Houston Style Magazine vol 30 No 51

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Houston’s Premiere Weekly Publication

December 19 – December 25, 2019

Volume 30 | Number 51


Jesse Jackson Trump Is Leading a Counterrevolution

Donald Trump

Becomes the Third U.S. President to Be Impeached

The Year of the Minority Woman Words by Jo-Carolyn Goode and Photography by Pexels.com

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MacGregor Market Is Open for Business

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December 19 – December 25, 2019


09 Publisher Francis Page, Jr. Associate Publisher Lisa Valadez Managing Editor Jo-Carolyn Goode editorial@stylemagazine.com

Tom Joyner Retires After 25 Years On Air


Social Media Editor/Videographer Reginald Dominique reggiedominique@me.com Sports Editor Brian Barefield


Jesse Jackson jjackson@rainbowpush.org Roland Martin www.rolandmartin.com Judge Greg Mathis www.askjudgemathis.com


Celebrate the Season with Enjoyable Desserts


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Mucus-Triggering Foods To Avoid This Season

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December 19 – December 25, 2019



Trump Is Leading a Counterrevolution By Jesse Jackson, National Political Writer and pronouncement. He has clearly decided that the presidency is above the law, as well as beyond the reach of Congress and courts.


Donald Trump and North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un

s the House of Representatives moves toward impeaching Donald Trump this week -- by what all predict will be a vote divided largely by party, it is time for reflection. The House will indict the president for abuse of his office -- trying to enlist a foreign government to intervene in our election by announcing an investigation of his potential opponent in the upcoming presidential race and for obstruction of justice in his extreme efforts to block the congressional investigation of his abuses. This is an indictment focused, for simplicity sake, on a single course of action and its coverup. In fact, the challenge posed by Donald Trump is far greater than that. Trump is leading a counterrevolution against the America that is, and the America that will be.v His does so by savagely attacking American institutions -- and by unrelenting lies designed to produce a cocoon of misinformation -- an alternative


reality -- to con his ardent supporters. Trump has scorned the Constitution and its tripartite division of power. He scorns the Congress -- both the Democratic House and the Republican Senate, ignores its subpoenas, dismisses its powers and holds himself and his administration immune from its oversight. He traduces the Courts, appointing rightwing activist judges while impugning the motives of any justice that rules in ways he does not like. He floods the courts with lawsuits, many groundless, to delay and to avoid accountability both personally and as president. He abuses the press, accusing them of being the enemy of the people and of spreading “fake news,” even as he retweets and recycles false conspiracy theories and big lies. He has dismantled the interagency national security process, upended American policy -- often with the sole apparent motive of reversing anything President Obama accomplished -- while abusing allies, his own appointees, and the career professionals with sudden reversals of policy



The result of this reckless and ruthless course is a country ever more divided. Trump clearly has cemented the support of about 40 percent to 45 percent of the American people. That support has cowed Republican legislators -- senators and representatives -- who now rise to defend behavior that they know is dangerous and policies that violate their previously cherished conservative

Now, as senators gear up for holding what looks to be a sham trial on the impeachment charges brought from the House, they might pause for reflection. For many, this vote may be their last historic vote, one which will help define their legacy. All face constituents -- Trump’s so-called “base” -- who demand that they support the president no matter what he does. This is a test of leadership. True leaders don’t follow opinion polls, they mold opinion. They do not allow the fervent few to drown out the call of their conscience. They recognize the obligations of party, but also the call of honest patriotism, of acting in moments of historic decision for the sake of the country. They realize that history will hold them to account, as well as their own children and grandchildren. Trump’s minions are demanding abject loyalty. Senate Leader Mitch McConnell has already confessed that he is taking his clues from the White House. Before bowing to that pressure, senators should pause, reflect, look in the mirror and probe their conscience. Who are they? What are they prepared to stomach? You can write to the Rev. Jesse Jackson in care of this newspaper or by email at jjackson@rainbowpush.org. Follow him on Twitter @RevJJackson.

Nearly All-white Debate Stage Frustrates Democrats Seeking More Representative Field CNN.com

Democratice Presidential Candidates

he most diverse field of Democratic presidential candidates in history is now boiled down to a debate stage that lacks black or Latino candidates. The Democratic National Committee on Friday unveiled the list of seven candidates who met the polling and fundraising minimums to qualify for the December 19 debate in Los Angeles. It includes one person of color: entrepreneur Andrew Yang. The announcement comes amid a labor dispute that has threatened to derail planning for the debate at Loyola Marymount University. The food workers’ union has said it plans to picket the debate, and all

While I, and many other reformers, agree with some of Trump’s stated goals -- to bring the “endless wars” to a close, to transform our trading policy, to pressure the Federal Reserve to keep its foot off the brakes of the economy without clear evidence of rising inflation -- Trump’s imperious and impetuous actions do more to discredit those goals than to serve them. In other areas -- most significantly in the existential threat posed by catastrophic climate change -- Trump has abandoned the most important responsibility of the president to defend the nation’s security. His conscious political strategy is to foster division, inflaming racial, gender and other divides. This has fed an already rising tide of hatred that is breeding more violence in this land. Rather than signing the bipartisan immigration reform that he had previously agreed to support, he chose instead to preserve the contention rather than to move to solve the challenge.

principles -- from free trade to support for allies to presidents serving as moral examples.

seven candidates invited to participate said Friday they will not cross the picket line. The DNC said Friday afternoon it is “working with all stakeholders to find an acceptable resolution” that allows the debate to go on without expecting candidates to break with the union. New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker will miss the stage for the first time, and former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro is off-stage for the second time. California Sen. Kamala Harris dropped out of the race, and a late entrant, former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, hasn’t yet come close to qualifying for a debate.

December 19 – December 25, 2019

The trimmed-down debate lineup has frustrated some Democratic donors, operatives and activists who hoped to see a field more representative of the party’s base. It also underscores a reality of the 2020 race: Polls and fundraising numbers reflect that candidates of color just aren’t getting much support from voters of color. “The dominance of white candidates in the race confirms something we should have already known: The political system was not set up to include candidates of color,” Democratic strategist Jess Morales Rocketto said. “As the Democratic Party begins to align its leaders with its base, the party apparatus needs to address the systemic barriers that still exist for non-white candidates,” she continued. “It’s not on the party to solve racism or sexism, but it is on them to make sure they address systemic barriers for nonwhite candidates.” The smaller debate stage might reflect the favorites of established Democratic voters and donors, but makes it harder to expand the party’s electorate, some organizers said. “It is particularly disheartening to see that the folks we organize won’t be able to watch the debate and see anyone who looks like them,” said Quentin Savwoir, the political director of Make It Work Nevada, an advocacy group that organizes women of color. “Cory Booker’s story, Kamala Harris’s


story -- that resonates differently with the folks we work alongside, because they understand what it means to have lived those experiences.” He said he didn’t want to diminish the presence of Yang on stage, since Asian American and Pacific Islanders are the fastest-growing demographic in Nevada, but called it disappointing that the Democratic Party is “still not investing in people of color as candidates.” Others point out that the winnowing stage is the reality of a field where nonwhite candidates have failed to galvanize non-white voters. Former Vice President Joe Biden has dominated in polls among African-American voters, and Biden and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders have shown the most strength with Latinos. “What voters are saying is, you don’t have to look like me to represent my interests,” said Antjuan Seawright, a South Carolina Democratic strategist. “Like it or not, say what you want about that, that’s the reality -- that’s what the voters are saying. That’s not the party. That’s not the election being rigged. That’s what the voters are saying.” “You have to play with the hand that you’re dealt,” Seawright said. “Some people will always attack what’s not working for them.”

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December 19 – December 25, 2019

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Donald Trump

A Nation Divided: House Impeaches President Donald J. Trump



bitterly divided U.S. House of Representatives, reflecting a country equally split over the conduct of its president, voted Wednesday to impeach Donald J. Trump on charges of abusing his office by attempting an arms-for-dirt scheme against former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and of obstructing Congress for trying to cover up his actions. All but two Democrats voted in favor of impeaching on the abuse of office charge, and all but three voted for impeaching for abuse of power. All Republicans voted against both articles. The tallies were 230-197 on abuse and 229-198 on obstruction. Trump, the nation’s 45th president, became only the third person in the office to be impeached. He now faces trial in the Senate and the prospect, however unlikely, of being removed from office for “high crimes and misdemeanors.”

5 African American Films Added to National Film Registry



he Library of Congress has announced 25 new films to add to its National Film Registry for 2019. Of the 25 films that are “selected because of their cultural, historic and aesthetic importance to the nation’s film heritage,” five of them are created by and/or centered around African Americans. Those black films are Purple Rain, She’s Gotta Have It, George Washington Carver at Tuskegee Institute, Oscar Mischeaux’s Body and Soul and I Am Somebody. In addition to conferring with the National Film Preservation Board (NFPB), the Librarian of Congress also takes more than 6,000 titles nominated by the public into account. With the new class of 2019, there are now 775 total films in the registry.


H-E-B Makes Things Better in Third Ward With New Market StyleMagazine.com Newswire


esidents in Third Ward no longer have to drive outside their neighborhood to find fresh fruit, meat, and other products. The all-new H-E-B MacGregor Market opened this week just in time for the holidays. Located at the intersection of N. MacGregor Way and SH 288, the 90,000 square-foot store has a pharmacy, deli, and bakery, meat and seafood counters. In addition to the 50,000 products on store shelves, shoppers can also take advantage of curbside and home delivery. This store, which has been in the works for the past five years, replaces the H-E-B Pantry that was on Old Spanish Trail and is the answer to the food desert the neighborhood has experience for years. Area residents couldn’t be happier about how H-E-B continues to make everything better.

Russell Westbrook

Banned ‘Racial’ NBA Heckler Sues Russell Westbrook, Cites ‘Ferocity’



n NBA fan who was banned for life from a team’s home stadium over alleged “racial” heckling has officially cried foul. Shane Keisel, whose punishment came last season after All-Star Russell Westbrook confronted him following choice words yelled from the stands during a game, resorted to a familiar racist trope when he filed a lawsuit on Monday against the Utah Jazz as well as the NBA’s onetime MVP, according to the Salt Lake Tribune. The lawsuit from Keisel, who has maintained that he only mocked Westbrook’s knees, claims his heckling was on a par with other fans yelling at players. Whatever was said prompted Westbrook to say, “I’ll fuck you up,” in a moment that was caught on video. “You and your wife.”

December 19 – December 25, 2019

Reginald DesRoches

DesRoches Becomes Highest Ranking African American in Rice’s History


eginald DesRoches, the dean of Rice University’s George R. Brown School of Engineering, has been named the university’s new provost. It is the highest rank any African American has had in the school’s history. With this appointment, DesRoches will assume one of the university’s most important leadership posts. Together with the deans and vice provosts, the provost’s office supports excellence in all of the university’s academic, research, scholarly and creative activities. DesRoches has served as the William and Stephanie Sick Dean of Engineering since 2017, leading a school with nine departments, 140 faculty and 2,500 students. Effective July 1, he will assume the duties now fulfilled by interim Provost Seiichi Matsuda, Rice’s dean of graduate and postdoctoral studies, who succeeded Provost Marie Lynn Miranda.

New Initiative Helps Indiana’s Hispanic and Latino Learners Obtain Education and Training Beyond High School



he Indiana Commission for Higher Education announces today a new initiative aimed at increasing student access and attainment to higher education for the state’s Hispanic and Latino learners and families. Funded by Indiana’s Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP), five Padres Estrellas – translated as “Star Parents” – will work with community organizations focused on empowering Hoosier Hispanic and Latino communities to provide college and career support to students and families across the state. The Padres Estrellas will connect with schools, neighborhoods and community partners and focus on helping students and families enroll in the 21st Century Scholars program and the Next Level Jobs Workforce Ready Grant. The Commission’s College Equity Report reveals that Hispanic Hoosiers are onRe of the fastest growing populations of high school graduates in the state of Indiana.


Houston’s Housing Market Looks Positive for 2020


he Houston housing market is forecasted to have another positive year in 2020. That’s according to the latest Health of Housing Market Report from Nationwide. The Houston metropolitan housing market earned a positive performance ranking this quarter while less than half of the top 40 metropolitan areas in the U.S. maintained such a ranking. Positive market scores show healthy trends with little chance of a downturn in the near future. Overall, the housing market remains healthy as new home sales are expected to rise in 2020, due to the low supply of existing homes. The solid job market and low mortgage rates have also improved housing affordability. Demand from prospective homebuyers and lack of supply from the existing home market are expected to boost new home sales and housing starts in 2020.

Mostafa Hussaini

Man Arrested After Posting YouTube Videos About Burning Black People



uthorities say Mostafa Hussaini, 34, posted at least a dozen YouTube videos from mid-October to early December, CBS News reports. In the videos, he goes by the name Vam Vima, CBS News reports. A criminal complaint charges Hussaini with transmitting threatening communications, according to CBS News reports. According to the complaint, Hussaini uploaded a video showing him setting a living parakeet on fire before threatening Christians. On Dec. 9, Hussaini allegedly posted another video recorded at Nova Southeastern University in Davie, Florida, CBS News reports. “In collaboration with the Davie Police Department, a trespass warning was issued and DPD reached out to local F.B.I.,” Massey continued. “These disturbing videos were being posted to social media and all agencies continued to monitor the situation. Subsequently, police officers received verification that the subject was then wanted by the F.B.I.”



























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December 19 – December 25, 2019



The Year of the Minority Woman By Jo-Carolyn Goode, Managing Editor


n this era where women are more self-assured, self-aware, and self-loving has resulted in women claiming their place in history. The script of women not having their voice heard has been rewritten with women leading the conversation instead of taking notes from it. Being a part of the discussion has allowed women to change the dialogue, change the world’s view of gender and change the space in which women find themselves. 2019 was a great year for the advancement of women in various areas. Houston Style Magazine takes a look at some of the women that made 2019 the Year of the Minority Woman. What a year for women!

Effecting change on the political front is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who was part of the historic freshmen class of women to enter Congress. She made history twice since she is also the youngest ever Congresswoman at age 29. Not one to be quiet, Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez is known for her outspoken nature to stand up for what she believes in and doing what’s right for constituents. While many dance to her beat and sing her songs, Rosalia is smiling as she continues to climb the charts. Not yet a household name in America she will soon become one as she is the first Spanish female to win a VMA. She is also the only musician listed in Time’s “Next Generation Leaders.”

Borrowing the words of a game changing women herself, Beyonce, “Who are we? What do we run?, We run the world (who run this motha’, yeah).” From the house where laws are made to the homes where laws are enforced, women run every aspect of the world. And the wrath of the female power was overwhelming in 2019. Black Women Reign Supreme Through a series of competitions, beauty pageants pit women against each other to crown one ultimately as the winner and thereby defining what beauty is for America. For years those pageant winners defined beauty by Eurocentric standards, which has led African American women to straighten their hair with chemicals, Asian women to undergo surgery to change their ethnic features, and Hispanic women to lighten their complexion. Women of color did not love their skin, hair, or other physical features until recent years with a wave of pride in oneself grew, as women have to come, love, all God made them be.


Darker complexions, big hair, curves for days, and an explosion of pride for one’s ethnicity has commanded the stages of the Miss America, Miss USA, Miss Teen USA, Miss Universe, and Miss World stages. Historic crowing moments started with Nia Franklin claiming Miss America 2019 in September 2018 followed by Kaliegh Garris winning Miss Teen USA in April 2019 and Cheslie Kryst being named Miss USA in May 2019. Rounding out the top five this month is the newly crowned Miss Universe Zozibini Tunzi and Miss World Toni-Ann Singh. Never before have African American women held all five national pageant titles at one time.

December 19 – December 25, 2019

Because of this more and more little girls are seeing mirror images of queens that look like them. Thereby raising their self-esteem and self-confidence. Thus making them better students and giving them the courage to go after everything that they want in life for their personal affairs and career paths. Latinas Making Music History Latinas are spicing up the entertainment industry with history making moves. Starting things off is legendary actress Rita Moreno, who already is the only Latinx actress with an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony, earning the Peabody Career Achievement Award in 2019 making her a PEGOT.


Majority Female Houston City Council The results are in and Sylvester Turner has won a second term as Mayor of the City of Houston. Making even bigger news is the record number of women coming to the Houston City Council. Females ruled the city elections this year setting a record for the number of women that will be on the Houston City Council in 2020. Of the 16 member council, nine of them will be women. That is an increase from the eight women that served in 2005. Six of the eight women are new to the council. In addition to their being a boost in the number of women on the council, there is an increase in the number of African Americans. The fate of District B is still undecided due to a pending lawsuit. The racial breakdown is four African American women, one African American male, four Angelo women, five Angelo men, one Latino man and one race is still undecided.


After 25 Years On the Air, Radio Legend Tom Joyner Signs Off By Leah Asmelash, CNN/StyleMagazine.com Newswire


h, oh, oh, it’s the Tom Joyner Morning Show!” has been heard for the last time.

Tom Joyner, host of the beloved “Tom Joyner Morning Show,” is signing off -he completed his last radio show Friday morning after about 25 years. The iconic radio host, who was heard every day by millions of listeners, is retiring. “Twenty-five years ago, there was no template for a syndicated Urban radio show and we worked hard to prove that we could successfully produce and market a national platform that would entertain, inform and empower African-American listeners,” he said in a statement. In the syndicated show’s place will be “The Rickey Smiley Morning Show,” a program principally on hip-hop stations that will now be moving to many of Joyner’s affiliates, according to Radio Insight. During retirement, Joyner, 70, has said he plans on devoting his time fully to his Tom Joyner Foundation, which works to provide students from historically black colleges and universities with scholarships, among other initiatives. Since the episode aired, many took to

Radio Legend Tom Joyner

Twitter to offer best wishes and express the significance of Joyner’s show. “It’s hard to be entertaining, informative and educational without ever talking down to your audience,” wrote sports journalist Bomani Jones. “Tom did that day after day for decades. I wish him and everyone who’s worked on that show the best. They’ve done a lot for a lot of people.” Sen. Kamala Harris also spoke about the radio host’s impact, calling Joyner a legend. “Tom Joyner is a legend and has played a critical role in building community and lifting up all voices,” she tweeted. “He is Black history. It was an honor to be a guest on the @TJMShow but to also call him a friend. Enjoy retirement!” ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS with

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December 19 – December 25, 2019



Celebrate the Season with Enjoyable Desserts By Family Feature

This year, you can give your traditional holiday bake a refreshing twist sure to spread all kinds of holiday cheer with this Enjoymint Peppermint Pie topped with Homemade Whipped Cream, which can be easily whipped up with less than 10 ingredients total. From pumpkin pies to gingerbread cookies and everything in-between, an option like Dair yPure Heavy Whipping Cream can be a must-have kitchen staple this season, one you can feel good about knowing it’s sourced from trusted dairies. For more recipes for the holidays and every day, visit DairyPure.com, and find DairyPure on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.


hether you’re huddled around the fireplace, gathered at the table or strolling through a winter wonderland, the holidays are all about enjoying pure and memorable moments

with family and friends. With all of the seasonal gatherings, you can certainly expect that almost any host or guest will attempt to provide a classic holiday treat for everyone to enjoy.

12 Mucus-Triggering Foods You Should Avoid This Season

-Eggs -Coffee -Alcohol In addition, you want to avoid fried foods and other processed and refined foods. If you are not willing to avoid the mucus-forming foods, consider decreasing your consumption and replacing them with more mucus reducing foods like: -Green leafy vegetables -Lime -Grapefruit -Ginger -Turmeric -Pineapple -Cucumber Eating more alkaline-forming and anti-inflammatory foods is a great way to decrease mucus and inflammation in the body. By doing so you are helping to prevent the body from colds, and chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease. Tip #1: Drink Lime ––Water Every Morning Drinking lime water every morning helps to alkalize your body. It also helps to fight infections, reduces inflammation, improves digestion, helps with weight loss, rejuvenates the skin, and removes mucus. This is by far the quickest and easiest routine to add to your everyday routine. Tip #2: Consume Cucumbers Cucumbers are rich in potassium, vitamin C, and water. They aid in cleansing the body and reducing inflammation. A great way to add cucumber into your everyday diet is to drink cucumber



ave you ever eaten and realized you are clearing your throat quite a bit? Embarrassing and annoying, right? This uncomfortable feeling is due to phlegm build-up from mucus-forming foods. While mucus can serve as a protectant against dust, bacteria, and pathogens; too much mucus can potentially harm the body causing respiratory problems, diabetes, and other diseases. You may not be aware, but some of the most common foods we eat cause mucus. Here are 12 mucus-forming foods: -Red meat -Cheese -Yogurt -Ice cream -Refined sugar -Bread -Pasta -Soy products -Butter


December 19 – December 25, 2019

Enjoymint Peppermint Pie Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 20 minutes 1 envelope unflavored gelatin 1/4 cup cold water 2 1/2 cups DairyPure Heavy Whipping Cream, divided 8 ounces soft peppermint candy 1 chocolate cookie crust crushed peppermint candies, for garnish and lime water throughout the day. Not only does this reduce mucus and inflammation, but it keeps you hydrated and improves the skin. Tip #3: Find Alternatives Find alternatives to some of the mucus-forming foods that you may love. If you enjoy yogurt, try a dairy-free yogurt. Same with milk, try any of the dairy-free or soy-free milks that are nut-based or non-nut based (cashew milk and oat milk are great options). Tip #4: Ginger & Turmeric Both ginger and turmeric fight inflammation. Drink in tea form or juice the root for instant relief from mucus. Tip #5: Omega-3 Fatty Acids Omega-3 fatty acids are also known to reduce phlegm and inflammation. Moderate consumption of salmon, nuts, and chia seeds are all great omega-3 foods. Tip #6: Refined, Trans, And Saturated Try replacing trans and saturated fats with healthier fats such as vegetable and seed-based oils. Instead of refined grains like rice, try whole grains like brown rice and whole oats. This isn’t an overnight change, but gradually transitioning and being more mindful of what you are consuming can help prevent mucus and other chronic diseases in the future. Which of the above tips are you going to incorporate into your daily routine? Elissa Mirsky, known to most as Elle, is a published author and former editor-in-chief of Bold Magazine.


Soften gelatin in water; set aside. In small saucepan over low heat, cook 1/2 cup whipping cream with candy until candy melts. Add gelatin; mix well. Whip remaining whipping cream. Let gelatin mixture cool and fold in whipped cream, reserving 1/2 cup for garnish. Pour into crust. Chill. Before serving, top with reserved whipped cream and crushed peppermint candies. Homemade Whipped Cream 2 tablespoons granulated or confectioners’ sugar 2 cups DairyPure Heavy Whipping Cream 1 teaspoon vanilla extract or liqueur In chilled glass bowl, add sugar to whipping cream. Using whisk or hand mixer, incorporate sugar into heavy whipping cream until it begins to thicken, leaving visible trails. Continue to whip until soft peaks start to form. Fold in vanilla extract or liqueur. Serve immediately or refrigerate and remix 1-2 minutes before serving. and every meal should be fashionably edible. Follow her on Instagram @mylifebeingelle where she is documenting her journey to eat well, live life, and love self.




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HOLIDAY Pop Up Holiday Traditions Traditions New and Old By Family Features


rom decorating the tree to carving the turkey, there are many time-honored holiday traditions observed by families around the country. However, the holiday season is about more than just celebrating old traditions. A perfect opportunity for creating new memories and, in turn, traditions, popcorn can serve as an ideal ingredient to bring family time to life. Whether wrapping the tree with garland made from the light and airy treat, filling clear ornaments with freshly popped kernels or simply popping up a bowl as a nutritious alternative to other holiday noshes, popcorn makes it easy to get hands-on while you deck the halls. These seasonal recipes for traditional treats like peppermint bark and popcorn balls plus edible trees and a more elegant take on a simple snack highlight low-fat, non-GMO, gluten-free wholegrain popcorn as the main ingredient. Find more modern takes on traditional holiday recipes at popcorn.org. White Chocolate Peppermint Popcorn Bark Yield: 1 pound 5 cups popped popcorn 12 ounces white chocolate baking chips cup crushed hard candy peppermints Cover baking pan with foil or wax paper; set aside. Place popcorn in large bowl; set aside. In double boiler over barely simmering water, melt chocolate, stirring until smooth. Stir in crushed peppermints. Pour chocolate mixture over popcorn and stir to coat. Spread onto prepared pan; cool completely. When chocolate is cooled and set, break into chunks. Easy, Elegant Holiday Popcorn Yield: 8 cups 8 cups popped popcorn 1/2 cup milk chocolate chips 1/2 cup white chocolate chip candy sprinkles Line baking sheet with wax paper. Spread popcorn in thin layer on prepared pan. Place chocolate chips in microwave-safe bowl. Microwave on medium 30 seconds; stir. If necessary, microwave in additional 10-second increments, stirring after each heating, until chips are melted and smooth. Drizzle over popcorn. Place white chocolate chips in separate microwave-safe bowl. Microwave on medium 30 seconds; stir. If necessary, microwave in additional 10-second increments, stirring after each heating, until chips are melted and smooth. Drizzle over popcorn. Sprinkle desired amount of candy sprinkles over warm chocolate-coated popcorn. Allow chocolate drizzles to set until firm. Break popcorn into pieces. Note: Chocolate chips can be replaced with cut up chocolate bars.

Cranberry Popcorn Balls Yield: 18 balls 2 cups sugar 1 cup whole berry cranberry sauce, slightly mashed 1 tablespoon grated orange peel 1/2 cup cranberry juice 1/2 cup light corn syrup 1 teaspoon vinegar 1/2 teaspoon salt 5 quarts unsalted, popped popcorn butter In heavy saucepan, combine sugar, cranberry sauce, grated orange peel, cranberry juice, corn syrup, vinegar and salt. Bring to boil; lower heat and cook until temperature reaches 250 F on candy thermometer. Slowly pour cranberry mixture onto hot popcorn; mix until well-coated. Let stand 5 minutes, or until mixture can easily be formed into balls. Butter hands and form into 3-inch balls. Festive Popcorn Trees Yield: 10 trees 10 cups air-popped popcorn 1 bag (10 ounces) miniature marshmallows 2 tablespoons butter 1 teaspoon vanilla extract nonstick cooking spray green decorating sugar blue decorating sugar 1 tube white frosting small, colorful candies such as sprinkles and miniature silver dragees Place popcorn in large bowl. In medium saucepan over medium-low heat, stir marshmallows and butter until marshmallows are melted and mixture is smooth. Remove from heat. Stir in vanilla extract. Pour mixture over popcorn in bowl. Toss well to coat popcorn evenly. Line baking sheet with foil. Spray hands with nonstick cooking spray then scoop about 1 cup popcorn mixture. Shape mixture into cone, keeping base flat to form tree. Sprinkle tree with decorating sugars; place tree on baking sheet. Make nine additional trees. Using decorating tip, pipe frosting on trees to make garland then decorate with sprinkles and silver dragees, as desired. Serving suggestion: Place each tree on sugar cookie and decorate serving tray with shredded coconut to resemble snow. Notes: For best flavor and color, start recipe with unflavored white popcorn. You can make colored sugar by adding food coloring to sugar then stirring in bowl or shaking vigorously in sealed container. Add additional food coloring for more intense tones.


December 19 – December 25, 2019


SPORTS The Trifecta

Three Houston Texans Selected For The 2020 NFL Pro Bowl By Brian Barefield, Style Sports Editor


fter it was all said and done, and the votes were tallied up. Three Houston Texans offensive weapons were selected to the 2020 NFL Pro Bowl. Quarterback Deshaun Watson, wide receiver DeAndre Hopkins, and left tackle Laremy Tunsil will represent the Texans in Orlando, Florida. This is the 16th-consecutive season that Houston has had at least one player selected.

fore the beginning of the 2019 season by landing offensive lineman Laremy Tunsil via trade with the Miami Dolphins. He has paid huge dividends this year by protecting the blindside of Watson and will make his first career appearance in the Pro Bowl. Set to become a free agent after this season, Tunsil will have a head coach and interim general manager Bill O’ Brien going to owner Cal McNair for the checkbook. Houston is currently ranked seventh in the NFL in rushing yards per game at 130.9 thanks to Tunsil clearing a path for the Texans running backs.

Deshaun Watson is making his second consecutive Pro Bowl appearance. He was an alternate on last year’s team but was voted to the first team this year. In a conference that has a plethora of good quarterbacks such as phenomenon Lamar Jackson (Ravens) and reigning NFL MVP Patrick Mahomes (Chiefs), Watson is putting up stats this season that has him in MVP talks with the aforementioned quarterbacks. His numbers speak volumes (3,668 yards passing, 26 touchdowns, 11 interceptions), as he became the first player in NFL history to record consecutive seasons with at least 25 passing touchdowns and five rushing touchdowns. Many coaches around the league have taken notice of Watson since he entered the league. “He’s just amazing,” said Tampa Bay Buccaneers head coach Bruce Arian


when describing Watson. “He’s one of my favorite players. Everything that he can do that’s designed, but then when he gets into backyard football, he’s the best there is I think right now.” There aren’t too many accolades left to describe the things Texans wide receiver DeAndre Hopkins can do on the football field and his peers recognize that as well. Hopkins was selected to his fourth Pro Bowl and third consec-

December 19 – December 25, 2019

utive as a starter. He leads the AFC in receptions (99) and receiving yards (1,142) while accounting for the 67 receiving first downs for Houston. “Mr. Reliable” has had 1,000 receiving yards for five out of his seven years in the NFL and became the second-youngest player in NFL history to reach 600 career catches and the third-youngest to reach 8,000 career receiving yards. The Texans hit the jackpot right be-


“He’s really athletic, he’s got great feet, he’s a physical player, he’s got good length,” Texans offensive coordinator Tim Kelly said at his press conference. “He’s just really everything you’re looking for in a left tackle.” Five Texans players were selected as alternates on Tuesday as well: ILB Zach Cunningham OLB Whitney Mercilus NT D.J. Reader C Nick Martin LS Jon Weeks


“Broke: Hardship and Resilience in a City of Broken Promises” By Jodie Adams Kirshner – Foreword by Michael Eric Dyson © 2019, St. Martin’s Press


$28.99 / $38.50 CanadS

By Terri Schlichenmeyer, Book Reviewer

umpty Dumpty sat on a wall. And you know how that went for him. The Royal Soldiers and a bunch of ponies couldn’t help him and you can only imagine what happened next: as in the new book “Broke: Hardship and Resilience in a City of Broken Promises” by Jodie Adams Kirshner, everything got scrambled. In the years following the Great Recession of 2007, while everyone in America seemed to be shakily putting their financial futures in line again, the city of Detroit continued to struggle. In certain areas of the city in which a majority of the population was African American, houses were foreclosed upon in large numbers, then abandoned by residents who were forced out. Thieves removed plumbing, copper wire, and anything else of value from uninhabited homes, and after they were gutted this way, houses were often inhabited by squatters and other displaced people, or a house fell apart, or was torched. Swimming upstream, Detroit declared bankruptcy in 2013. There were myriad reasons for it, says Kirshner, but in March of that year, a controversially-appointed emergency manager was tasked with clearing up the situation. Things got worse: population declined; lack of jobs exacerbated the problem; tax issues caused headaches for officials and potential homeowners;

342 pages

Jodie Kirshner

and blight set in – sometimes, entire neighborhoods of it. In well-to-do areas, she says, taxes were lower and growth resumed. In the middle of all this, Kirshner followed seven people, to see how they fared. Miles, a 40-something Black man, wanted nothing more than to live quietly

and repair houses, but a sketchy past wouldn’t go away. Charles, a 50-plusyear-old Black man, steadfastly refused to give up his house, even when it was little more than a shell. Robin, a 40-something white developer, saw big opportunity to buy up real estate. Reggie, a mid-40s Black man, wanted a home to raise his two adopted children. Cindy, a White woman in her early

sixties, tried to help her neighborhood, but failed; 50-something Joe came from New Jersey and made a difference; and college-educated single mother Lola wanted a better life for her daughter... “Broke” is not a pleasant read for your holidays – but it’s a necessary one. It’s disheartening to watch author Jodie Adams Kirshner’s subjects struggle upright, only to be shoved back down again. Readers will cringe at the darned-if-you-do, darned-if-you-don’t scenarios each of them face; just seeing their lives put into words might make you feel exhausted, imagining the overwhelmingness of it all. Furthermore, bureaucracy sometimes leaves no exits and that’s maddening – especially when Kirshner relates what happened in better-off neighborhoods and enclaves, schools and businesses, at the same time. And yet, this story is not sensationalized. Kirshner makes no overt villains here; the facts are laid out in plain terms that let you pick your own bad guys. There are also advice-like take-aways at the end, and usable ideas, though Detroit may be on the upswing. Still, according to this author and this book, it’s going to take awhile before things are all put together again. Share this story online at stylemagazine.com.

HOUSTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE TO PROPOSERS The Houston Independent School District located in the Hattie Mae White Educational Support Center at 4400 West 18th Street Houston, Texas 77092 will accept proposals, until the stated date and time deadlines, in the Board Services Office, Level C1. • Project 20-10-02 – RFP / Audit Management Solution – with a deadline of 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, January 29, 2020. The Pre-Proposal Conference for this project will be in Conference Room 2E26 at the above stated address on Tuesday, January 14, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. • Project 20-11-05 – RFQ / Audits, Consulting, Investigations, IT and Similar Services – with a deadline of 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, January 29, 2020. The Pre-Proposal Conference for this project will be in Conference Room 2E26 at the above stated address on Tuesday, January 14, 2020 at 10:30 a.m. The solicitation for bids is available on the HISD web-site at www.houstonisd.org. To access, go to Departments, Purchasing Services, Bid Opportunities. The District reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, or, to accept the proposal that is most advantageous to the District.


December 19 – December 25, 2019





n December 12th, Houston Style was invited to witness some amazing techO nology, the X-1 Eye Control, which was voted as one of Time’s Best Inventions of 2019. Comcast Houston shared and demonstrated its new X1 eye-control


technology with Easter Seals clientele, showcasing its web-based remote for tablets and computers that pairs with an eye gaze system allowing viewers to change the channel, set a recording, search for a show and more, all with a glance. Clintele testing the technology were Alexis Mendoza and Ignacio. Alexis is a 23-year old young adult who has a physical disability known as Cerebral Palsy which affects the muscle control of her upper and lower body extremities. She utilizes a Microsoft Pro Surface Tablet with the capability of eye tracking technology to meet her communication needs. Ignacio, along with his Eufemia Murguia, are also clients that tested the technology. Ignacio, 31, has Cerebal Palsy and is an eye gazer user due to his disability. Both Alexis and Ignacio showed how this type of advanced technology gives them independence. Some in attendance were Michael Bybee, Andre Cormier, and Cristen Reat.





ay Davis and her associates celebrated the holiday season with a festive party for family and friends. The Tiara and Top Hats Royal Affair was done in three actsa champagne toast, a royal feast, and casino royale. Entertainment was provided by Celeste, Stephanie, Eileen, the Henry Darragh Trio, Pure Class, Dave Lawson, and DJ Melodic. Food provided by Chef Ed. It was a great to mingle and jingle during this jolly season. Kay Davis and her associates celebrated the holiday season with a festive party for family and friends. The Tiara and Top Hats Royal Affair was done in three acts- a champagne toast, a royal feast, and casino royale. Entertainment was provided by Celeste, Stephanie, Eileen, the Henry Darragh Trio, Pure Class, Dave Lawson, and DJ Melodic. Food provided by Chef Ed. It was a great to mingle and jingle during this jolly season.


December 19 – December 25, 2019







nnually Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee helps give children a brighter holiday with her annual Toys-for-Kids Giveaway. Now in its 25th, year this massive undertaking to spread holiday cheer has been so incredible that last year she hit a new record high of approximately 13,000 individuals attending the festivities. This event is a hallmark event during the Houston holiday season and has attracted many participating organizations including the Houston Police Department, the Harris County Sheriff ’s Department, the Houston Fire Department, NASA Astronauts, the Houston Zoo, Coca Cola, the Oprah Winfrey Network, the Ensemble Theatre, Houston Ballet, Clutch the Rocket Bear, entertainers from across the country, professional athletes, college and high school bands, dancers, cheerleaders, and of course Santa himself. And one of the biggest delights is during the bike giveaway and seeing the faces of children smiling from ear to ear as they receive their very first bike.





ayor Sylvester Turner was smiling from ear-to-ear at his Runoff Election Night Watch Party. He successfully beat his opponent Tony Buzbee in the runoff election capturing 57% of the vote. His acceptance highlighted his Acres Homes upbringing and his plan for Houston for the next four years. Mayor Turner spoke about Houston’s diversity, the need to accept immigrants, and utilizing cooperative policing between officers and residents. Helping Mayor Turner in 2020 will be a majority run Houston City Council.


December 19 – December 25, 2019



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December 19 – December 25, 2019

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