matter in what way minorities get in-
hard everyday and now a big weight volve, Wallace just want to see “a difhas been lifted off our shoulders.”
ferent face all around.”
Wallace follows on the heels
Like Wallace, NASCAR also
of the first African American to win wants to see more diversity in the one of NASCAR’s national series,
sport. In 2004 they formed the Drive
Wendell Scott. It was in May of 1952 to Diversity program to increase miwhen Scott broke the color line and nority and female participation in the became the first African America white male dominated field. Wallace stock car racing driver at the Danville graduated from NASCAR’s Drive Fairgrounds Speedway. Eleven years
to Diversity program and credits the
later Wallace would make history program for his current success and as the first African American to win helping him to deal with a lot of the what is now the Sprint Cup Series.
racism he had to face. “I had 2 great
Since Scott there have been a lim- years in that program. It helped me to ited number of African Americans or get my name out there and start makminorities in general to be involved ing a brand for myself,” said Wallace. Darrell Wallace, Jr. with the traditional grandfather given to all NASCAR winners. Photo credit: AutoStock e is the youngest driver month he added one more “first” to
in any aspect of the racing industry.
Wallace will continue to build
Wallace hopes to change that.
on that brand as he continues in the
industry. Currently in his rookie year
to win at Franklin Coun-
his career highlights. On October 26,
kids coming in trying the sport out as a development driver for Joe Gibbs
ty Speedway. He is the
2013, Wallace became the first Af-
and in the stands of course,” said Wal- Racing, Wallace will race this Friday,
youngest and first African American
rican American driver to win in one
lace, who first got his start in racing November 1st at the Texas Motor
driver to win at Greenville-Pick-
of NASCAR’s national series since
at age nine after watching a go-kart Speedway and again on November
ens Speedway and the first African
1963, winning the Camping World
race. “We watched one weekend. We 8th at the Phoenix International Race-
American driver in history to win in
Truck Series Kroger 200 at Martins-
went racing the next weekend. We way. He invites the community to
the series that started as the Busch
ville Speedway, driving the No. 54
got hook,” said Wallace. “It was lot support him at his races and helping
North Series. He is the first African-
Toyota for Kyle Busch Motorsports.
of fun going to watch and now being
him to find sponsorships so he can
American to win the Rookie of the
a part of it is a 100 times more fun.”
continue to do what he loves.
Year award in a NASCAR series.
days since his win, Wallace says the
Who is this man whose name is syn-
enormity of what he accomplished
wants to change the face of racing. at darrellwallacejr.com.
onymous with “first”? It is none other
still has not set in. “I am just kind of
He would love to get more minorities
than twenty-year-old racing phenom-
taking it all in,” said Wallace in our
in the stands, working on the track,
enon Darrell Wallace, Jr. And this
recent interview. “It was a big win for
working in NASCAR, and handling
Though it has only been a few
“I would like to see younger
With every win, Wallace
Keep up with Wallace online
PG 9
Political By Burt Levine Political Writer
parks started to explode and tensions grew as the second week of early voting began with numbers exceeding everything ever seen in recent Houston Mayor and City Council contests. By Monday 61,547 people had voted in person or by mail. That compares with 28,679 at that point in 2011, 34,485 at that point in 2009 and 23,703 at that point in 2007. The negative campaign mud was starting to be slung too. At the annual Delta Sigma Theta candidate forum Sunday challenger for mayor, Ben Hall was asked if he would endorse anyone if he was not in the runoff. His response was he could not endorse a woman that was “deranged.” Sitting right next to Keryl Douglas, he said he had defeated her in a federal lawsuit and the federal judge described her as “deranged.” Mayor Parker was asked and then passionately and emotionally denied she had cancelled minority and
Record Turnout Reaches Tense Pitch in Mayor and Council Races women business and employment contracts with the city but the drama climbed high when 10 of the 12 candidates for contesting to succeed term limited Wanda Adams for City Council District D crowded the tables in front of the more than 100 Delta Ladies. Lana Edwards, ex-wife of exState Rep. Al Edwards was asked as “perennial” candidate why she keeps running and she said she has only run once before but this time is retired and has been able to focus. Photography businesswoman, Georgia Provost was asked why she is running a “negative” campaign and she said she couldn’t afford to run a negative campaign. Assata Richards was asked if she wanted to represent “the people” why her housing authority board was filled with “folks like David Minceberg and Peter Brown.” She said she didn’t make the appointments.
Finally, front runner Dwight Boykins was asked by challenger whose run more than three times Larry McKinzie how he “could represent a black working class district if he’s given many donations of thousands of dollars to Rick Perry. Rick Perry doesn’t care about black people.” Boykins said he does have a history of working with people from every background but then he was challenged for having voted Republican and was asked about contributing to Senator McCain over Senator Obama in 2008. “I had President Obama’s cell number when he was Senator. I brought him to Houston for a fundraiser when most folks were still backing Hillary Clinton in the Democratic Primary,” he said. The top four early-voting locations have been consistent: Metropolitan Multi-Service Center on West Gray
(698 in-person voters Monday), Trini Mendenhall Sosa Community Center in the Spring Branch area (516), Fiesta Mart at Kirby and the South Loop (409) and Bayland Park Community Center in southwest Houston (398). Leapfrogging into third on Monday was Cypress Top Park (483). Election Day is Tuesday, November 5. Polls will open in every precinct 7-7. It is up to those who vote to decide who faces who in December runoffs.
Dazzle in Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness
PG 10 OCTOBER 31 - NOVEMBER 6, 2013
Keep up with the latest fashion trends without breaking the bank.
ith each new season comes the familiar urge to shop and stock up on the latest fashion trends. Whether you’re dreaming of the looks heading down the runway or shopping at your local thrift store for fabulous finds, it can be hard to get everything you want without breaking the bank. So, how do you keep up with the latest fashion trends on a budget? The fashion experts at Hanes offer some
affordable tips and tricks: Start with the basics - Select a few staple pieces that coordinate well together and can be mixed and matched with other items in your closet. A little legwear can go a long way – For an elegant finish to your look, add stylish legwear from Hanes. Pair them with chic, high-heeled boots or pumps to be ultra on-trend this season. Classics are always on-trend – Choose an inexpensive trend or two each season to add a little flair to your existing look and over time your wardrobe will build as the seasons change. This year, everyone is wearing bold, monochromatic colors, like cobalt blue and glamorous gold. Always accessorize – The ultimate accessory worth a little splurge is always the handbag. Filled with your daily must-haves and part of your everyday routines, handbags are one area of your wardrobe that may just be the most splurge-worthy but make sure to invest in something that is designed to last.
By Jo-Carolyn Goode Editor-At-Large
The Tough & Strong 2014 Chevrolet Silverado
2014 Chevrolet Silverado
f Chevrolet ever needed a pitchman all they need to do is called my dad. All of my natural born life my father has driven one vehicle, a Chevrolet Silverado. After questioning him I learned that he has driven a Chevrolet Silverado for the past 50 years. Currently, he has not one but two Chevrolet Silverado trucks. When asked why the Silverado is his vehicle of choice my dad said, “They have always been good, reliable, and durable trucks that have not given me many maintenance issues.” Proving that Chevrolet trucks are not just tough, they are strong. For one week I had the opportunity to drive the tough and strong 2014 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Crew Cab 4WD LTZ. The exterior of the vehicle has been aerodynamically designed for the best performance possible. Due to the efficient sealing found in the redesigned Chevrolet Silverado proficient cooling occurs while driving. Airflow is smoothed out by the design of the roof and tail spoiler. The exterior keeps some remnants of the classic look of previous models with upgrades of more sculpted features and the addition of a new bumper and hood to give a bolder presence on the open road. Looking at the inside of the vehicle and one can easily see the care and thought that went into meeting the needs of customers. Most Silverado customers are very versatile and need their truck to be more than just a work truck. It is like the truck has to be one way for the 9-5 job and another way after it clocks out. Chevrolet engineers heard your concerns loud and clear and deliver with the 2014 Chevrolet Silverado. For the worker bees, engineers ensured that all controls were in the most ideal places for the customer and that they could be easily controlled while wearing gloves. Doors were made larger for easier entry and exit. More space is given on both the inside and outside for more cargo room. Boxes in the bed of
truck have been made larger and more accessible with Silverado’s signature CornerStep. Additional work convenience features include the EZ Life and Lower tailgate to reduce back strain and upper tie-down hooks and under-rail lighting. Keep up with files with the huge center armrest that can also hold a laptop and whatever else you need to run your office on wheels. Pockets in doors and an oversize glove box give the driver more places to put things away. If the space and storage options don’t leave you speechless, the connectivity will. My test vehicle was equipped with My Chevrolet Link. This is simply Chevrolet’s way of hooking you up to technology. Another way the Silverado keeps you connected is by giving you the things you need to connect like 2 USB ports, SD slot, and a 110-volt power outlet. The use of premier materials for the overall construction of the Chevrolet Silverado add to the durability of the truck that will last you years upon years to come. When the workday is done, the Chevrolet Silverado shakes off the dust of the field and dresses up for a night on the town. Exterior chrome accents highlight the sculpted curves of the body of the vehicle for a bold sleek elegant. Passengers will appreciate the smooth, rich leather seats; wood grain touches; HD radio; heated seats; dual zone air conditioning; and the list goes on. While inside passengers will ride in quiet comfort as the Chevrolet Silverado has one of the quietest cabins in its segment. The Chevrolet Silverado meets the needs of the 9-5 workers and the all around go-getter. Customers can customize the performance of their vehicle with the choice of one of three all new eco-tec3 engines - 4.3L V6, 5.3L V8, and 6.2L V8. I had the luxury of testing the 5.3L V8 that produces 355 horsepower and 383 Ib.-ft of torque. This particular engine has an EPA rating of up to 23-mpg highway making it the best of any V8 truck. It also has a top of the line towing capacity of 11,500 pounds. Chevrolet Silverado has been my dad’s truck of choice because it is not just tough; it is strong. It is strong for its legacy of longevity, years of dependability, and vision of originality. It is strong for keeping the customers’ concerns at the center of all it represents. It is strong because that is the only way it knows to be. Put the 2014 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Crew Cab 4WD LTZ to the test and see why it is not just tough, it is strong. Find out more information online at www.chevrolet.com
PG 11
Houston, TX
Houston, TX
Texas Southern University’s 2013 President’s Gala Photography By Vicky Pink n Friday, October 18, 2013, Houston Style Magazine was on hand at the Westin Galleria Hotel for Texas Southern University’s 2013 President’s Gala. More than 700 guests attended the elegant affair that honored distinguished TSU alumni and the community during homecoming weekend. Melanie Lawson served as emcee Ricky Anderson, Winfred Frazier, Dale Long, Alice Mendoza, Perry Miller; and Gerald Womack were honored along with community partners Keith Davis, Reverend William A. Lawson and his wife Audrey Lawson, CenterPoint Energy, Port of Houston Authority, TSU’s University Urban Academic Village; and Roosevelt and Marlene Petry. Special guest included U.S. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and U.S. Congressman Al Green with musical performances by Natalie Foreman, Vincent Powell, Regina Belle, Howard Hewitt and Chris Walker. The event raised more than $200,000 in scholarships for students at Texas Southern University. Some spotted at the sold event included TSU President and First Lady Drs. Docia and John Rudley, Georgia Provost, Constable Ruben Davis, Connie Cochran, Anita and Gerald Smith, Ben Hall, Judge Zinetta Burney, Renee Logan, Dr. Thomas Freeman, Rev. James Dixon, Phyllis Bailey, Eileen and Kase Lawal, Terry Williams, James Harris, Rhonda Skillern-Jones, Kendrick Callis, Eva Pickens, Laura Allen, and James Douglas.
Houston Greeters’ Mayor Memorabilia Gala
Photography By Vicky Pink
n Thursday, October 17, 2013, Houston Style Magazine was on hand at the Julia Ideson Library for Mayor Annise Parker’s Memorabilia Gala. The event was a fundraiser hosted by the Houston Greeters whose job it is to showcase the best of Houston. Attendees were given the chance to own a piece of Houston’s history from Mayor Annise Parker’s own collection as well as dined with Mayor Parker, the Indian Consul General and the Sri Lankan Consul General. All proceeds benefit Houston Greeters; a 501 (c ) 3 nonprofit organization which promotes a cross-cultural understanding of Houston’s diverse communities. Some in attendance were Gordon Quan, Hugh Zhang, and Sylvia Quan.
PG 12 OCTOBER 31 - NOVEMBER 6, 2013
Houston, TX
Houston, TX
The SCAR Project Photography By Vicky Pink n Thursday, October 24, 2013, Houston Style Magazine was on hand at Gremillion & Co. Fine Art, Inc. The Annex for The SCAR Project sponsored by Pink Ribbons Project. Photographer David Jay has created a series of large-scale portraits of young breast cancer survivors as a way to raise awareness for breast cancer. The SCAR Project puts a raw, unflinching face on early onset breast cancer while paying tribute to the courage and spirit of so many brave young women. Dedicated to the more than 10,000 women under the age of 40 who will be diagnosed this year alone, The SCAR Project is an exercise in awareness, hope, reflection and healing. The SCAR Project will be on display until October 28, 2013. For more information, visit www.thescarproject.org/ exhibition.
Meet & Greet for U. S. Congresswoman Maxine Waters
Photography By Vicky Pink
n Sunday, October 13, 2013, Houston Style Magazine was on hand at the home of State Rep. Ron Reynolds and Dr. Jonita Reynolds for a Meet & Greet for U. S. Congresswoman Maxine Waters, 43rd Congressional District of California. The fundraiser for Congresswoman Waters was hosted by Congressman Al Green, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Senator Rodney Ellis, State Rep. Ron Reynolds, Commissioner Grady Prestage, Cnstable Ruben Davis, Councilman Don Smith, Fort Bend Democratic Chair Don Bankston, Hon. Howard Jefferson, Rev. Bill Lawson, Michael Harris, Ester Francis, and Roosevelt Petry.
PG 13
Houston, TX
Houston, TX
Anne Sullivan Firefighter Memorial Fundraiser Photography By Vicky Pink n Saturday, October 19, 2013, Houston Style Magazine was on hand at Simply Fit in Stafford, TX for a fundraiser for The Anne Sullivan Firefighter Memorial Fund. Houston Firefighter Anne Sullivan, a former Stafford firefighter, died last May with 3 other of her fellow firefighters while searching for people they thought might be trapped in the burning Southwest Inn Hotel fire in Houston. The fundraiser was a Zumbathon for all ages and genders. All money raised supported the Anne Sullivan Firefighter Memorial Fund to start a scholarship in Anne’s name to assist women who want to be first responders. The scholarship is listed on The Greater Houston Community Foundation website, www.ghcf.org. Some in attendance were Mary Sullivan (Anne’s mom), Dr. Lovell Jones, members of the Sullivan family, fire fighters, and students from Stafford High School.
TSU Pharmacy and Health Sciences 2013 Homecoming Reception
Photography By Vicky Pink
n Saturday, October 19, 2013, Houston Style Magazine was on hand at the Embassy Suites for the 2013 Annual Continuing Education Conference and Reception for the Texas Southern University Pharmacy and Health Sciences Alumni Association 34th Anniversary and Homecoming 63 in conjunction with the Texas Association of Independent Pharmacy Owner. On this night of homecoming fun, TSU Tigers from the College Pharmacy and Health Sciences remembered a beloved professor, Dr. Doris Jackson, who passed away this year, under theme “Brilliance, Beauty and Bling.” A tribute to Dr. Jackson was given by Dr. Quinn Branch, Audra Anderson, Georgia Provost, James Douglas, Norris McVea, and Dr. M. Enigbokin. Some in attendance were Dr. Gwendolyn Burgess, Dr. Anjanette Wyatt, Paula Ealy, Dr. Damita Wyatt, and Dr. Deanna Gates.
PG 14 OCTOBER 31 - NOVEMBER 6, 2013
Houston, TX
Houston, TX
Young Professionals’ Ronald Green Fundraiser Photography By Vicky Pink n Thursday, October 17, 2013, Houston Style Magazine was on hand at Mongoose versus Cobra for a fundraiser for Houston City Controller Ronald C. Green. Hosted by the Young Professionals, the event was a chance for young voters to meet and greet Controller Green. Some in attendance were David Anderson III, Chris & Divya Brown, Paul Cannings Jr., Eleanor Curry, Shekira Dennis, Sam Dike, James Donatto II, Nelsy Gomez, John Guess IV, Ed Hamb, Teal Holden, Roderick Rice, Jerry Peruchini, Jermaine Patterson, Alexander Obregon & Skyler Vernadore, Wendy Lewis-Armstrong, Honorable Erica Lee, Michael Lactson, Damien Jones, Alias Johnson, Brian Jelks, David Rosen, Valerie Simpson, Tristan & Cece Sutton, Tashon Thomas, Emerson Vance, Erik Vidor, Junious Williams, Kendrick & Ja’Nae Winfield, and Elliott Wright.
Hip-Hop in Houston Book Signing
Photography By Vicky Pink
n Thursday, October 17, 2013, Houston Style Magazine was on hand at the University of Houston Honors Commons, MD Anderson Library for the book talk and signing with Maco Faniel, author of Hip-Hop in Houston: The Origin and the Legacy. Faniel discussed his book that is about the history of Houston’s unique role in the rise of rap music. The book’s afterword was penned by Julie Grob, coordinator for digital projects and instruction in UH Libraries Special Collections. It was Grob who introduced the hip-hop archival collection at UH that begin with DJ Screw Papers and DJ Screw Sound Recordings. It was while doing research for his book that Faniel and Grob formed a partnership.
PG 15
Let The Fashions Begin, Inc. Presents the 2013 Men Of Style Gala
ouston… Let The Fashions Begin, Inc. is having its 17th annual Men of Style Gala being held on November 15th at Hotel ZaZA, 5701 Main St., Houston, Texas 77005 at 6:00 pm. The theme for the Gala is “Dare To Dream”. The Gala co-chairs are Linda Wischnewsky, Vanessa Hall and Constance Charles. The honorary chairs are Francis and Kristyn Page and Judge Michael McSpadden and Anne Van Horn. “We are ecstatic about our 17th annual Men of Style event. Hotel ZaZA will never be the same,” says MOS founder, Judge Clarease Yates. The 2013 Men of Style honorees are professional and civic-minded men who are being recognized for their fashion savvy and contribution to the community. This year’s Living Legends are Darryl Wischnewsky, C.E.O. and President, Bayway Auto
Group; Dr. James Douglas, Executive Vice President, Texas Southern University; Attorney Nelson Jones, Managing Partner, Garner Scott & Jones, PLLC and Acting President, Sickle Cell Association of the Texas Gulf Coast; Mark Wallace, President and Chief Executive Officer, Texas Children’s Hospital; The 2013 Men of Style honorees are Michael Aldridge, Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer, Saratoga Resources, Inc.; James Banks, owner, State Farm Insurance Agency; Astley Blair, Chief Financial Officer, Marine Well Containment Company; Judge Marc Carter, District Court Judge, Harris County, Texas; Mark L. Christensen, Regional Manager, Bartlett Cocke General Contractor’s; Keith Davis, Sr., President, D-Mars Magazine; John Jamil, Philanthropist; Danny Nguyen, Danny Nguyen Couture; Chester Pitts, Sports An-
chor, KPRC Channel 2 TV; Carroll Robinson, Esq., Trustee, District #4, Houston Community College; Dr. Stephen Simko, Pediatric Oncologist, Texas Children’s Cancer and Hematology Centers; Dr. John Stanford, Jr., President, MJWJ Global Radio Network and Panjo Investments; R.G. Thomas, Owner, Arrest-A-Pest, Inc.; and Gilad Zadok, Zadok Jewelers. Sickle cell disease is an inherited blood disorder that causes an abnormality of the structure of the red blood cells which tend to get stuck in blood vessels, leading to excruciating pain and sometimes lifethreatening organ damage. All funds raised benefit the Texas Children’s Sickle Cell Center in its search for a cure. Texas Children’s Hospital Sickle Cell Center is under the direction of Dr. Alex George. The public is invited to at-
tend. Individual tickets are available for $250 and various sponsorships levels are available. Go to our website www.letthefashionsbegin.com to purchase individual tickets and view our sponsorship levels. If you would like to donate to the cause (to find a cure for Sickle Cell Disease), you can text your donations to 41444. For more information please contact event co-chair, Constance Charles at 832-496-9687 or Judy Foston at 832595-2544.
Shunte Jones, Ocielia Gibson, La’Shawn Chambers, Kimberly Dixon, and Monique Johnson are joined by other pretty powerful female entrepreneurs.
Entertainment The Man Behind VH1’s Love & Hip By MiMi
Entertainment Writer
Hop’s star Olivia’s New Sound
so I talked directly with them about the possibility of a project and I told them I would send them a song and if she liked it she could jump on it. That could be her single cause it’s hot…it’s a hot song and she’s perfect for it. She loves it and so everything is a go! MiMi: So, now the title of the new single is “Put It on You”. That is dripping sexy! What is the story behind the song? MR: I like experiences and my mind tends to wander. I will come up with the craziest concepts. I was watching a movie and it kind of reminded me of the song the other day. It was Two Can Play That Game with Vivica Fox and Morris Chestnut and she went to his job and rocked his world. I came up with the song before that but the movie and situation remind me of it. So basically, your man or significant other is headed to work and you’re at home tired of waiting on him and so you think to yourself
that I’m going to get it. MiMi: That’s too sexy! You have a background in singing and writing and now you’re making that big jump to wearing the hat of a producer. What ignited that fire? MR: I’ve been around a few industry heavy weights – Birdman, Akon..and a lot of CEO people… some of the biggest talents in the industry. So I learned from them and felt that I was capable of the same things. I took that and coupled with my God-given talents, I felt like I came up with a plan. My plan is to build an empire just as great as theirs. I’m not comparing myself to anyone. I’m just trying to be the best that I can be. MiMi: You’re bringing us to some of your current projects and I also hear that you’re writing a book. You’ve got to give Style Magazine the absolute exclusive on this. What’s it about? MR: I have a story unlike no
PG 16 OCTOBER 31 - NOVEMBER 6, 2013
Put it on You,” is the highly anticipated Maurice Rivers production that has been released to VH1’s “Love & Hip Hop” star Olivia Longott for execution. “Put it on You” is an ingeniously written R&B hip-hop song designed to climb the charts. This will be the #1 requested single and Olivia was strategically selected from the pool of interested seasoned artists to pull this masterpiece off. Houston Style Magazine’s MiMi spoke with writer and producer Maurice Rivers about his hot new project and revealed all of his secrets. MiMi: The hot news is that you’re collaborating with Olivia from VH1’s Love & Hip Hop. Tell me how did that came about. Maurice Rivers: I’ve been in the industry for years and I have a couple of connections. I know a few people so through a mutual contact I was able to get contact with Ray Benzino and Rich Dollaz and Olivia’s manager and
other. I don’t think there’s a man walking this planet that has had the experiences, my experiences…I can’t say no one has walked in my shoes…but the sheer amount of things that I’ve been exposed to is like no other…wow, no one has a story like this and I promise you, this has to be heard. It’s the greatest story never told. You won’t be able to stop reading. Once you start, it’s nonstop. It’s a page turner. Read the full story online at www.stylemagazine.com.
Maurice Rivers
Business Pretty Powerful Women: The Evolution of the By Demez White Style Writer
Maurice Rivers
Leaders of the future will have to be visionary and be able to bring people in - real communicators. These are things that women bring to leadership and executive positions, and it’s going to be incredibly valuable and incredibly in demand.” -Anita Borg Our society has very much evolved over the years, you can sit on a beach in Cabo and take college courses in Washington D.C. We can predict the weather six months out and wage wars without ever putting one American life at risk. The world is literally changing every single day. In most ways. A vast majority of this country and this world still likes our women being mothers, wives, running charities and cooking dinners while the men take over the world. That’s evident in the salary differentials in not only corporate America but in most industries. Where in some cases women make as much as 30% less despite the fact they are graduating college and professional degree programs at incredibly high rates. Some of it may be sexism, some may be unintentional but more than anything there’s a way to beat it. If you can’t get the job you’re interviewing for create a new and better job than the one you’re interviewing for. If you see the company you work for isn’t progressive, start a company that is. Madeleine K. Albright in one of her most famous speeches said, “There is a special place in hell for women that do not help other women.” For the women of Pretty Powerful Ink, helping each other and other women is something they were born to do. Shunte Jones: “I have no competition.” Shunte Jones says these words with not a hint of arrogance. How does a woman that comes from a modest family in Marshall, TX and attended an HBCU on a Rodeo Scholarship walk into the male dominated finance industry and set records like acquiring the most new clients in 10 weeks? It all started with a plan. Shunte Jones has a degree in agricultural economics, not a household name when it comes to college majors. That degree however allowed her more money for college and opened doors that a regular economics degree alone couldn’t. “I tapped into a base that no one in this city and probably State was tapping into. African Americans are graduating college with engineering degrees making 83k a year and just like me they
Female Entrepreneur
didn’t grow up around money so they didn’t know what to do with that money. How to protect it, how to invest it. These people were my friends, my classmates, the market was wide open. Before me I don’t think most of my colleagues even knew black people had money.” Shunte isn’t shy about wanting to make money, if you ask her she’ll tell you the more money she makes for her clients and the better she makes their financial situations the more referrals she gets. It’s more than that though, outside of the power suits and confidence lies a woman that wants to change lives. Mentoring high school girls on the value of managing money and credit, teaching classes to women that are newly released from prison, she knows there isn’t money to be made from these women but for her it’s about seeing them do better. “A lot of these women don’t know about money because their parents never knew about money, their grandparents never knew about money. So they are making the same mistakes those before them make. By simply sharing the information maybe I can stop that cycle.” When she talks about the athletes that she represents there’s a general fondness in her voice. These men aren’t just clients, they’re her friends. Their wives are her friends. She takes pride that none of her clients have gotten divorced or went broke on her watch. “5th Quarter depression is a real thing, those first 18 months after a guy leaves the league are crucial. I sit him down and we talk about a plan, what’s his life going to be after his time on the field is over. When athletes have a plan the transition takes place almost seamlessly.” Ocielia Gibson: More Than A Pretty Face Inc is the name of her foundation but when you see her it’s hard not to focus on just how pretty she really is. Ocielia Gibson is literally a Beauty Queen. Having won Miss Black USA 20111 on her third try of vying for Miss Black Texas USA it was all for a bigger reason and higher purpose. “I fundraised by myself, I practiced and perfected everything I needed to do to win. It wasn’t so much that I wanted the Crown as much as I wanted the platform to impact lives.” Impacting lives is an understatement. Mentoring and helping girls on three different continents Ocielia literally wants the world to know that faith, etiquette and ambition are all a woman needs to reach whatever level she wants. You can hear the smile in her voice when she talks about her mother and grandmother that gave her the foundation to stand on the morals she holds so dear today. During our interview I asked her a question about talking to young girls in the inner city when she hasn’t really been in some of the dark places they have. Her response may be one of the most impactful answers I’ve ever received as a writer.
“I would have to disagree with you on that. I think the girls take to me more because I’m not coming to them with a redemption story. I talk to them about valuing their body and being young ladies and I’m letting them know it’s possible. I’d like to believe I’m the prime example of not judging a book by its cover. I didn’t grow up with my father or a lot of money, I had a period in my life where I rebelled, I relate to these girls just as much as any other woman. They look up to me because I’m honest with them and I respect them. I don’t care if it’s a girl in Dallas, Kenya or South America; sometimes all it takes is for someone to see the best in them, teach them and show them an example.” La’Shawn Chambers: “I used to write resumes for my friends and family all the time. It just came natural to me, each job, each industry has its own language and if you can speak that language writing the resume is the easy part. I posted a Facebook status one night: “Would anyone be interested in me writing your resume for 25 dollars?” That’s how I started Résumées Certified.” Over 200 clients later La’Shawn is only looking forward to helping more people find employment and reach higher goals. With a Civil Engineering degree she’s held several positions at multiple companies in the past year. Quality Control Engineer at an Oil and Gas company, Vice President at another employment company and running her own business. This isn’t counting the resumes she does for free for those that just need work and can’t afford her services. “I wouldn’t feel right having the gifts God has given me and not sharing them. It can’t always be about the money.” One of the most interesting aspects of what makes La’Shawn successful is her mindset. If there has ever been such a thing as a serial entrepreneur she fits that mold with three businesses up and running and successful. Not to mention having a young child and a somewhat perfect body. “When you list them all like that I guess it does seem like I have no time in the day but it honestly doesn’t feel like work to me. I can say that everything I do, every business I start, charity I’m involved in is fun for me, it’s exciting helping people and being successful.” Kimberly Dixon: Kimberly Dixon grew up with a mom and dad, received a basketball scholarship, has sold multimillion dollar homes for 15 years. From the outside looking in she’s lived a pretty charmed life. You can’t really script it any better but when you talk to Kim you can’t help but notice one thing. She’s nice. You can hear it in her voice and her words. “I was blessed growing up, I had my parents, I had basketball. I loved basketball, still love it. But a lot of the kids I grew up with
weren’t as lucky, they didn’t have parents or make it to college. Even today I see men that make millions of dollars a year struggle to get a lease. I once had a client with 3 Super Bowl rings that couldn’t get a lease. What’s the point in putting someone in a beautiful home if they aren’t going to be able to keep it once they’re finished playing. I want to be a part of the solution.” Kimberly Dixon is a prime example of staying grounded no matter your success. “We have a saying at Pretty Powerful Ink, Heart of a Socialist, Mind of a capitalist. I won’t pretend that we aren’t coming together to make money but we’re a for profit organization with a significant cause. By teaching these women to build wealth, we’re building power couples.” Pushing each other, motivating each other, wanting the best for each and every woman around her. Monique Johnson: When I first got the email about Monique Johnson the heading read, “Not the typical athletes wife.” That may be the biggest understatement of this year. When her boyfriend was drafted into the NFL Monique didn’t follow him, she stayed in school to get her degree. When she graduated, she didn’t go to where he played, she took an offer to be a Chemical Engineer for a major oil and gas company in a city she knew nothing about. If there’s one thing about not only Monique but every woman associated with Pretty Powerful Ink it’s that they will not be defined by anything other than success. “My husband would tell other players that I had a career, a degree and they would look at each other surprised. I would be around the other player’s wives and realize that we had nothing in common. It wasn’t that they were bad women but they weren’t like me or my friends.” The heart of a socialist, mind of a capitalist. Monique realized she wanted to help these women be great and in helping them be great there was opportunity. “My husband and I are from Deerbrook, Alabama. There isn’t even a mall there. It would have been easy for me to be happy just being with a man that was living his dream but I knew I wanted my own identity and I also knew that my husband’s career could be over at any moment. I made sure that I would be an asset to him, an equal.” If you look at the list of women Monique has brought together they all have a specific strength. Finance, real estate, charity, employment but what ties them all together is their willingness to help people less fortunate then themselves. They all want to be winners in life. Individually you can’t find a list of more impressive women so I can’t wait to see what they do collectively.
PG 17
Terri Schichenmeyer
“His Third Wife” by Grace Octavia
bsolutely nobody can stop you. Oh, no. You’re too determined to be deterred from what you want. You’ve got plans, you’ve got might, and you’ve got the guts to make it all happen. If there’s somebody in your way, watch out! You’ll run them right over. Then again, there are times when even the unstoppable is halted in its tracks. And in the new book “His Third Wife” by Grace Octavia, the octagonal red sign is up ahead. Mama Fee was not let-
ting her daughter go through her nuptials alone. Somebody had to be there with Val, who looked tired – and that was no big surprise. Val was pregnant and the groom was reluctant because yes, it was a shotgun wedding. But that was what a girl got when she married Jamison Taylor, Atlanta’s handsome black mayor. That was what Val got when she became the reluctant Mayor Taylor’s knocked-up strippercum-assistant-cum-secondwife. Jackson, Kerry Jamison’s first wife, couldn’t get the taste of disgust out of her mouth. Jamison had a good future once, but he couldn’t seem to keep his pants on. His affair with some California woman ruined their marriage not long ago – and now he was with
Entertainment By Susie Stillwell Entertainment Writer
this uncouth Val person. Kerry didn’t want to admit that she still loved her ex-husband, but he obviously wasn’t using his brain. That’s because Jamison Taylor’s brain was preoccupied. For months, he’d been working on a scholarship idea with his friend, Ras – something that would give inner-city boys a chance at college. But then Ras was arrested, and the charges didn’t make any sense. When Jamison tried to use his political power to straighten things out, he was warned by old colleagues and frat brothers that he’d best just keep his nose out of the problem. But that was a problem, too: Jamison was getting pressure to act from all sides. Kerry kept telling him that Ras was his friend, to do the right thing. Val
was pressing to be a proper wife and wanted him to be a proper husband. Even his mother was pushing him for one thing or another. Jamison needed to be able to think about things. He needed room. He needed everyone to Just. Stop. I have to admit, I didn’t like this book much on its first few pages. It starts out rather abruptly, but I stuck with it – and I’m glad I did. “His Third Wife” starts off with a “body falling from a mid-level hotel,” and it screams, quick-paced, from there. Author Grace Octavia takes her readers into corners where we don’t expect to go, leading us into tunnels with endings that surprise, and prodding us down a blind ramp. Then, the biggest scream of all is ours, at the end.
Louis Gossett, Jr.: A Pioneer of Television
I like to stretch. ENEMY MINE is now a classic, it has a cult. But it was as difficult to play a Marine, I was older than the rest of the cast were, to get my body in shape for that was difficult. But there’s your success, there’s your stretch.” SS/JC: Film and television technology has changed hugely since you begin your career. Have the changes helped or hindered you? “ LG: Well, there’s a challenge for me in a sense that it’s high-definition, and it’s these little cameras that can see every pore of your face. So it’s a challenge – you can’t act as much. It’s got to be internal and real. You really have to do your homework. It’s got to be real, because people will know whether you’re lying, because you’re so close. It’s in your eyes, it’s in your thoughts. When a camera backs up and you do your action, that’s one thing, but performance-wise, acting-wise, it’s a brand-new style of that.” SS/JC: What’s coming next for you Lou? LG: I’d like to return to the the-
ater in a new capacity. “I’m looking at directing. There is a piece that I’m interested in doing. We’ll see.” SS/JC: On the feature film front, do you have anything happening there Lou? LG: I’m reuniting with director Sidney J. Fury, who helmed him in the IRON EAGLES movies, on PRIDE OF LIONS. Gossett describes it as, “A very cute story – four men and a woman, all grandparents, are tired of what the State Department can’t tell us what happened to our grandsons. We decide to go to Afghanistan ourselves.” SS/JC: So you have joined the digital age with a new YouTube talk show I see? LG: FOR WHAT IT’S WORTH. It’s a combination of a lot of things, pretty much like Larry King, but a little bit more. You can look it up on YouTube, put my name in YouTube, put the name of the show in, and look it up. SS/JC: What would Louis Gossett most like to say about his career at this point?
PG 18 OCTOBER 31 - NOVEMBER 6, 2013
itting down on a patio at the Beverly Hilton Hotel, veteran actor Louis Gossett, Jr. talks about what he’s done and what he’s doing now. Susie Stillwell/Juicy Culture: Hi Lou. How’s it going big guy? Let’s just jump right in...do you consider yourself a pioneer of the medium? Louis Gossett: Hi Susie. Hey Susie. Umm Pioneer of Television? I guess so, because of ROOTS. If you recall the old days, I was there, back to Steve Allen and THE ED SULLIVAN SHOW. The PIONEERS producers sent me an interview I did with Rona Barrett. So yeah, I was one of the early guys.” SS/JC: Speaking of brave actors, have there been any roles that initially scared you? LG: Oh, yeah, “ENEMY MINE. All the actors turned it down, because they couldn’t see your face. Five or six hours of makeup. But there’s a challenge involved. I like challenge. It brings everything out in you. To fail at something difficult, to survive in something that’s just easy you can phone in.
Yes, this book concludes with one magnificent cliff-hanger. Dang. This is the second book in a miniseries, but you can read it alone. Just beware of two things: one, you’ll be scrambling for the first book anyhow. And two, start “His Third Wife,”
c.2013, Kensington Dafina $15.00 / $16.95 Canada 304 pages
LG: I’m extremely grateful for the opportunity to play people of history, very grateful to be recognized and admired by three or four different generations, and internationally. It’s amazing to me, because I live in Malibu, kind of alone – I’ve raised my kids, that’s my solitude. But when I get out to the airport to go around this country, they know who I am, including the babies.” In other words, if you have a television, chances are excellent that you’ve seen Lou Gossett’s work. Read the full story online at www.stylemagazine.com
Louis Gosset Jr.
National Walmart and U.S. Secretary of Commerce Pritzker Announce New U.S. Manufacturing Commitments at SelectUSA Summit
in Hazelhurst, Ga., as part of a joint venture with McPherson Manufacturing. For more information, visit www.corporate.walmart.com.
Bank of America Warns of Fresh U.S. Lawsuit By James O’Tool CNN/stylemagazine.com
securities. JPMorgan agreed to pay $5.1 billion to government-backed housing finance firms Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in a related settlement last week. Bank of America spokesman Lawrence Grayson declined to comment. The Department of Justice did not immediately respond to a request for comment. For more information, visit www.cnn.com.
Bank and its programs, visit houstonfoodbank.org.
Academic Partnerships Chosen to Bring Top Mexican University OnlineRecovery
November 1st SNAP Cut Means Millions of Meals Lost
uilding on Walmart’s commitment to purchase an additional $50 billion in U.S.made products over the next 10 years, Walmart U.S. President and CEO Bill Simon and Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker today announced at the SelectUSA 2013 Investment Summit that three suppliers have made new domestic manufacturing commitments that will create 385 jobs. Elan-Polo, Louis Hornick & Company and EveryWare Global, Inc. will produce footwear, curtains and glassware, respectively. Acceleration of the three commitments followed Walmart’s U.S. Manufacturing Summit in Orlando on August 22, which was attended by more than 500 suppliers and 34 states. Elan-Polo, Inc., a global footwear and 35-year Walmart supplier, will start production of injection-molded footwear in March 2014 at a factory
nother day, another potential lawsuit against Bank of America. BofA revealed in a securities filing Wednesday that staff from a U.S. Attorney’s office have disclosed plans to recommend that the Department of Justice file a civil lawsuit against the bank related to the packaging and sale of mortgage bonds. Such securities played a key role in the 2008 financial crisis, failing in huge numbers as the housing market collapsed. Wall Street firms have since been deluged with lawsuits alleging that they misrepresented the quality of risky mortgages when they sold these securities. The Justice Department already has another civil lawsuit pending against Bank of America over a mortgage bond offering that was announced in August, and the Charlotte-based firm will likely be on the hook for billions of dollars’ worth of future settlements. The news See what’s hot on comes as rival megaStyleMagazine.com bank JPMorgan remains in talks with the Now exclusive DOJ and other government officials over a partners with potential multi-billiondollar settlement related to mortgage-backed
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reduction in SNAP benefits scheduled to go into effect on Friday, November 1, equates to a loss of 36 million meals within the next year for children, adults and seniors in southeast Texas who receive SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly food stamps). The SNAP cuts are actually the end of a temporary increase in benefits approved by Congress as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009. In the next 11 months, this reduction translates to a loss of $94,552,554 in SNAP assistance in the Houston Food Bank’s service area, or the equivalent of 36,189,538 meals. Every one dollar in SNAP expenditures equals $1.79 in economic activity for area food retailers and their employees. In just one month, the expected $8.6 million dollar reduction equates to $15 million that will be missing from community grocery stores and other food retailers that accept SNAP. For more information on the Houston Food
Academic Partnerships (AP), one of the largest representatives of online learning in the United States and around the world, today announced that it has been chosen by Mexico’s Universidad Intercontinental (UIC) to bring five of its degree programs online in the coming months. Early next year, UIC, a private Catholic university in Mexico City, will make its Bachelor of Business Administration; Bachelor in Law; Bachelor in Marketing; Bachelor in Psychology; and Bachelor in International Trade Relations available online for the first time. AP will provide services related to technology, faculty development, curriculum planning, marketing, and admissions for each of these programs. For more information, please visit www.academicpartnerships.com and www.uic.edu.mx. Share these stories online at www. stylemagazine.com
PG 19