Oct. 19, 2017 - Oct. 25, 2017
Houston Style Magazine Houston’s Premiere Weekly Publication
Volume 28 | Number 43
Jesse Jackson
Citizens Are Stepping Up to Help Puerto Rico
Cricket Wireless
Teams Up with Trae the Truth to Aid Harvey Victims
Cheryl Thomas Fortune: A Fighter Winning the Battle of Life
Words by Jo-Carolyn Goode and Photography Courtesy of Jaio Follow ollow Us #TeamStyleMag
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Houston Texans vs. Cleveland Browns
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Kaleidoscope Foundation Honors Community Leaders and Achievers for Their Philanthropy
Butt Family’s $1 Million Harvey Donation Remembering Mrs. Heileman
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Volume 28 | Number 43 | Oct. 19, 2017 - Oct. 25, 2017
Sheila Jackson Lee
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COMMENTARY Citizens Are Stepping Up to Help Puerto Rico -The Government, Not So Much
By Jesse Jackson, National Writer
illions of Americans still face perilous conditions in Puerto Rico. Three weeks after Hurricane Maria savaged the island, over 80 percent still have no electrical power. Forty percent are without running water. Millions are in dire need of food. Water purification systems can’t work without electricity. Gas stations have reopened, but the island’s economy remains moribund. Only a few hundred miles of the island’s 5,000 miles of road are open to traffic. Disease is spreading, with the health care system still in miserable condition. These are Americans in extreme distress. It is time to step up. Last weekend, I joined religious leaders to deliver more than 150,000 pounds of food, water, medicine and generators supplied by volunteer donations in Chicago. FedEx CEO Fred Smith generously answered my call for help and, with COO David Bronczek and Senior Vice President Shannon Brown, arranged to supply the plane and flight crew, one of more than 70 relief flights FedEx has sponsored. From across America, nurses, firefighters, church groups, unions, athletes and entertainers have donated time, energy and resources to their fellow citizens in Puerto Rico. But a crisis this severe requires a massive governmental response, and the reaction of FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, has been admittedly slow and inadequate. Americans on the island face a horrible food crisis. As the
Guardian reported, FEMA officials admit they are supplying 200,000 meals a day to meet the daily food requirements of 2 million people. That’s a shortfall of nearly 2 million meals daily. Americans without electricity, their homes destroyed, struggle to find clean water and minimal food. That is a recipe for disease, with children and the elderly and the sick most at risk. Donald Trump has treated the crisis mostly as a public relations problem. He slurred the Mayor of San Juan as “weak” when she begged for assistance because people were dying. He suggested that the island’s residents want “everything to be done for them.” He threatened an early departure of FEMA and the military, and boasted about what has been a shameful response: “Nobody could have done what I’ve done for #PuertoRico with so little appreciation,” he tweeted. But this isn’t a public relations problem for the president; it is a human crisis for millions of American citizens. It can’t be addressed in tweets and stunts. Real action is needed. In conjunction with FEMA, the U.S. military has finally begun to deploy the troops and helicopters needed to clear roads and supply emergency food and water. And, contrary to Trump’s jibe, the general in command, Army Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Buchanan, reported that the island’s residents have responded valiantly: “Communities are very tight and family is very important,” he reported, “Everywhere I go I see neighbors out
helping neighbors. That’s what it is going to take to help this island get back on its feet.” In my discussions with them, San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz and Governor Ricardo A. Rossello were forceful and clear about what was needed now. The immediate need is still for supplies that will sustain life -- water, food, medicine and generators. Solar installations to run water-filtering systems are essential while the electrical grid is rebuilt, a process that will take months. Second, the mayor called for waiving the Jones Act at least for a year. The Jones Act requires that U.S. merchants deliver shipments to Puerto Rico. Countries across the world from South Africa to Mexico have volunteered to ship in emergency supplies. The Trump administration waived the act for 10 days. It should be waived at least until the emergency is over. Third, the mayor needs accelerated visa procedures for those who are volunteering from across the hemisphere and the world to help rebuild the country. At the same time, arrangements should be made to evacuate the sick to hospitals on the mainland, and to move children so they will not lose a year of school. This was done in New Orleans after Katrina and in Texas after Harvey, and Puerto Rico should be no different. Beyond immediate relief, the larger question is how Puerto Rico can rebuild. Even before the hurricane, the country was in the midst of a dire debt crisis and suffering
severe austerity under the grip of a fiscal control board that creditors had elevated above the elected officials. Obviously, the previous agreements on debt repayment have to be revised now that Puerto Rico’s economy has collapsed. The debt should be renegotiated and dramatically reduced, if not forgiven; creditors should bear part of the loss. In the end, Americans in Puerto Rico need what Americans in Louisiana, Texas and Florida need: a long-term recovery package. Public investment to rebuild the sinews of the economy -- roads, bridges, water systems, the electric grid, hospitals and schools -- will put people to work and kick-start the economy. As we witnessed with Europe after the devastation of World War II, massive aid for rebuilding will generate jobs and growth. The Americans living in Puerto Rico have little political clout. They can’t vote in presidential elections. They are, however, American citizens, not second-class citizens. They should not suffer second-class treatment. Across the country, Americans have responded generously to the crisis in Puerto Rico. Now it is time for Washington to step up. You can write to the Rev. Jesse Jackson in care of this newspaper or by email at jjackson@rainbowpush.org. Follow him on Twitter @RevJJackson. Share this story online at stylemagazine. com.
President Trump’s Health Care Deal Flip-flop POLITICAL Inside By Jeremy Diamond and Jeff Zeleny, CNN/StyleMagazine.com Newswire
e was for it before he was against it. President Donald Trump on Wednesday abruptly crushed hopes of a bipartisan health care with the stroke of a tweet that recategorized a deal he had praised less than 24 hours earlier as a “very good solution” into something he “can never support.” The sudden reversal came after the White House faced immediate blowback from conservatives and GOP leadership following the President’s praise for the bipartisan deal brokered by Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tennessee, and Sen. Patty Murray, D-Washington, that seeks to stabilize health care markets by funding the health care subsidy payments for two years in exchange for more state flexibility in Obamacare.
to reverse course. The President’s mixed messaging following initial praise for the bipartisan effort once again underscored a central characteristic in his approach that has marred repeated efforts to pass health care reform: A lack of engagement with the details of the legislation on the table.
Trump’s personal efforts to sell the different iterations of Republican attempts to replace Obamacare ultimately rested on a political case, pleading to Congress that Donald Trump passage was necessary to keep the promises were similarly fuzzy on the details, according of 2016 and avoid electoral disasters in 2018 to GOP aides supportive of the legislation. and 2020. That left Alexander’s team concerned that while Trump was saying all the right things, He pressed wavering senators like Ne- he didn’t appear to fully grasp the bill Alexvada’s Dean Heller, a Republican up for ander was working on and could suddenly But his advisers reminded him that conser- re-election next year, about their chances at change his tune -- a worry that came to vatives are not in favor of this compromise the ballot box. fruition on Wednesday morning. and likely won’t support it or even bring it up for a vote (House Speaker Paul Ryan would Not part of the President’s arguments were “I am supportive of Lamar as a person & come out against the plan Wednesday). His details about how the legislation would affect also of the process, but I can never support attempt to dial it back Tuesday night wasn’t millions of Americans and make fundamental bailing out ins co’s who have made a fortune strong enough, so the morning tweet was changes to the US health care system -- a lack w/ O’Care,” Trump tweeted. seen as necessary. “We can’t have another of familiarity that those close to the process health care failure,” a White House official said hobbled his effectiveness in whipping Trump told reporters later Wednesday he said, explaining how aides prevailed on him votes. Trump’s discussions with Alexander would “see” on the bipartisan proposal but
Oct. 19 - Oct. 25, 2017 www.stylemagazine.com
added that he won’t “do anything to enrich the insurance companies.” “Lamar Alexander is working on it very hard from our side and if something can happen, that’s fine, Trump said. “But I won’t do anything to enrich the insurance companies cause, right now the insurance companies are being enriched. They’ve been enriched by Obamacare like nothing anybody’s ever seen before. I am not going to do anything to enrich the insurance companies.” Read the full story online at stylemagazine. com.
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3:54 PM
Artists Rolstad and Hill Selected to Create Art for New Police Station [StyleMagazine.com Newswire]
he City of Houston has selected artists Koryn Rolstad and Sherry Tseng Hill to create original artworks for the new Southwest Police Station due to open by the end of this year. The station, off South Post Oak and adjacent to Cambridge Village Park, replaces the old Beechnut police station and will serve the patrol area that includes Meyerland, Hiram Clarke, Almeda and Bellaire Boulevard. The 50,000-square-foot facility will have a community meeting room and adjacent playground that will eventually connect to the Bayou Greenways project. Artist Koryn Rolstad’s outdoor sculpture, Illuminated Community Reflections, is a “grove” of abstract tree-like structures of colorful structural acrylic and powder-coated aluminum creating a lively, highly visible and distinctive entry to the station.
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Alamo Cenotaph
Protesters Rally to ‘Save the Alamo’ Cenotaph [breitbart.com]
undreds reportedly rallied to “Save the Alamo Cenotaph,” a monument which memorializes those individuals who died defending the Alamo in the pivotal 1836 battle of the Texas Revolution. The protest, held in San Antonio at Alamo Plaza, was organized by Lee Spencer White, founder of the Alamo Descendants Defenders Association (ADDA). One hundred years later, the State of Texas commissioned Pompeo Coppini, famed Italian sculptor and American immigrant, to capture this seminal slice of Texas history. He crafted the Cenotaph, which means “empty tomb” and is often dubbed the “Spirit of Sacrifice.” The marble monument sits on a granite base that immortalizes the spot where the outnumbered Alamo defenders lost their lives.
Black Soldiers Fought for Respect in Houston
The Fight to Clear Names of Soldiers Who Rioted in Houston 100 Years Ago [wvtf.org]
urricane Harvey put Houston back in the headlines, but a hundred years ago the city made news for a very different reason. Black soldiers at Fort Logan had gone on a rampage, prompting the largest murder trial in U.S. history. Now, a Virginia man is trying to clear their names. In the summer of 1917, a regiment of respected black soldiers made their way south to Houston where they were assigned to guard a military base under construction. They were greeted by insults from local residents and racist regulations. The soldiers grabbed their rifles and headed into Houston – vowing to kill as many policemen as they could. Instead, they killed 15 white civilians – some of them innocent bystanders.
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City Council Votes to Approve HEB Lease Agreement with HHFC [StyleMagazine.com Newswire]
ity Councilman Dwight Boykins and the rest of the Houston’s City Council voted to approve an ordinance authorizing a lease agreement between the City of Houston and the Houston Housing Finance Corp, President and Chaired by Redick Edwards, for land located at S.H. 288 and N. MacGregor. This agreement is the next step in bringing a full service, 70,000+ sq.ft. HEB to the community with necessary site improvements to include a detention pond for flood mitigation. This is a project Councilman Boykins has worked on for the past three years. He began the process of identifying Grocery Store Retailers that would be willing to partner with the City of Houston by making the commitment to bring fresh food options to Greater Third Ward.
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2018 NFL Draft to Be Hosted in Dallas [StyleMagazine.com Newswire]
he 83rd NFL Draft will take place on April 26-28, 2018 at the Dallas Cowboys’ AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas, marking the first time in history that it will be held at an NFL stadium. The Draft site will encompass the field, stands, and outdoor plazas, creating an all-encompassing atmosphere and enabling more fans than ever before to watch their favorite team’s selections. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell made the announcement at the league’s annual Fall Meeting, following a review of the proposal by the Super Bowl & Major Events Advisory Committee and full ownership. This is the result of a comprehensive examination process over the past several months of plans submitted by various cities to host the 2018 NFL Draft.
Oct. 19 - Oct. 25, 2017 www.stylemagazine.com
Sheila Jackson Lee Celebrated for Extending D-SNAP Services in Houston [NewsFixHouston]
MO clergy members and leaders are meeting Tuesday at Christ Church Cathedral to recognize Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee for efforts to extend D-SNAP services in Harris County. The original D-SNAP deadline passed more than a week ago. But the congresswoman said the extremely long lines made it obvious, too many people still need the benefits. She reached out to president Donald Trump and the department of agriculture on behalf of the county. Those who qualify have the rest of this week to sign up for their lone star card at Alexander Deussen Park. The center will be open from 8am until 7pm. The address is 12303 Sonnier Road.
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Texas Is About to Get Its First Marijuana Dispensary [austinchronicle.com]
Sheila Jackson Lee
efore year’s end, the first marijuana dispensary in Texas is slated to roll out. It’s high time for the industry to take hold within the state: It’s been two years since the enactment of the Texas Compassionate Use Act, a 2015 state law that allows limited and narrow use of cannabidiol (CBD) with low THC levels for intractable epilepsy patients who have obtained a doctor’s recommendation. (“Texas’ Marijuana Policy May Be Progressing Quicker Than Expected,” May 12.) The state is home to an estimated 150,000 of these patients. By the end of December, Knox Medical is expected to begin operations in the sparsely populated rural town of Schulenburg, southeast of Austin.
Voter ID
Challenge to Texas Voter ID Law Should be Over, AG Argues [expressnews.com]
ttorney General Ken Paxton argued in a new court document filed, has expected a brief with the U.S. Court of Appeals calling for the judges to end a challenge to the state’s new voter ID law for good. In his 101-page document, the Republican argued that because the state has already added new exceptions to the law to allow people who have a reasonable impediment to getting an ID to vote, the case should be officially concluded. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit has scheduled a hearing on the state’s voter ID law for the first week of December in New Orleans. Since 2011, when the Texas Legislature first passed new laws requiring voter to present an ID to vote, the law has been under challenge from critics who have argued that it hurts people without IDs, particularly minority voters.
NATIONAL BRIEFS Colin Kaepernick
Movement for Black Lives Launches Colin Kaepernick’s Lawsuit Against Project for ‘Electoral Justice’ NFL Could Have Historic Implications [TheGrio.com] [ThinkProgress.org]
he Movement for Black Lives, a massive group including the Black Lives Matter movement, has launched a new project aimed at providing ‘electoral justice’ for Black people. Organizers announced the Electoral Justice Project on Monday, a two-step project meant to give more power to Black people in their local communities. The first part of the project involves the creation of an Electoral Justice League to get Black organizers to champion Black issues on the community level. The second part will be a national help desk that organizers can call for help with electoral strategies.
ormer San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick filed a grievance alleging that NFL owners are colluding to keep him unemployed during the 2017 season, as first reported by Mike Freeman of Bleacher Report. Criminal defense attorney Mark Geragos, Kaepernick’s lawyer, confirmed the news in a statement. Gregaros said the suit was only filed “after pursuing every possible avenue with all NFL teams and their executives.” This lawsuit could literally be a game-changer, not just for Kaepernick, but for the labor rights of all NFL players.
Selena’s Google Doodle
Mae Jemison Lego
Jemison Among Lego’s ‘Women of NASA’ Play Set [Techcrunch.com]
Singer Selena Quintanilla Honored With Google Doodle [CNN/StyleMagazine.com Newswire]
ego has a new set that originated by a member of its Lego Ideas fan-sourced creation platform: The Women of NASA, a package that includes NASA pioneers Nancy Grace Roman, Margeret Hamilton, Sally Ride and Mae Jamison, as well as a space shuttle model, the Hubble telescope and display stands for all. The Lego set was originally proposed by MIT News deputy editor Maia Weinstock on the Ideas platform last year, and quickly made its way to the 10,000 mark needed for official project approval by Lego.
ans of slain Tejano singer Selena Quintanilla know October 17 is a special day. That was the date in 1989 when her first studio album “Selena” debuted. Four more albums would come later, including the posthumous “Dreaming of You” which was released after the singer was shot and killed at age 23 on March 31, 1995. Google’s latest Doodle pays tribute to Quintanilla, who was professionally known as “Selena.” The Google Doodle’s animated video tells her story, from childhood to stardom, and features Selena singing her hit single “Bidi Bidi Bom Bom.”
Vote Early starting October 23. Election Day is Tuesday, November 7. HOUSTON, IF WE CAN DREAM IT, WE CAN DO IT! That’s the spirit that’s getting us through
Hurricane Harvey and today, I’m asking for your help again.
Please join me at the polls and vote FOR the City Bonds, Houston Propositions A through E. PROPOSITION A is the final piece of the solution to the pension crisis. It protects retirement plans for our police officers, firefighters and city workers, without raising taxes. If Proposition A fails, we could see layoffs of up to 2,200 city workers, including police and fire — and potential closures of health clinics and community centers.
PROPOSITIONS B, C, D AND E provide funds to repair or rebuild deteriorating police and fire stations, parks, libraries and health clinics. Passing these propositions will make Houston safer, create new jobs and make our economy stronger, all without raising taxes. All the propositions are endorsed by Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Congressman Al Green, Commissioner Rodney Ellis, State Sen. John Whitmire, State Sen. Borris Miles, State Rep. Garnet Coleman and the Houston Chronicle. The best part is, if Proposition A through E pass, we can focus on rebuilding our city: WITH
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BUSINESS BRIEFS General Motors Contributes $5 Million to The Henry Ford
General Motors Contributes $5 Million to The Henry Ford [GM.com]
eneral Motors has contributed $5 million to The Henry Ford, it was announced by Patricia Mooradian, President and CEO of The Henry Ford. “We are honored to welcome General Motors as a Partner in Innovation,” said Mooradian. “This gift of $5 million is a game changer and allows us to deepen our community impact with innovative experiences and new exhibitions and programs in Henry Ford Museum of American Innovation.” In recognition of GM’s historic gift, The Henry Ford announced that the flexible gallery space in Henry Ford Museum of American Innovation will now be known as The Gallery by General Motors.
ricket Wireless and Trae Tha Truth teamed up to continue relief efforts in the Houston-area following the devastation of Hurricane Harvey. The wireless provider and legendary Houston rapper’s Angels By Nature foundation helped deliver mattresses to families across the city. The foundation received a $1,250 donation from Cricket along with two cell phones, each with one year of service to help the organization in regards to volunteer coordination.
Macy’s supports Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Macy’s Thinks Pink to Support the Battle Against Breast Cancer [Macys.com]
his October, Macy’s continues to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month, inviting customers to give back through an inspiring campaign that shines the light on awareness while using fashion to fundraise for a disease that affects women, men and families everywhere. From Macy’s online Pink Shop featuring fashion, home and pet merchandise from an array of great brands, including a limited-edition necklace created by Macy’s employees, to the Polo Ralph Lauren Foundation’s Pink Pony bracelets, a portion of each purchase price will benefit charities that are working to eliminate the disease. Macy’s online “Pink Shop” at macys.com/ pink offers a curated selection of fashion for men, women, children, and pets, in addition to items for the home.
Puerto Rico’s Cash Crisis: 35% of Banks Still Closed [CNN/StyleMagazine.com Newswire]
ore than a third of the banks in Puerto Rico are still closed a month after Hurricane Maria pummeled the island. For weeks, Puerto Ricans have been waiting in long lines to get cash, food, water, and gas. But banks have had a harder time reopening than other stores. Nearly 80% of gas stations are open, and 90% of supermarkets. But only 203 of 314 bank branches on the island are open, according to government figures. About 838 ATMs are working, but the government can’t say how many were working before the storm. And that figure is down from 870 ATMs earlier this week, reflecting the uneven progress on the island. Most businesses are still without power and are only accepting cash.
Raising Cane’s Donates $1M to Southern University [WABF.com]
aising Cane’s presented Southern University with a $1 million donation during an announcement of a partnership between the university and the Baton Rougebased chicken finger chain. The donated money will go to funding the university’s academic and athletic programs as well as the Human Jukebox Band. A portion of the donation includes an endowed academic scholarship. Raising Cane’s Founder and CEO Todd Graves presented the check to Southern University President-Chancellor Dr. Ray Belton in front of the company’s downtown restaurant. University officials, Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome, CEO of Southern University System Foundation Alfred Harrell, Metro Councilmember Tara Wicker whose district includes Southern, and the Southern University Marching Band were also on hand for the check presentation.
Trae the Truth and Cricket Wireless Team Up to Aid Hurricane Harvey Victims By Brandon Caldwell, Feature Writer storm has taken on a more significant role in the community, assisting in areas from Port Arthur to Beaumont and more. His efforts have earned high praise from Houston mayor Sylvester
Turner as well as area representatives currently in Congress. Earlier this week, he announced that he would be matching scholarships with DJ Mr. Rogers for Rogers’ upcoming Prarie View Produces Productive People Initiative. To date, Trae and his Angels By Nature foundation have raised over $160,000 to aid those impacted by the Trae’s philanthropy since the August historic storm.
Puerto Rico Still Recovering
Oct. 19 - Oct. 25, 2017 www.stylemagazine.com
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FEATURE HBRW: Serving Up Black Businesses as the Main Dish
Cheryl Thomas Fortune: A Fighter Winning the Battle of Life
By Jo-Carolyn Goode, Managing Editor
usic has always been a constant in Cheryl Thomas Fortune’s life. From taking piano lessons as a child to singing in the high school as a teen to continuing her passion into a booming professional career as an adult, music is her friend. And this friend, coupled with her love for God and her faith in Him, has allowed her to weather through some pretty tough storms and come out as a fighter winning the battle of life. Hearing Fortune sing with such power and conviction one would never know that singing was not her first love in the area of music, instruments were. Growing up in the Thomas family household, the rule was all children had to take piano lessons. Not a problem for Fortune because she loved the piano. “I just loved all types of instruments,” admitted Fortune, who also played the handbells and sung in the children’s choir at church. She didn’t really get into singing until she got to high school under the direction of her choir director Ina Zellers. Fortune’s love for the piano was so great that she figured that she would join her high school’s choir to accompany them on the piano. The catch was in order to join the choir she had to audition by singing to be in the choir. Fortune sung Whitney Houston’s I Believe the Children Are Our Future and blew Zellers 10 10
away. “Oh my gosh, you have an amazing gift,” Fortune recalls Zellers saying to which Fortune replied, “Oh, ok really.” Laughing now, Fortune said, “I could sing and yes it was in my family I just loved the piano. So yeah Ms. Zellers was apart of my singing thing. It was hard but it was good for me.”
As a childhood friend of Cheryl Thomas Fortune, I have had the privilege of hearing her voice develop over the years. I sang next to her in our church’s children’s choir. I walked the halls with her in high school. I shared many hugs, laughs and good times with her parents (who will celebrate 57 years of marriage next year) and her entire family. I sat in the audience Good for her indeed. Singing at Ross S. Ster- and cheered her on at her concerts. Even though ling High School did allow Fortune to do what I had that front row seat to moments in her life, she loved like playing the piano in UIL compe- I never knew all that she has had to endure. I titions and helping the choir with warm-up drills slowly found out like everyone else. but it also birth other gifts like songwriting. The world is all too familiar with her domestic “Not too many people knew that when I was violence abuse at the hands of ex-husband James growing up because I didn’t really do it a lot but Fortune. But that was only part of her battle. in high school, I started writing little things and Cheryl had to fight for the innocence and safety writing little songs. of precious children and the value of her own self-worth. It is the love of God and her family; I ended up doing it a lot more after that. And especially her children that helped sustain her. I love it. It’s a passion of mine.” The passion “God has blessed me with some strong incredible led her to write songs for and sing background children,” said the proud mom. “I am so grateful for artists like Kirk Franklin, Fred Hammond, for my children because a lot of days, besides Zacardi Cortez, Shirley Caesar, Bishop T. D. drawing strength from God and my faith, I drew Jakes, Isaac Carree, Monica, and the list goes strength from them,” as she added that she also on. “I don’t think I ever imagine me being in this drew strength from past victories. place,” said Fortune but what a place to be in. However, it wasn’t an easy journey to get there. Now on the other side of the battle, she is celShe doesn’t look at her past with regret but with ebrating her survival and not giving up attitude a grateful heart since her journey is what has with the release of her very first solo project, prepared her for this point in her life now. Simply Cheryl. The Houston native who is wide-
Oct. 19 - Oct. 25, 2017 www.stylemagazine.com
FEATURE HBRW: Serving Up Black Businesses as the Main Dish
ly known as being part of others’ background accompaniment said that she always knew she wanted to at least try doing a solo project but was always nervous about how people would accept it. But she brushed off those fears and boosted up her faith to follow the direction God was leading her in. “I was very, very nervous at first because it is always different when you are transitioning from the background to the forefront. But God was opening up so many doors and He was literally pushing me out there saying. ‘Hey, I’ve got you, I’ve got you, I’ve got you,’” said Fortune. “And all the other times I was trying to do it before was not the right timing.” Following God’s direction and timing has allowed Fortune to emerge from her battle as a real fighter, an image that she embraces with the title track of her new album. “Fighter, you never give up and you always fight for what’s right,” wrote her oldest daughter in a Mother’s Day card. That message touched Fortune more than her young daughter knew at the time. “It was so amazing to me that my kids could acknowledge that I was fighting for a better us,” she said with pride. “And so I was able to create that song out of a broken place that I was in and a place that I was trying to heal through.” The ending result was her debut single Fighters, which has become an anthem to which everyone can relate. “I wanted to create something not only for women or men who may have gone through what I have gone through but for all people.”
Fortune continued, “We deal with obstacles and challenges and rough things on a daily basis. It’s a constant fight. It’s a constant fight to not give up; it’s a constant fight to not quit. It’s a constant fight to stand up for what you believe in. So I wanted to create something that was going to touch everybody in whatever aspect of life that they are going through or dealing with.” Fighters is just one of many songs on her debut album, Simply Cheryl, that has a lasting message. Call it a musical autobiography. Fortune starts from the very beginning of her life with a nod to ‘80s and ‘90s R&B, her favorite era of music, then progressives as she shares her heart, faith, and love for God. “I wanted to create something that was uplifting, that was encouraging. Something to help you make it through the day, help you make it through whatever tough situation you are going through. Just everyday life music is what I call it.”
Cheryl Thomas Fortune
puts her whole heart on display as she shares her testimony and comes to the realization of accepting God’s love. And that’s the same love that she wants listeners to know that they can obtain from God as well. Stepping out into the spotlight was scary for Fortune and made her nervous because she didn’t know how people would accept her music. “I was scared because my music is different. It is not a traditional gospel. Its not a CTM worship. It’s not anything like that,” said Fortune. And that difference it what also makes it so good. Her single, Fighters, has put Fortune in a familiar place, the Billboard top songs’ list.
wanted people to know how important their life is and how much they are loved by God. “I want them to feel really good about themselves and to walk in their purpose.” Fortune always wears a ring as a reminder of her purpose with the inscription of Jeremiah 29:11 that speaks of the plans that God has for all His children to prosper, give hope and a future and not to harm. Similar to God’s love, Simply Cheryl is a gift that gets better and better every day. It encourages, uplifts, and strengths with every note, lyric, and sound.
Each song has a message to strengthen and empower. Another track titled, For A Night, However, it is her first time there as a solo Get your copy of Simply Cheryl wherever mureminds listeners tough seasons are not eternal artist. “My goal was never to reach the top of sic is sold. Stay up-to-date on upcoming projects but for moments. Victory is on the other side. charts and all that. I am grateful for that. I am and new music from Cheryl Thomas Fortune Towards the end of the album Fortune really thankful for that, ” said Fortune who simply online at iamsimplycheryl.com. mwww.StyleMagazine.com oc.enizagaMelytS.www www.stylemagazine.com
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STATE The Family of Howard E. Butt, Jr. Donates
$1 Million to Coastal Bend Disaster Recovery Group Fund
Funds donated in honor of the late Howard E. Butt, Jr. to support Hurricane Harvey Recovery Efforts
he family of the late Howard E. Butt, Jr., today announced a $1 million donation to support Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts in the hardest hit areas along the Gulf Coast. Barbara Dan Butt (widow), and their three children, Howard Butt III, Stephen Butt, and Deborah Dan Butt Rogers, have joined together in a personal contribution to the Coastal Bend Disaster Recovery Group Fund in honor of their husband and father, Howard E. Butt Jr., who passed away last year. “We know no better way to honor our father, Howard E. Butt Jr. and his legacy, than by extending a helping hand to the victims of Hurricane Harvey, along the Coastal Bend of Texas,” said Howard Butt III.
“Corpus Christi and the Gulf Coast have been home to our family for many years,” added Stephen Butt. “It’s our privilege to support our great HEB Partners (employees) and Gulf Coast friends as a strong recovery and rebuilding plan gets underway.” The Coastal Bend Disaster Recovery Group was established in late 2015 following the Memorial Weekend floods and follows the best practices of National Voluntary Organizations Assisting in Disaster. Case managers guide individuals through the FEMA process and work with sponsor organizations to address unmet needs for full recovery. They are focused on addressing the unmet needs for low income, elderly, disabled, single parent households, and US veterans in the seven-county region (Aransas, Bee, Jim Wells, Kleberg, Nueces, Refugio and San Patricio). A check for $1 million was presented by Rob Hall, H-E-B Group VP/GM of the Gulf
Coast Region and Winell Herron, H-E-B Group VP of Public Affairs, Diversity and Environmental Affairs at First United Methodist Church of Sinton (405 W Sinton St, Sinton, TX 78387) on Tuesday, October 17, 2017 at 2:30 p.m. “We are grateful for the Butt family’s contribution and so touched by their generosity,” said Rev. Beth Tatum, President, Coastal Bend Disaster Recovery Group. “Their support will ensure we have the necessary support to readily activate and begin to help our community.” The Butt family’s donation will support the hardest hit areas along the Gulf Coast, including Aransas Pass, Bayside, Ingleside, Port Aransas, Refugio, Rockport and Woodsboro. “The Gulf Coast, specifically Corpus Christi and Port Aransas, meant so much to our father, who would have celebrated his 90th birthday last month. I can’t think of a better way to honor him,” said Deborah Dan Butt Rogers. Born in Kerrville, Texas, on Sept. 8, 1927, Howard E. Butt, Jr., grew up in the grocery business founded by his grandmother, Florence, in 1905. While working in the family business, Howard, Jr., dedicated himself to building a lay ministry through his leadership of the H.E. Butt Family Foundation. Over 50 years, Butt’s ministry touched many lives of South Texans through Laity Lodge, authoring books on Christian Leadership, and a series of popular, nationally, broadcast radio spots, “The High Calling of Our Daily Work”. Butt died at his San Antonio home on September 11, 2016 following an extended illness with Parkinson’s. Howard E. Butt, Jr
Barbara Dan Butt & Howard E. Butt, Jr
12 12
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The Kaleidoscope Foundation Guild Recognizes Some Of Houston’s Outstanding Philanthropists By StyleMagazine.com Newswire
Oh, How Fascinating” served as the overarching fundraising theme for the Kaleidoscope Guild as they honored some community leaders and achievers who demonstrate a commitment to professional excellence, community service, and philanthropy.
Mrs. Mia Wright, Co-Pastor of The Fountain of Praise and Founder of Metamorphosis
These distinguished and selfless individuals will be honored on Sunday, October 22, 2017, at an “Oh, How Fascinating” Luncheon at the Hyatt Regency Houston The chosen honorees, sponsors, and guests Galleria in Houston, TX. attended an elegant reception on October This event serves as a major fundraiser 12, 2017, at the Sweetwater Country Club for the Kaleidoscope Guild whose mission in Sugar Land, TX where the “Oh, How is to support and promote the interests of Fascinating” Luncheon 2017 Honorees the Kaleidoscope Foundation. were announced as follows: The Kaleidoscope Foundation is a 501 Dr. Charles E. Dupre, Fort Bend Inde- (c) (3) entity focused on the educational pendent School District Superintendent of development of children and youth and enSchools richment programs for children and youth. Mrs. Loren Lane, First Lady of Texas Since its inception in 2013, the FoundaSouthern University tion has awarded over $75,000 in college scholarships and supported numerous enMrs. Toni Wallace, Attorney and First Af- richment programs that might not otherrican-American Female Judge Appointed wise have been funded. in Fort Bend County Please join us to see “Oh, How FascinatDr. Sonya Sloan, Orthopedic Surgeon and ing” service and philanthropy can be! For Founder of ME & WE more visit, www.Kalscholars.org.
More Than 5,000 Wells Fargo ATMs Launch NFC-Enabled Mobile Wallet Capability By Style Magazine Newswire
13,000 ATMs now have NFC (near-field communication) technology, making it easier than ever to use the machines. The wireless technology enables mobile wallet “tap and pay” access for ATM banking as well as for making purchases using their debit card. See how Wells Fargo continues to innovate for its customers, and discover more stories at Wells Fargo Stories: www. The feature is activated using a mobile wellsfargo.com/stories phone’s mobile wallet feature. Today, “This spring’s launch of one-time acmore than 40% of Wells Fargo ATMs have functioning NFC capability, with the goal cess code technology at all Wells Fargo of upgrading the rest of the company’s ATMs has resulted in nearly three million more than 13,000 ATMs with the hardware card-free ATM access code transactions. Card-free ATM use will take another leap by 2019. as we introduce NFC functionality,” said Customers can already access any Wells Jonathan Velline, head of Strategy and Fargo ATM without a physical card by Administration for Community Bank. generating a one-time access code through “The NFC functionality is a second form their Wells Fargo Mobile® Banking app. With the launch of one-time access code in of card-free access and is an extension March 2017, Wells Fargo became the first of our promise to reach our customers large bank in the US with an entire fleet of wherever they are and provide value using the mobile option with which they are so card-free ATMs. comfortable.” A customer can initiate an Over 40% of Wells Fargo’s more than ATM transaction by signing into leading ells Fargo & Company (NYSE:WFC) announced today that debit card customers have another way to use the company’s ATMs without their card -- “tap and pay” nearfield communication (NFC) functionality that is launching at more than 5,000 ATMs across the country.
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Mrs. Toni Wallace, Mrs. Mia Wright, Mrs. Loren Lane, Dr. Charles Dupre, and Dr. Sonya Sloan (not pictured)
Oct. 19 - Oct. 25, 2017 www.stylemagazine.com
mobile wallet features, such as Wells Far- bile payments volume in the U.S. will triple,” go Wallet for AndroidTM, Apple Pay®, said Jim Smith, head of Virtual Channels. Android PayTM or Samsung Pay, found on mobile phones. “Our customers are increasingly using mobile to manage their finances and make They simply hold their phone or payments, which makes it ever important wearable device with mobile payment for Wells Fargo to provide our more than 20 functionality near an NFC-enabled ATM million mobile banking and mobile wallet terminal. Wells Fargo ATMs enabled for customers with a seamless mobile authentithis feature will display a “contactless cation and access experience at our ATMs, symbol” decal on the front of the ATM. online, and in our branches.” The customer will then input their Wells Fargo Debit or EasyPay® Card Personal To see this technology in action, visit Wells Identification Number (PIN) and com- Fargo Stories. plete their transaction. For more information, visit www.wells“According to Forrester, by 2021, mo- fargo.com.
Chef Carla Hall Brings the Hootie Hoo to Cooking With a Twist
By Yolanda Pope, Culinary Writer
ouston Style Magazine along with 24 Houstonians had a front row seat as Chef Carla Hall of ABC’s The Chew electrified the main room at “Cooking With a Twist “as she gave culinary instructions to each class participant.
Southern United States, namely, Nashville, Tennessee. Chef Carla is also the author of two cookbooks: Carla’s Comfort Food: Favorite Dishes from Around the World” and “Cooking with Love: Comfort Food That Hugs You.”
Chef Dee Dee Coleman and her staff were on hand as well to facilitate the activities while Chef Carla had the room full of guests bursting into laughter, posing for photos, and attending to their cooking tasks.
Chefs Dee Dee and Carla struck up a friendship while working on an event in North Carolina, once upon a time. And after hearing and seeing all of the devastation after Hurricane Harvey rolled over our area, Chef Carla sent Chef Dee Dee a text message that read, “ I got you!” in short. Chef Dee Dee expressed her appreciation as well as acknowledging how God answered her prayer for help.
On the menu: Spinach & Coconut Cream Soup, Buffalo Chicken Meatballs with Celery Bleu Cheese Slaw, Yukon Gold Celery Root Mash, and Chocolate Buttermilk Biscuits with Vanilla Custard. We watched with delight as Chef Carla talked the audience through each recipe in addition to sharing particular techniques on how to execute each meal without a glitch. For example, she showed the group how to aerate the flour to eliminate excess moisture, which is important for any baker who lives in a humid climate. Additionally, Chef Carla demonstrated how to properly fold the prepared dough prior to baking in order to achieve the best results once the pastries are placed in the oven. In addition to being a creative and talented chef, Chef Carla has a background in theater, dance, modeling, and business. She worked for Price Waterhouse after graduating from Howard University with an Accounting Degree. Her roots are from the
Write that down.” Your teacher says that all the time in class. Your parents might say it, as a reminder because sometimes, writing things down can be important. And as you’ll see in the new book, “Kid Authors” by David Stabler, illustrated by Doogie Horner, written words can also be magic. For as long as you can remember, you’ve loved books. They take you forward and backward in time, to places you’ve never been, with new people and new adventure. Books contain awesome stories – and so do the lives of the authors of those books. Take, for instance, Edgar Allan Poe.
Chef Dee Dee’s business, like many others in our area, was forced to cease operations while our area recovered from the storm, but what a breath of fresh air it was to witness the warmth and high energy in a room filled with guests, two hard working chefs, and a staff committed to excellence. Chef Carl taught two classes of around 24 -25 students in each. We sat for the evening show and there was so much laughter at times we couldn’t hear the next instruction. To learn more about Chef Dee Dee, visit: www.cookingwithatwist.com. To learn more about Chef Carla, visit www. carlahall.com Continue to follow Team Style Magazine on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Chefs Carla Hall and Dee Dee Coleman
“Kid Authors” by David Stabler, illustrated by Doogie Horner By Terri Schlichenmeyer, Book Reviewer And then there was Laura Ingalls Wilder, who grew up on the prairie, where family often slept out in the open – this was the 1800s, after all – and bugs, weather, and fire were big concerns. So were the local Indians, who were not at all happy that the Ingalls had built on Osage land. As the tale goes, Zora Neale Hurston was a baby when a wild hog wandered into her mother’s kitchen. That was the first story of her life; later ones included those she heard from the men who hung out at a general store near her Alabama home.
She loved words. She loved them so much that she gained a reputation for being her Poe was the middle child of three, born in class’s best reader, which won her a hundred early 1809 to parents who were performers. pennies and “a library full of books.” Because they were gone a lot, baby Edgar J.K. Rowling wrote her “first adventure was mostly cared-for by other people; at age two, that became permanent when his father story” at age seven. Poet Langston Hughes abandoned the family and his mother died. endured a “massive earthquake” while livSays Stabler, Poe was a so-so student and ing in Mexico as a boy, before meeting his he was bullied as a boy. Was that the reason grandmother, who told him family stories of abolitionists, racism, and possibilities. he wrote such scary stories?
Charles Schulz was a published cartoonist at age 15. And Beverly Cleary loved books but the creator of Henry Huggins was a “struggling reader.” “Everybody loves a good story,” says author David Stabler – and that includes your bookish child. So what better way to read about the story-behind-the-storytelling than with “Kid Authors”? Open these covers, and you’ll see a good representation of literature throughout the centuries. That’s good for you but your child will find something even better here: each of the fifteen mini-biographies and most of the back-of-the-book “fun-facts” are about authors your child will recognize, and Stabler makes them relatable. Chapters are accompanied by illustrations by Doogie Horner but that’s still not all: oh-so-subtly, there’s encouragement in these tales. If Stan Lee or Maya Angelou can become a famous writer, your child can do it, too. Kids ages 8-to-12 will devour this book, especially
if they’re hungry readers. Parents can love it, too, because “Kid Authors” will teach your child to do the write thing. Share this review online at stylemagazine.com.
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In Loving Memory of Marie Mosede Sonnier Heileman By Vicky Pink, Style Photographer
arie Mosede Sonnier Heileman was born to the late Ernest and Della Marie (Jolivette) Sonnier in Carencrow, Louisiana on November 14, 1934. In her teens, she moved to Houston. She attended E. O. Smith Middle School. She had to stop attending in the eighth grade in order to care for her younger siblings. Marie met Henry Heileman at a Zydeco Club in Frenchtown. They married on December 1, 1956, at Our Mother of Mercy Catholic Church and to this union were born seven children (three were triplets). Marie and Henry were married for over 60 years.
fruits, okra gumbo, jambalaya, dirty rice, boudin, butterfly shrimp, and fried chicken. In addition to caring for the family, she helped my dad run his family business. She answered calls, greeted customers and often times you would see her handling tools or pumping brakes. With an entrepreneurial spirit, she would sell pralines, cool cups or bake goods to help with the family finances.
Marie was a member of St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church for over 50 years. She was a devout Catholic and prayed the rosary often. She made sure all of her children attended mass and Sunday School classes.
Despite many ailments and challenges, she emerged victoriously and beat all the odds. She instilled that spirit of kindness, strength, determination, compassion, and drive in all of her children. She taught them to make their own choices and learn from their mistakes. She was always supportive, but she knew how to cut the cord so they could become independent.
As the matriarch of a large family, she again had to stop working in order to care for her family. She was a phenomenal homemaker. Not only did she make sure everyone was well groomed and respectable, she was an amazing cook. She was well known for her pecan pralines, canned
She leaves to cherish her memory seven children, Richard Heileman (Linda), Earnest Heileman, Kathy Gabriel (Delas), Kay Joseph (Craig), Karren Edwards (Embrick), Vicky Heileman Pink and Patricia Heileman. She also leaves 16 grandchildren, Richard, Jr. (Leah), Timo-
HEALTH L ike all disease, breast cancer does not discriminate based on race, color, gender, identity or even social status. Still, according to experts, some are at more risk than others.
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(Augusta) and Eugene (Marie). Her parents Ernest and Della Marie Sonnier and her four brothers Harry, Jesse, Paul LJ, and Clayton Sonnier preceded her in death. Marie passed away on October 11, 2017, and was laid to rest on October 14, 2017, at Paradise North Cemetery after a funeral mass at Our Mother of Mercy Catholic Church.
Who Is Most At Risk of Breast Cancer? By BlackDoctor.org
Control and Prevention (CDC) echoes. Not counting some forms of skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, no matter race or ethnicity. It’s also the most common cause of death among Hispanic women and the second most common cause of death from cancer among White, Black, Asian/Pacific Islander, and American Indian/Alaska Native women, the agency reports.
“The people most at risk for breast cancer are people that have genetic mutations that increase their risk for breast cancer,” Chicago-based OB/GYN, Dr. Idries Abdur-Rahman, tells BlackDoctor.org. “The most common genetic mutations are BRCADespite a large body of research, there 1 and BRCA-2 which are associated with are still many misconceptions surrounding a 60 percent and 45 percent lifetime risk ones’ risk of getting breast cancer. respectively.” The biggest? “By far I think the biggest Everyone has BRCA-1 and BRCA-2 misconception is that you are only at risk for genes, according to the site BreastCancer. breast cancer if you have a family history. org. However, studiessuggest that Black I have so many patients who resist getting women have a higher rate of abnormal a mammogram because they say they have BRCA genes. no family history. Again, 90 percent of new breast cancer patients had no prior family “Having said that, only 10 percent of history,” said Dr. Idries. breast cancers are genetic meaning that 90 percent of breast cancers are sporadic (no Other risk factors include: prior family history),” added Dr. Idries. The risk for breast cancer increases with “So, while a genetic mutation/family history puts you at higher risk for breast cancer, age; with most cases diagnosed after age 50. the majority of breast cancers are neither Women who start their menstrual cycle genetic nor familial and with 12 percent of women being diagnosed with breast cancer, before age 12 are exposed to hormones longer, raising their risk by a small amount. all women are at risk.” This is a statement the Centers for Disease
Vicky Pink and Her Mom thy, Janel, Amanda Marie, Joshua, Shawn, Kathryn, Jarvis, Brittney (Bryant), Amber Marie, Brandon, Emanuel, Nola Marie, Jasmine (Maurice), Amir and Kailah, as well as Kennedy, Lauren, Martin, Preston and other additions to the family. She leaves behind six great grandchildren, Ethan, Seth, Liam, Hazel Marie, Austin, and Allanah. She also leaves behind four sisters, Ruby (Clarence), Rose (Murphy), Pearl (Ray) and Mable (Michael), as well as three brothers, Wilbert (Betty), Milton
never experiencing a full-term pregnancy pills have been found to raise the risk of breast can raise breast cancer risk. cancer.
Not being physically active can put Women who have undergone radiation women at a higher risk of getting breast therapy to the chest or breasts for treatment of cancer. illnesses like Hodgkin’s lymphoma – a cancer of the immune system — before age 30 have Older women who are overweight or a higher risk of developing breast cancer later obese after menopause have a higher risk in life. of getting breast cancer than those at a normal weight. Studies have shown that drinking excessive alcohol can also increase a woman’s risk for Getting pregnant after the age of 30 or Taking certain forms of birth control breast cancer.
Oct. 19 - Oct. 25, 2017 www.stylemagazine.com
Houston Texans vs. Cleveland Browns Photography by Semetra Samuel he Houston Texans put another “W” for the win under their belt when they defeated the Cleveland Browns with a final score of 33-17. Even though they were missing key defensive players, the Texans held together as a unit to tackle whatever the Browns threw at them. Head Coach Bill O’Brien said the Texans just have to “stay ahead of the offense with multiple schemes” to play the game and win. Defensive players Jonathan Joseph and Jadeveon Clowney are two of the many Texans that up their level of play to account for those on the growing injury list. Texans linebacker Dylan Cole suffered a hamstring injury during Sunday’s game. Texans quarterback Deshaun Watson again showed out with 225 yards passing, three touchdowns, and one interception.
he Houston Texans got a much needed victory this past Sunday at NRG stadium by defeating the Cleveland Browns 33-17. The Texans got back to their winning ways and got a week off before heading to Seattle to take on the Seahawks. They will need the additional time to get healthy and adjust to the injuries they have suffered on the defensive side of the ball (Whitney Mercilus and JJ Watt are out for the season).
Home Cooking: Houston Texans Defeat the Cleveland Browns By Brian Barefield, Sports Writer
was more impressive was that through three quarters of play Texans defensive back Jonathan Joseph (82 yard interception for a touchdown) had outscored the entire Browns offense (6-3). It was the first two interceptions in a game for Joseph since 2010 against the Buffalo Bills. The Texans defensive leader remembers that day vividly. “I didn’t even finish the game that day.
I suffered a high ankle sprain after I scored and missed the rest of the game,” Joseph said when asked about his last two interceptions day. Texans defensive end Jadeveon Clowney was surprised by the lack of respect for his teammate.
Houston lost linebacker Dylan Cole during the game to a hamstring injury in the second quarter after he intercepted a pass from Browns quarterback Kevin Hogan. Texans Head Coach Bill O’Brien was asked about what it is like to play without “I don’t know why the guy kept throwing the two aforementioned defensive players it. I don’t think he knew no better. J. Joe is for the first time. has been in this league like 12 or 13 years and not many people throw at him, but the “There’s no way you can replace those guy felt like he had to try today and he made guys. So I think it is a matter of scheme, it’s him pay twice.” a matter of moving guys around, it’s really trying to stay ahead of the offense with Rookie Texans quarterback Deshaun multiple schemes,” said O’Brien. Watson gave the Browns a glimpse of what they could have had if they would have Houston’s defense dictated the entire drafted him in the first round of the 2017 game and forced three interceptions as they NFL draft. With his latest performance on limited the Browns offense to only 247 total Sunday that included 225 yards passing, yards and one offensive touchdown. What three touchdowns, and one interception,
Houston Texans he is showing the rest of the league the Jason McCourty. Watson expressed his feelings same thing. about that interception in the post game press conference. “That’s only my second pick-six Watson becomes the only rookie quar- ever in my lifetime of football. I was pissed terback to have three or more touchdowns off. I hate turning the ball over, so it’s going in three straight games and has 12 touch- to stick with me,” Watson said. downs to only four interceptions for the The next Texans game will be against one season. of the stingiest defenses in the league in the The only mistake he made in the game Seattle Seahawks. A victory against a super was an interception that was returned for bowl caliber team will give the Texans another a touchdown by Browns defensive back look at where they are headed as a franchise.
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