Houston Style Magazine Vol 26 No 1

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Houston Style Magazine January 1 - January 7, 2015

Houston’s Premiere Weekly Publication

Volume 26 | Number 1


Errol Louis

Tells the Two Sides of America’s Policing Issues

Dr. Parnell N. Avery Celebrating His Life

The Best Ways to Start 2015 Words by Jo-Carolyn Goode

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Dr. Lovell A. Jones Joins PVAMU College of Nursing Staff

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Jordan Baker Dr. Parnell Avery

Volume 26 | Number 1 | JAN. 1 - JAN. 7, 2015


FEATURE WRITERS Rebecca Briscoe Francis Page, Jr. National Entertainment Publisher and Editor Susie Stillwell - Entertainment fpagejr@stylemagazine.com Lan– Arts Mical Roy – Feature Jo-Carolyn Goode Yolanda Pope – Culinary Managing Editor Tonja Ward – Health editorial@stylemagazine.com Dr. Lovell Jones – Health Editor Lisa Valadez Kim Davis – Sports Hispanic Managing Editor Erick Cork - Feature Writer lisa@stylemagazine.com Aiaina Mayes – Blogger Demez White – Feature Brandon Caldwell Dawn Paul – Feature Online Editor bcaldwell@stylemagazine.com Lindsay Buchanan – Fashion Burt Levine – Political Jade Gold – Entertainment DESIGN/WEB Eric Ford – Editorial Intern De’Neisha Bell – Feature Trevor G. Piper Cynthia Nevels – Business Creative Director/Graphics trevor@tpipermedia.com Gabrielle Deculus – Account Manager/Events Coordinator Kermit Williams Dee Dee Wheaton – Blogger Web Master webmaster@stylemagazine.com Keandra Scott – Entertainment Cecilia Smith - Entertainment Jeffery T. Crump, Jr. Erynn Haskins - Feature Chief Designer Yvonne Guidry - Entertainment webmaster@stylemagazine.com Raegan Allen - Arts Mimi LaRue - Feature Abimbola Farinde - Health NATIONAL WRITERS Sloan Houd - Sports Jessica Crawford - Feature JESSE JACKSON jjackson@rainbowpush.org Marcus Carter - Culinary Writer Franceli Chapman - Entertainment ROLAND MARTIN CoCo Dominguez - Reporter www.rolandmartin.com JUDGE GREG MATHIS www.askjudgemathis.com



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By Errol Louis, CNN Political Commentator

he tens of thousands of law enforcement officers who flocked to New York City for the funeral Errol Louis of slain police officer Rafael Ramos showed that civil rights demonstrators have achieved one of their central goals: What was once seen as an isolated string of local controversies about police-community relations is now a national debate about how to keep neighborhoods safe without abusing or alienating residents. But watching the awesome display of police unity, the activists should be mindful of the old saying: Be careful what you wish for -- you just might get it. The legion of blue uniforms the world saw streaming down Myrtle Avenue were far more than a group of grieving cops -- they also represent a vast, potent political force that is now beginning to respond strongly to national activists who claim that many local police departments are tainted by racial bias, brutality and a blue wall of silence. Shocked into action by the assassination of Ramos and his partner, Wenjian Liu, cops in New York and elsewhere are proving that civil rights groups don’t have a monopoly on the


James E. White

ames E. White, a Houston native and former Cullen Middle School coach and teacher, won his third term to the Texas House in November and will be sworn on January 13th to representative deep east Texas’ Polk, Hardin, Jasper, Newton, and Tyler counties. “The people of east Texas are returning me to Austin to fight for their principles and values, not do the bidding for the forces that want to drive us into a ditch of big government, out of control spending and burdensome bureaucracy and regulations,” said the 1982 Houston ISD Lamar High School graduate, who


pageantry, slogans and public appeals of grass roots politics. The new reality was on display at Ramos’ funeral, as hundreds of officers pointedly turned their backs as New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio delivered a eulogy for the dead officer. The day before the funeral, a group of active and retired officers hired a plane to fly up and down the length of Manhattan for hours trailing a banner saying “De Blasio, Our Backs Have Turned to You.” The tension between de Blasio and the NYPD isn’t the only sign that there are two sides to the national debate on policing. On the same day Ramos was buried, thousands of cops rallied in a downtown Cleveland demonstration called the Sea of Blue and in Houston and Atlantic City. Last week, a group claiming 14,000 followers on Facebook organized a pro-police rally in New York City and squared off against activists protesting police brutality. Similar rallies have popped up in California, New Jersey, Iowa, Utah, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Washington, Arizona and other states. The pro-police activists, taking a page from anti-brutality demonstrators, have made use of the slogan “Blue Lives Matter,” a direct link to the national spread of protests and signs insisting that “Black Lives Matter.” The blue backlash should come as no surprise. It was always a political

stretch to claim, as some demonstrators have, that thousands of local departments share the same problems of bias, racial profiling and overly aggressive policing. The reality is far more complex. The horrific death of Eric Garner in the Staten Island area of New York City, caught on video, was ruled a homicide caused by chokeholds applied by police officers -- cops who still face internal disciplinary procedures that could cost them their jobs. That’s different from the much murkier circumstances in Ferguson, Missouri, where unreliable witnesses were allowed to give a grand jury wildly conflicting accounts of what happened in the minutes before an unarmed teenager, Michael Brown, was gunned down. The facts are different in a third recent case, in which 12-year-old Tamir Rice was shot to death in a playground while playing with a toy gun. Tim Loehmann, the rookie who killed Tamir, had previously been found “distracted” and “weepy” during a firearms test; an instructor wrote that Loehmann “could not follow simple directions, could not communicate clear thoughts nor recollections, and his handgun performance was dismal” -- a damning record that Cleveland authorities never reviewed before hiring Loehmann. These three horrific killings demand different solutions. Ferguson, a mostly-black town with an overwhelmingly white police force and political

establishment, suffers from racial tensions that extend well beyond policing issues. That’s a world away from New York City, where the police force, like the city itself, is mostly non-white. And in Cleveland, the killing of Tamir came around the same time the federal Justice Department issued a report concluding, after a two-year investigation, that the Cleveland police department has a pattern of “unnecessary and excessive use of deadly force, including shootings and head strikes with impact weapons” and “the employment of poor and dangerous tactics that place officers in situations where avoidable force becomes inevitable.” If activists insist on arguing that these very different local allegations of excessive force form a common national problem, they should be ready for cops and their allies to respond in kind -- which will likely create more controversy and confusion, not less. The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund lists 125 officers killed this year, under strikingly different circumstances. Consider what would happen if we considered them all part of the same phenomenon. To continue this story, visit cnn. com.

Former Cullen Middle School Coach Returns to Capitol as Rep

Burt Levine, Political Writer


There are Two Sides to America’s Policing Issues

earned his degree in political and military science from Prairie View A&M in 1986. He also earned a commission in the US Army Infantry. “I am returning to Austin to demand respect for east Texas,” who while in the Army, served many assignments across the world, most famously the Berlin Brigade during the demise of the Soviet Union from 1987-90. He successfully graduated from US Army Infantry Officer Basic Course, Infantry Officer Advanced Course and Airborne School before working as an instructor at the U.S. Infantry School. After separating from the Army with an Honorable Discharge in 1992, White began his public school educator career in the Houston area. He taught social science at middle school, high school and college. “The tough skills I learned growing up in Houston, fighting Communism on the Cold War’s front lines and then teaching in Third Ward’s

January 1 - January 7, 2015

toughest neighborhoods prepared me best to battle Gov. Rick Perry with regard to budget priorities. Small businessmen and women struggled in tough economies that can and should not be made right by balancing our state budget on the backs of our most vulnerable; the children and the elderly,” he said. In the 2013 legislature, White sponsored legislation to increase medical and licensing requirements of abortion providers and earned from Texas Right to Life 78 percent favorable ratings. He opposed a bill to require immunization of minors without parental consent and sponsored the law to extend franchise tax exemptions to some businesses. Believing in limited government White opposed banning texting while driving but voted to require testing for narcotics for those receiving unemployment compensation. He voted against an “equal pay for women” measure, which passed the House, 78-61. He voted to forbid the state from enforcing federal regulations of firearms and in support of another law allowing college and university officials to carry concealed weapons in the name of campus security. He voted for the redistricting bills for the state House, the Texas Senate, and the United States House of Representatives. He voted


against term limits for certain officials. Texans for Fiscal Responsibility awarded White 91 percent in 2013 and 100 percent in 2011. The Texas Association of Business gave him an 87 percent score in 2013. He ranked 53 percent from the Texas League of Conservation Voters and 92 percent from the National Rifle Association White is proud “when politicians wanted a school finance plan that continued to short our children, I said ‘no,’ and offered a fair revenue-neutral plan.” He said he went to Austin to fight for the next generation, not the next election. “I listen to my constituents, who sent me to Austin, and don’t support legislative leadership that ignores our values of faith, life Constitutional rights. I voted against Republican leadership in the Texas House when it wanted to give free offices in our state Capitol building to party leaders,” he continued. White said on January 13th he would be sworn in to defend his district’s values and just vote with Republicans. Share this story online at www. stylemagazine.com.



By Donna

Make 2015 the Year to Get Out of Debt

Skeels Cygan, Special to Style

f youre mired in debt and unable to save a cent, you›re well acquainted with stress, worry, and shame. But the thought of digging out is so overwhelming that, frankly, you›d rather push it away and drown your woes in (yet another) $5 latte. The devil you know, right? Wrong, says Donna Skeels Cygan. Taking control of your finances is far more rewarding than sticking with the (unsustainable) status quo. Action empowers and energizes,» she says. When you start taking the first steps toward smart money management—once you start living mindfully and deliberately rather than trudging ahead on consumer autopilot—you›ll be surprised by how good it feels.» Here, Cygan shares 5 suggestions to help you build a more financially secure future: First, get clear on what you’re spending now. Most people have no idea where their money goes each month. So Step One in your financial recovery plan is to track your spending. How much are you spending on eating at restaurants? On entertainment? On car payments? How much are you charging? (And how much are—or aren’t—you saving?) Identify weak points in your current budget. Getting a clear picture of your current budget will show you where changes can, and should, be made. Are constant car payments keeping you from contributing to your 401(k)? Is your family paying for extra cable channels and smartphone services despite the fact that your emergency fund is nonexistent? Is that new outfit you’re wearing paid for...or will you get the credit card bill for it in a few weeks? Asking yourself questions like

these will be uncomfortable, but they’ll lead to positive changes. Commit to saving today. (If you don’t, it won’t happen.) Of course, your ultimate goal is not just reducing what you owe but building up a surplus in your savings account and investment portfolio. But first you must make a conscious effort to start saving. Don’t just make a mental commitment. Say it out loud. In fact, write it down. Do it now. What gets prioritized gets done.

DRYMALLA Construction – 1/4-Page AD DRYMALLA CONSTRUCTION Construction Subcontractor Wanted – Proposals Requested – Drymalla Construction Company requests proposals from qualified subcontractors for the City of Houston - Motor Vehicle Inspection Facility. We are seeking 10% or greater M/WBE participation (must be certified by City of Houston). Fax all proposals to Drymalla Construction, 979-732-3663, no later than 2:00 p.m., Thursday, January 15, 2015. E-mail bids will also be accepted until 2:00 p.m., January 15, 2015 to: bids@drymalla.com <Mail to: bids@drymalla.com> for this project. Direct all questions regarding this project to Seth Smith at 979-732-5731 or ssmith@drymalla.com <mailto:ssmith@drymalla.com>.

“People tend to think of saving in vague terms,” she adds. “They have this half-formed idea that they’ll save ‘someday’ when the kids are out of daycare or the car is paid for—but that magical someday never comes. There’s always something else to buy if you aren’t committed to saving.” Hold a family meeting to set some long-term financial goals. (And get specific with your strategy.) Maybe you’d like to save more for retirement, set up college savings accounts for your kids, and beef up your emergency fund. To make sure your longterm financial goals actually happen, you and your family need to sit down and figure out how you’re going to get from here to there. Specifically, how much money do you want to put into your Roth IRA each month? What other expenditures will you need to adjust to ensure that happens? Rethink what you’re calling “necessities.” For example, do you really need the expensive cable package with all the movie channels, or would you be able to get by with basic cable? In fact, extreme as it may seem, do you truly need the big house you’re living in, or would downsizing to a more modest home work just as well for your family— and far better for your budget? “Often we think we need things just because everyone else seems to have them,” says Cygan. “But this is nothing more than peer pressure. There really are very few true needs. The rest are just wants. And when we really think about what brings us joy, we usually realize we don’t want our ‘wants’ as much as we thought we did.” For more information, visit www.joyoffinancialsecurity.com.

ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS CONSTRUCTION MANAGER-AT-RISK Sharpstown High School Houston INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT (HISD) KBR Building Group as Construction Manager-at-Risk for HISD, in accordance with Texas Government Code 2269, will receive bids or proposals from all qualified subcontractors for the Early Release Package # 1 – New Construction of Sharpstown High School. The scope of work in ERP# 1 consists of; Site Demolition, Earthwork, Site Utilities, Asphalt Paving, Drilled Piers A Pre-Proposal Conference will be held at 2:00 PM on January 13, 2015 at HISD Construction Department, 3200 Center Street, Houston, TX 77007. Bids or proposals are due January 21, 2015 at 2:00PM, and bids or proposals should be emailed to Stephen.Herring@kbr.com, faxed to 713-753-4799, or mailed/delivered to the 601 Jefferson St. Suite 2772G. Late bids will not be accepted. M/WBE documents as described below will be received until the date and time set for receiving bids. There will be no public opening of bids or proposals. All bids or proposals shall be available after award of contract, or the 7th day after final selection of bids or proposals, whichever is later. After receipt of bids or proposals, KBR Building Group, will conduct its evaluation of the subcontractor bids or proposals in relation to the project requirements and will select the bid(s) or proposal(s) that offers the best value to HISD. KBR Building Group is committed to meeting the M/WBE goals set for this project. M/WBE forms, schedules and statements, as required by the package documents, shall accompany each bid or proposal that is submitted. Bids or proposals submitted without all required information, and in the order and manner specified, may result in the bid or proposal being considered non-responsive. HISD, the Owner, reserves the right to waive any informality and/or to reject any, or all bids, or proposals. Email questions to Stephen.Herring@KBR.COM or call 713-753-7302 for additional information on this project. Drawings and specifications are available in the KBR Building Group office located at 601 Jefferson Suite 2772 Houston, Texas 77002. Drawings and Specifications may also be reviewed at: McGraw Hill Construction/Dodge, www.construction.com Virtual Builders Exchange, 3910 Kirby, #131, Houston, TX 77098, (832) 613-0201

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uring this holiday season, the Houston Police Department gave out more than just tickets to Houston motorists. They gave them money. The department received a $10,000 donation from a private donor for them to give to people in need. In turn the police did just that. Motorists were surprised when they were pulled over for minor violations that they received a warning and $100 from officers. Police gave 100 motorists each $100 for a great Christmas surprise. For more information, visit www.houstonpolice.org.

Jordan Baker

Protestors Demand Federal Investigation in Jordan Baker Case


he 2014 year ends with more protests against the injustice of another black male killed by a police officer. A Harris County grand jury did not indict Houston Police Officer Juventino Castro after he fatally shot and killed 26-year-old unarmed Jordan Baker. Protestors are demanding a federal investigation into the case. The Houston Chronicle reported that a Harris County grand jury has not indicted an officer in a shooting since 2008 and that more than a quarter of citizens shot by officers between 20082012 were unarmed. For more information, visit www. stylemagazine.com.

Houston Police Officers Give Drivers Surprise Gift


Gold, Health Writer


Bush 41 Remains Hospitalized


uch of this holiday season for former President George H. W. Bush has been spent inside the Houston George H. W. Bush Methodist Hospital. He was rushed to the hospital as a precautionary measure after experiencing shortness of breath. Bush has been in the hospital for 7 days and is in good spirits. The oldest living former president’s condition is improving and should go home sometime this week. Bush also suffers from Parkinson’s disease. For more information, visit www.stylemagazine.com.

Matthew Knowles Sells Beyonce Memorabilia to Pay Bills


t seems tough times fell on the father of mega entertainer Beyonce, Matthew Knowles, as the CEO of


lthough the Texans had a very good season, they fell a little short of going to the playoffs. A good reason behind some of the team’s success this year rest of the J.J. Watt shoulders of J.J. Watt. During the Texans last game of the season Watt made history as the first player in NFL history with 20 or more sacks in two different seasons. EPSN reports Watt entered the game as the Texans’ all-time sack leader with 54 career sacks. He has scored two defensive touchdowns and caught three touchdown passes this season, making him the first player in NFL history with a pick-six, a fumble return for a touchdown and three touchdown catches in a single season. For more information, visit www. espn.com.

using a professionally designed nutrition program will make it much more likely you will succeed. I MAY NOT BE THE RIGHT TRAINER FOR YOU Sometimes personal trainers just aren’t very compatible with a certain client. Most personal trainers want to help get their clients results more than anything but sometimes it just isn’t the right match. When there is something about the trainer-client relationship which holds the client back from achieving their goals most personal trainers know they should have a talk with the incompatible client about referring them to another trainer but seldom do so. Ask your prospective personal trainer if you can either meet their past & present clients or talk over the phone or email. The personal trainer should be more than willing to provide at least 2 or 3 past and/or present clients who have achieved success with the trainer. If that particular personal trainer has helped numerous people like yourself, it will drastically improve your chances of finding the success you desire. For more information, visit www.Facebook. com/JadeGoldFitness.

YOU CAN DO IT ON YOUR OWN It’s always great to have someone get you kick-started. Great trainers provide you with the basic knowledge of exercise movement patterns and building a routine. If you feel comfortable enough and have the motivation, don’t be afraid to take on your fitness on your own. YOU NEED THE RIGHT MEAL PLAN Most personal trainers attempt to get their clients on track with proper nutrition but the vast majority of personal trainers pale in comparison to a dietitian, nutritionist or even a diet program such as Weight Watchers. If you truly want to achieve your fitness goals

J.J. Watt Sets Another Historic Record

The Secrets Trainers Won’t Tell You

ost will say, “You’re a personal trainer and Wellness Coach, aren’t you sharing trade secrets?” No. I believe a good trainer/client relationship should be transparent from start to finish. I hope to always educate but truthfully, every trainer has an angle; something that sets them apart from all the rest. Some sell their “look” and “physique” while others tout their education and certifications. But a great trainer should be more than a sales pitch. I love my fellow personal trainers, especially the good ones, but after all, it’s a business, and not everyone plays the game clean. Before you spend an arm and a leg on a fitness program, here’s a few things to consider and be aware of.


Music World Entertainment held a yard sale to help pay off debt. Reportedly Knowles sold items from the careers of Beyonce, Solange, and Destiny’s Child including posters, tour parMatthew Knowles aphernalia, clothes from House of Dereon, and CDs and DVDs outside his Houston office. In addition, Knowles sold several pieces of office furniture. For more information, visit www.stylemagazine.com.

January 1 - January 7, 2015




Dr. Parnell N. Avery

Celebration of Life: Dr. Parnell N. Avery A Captain in the United States Army and U.S. Army Reserve, Parnell was also in the Reserve Corps of the United States Public Health Service. He was awarded a Korean Service Medal and two Bronze Stars – the National Defense Services Medal and the United Nations Services Medal. The death of his older brother, Maltheus “Sonny” – a WWII veteran and student at North Carolina A&T State College (now University) who died after being refused admittance to Duke University Hospital because beds allotted for Blacks were full – inspired Parnell to become a doctor. He became a well-respected general surgeon who exuded a warm bedside manner that endeared him to his patients. He was from that generation of doctors who often made house calls and bartered his services for the medically underserved community. He was on the staff for many years at Park Plaza and other area hospitals. Previous positions included: Chairman, Department of Surgery and Chief of Staff for Riverside General Hospital, Houston, TX; Commissioner of Health, Houston-Galveston Area Health Commission; President, American Society of Abdominal Surgeons, Melrose, MA; Presidents Council for the Houston Medical Forum and Board of Directors, Virginia State National Alumni Association. Parnell’s numerous honors and awards include: Fellow, American Society of Abdominal Surgeons; Library of Human Resources, American Bicentennial Research Institute; Distinguished Services, Commissioner of Health (Houston); Diplomat

arnell Napoleon Avery, M.D. was born on February 18, 1931, the fourth child of Hazel and Napoleon Avery in Henderson, North Carolina (Vance County). He accepted Christ into his life at an early age at Cotton Memorial Presbyterian Church in Henderson, NC. Parnell attended Virginia State College (now University) in Petersburg, VA. As a freshman, he met his future wife, Gloria Reid. The two were members of Virginia State’s Marching Band. Parnell was a drummer; Gloria, a majorette. He would jokingly say, “The faster I beat my drums, the higher Gloria would kick her legs.” In 1952, he graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology and went on to receive a Master’s of Science in Biology from Virginia State College and later an M.D. from Meharry Medical College in Nashville, TN. He was a Research Fellow in the Department of Oncology at George Hubbard Hospital in Nashville, TN, and completed his Surgical Residencies at Meharry; the United States Public Health Service Hospital and University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Ever the romantic and a known prankster, Parnell proposed to Gloria by placing an engagement ring in the bottom of her cocktail glass. On July 12, 1954, at high noon, they were married on NBC’s “Bride and Groom” daytime television show in the Radio City Chapel Dr. Parnell N. Avery (center) with family in New York City, NY. The live show featured the happy couple exchanging vows before family members in attendance and a television of the International Board of Proctology; Presidenaudience. The newlyweds were presented a variety of tial Leadership Award, Houston Medical Forum; household appliances/gifts and an all-expense paid President’s Award for Service to Mankind (Meharry honeymoon to the Catskill Mountain Resort – Lake Medical College) and Fellow, International College Utopia Country Club – in Wurtsboro, NY. Parnell and of Surgeons. His organizational memberships include: Gloria were only a handful of Black couples who were married on the show during its television history. Of Elder and Choir Member, St. John’s Presbyterian this union, three daughters were born; later in life, they Church; National Medical Association; American Medical Associations (State and National); Texas were blessed with a son.

Medical Association; Lone Star State Medical Association; Harris County Medical Society; Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Lifetime Member, Nu Phi Chapter; Grand Inspector General 33rd Degree and Master Mason, Rio Grande Masonic Prince Hall; and the Shriners. Parnell fostered his adventurous side at every opportunity. He and Gloria traveled extensively during their 58 years of marriage throughout the U.S. and abroad. Some of the exciting places they visited were Canada, Mexico, South America and Athens, Greece. As an international lecturer, he spoke to the International European Medical Seminar (London, England and Paris, France); International Academy of Proctology (Vienna, Austria; Zurich, Switzerland; Budapest, Hungary; Tel Aviv & Jerusalem, Israel; Athens, Greece; Rome, Italy; Manila, Philippines and Hong Kong, China) and the International Congress of America Society of Abdominal Surgeons (Taormina and Palermo, Sicily). While his professional accomplishments were many, Parnell’s greatest achievement was earning the love and respect of his family. He never forgot his humble beginnings and lived life with the gusto of a man with places to go and people to meet. There was not a story too small to embellish to hilarity, a tune he could not sing, a key on the piano he could not play and a dance step too hard for his feet to maneuver! He is survived by his loving children – Natalie Avery Webster (Terry), Sibyl Avery Jackson (Alfred), Vida L. Avery, Ph.D. and Ret. Captain Irvin Gonzales Williams III; daughter-in-law Toni Williams Davis; beloved grandchildren who affectionately called him “PaPa”– Irvin Gonzales Williams IV (Dominique), LeEricson Patrick Williams, Stephanie Gloria Rosa Williams, Terry Lamont Webster Jr., Nicholas Daniel Webster, Ajaye DeLon Jackson, Averi Milan Jackson, Alex Mason Jackson, Christopher DeCory Jackson (Ameia); great-grandchildren– Irvin Gonzales Williams V, Isanne Gabrielle Williams, Elijah Jackson, Evan Jackson; daughters of the heart – Blyss Lewis (Hugh) and Kimberly Clayborn (Raymond); beloved godchildren – Dr. Norman Mason and family, Rhonda C. Arnold, William Sawyers, Dr. Jocelyn Pyles-Elo, Santel Frazier, Fredi Pittman Brown and Dwayne Adams; and a host of cousins, nieces, nephews and numerous dear friends. The Memorial Service is Monday, December 22, 2014 – 10:30 a.m. Visitation; 11:00 a.m. Memorial Service – at St. John’s Presbyterian Church, 5020 West Bellfort, Houston, TX 77035. Arrangements entrusted to Mabrie Memorial Mortuary, 5000 Almeda Road, Houston, TX 77004. Share this story online at www.stylemagazine. com.

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FEATURE By Jo-Carolyn

The Best Ways to Start 2015

Goode, Managing Editor


t is the start of a New Year. We have new hopes and dreams. We’ve cleared our minds of anything that held us back in 2014 and vow not to be chained down in 2015. Renewing our commitment to our selves, we make lists of things that we will accomplish this year. But we do this every year, don’t we? And doesn’t it seem that every New Year we are making generally the same resolutions? So how do we make our resolutions actually stick? The biggest resolutions always deal with losing weight and getting out of debt. Houston Style Magazine offers you a few tips to make sure this is the last time these items appear on your New Year resolution list. Losing Weight One of the top resolutions on most people’s list is to lose weight. Knowing what to do is not the mystery. Cutback on processed sugars and carbohydrates exercise, drink water, eat fruits and vegetables, and reduce your stress level are things we know to do. The problem comes in executing those things. I have talked with several people who have been successful in not just losing weight but keeping it off. One of the key components for their success was having a partner. A partner can hold you accountable for your actions, be that shoulder to lean on and understand what you are going through, and give you that push when needed. Another helpful hint was changing the way exercise is viewed. If you are like me, exercise is a chore. Looking at exercise that leans your mind to thinking it is not something that you have to do it. You can put it off. But if you view exercise as a job, something that is needed for your survival, your mindset is more prone to making it a priority. You will be motivated


to work out because it is essential to your life. For the list tip, I looked to an expert, Dr. Mehmet O aka Dr. Oz. He said that sometimes food is one of our biggest barriers to losing weight because it is tricky. Confused? When we are losing weight we think cutback sugar. Instead of grabbing the regular soda we think drink diet soda. Or instead of grabbing the process sugar, we will grab the yellow, blue, pink packet of sugar. The artificial sweeteners hinder you because they make you crave sugar more. Managing Finances There is nothing like spending money you don’t have to put you in debt. The holidays are a perfect season for folks to go deeper in debt. Though you maybe drowning in debt now you don’t have stay that way. Wells Fargo, an American multinational banking and financial services holding company, is just one of many companies that offers financial education to those seeking to get out debt. Some tips they give are to first examine your debt. Take a look at all your creditors to determine how much each is owed. Then prioritize that list by interest rates. Try to pay off the creditors with the highest interest rate first by paying more than the minimum payment. Wells Fargo also suggest debt consolidation by combing all of your debt into one account so one fee paid instead of several. Talk with a Wells Fargo adviser for a more personalized approach for your financial needs. Also part of managing your debt is saving for the future. An easy way to do that is having money taken out of your check automatically before you even see it. Have that money put into to your 401K. Another idea is taking out a little bit each month to put in your savings account.

January 1 - January 7, 2015


Renew Yourself This last one is a bonus. A lot of times at the start of New Year we think about revamping the things around us but we forget about little small changes that we can do to renew ourselves. And that can be externally and internally. What that looks like internally maybe getting closer to God or whatever higher purpose you go to requesting peace and growth. Secondly change up your look externally. Get a new hair color. Cut some hair off. Go outside your fashion box a little. It is all about being bold and daring to bring out the new you. And most importantly love yourself daily. For more information, visit www.stylemagazine.com.




Sweet Strategies for a Healthier You


hen celebrating the past and looking forward to the future, the New Year is a perfect time to set goals for a better, healthier you. Setting yourself up with a strong nutrition foundation is essential for long-term success. An expert on helping others attain healthy lifestyles, registered dietitian Elizabeth Somer offers these four time-proven skills for permanent weight loss and health management. 1. Balance calories Seek the right mix of calories in from your diet, versus calories out from exercise and daily activity. Your goal is gradual weight loss of no more than two pounds per week, which ensures you lose fat weight, not water or muscle weight. Daily exercise is a must to maintain the loss. If you can’t lose weight on at least 1,500 calories a day, you need to move more, not eat less. 2. Focus on plants Emphasize colorful fruits and vegetables, with at least half of every plate heaped with produce. Then complement with whole grains and moderate amounts of foods that are calcium-rich (nonfat or low-fat milk) and iron-rich (extra-lean meats, chicken, fish or legumes). Snack on watermelon cubes rich in vitamins A and C, as well as the antioxidant lycopene. This juicy treat is available all year, even in the winter. In addition, a real food such as watermelon contains at least two of the magic three ingredients for weight loss: protein, water and fiber. These nutrients fill you up before they fill you out, so you are satisfied on fewer

LOCAL By Francis


Page, Jr. , Publisher and Editor

calories. 3. Eat regularly When you eat these calories is also important. Large, infrequent meals result in big-time hunger, which can cause you to lose control of your appetite. Eating regularly and when you are comfortably hungry keeps you in control of your appetite, allowing you to make wiser decisions. Here is an example of a day’s menu: Breakfast: 100 percent whole grain cereal topped with nonfat milk and berries Mid-Morning Snack: A bowl of watermelon with a 6-ounce tub of low-fat yogurt Lunch: A turkey sandwich on 100 percent whole grain bread, baby carrots and an apple Mid-Afternoon Snack: 1 ounce of nuts with a glass of watermelon juice Dinner: Grilled salmon, baked sweet potato and green peas Evening Snack: 2 cups air-popped popcorn and 1 cup of fat-free hot chocolate 4. Commit to Health: Keep in mind that your ultimate goal is not just a certain figure or a number on the bathroom scale – it is a lifelong commitment to be the best and healthiest you. This plan requires a lifetime commitment, not to lose weight and keep it off, but to modify habits so they support health and maintain the best weight for you – for life.

Servings: 6 1 egg white, lightly beaten 2 tablespoons maple syrup 2 teaspoons brown sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 cup roasted, salted and shelled pistachios 6 watermelon scoops Watermelon (using ice cream scooper) Pistachio Sundae 6 scoops raspberry sorbet (using ice cream scooper) 1 cup marshmallow sauce To candy pistachios, preheat oven to 300ºF. In medium mixing bowl, combine egg white, syrup, brown sugar and salt. Stir in pistachios until evenly coated. Spread on foil lined baking sheet and bake 15-20 minutes, stirring once, until crisp and lightly browned. Cool. Break apart. Using ice cream scooper, arrange watermelon at bottom of 6 sundae cups or martini glasses. Top with scoops of sorbet. Drizzle sauce over sorbet and sprinkle candied pistachios over sundaes and serve immediately. For sweet recipes to help you stay on track, visit www.watermelon.org.

Watermelon Pistachio Sundae

Dr. Lovell A. Jones, Distinguished Scientist & Teacher Joins Prairie View A&M University College of Nursing

e at Houston Style Magazine, are pleased to announce that Lovell A. Jones, Ph.D., a member of our health team, has elected to come out of retirement to join the faculty at Prairie View A&M University College of Nursing as Associate Dean of Research and Professor Dr. Lovell Jones of Research. A newly created position by the College of Nursing to help develop a research program as well as develop a health equity research center in the Texas Medical Center. In addition, Dr. Jones will continue his appointment as a faculty member at Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, while also continuing to contribute to our newspaper. Dr. Jones will also remain as Executive Director of the Health Disparities Education, Awareness, Research, & Training (HDEART) Consortium. Did we say he was retired? Dr. Jones has had a distinguished career on a mission to eradicate health disparities. Until his retirement, he was the Director of The Dorothy I. Height Center for Health Equity & Evaluation Research, a joint venture between the Congressionally-mandated Center for Research on Minority Health at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center and the Graduate College of Social Work at the University of Houston. Upon his retirement, the University of Texas System bestowed the title of Professor Emeritus in the Department of Health Disparities Research in the Division of Cancer Prevention & Population Sciences at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center as well as the University of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, making him the first African American in the history of the University of Texas System to be bestowed emeritus status at two separate UT System institutions. Some have referred to Dr. Jones as “emeritus squared.” Dr. Jones has more than 35 years of experience in addressing minority health and 
the health of the

underserved. He is the founder of the Biennial Symposium Series on Minority, the Medically Underserved & Cancer, the nation’s largest multicultural conference, which has provided a forum for exchanging the latest scientific, and treatment information focusing on underserved & health disparities. He is also the confounder of the Intercultural Cancer Council (ICC), the national’s largest multicultural health policy group. In 2002, Dr. Jones & Dr. Armin Weinberg, the other confounder of the ICC, received one of the American Cancer Society’s highest honors, the Humanitarian Award. Dr. Jones has also edited one of the
 few comprehensive textbooks on this subject: Minorities & Cancer. He has 
either chaired or co-chaired numerous major events regarding the underserved and 
cancers, including the American Cancer Society South Central U.S. Regional
 Hearings on Cancer and the Poor, with Dr. Harold Freeman and the 1st National African Cancer Education
 meeting in Abuja, Nigeria helping to establish with first cancer prevention and control programs in that country. Dr. Jones is co-author of the congressional resolution designating the third full week in April as “National Minority Cancer Awareness Week.” From 1989 to 1995, Dr. Jones was co-principal investigator of the National Black Leadership Initiative on Cancer, the first major minority outreach project sponsored by the National Cancer Institute. He has served on the board of directors of the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship, the National Advisory Environmental Health Science Council for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Institute of Medicine’s Roundtable for Environmental Health Sciences, the Environmental Protection Agency’s Scientific Advisory Panel, the Benjamin Banneker Institute for Science and Technology, the Breast Cancer Integration Panel for the Department of Defense, the Partnership for Prevention, the National Patient Advocacy Foundation, and the Cancer Policy Institutes, just to name a few. For his work, the NIH/National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities awarded Dr. Jones its Director’s Health

Disparities Excellence Award. As a scientist, Dr. Jones has done extensive research
 into the relationship between hormones, diet and endocrine responsive tumors. He has presented his work both nationally and internationally and has published over 150 scientific articles ranging from hormonal carcinogenesis to health policy. He has served as the PI on a number of NIH grants, including “The Women’s Health Eating and Living Study,” an NCI grant studying the role of diet on prevention recurrence of second primaries in breast cancer survivors, the Centers of Excellence for Community Partnership, Outreach, Research & Training from the National Center on Minority Health & Health Disparities and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Cancer Prevention and Treatment Demonstration grant titled: “ Facilitated Assistance, Research, & Outreach Services ” establishing the first patient navigation program at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. Such programs are now being mandated across the country. Over his academic career, Dr. Jones has received over than $40 million in research and educational grants. Lastly, Dr. Jones has been thrice honored on the floor of the US Congress for all of his work, both scientifically as well as in addressing health inequities. He has also been selected by HistoryMakers as one of the top 180 African American scientists whose stories are now archived for future generations to view in the Library of Congress. Dr. Jones is married to Marion C. Jones, a retired special education teacher. They have two adult children, Dr. Tamisha Elise Jones, a pediatrician in Houston and Troy Jones, a software engineer in Dallas as well as three grandchildren Cole, Tate and Cass. We wish Dr. Jones much success in his stated goal of moving Prairie View A&M University College of Nursing toward being one of the premier research centers on health disparities by it centennial anniversary. Share this story online at www.stylemagazine. com.

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GM Media

wners of most 2015 Buick models can be connected by the high-speed data of OnStar 4G LTE. A built-in Wi-Fi hotspot will keep passengers connected on the go, allowing them to browse the Internet, download movies, play games or send email on up to seven devices at once. Buick announced at the DENT Conference that the 2015 LaCrosse, Regal, Verano and Encore would come standard with OnStar 4G LTE hardware, with data packages available for an additional charge. The 4G LTE technology in these four models is faster than the 3G connectivity offered by some competitors. Available in the U.S. and Canada, OnStar 4G LTE hardware will be in every Buick model by the 2016 model year. “Today’s Buick lineup is full of technologies that help make our owners safer and more secure than they would be without them,” said Tony DiSalle, vice president of Buick Marketing. “With the introduction of high-speed OnStar 4G LTE, Buick owners will be better connected as well.” The Wi-Fi hotspot will allow passengers to connect their personal devices, such as compatible smartphones, laptops and tablets, to high-speed wireless Internet. Business travelers can check and respond to emails from a rest area, families can play games between devices, and drivers can stream their favorite Internet radio apps via a new Buick AppShop. Every 2015 model offered with OnStar 4G LTE will also come with Buick AppShop, a feature of IntelliLink. Through Buick AppShop, owners can use their 4G LTE connection to download apps and stream data – such as Internet radio playlists – through the in-vehicle interface.

Buick Advances Connected-Car Convenience with OnStar 4G LTE

Buick AppShop will continue to grow, and all apps can be updated to newer versions as they become available. While final content has not yet been determined, initial apps are expected to include iHeartRadio, Priceline.com, the Weather Channel, NPR, Slacker Radio, Cityseeker, Eventseeker, Glympse and Kaliki, with more coming throughout 2014 and beyond. Later this year, a Vehicle Health app will provide in-vehicle diagnostic reports and allow owners to schedule a maintenance appointment from the car. The Vehicle Health app pulls diagnostic data from the vehicle, providing a level of vehicle integration not possible with a smartphone. With OnStar’s 4G LTE connection, the vehicle provides a mobile hub, giving customers easier access to apps and services that require a high-speed cellular or data connection. In collaboration with AT&T, the data connection in the car will be fast – and flexible. Current AT&T customers can add their vehicle to a shareable

bucket of data through AT&T Mobile Share plans. All drivers can pay for data through OnStar, independently from their other mobile data accounts. Pricing and data packages for OnStar 4G LTE will be announced later this year. Buick’s 4G LTE launch coincides with OnStar’s 10th generation hardware, an upgrade allowing voice and highspeed data services. “We are focused on constantly improving the OnStar service so that the system continues to remain a trusted value-add for GM customers,” said Terry Inch, chief operating officer, OnStar. “4G LTE will enable the most powerful OnStar connection ever.” OnStar Advisors currently respond to about 185,000 calls every day or more than two calls every second. OnStar is standard across the Buick lineup, with a six-month Directions and Connections plan included on every vehicle. Buick owners also get the OnStar RemoteLink Key Fob Services, which allows owners to lock or unlock doors, activate the horn and lights, and remotely start a properly equipped vehicle using the OnStar RemoteLink smartphone app. The Key Fob Services are included for five years for Buick vehicles in the U.S. and Canada. For more information, visit www.gm.com.

BOOK REVIEW Dream Year: Make the Leap from a Job You By Terri

Schichenmeyer, Literary Writer


Hate to a Life You Love

s resolutions go, this year’s is a big one. It’s a New Year’s resolution that you won’t break, for once: you’ve decided that you’re going to change a lot of things - love, finances, and work, for starters. Especially work, because you’re fed up and frustrated. And there’s the biggest catalyst, says Ben Arment. Frustration is “the fuel” that really lights an entrepreneurial fire – and in the new book “Dream Year,” he explains how you can nurture your spark. All year long, you’ve struggled to get up in the morning, grumbled all the way to work, grumped through your day, and you can’t do it anymore. You’ve decided to bring your dream to the world and that’s good because, today, “nothing is stopping you from constructing your own system to sustain your livelihood.” “You,” says Arment, “…are the only gatekeeper for your dream.” To determine what you’ll do in your new endeavor, remember that working your dream doesn’t mean starting anew. Consider things you’re already pursuing (like a hobby or interest in a certain field), check that your idea fits the four hallmarks of a “sweet spot,” then ask yourself what you’d do if you didn’t need to have a conventional job. Be realistic, though; not every dream leads to money. Next, take your idea and determine how it differs from the ones others have already had. Does it solve a problem? Will it resonate with potential customers? Can it make a profit – and if so, how? Will it set your new business apart from similar competitors? Can you break industry rules to see that it does? Learn the fine art of asking; not knowing how


could keep your dream from becoming a reality. Name your business right by seeing how others do it wrong. Know the difference between the dream and working the dream, and don’t underestimate the importance of getting started. Surround yourself with talent, lead but delegate if you must, and don’t catch yourself slacking. Remember that you can’t know everything, so always be open to learning. Know the reasons why others have quit… and then don’t. I’ve surely read my ration of Start Your Own Business books over the past dozen years and each is a little different. “Dream Year” is no exception. By sharing real-life stories and methods he uses in his Dream Year program, entrepreneur and author Ben Arment uses inspiration to guide readers through the process, from frustration to fruition, of being their own boss. That, along with repeated reminders that starting is essential to the journey, is absolutely helpful. What sets this book apart from others of its ilk, conversely, lies in small didn’t-think-of-that details which (fair warning!) could be overly hasty or even daunting for entrepreneurs-to-be. Still, this is a decent book so my advice would be to read it awhile and, when it becomes overwhelming, put it aside while you work it for a year. You’ll be ready for the rest then because, for you, as entrepreneurial guidebooks go, “Dream Year” could be a big one. Share this story online at www.stylemagazine.com.

January 1 - January 7, 2015


By Ben Arment

c.2014, Penguin Portfolio $27.95 / $32.95 Canada 256 pages

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) Check Presentation Photography by Vicky Pink

n Thursday, December 18, 2014, Houston Style Magazine was on hand at the Houston Food O Bank for the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) check presentation. BCBSTX presented a check to the Houston Food Bank and Kids’ Meals, Inc. for being designated as BCBSTX

“Healthy Kids, Healthy Families” grant recipients. Houston Food Bank and Kids’ Meals, Inc. are partnering with the BCBSTX Healthy Kids, Healthy Families program to help improve the health of youth in local communities. The grant is part of BCBSTX’s commitment to help stem the rising tide of obesity and related chronic conditions by focusing on nutrition education, promoting physical activity, preventing and managing disease and supporting safe environments. Some in attendance were Preston Johnson, BCBSTX’s Houston and Southeast Region President; Brian Greene, President and CEO of Houston Food Bank; Cristina Ventrano, Executive Director of Kids’ Meals, Inc.; Marina Coryat, BCBSTX’s Houston and Southeast Region Senior Manager of Media & Community Relations.

2014 Holiday Adopt-a-Family Food Program Photography by Vicky Pink


n Saturday, December 20, 2014, Houston Style Magazine was on hand at H-E-B on Scott Street for the annual Holiday Adopt-a-Family food program hosted by H-E-B, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. – Houston Chapter, ConocoPhillips, and Spectra Energy. Needy families received prearranged Christmas grocery packages prepared by partners at H-E-B that could feed a family of 6 – 8 people. Over 350 meals were given to families. Some of the volunteers included the Houston Kappa League, St. Peter the Apostle Braves Basketball team and the members of the Houston Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. Some in attendance were Laolu Davies, Michael Garner, Kenny Hines and Bailey Davis.

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Alice McKean Young Neighborhood Library Groundbreaking Celebration Photography by Vicky Pink


n Friday, December 19, 2014, Houston Style Magazine was on hand at the Alice McKean Young Neighborhood Library for the groundbreaking celebration of the new library. The new library will replace the existing Young Neighborhood Library. The $10.6 million project located at 5107 Griggs Rd., 77021 will increase the size of the library and offer more resources. Some in attendance at the event were Dr. Rhea Brown Lawson, Mayor Annise D. Parker, City Councilman Dwight Boykins, Theola Petteway, and Dr. Teddy McDavid.

Mentoring Between the Lanes Holiday Hoopla Photography by Semetra Samuel


n Sunday, December 21, 2014, Houston Style Magazine was on hand at Lucky Strike for the Mentoring Between the Lanes Holiday Hoopla event presented by the Dwight & Sheryl Howard Foundation. Throughout Atlanta, Georgia, the foundation has taught youth in underserved communities life skills through mentoring and provided sports equipment. They are now seeking to make the same impact in Houston, Texas by partnering with their son, Houston Rockets Dwight Howard. Twelve minority males who exhibited academic and athletic excellence got the chance to bowl with their favorite professional athlete from the Houston Rockets and Houston Texans. All in attendance had a great time. Some enjoying the event were Dwight & Sheryl Howard, Jahaziel Howard, DJ Swearing, and JMac.


January 1 - January 7, 2015


The Wedding Ringer - Houston Screening Photography by Vicky Pink


n Thursday, December 11, 2014, Houston Style Magazine was on hand at Edwards MarqE Cinema 23 for the Houston screening of The Wedding Ringer hosted by the film’s stars Kevin Hart and Josh Gad. The movie is about an awkward groom, Doug Harris, (Josh Gad) who has no best man for his upcoming wedding. Enters Jimmy Callahan (Kevin Hart), CEO of Best Man, Inc. and Doug’s new main friend. The comedy escalades from there. The Wedding Ringer opens nationwide January 16, 2015.

2014 TWEF Holiday Scholarship Reception Photography by Vicky Pink


n Wednesday, December 17, 2014, Houston Style Magazine was on hand at the Gloria’s Latin Cuisine as Texas Women’s Empowerment Foundation presented its Holiday Scholarship Reception. TWEF is an avid supporter of personal development, business, education, finances and socio-economic development. Thus, TWEF provides scholarships to deserving high school seniors and college freshman who meet the qualifications. Scholarship presentations were made to the 2014 winners at the festive reception. Some in attendance were Deavra Daughtry, Marina Coryat, and Janice Weaver, JohnRay Roberts, Sonia White, Eric Johnson, Angela Johnson, Helen George, Phillippe Orion II, Kylanee Williams, Rudy Sutherland and Francis Page, Jr.

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VITAS Healthcare’s 2014 Winter Wonderland Holiday Party Photography by Vicky Pink


n Saturday, December 20, 2014, Houston Style Magazine was on hand at the Hilton Hotel -Southwest for VITAS Healthcare’s 2014 Winter Wonderland Holiday Party. VITAS Healthcare is a pioneer and leader in the hospice movement and the nation’s largest provider of end-of-life care. Close to 200 employees and loved ones attended the festive affair to celebrate the holidays. They dance all night to the sounds of Jam Session with Joseph Mire. Some in attendance were Dionn Jonnes, Liza Lawrence-Bailey, Alfred Hernendez, Ruth Kainer, Susan Prater, Tina Rohloff, Sandra Norton, Danielle Donato, Ken Hudson, Shawntell McWilliams and Chaplin Chris Nagel.

HABJ Student Mentoring Breakfast Photography by Vicky Pink


n Saturday, December 6, 2014, Houston Style Magazine was on hand at the Texas Southern University in the Sterling Student Life Center for Houston Association of Black Journalists’ Student Mentoring Breakfast. The annual affair helps aspiring journalists and media professionals gain professional development from those in the media industry. Some in attendance were Dr. John Rudley, Cindy George, Mary Benton, Ashley Small, Camilo Smith, Michael Berryhill, Nakia Cooper, Karen Chen, Karen LaFleur, Syan Rhodes, Alex Green, Melinda Spaudling, Damal Hill, Vickee Syes, Ebony Fleming, Tracy Clemons, Bridgette Joe, Isiah Carey, and Eric Ford.


January 1 - January 7, 2015


BUSINESS BRIEFS Search is Expanded for Missing AirAsia Jet AirAsia Flight 8501 took off from Surabaya, Indonesia heading to Singapore when it vanished from radar. The pilot was last heard when the plane was going through bad weather and the pilot requested to fly higher to 38,000 feet to avoid the weather. Search efforts have been expanded after oil and other debris were seen in the Java Sea for the missing aircraft with 162 people on board, which includes Indonesian captain, French co-pilot, 5 cabin crew, 16 children, and 1 infant. The crew is said to be very experienced and AirAsia has a good safety record. Families of those on board are optimistic that their loved ones will be found alive. For more information, visit www.stylemagazine.com.

H-E-B Issues a Voluntary Precautionary Recall For Certain Spiced Meats H-E-B has issued a voluntary and precautionary recall for H-E-B bulk cryovac and tray packed Chorizo and H-E-B cryovac Pork Al Pastor due to undeclared peanut allergens in seasoning provided by Adams Food Flavors and Ingredients. There have been no reported illnesses related to this precautionary recall. People who have an allergy or severe sensitivity to peanuts run the risk of serious or life-threatening allergic reaction if they consume these products. H-E-B is asking customers that may have one of these products to return it to their H-E-B store for a full refund. For more information, visit www.heb.com.

carbon footprint. For information, please visit www. greenglobe.com

Vintage Toy Returns to the USA Fox26 is reporting that Lincoln Logs is returning back to the USA. The president of K’Nex Brands, toy manufacturer of Lincoln Logs, announced that the company would be moving production to Maine in 2015. K’Nex had been on a search to find a wood company who could construct to precise specifications the iconic toy that was invented in 1916. The company is said to relocate production from China to the USA due to rising labor costs. For more information, visit www. myfoxhouston.com.

Dr. Pepper, Walmart Help Shoppers ‘Entertain Like a Champion’ for Inaugural College Football Playoffs Dr. Pepper partners with Walmart for the biggest shopper marketing program ever with “The College Football Play Book,” a supplier-led initiative that aims to help Walmart shoppers “Entertain Like a Champion” in time for the first-ever college football playoffs. Dr. Pepper partnered with Kellogg’s and its Cheez-It and Pringles brands to build out one-stop snacking centers around the games, with the New Year period historically a time for Walmart shoppers to re-stock after holiday entertaining. Running now through the middle of January, the exclusively branded ESPN Dr. Pepper College Football Play Book at Walmart, includes a co-branded TV spot featuring brand character ambassador, Larry Culpepper, a short-shorts, knee-braced Dr Pepper vendor eager to throw the best college football playoff party by shopping in Walmart. For more information, visit www.DrPepperSnapple.com.

Gmail Blocked in China Many in China discovered that they could not access their Google Gmail accounts on this past Friday. It is said that Google Inc’s Gmail was blocked with an anti-censorship advocate suggesting the Great Firewall was to blame Reuters reports. Large numbers of Gmail web addresses were cut off in China on Friday, said GreatFire. org, a China-based freedom of speech advocacy group. Users said the service was still down on Monday. Google service interruptions have been occurring since June of this year, however, this was the first time for the interruption to occur with Google Gmail. For more information, visit www.reuters.com.

Latina Style Magazine Selects Top Employee Resource Group of the Year for 2014 LATINA Style magazine, names HACEMOS, AT&T’s Hispanic/Latino Association, as the Employee Resource Group of the Year for 2014. HACEMOS receives recognition for their commitment to empower their members, foster relationship building, diversity and inclusion, and for providing opportunities for employees to grow. LATINA Style annually recognized the Top 5 Hispanic Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) in the country. This year AT&T was recognized for their best practices and diversity accomplishments. The top Employee Resource Groups for 2014 recognized for exceptional leadership are: Hispanic/ Latino Organization for Leadership and Advancement (HOLA) of Bank of America; Conexión of Cisco; Hispanic Business Council of Target; and Hispanic Initiative Team (GM HIT) of General Motors. For more information, visit www.latinastyle.com.

African American Learning Differences Organization Changes Course as a Result of Insufficient Funding

Crowne Plaza Wiesbaden first Green Globe hotel in Wiesbaden

The city of Wiesbaden in southwest Germany hosts its first Green Globe certified hotel. Crowne Plaza Wiesbaden joins more than 70 other Green Globe certified hotels and congress centers in Germany, all working to improve their sustainable operations and management. The hotel scored an impressive 89% compliance score and passed Green Globe’s 39 mandatory core criteria. To monitor its energy, water and waste usage, the hotel uses IHG’s Green Engage advanced on-line system, which also provides recommended actions to improve the property’s energy conservation and

Effective January 1, 2015, the National Association for the Education of African American Children with Learning Differences (AACLD), which has for many years been the only organizational voice and advocate of its kind, Linda James Myers will no longer provide the majority of its programs and services due to insufficient funding. However, lower cost functions, such as the AACLD website, will remain in place throughout the next year (2015) with periodic updates. While this action ends 15 years of resource and referral service and training provided by the AACLD to African American families and community leaders nationwide, the decision will be revisited if new opportunities for supporting the organization are identified in the next 12 months. For more information, visit www.aacld.org.

Ferititta’s Golden Nugget Casino Opens Early There is still time for Houston area families to get in a quick vacation as the highly anticipated casino the Golden Nugget in Lake Charles, LA opened ahead of schedule. Houston billionaire Tilman Fertitta cut the ceremonial ribbon with state and local officials at the grand opening on Monday, December 29th. The $700 million casino also features 740 hotel rooms that have all been reserved by excited gamblers. Ferititta’s fifth casino has an18,000-square-foot ballroom, meeting space, restaurants, bars and boutiques. Other amenities like the spa, pool, lazy river, beach front, volleyball courts, fire pits, and golf course are still under construction. For more information, visit www. goldennugget.com/lakecharles.

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January 1 - January 7, 2015


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