Houston Style Magazine vol 30 No 08

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Feb. 21 – 27, 2019

Houston’s Premiere Weekly Publication

Volume 30 | Number 07


Jesse Jackson Trump’s Fake National Emergency

Jussie Smollett

Charge for Allegedly Filing a False Police Report

Save Our HBCUs

Words by Jo-Carolyn Goode and Photography by Joshua McKnight, Pixels Follow Us #TeamStyleMag

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A Conversation with Mayor Turner

Michael B. Jordan

How Filming Black Panther Sent Him to Therapy

Morales for State Rep

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Yates Blow Out Victory to the Playoffs


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H-E-B - Names Finalists for Excellence in Education

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Feb. 21 – Feb. 27, 2019



Trump’s Fake National Emergency By Jesse Jackson, National Political Writer


resident Trump’s decision to declare a national emergency in order to fund his border wall triggers a crisis for our Constitution and our democracy. This is no longer about the shameless lies, exaggerations and slanders that the president has trotted out to justify his silly campaign promise to build a wall (that he promised Mexico would pay for). It’s no longer about wasting billions of dollars, of shutting down much of the government for weeks or squandering the time and attention of the Congress and the American people for an inane campaign promise. Trump now poses a fundamental challenge to our democracy: Doesa Congress have the essential power of the purse that the Constitution gave it, or can a president at his whim declare a national emergency and spend what he wants on what he wills? This is the line between a constitutional republic and a presidential autocracy. Trump’s petulant response to not getting the money he wants now puts that question before the Congress and the Courts. This is no exaggeration. Trump wants money for the wall. Congress -- both the Republican Senate and the Democratic House -- voted not to give him as much as he demanded. So the president declares a national emergency and uses money appropriated by the Congress for other

President Donald Trump

purposes to fund his wall. Only there is no national emergency. Congress and presidents have been debating and legislating about our immigration policy and about border security for years. Contrary to the president’s hysterical lies, arrests for illegal entry have declined. With the economy near full employment, there is no economic crisis sparked by undocumented workers. Contrary to the president’s claims, the wall won’t stem the flow of illegal drugs into America, the vast bulk of which come through legal ports of entry. Even the president in his news conference admitted that he didn’t need the money; he just wanted to build the wall faster. All we have is a normal dispute between a president and a Congress about spending priorities.


Elizabeth Warren

B 4

Feb. 21 – Feb. 27, 2019

of exaggerated claims of executive power, worried that they will be used by liberal presidents to expand the public sphere. But increasingly, these judges have put partisanship over constitutional precedent and their own judicial philosophy. Most recently, for example, in Trump v. Hawaii, the right-wing gang of five on the Supreme Court voted -- in a 5-4 decision to overrule the lower courts and to uphold the president’s Moslem travel ban, emphasizing the need to show “deference” to presidential authority in matters of immigration and national security. If the Senate folds and the courts roll over, we will be well on our way to an elected autocracy. Many people treated Trump’s posturing over the wall as a diversion, a low-rent, off-color vaudeville act used to rouse his audiences. The racial and ethnic slurs that he spread always made it more poisonous than that. Now his declaration of a national emergency has turned it into a direct assault on our democracy. Now we will see who stands with the Constitution, and who does not. You can write to the Rev. Jesse Jackson in care of this newspaper or by email at jjackson@rainbowpush.org. Follow him on Twitter @RevJJackson. Share this story online at stylemagazine. com.

Sanders and Warren Give the Left a Bigger Platform -- And a Tougher Decision Than They Ever Expected CNN/StyleMtagazine.com

Bernie Sanders

efore Sen. Bernie Sanders emerged as the left’s alternative to Hillary Clinton in 2015, many of the same activists who eventually helped lift his primary campaign had a different progressive hero in mind: Sen. Elizabeth Warren. At least two major efforts to draft Warren

Trump is saying that since he can’t get what he wants, he’ll simply do it on his own. That effectively erases the congressional power of the purse -- a foundation of a constitutional republic. If Trump’s decision is upheld by the Congress and the Courts, a chilling precedent will be set. Most Americans agree with the Congress and don’t support wasting money on the wall. Declaring a national emergency to build it is even more unpopular. When the White House invokes eminent domain to take over hundreds of miles of privately owned land on the border, public opposition will grow. But what will stand in the way of a willful president? Under the National Emergencies Act of 1976, passed by Congress after Watergate to curb presidential abuse of national emergency declarations, the Congress can reject the president’s declaration. The House -- with its Democratic majority -- will surely vote to reject. Republicans in the Senate will then have 15 days to decide whether they are prepared to back Trump or stand up for our republic against the president, his Fox TV allies and the right-wing echo machine. If the Senate rolls over, or the president vetoes the rejection, the issue will end up in federal courts, many packed with rightwing activist judges appointed by Trump. Right-wing judges are normally skeptical

into the race folded late that spring when it became apparent the Massachusetts Democrat would sit out the race. In the aftermath, the founders of “Ready for Warren” launched “People for Bernie,” a grassroots group that took off along with Sanders and is expected to be an active organizing force again in 2020.

Four years later, Warren and Sanders, who kicked off his second presidential campaign on Tuesday, begin the Democratic primary not as insurgents or slingshot-yielding giant-slayers but among the early favorites in a historically deep field of contenders vying to unseat President Donald Trump. For progressives, there is an element of the bittersweet in what’s to come: two candidates they trust and credit for driving the Democratic Party’s charge to the left are poised now to compete for the same votes — and, if they advance far enough in the contest, potentially divide their largely shared base of support. “People for Bernie” co-founder Winnie Wong helped seed the group, which now features a Facebook page with nearly 1.5 million followers, by appealing to the names on an email list initially built during that 2015 effort to entice Warren. “We decided (in 2014) that Elizabeth Warren was the best, most authentic messenger to convey to the rest of the country the message about income inequality,” Wong recalled in an interview. But when it became apparent in the spring of 2015 that Warren would not run, “we decided to pivot,” she said, and support Sanders. The Vermont senator was, at that point, still a relative unknown in mainstream American politics. But where most pundits and many reporters saw a dead end, progressive activists with an eye on his ability to go viral recognized an unprecedented opportunity. “Here we had a man who we knew had


almost no name recognition and who openly identified as an independent socialist, who had given numerous speeches on the floor that, to the left, were heralded as acts of great political bravery,” Wong said. “So for us on the left, he was really regarded as a real icon. And he still is.” The desire of so many Democrats to finally elect the first woman president, along with differences in age (Warren is 69; Sanders is 77), could ultimately help decide how the progressive vote breaks. But there are also deeply rooted and sincere ideological tensions that separate the friendly Senate colleagues. Sanders, a democratic socialist, and Warren, a capitalist to her “bones,” both describe the American economy and political system as “rigged” to benefit rich corporate interests. But they have diverging views on the roots of the problem and the depths of reform needed to break its grip. Warren believes government-enforced restrictions, like those outlined in her “Accountable Capitalism Act,” could unwind a decades-long trend of consolidation at what she describes as the “tippy top” of the economic ladder. Sanders argues that the rot goes much deeper and that a fundamental reordering of the economy -- most purely viewed in his long crusade for single-payer health care, which would cut the private sector out of one of America’s largest industries -- is required to empower a “political revolution.” Read the full story online at stylemagazine. com.


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HPD Chief Art Acevedo

Yates High School Basketball

ABC13.com hen Katherine Hernandez moved into a Salvation Army retirement community, she never thought she would have to fight to feel equal. Hernandez received a letter this week from the director, saying in part, “The United States of America is an English-speaking country and those who come to the United States or are born here should learn to speak the language.” The letter went on to say, “It is rude to sit in the lobby and speak Spanish...This is grossly unfair to the 25% who do not speak Spanish and needs to change.” Hernandez said she was the only person to receive the letter. Hernandez said there are many unfair situations happening at the complex, but most of the residents, who are Hispanic, are too afraid to speak out. She said she’s reached out to other leaders at the Salvation Army for help.

CNN/StyleMagazine.com Newswire ouston police will do away with no-knock warrants, Chief Art Acevedo told residents at a testy town hall dealing with a drug raid that left two people dead and five officers hurt. He did not provide the specific timing for implementing the policy. “The no-knock warrants are going to be going away ... and so you’re going to see some changes very quickly on that,” he said Monday night. “You’re going to see those going away like leaded gasoline.” He added that if suspects are “not dangerous, why don’t we wait until they come out and get them when they come out of the house, right?” The town hall came after Acevedo revealed that one of his officers will “more than likely be charged with a serious crime” after lying in a search warrant for a January 28 drug raid.

ABC13.com he high school basketball playoffs continued around the area Monday night, highlighted with a staggering 107-point victory. The Yates High School Lions took on the West Columbia Roughnecks. Yates took control of the entire game from the jump. The Lions led 32-8 to end the first quarter, thanks in part to Yates dominating every aspect on the floor. The school’s basketball team is no stranger to huge wins. In January 2010, Yates set a new state record with a 170-35 win over Lee High School. At the time, the defeat raised questions over whether Yates was fair in pushing up the score or if it was bad sportsmanship. A few weeks later in a rematch with Lee, the Lions hammered them again, this time 125-26. Fast forward nearly a decade, and it’s clear Yates has held on to its winning ways.

Woman Told to Stop Speaking Spanish at Retirement Community


Houston Police to Ditch No-knock Warrants After Deadly Raid


Rep. Thompson

Rep. Thompson Advocates to Extend Voting Rights to Incarcerated People StyleMagazine.com Newswire tate Representative Senfronia Thompson filed House Bill 1419 to restore voting rights to nearly 200,000 Texas citizens who are living, working, paying taxes in Texas communities. The legislation will bring Texas in line with 14 other states that restore voting rights to people with felony convictions who have completed their term of incarceration and have been released back to the community. State laws related to the restoration of voting rights for people with felony convictions vary widely. Some states do not remove the right to vote after a felony conviction, while others, like Texas, restore rights only after people have fully completed their term of probation or parole. Eleven states remove the right to vote from every person with a criminal conviction, even after a person has completed his or her full sentence. HB 1419 will bring Texas in line with other states that recognize the importance of civic engagement.



Texas Settles Medicaid Fraud Case for $236 Million

statesman.com long-running case of alleged Medicaid fraud, in which taxpayer-funded costs for children’s orthodontic treatments in Texas soared over an eight-year period ending in 2012, has been settled for a $236 million payment to the state. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton called the settlement with Xerox Corp. and its former business-services subsidiary -- Conduent Inc., which now is a standalone company -- the largest single resolution to a Medicaid-related claims suit filed by his office. Still, Conduent had been on the hook for a reported more than $2 billion worth of fraudulent Medicaid losses and damages that Texas had been seeking to recover. Xerox and Conduent were responsible for pre-authorizing dental and orthodontic treatment for children between 2004 and 2012, when Medicaid spending climbed steeply. State officials filed a lawsuit in May 2014, accusing them of shrinking their duties.


Feb. 21 – Feb. 27, 2019

Yates High School Advances in Playoffs with Staggering Victory Over Columbia


New York City Bans Discrimination Against Black Hairstyles

broadly.vice.com hen it comes to legal protections against discrimination, New York City is commonly seen as one of the most progressive cities in the US, with laws on the books designed to recognize discrimination in housing, employment, and pregnancy. Now you can add Black hair to that list. Thanks to new guidelines released this week by the New York City Commission on Human Rights, targeting individuals on the basis of their hair or hairstyle is now recognized as a form of racial discrimination. The New York Times reports that the new law specifically mentions that hair is closely linked to “racial, ethnic, or cultural identities” and that it upholds the legal right for Black people to maintain their “natural hair, treated or untreated hairstyles such as locs, cornrows, twists, braids, Bantu knots, fades, Afros, and/or the right to keep hair in an uncut or untrimmed state.”



John Biggers’Art

Restoring Historic Dr. John Biggers Mural After Harvey

KHOU.com hat was once thought gone in Hurricane Harvey now is back in full glory. This is the historic Dr. John Biggers mural – the contribution of the negro woman to American life and education. Dr. Biggers created it while he was founding art department at Texas State University for Negroes, now known as Texas Southern University. It’s housed here at the Blue Triangle Community Center. It highlights Sojourner Truth and Harriett Tubman. It’s a fitting fixture because this place was purchased by 10 black women back in 1948. To fix the masterpiece they had to start in the back of it. In Harvey’s aftermath, rainwater seeped into the walls here. It took tens of thousands of dollars in grants and donations and nearly a year and a half to repair this masterpiece, but now the mural is here for generations to come.


Obama Library

Judge OK’s Lawsuit to Stop Obama Library In Chicago

BlackAmericaWeb.com federal judge gave the green light Tuesday to a parks-advocacy group’s lawsuit that aims to stop for good the delayed construction of former President Barack Obama’s $500 million presidential center in a Chicago park beside Lake Michigan. Supporters of the project had hoped the court would grant a city motion to throw out the lawsuit by Protect Our Parks, some fearing any drawn out litigation might lead Obama to decide to build the Obama Presidential Center somewhere other than his hometown. A lawsuit brought by another group in 2016 helped to scuttle a $400 million plan by “Star Wars” creator George Lucas to build a museum on public land on Chicago’s lakefront. That museum is now under construction in Los Angeles. Judge John Robert Blakey heard arguments last week on the city’s motion to dismiss. Blakey did toss parts of the suit in his Tuesday ruling.



Feb. 21 – Feb. 27, 2019


BUSINESS BRIEFS Burberry model

Walgreens and CVS Are Redesigning Their Drugstores


FoxNews.com urberry is apologizing after one of its fashion accessories displayed on a runway during London Fashion Week — a hoodie with strings tied into the shape of an apparent noose — stoked outrage. The fashion brand is “deeply sorry for all the distress” that the item has caused, Burberry CEO Marco Gobbetti said in a statement provided to Fox News on Tuesday. The tan hoodie was featured during a show featuring the brand’s autumn-winter collection, titled “Tempest.” It shows the two strings of the hoodie come together along the chest, and tied into the shape of a noose. It quickly drew outrage after Liz Kennedy, a model who walked in the show on Sunday but didn’t wear the ensemble in question, took to Instagram to argue that “suicide is not fashion.” Kennedy questioned how “anyone could overlook this and think it would be okay to do this especially in a line dedicated to young girls and youth.”

Payless Files for Second Bankruptcy


CBSNews.com ayless ShoeSource has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection and is shuttering its remaining stores in North America. The filing on Monday came a day after the discount shoe chain began holding going-out-of-business sales at its North American stores. Payless filed for bankruptcy in the Eastern District of Missouri, listing $500 million to $1 billion in debt, according to court filings. The company, based in Topeka, Kansas, updated the number of stores it’s closing to 2,500, up from the 2,100 it cited on Friday when it confirmed it was planning to liquidate its business. Payless reiterated that stores will remain open until at least the end of March and the majority will remain open until May. The liquidation doesn’t affect its franchise operations or its Latin American stores, which remain open for business as usual, it said. The debt-burdened chain filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in April 2017.

Government Shutdown Cost Southwest Airlines $60 MillionCNN/StyleMagazine. com Newswire outhwest Airlines lost $60 million because of the government shutdown, the company said Wednesday. That’s far more than its original estimate of $10 to $15 million in losses, and it adds to a litany of recent problems for the airline. On Tuesday, maintenance problems forced the airline to cancel 191 flights, or about 4% of its operation, according to data from FlightAware. The airline said more than 40 planes had maintenance issues, which is twice the daily average. The mechanical issues are bad enough that the airline has canceled vacations for mechanics and is operating with “all hands on-deck.” As of 9:45 am ET on Wednesday it had already canceled 404 flights for Wednesday and 23 for Thursday. Besides the mechanical issues and the revenue hit, The Federal Aviation Administration is investigating the airline for the way it tracks the weight of checked bags on its flights.

Seven Houston Educators Named Finalists for 2019 H-E-B Excellence in Education Awards

the largest monetary awards program for educators in Texas, and among the largest in the nation. The honor was kept a surprise from the educators, who learned they were finalists when H-E-B representatives visited their classrooms and schools with balloons, cookies, and flowers.

finalists are: Dr. Nghia Le, Booker T. Washington High School & High School for Engineering Professionals, Houston ISD (Leadership Secondary) Leslyn Jacks, Katy Elementary, Katy ISD (Rising Star Elementary) Dr. Doreen Martinez, Memorial Parkway Elementary School, Katy ISD (Principal Elementary) Ryan Beeler, Spring Woods High School, Spring Branch ISD (Rising Star Sec-

Elementary, Dickinson ISD (Lifetime Achievement Elementary) Laura Gomez, South Houston Intermediate, Pasadena ISD (Principal Secondary) All finalists are invited to Austin on May 4-5 to compete on a statewide level for larger cash prizes totaling $430,000.

CNBC.com VS Health and Walgreens are remodeling some of their drugstores to look more like doctor’s offices. The two largest pharmacy chains in the U.S. have both opened redesigned stores that dedicate more space to health services and less space to staple products like greeting cards. As people shop online more, CVS and Walgreens are trying to give people reasons to keep coming into their drugstores. While their redesigns are just tests at this point, they could become models for future stores. Here’s a look at CVS and Walgreens’ new stores. CVS opened three concept stores, called HealthHUBs, in the Houston, Texas area in December. These locations dedicate much less space to typical drugstore products like greeting cards and seasonal items. Instead, these stores offer more health products like sleep apnea masks and devote space to services aimed at helping customers manage conditions.

By StyleMagazine.com Newswire even Houston Educators Named Finalists for 2019 H-E-B Excellence in Education Awards By StyleMagazine.com Newswire Seven Houston educators have been named finalists for the 2019 H-E-B Excellence in Education


Leslyn Jacks

Five teachers were presented with a $1,000 check for themselves and a $1,000

check for their schools. Two principal received a $1,000 check for themselves and a $2,500 check for their school. The

Feb. 21 – Feb. 27, 2019



Want to Tweet about the finalist announcements? Please tag @HEB and use the hashtag #HEBEducation. Find us on Facebook atFacebook.com/HEBExcellenceinEducationAwards.

Ryan Beeler

Dr. Nghia Le

Awards, spotlighting them as some of the best educators in Texas. H-E-B’s Excellence in Education is


Burberry Apologizes for ‘Insensitive’ Noose Accessory

ondary) Heather Villaloboz, E.C. Mason Elementary, Alvin ISD (Leadership Elementary) Karen Naiser, Bay Colony


Dr. Doreen Martinez


Actor Jussie Smollett Faces a Felony Charge for Allegedly Filing a False Police Report CNN/StyleMagazine.com Newswire

Smollett’s transformation from victim to suspect in a reported attack that captured national headlines came on the same day that a high-ranking police source said Chicago detectives were working to obtain the actor’s financial records. A Cook County grand jury met Wednesday just weeks after the young actor reported being the victim of a hate crime on January 29.


mpire actor Jussie Smollett faces a felony charge of disorderly conduct for allegedly filing a false report claiming two men attacked him last month, a Chicago Police Department spokesman tweeted Wednesday night. Anthony Guglielmi said charges were approved by the Cook County State’s Attorney Office and “Detectives will make contact with his legal team to negotiate a reasonable surrender for his arrest.” Filing a false police report is disorderly conduct, according to Illinois code. A class 4 felony is punishable by one to three years, the code says. A bail hearing is anticipated for 1:30 p.m. CT Thursday, prosecutors said.

to show the brothers connected to the incident purchasing a ski mask, sunglasses, a red hat and other items the day before the alleged assault on the actor. The January 28 video shows two men shopping. They paid in cash, said the owner, who wishes not to be identified. The video was turned over to police on Friday, the owner told CNN.

Actor denies role Smollett’s attorneys met with Cook County prosecutors earlier in the day, according to Ahern. Smollett told authorities that two men attacked him, putting a rope around his neck and pouring an unknown chemical substance on him. The actor denies playing a role in his attack, according to his attorneys.

Smollett’s attorneys released a statement: “Like any other citizen, Mr. Smollett enjoys the presumption of innocence, particularly when there has been an investigation like this one where information, both true and false, has been repeatedly leaked. Given these circumstances, we intend to conduct a thorough investigation and to mount an aggressive defense.”

The brothers, who were arrested and released in connection with the attack, met Tuesday with police and prosecutors at a Chicago courthouse, police spokesman Tom Ahern said. The county’s top prosecutor, Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, has recused herself from the investigation, according to a spokeswoman from her office.

Video appears to show brothers buy items

Gloria Schmidt, the attorney for the brothers, told reporters Wednesday that her clients had not accepted a plea deal or immunity.

“Jussie Smollett continues to be a consummate professional on set and as we have previously stated, he is not being written out of the show,” the statement said.

“You don’t need immunity when you have the truth, “ she said.

A Fox spokesperson had no comment when reached by CNN on Wednesday.

The brothers were paid by the actor, she said, but the amount is “not fitting the narrative that is out there now.”

Read the full story online at stylemagazine.com.

Two law enforcement sources with knowledge of the investigation have told CNN that police believe Smollett paid two brothers to orchestrate an assault on him. Surveillance video obtained from a Chicago-area beauty supply store appears


In a statement before Smollett was named a suspect, 20th Century Fox Television, which produces the series “Empire” on which Smollett appears, and Fox Entertainment expressed support for the actor.




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Feb. 21 – Feb. 27, 2019



By Jo-Carolyn Goode, Managing Editor


ducation is a gift that once obtained can’t be taken away. It can open doors to opportunities to advance one personally and professionally. Far from easy to obtain, it is treasured as many scrimp, save, and sacrifice so much just to acquire the basics of it. Knowing the importance and its worth, what if your education’s creditability was in some way threatened? In essence, that is what is happening to the students at Bennett College. The validity of their future degree is at stake and it is all in the hands of those on the board of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges who put the school on notice that their accreditation could be stripped.

SACS is a commission charged with accrediting the nation’s institutes of higher learning in eleven states (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia). Intuitions must comply with the Principles of Accreditation as set forth by the commission. Every ten years colleges must apply to have their accreditation reaffirm. One committee reviews a college’s Compliance Certification document while a different committee is sent to the college campus for an onsite visit to review what the college is doing/planning to enhance student learning. Yet, another committee


reviews those findings to recommend an action of the Executive Council, which are officially announced at the College Delegate Assembly. For the past two years, Bennett College has been on probation for its accreditation by SACS due to what the board called a lack of “sound financial resources” and a “stable financial base to support the mission of the institution and the scope of its programs and services,” a common issue amongst a lot of institutions. Last December SACS officially removed Bennett College from membership to which the college swiftly said it would appeal the decision. During that appeal process, Bennett would remain an accredited college. Bennett was charged with raising the needed funds by Feb. 1. A full social media campaign #StandwithBennett garnered more than the $5 million the college was initially seeking but that was only half the battle. The second half of the fight came this month when Bennett representatives had to stand before the SACS board to defend why the college needed to keep their accreditation. The SACS panel rejected Bennett’s appeal. Since that decision on Friday, Bennett has filed a federal lawsuit against SACS. A federal judge has issued a restraining order that temporarily gives Bennett back their accreditation. Sadly, facing the loss of accreditation is not a new fight for America’s histor-

Feb. 21 – Feb. 27, 2019

ically black colleges and universities. Out of the 162 colleges and universities accredited by SACS two have public sanctions. Of the nine HBCUs in Texas, eight are accredited by SACS and one is probation. Prairie View A&M University is currently on probation by SACS effective December 2018. However, PVAMU is on probation with good cause for 12 months. This type of sanction is issued when the board sees that the university is making accomplishments to address non-compliance, provide evidence to remedy compliance issues, and the university has provided assurance that there are no other reasons to withhold the accreditation. PVAMU’s was placed on probation due to non-compliance of federal and state responsibilities. Texas Southern University’s accreditation was restored for another ten years after it was placed on probation in December 2007. HBCUs face the fate of probationary status mainly due to funding issues. If these schools ever were to lose their accreditation this problem would be compounded. Loss of accreditation leads to lack of federal funding. This means students can’t get the needed aid to attend college so enrollment goes down. A low enrollment just puts the university on a continuous downward spiral. HBCUs have to work extra to get students to attend. The competition from


PWIs, online universities, and alternatives schools is fierce. HBCUs, like all universities, must up the amenities students are offered and make degree programs more aggressive. A family legacy is no longer enough to draw students in. They want to know how attending the university will help them beyond college. HBCUs are now looking to the community to form partnerships to ensure students can have the opportunity of challenging internships that will ensure they are secure a job after graduation. If you or your company are in the position to help assist HBCUs in this area please reach out to them and offer that assistance. As a graduate from an HBCU, Prairie View A&M University, I highly recommend attending one. While there I received a stellar academic education but I also received a secondary education in the ABCs of life that is unmatched by any other life experiences I have had. PVAMU allowed me to find out who was and make her better each day. I implore alums and community supporters to show their love and support of HBCUs. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. has already donated millions towards HBCUs and has plans to donate more. Support like this is crucial to their survival. And their survival is vital to the network of this country.

MILLENNIALS ON THE MOVE Building Inspiration Through Goal Setting By Jo-Carolyn Goode, Managing Editor

with Goals affairs are black women \\ entrepreneurs. Simmons is an advocate of supporting other black female entrepreneurs and helping them showcase their brands, talents, and passions. And with barely two months of existence Souls with Goals is a hit. In fact, her last event sold out in just two days. She has already started planning her next event for April 2019.


Self-Love Sunday group

etting started is the most important step in any process. Coming up with the idea and even the plans for it can be a smooth endeavor but actually taking the step to act on the plan and put it in the universe can be scary. Will it fail? Will it succeed? All sorts of thoughts swirl in your head until you finally have to stop all the noise, move out of your own way, and go for it. This is a struggle Kayla Starr Simmons is familiar with. Two years ago she made a decision to act on a plan that has changed the course of her life.

The future lawyer is expected to graduate in May 2020. Excelling in and outside the classroom, Simmons is a confident college student who loves herself and knows her worth. “During this journey, of course, there were obstacles but I look at my failures as learning experiences,” commented Simmons. “I like to say I fell forward and kept moving on. I won’t let anything stand in my way of what I truly want because I know what I am capable of.”

During each event, Simmons ask attendees to turn to another woman and ask her an important question, “Will you be my goal-friend?” A goal-friend, as defined by Simmons, is like an accountability partner for your dreams. Together women and their goal-friend form a partnership and become committed to each other to reach their maximum potential letting nothing stop them in their tracks. The success of these partnerships has already birthed some new businesses, passions, and goals, which makes Simmons extremely happy. Seeing women go after what they want and achieve their goals makes Simmons teary-eyed. She knows what the struggle was/is like first hand; the obstacles that one has to overcome and the doubts that they tussled with to not believe. Daily she lives by the advice her father first gave her. “Success is not measured by how

Kayla Starr Simmons

much money you make but b how many hearts you touch.” Simmons says that if she can touch at least one heart then her purpose has been fulfilled. Through Souls with Goals, she is not just touching hearts but she is building inspiration through goal setting to create legacies bigger than herself. Find your goal-friend and connect with Simmons and her Souls with Goals brand on Instagram @SoulswithGoals or through her website kaylastarrsimmons. com/SoulswithGoals.


Vision Boarding group

If you knew Simmons a few years ago you probably wouldn’t recognize the person she is today. She was one hundred pounds heavier, working a full-time job, not in love with herself, and suffering a little with depression. Her world was dark and she was not in a good place. This was not the life she wanted for herself. A change was in order.

Now she is doing things she never imagined for herself like joining Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. – Epsilon Lambda Chapter. She is on a journey that is allowing her to go after her dreams while helping others to do the same. Earlier this year she launched Souls with Goals, a brand that is used to empower women to reach their full potential.

She began spending a lot of time by herself getting to know who she was and what she wanted out of life. Her deep reflection caused her to grow closer to God, learn to love her flaws, and revealed a greater plan for her life. She learned that loving herself was an intentional act that is a continuous journey. “I use to think that I was not capable of doing things and then once I started believing in myself that’s what really took me to a higher level, ” said Simmons.

“I felt a need for a stronger community of women supporting each other,” said Simmons. She wished that she had someone like herself in her corner growing up; someone to whom she could turn to during those times when she felt less than. Souls with Goals helps women find that cheerleader, that goal seeker, by connecting women of various ages, life experiences, and backgrounds to support and empower one another.

With a renewed purpose, Simmons took that important first step to become the girl who went for it. She returned to school to begin working towards her bachelor’s degree with a major in hotel and restaurant management at the University of Houston.

Simmons’ first event was a vision boarding brunch in January. She followed that with a self-love empowerment workshop. Each event features a keynote speaker, delectable bites and drinks, positive energy, and women with vision. Also in abundance at the Souls


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Feb. 21 – Feb. 27, 2019



Michael B. Jordan: How ‘Black Panther’ Role Sent Him to Therapy By Derrick Lane, BlackDoctor.Org

but in playing that role it took a blow to his mental health. “I was by myself, isolating myself,” Jordan told Oprah Winfrey during a Tuesday taping of her SuperSoul Conversations TV special. Winfrey had asked what he had to do to “get all that nastiness” that embodied in Killmonger.

of the way.” But at the end of each scene, “I didn’t have an escape plan, either,” the Creed actor added. “When it was all over, I think just being in that kind of mind state… It caught up with me.”

“I spent a lot of time alone,” Jordan said. “I figured Erik [Killmonger], his childhood growing up was pretty lonely. He didn’t have a lot of people he could talk to about this place called Wakanda that didn’t exist.” He dove headfirst into the psychology of his character, something that’s common enough among actors, but it seemed to have rubbed off.


Michael B. Jordan

lockbuster film, Black Panther, was easily one of the best and highest grossing films in 2018. It’s characters resonated with people all over, it catapulted its stars into a new dimension and even had people wanting to go to the fictional place called Wakanda. But who knew that making such an important film would have a negative effect on one of its stars, Michael B. Jordan. The 32-year-old played vengeful Kilmonger,


“Of course it’s an extreme, exaggerated version of the African diaspora from the African-American perspective, so to be able to take that kind of pain and rage and all those emotions that Erik kind of represents from being black and brown here in America… That was something I didn’t take lightly,” Jordan said. “I didn’t have a process,” Jordan said of his getting into character. “I just did whatever I felt I needed to do or whatever I felt was right in the moment every step

Feb. 21 – Feb. 27, 2019

Michael B. Jordan

Seeing a therapist to work through his feelings at the time “helped me out a lot,” Jordan said. Ultimately it was all about getting back to being himself. “Readjusting to people caring about me, getting that love that I shut out… I shut out love, I didn’t want love. I wanted to be in this lonely place as long as I could.” And concerning the stigma around people, Black people in general, seeking professional help? Jordan is an advocate for anyone to talk. “As a man you get a lot of slack for it,” he told Winfrey. “I don’t


really subscribe to that. Everyone needs to unpack and talk.” In the black community, there has been this negative stigma surrounding mental health. Instead of seeking professional help for conditions such as depression and anxiety, many in the community resort to self-medication (drugs, opioids, alcohol, etc.) or isolation in an attempt to solve their problems on their own. This issue of masking pain is especially prevalent amongst black men. As we move forward, we want our men to be healthy. That means it’s important for us to take a step back and honor the mental and emotional health of men, and invest in spaces that help unpack the influence of toxic masculinity that permeates through our society today. It doesn’t make a man weak to acknowledge the fears he has about providing for his family, or the anxieties he has about existing in a world in which Black bodies are devalued. It means we can work through these fears and worries by talking with other men, whether they are friends, fathers, siblings, therapists, or soon to be new friends in group therapy or other supportive spaces. These are spaces where we can heal.


Getting the Band Back Together: Houston Welcomes Back Center Clint Capela to the Starting Lineup By Brian Barefield, Sports Editor

once they hit that stage it was like they never had a layoff. The Houston Rockets are hoping that after 15 games without Clint Capela, that they will not miss a beat with him preparing to be inserted back into the starting lineup as they take on the Los Angeles Lakers. Capela has been out with a torn ligament in his thumb that required surgery since January 13th. Houston has gone 9-6 without him in the lineup and has had to play a rotation that at one point included forward P.J Tucker playing the center position.

er. In addition to the 15 games missed by Capela, point guard Chris Paul had also been out 16 games with a hamstring injury. During that time reigning 2018 MVP, James Harden has been keeping the team afloat by going on a scoring tear against any and all opponents. When they are all healthy and playing

“Stylistically, we have been having the same style. Like I’ve said previously for, you know since Mike (D’Antoni) has been here. So, everyone has their roles, and everyone contributes. A full roster is better for us,” said James Harden after practice when asked if the style of play was going to change since Capela is back.

“I’m ready to go,” said Capela to ESPN reporter Tim MacMahon when asked how he felt after practicing with the team in Los Angeles.


Clint Capelac

n 2014, one of the best hip-hop duos known to date, Outkast, reunited to play dozens of venues around the United States including Coachella, which is the biggest summer music festival around. It had been nearly 10 years since Big Boi and Andre 3000 had been on stage, but

Taking precautionary measures, Houston’s medical staff had Capela wear a black wrap to protect his thumb. The Rockets will definitely welcome the defensive presence and scoring abilities of the five-year veteran who averages 17.6 points and 12.6 rebounds a game. That’s an increase of almost 4 points and 2 total rebounds from last season. This will be the first time in over a month and a half that the Rockets version of the “Big 3” has been back togeth-

backup point guard Austin Rivers and forward Kenneth Faried. This helps the Rockets tremendously since they have struggled with depth issues all season. The aforementioned Faried has started every game since coming to Houston and is averaging 15.9 points and 10.3 rebounds while playing great defense on the other end of the court.

After coming within a hamstring injury of potentially defeating the Golden State Warriors in the 2018 Western Conference Finals, Houston hopes that after the All-Star break that they can stay healthy and make up some ground in an overcrowded Western Division.

Kenneth Faried

together they are a combined 15-8. Sitting in first place in the Southwest division at 33-24 and 5th seeded in the west, Houston will look to keep off strong competition in the conference by using an energized duo off the bench in

Outkast wrapped up their successful reunion tour at the Voodoo festival in New Orleans to a sold-out crowd cheering them on. Hopefully, the Rockets can do the same thing in the 2019 NBA Finals.



Feb. 21 – Feb. 27, 2019



Spring Break Adventure Awaits In Crystal River, Florida By Lisa Valdez, Associate Publisher


Time to start planning your Spring Break getaway!

ecently, my travels took me to sunny Tampa Bay where I discovered a whirlwind of fun and adventure that included roller coasters, paddle boarding, and swimming with sharks (yes, sharks!). And while I really didn’t think the adventure could get any better, I was immediately proven wrong. Tampa Bay serves as a perfect destination hub for the best day and overnight trips. So get packing and get ready to take a road trip!

Swim With Manatees Tour

tional experience, make sure to book your visit with the Plantation Adventure Center. The friendly, knowledgeable staff has a true spirit for preserving and protecting all of the area’s natural habitats. They will provide you with all of the gear you need, from wet suit to snorkel equipment and even some hot chocolate to warm you up once you’ve finished frolicking in the water with your new manatee friends!

It’s like a secret hidden beach only seen in the movies (and I was there!).

After your manatee tour, make sure to head over to the West 82 Bar & Grill

I love beets and you should too (remember, this is a trip of first time for everything!). So naturally, I was overly excited to see that Chef Richard had a roasted beet stack with goat cheese, arugula pesto, pine nuts, and citrus vinaigrette on the menu. Definitely a favorite. And while I didn’t taste everything on the menu like I would have liked to, thank goodness I was on a trip with ladies that like to share because we all got to taste one another’s scrumptious meal choices. (Although I must admit that my seafood risotto was so delectable, I wanted it all for myself.)

Dinner at Katch Twenty-Two After a full day of exploring and officially becoming a cave diving expert (ok, maybe not expert) time to freshen up and get ready for a mouth watering culinary experience at Katch Twenty-Two, serving up contemporary cuisine in an intimate setting.

Plantation Adventure Center

to take the free style dive down under the water and through the cave but once I witnessed how beautiful the water was down below, with its vivid bright blue and emerald green colors, I couldn’t wait to do it again! It was also quite exhilarating to champion on the other women in my group

Carol Grant / Discover Crystal River

Swim with ManateesTour

Plantation Adventure Center www.plantationcrystalriver.com About 90 miles north of Tampa is Crystal River, one of two places in the US that legally allows swimming with manatees. What are manatees you ask? Manatees are large (but very cute) aquatic sea mammals that are often referred to as “sea cows”. Don’t worry, they may be big in size but are perfectly harmless and I guarantee that you will find your self in complete awe observing them in their natural habitat while you snorkel in the clear waters. These gentle plant eaters are fun to watch in the morning so it’s best to be prepared to get an early start. Our group was in the water by 7am. In order to have the best experience, it’s recommended to schedule this particular adventure in the early morning hours since manatees are active looking for breakfast and doing a little socializing in between. After morning hours, the manatees pretty much like to spend their afternoons sleeping. Also, the best time of year to get the best manatee viewing experience is between the months of November through April. Since manatees technically don’t have any blubber to keep them warm, they tend to search for warmer water when the Gulf of Mexico waters dip below 64 degrees. In their search for warmer water, they end up in Citrus County (Crystal River). For a great professional and educa-


located inside the Plantation on Crystal River Hotel. From fresh Florida seasonal fruits, to sunrise specialties like the eggs benedict, to a three egg omelet (your way), and even tasty biscuits with sausage gravy (I still think about those biscuits!), West 82 will definitely satisfy your appetite after a long morning of swimming with the oh-so- cute “sea cows”. Chassahowitzka River Campground Seven Sisters Spring & The Crack Paddling Tour

Seven Sisters Spring & The Crack Paddling Tour

Just off the beaten path is a five-mile long spring fed river known as the Chassahowitzka River. Can’t pronounce it? No worries, the locals gave us all a small break by nicknaming it “The Chaz” for short. A manatee refuge and home to hundreds of species of birds, the Chaz is a true nature lover’s paradise. But don’t think it’s all just bird watching; the Chaz is home to many hidden gems easily accessible by kayak. Also, while you are able to rent kayaks directly from the campground, experiencing the Chaz via a tour guide is an even better way to explore this particular adventure. Dave Perry of the Hunter Springs Kayak Company was super informative and extremely patient with our group while each of us built up the nerve to the plunge and swim through an underwater cave in the area known as Seven Sisters Springs. No lie, I was terrified

Feb. 21 – Feb. 27, 2019

Romona Robbins / Romona Robbins

Seven Sisters Spring

to try it and to celebrate with them once they swam up from the other end of the underwater cave. Shortly after, we paddled a few miles downstream through the wildlife refuge and narrow saltwater marshes, spotting a few crocodiles and eventually ending up at one of my favorite hidden gems, the Crack. It’s at this point, that the river gets so shallow; you literally have to get out of your kayak and walk the last few hundred feet in ankle deep water and white sand to complete paradise!


Dinner at Katch Twenty-Two

Whether a family vacation, weekend getaway with your significant other, a solo trip or even a girlfriend’s getaway, Crystal River, Florida is a unique destination with an adventurous twist that makes for unforgettable memories. So what are you waiting for? Start planning and get to packing. Crystal River awaits you!

BOOK “Good Kids, Bad City” by Kyle Swenson c.2019, Picador $29.00 / $38.00 Canada 289 pages By Terri Schlichenmeyer, Book Reviewer

dismissed the letters and others like them. Still, because he was fresh out of


our hands were clean.

Freshly washed, not a speck of dirt, they were as clean as your conscience. You did no wrong; instead, you promoted what was good and right. But in “Good Kids, Bad City” by Kyle Swenson, past actions sometimes don’t matter.

Over a decade ago, somewhere near Kyle Swenson’s desk at a Cleveland-area weekly newspaper, letters piled up from prisoners begging for journalistic investigation of denied crimes. Like many newsfolk, Swenson was skeptical of those vows of innocence, so he

ideas for his monthly feature story, he agreed to meet someone to talk about a crime that happened before Swenson was even born. Kwame Ajamu arrived with a box of papers that shocked Swenson to his core. On May 19, 1975, as Swenson learned, salesman Harry J. Franks was collecting from his accounts when he was shot and killed on a Cleveland sidewalk. Coming home from a pick-up basketball game, Ajamu, Wiley Bridgeman, and Rickey Jackson pushed into a surrounding crowd and saw the white man bleeding on the concrete, but they didn’t stick around. The situation seemed under control. Franks was dead; there was no reason to linger.

They hadn’t been there when Franks was shot, but on May 25, Bridgeman, Ajamu, and Jackson were arrested and charged with murder on the basis of a false account given by a 12-year-old boy, a lie that folded into more mistruths encouraged by corrupt police. Jackson, Ajamu, and Bridgeman swiftly went to trial and were ultimately sentenced to death. Their sentences were later commuted to life. Released in 2003 after making parole, Ajamu had “talked about his case to anyone who would listen” but no one believed him. That changed in 2011, when a lawyer suggested he take his story to a newspaper reporter. They arranged to meet at a coffee house. Ajamu “was nervous.” “That’s when,” says Swenson, “I walked through the door.” That sentence reads as though it should have a cape and SuperPowers, doesn’t it? But no, there’s much more to “Good Kids, Bad City” and author Kyle Swenson was merely a catalyst: he

was the listener Kwame Ajamu needed. To help readers better understand the subtleties of this tale and its full impact, Swenson shares the history of Cleveland, Ohio, a highly progressive city nearly two centuries ago but one that slowly fell victim to racism further complicated by corruption. Thorough accounts put things into keen perspective here, especially when we’re invited into the homelives of the accused men and their families and we get to know the men as boys. And yet, even with those once-happy sightlines, this story might’ve been just another tale of wrong accusations, except for one thing: Swenson also tracks the accuser, the boy, as he grows up. That story-within-a-story mushrooms in a way that you’ll want to see. It’ll outrage you as it fascinates. It’s a draw that makes “Good Kids, Bad City” a book to get your hands on. Share this story online at stylemagazine.com.



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Feb. 21 – Feb. 27, 2019


EAT WITH STYLE Try the Trendiest Flavors Tonight By Family Features

and Non-GMO Project verified so you can feel good about the ingredients used in your cooking. The expertly blended spices help create distinctive global-inspired dishes that take your home dining experience to the next level so you can explore these flavors from around the world without leaving the comfort of home. Za’atar: This traditional Middle Eastern blend of spices including thyme, oregano and sesame seeds is perfect for sprinkling on flatbreads, roasted vegetables, nuts 
or popcorn. It can also be mixed into hummus or oil 
for dipping.


xotic flavors common in the Middle Eastern region of the world like harissa, za’atar and shawarma are having a moment, appearing on restaurant menus and in popular make-at-home recipes. Now is the perfect time to give these flavors a try. Thanks to new global seasonings from McCormick Gourmet, the spice combinations are already blended for the ultimate taste and simplicity. Made from high-quality herbs and spices, the seasonings are USDA-Organic certified


Harissa: A spicy flavor found in North African cuisine, this seasoning is made from a combination of chilies, warm spices and mint. Add it to meat and veggies before roasting, stir it into cooked rice and grains, mix it into yogurt to make a dip or combine it with roasted bell peppers and oil to turn this spice into its namesake sauce. Shawarma: Often associated with the slow roasting of meat, this Middle Eastern street food favorite is made with cinnamon, coriander, cardamom and more. Use this seasoning to flavor an easy marinade for chicken, pork or steak.

Feb. 21 – Feb. 27, 2019

Look for these flavors as well as new Peruvian and Berbere seasonings in the spice section of retailers nationwide. Find more recipe ideas at McCormickGourmet.com Grilled Chicken Shawarma Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 16 minutes, Servings: 8 1 1/4 cup plain Greek yogurt, divided 5 teaspoons McCormick Gourmet Organic Shawarma Seasoning, divided 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice 1 teaspoon McCormick Gourmet Sicilian Sea Salt 2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breast 4 pita pockets, halved 1 medium seedless cucumber, thinly sliced 8 lettuce leaves In small bowl, mix 1 cup yogurt and 1 teaspoon shawarma seasoning. Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve.In small bowl, mix oil, lemon juice, remaining yogurt, remaining shawarma seasoning and sea salt. Reserve 2 ta-


blespoons of mixture; set aside. Place chicken in large re-sealable plastic bag or glass dish. Add marinade; turn to coat well. Refrigerate 1 hour, or longer for extra flavor.Heat grill or skillet to medium heat.Remove chicken from marinade. Discard remaining marinade. Grill or saute 6-8 minutes per side, or until cooked through and internal temperature reaches 165 F, brushing with reserved marinade.Slice chicken into thin strips. Serve in pitas with cucumber, lettuce and yogurt dressing. 3 cups baby arugula 1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese In large bowl, mix mint, pomegranate juice, honey, harissa seasoning, sea salt and pepper. Gradually add oil while mixing with wire whisk until well mixed. Set aside.Trim carrot ends. Slice each carrot lengthwise into ribbons with vegetable peeler or mandoline. In medium bowl, toss carrots with 1/4 cup prepared dressing. Stir in pistachios and cranberries.Arrange arugula on serving platter. Drizzle with remaining dressing and top with carrot mixture. Sprinkle with feta before serving.



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Feb. 21 – Feb. 27, 2019






hristina Morales wants to be the next state representative for Texas House District 145 replacing Carol Alvarado who is now a state senator. Morales was the top candidate out of the field of eight gaining 36% of the vote in the election in January. Now she is in a special runoff election with Melissa Noriega for the vacant seat to take place on March 5th. Karen & Roland Garcia, Dee Dee & Gilbert Garcia, Kathleen Martinez, Ray Purser, Cyndy Garza Roberts, and Zaf Tahir held a fundraiser for the Morales to help with her campaign.





Photography by Vicky Pink

any gather for BakerRipley’s annual Heart of Gold luncheon to highlight the many programs and lives that they change. President Emerita, Angela Blanchard was honored for her lifetime of service to the community. Some in attendance were Nasruddin Rupani, Pat Coleman, Michelle Hundley, Linda Graves, Marie Cortes, Jason Graves, Rene Solis, and Houston City Council members Karla Cisneros and Jack Christie.


Feb. 21 – Feb. 27, 2019






Photography by Vicky Pink

ouston Style Magazine was on hand for an intimate Conversation with Mayor Sylvester Turner in preparation for his mayoral reelection campaign. Members of the media and others were invited to discuss Mayor Turner’s plans for the city of Houston. Also offering a great deal of support was Commissioner Rodney Ellis and Francis Page, Jr.





Photography by Vicky Pink

oday’s teens need all the motivation to excel to become positive individuals. Young Life is an organization in which teens can get that type of encouragement by following Jesus. The 1st Hats & Bow Ties gala was held to raise funds to expose more youth to the programs of Alief Young Life. The night included a silent auction, red carpet runway, testimonies, dinner, and live music provided by Kyle Turner and Dana Jackson of Magic 102.1.


Feb. 21 – Feb. 27, 2019




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