July 20, 2017 - July 26, 2017
Houston Style Magazine Houston’s Premiere Weekly Publication
Volume 28 | Number 30
Jesse Jackson There Is No Market for Trump’s Values
Hill Harper’s New Mission: Increasing Health and Wellness with New Personal Care Line Words by Jo-Carolyn Goode, Managing Editor
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Searching for Justice for Josue
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Educational Mission Trip to Cuba
Manuel Rodriguez
Longtime HISD Trustee Manuel Rodriguez Dies
Donald Trump
Trump Passes the Buck -- And How It Could Hurt Him Going
HSM Giveaway
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July 13 - July 19, 2017 www.stylemagazine.com
Volume 29 | Number 30 | July 20, 2017 - July 26, 2017
BBBS Barbershop
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There Is No Market for Trump’s Values
By Jesse Jackson, National Writer
andidates say campaigns are about articulating programs, issues and priorities. But people vote for candidates based on how that person makes them feel. Consciously or unconsciously, elections are about giving voice to values.
“King of Voter Suppression” as its head, apparently for the purpose of finding 3 million to 5 million examples in order to “prove” to he lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton because of voter fraud. That’s an expression of twisted moral values.
Voters are moral proxies who want to know that a candidate or elected official truly cares about them -- that they are authentic -- more than they care about what they know.
Candidate Trump promised a universal health care system better and cheaper than the Affordable Care Act (ACA), but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell appointed 13 men (no women) who came up with a plan to repeal and replace the ACA that would take away affordable health insurance from over 20 million Americans.
President Donald Trump and his administration are expressing moral values that have no market value. The Golden Rule has both moral and market value. Trump wouldn’t want done to him what he’s doing to the majority of the American people. Trump’s values express reverse gratification. The powerful are suppressing the weak; the rich are exploiting the poor; the elephant is crushing the gnat.
It would deny money to Planned Parenthood, an organization that provides health services for women; remove billions of dollars from a Medicaid program that serves over 70 million poor people, including children and the disabled; threaten to bankrupt nursing homes for the old and financial security for their families; threaten the existence of rural community hospitals and urban public hospitals; drive up costs and drive down health benefits for the middle class; take away millions of jobs from the people who provide these services; and do all these things in order to give massive tax cuts to the greedy.
Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions disavows the Voting Rights Act. He has a history of politicizing it by frivolously charging blacks with voter fraud, and has withdrawn Justice Department support from a voting rights case involving racial discrimination. That’s an expression of this administration’s values. Trump has established a voter fraud commission despite having no evidence of voter fraud. He appointed Kris Kobach, secretary of state of Kansas and the
If Sen. John McCain was poor or middle class and had the Republican plan -- i.e.,
old and infirm -- he would be in trouble, and that’s a moral disgrace! The Constitution, like the ACA, was imperfect and had shameful flaws, but we chose to amend it not end it. Trump wants to close public schools and build private jails. He appointed a secretary of education, Betsy DeVos, who has dedicated her entire life and lots of money undercutting public education and advocating for for-profit private schools. He is weakening civil rights protections that include racial and sexual minorities. He appointed Scott Pruitt as administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a person who was joined at the hip with the fossil fuel industry as Oklahoma’s attorney general and who many times sued the organization he now heads. Pruitt is gutting the strong environmental achievements of Obama and led the charge for Trump to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement, relinquishing America’s environment leadership on an issue that will literally cost Americans millions of jobs and economic growth, threaten the Earth’s equilibrium and the existence of the human race. In foreign policy Trump has weakened our international leadership role established over the last three-quarters of a century through the North American Treaty Organization (NATO) that has successfully maintained peace in Europe. He has cozied up to
authoritarian leaders, shown little interest in advancing human rights or a free press, and has turned our wars over to the generals, shunning civilian leadership. Trump’s “eye for an eye” and “fight fire with fire” policy would leave many blind and burned. Trump’s most fervent supporters are the same people who sanctimoniously attend annual prayer breakfasts, cite scripture and pray in public. Trump and Republicans see ending health care for millions and giving tax cuts to the rich as victorious. Jesus warned about “religious” people who walk over the sick and past the poor. Republicans are struggling to keep promises they made -- ones they shouldn’t have made because they lack a moral foundation. Their values are unhealthy and dangerous -- and will lead to calamity and downfall. They can’t be exported to the rest of the world by our diplomats, and polls show Americans don’t agree with them. It’s an immoral agenda with no market value at all. You can write to the Rev. Jesse Jackson in care of this newspaper or by email at jjackson@rainbowpush.org. Follow him on Twitter @RevJJackson. Share this online at www.stylemagazine. com.
POLITICAL Trump Passes the Buck -- And How It Could Hurt Him Going Forward
By Dan Merica, CNN/Stylemagazine.com Newswire
resident Harry Truman famously said “the buck stops here.” President Donald Trump, faced with the failure of the Senate Republican health care bill, says Obamacare will fail, and he’ll make sure he’s not taking the blame.
Trump made phone calls and held meetings with individual or small groups of lawmakers. But Hill Republicans say Trump didn’t use his bully pulpit to sell the health care bill, and when he did, his comments were in general terms about improving health care, despite the complexities involved in “We’re not going to own it. I’m not going the legislation. to own it,” Trump said Tuesday at the White House in his first public appearance since “He was playing with a firetruck and trying the Senate bill fell apart. “I can tell you the on a cowboy hat as the bill was collapsing Republicans are not going to own it. We’ll let and he had no clue,” a top Republican told Obamacare fail and then the Democrats are CNN on Tuesday, mocking the President’s going to come to us.” “Made in America” week events at the White House on Monday. All presidents point fingers at the opposing Trump’s aides have been happy to play up party. But Trump’s attempt to pass the buck on his party’s failure to approve a health the President’s interactions with Republican care reform bill breaks with the way his senators -- he made calls from France last predecessors sought to tout the power of the week and over the weekend from New Jersey, presidency by arguing responsibility stops in officials told CNN. And he was dining with GOP senators Monday night when the bill the Oval Office -- and could contribute to his collapsed. But because of his disengaged difficulties facing his administration during style, Trump has made a habit of compliits first six months and beyond. cating the negotiating process by saying things that contradict previous positions or Trump’s comments track with his govern- statements. ing style. Vice President Mike Pence, top White House aides and Health and Human Case in point: While meeting with RepubServices Department leaders were taking lican senators at the White House in June, point in negotiating with Congress, while Trump said the House-passed health care
July 20 - July 26, 2017 www.stylemagazine.com
Donald Trump
but not the failures of legislation that happened before the president got into office,” said White House deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. “I think you also have to take into account the outrageous obstruction that we have talked about pretty frequently up here, not just on health care, But as the bill failed, Trump and his White but across the board.” House are pointing to the Democrats, despite Trump, however, wasn’t happy when the Senate being controlled by Republicans. Their argument: Obamacare’s problems are President Barack Obama would point fingers the Democrats’ to own, even if GOP efforts at Republicans for blocking his legislative agenda. to repeal it go nowhere. reform bill he celebrated earlier this year was “mean,” according to a source in the room. The comment belied the celebratory Rose Garden ceremony Trump hosted when the House passed the bill and the President championed it as “incredibly well-crafted.”
Read the full story online at www. “Look, I think we are taking responsibility in terms of pushing new legislation through stylemagazine.com.
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Josue Flores
BBBS Barbershop
Charges Dropped Against Man Who Big Brothers Big Sisters Looks for Was Accused of Killing Josue Flores A Few Good African American Men [ABC13.com] [ABC13.com]
x-Marine Andre Jackson is once again a free man after charges against him were dropped in the murder case of Josue Flores. The 11-year-old was stabbed to death last year while walking home for school. Throughout the investigation, Jackson has been the main suspect. Jackson was arrested a month after the murder. However, the Harris County District Attorney’s Office sites DNA findings in blood analysis eliminate Jackson as a suspect. Saying that in some ways the evidence is “inconclusive” and “excludes” him. Police do not have any other suspects. The family of Flores is devastated are the recent results as they still believe Jackson murdered Flores. They are now asking for privacy as they continue to cope with the loss of Flores.
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Hector Rodriguez
Local Comic Book Artist Staging First Ever Texas Latino Comic Con [Starlocalmedia.com]
y day, Hector Rodriguez is an unassuming fifth grade teacher at McKinney ISD. But by night, he has a whole other identity as an up-and-coming Latino comic book artist whose creation, El Peso Hero, has become an international sensation. The Hispanic bulletproof crime fighter with super strength battles crime along the southwestern Texas-Mexico border. His creation has garnered Rodriguez widespread attention in the world of Latino comic books and a following of Latino fans. Rodriguez wanted all children to have love for comics and know their stories matter. He is doing this by hosting the first annual Texas Latino Comic Con is from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, July 29, at the Latino Cultural Center, 2600 Live Oak St. in Dallas. The event is free of charge.
ig Brothers Big Sisters is looking for a few good African American male mentors in a new out-of thebox campaign, as the shortage is severe for the organization. Close to a 1,000 kids are in need of mentors of them 400 –plus are African American boys. BBBS is going to the places men hang out the most, barber shops, to ask men to be a positive role model in a child’s life. Darryl Blackburn, a former little brother, former BBBS board member and current big brother, heads the campaign named “Real Men Mentor” Barbershop. About twenty barbershops have joined the campaign to be ambassadors of the campaign and recruit their clients. The campaign officially kicks off on July 24th at 6:30pm at the Eighth Wonder Brewery.
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Manuel Rodriguez
Betti Wiggins
Longtime HISD Trustee Manuel Rodriguez Dies [Houston Public Media]
Woman Wants to Reinvent Healthy School Meals in Houston [HoustoniaMag.com]
ong-serving HISD Trustee Manuel Rodriguez, Jr. passed away Wednesday morning from a massive heart attack, according to an announcement at City Hall. Rodriguez was first elected to the HISD board of trustees more than ten years ago in 2003. He represented HISD District Three, which covers the southeast part of the Houston and includes Chavez and Milby high schools. A recognized leader in Houston’s East End, Rodriguez was inducted into the National Hispanic Institute Hall of Fame in 2013. Many throughout Houston ISD have expressed their deepest sympathy in light of his passing. There were already five seats on the HISD board scheduled for elections this November. Rodriguez’ passing will mean a sixth seat on the nine-person board will up for a special election or a board appointment.
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ouston ISD’s new nutrition officer Betti Wiggins has a lofty agenda ahead of her. She wants to shake up the way Houston ISD students eat lunch. Her success in the area has already been highly awarded as she has won the coveted Silver Plate Award from the International Foodservice Manufacturers Association for transforming Detroit Public Schools’ child nutrition program. Her unique perspective comes from her childhood where she grew up on a farm and helped grow vegetables and raised chickens that her family ate for Sunday dinners. Wiggins says her mandate for HISD is to launch the kinds of programs she spearheaded in Detroit.
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Rep. Shawn Thierry
Think Progress
Girls Stage Quinceañera Protest at Tex- Bringing Attention to High Mortality as Capitol Against Anti-Immigrant Law Rate of Texas Moms During Childbirth [fusion.kinja.com] [StyleMagazine.com Newswire]
group of 15 teenage girls, dressed in brightly colored gowns, stood in front of the Texas State Capitol to participate in one of Latin American culture’s most cherished traditions: the quinceañera. But this quinceañera was more than simply a coming-of-age celebration. Instead, it was a public protest against one of the most viciously anti-immigrant pieces of legislation in Texas’ recent history: SB 4, the so-called “sanctuary cities bill.” SB4. Dubbed “Quinceañera at the Capitol,” the protest was organized by Latino advocacy group Jolt, which describes itself on Facebook as a “Texas-based multi-issue organization that builds the political power and influence of Latinos in our democracy.”
July 20 - July 26, 2017 www.stylemagazine.com
acts indicate that Texas is currently the most dangerous place in the United States for women to give birth. Rep. Shawn Thierry is committed to fixing this endemic. She has already authored HB 2403 that would have investigated the causes of why African American women in Texas are dying at three times the rate of other women during or shortly after childbirth but was not voted on due to Republican influence. In order for this issue to pass, Rep. Thierry is calling on the community to help by engaging elected officials to push for its passage during this next legislative session. Under Thierry’s bill, HB51, the state’s Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Task Force would study health-related factors for Black mothers, including heart disease, eclampsia, high blood pressure, obesity and other conditions.
Judges Will Rule On Racial Gerrymandering in Texas [ThinkProgress.Org]
inorities are the majority in Texas, but state and district maps purposefully do not reflect this, according to a major redistricting court case. In a trial that could have major implications for other cases across the country—as well as for millions of Texans of color—three judges in San Antonio are spending this week listening to arguments alleging that Texas Republicans redrew the state’s district map in order to put minorities at a disadvantage. With elections in 2018 looming large, Texas progressives are especially keen to counter what they say is a clear effort to hinder minority voters at the polls. The issue continues to be in the news due to judges ruling this past spring that three of the state’s congressional districts were drawn illegally — violating the Voting Rights Act, which prohibits racial discrimination in voting.
BUSINESS BRIEFS Linda Johnson Rice
Ebony’s Linda Johnson Rice Joins Board of Tesla [TheRoot.com]
lon Musk appears to be heeding the call of a group of disgruntled investors by bringing two new members onto Tesla’s board. One of them happens to be a black woman. In an announcement Monday, the Tesla CEO named Johnson Publishing Co. CEO Linda Johnson Rice as an independent director on Tesla’s board. Johnson Rice is the first African American and second woman to join the board, which until now included five people with either personal or professional ties to Musk. Forbes reports that the move comes after a year of criticism by some shareholders that Tesla’s board was too insular, and calls for two outside board members to fix “underlying governance deficiencies.”
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Subway Preps New Look for Tens of Thousands of Stores [Money.CNN.com]
he world’s largest restaurant chain is getting a makeover. Subway restaurants, which boasts more than 40,000 locations globally, is rolling out a new look for its stores. The new design includes self-order kiosks that work with Apple Pay and Samsung Pay, and a more comfortable seating area with Wi-Fi and USB charging ports. The stores will feature a renewed emphasis on fresh produce, too, as whole tomatoes, onions and peppers will now be put on display, and will continue to be cut fresh at the store by the chain’s “sandwich artists”. Subway is also changing up the menu with new sauces and additions like pico de gallo, house-made pickles and “made-without-gluten” bread.
Black Enterprise
Black Enterprise Lists Largest Black Businesses to Offer Strategies to Grow Your Business [BlackEnterprise.com]
or 45 years, the BE 100s—the nation’s largest black businesses—have demonstrated enduring qualities of fortitude, dexterity, ingenuity, and, yes, swagger. Throughout it all, one word best describes their predisposition to forward momentum: Evolution. That’s evident with the composition of today’s BE 100s. The first Top 100 had total revenues of $473.4 million. The 2017 Top 100 produced total revenues of $27. 5 billion. List leaders: Privately-held IT powerhouse World Wide Technology, with an electrifying $9.3 billion in revenues, and workforce solutions juggernaut The Act-1 Group, which generated a whopping $2.8 billion in revenues.
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Pizza Hut Will Hire 14,000 New Drivers This Year [CNN/Stylemagazine.com Newswire]
izza Hut knows you like your pies hot. That’s why the chain plans to hire 14,000 new drivers this year, the company announced on Tuesday. “As on-demand delivery continues to be a priority for our customers, we are more committed than ever to providing the best pizza delivery experience possible,” spokesman Doug Terfehr said. The positions are permanent and will be a mix of full-time and part-time positions. About 3,000 will be added each month for the rest of 2017. “The ratio of part vs. full truly depends on the needs of the individual restaurant and market,” Terfehr said. Pizza Hut is owned by Yum! Brands, which is also the parent company of KFC and Taco Bell.
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Social Security
Social Security Admin. Warns About Scam Callers Trying to Steal Checks [CNN/StyleMagazine.comNewswire]
Pizza Hut
he Social Security Administration is warning that schemers are impersonating government agents and stealing people’s benefits. The agency’s Office of the Inspector General said people have been receiving calls from a number with a 323 area code. “The caller claims to be an [agency] employee, and in some instances, tells the victim that they are due a 1.7% cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) increase of their Social Security benefits,” the post reads. The fraudsters attempt to “acquire personally identifiable information from victims to then edit the victims’ direct deposit, address, and telephone information with [the agency].”
Target CEO Warns That Hispanics May Be Shopping Less [Bloomberg]
arget Corp. Chief Executive Officer Brian Cornell is sounding alarm bells over the state of Hispanic shoppers in the U.S. -- a key growth demographic for many retailers and consumer brands. Cornell didn’t mention President Donald by name, but he talked about a shift in behavior this year and mentioned “border towns” -- where retailers for years have depended on shoppers from northern Mexico for higher revenue. Trump took office in January after promising to crack down on undocumented immigration, especially from Mexico. Purchases by Hispanics at U.S. retailers in categories tracked by researcher NPD Group have fallen 8 percent this year.
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Chick-fil-A Rolls Out Family-style Meals with New Sides [BusinessInsider.com]
hick-fil-A is rolling out family-style meals and two new sides — mac and cheese and bacon baked beans — in three cities –with San Antonio being the on Texas test city. The new meals start at $30 and include one entree, two sides, and eight mini rolls to serve four people. If rolled out nationwide, they would be a direct threat to KFC’s popular “bucket” meals, also meant for large groups. Chick-fil-A’s meals are meant to draw more customers during dinner, the least busy meal for Chick-fil-A restaurants after lunch and breakfast, according to Matt Abercrombie, Chick-fil-A’s menu-development manager. Family-style entree options include 30 chicken nuggets, 12 chicken strips, or four chicken breasts either grilled or fried.
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Chick fil a Family Style Meals
Walmart is Sorry for Racial Slur Appearing On Website [ABC13.com]
everal people were offended after viewing a racial slur on Walmart’s website for a product sold by a third party vendor. The slur was used to describe the color of a Jagazi Natural full cap weaving net. Instead of black, the website described the color using the N-word. Several screenshots of the offense were sent to ABC13. Walmart has taken the description off their website. The company issued the following website: “We are very sorry and appalled that this third party seller listed their item with this description on our online marketplace. It is a clear violation of our policy, and has been removed, and we are investigating the seller to determine how this could have happened.”
410220 ,Dec 62-yr29 au-rbJan e26, F-4, 022017 2017 yraurbeF July July
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“Off-the-Registry” Gift Ideas for the Newlyweds This Wedding Season Give a Gift That’s Outside of the Box By StyleMagazine.com Newswire
wedding gift is an opportunity to congratulate the newlywed couple as they officially begin their new life together. While gift registries provide guests with an idea of what the couple needs to build a home, it’s often the off-the-registry gifts that end up meaning the most. While it’s important to respect the wishes of the newlyweds and give them what they’ve asked for, there’s sure to be a perfect gift out there that they didn’t even know they wanted. If you’re shopping for a present that’s more memorable than a toaster, consider these “out-of-the-ordinary” picks. Read full story to learn how to win one of these gifts. The Good Cooking Steak Stone Deluxe Serving Set is the perfect way to cook meat, fish, vegetables and more right at the dinner table! It’s also very simple to use--just heat your steak stone in the oven, remove and place on the stainless steel tray and bamboo platter! Made from hand-crafted basalt stone, the steak stone is easy to clean and a
safe way to enjoy your favorite meals. Your guests will be impressed with this gorgeous presentation of steak that is sure to step up your holiday get-togethers! The CucinaPro Magnetic Cheese Plate is also perfect for entertaining! Show off your fancy side at your next house party with this Cheese Plate that features a raised integrated tool block at the back. With a built-in magnetic strip to hold tools in place while not in use, it’s easy to keep track of knives and keep them out of the way when serving food on the tray. The cheese slate is removable for easy cleaning and comes with chalk to label your menu for guests! Make your own pasta in half the time with the CucinaPro Imperia Home Pasta Machine! Get the authenticity of a real Italian pasta maker in your own home with six thickness settings. Traditional pasta roller lets you make the freshest pasta you’ve ever tasted right at home. Made of heavy duty, shiny chromed 18/10 stainless steel with a 6-inch wide roller. Easy-lock adjustment
dial for dough roller and wood grip handle. This Stainless Steel Professional Grade Multi Roaster is four cookware products in one, including an extra-large roaster! Covering all your cookware needs to make the perfect dinner. The bottom pan can be used for roasting or as a stock pot, the lid as roaster lid, a sauté pan, lasagna pan, shallow roaster or serving dish, and use the oval rack to hold the roast above fat, or as a cooling rack for baking. Triple-ply brushed steel cooking surfaces on top and bottom pans allow you to use them separately as sauté pans as well as together as an extra-large roaster. Side-mount diagonal handles allow for more access in crowded ovens and hollow design stays cool to the touch. Free up your stove space when preparing meals this year with CucinaPro’s NonStick Electric Skillet. The large skillet is big enough to easily cook food for a family of four. The interior heats evenly and it will cook your meals quickly. The CucinaPro Skillet comes with a temperature probe,
which gives you total control over the cooking process and helps ensure meals turn out perfectly. The tempered glass lid locks in heat and it allows you to see into the skillet as your food is cooking, making monitoring your progress very easy. Good Cooking’s 3 Piece Sashimi, Santoku and Nakiri Ceramic Knife Set with wooden case has everything you need to make your own sushi rolls or perfectly sliced sashami. These knives are bacteria resistant and rust and stain proof unlike most stainless steel knives. . Great news Houston Style readers you can win either the Good Cooking Steak Stone Set or the Ceramic Knife Set. The contest is open to engaged and recently married couples. If you were married in 2017 or 2018, please email your name, mailing address, phone number, social media handles, and wedding date with photo to editorial@ stylemagazine.com by July 30, 2017. Winners will randomly be selected on July 31, 2017. Good luck!
Brides Support Brides After Alfred Angelo Bridal Closes
ny bride will tell you that finding the perfect dress for their wedding day is a daunting task. Since it is not your ordinary dress it is held to a standard of sheer perfection.
window. Her lifesaver came in the form of her bridesmaid’s grandmother’s best friend who was able to rescue the dress to Allyson’s delight right before the day of the wedding. Talk about stressful!
knew she had to follow her mother’s advice” You can complain about it. You can talk about it. But what is that going to change?” Allyson took action by posting a simple message on Facebook:
Just look at the story of Allyson Jackson. She was engaged in June and hit the bridal boutiques in July. It would take 3 months, 30 dress shops and trying on over 40 dresses before Allyson said yes to the dress. And even when she said yes she wasn’t 100% sure about the dress but did say on her wedding day she loved it when her entire look came together.
So when the news broke about Alfred Angelo bridal stores closing its doors nationwide and was not refunding brides the money they already paid, Allyson’s heart broke for the unlucky brides. In addition to the brides’ misfortune, many of the stores’ employees found out about the closing in a similar manner.
If you know a bride that was affected by the Alfred Angelo crisis & has a wedding approaching & needs a dress ASAP (within the next few weeks)…I will lend my wedding dress to them! Either one of them! Size 4 or 6! Inbox me!
“Wedding dress shopping is not like prom dress shopping where you just go in the store and buy it,” said Allyson as she recalled her dress ordeal from two years ago. “They had to order it and the earliest time I heard was like six weeks. It takes a long time for the dress to even come back in the store. My dress didn’t come back for another six weeks.” And that was not the end of the process; most brides usually end up doing alterations next to make the dress one-of-kind with the perfect fit. This proved to be one of the biggest headaches for Allyson because the guy she knew that was good at alternating clothes was bad when it came to wedding dresses. “He ruin my dress,” Allyson cringed. “And this was four weeks before the wedding.” Allyson went into combat mood trying to find someone to fix her dress with such a short
By Jo-Carolyn Goode, Managing Editor
The news hit close to home for Allyson in more ways than one. Yes, she imagined herself in the brides’ shoes not being to get your dress. But what if your bridesmaids had purchased their dresses their too like Allyson’s bridesmaids did for her nuptials. That many more people would have been out of money. “ I just thought it was awful,” said Allyson. “A lot of those people went into work and didn’t ever know that they were not going to have a job that same day and it trickled down and affected so many people...And that wasn’t fair to me.”
From that post tons of Allyson’s Facebook friends empathized with the Alfred Angelo brides and started offering their dresses too. One even told Allyson whoever got her dress could just keep it. Seeing how her feelings were mutual amongst a lot of people, Allyson then texted everyone in her phone that was married to ask them to lend or donate their dress. Many more said yes. Alfredo Angelo brides dry your eyes because operation Brides Support Brides is in full effect. Right now Allyson has dresses from size 2 to 16. However, if a size is needed that she doesn’t have she will do her best to track down a dress in your size.
Allyson Jackson com. In the email include your dress size, date of wedding, name, address, and phone number. Allyson then goes to work looking through her database matching you up with a past bride willing to lend her dress. Allyson will connect both parties via and then the pair will make the arrangements for the bride to get the dress and for its return to the dress owner.
Allyson said she couldn’t imagine experiencing what these brides are going through Here is how the system works. Brides first Knowing all the hoops she went through contact Allyson Jackson via text at 214-769- and really wanted to help in any way she for her own dress for her special day, Allyson 1109 or email her at allyson_arnold@yahoo. could.
July 20 - July 26, 2017 www.stylemagazine.com
Parents of Alleged R. Kelly ‘victim’ Speak Out
By Lisa Respers France, CNN/Stylemagazine.com Newswire
couple who claim their daughter is having a sexual relationship with R. Kelly, and that she is being manipulated by him into cutting off contact with the outside world, have responded to a video of her denying she’s being held by the Grammy-award winning singer. On Monday night, TMZ published a video of Joycelyn Savage, 21, speaking out on allegations that she is part of a “cult” of women currently being “controlled” by Kelly. “I’m not being brainwashed or anything like that,” Savage said in the video. “It’s just came to a point where it definitely has got out of hand, so, you know, I just want everybody to know -- my parents and everybody in the world -- that I’m totally fine. I’m happy where I’m at and everything is OK with me.”
former personal assistant of Kelly’s who says that Kelly, 50, “is a puppet master” and that he has been involved romantically with the women. On Monday Kelly’s attorney, Linda Mensch, provided a statement denying the allegations to CNN.
Savage made her comments in the wake of an explosive BuzzFeed article published Monday. Her parents were among a group of people cited in the article claiming that their daughters are a part of an entourage of at least six women attached to Kelly, whose real name is Robert Kelly. The other women in the BuzzFeed article who are said to be part of his entourage have not been identified, but their ages are given in the article as 31, 26, 25, 19 and 18.
“Mr. Robert Kelly is both alarmed and disturbed at the recent revelations attributed to him,” the statement said. “Mr. Kelly unequivocally denies such allegations and will work diligently and forcibly to pursue his accusers and clear his name.”
The women, the article says, “live with Kelly,” and he calls them his “babies.” The article also says that the women “are required to call him ‘Daddy’ and must ask his permission to leave the Chicago recording studio or their assigned rooms in the ‘guest house’ Kelly rents near his own rented mansion in suburban Atlanta.”
Speaking to CNN Tuesday, Timothy and Jonjelyn Savage said they believe their daughter was “coached” into denying there is anything wrong. “You can see it,” Mr. Savage said. “It looks like one of those hostage videos.” He reiterated that he believes his daugh-
The story quotes a woman it says is a
ter is being held against her will and “doesn’t know what to say.” The parents said their daughter told the truth in the video when she said she’s only spoken off and on with them in the past five to six months. Mrs. Savage agreed with her husband and said she does not believe her daughter was speaking freely. “She was clearly being coached, you can see the hand gestures,” Mrs. Savage said. The BuzzFeed article also contains accusations of possible abusive behavior by Kelly towards the women. Kelly has not been charged with any crimes. All of the women discussed in the BuzzFeed article are above the age of consent.
Lexus ES 300h
METRO is developing a new plan for transit in the region. Learn more by attending an upcoming open house near you. WEDNESDAY, JULY 19 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
WEDNESDAY, JULY 26 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
TUESDAY, AUGUST 1 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
MONDAY, AUGUST 7 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
For a complete list
Humble Civic Center Phillip Cezeaux Recreational Center 100 N. Houston Ave. Humble, TX 77338
Sagemont Park Community Center 11507 Hughes Rd. Houston, TX 77089
Tracy Gee Community Center 3599 Westcenter Dr. Houston, TX 77042
Houston Community College Brays Oaks 8855 West Bellfort St. Houston, TX 77031
Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center 3810 W. Fuqua St. Houston, TX 77045
Lone Star College University Park 20515 SH 249, Building 11 Houston, TX 77070
of dates and METRO
THURSDAY, JULY 20 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
88 Sagemont
8 West Bellfort 46 Gessner
11 Almeda/Lyons 14 Hiram Clarke 54 Scott 98 Briargate
44 Acres Homes
for each Open House
THURSDAY, AUGUST 17 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
visit METRONext.org.
Acres Homes Multi-Service Center 6719 West Montgomery Rd. Houston, TX 77091 44 Acres Homes 64 Lincoln City TUESDAY, JULY 25 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm White Oak Conference Center 7603 Antoine Dr. Houston, TX 77088 85 Antoine/Washington
THURSDAY, JULY 27 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Quail Run Community Center 16748 Quail Park Dr. Missouri City, TX 77489 SATURDAY, JULY 29 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Magnolia Multi-Service Center 7037 Capitol St. Houston, TX 77011 METRORail Green Line 20 Canal/Memorial 28 OST-Wayside 38 Manchester-Lawndale 50 Broadway 76 Evergreen
25 Richmond WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm Metropolitan Multi-Service Center 1475 W. Gray St. Houston, TX 77019 32 Renwick/San Felipe 40 Telephone/Heights 41 Kirby/Polk THURSDAY, AUGUST 3 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
TUESDAY, AUGUST 8 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Wyndham Houston West Energy Corridor 14703 Park Row Blvd. Houston, TX 77079 75 Eldridge 162 Memorial Express
Third Ward Multi-Service Center 3611 Ennis St. Houston, TX 77004 4 Beechnut 9 Gulfton/Holman
THURSDAY, AUGUST 10 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm Judson Robinson Senior Community Center 1422 Ledwicke Houston, TX 77029
Montie Beach Community Center 915 Northwood Houston, TX 77009 26 Long Point/Cavalcade 44 Acres Homes
48 Market TUESDAY, AUGUST 15 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Katy ISD Education Support Complex 6301 South Stadium Ln. Katy, TX 77494
route information
Join us at one of these meetings or give us your input at METRONext.org.
Any person who requires language interpretation or special needs accommodations is encouraged to contact METRO Public Affairs at 713-739-4018, or via email at METROPublicAffairs@ridemetro.org. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate your needs.
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FEATURE HBRW: Serving Up Black Businesses as the Main Dish
Hill Harper’s New Mission: Increasing Health and Wellness with New Personal Care Line By Jo-Carolyn Goode, Managing Editor
We have to take our health extremely seriously. We have nothing if we don’t have our health,” advises actor, author, philanthropist and entrepreneur Hill Harper. Like with most things, many Americans with good health take it for granted. It is not until a health warning or scare happens that we are jolted with the awareness that I must do better to take care of me. Harper got a shot of that awareness in 2010 when he was diagnosis with thyroid cancer. Yes, the big C. It was a blow to Harper but not one that he was unfamiliar with since his father, grandfather and uncle all died of some form of cancer and Harper didn’t want to be the fourth. He took the necessary treatment actions and doctor’s advice and now his cancer journey is behind him but not far from his memory. It has awakened him to not take his own health for granted but also to empower others to follow his lead with a new movement that promotes awareness and access to health and wellness. He is inviting people to “Be The Architect of Your Life.” Harper’s cancer bout was really a blessing in that it opened his eyes to a scam that has gone in America that many are unaware. It’s the scam of the skincare industry that is poisoning and robbing people all at the same time. Go to your bathroom 10 10
and look at the label on your skincare products. There are a lot of chemical words that contain formaldehyde, phenacetin, benzene, mineral oils, propylene glycol, ethylene oxide, arsenic, chromium and more that you may not have an idea of what they are or do. They are carcinogens aka cancer-causing chemicals. Before you say my products don’t have that, wait, because carcinogens are in most skincare products and it is not against the law.
them beautiful but instead are slowly poisoning them while the drug companies become even richer selling you their drugs that made you sick in the first place. It’s an ongoing problem that Harper could no longer ignore.
His first step at addressing this issue was arming himself with more education on the subject matter. The more knowledge he gained, the more he understood how good health correlated with healthy skin. A good example of that is taking a Harper got an extensive education on carcino- close look at the liver and its functionality. The gens and more as it relates to cancer while serving liver, one of the body’s major organs, has the on President Barack Obama’s Cancer Panel. In sole responsibility of digesting, absorbing and case you don’t recall, President Obama and Harp- processing the food we eat. It is what Harper calls er’s friendship goes way back to their law school our cleansing source. days at Harvard. Harper is a heavy brother graduating magna cum laude from Brown University, Over time due to the foods we eat, the chemicals cum laude with a Juris Doctorate degree from Har- we put on our face, environment and some other vard Law School and he holds a master’s degree unhealthy factors the liver can become inefficient. with honors from Harvard University’s Kennedy It becomes too weighed down with all the unSchool of Government. President Obama knew healthy stuff we ingest and absorb and eventually putting his friend on the cancer panel was not just becomes a fatty liver. Extra fat on anything does a good choice, but also a smart one. It was while the same thing, slows you down. And in the case on this panel that Harper learned of the skincare of body function that slows down results in weight industry’s scam game. Skincare companies are gained, high blood, heart disease, and other alignowned by drug manufactures that are poisoning ments and diseases. All that can be adjusted if we people. This means that many are falling victim to would simply take care better care of the temples the hype that certain skincare products will make that God gave us, our bodies.
July 20 - July 26, 2017 www.stylemagazine.com
Harper made changes in his own health routine by changing out his harmful skincare products to ones that were chemical free. The effects of the change were amazing. His skin was smoother and silky. His body more hydrated. He felt great. But he realize for the average consumer purchasing the products free of all the harmful chemicals was not cost effective as Harper was spending $40 here on like an ounce of lotion and $50 there on two ounces of this. He had to do something to help others so he co-founded a new company, The Architect & Co. The idea behind The Architect & Co brand is to create a series of premium and healthy personal care products at an affordable price to make all healthier individuals.
Harper is starting first with the launch of a his and her skin and hair care line called H2L and JUA Essentials, respectively. Made strictly from baobab oil, natural oils, and plant extracts, Harper made sure that the products were free of harsh chemicals. Beyond that, the products are being sold at a very fair price. Don’t believe me. Men can get the H2L Natural Men’s Care Premium Hair & Body Kit that includes Nourishing Body Wash, 2-in-1 Shampoo & Conditioning Cleanse, After-Shower Hydrating Oil Spray, and Invigorating Body Lotion for $55.
his belief that with better skincare and overall health that it could make a person more confident and therefore have a higher sense of self-esteem. This in turn could lead to better people living in better companies. Harper explains the concept further. “It all starts with self-esteem,” he says. “Many of our particular community have certain Women can purchase the JUA Natural Premi- self-esteem crisis where we feel like we have to um Hair & Body Care Collection that includes throw bling on. We got to do this and we got to Nourishing Body Wash, Smoothing Shampoo, over sale that. So, basically impress people that Restoring Conditioner, After-Shower Hydrating don’t really care about us.” He continued, “I want Oil Spray and Invigorating Body Lotion for $65. people to be impressed with themselves.” But wait the prices for these kits can be reduced even more when signing up for a subscription. “I want people to feel good about who they are. I Men can pay two monthly payments of $24 and want people to know you are the architect of your $24 per month for refills making the kit $48. Men can also take advantage of the shave kit that is $45 life,” said a passionate Harper. He believes when without a subscription and $38 with a subscription people start to become impressed by themselves (monthly payments are $19). While women make with new self-esteem and confidence more opportwo monthly payments of $29 and then pay $29 a tunities will be created within the community. “All month for refills making the kit $58. Refills come of us have an intuition or idea of what we want to your doorsteps every 2 months and cancelation to do but most of us sit on it due to fear it won’t of a subscription is possible at any time. work.” Harper believes the greater self-esteem and confidence one has that they will go out and “This is not a get rich quick thing. This is me be more entrepreneurial and successful. “People putting out affordable products,” said Harper. need to believe they are worthy of success” and “The goal is not trying to extract much profit. he thinks that can be accomplish through a healthy The goal is to try to create a sustainable business self-image. that provides jobs, that creates quality products and makes the world a little bit of a better place.” This sense of giving and empowering people There is an even broader picture to this health is something that is deeply rooted in not just and wellness movement Harper has started. It is Harper but his entire family lineage. He told me
of mother’s father who was a pharmacist and how he witnessed him dispense medicine to those in community who could not afford it. And then about his grandfather on his dad’s side that was an OBGYN that birthed babies during segregation. “I come from a family of service and folks who serve,” said Harper. “There are all sorts of different ways to make a positive impact and that’s what my goal has been in whatever I do.” Besides making an impact on the health and wellness of Americans, he is making significant contributions into the life of one special little boy, his adopted son Pierce. The new dad gushed as he spoke about how it is his son teaching him versa him teaching his son. “He is the greatest joy of my life,” said the proud papa about the eighteen month old that has taken a liking to music and art. Pierce keeps Harper’s hands full along with his other endeavors. Harper can currently be seen in the new film All Eyez On Me and as host of HLN’s How It Really Happened with Hill Harper and this fall catch him on ABC’s new show, The Good Doctor. He will continue charting blueprints on his course to make life choices that are best for his health and wellness for he is the architect of his life and he wants to encourage you to take control and be the architect of your life as well. Find out more about The Architect & Co online at bethearhitect.com.
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ENTERTAINMENT Comedy Series Insecure, Created By and Starring Issa Rae, Returns for Its Second Season July 23, Exclusively on HBO By StyleMagazine.com
he critically acclaimed series INSECURE returns for its eight-episode second season SUNDAY, JULY 23rd, exclusively on HBO. Starring Golden Globe nominee Issa Rae as Issa, Yvonne Orji as Molly, Jay Ellis as Lawrence and Lisa Joyce as Frieda, the series follows the friendship of two black women as they deal with their own real-life flaws while attempting to navigate different worlds and cope with an endless series of uncomfortable everyday experiences. Punctuated by Rae’s pointed rap monologues and fantasies, INSECURE is an authentic, incisive and insightful exploration of the lives of contemporary black women. In the second season, the aftermath of her breakup, Issa embraces the chance to explore the single girl life, just as a challenging new work assignment puts her burgeoning friendship with well-meaning colleague Frieda to the test. Meanwhile, Molly’s commitment to self-improvement forces her to confront her worth and future at the law firm, while facing the complex realities of relationships. And Lawrence makes a fresh start at both dating and his
new job, but soon discovers that starting over may not be as easy as he thought.
Hit Comedy Series Ballers, Starring Dwayne Johnson, Returns for Season Three July 23, Exclusively On HBO Looking at the whirlwind lifestyles and real-life problems of former and current football players, BALLERS stars Dwayne Johnson as ex-superstar Spencer Strasmore, who has reinvented himself as a financial manager for today’s players in sun-soaked Miami. Created by Stephen Levinson (HBO’s “Boardwalk Empire”), the hit comedy series returns for Issa Rae its ten-episode third season SUNDAY, deal. Ricky Jerret’s newfound discoveries affect his personal and professional JULY 23rd exclusively on HBO. life; Vernon Littlefield and Reggie acThis season, Spencer Strasmore re- cept a risky endorsement deal; ex-player turns with a new outlook and fresh goals, Charles Greane learns that working in hoping to forge bonds with new players the front office is as rough as playing on across the country while improving his the gridiron; and Jason Antolotti continues to orchestrate deals to satisfy both relationships with existing clients. players’ bank accounts and their overWith league certification in hand, Joe sized egos. In an ever-changing business where Krutel and Spencer go after a jackpot
Dwayne Johnson, Ballers the shelf life for stardom and multi-million dollar contracts are short, Spencer is intent on proving that the key to successful sports management isn’t just about making money and having fun – it’s about delivering on the promises you make. Both, Insecure and Ballers, are available on HBO NOW, HBO GO, HBO On Demand and affiliate portals
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EAT WITH STYLE Capital Grille Celebrates Its Ninth Annual Generous Pour Event By Yolanda Pope, Culinary Writer
apital Grille is featuring its Generous Pour Menu highlighting a collection of seven benchmark offerings from the Critics’ Darlings: 90+ Point Finds – wines that have been rated 90 points or higher by respected wine critics. Seven of the best wines are offered on this menu that were individually chosen by Capital Grille’s Advanced Sommelier Brian Phillips.
at the beginning and finishing just as its description on the menu, lively and acidic.
My guest and I enjoyed an advanced tasting of the menu with dinner. Our taste buds were delighted with the flavor of the wines and food selections, along with the excellent service that Capital Grille has become the restaurant’s signature.
Now on to the red selections beginning with Edmeades, a zinfandel from Mendocino, California. This wine had a vivacious flavor that seemed to burst on impact when coming in contact with my tongue and cheeks. It had a smooth finish without any after taste. This zinfandel was enjoyed with the porcini rubbed bone-in rib eye with 15year balsamic, Sam’s Mashed Potatoes and Soy Glazed Brussels Sprouts with Bacon.
The first wines to tingle our palates were the Willaenzie, Pinot Gris, and Williamette Valley OR 2016 named for “Oregon’s Williamette and Mckenzie rivers to honor the mineral-rich sediment in which their wines are grown. This was by far my favorite of all the white wines tasted. It had a crisp citrus taste and distinct aroma, which was rather earthy with a slight scent of flowers. Besides pairing well with my lump crab cakes and corn salad, the wine had the best finish in my view. Next up was the Sauvignon Blanc wine called Matanzas Creek that was expertly paired with fried calamari. This wine held its own giving off a bright almost fruity taste
14 14
We moved on to a punch packing Chardonnay that went down smooth. It also matched well with the fresh mozzarella, tomato, basil and the 15-year balsamic we had as an appetizer.
Finally, we sampled the Pinot Noir, Cabernet Sauvignons, and decided to stick with the Zinfandel for the last portion of our tasting. My guest and I were both impressed with the selection of wines and the melody of dishes that were perfectly matched with each wine. We were pleasantly full and packed our desserts to go. Make your reservations for the Generous Pour by going to www.capitalgrille.com.
July 20 - July 26, 2017 www.stylemagazine.com
“Sin of a Woman” by Kimberla Lawson Roby
othing’s set in stone. Few things Porsha wanted to be married with a family, are. Lucky for you, there’s usual- a desire that was so strong, it shocked her. ly a chance to change your mind Something else shocked her, too: she real-
or have a do-over. You can often get another ized, in prayerful moments, that the men go at something because few things are that she’d mostly chosen were married ones, firmly decided. As in the new book “Sin of and God just couldn’t be happy about that at a Woman” by Kimberla Lawson Roby, you all. Instead, He seemed to be leading her to can sometimes have a second chance.
become more active at New Vision, and that made her heart glad. So did Dillon, the man
More and more every day, Porsha Harrington she’d cheated with once, who’d now turned got on Pastor Raven Jones Black’s last nerve. over a new leaf himself. But Raven absolutely had to put up with Porsha, which was part of the problem: Porsha, God would point Porsha into the direction she inheritor of her father’s estate and mistress needed to be. He had plans for her. of Raven’s then-husband-now-ex, had given Raven $250,000 to start New Vision Chris- Too bad Raven did, too. tian Center. Oh, yes. Now there you go: a novel with The partnership would make them both rich; scandal, back-stabbing, nastiness, prayer, Raven would be the church leader, Porsha gutter behavior, responsibility, and pure enwould be the assistant pastor, they’d both get tertainment. That’s “Sin of a Woman.” paid from member contributions and tithes. And yet, just because author Kimberla LawThat is, as long as Raven could tolerate being son Roby has put one of literature’s worst-benear Porsha. Which wasn’t long.
haved characters in a book that strongly features that character’s delicious awfulness
Years ago, Raven spent time in prison for doesn’t mean that the book itself is horrible. embezzlement from the church belonging No, readers will be surprised to see that, while to her ex-father-in-law, Rev. Curtis Black. this story is sexy and wonderfully outrageous, She’d also stolen some money from a loan it’s also rather tame; Roby veers away when shark, and she’d told huge lies all the way the bedroom door closes, so there’s nothing to the bank.
offensive here.
But that was all coming around to bite her The story is spicy, but it won’t burn your eyes; now, and she needed another scheme to get one character even turns virtuous, which everyone off her back. If she could start with should tell you plenty. That obviously sets us Porsha and make money doing it, well, all’s up for a sequel, for which readers will hunger. the better. If you thought your summer was going to be So Raven just cooked up another lie.
boring, there’s still time to change your mind: look for this novel and enjoy. For you, “Sin
Something was missing from Porsha Har- of a Woman” is rock-solid. rington’s life. Share this story online at www.stylemaga-
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She was single, for one. More than anything, zine.com.
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EVENTS Now – August 13
Paint the Revolution: Mexican Modernism, 1910-1950 Museum of Fine Arts, Houston 12:15 to 7 p.m. Sunday. Continuing 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Thursdays, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, 12:15 to 7 p.m. Sundays. Free to $18.
July 23
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated Alpha Kappa Omega Chapter 2017 Debutante Ball Royal Sonesta Houston Galleria 6:30-11:30pm
July 25
Greater Houston Black Chamber Missouri City Branch Kickoff Meeting 1522 Texas Parkway, City Hall, Old Court Room Chambers 6:00-8:00pm
July 27
Greater Houston Black ChamberDoing Business with the Texas Pace Authority GHBC Office, 4828 Loop Central, Suite 1000 3:00-4:30pm
16 16
July 27
Enter To Pitch Business Expert & “Shark” Daymond John Hobby Center, 800 Bagby St. 6:30pm July 28 The White Haute Couture Summer Fashion Show & Launching 820 Fannin St. 6pm-10pm
July 29
Children’s Museum Spider-Man Day and Web Sling Showdown Children’s Museum of Houston, 1500 Binz St., Houston, TX 77004 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
July 29-30
Tiger Weekend Downtown Aquarium 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Come by and learn more about tigers during the interactive activities, shows and more.
August 5
When God Says Go Red Carpet Book Signing Aloft Houston Downtown, 820 Fannin Street 1:00-4:00pm
July 20 - July 26, 2017 www.stylemagazine.com
August 7-11
The Hierarchy Leadership Summer Leadership Camp Worthing High School 9am-3:30pm Open to all queens 8-17
August 8
Bryson Tiller Set It Off Tour NRG Arena Bryson’s second headlining tour will feature special guests Metro Boomin and H.E.R., and the singer will bring his latest album True to Self (which debuted at No. 1 on Billboard’s 200 chart!) as well as favorites from his critically-acclaimed debut album T R A P S O U L to fans across North America.
August 19
The Ensemble Theatre’s Annual Black Tie Gala “Live It!, Love It!, Celebrate Hilton Americas-Houston, 1600 Lamar Street 6:30pm Reception, 7:30pm Dinner and Program, 9:30pm Dancing Honoring S. Epatha Merkerson, Nkrumah Gatling, Reginald Van Lee, Lauren Anderson, Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church and Energy Software Consultants
August 26
Fall Fashion and Philanthropy Unite at The Woman’s Hospital of Texas 14th Annual Labor Day Luncheon & Style Show Royal Sonesta Houston Hotel, 2222 West Loop South 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
September 30
3rd Annual Black Heritage Music & Arts Festival Discovery Green Houston Featuring live performance by Eric Benet
mwww.StyleMagazine.com oc.enizagaMelytS.www July 4102 ,20 Dec 62 y-r29 aJuly u-rbJan eF26, -4, 022017 yraurbeF www.stylemagazine.com 2017
B egaP17 17
2017 Educational Mission to Cuba
Photography by Vicky Pink delegation of elected ofďŹ cials and business professionals embarked on an educational mission to Havana, Cuba for the purpose of learning about the civil Cuba society, entrepreneurship ad private sector developing in Cuba. Hosted by the Houston International Trade Development Council, activities included a tour of Havana, dinner in honor Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Reception sponsored by City Councilman Larry Green, Classic Car Excursion and meeting with Havana Chamber of Commerce. Some members of the delegation included Commissioner Rodney Ellis, Houston ISD Trustee Rhonda Skillern Jones, City Councilman Dwight Boykins, Judge Zinetta Burney, Val Thompson, Felix Chevalier, Vanessa De Leon Garcia, Ryan Foley, Martha Tatum, Dallas Jones, Angela Jones, Freddie Robinson, Jr., Brandi Harleaux, Sharon Burney, Jasmine Robinson, Mary Lilly, and Sharareh Khatami.
18 18
July 20 - July 26, 2017 www.stylemagazine.com
Reagan Flowers’ Champagne Toast
Photography by Vicky Pink lasses were raised to toast another year of life for Dr. Reagan Flowers. Many gathered to share kind words and laughs with the birthday girl on her special day. Flowers could be seen smiling all night as she enjoyed turning another year older. Some seen toasting with her were Carlecia Wright, Jacqueline Boston McElroy, Vanessa Gilmore, Damali Hill, Linda Brown, Renee Logans, Marcus Davis, and Laolu Davies.
Galleria Unveils Its New Saks Fifth Avenue Wing With New Boutiques By Raegan Boutte, Feature Writer
The anticipated of this new wing of Galleria VI was almost too much for Houston’s top VIP influencers that included only notable social media stars, young socialites and hip fashion bloggers. With an event this amazingly FAB of course Houston Style writers, Kelsey Whittington and myself, were among the invited guests with VIP fashion bloggers Kara Smith of Paper City, who runs the popular Common Polish blog, and Sanah Sue, Located in the former Saks Fifth Avenue who pens the working-girl blog, Beauty and space, the new wing houses such GVI stores the Pitch. as Ted Baker, AG Adriano Goldschmied, Sam Edelman, Lacoste, St. John, Cole Haan, Tumi, It was a fun and well-put together event, Coach, Peter Lik Gallery, True Religion and perfect for Houston’s growing fashion scene. kate spade new york. The highly exclusive Fashionistas had been anticipating what the affair kicked off with Page Parkes models Galleria had been waiting to reveal for weeks showcasing the latest designs from Coach, and now the secret is out. The excitement St. John’s & True Religion. Hip-hop vibes will continue as more businesses are opening flowed freely as a live DJ spun funky tunes soon. Houston Style is most excited about the opening of the hip and notable eateries Fig while the crowd eyed fashion must-haves. and Olive and Nobu that will be the first Texas When people not mixing and mingling they locations. Stay tuned for their grand opening were indulging on the bottomless champagne because Fig and Olive and Nobu are sure to from luxury brand Coach, fancy treats from keep Houston on the upscale restaurant map. Yauatcha, Houston’s newest upscale dim sum Galleria VI will also house Artist Peter Lik’s patisserie & teahouse, Pop-Up Tea and Patis- newest art gallery, which will provide an enhanced experience for the cultured shopper! serie by Yauatcha. Fashion and art are always a fab pairing and some lucky attendees took The Exclusively Yours event was the most some exquisite pieces by Artist Peter Lik who exciting shopping event to date! So get out is well known for his beautiful landscape pho- and explore Houston’s new scene and what tography. Coach, Lacoste, Kate Spade, Tumi, the new expanded Galleria VI luxury wing Ted Baker and Sam Edelman were feeling has to offer! Find out more about Galleria generous as well and joined the celebration VI and on how to be a VIP influencer online giving out the swankiest gifts & grab bags! at www.simon.com/mall/the-galleria. he Houston Galleria opened its newest Saks Fifth Avenue Wing on Westheimer. Featuring fashion previews with live models, Pop-Up Tea and Patisserie by Yauatcha, special gifts for attendees from GVI retailers and more. The Exclusively Yours, VIP Influencer Event was a fashionable partay!
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H-E-B Mi Comida® Shredded Cheese
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