Houston Style Magazine Vol 24 No 51

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H A creative twist on hot chocolate H Complimentary H Houston Premiere Weekly Publication H Volume 24 H Number 51 DECEMBER 19 - december 25, 2013


Jesse Jackson Talks About The Economic Separation

Dwight Boykins

Wins Houston City Council Run Off

Nomfusi Gotyana

Brings Mama Africa to Big Screen

Phrases Mayor’s Hispanic Board 2013 Toyota Rav4 Lee’s Toys for the Kids Powerful Terri Reviews a

* News * Commentaries * Sports * Health * Entertainment

Book by Rene Evenson

PG 2 DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2013


04 05 Local Briefs 10 Bells Still Jingle

Legacy of Aparthied By Jesse Jackson

Volume 24 • Number 51• DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2013 EDITORIAL

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By Demez White

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PG 3

The Legacy of Apartheid

jesse Jackson


ity that scars South Africa, the gulf

Africa. Racism is a tool that was

of entrenched discrimination.

between the wealthy and the im-

used to justify the brutality. Racism

poverished, still largely reflecting a

exploits the other economically. It

erished majority limits the ability

color line.

creates the illusion of one group’s

of the country to build a prosperous

superiority and another’s inferior-

economy and stable society. In the

country. We celebrate, as we


U.S., the government does less than

should, the remarkable triumphs

The attitude and the prac-

in other industrial nations to lift the

of Dr. Martin Luther King and the

tice get rooted into institutions

poor, a legacy of the belief that these


civil rights movement: the end of

across the society. In South Africa,

“takers” are “those people.” Even

body is laid to rest, the

apartheid in the South, the passage

Mandela and the ANC ended apart-

now the right attacks the Afford-

leaders from across the

of the Voting Rights Act, the legal

heid laws and won the right to vote.

able Care Act, “Obamacare,” for al-

world who came to pay tribute to

prohibition of racial discrimination

In the US, Dr. King and the Civil

legedly raising costs on the middle

him leave with shared perspectives.

in employment and education.

Rights Movement did the same.

class in order to provide health care

They see the fruits of the remark-

for “those people.”

able triumphs of Mandela and the

tween rich and poor, a gulf still of-

economic separation: clubs, busi-

African National Congress -- the

ten tracing a color line in many of

nesses and meetings that remain

in the U.S. work every day that

defeat of apartheid, the transition of

our cities and regions.

closed informally, even if they were

they can. They take the early bus.

power from the oppressive minority

These parallels are not ran-

no longer legally separated. There

They serve and prepare our food in

to the newly empowered majority,

dom or accidental. The reality was

is the discrimination of legacy: the

fast food restaurants. They staff the

the creation of a great democracy.

one people enslaved on three conti-

young inheriting less, having less

Wal-Marts where we buy our goods.

And they see the continued inequal-

nents -- North America, Europe and

access to elite schools, for their par-

And at the end of the week, they are

ents had been locked out. There is

paid so little that they are forced to

the discrimination of property and

use food stamps to be able to feed

neighborhood: people of color left

themselves. More poor people are

out of better neighborhoods, even

white than black. They are dispro-

after they could no longer be legal-

portionately young and female.

ly excluded. There is the discrimi-

nation in education: poor urban

markable triumphs of Nelson Man-

schools can’t keep the best teachers

dela and his movement in South

nor offer the best equipment and

Africa, and of Dr. King and his

supplies. There is discrimination in

movement in the U.S., we realize

the access to capital: minority busi-

that much more remains to be done.

nesses still find it more difficult to

They freed their peoples but could

raise capital, and rapacious mort-

not win them equality. That remains

gage bankers still prey on minority

the next chapter.


Over time, a few from

Jesse Jackson in care of this news-

across the color line excel and

paper or by email at jjackson@rain-

break into the closed clubs, but the

bowpush.org. Follow him on Twit-

majority still faces long odds. But

ter @RevJJackson.

the problem in South Africa, where

blacks are the majority, or the U.S.,





We see the same in this

Yet we also see the gulf be-

But there is also engrained

where people of color are becoming the majority, is that the whole economy suffers from the vestiges

PG 4 DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2013


In South Africa, an impov-

In reality, most poor people

So as we celebrate the re-

You can write to the Rev.

Share this story online at

Local Briefs $4.2 Million Project Saves Historic Bethel Church Site As Newest Houston Park

Bethel Missionary Baptist Church


ayor Annise Parker, Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone #14/Fourth Ward Redevelopment Authority and the Houston Parks and Recreation Department celebrated the grand opening of Houston’s newest historic site, Bethel Park (801 Andrews, 77019). The $4.2 million project preserves the history and architecture of Bethel Missionary Baptist Church while creating a new park in Houston’s Fourth Ward. Funding for this project was pro-


By Jo-Carolyn Goode Editor-At-Large


vided by the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone #14/Fourth Ward Redevelopment Authority and the City of Houston. Bethel Missionary Baptist Church was founded in the Nineteenth Century by Reverend Jack Yates, an early leader of Houston’s African American community. Located in Freedmen’s Town, a post-Civil War Houston neighborhood founded by freed slaves, the church had three sanctuaries on the same site, with the earliest constructed in the 1890’s. Total project cost with property acquisition, bracing, design and park development: $4,667,575.00. For more information visit www.houstontx.gov.

Houston Doctor Indicted for Alleged Role in $158 Million Medicare Fraud Scheme


Houston doctor has been arrested on charges related to her alleged participation in a $158 million Medicare fraud scheme involving false claims for mental health treatment. Sharon Iglehart, 56, of Houston, was charged in an indictment, filed in the Southern District of Texas and unsealed, with one count of conspiracy to commit health care fraud and four counts of health care fraud. If convicted, Iglehart faces a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison on each count. Iglehart was arrested on December 16, 2013, and made her initial appearance in federal court in Houston. According to the indictment, Iglehart allegedly participated in a scheme to defraud Medicare beginning in 2005 and continuing until May 2012. For more information visit Health Care Fraud Prevention and Enforcement Team (HEAT) at www.stopmedicarefraud.gov.

a little holiday cheer to 150 Alief-area families in need. The families received meat, fresh produce, and root vegetables. Many thanks to Last Organic Outpost, Natural Living, Whole Foods, and CVS for their generous donations. The Alief Independent School District’s Counselors and Parent Liaison, two area churches, and the International YMCA assisted our office in identifying these families. The need is great. “During the holiday season, we have a responsibility to lend a helping hand to families in need. I’m proud to work with strong community partners like the Turquois Center and the Raindrop Foundation to help local families have the opportunity for a healthy meal.” For more information visit www. rodneyellis.com.

Over 100 Families Received Holiday Gift


en. Rodney Ellis’ staff, Turquois Center, and Raindrop Foundation have partnered to spread

Sen. Rodney Ellis

Get Ready for Adventure in the Toyota Rav4

ack in my college days, I dreamed of having a Toyota Rav4. I thought it was the perfect vehicle for a young college student who was ready for adventure. Whether I wanted to just hang out with friends, pack up for the semester or get ready for the next curve life threw my way, the Toyota Rav4 was ready for whatever. Who could blame me when I got a bit nostalgic this past week when I test drove the 2013 Toyota Rav4 Limited FWD SUV. Overall the Toyota Rav4 has kept its original design, it has been modernized for 2013. The most obvious change is the removal of the spare tire from the rear cargo door to the undercarriage of the vehicle. No longer does the rear door open from the side but now opens as a liftgate giving easier access for loading and unloading cargo. At first I didn’t like this change but after having to load up the Rav4 in a limited space area I was very appreciative of the re-

design. Other changes include a tapered rear, vortex generators, rear spoiler, and enhancements in the undercarriage for improved aerodynamics, fuel economy, airflow management and reduction in drag. Don’t think designers just stop on the exterior with updates to the Toyota Rav4. The interior gets a bit of an overhaul as well. One thing that I love is the standard back up camera that is now shown on a 6.1 display screen. Not that it is all that hard to park the small SUV, the addition of the larger back up camera assists greatly. Keeping the 60/40 split of the seats, backseat passengers will notice that they have more legroom due to front seats being slim down. Technology is big on the Toyota Rav4. The Entune Multimedia System allows drivers to leave their smartphone in its holder as an advanced voice recognition system takes commands via the head unit. Plus, features you normally would see in luxury vehicles have made there way to the


Toyota Rav4 like Blind Spot Monitoring and Rear Cross Traffic Alert. What is most attractive to me about the Toyota Rav4 is driving it. It sits on 18-inch alloy wheels and that just says “Let the adventures begin.” They are big and ridged for all kinds of road conditions. Under the hood, the vehicle houses a 2.5-liter four-cylinder engine. Gone is the V6 engine, because like many manufactures, Toyota is concentrated on better fuel efficiency. This idea of better fuel efficiency is further pushed with two driving modes, eco and sport. Fuel economy estimates are 24mpg city and 31mpg highway. The 2013 Toyota Rav comes in three grades – LE, XLE, and Limited. All 3 grades will feature the back up camera, 60/40 split folding for rear seats, and 2 driving modes. XLE offers 17-inch alloy wheels, dual zone climate control, power tilt, sliding moonroof, navigation and Entune system. Limited offers all of the above with the addition

of 18-inch alloy wheels, adjustable power liftgate, SofTex seating, power driver’s seat with memory, and heated front seats. And another great thing about the Rav4 is Toyota Care that includes 2 years of complimentary maintenance and 24hour roadside assistance. My week in the 2013 Toyota Rav4 Limited allowed my adventurous spirit to live. And yours can too for a base price of $27,010. Discover the adventures you can have in the Toyota Rav4 at your local dealer or visit www.toyota. com.


2013 Toyota Rav4

PG 5


By Dr. Latisha Rowe Health Editor


Houston Doctor Starts Celebrity Medical Concierge Service

n an era where celebrities are

was injured during a concert and she

as well. Dr. Rapp is passionate about

idolized and sometime stalked

was there by his side to make sure his

safety for young adults. Although her

it’s no surprise they are not wait-

wound was healing appropriately. She

typical patient isn’t the average teen

ing in line at a traditional doctor’s

travels with the equivalent of a medical

she volunteers in the community to ed-

office. Chances are if they did they

supply closet with her when accompa-

ucate teens about sexually transmitted

would leave feeling overwhelmed.

nying patients on tour so she can attend

diseases, drug use and internet partner

Thankfully physicians like Dr. Kadi-

to any ailment, whether minor or major.

violence. When it comes to health care

As a board certified Emergen-

she believes an ounce of prevention

clients such as entertainers and ath-

full time concierge medicine in the next cy Medicine physician Dr. Rapp also

is worth a pound of cure, and there is

letes anytime day or night. Dr. Rapp

5-10 years. Her VIP patients can call practices at emergency centers in the

nothing more important than primary

has been building her concierge medi-

her directly and unlike most physicians Houston area. In her spare time she en-

care. So even when she is not working

cine practice for the past three years.

she still makes house calls. Her com- joys volunteering on medical missions

with the elite Dr. Rapp is always serv-

Her skills and expertise have put her

bination of good bedside manner and and most recently traveled to South Af-

ing the community.

in high demand based on referrals

listening skills keeps her patients com- rica with the Wheeler Avenue Baptist

only. In fact based on the growth of

fortable in even the most critical situa- Church. Eventually she would like to

it: www.drkbrapp.com

her practice she foresees a transition to

tions. Recently her client, Lil’ Wayne, expand her services to include families

sha Rapp are on call for high profile

culinary By Family Feature

Tis the season of giving – and Hot Chocolate on a Stick is a fun and thoughtful gift that will warm hearts and taste buds alike. A creative twist on hot chocolate, it’s easy to make with kids and sure to please the “hard to shop for” recipients on your list. “Peppermint extract adds a holiday touch to these fudgy squares,” said Mary Beth Harrington of the McCormick Kitchens. “I always include a little note explaining how to enjoy the treat, like ‘Swirl into a mug of hot milk for a rich and creamy drink.’” For the finishing touch, top each one with a marshmallow and wrap in cellophane with colorful ribbon. Discover other flavor variations – like mocha and orange – and more gift ideas at www.McCormick.com,

Dr. Kadisha Rapp

For additional information vis-

Hot Chocolate on a Stick: A Unique Holiday Gift

www.Facebook.com/McCormickSpice, or www.Pinterest.com/mccormickspices. Peppermint Hot Chocolate on a Stick Makes 36 servings 2 pounds white baking chocolate, coarsely chopped 1 can (14 ounces) sweetened condensed milk 1/2 cup heavy cream 1/4 teaspoon McCormick® Pure Peppermint Extract 4 drops McCormick® Red Food Color 18 large marshmallows, halved crosswise 36 lollipop sticks 1. Line 9-inch square baking pan with foil. Spray foil with no stick cooking spray. Place chopped chocolate in large bowl. Set aside.

PG 6 DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2013

2. Bring sweetened condensed milk and cream to simmer in medium saucepan on medium heat, stirring frequently with wire whisk. Pour over chopped chocolate. Let stand 1 minute. Whisk until chocolate is melted and mixture is smooth. Stir in peppermint extract. Remove 3/4 cup chocolate mixture. Tint chocolate mixture pink with red food color. 3. Pour remaining (plain) chocolate mixture to prepared pan. Drop tinted chocolate mixture by tablespoons over chocolate mixture in pan. Swirl with knife for marble effect. 4. Refrigerate 4 hours or overnight until firm. Cut into 36 squares. (May be made ahead. Store chocolate mixture, tightly covered, in pan in refrigerator up to 2 weeks.


Bring to room temperature before cutting into squares.) 5. To assemble chocolate on a stick, thread a marshmallow half and a chocolate square onto each lollipop stick. Wrap each hot chocolate on a stick in plastic wrap or small cellophane bag. (May be assembled up to 2 days ahead.) 6. To serve, stir hot chocolate on a stick into 8 ounces hot milk.

Peppermint Hot Chocolate on a Stick



PG 7

commentary By Dr. Lovell A. Jones Health Editor


Nelson Mandela

ince Lombardi once said “the difference between a success and failure is not a lack KNOWLEDGE, but rather a LACK of WILL.” With the passing of Nelson Mandela, we lost an individual who was a model of knowledge and will. In America we know what to do but lack a Nelson Mandela. Does this absence signal not only a lack of knowledge but the will to rally around the cause of fighting for equity? We still are trying to reach a level of both racial and economic equity. Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Education is the key to address these issues that plague America. We have come far but may be regressing, turning into a

Mandela’s Passion for Education Should Be Inspiration for America

society of haves and have not’s? For over 50 years focus has been on the symptoms and not the root causes. For example, we continue to dwell on health care delivery, when this is a small part of what is needed to address the health gap. Providing access does not change behavior; changing behavior involves education. Yet we do things that have not worked and may never work. Here is a novel idea: Let’s educate people in a way they can understand, i.e., health literacy? We already have the tools to address the health gap and arrest the movement to a separate and unequal society. As President Obama stated, racism and economic inequities are the two causes of increased poverty. So why are we not effectively addressing these issues? Maybe we don’t know about the existence of educational programs that address both. I doubt it!! Let me highlight a few programs that have been successful-not for a few years, but a decade or more. The Meyerhoff Scholars’ Program run by Freeman A. Hrabowski III at the University of Maryland, Baltimore is an example. Among the undergraduates at this

PG 8 DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2013

majority institution are the young Meyerhoff scholars who are both valued and mentored. Within this group are academic stars with perfect math SAT scores, athletes who never earned below an A through high school, college kids under 20 years of age whose work has been published in scholarly journals, and students who regularly earn A’s in such courses as genetics and organic chemistry. But don’t assume all these students are from top prep schools. Many are minorities from poor families, went to public schools in inner city or rural communities. Given a nurturing environment, these students--like all students-can succeed. A similar initiative, directed by Rick Cherwitz in the Division of Diversity & Community Engagement (DDCE) at the University of Texas at Austin, is the Intellectual Entrepreneurship (IE) Consortium. IE focuses on a broad array of subjects and not just the sciences. Cherwitz notes: “the key is that IE is not a formulaic program. It is an approach to education focusing on ‘discovery, ownership, and accountability.’ Its success in increasing diversity owes to the fact that it is not a targeted program. Unlike typical readiness and recruitment programs, it is opportunity basedgetting students to connect learning and doing.” Like the Meyerhoff Scholars’ Program, IE has won national acclaim-including recognition by the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, Fast Company Magazine, the Council of Graduate Schools (CGS), Fortune Magazine, Excelencia in Education, and the


New England Resource Center for Higher Education-and has been the subject of hundreds of newspaper and scholarly articles. Although the IE model of education has been imitated by other research universities, more programs like this are needed. One cannot deny that the value of these programs as a vehicle for increasing diversity inheres in what Cherwitz describes as “their capacity to allow students to become entrepreneurs--to discover otherwise unobserved connections between academe and personal and professional commitments.” The spirit of these programs seems to resonate with and meet a felt need of minority and first-generation students, facilitating exploration and innovation, by changing the model of education from one of ‘apprenticeship-certification-entitlement’ to ‘discovery-ownership-accountability.’” “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” So what is the reason for a lack of real support of education, especially for the underserved-a fear of losing control? In the transition that is taking place in South Africa, the loss of control has not lead to mass retaliations against those who were in control. Although not perfect, and they have a long way to go, it is a model that America should and can emulate. We shall miss not only Mandela for his vision and grace, but also for his will to use knowledge to make life better for us all. Let’s keep in mind Mandela’s words: “It always seems impossible until it’s done.”


By Dawn Paul

Feature Style Writer


f I tell you where you can get intrigue, secrets and drama, don’t think I’m talking about the next season of Scandal. I’m talking about Consequences, the latest fictional novel by acclaimed author Martha Kennerson. She caught the writing bug three years ago and has been on fire ever since using her freedom as an author to successfully develop stories that continue to move and entertain a diverse fan base. If you were a fan of Choices her first book, then Consequences won’t disappoint. This latest read justifies why Kennerson continues to climb up the chain of literary success. Consequence’s absorbing plot focuses on a young woman named Kristine. Like many women, Kristine has had a damaging experience that can put one in situations where choices may result in dire consequences. Betrayal and sexual assault are among the delicate topics that this book touches on. Consequences’ female readers appreciate this novel even though it is fictional because they have experienced something similar or know someone who has. Not surprisingly, Kennerson’s male fan base has had the same strong reaction as women to the victims in this novel. Consequences is not only about heartbreak and tragedy, but also has a touching theme of forgiveness and survival. Kennerson’s narrative writing style allows Consequences to capture the attention of the reader throughout the entire novel and

Kennerson Gives a Glimpse of Her Life Story in Latest Fictional Novel Inspiration for America

gives us a glimpse into her life as well. This latest novel is the fictional version of Kennerson’s life story and I admire her courage for being open and honest about her own struggles and difficulties. Many fictional authors are not that transparent and I believe that is why Kennerson has such a strong following. Consequences is Martha Kennerson’s second novel. Currently she is completing a romantic novella and next year starting a full length novel based on a real life experience. For more information about Consequences and Kennerson’s other projects please visit www.marthakennerson.com. Martha Kennerson took some time to talk with Houston Style Magazine about Consequences. What was your motivation for writing Consequences? My eldest daughter was going off to college and I wanted her to understand as well as be on the lookout for certain dangers while she’s out on her own. As a result of that conversation, we both decided that my cautionary tale was a story that should be shared with others. You are a corporate executive and now a successful author. Talk about the importance of holding down that 9 to 5 job while pursuing your passions. So many people think you can’t pursue your dreams when you have to hold down a 9 to 5. That’s not true. Is it hard doing both and may take you longer to see your dreams come true, but it is absolutely worth it in the end! Being that you are a corporate executive, are people surprised that you wrote Consequences with this type of plot? Yes, they are very surprised. Most people that know me and read the book had no idea that I’d been through something so horrific. The fact that I’d survived and even thrived was even harder for some to believe.



PG 9


By Demez White

The Bells Still Jingle When You’re Single

Feature Style Writer

out on a Sunday afternoon. Shelters,

off work so your workload has picked

churches, programs, community cen- up. Work it all out! In two weeks that ters, nursing homes. These places gym will be your best friend and all need people. To serve food, to there will be days where you’ll still help clean up, to just talk to people feel a little empty but at least you’ll that have been forgotten about. A lot look good. You’d be amazed at what of homeless people are some of the physically transforming yourself can brightest people you will ever meet. do for your mentality. Nursing homes are filled with elder-

ly that have no family left or family that has forgotten about them. Help-

Online Groups A lot of us think of meeting

people online as weird or lame but

ing others changes you; it’s a feeling this is a new age. There are millions you can’t get anywhere else. Serving,

of people, thousands in the city you

talking, laughing, just giving back for live in that share the same interests


an hour or two is worth it.

as you but just don’t know where to

he Holidays are a time

Whenever you have a mo-

Working Out

meet like minded people. Let’s be

meant for family, good

ment I want you to do something.

Between November 1st and

honest about something, if you don’t

times and making new

Think about your five biggest wor-

January 1st people forget about di-

meet someone at work or in college

memories or celebrating old ones.

ries this Holiday Season; the five

ets, they forget about portions. It’s

the odds of you finding friends are

However, for a lot of us the Holidays

things that have you stressed out, that

all about eggnog, pies, turkey, ham, slim. It’s easy to find dates but find-

may seem lonely or empty. Not ev-

may even have brought you to tears.

cookies and cakes. Come January 1st

eryone lives in a city with their family,

Really think about it and now ask

the gym will look like the first day of groups and some of these websites

not everyone has family. Even more

yourself, “How many people would

school but from November to Janu- where people meet at bookstores or

importantly, the Holidays are a time

trade my problems for theirs?” Some

ary when all the women have gotten

for love and relationships and recon-

of the best perspective comes when

to take their sexy pictures for Labor to a stranger’s home but in a public

necting. That’s what the commercials

we realize just how blessed we are in

Day and Halloween and it’s cold out- place with other people, try it.

tell us, that’s what family asks when


side no one wants to come out the

you come to the Thanksgiving or

Christmas dinner alone, “Why aren’t

24/7 all around the city. Cleaning out

to meet friends for drinks and ugly

have the family you want to have.

you married yet?” We all see the hap-

your closet or buying some toys is

sweater parties.

The worst thing you can do is sit at

py couples on Facebook and Insta-

one way to give back but more im-

gram flashing their rings or showing

portant than that is just giving your

makes the best apple pie and squeez- other people live their lives.

off their babies Christmas pictures.

time. Everyone wants to volunteer

ing into jeans, go to the gym. Frus-

on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day

trated about being single, sad because mez at www.demezw.com.

or when it’s 65 degrees and sunny

people you love are no longer here,

When you don’t have any of

that, what is it that you do?

Giving Back

Volunteer work is needed

PG 10 DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2013

ing friends? Go to some of these FB

for bowling. I wouldn’t suggest going

There are ways to make these

gym sweaty and sore. It’s just easier Holidays matter even when you don’t

While everyone is seeing who home and think and drink and watch

stressed because everyone is taking


You can read more from De-

Political By Burt Levine Political Writer

Dwight Election Night

Thank you to each and every person who came out to vote for me during this election. I’m truly grateful for your support. I look forward to serving you as your next District D City Council Member,” exclaimed a buoyant Dwight Boykins Saturday night celebrating his win, the biggest win of the run-off night. Boykins, 50, won 70.1 percent of the vote to succeed term limited for city council, Houston ISD Trustee Elect Wanda Adams. “I’m committed to finding so-

Entertainment By Keandra “Ke’Ke” Scott Feature Style Writer


n the phenomenal film, ‘Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom’, you can’t help but to wish that you could rewind to the scene where Miriam Makeba is in a local night spot, played by Nomfusi Gotyana, a South African powerhouse vocalist. Miriam Makeba a.k.a Mama Africa was a civil rights activist who campaigned against the apartheid & utilized her creative outlet to speak out against racial segregation. In spite of the adversity of poor health Due to being diagnosed with cancer & South Africa’s struggles during apartheid, Miriam was able to obtain Grammy awards & become the first artist to popularize African music around the globe with a hint of jazz & classic infusion. During her career Mama Africa collaborated with many music legends including Dizzy Gillespie, singer & actor Harry Belafonte, & Paul Simon. I was able to catch up with Nomfusi via Skype in Johannesburg, Africa to

Boykins Wins Big While Incumbents Fell in Saturday’s Houston Run-Offs lutions to support the housing industry, create new jobs, improve infrastructure and ensure District D is the best district in the city to live,” he said as he secured his decades-long drive to secure a seat on city council. Boykins in the 90s and then the first decade of this century ran at large campaigns for Houston City Council. Come January he will represent the historically and overwhelmingly African American District D that runs from the Museum District near Montrose and Third Ward to Sunnyside, South Union, Texas Southern University, the University of Houston, areas near The Texas Medical Center and Reliant Stadium to Sagemont near Clear Lake. Boykins won 3,960 votes to N MacGregor Way photography business owner Georgia Provost’s 1,691 votes or 29.9 percent of the vote. Boykins raised nearly $300,000 and ran an aggressive from the start race that first included 11 opponents and were he nearly clinched it then last month with 43 percent.

Boykins takes great pride in having been born in Houston and being a lifelong District D resident having attended and graduated from Turner and Whidby Elementary, Cullen Jr. High and Steve Austin High School. He earned a TSU BBA in marketing. Dwight and Genora, his wife of over 23 years, have been active Windsor Village United Methodist Church members for more than 25 years. The overall bigger news Saturday was from those that did not come out on top, particularly first term incumbents At Large Council Member Andrew Burks, Jr that lost 49.3 percent with 16,354 votes to David Robinson who won 50.7 percent with 16,831 votes and District A Council Member Helena Brown that that lost 48.9 percent with 2,615 votes to her predecessor Brenda Stardig’s 51.1 percent or 2,734 votes. Burks’successor, Robinson, is an architect with degrees from Rice and Yale Universities and a former city

planning commissioner that out fund raised the incumbent and was backed aggressively by Mayor Annise Parker and former at large council members Peter Brown and Sue Lovell. While Boykins, Stardig and Robinson will be new on council, all three had incumbent like support. Stardig was beat as an incumbent by Brown two years with a TEA Party wave that now did not return. Astounding African American support won At Large 3 for Michael Kubosh with 53.6 percent or 18,258 votes to Roy Morales’ 46.4 percent with 15,824 votes. For Houston Community College Board, incumbents Yolanda Navarro Flores and Hrlinda Garcia were beat with 53 percent or 1,569 votes for Zeph Capo to Flores’ 47 percent or 1,392 votes and 52.5 percent or 1,706 votes for Adriana Tamez to Garcia’s 47.5 percent or 1,543 percent of the vote.

Nomfusi Brings Mama Africa to Life in the New Movie ‘Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom’

Nomfusi Gotyana

discuss her first major movie role in, ‘Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom’. Keandra “Ke’Ke” Scott: What was it like to portray such a powerful music legend, Miriam Makeba, a.k.a. Mama Africa, in ‘Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom’? How did you prepare for this roll? Nomfusi Gotyana: It was beautiful & I had a chance to study her. I learned similarities between our lives especially since both our mothers were sangomas (traditional South African healers). We


both started young with local groups & very much involved in the liberation of South Africa. Miriam Makeba was an extraordinary lady. I wanted to bring that spirit in my presence in the delivery of the song. It was totally amazing trying to get into her shoes. She has a way of delivering her songs; she would sing a serious message. Makeba expression (smile) was really strong (painful), it is a very popular thing in African music to sing about their pain & hope within. KS: What was it like to work alongside the multi-talented actor Idris Elba (I’m pretty sure everyone asks this out of their personal curiosity ha ha)? NG: Everyone asks me this question, ha ha. I’ve seen him in other movies, but he became my favorite actor after the filming of ‘Mandela’. I respect him trying to learn & speak in xhosa; it was beautiful. Although he doesn’t look like Mateba, he brought him to life! You immediately forget he doesn’t look like him because his

spirit really portrays Mateba. KS: Who did you bond with the most on set &/or who made some of the most memorable moments for you? NG: I made the most bond with the director, Justin Chadwick, because he wanted to hear my side of the Mandela & Miriam story. People needed to know the young Mandela before becoming the hero of the world; it’s exactly what Idris portrayed. I think I speak for everyone when I say this. KS: What has life been like for you after the filming of ‘Mandela’? NG: I flew out to the premiere of the film in Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA [at ArcLight Cinemas on Tues. November 11, 2013] & I have been performing throughout Germany & Swaziland. Read the full interview online at www.stylemagazine.com.


PG 11


Houston, TX


Houston, TX

Jingle Bells with Journalists


Photography By Vicky Pink

n Wednesday, December 11, 2013, Houston Style Magazine was on hand at El Big Bad for the Jingle Bells with Journalists holiday party hosted by the Society of Professional Journalists, Asian American Journalists Association, Houston Association of Black Journalists, Houston Association of Hispanic Media Professionals, El Gato Media Network, and the Houston Press Club. Some in attendance were Joy Sewing, Jerome Solomon, Cindy George, Nakia Cooper, Bridgett Joe, and Rebecca Briscoe.

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee’s Toys for the Kids 2013


Photography By Vicky Pink

n Saturday, December 12, 2013, Houston Style Magazine was on hand at the George R. Brown Convention Center as Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee hosted Toys for the Kids 2013. The annual holiday celebration, now in its 19th year, helps children, who otherwise would go without, have gifts for Christmas. In addition to the bounty of gifts, guests enjoyed lots of live entertainment, visited Santa Claus, and so much more. Some in attendance were J. Xavier, Erica Lee Carter, Melinda Spaulding, Judson Robinson Jr, Bronson Woods, Houston City Councilmen Larry Green & Andrew Burks Jr., Miss Wheelchair, Miss Black Texas America Coed Cover Girl Supreme Freje Randall, queens from the Miss Happy Head Pageant, Girl Scout Troop #1713 and brothers of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.

PG 12 DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2013



Houston, TX


Houston, TX

The Commissioner’s Black Tie Party


Photography Vicky Pink

n Friday, December 13, 2013, Houston Style Magazine was on hand at The Stafford Centre for Fort Bend County Commissioner Grady Prestage’s Black Tie Party. Guests enjoyed musical entertainment by Keith Bynam and a lavish buffet of Creole soul food. Some in attendance were Dr. Jonita & State Rep. Ron Reynolds, Burt Levine, Congressman Al Green, Dr. Reagan Flowers, Laolu Davies-Yemitan, Constable Ruben Davis, and Houston City Councilmen Larry Green and Andrew Burks Jr.

Mayor’s Hispanic Advisory Board Holiday Reception


Photography By Vicky Pink

n Wednesday, December 11, 2013, Houston Style Magazine was on hand at Eighteenth Cocktail Bar for Mayor Annise Parker and the Mayor’s Hispanic Advisory Board holiday reception. Guests enjoyed appetizers and beverages as they reflected on 2013. Advisory board members are Roland Garcia, Yolanda Black Navarro, Carlos de Aldecoa, Anibal Alvarado, Yolanda Alvarado, Karen Becerra, Olivia Garcia, Robert Caballero, James Cardona, Liz Lara-Carreno, Helen Cavazos, Marilyn DeSimone, Mario Duenas, Gabriel Esparza, Holly Vilaseca, Ramiro Fonseca, Reynaldo Guerra, John Hernandez, David Medina, Dr. Tatcho Mindiola, Terry Morales, Grace Olivares, Gilda Ramirez, Raul Reyes, Epifanio Salazar Jr., Jesse Saldivar, Lauren Soliz, Lenora Pohlman, Lillian Villarreal, and Ed Ybarra.



PG 13

Terri Schichenmeyer

“Powerful Phrases for Dealing with Difficult People” by Renée Evenson


he lady in the next cubicle over is making you almost speechless. She talks too loud, first of all, and you constantly hear every word she says – most of it incessant and inconsequential, which makes you want to scream. She’s a whiner and a gossip, too, and you wonder what she says about you. Someday, you’re sure to find out since she’s also on your team. You’d like to talk to her about it but you’re not sure you could, at least not calmly. But after you’ve read “Powerful

Phrases for Dealing with Difficult People” by Renée Evenson, you’ll know exactly what to say. You know who your friends are. You know because you chose them, but you’re not that lucky at work. Yes, your coworkers “can test your mettle, tick you off, and sour your attitude.” Dealing with them can be a challenge because you know how quickly things can go bad, and you don’t want that to happen. So how do you create harmony, work out problems, and still keep your dignity and your sanity? First of all, says Evenson, think before you speak and don’t let your temper take over. Plan what you intend to say and how you hope it will go. Consider what the other person may think, and expect to communicate “in a constructive manner.” Then practice before you gently

Entertainment By Susie Stillwell Entertainment Writer


xpect a much more thorough write-up towards the end of the year, or early next year. Consider this a snapshot of how black cinema did in 2013, with 2 weeks left until the year ends, and the last black film of the year, now in theaters as of this past weekend - Tyler Perry’s Madea Christmas. I’ll also compare this year’s stats with previous years, in consideration of all the media proclamations that 2013 ushered in something of a new beginning (“new wave”) for black cinema, suggesting that, in the future, we might be looking back at 2013 as the year when black cinema finally got its wings. I’m defining “black film” simply as cinema in which the central character (or characters) that the stories revolve around, are of African descent regardless of whether the filmmakers are all of African descent. If it’s a documen-

pounce. Remember to start the conversation with an “I Phrase” to disarm the situation. In confrontation, never say never or always because few things ever are. Know that an apology – something women are often accused of overusing – “doesn’t necessarily mean saying you’re wrong.” Get used to assertiveness, which is not aggressiveness; learn the difference. Watch your body language, as well as that of your coworker. Learn a few useful “phrases of compromise” that can be used to diffuse the situation and tie up its resolution. But what if the guy at the top is being difficult, or what if you’re to blame? This book takes a look at those scenarios, and other ways to deal with personalities that make your teeth grind. First, though, remember

this: “… not confronting any sort of conflict will not make the problem go away. Rather, it makes the problem fester and grow.” Can’t we all just get along? With “Powerful Phrases for Dealing with Difficult People,” you’ve got a chance of it. I loved the way author Renée Evenson reminds readers in every possible way to “Think First,” a definite key to not overreacting. I also appreciated how each problem in this book is broken into bite-size, specific sections for maximum help. And yet, despite the careful literary role-playing and example-stories for envisioning scenarios, it’s easy to be lulled into forgetting two things. You can’t control a coworker and, well, let’s face it: sometimes, people are jerks. Still, isn’t workplace

harmony worth a try? Wouldn’t you rather have truce than trouble? If the answer to those questions is affirmative, then grab this book. “Powerful Phrases for Dealing with Difficult People” will make you say “Yes!”

c.2013, Amacom $10.95 / $12.95 Canada 225 pages

A Black Film Renaissance In 2013 The Year In Black Cinema

tary, the same definition applies. People of African descent have to be central to whatever unfolds. So, for example, a film like 2 Guns didn’t make the cut. And neither did Captain Phillips. Both featured black characters in significant roles, but, ultimately, both films weren’t centered entirely around those characters. There are other similar examples. The list of films I narrowed down the entire year to are at the bottom of this coverage. So how did black cinema do in 2013? Here’s a snapshot, with data as of last week Friday, December 13. - 48 out of 641 films released this year (or about 7%) were black films. - 22 of those 48 films were directed by filmmakers of African descent; 7 of the 22 are women filmmakers; 8 of the 22 were first-time feature film directors.

PG 14 DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2013

- 33 of the 48 films were fiction; 8 of those 30 were based on real life people/events; The vast majority were dramas (of the 48, there was 1 scifi movie, 1 horror, 1 comedy horror, and 1 musical), suggesting, as we’ve noted several times in the past, that when it comes to black cinema, the more fantastical genres (sci-fi, horror, thriller, fantasy, etc) remain woefully untapped with regards to feature films. - Tyler Perry directed 2 of the 48, and produced a 3rd. - 30 of the 48 saw their widest releases at less than 100 theaters; 13 saw their widest releases at over 1000 theaters; 3 saw their widest releases at over 3000 theaters. - Average number of days in theatrical run for all 48 films: 60, with the max being 182 and the minimum being 7. - The highest grossing (domes-


tic) black film of the year is Lee Daniels’ The Butler at $116 million, making it the only black film to gross over $100 million this year. The top 5 grossers of the year after The Butler: 42, Best Man Holiday, After Earth, Tyler Perry’s Temptation. The most fascinating thing about the top 5 is that After Earth (a high-profile, $130 million movie starring one of the world’s biggest stars) is in 4th place. See the list of 48 films and the full story online at www.stylemagazine. com.

Oprah Winfrey and Forrest Whitaker

National AARP: Payday Lending Vote by Houston City Council Sends Powerful Message to Texas Legislature

H-E-B Customers Raise $225,000 to Aid Victims of Typhoon Haiyan

HISD Superintendant Terry Grier


ARP Texas has released the following statement by Texas State Director Bob Jackson on the heels of the Houston City Council’s passage of an ordinance regulating the practices of payday and auto title lenders within the city: “We commend the action by the City Council, under the strong leadership of Mayor Parker, to bring this much needed economic relief to the residents of the nation’s fourth largest city. The vote today sends a strong message that Austin needs to get its act together and adopt meaningful payday lending reforms that will help the millions of Texans who still are at the mercy of abusive lending practices. Texans should be able to access short term loans at reasonable terms. They should be informed and protected consumers, rather than victims of predatory lending practices.” For more information visit www.aarp.org/tx

H-E-B presented the American Red Cross with a check for $225,000 to aid relief efforts in the Philippines as a result of Typhoon Haiyan. From left to right: Debbie Immel, American Red Cross; Gregg Muenster, American Red Cross; Winell Herron, HE-B Group Vice President of Public Affairs, Diversity and Environmental Affairs; David Chaney, Senior Officer, Corporate Sponsorships at American Red Cross.


-E-B is pleased to announce a $225,000 total donation to the American Red Cross as a result of an in-store campaign for customers to support the families and communities devastated by Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. In addition to launching the statewide checkstand donation campaign, H-EB donated $100,000 to the American Red Cross in response to the disaster. One hundred percent of the donations supported the American Red Cross disaster relief efforts, which included logistics, disaster assessments, health, clean drinking water and sanitation for Typhoon Haiyan victims in the Philippines. The checkstand donation campaign, which raised a total of $125,000, offered customers an opportunity to join H-E-B’s aid by adding a donation in increments of $1, $3, or $5 to their total grocery bill. Customers could elect to donate multiple increments if they wished and no purSee what’s hot on chase was necessary to StyleMagazine.com make a donation. For more information visit Now exclusive www.heb.com.


he Houston Independent School District has won nearly $30 million in federal Race to the Top funding, the only urban school system to be named a winner in this round of district competition. The announcement was made by Education Secretary Arne Duncan at the U.S. Department of Education in Washington, D.C. earlier this week. The funds will go to “Linked Learning,” a new model of teaching from elementary through high school that enables students to begin early college and career readiness through project-based learning. Youngsters move on to exploring aptitudes and life interests in middle school, and focus on career academies in high school. HISD high schools in the first phase of the model are Furr, Eastwood, Reagan, Chavez, Milby, Westside, Lee and Sterling. For more information visit www.houstonisd.org.

CLEAR to Launch New Expedited Airport Security Service for Houston Travelers

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HISD Wins $30 Million in Federal Race to the Top Funds



ouston has a reputation for being the best and its standing will be enhanced with the expansion of CLEAR locally.

CLEAR is the fastest, most reliable way through airport security with its use of biometric technology to identify members and speed them through airport security in under five minutes. CLEAR, Houston Airport System executives, City of Houston leaders and key Houston stakeholders announced the launch of CLEAR at George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH) and William P. Hobby Airport (HOU) at 10 a.m., on Thursday, Dec. 19, in Terminal A of the George Bush Intercontinental Airport, 2800 N Terminal Rd, Houston, TX 77032. Amidst Houston stakeholder and holiday traveler fanfare, the CLEARLanes will open with CLEAR demonstrating its innovative biometric technology for smarter, better, faster travel. For more information visit www. clearme.com.

GM Invests Nearly $1.3 Billion for Five U.S. Plant Upgrades

Mark Reuss the head of General Motors’ North American division


eneral Motors will invest nearly $1.3 billion in five manufacturing sites in Michigan, Ohio and Indiana to produce new fuel-efficient engines and transmissions, enhance vehicle quality and streamline logistics. The investments combined will create or retain about 1,000 jobs. The investments will support production of a new V6 engine, new 10-speed transmission and an existing 6-speed transmission. They will also fund assembly plant upgrades, including a new paint shop and logistics optimization center. Since 2009, GM has announced investments of about $10.1 billion in its U.S. operations – $2.8 billion in 2013 alone – creating or retaining more than 26,500 jobs. For more information visit www. gm.com.


PG 15

PG 16 DECEMBER 19 - DECEMBER 25, 2013


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