Houston Style Magazine Vol 26 No 14

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Houston Style Magazine April 2 - April 8, 2015

Houston’s Premiere Weekly Publication

Volume 26 | Number 14


Jesse Jackson

Dr. King’s Dream Waits to be Fulfilled

Austin Urban Music Festival Celebrates 10 Years of Tunes


New Face of Dior

Words by Trevor G. Piper | Photos by huesoul.com

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Minute Maid Park’s New Mazda Club Level

NBUF Saturday School Students of the N’Joya Weusi Saturday School to Graduate

Cadillac CT6 Reveal at NYIAS

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April 2 - April 8, 2015


3/25/15 10:51 AM

04 08 15 Jay Z

Ted Cruz Rihanna

Volume 26 | Number 14 | APRIL 2 - APRIL 8, 2015 EDITORIAL

FEATURE WRITERS Rebecca Briscoe Francis Page, Jr. National Entertainment Publisher and Editor Susie Stillwell - Entertainment fpagejr@stylemagazine.com Lan– Arts Mical Roy – Feature Jo-Carolyn Goode Yolanda Pope – Culinary Managing Editor Dr. Lovell Jones – Health Editor editorial@stylemagazine.com Kim Davis – Sports Lisa Valadez Erick Cork - Feature Hispanic Managing Editor Aiaina Mayes – Blogger lisa@stylemagazine.com Demez White – Feature Dawn Paul – Feature Brandon Caldwell Lindsay Buchanan – Fashion Online Editor bcaldwell@stylemagazine.com Burt Levine – Political Jade Gold – Entertainment Eric Ford – Editorial Intern DESIGN/WEB De’Neisha Bell – Feature Gabrielle Deculus – Trevor G. Piper Writer/Events Coordinator Creative Director/Graphics trevor@tpipermedia.com Keandra Scott – Entertainment Cecilia Smith - Entertainment Kermit Williams Erynn Haskins - Feature Web Master webmaster@stylemagazine.com Yvonne Guidry - Entertainment Raegan Allen - Arts Jeffery T. Crump, Jr. Mimi LaRue - Feature Chief Designer Abimbola Farinde - Health webmaster@stylemagazine.com Sloan Hood - Sports Jessica Crawford - Feature Marcus Carter - Culinary NATIONAL WRITERS Franceli Chapman - Entertainment CoCo Dominguez - Entertainment JESSE JACKSON jjackson@rainbowpush.org Dr. Kimberly McLeod - Education ROLAND MARTIN www.rolandmartin.com


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ouston’s little funk band that could The Suffers made their national television debut on The Late Show With David Letterman. Owning the stage as only she could, Kam Franklin and the 10-piece band that makes up The Suffers delivered a bone shaking and rattling performance of “Gwan” from their recently released Make Some Room EP. “If you can’t do this, get out of the business!” Letterman howled about their performance. After settling SXSW ablaze and also ringing in the 8th anniversary of the Wonder Brewing Company, the band’s next big move was New York City and to do something that no Houston band had done in years, period.

Dale Lemar - Editing

-Brandon Caldwell

ADVERTISING/SALES Lisa Valadez advertising@stylemagazine.com 713-748-6300

Sametra Scott semetra@artistikrebelcreative.com Mike Munoz artrepreneur91@gmail.com

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Jesse Jackson

National Writer


his week, on April 4, we will mark the 47th anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. He was 39 at the time of his death. Dr. King was in Memphis to lend support to striking African American sanitation workers, who were protesting unequal wages and conditions and seeking to form a union. From Memphis, he was headed to Washington, D.C. where he was making arrangements for a Poor People’s Campaign, a march on Washington of impoverished workers of every race, religion and region. Dr. King’s concerns at that time are with us still. Today, like the sanitation workers, unions of public employees -- from teachers to sanitation workers -- are under siege by conservative governors. And as unions decline,



Levine, Political Writer

ordan Washington is a 17-year-old high school senior that’s known US Senator Ted Cruz most of his life. He and his family live next to Cruz’ father Pastor Rafael Cruz and are excited about the junior senator’s run for President. Washington was at Cruz’ kick-offs in Houston Tuesday and believes his best friend Cruz is “best for Texas and all America.” “I’ve known Ted at least since I was three. I’ve seen he can be trusted and counted on to do what is right. He doesn’t look at anyone from the point of view that he’s Texas’ first Hispanic US Senator or with regard to Democrat or Republican. He looks to folks as just friends, Texans and Americans,” Washington said. “I trust across America in the next 16 months people we see as I’ve seen from when we did things growing up together as families that Ted is a friend that means it when he talks about freedom and liberty that will benefit all Texans and all Americans,” he said. Washington and his family attended church with Cruz and his family. They go to or have attended Baptist churches in north Texas where Pastor Cruz has spoken gospel and taught them Christian faith. “Ted’s dad was jailed; beat up bloody and tortured in the 1950s fight-


Dr. King’s Vision Waits to Be Fulfilled inequality rises, and wages stagnate. Today, profits capture record proportions of the national income, and wages hover near record lows. Dr. King was a troubled man in 1968. The Civil Rights Movement was divided; his leadership was under assault. He was savagely criticized for opposing the Vietnam War. Nonviolence was increasingly criticized as ineffective, despite the victories in ending segregation and gaining the right to vote. Despairing, he sometimes talked about leaving the movement, becoming the head of a university, retiring to read and write. But he stayed in the struggle. He knew the stakes were too high to stop. Dr. King was clear. The war on poverty was being lost in the jungles of Vietnam. Our priorities were destructive:

Too much money and attention went to war and weapons of war, too little to addressing poverty and providing a hand up. Were he alive today, Dr. King surely would be organizing nonviolent civil disobedience, calling for protests. Once more, we are entangled in too many wars. Once more, a Congress slashes support for the vulnerable, while adding billions to war and weapons of war. Once more, working people lose hope, as too few have too much and too many have too little. Dr. King organized the Poor People’s Campaign because he understood that the powerful will not rescue the oppressed. Freedom comes only when the oppressed act and demand justice. He had helped lead the first movements of the Freedom Symphony

-- the struggle against segregation, the battle for voting rights. But he knew that the third movement -- the struggle for equal opportunity and economic rights -- would be the most difficult of all. In the last speech of his life, Dr. King referred to the threats on his life. “We’ve got some difficult days ahead,” he said. “But it doesn’t matter with me know. Because I’ve been to the mountaintop. ... Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place. But I’m not concerned about that now. ... I’ve seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people will get to the promised land.” Now, nearly 50 years later, we have come a long way, but we have far to go. Inequality is worse than it was in 1968. More are unemployed, far more are in prison. Hunger, homelessness, joblessness plague our neighborhoods. We will get to the promised land, but only if people of conscience once more heed Dr. King’s teaching, and act to create their own history. You can write to the Rev. Jesse Jackson in care of this newspaper or by email at jjackson@rainbowpush.org. Follow him on Twitter @RevJJackson. Share this story online at www. stylemagazine.com.

Washington Watches Best Friend Cruz Run for President

Senator Ted Cruz with Jordan Washington

ing for freedom as many of our parents and our grandparents identically did. Fighting for freedom here in our state and country as he did in Cuba before he came to Texas by himself not much older than I am now. Ted’s dad taught Ted

April 2 - April 8, 2015

about the fight for freedom when Ted was growing up here in Houston first hand. He knows first-hand the fortune of freedom in this country and critically what it took from prior generations in the last century for us to celebrate it in


this century,” Washington said. “What I saw when he ran for US Senate and what I see now is he isn’t like others in politics, we’re tired of that Republican in Washington or Austin or here,” he said. Pastor Cruz introduced his son, Senator Cruz as a man who “knows who he works for and he knows he works for the people of Texas and America.” “With Cruz you will have a voice for the future of America. The shackles of taxation, regulation and litigation will be further broken from being burdens to those that want to build their own businesses. Instead of kids living in their parent’s garage they again will be able to build businesses that skyrocket to success form those garages,” he said. The first term Senator, that completed high school at First Baptist in West Houston before Princeton and Harvard Law, took to the stage with wife Heidi and girls, Caroline and Catherine. “I proclaim it is good to be home because God does bless Texas.” He said “Our rights as Americans come not from government but from God Almighty.” Share this story online at www. stylemagazine.com.




































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LOCAL BRIEFS Scott McClelland

luncheon will be 25 college students from Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Louisiana who are the recent recipients of AEFH and AAF-H scholarships totaling $50,000. Four students are from the Houston area. For more information, visit www. aaf-houston.org/.

call 281-998-6150 or visit www.sanjac.edu.

Sylvester Turner

Sylvester Turner Kicks Off Mayoral Campaign


tate Representative Sylvester Turner kicked off his campaign for mayor of Houston before an overflow crowd of 700 enthusiastic supporters. Turner’s kickoff capped a big week for the campaign in which he won endorsements by the all three of the city’s employee unions – the Houston Professional Fire Fighters Association, Houston Police Officers Union and Houston Organization of Public Employees – as well as the Communication Workers of America Local 6222. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and State Senator John Whitmire also lent their support of Turner at the kickoff. For more information, visit www.SylvesterTurner.com.

H-E-B’s Scott McClelland to Address 2015 Scholars of AEFH Luncheon


cott McClelland, President of H-E-B’s Houston Division, will be the Keynote Speaker at the 2015 Advertising Education Foundation of Houston (AEFH) and American Advertising Federation-Houston (AAF-H) benefit luncheon. Special guests at the

Black Youth Excel in Community Math & Science Saturday School


San Jacinto College Creates Upward Mobility Ladder for Hispanic Students


an Jacinto College is starting a new initiative to increase the number of Hispanics who earn a college education. Exposing students as early as junior high school to the college experience, San Jacinto is putting Hispanics on a path to college enrollment through various programs. There efforts have resulted in 49.4 percent Hispanic student enrollment compared to 28.5 percent Caucasian for the fall of 2014. For more information about San Jacinto College, please

group of Houston youth are celebrating as their graduation from The N’Joya Weusi African Centered Saturday School is slated for April 4th. The youth have spent the last 5 weeks learning right-brain mathematics, science and cultural projects. Intertwined with their education, the children have also been exposed to Swahili language and Seven Principles of Kwanzaa. The children demonstrated high level of enthusiasm and understanding in physics, agriculture, water purification and energy. The N’Joya Weusi Saturday School is developed from the National Black United Front’s World African Centered Education Plan and named after two of the founding members Seydou N’Joya and Jitu Weusi. For more information, visit www.nbufhouston.com.

Equal Housing Choice Not Always So Simple


By the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs

Equal Housing choice” seems a simple concept but hard to define. You know it when you see it. And most Texans would like to think it gets easier to see every day. However, that certainly does not mean that every household in the state is provided the same choice regarding where they live that others are. More than fifty years after the passage of the Fair Housing Act, housing discrimination is now more often a subtle affair. Rather than a slammed door, discrimination today more often comes with a smile and an assurance that “we’ll get back to you.”


April 2 - April 8, 2015

T h e Te x a s D e partment of Housing and Community Affairs would like to use April’s designation as Fair Housing Month as an opportunity to examine the phrase and its meaning a little more closely. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) defines equal housing choice as the ability of a household – regardless of race, color, religion, sex, handicap (disability), familial status or national origin, and of similar income levels – to have the same housing choices available to them as everyone else in a given community. For example, one cannot outright refuse to sell or rent a home to a member of one of the seven protected classes listed above. Simple, right? Unfortunately, it’s not always so obvious. Imagine the following three scenarios: A Hindu family wants to purchase a home in a neighborhood where there are no temples serving their faith. Couldn’t a real estate professional point out that fact to the family, before they buy? After all, they are only trying to be helpful.


A single mom with young children hopes to rent at a particular apartment complex. Wouldn’t it be a good idea for the property manager to explain that the railroad tracks that run right behind the property might make it unsafe for the “little ones?” A person with a visual disability wants to rent a unit in a particular property. She uses a guide dog to help her navigate day to day activities, but the property has a strict “no pets” policy. The manager has no choice but to politely ask her to move on to another development. Right? In all three instances, according to HUD guidance, the real estate or leasing professional was in the wrong and may have violated the Fair Housing Act. Individuals and families cannot be “steered away” from a given neighborhood or rental property, even for what seems innocuous reasons, if the reasons are characteristic of the seven protected classes listed above. Sadly, this is but a small sample of the ways in which someone could effectively be denied equal housing choice. Housing discrimination continues to exist and it is in everyone’s best interest to bring it to an end. Equal access to the housing of a person’s choice is fundamental in meeting essential needs and ability to pursue personal, educational, employment, or other goals. Texas’ being a state in which residents can live where they choose will be a powerful tool for achieving the promise of being the state of opportunity. For more information about fair housing, funding opportunities, or services in your area, please visit www.tdhca.state.tx.us.


By Dr.


Kimberly McLeon, Educational Writer

magine having natural born talent, skill, desire and unlimited potential, but unable to release your energy and equitably engage because you’re bound and constrained by a culture of dysfunctional beliefs. Imagine wanting to connect, find your significance and appreciate your value in an environment that doesn’t value you. Imagine being assigned a key upon birth, yet every time you try to use it to gain access to a room, you realize the door is double locked and you only have a key to the bottom lock. So you continue to peer, learn and engage through a window. Imagine the looks -that are not surprised- that you don’t have access. Watch as they freely walk around the room, in and out the door and speak in a friendly way as they pass you by using their key to unlock the top and bottom lock. Imagine you being outside that room and peering in the window for so long, that benches and tables are now set up to make you more comfortable and give you a better view through the window. Imagine that seat on the bench was prepared for the expectation and the anticipation of your future destiny. Imagine trying to reconcile and understand, your innate capability and the traditional and/or expected destiny with your assigned key in your hand. Who are you again? Imagine the day you decide not to use the key that was given, but create a new key, a master key that unlocks any door you choose, gives you access anywhere you want to go and when you enter the room you excel, you learn, you teach, you use your natural born talent. The talent that you felt you had, even though your seat was on the bench. Imagine the

Desperately Seeking Self - The Liberation of Academic Oppression pleasant look of surprise on some faces as they celebrate you and call you the “exception”. Imagine the silent glares from the displeasing looks on other faces because they are more comfortable with you being on the bench, looking through the window. Imagine the unconvinced looks you get as you try to show others that outside the room, on the other side of the window

are a lot more “exceptions” – you’re not the only one. Now imagine in order to create that master key, you had to change your language, speak without an accent, change your hair, your beliefs, your looks, your name and your entire identity – or some form of it. Imagine another “exception” that created a master key and now goes outside the window and tries to tell all the other “exceptions” what they have to do (sacrifice) in order to create a master key. Now watch the “exceptions” begin to make the sacrifices. Watch as they and teach future generations how to sacrifice and make master keys. Imagine Imagine working, collaborating, designing and creating with a group of people inside and outside the room plans to build new rooms. Rooms with doors that have no locks. Rooms with no doors. Rooms that don’t require windows or walls. Imagine all the assigned keys distributed are now used only for decoration. Keys that aren’t used for access, or opportunity. Keys that don’t determine your value or your significance. Keys that don’t require your sacrifice. Keys, that can be used as necklaces, or rings, or bracelets, belt buckles, tie clips or anything imaginable. Keys that don’t unlock doors but keys that display the beauty and uniqueness of your individual identity. Read the full story online at www.stylemagazine.com and read more stories by Dr. McLeod online at www.CreativeEnergy.co .



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Dominique Sharpton

children and wife over the estate of Robin Williams according to NY Daily News. The good news is that the parties are not fighting over everything of Williams. His wife agrees Williams’ children should share the belongings from the Napa estate but is not in agreement with things in the home the couple shared. The children’s stance is that some of the contents in the house are things that belonged to Williams’ before the couple was married and are very sentimental. A judge has given both parties two months to try to settle their differences out of the courts. For more information, read nydailynews.com.

Harlem Book Fair, Innovative Literary Awareness Initiative

Jimena Sanchez

Dominique Sharpton Carries On Tradition of Her Father


evoltTV reports that Dominique Sharpton is an eight-year veteran of the National Action Network and admits the challenges are tough, citing recent activism in Ferguson and protesting for the district attorney’s removal. But her efforts have been recognized, particularly her work with the youth. And, now, she is becoming a larger presence in her father’s organization and carrying on his tradition.

“I feel like my father is now at ease with my sister and I getting involved at this capacity and doing what we have to do to make our voices heard,” she told REVOLT.
 For more information, visit www.revolt.tv/video.

looking like the reality TV star, Sanchez has the body and the love for selfies to match like Mrs. West. Plus, she has the followers to boot. On Instagram alone her follower top in the 350,000s and that number is laughable compared to over 950,000 Twitter followers. The social media diva said she loves the attention. Nah, we couldn’t tell! Read more about Sanchez on Latina.com.


Common Out as Commencement Speaker for New Jersey University


he Harlem Book Fair has launched an innovative literacy-awareness initiative, My Book Selfie, that rewards readers who share their love of books. Using social media, the Harlem Book Fair is offering weekly rewards and prizes for readers who post a picture of themselves showing their favorite book or current reading. The goal of the ongoing program is to create an online presence where readers are acknowledged for being a large and vibrant nation-wide community and are rewarded for their love of reading. The best book selfie will be selected from submitted photos on a weekly basis by the staff of QBR/The Black Book Review www.qbr.com and the Harlem Book Fair for more information.


ip-hop rapper Common was slated to give the commencement address to the graduating class of 2015 of New Jersey’s Kean University this year until his rap lyrics caused some attention. According to NBC New York, some of Common’s lyrics about a woman charged with killing an officer who went to Cuba in his song “A Song for Assata” about the real life of Joanne Chesimard that he recorded in 2000 caused concern for police. The school announced Common speaking on this Monday and abruptly announced that he would not speak the following day. Read more at nbcnewyork.com.

Zoe Kravitz Open Up About Health Challenges in Interview with Complex



oe Kravitz, the fame daughter of Lenny Kravitz and Lisa Bonet, is opening up her battle with anorexia and bulimia with in an interview with Complex Magazine. She notes her later teen years were hard for her to love herself. She admits that she anther mother both have their own insecurities that they continue to deal with. Read the full article at www.complex.com Mexican TV Anchor Wants to Dethrone Kim Kardashian as Queen of Selfies


he Mexican Kim Kardashian? That is what 30-year-old Mexican TV anchor Jimena Sanchez has been dubbed according to Latina.com. Besides


April 2 - April 8, 2015

First Look of Rihanna as Official Dior Girl


Robin Williams

Robin Williams’ Children and Wife in Ugly Battle Over His Estate


n ugly battle that would have the legendary private comedian upset is brewing between his


t was confirmed earlier that year about the historic move to officially make Rihanna the first and only African American woman to ever represent the French fashion house, Dior. Rihanna is slated to appear in Dior’s Spring 2015 campaign. She, of course, will do the famous run in the palace of Versailles looking breathlessly beautiful with every stride. She also will appear in numerous advertisements for the print campaign. It is great fit for Rihanna as she is no stranger to the brand and is definitely a fashionista on and off the red carpet. Congrats Rihanna! For more information, visit www.dior.com


Family Features

Impress Spring Party Guests with Surprise Sweets


ransform an ordinary cupcake into something extraordinary with a peek-a-boo filling. These simple cupcakes are an easy addition to any spring celebration. You’ll want to serve every variety of these turned up treats for Easter and beyond. The best part about this party trick? It’s easy. You’ll be digging this one out of your recipe repertoire for every spring soiree.

Favorite chocolate cake mix or recipe Creamy Decorator Icing Chocolate Decorator Icing Leaf Green Icing Color Orange Icing Color Crushed chocolate sandwich cookies

Hop to Easter Who said Easter baskets are just for the kids? Treat your holiday guests to take-home cupcakes served in individual cupcake boxes. They’ll be delighted to find a surprise inside these icing-filled cupcakes.

Preheat oven to 350°F. Place Color Wheel baking cups in standard muffin pan. Prepare cake mix following package instructions. Bake in prepared muffin pan 18-20 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool completely in pan on cooling grid. To decorate, tint small amount of creamy decorator icing green; tint remaining orange. Use Carrot Garden Easter Cupcakes spatula and chocolate icing to ice tops of cupcakes pipe pull-out leaf carrot tops. smooth. Sprinkle with cookie crumbs. Chill until set, For more information, visit www.wilton.com. about 15 minutes. Use knife to cut out center of cupcakes almost to bottom of cupcake. Use tip 2A and orange icing to fill in center of cupcake and pipe about 1/4 inch above cupcake; pat smooth. Use tip 352 and green icing to

The Garden Party Spring into the season and host an outdoor party on the patio or in the garden. Your guests will enjoy the fresh air and the sweetly decorated desserts. Add Fresh Flavor Shake things up with a refreshing new twist. Try filling your cupcakes with refreshing lemon meringue, raspberry mousse or peanut butter and jelly cupcake fillings. No matter how you slice it, fill it or serve it, these cupcakes are a party pleaser that’s guaranteed to impress. Find tasty filling recipes, fresh ideas and easy decorating projects at www.wilton.com. Carrot Garden Easter Cupcakes Servings: 1 dozen cupcakes

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G. Piper, Creative Director

Austin Urban Music Festival Celebrates 10 Years of Tunes

Eric Benet

The Robert Glasper Experiment featuring Lalah Hathaway


unny skies, chirping birds, a nice breeze, a n age diverse crowd of music lovers and a melody inthe air can somewhat explain what the Austin Urban Music Festival experience was like. Held outdoors at Auditorium Shores it was nothing but perfect weather to experience this dynamic showcase of talent. The 10th Annual Austin Urban Music Festival was held on March 27th and 28th, 2015 which included performances by Eric Benet, The Robert Glasper Experiment featuring Lalah Hathaway and Musiq Soulchild, Calvin Richardson, Blackstreet, and legendary hip hop artist Doug E. Fresh. Launched in April 2006, during the famed Clyde Littlefield Texas Relays. Austin Urban Music Festival (AUMF) is a two-day, national and local entertainment stage hosting, family-centric event that occurs in Austin, Texas, during the Clyde Littlefield Texas Relays. The festival is the one of the few African-American–based music festivals in the United States, featuring stages that focus specifically on Hip-Hop / R&B, Soul, Gospel / Neo-Soul, and showcases local and unsigned African-American artists that have been never heard nationally. AUMF works in conjunction with the African American Quality of Life Initiative which began as the City of Austin assessed the conditions and

Doug E. Fresh

Robert Glasper


sentiment of the City’s African American community through a series of community discussions and presentations to City Council. The festival kicked off with performances from many local and regional emerging artists. The grounds was filled with vendors of all sorts and plenty of room to move about even with hundreds of people in attendance. The major act on Friday night was Houston’s own, multiple Grammy winner jazz pianist Robert Glasper and his band. They delighted the audience with numerous songs from their group albums Black Radio 1 and 2. The performance reached new heights as Robert welcomed out Ms. Lalah Hathaway to the stage who appears on the album Black Radio 2. She blazed through their rendition of Sade’s ‘Cherish the Day’ and Stevie Wonder’s ‘Jesus Children’ which were both crowd favorites. Her dynamic range had the audience whooping and singing along to every word. Next, Musiq Soulchild joined the band and performed his selections with the Robert Glasper Experiment. The band then broke into solos and took turns showing off in the most fantastic ways possible. What happened next was the pinnacle of the Friday night festivities as both Lalah and Musiq returned to the stage for what can only be termed a friendly riffing duel. Lalah runs her vocals from low to high and all within an earshot quiver at her immense range.

April 2 - April 8, 2015


Musiq jokingly begins to walk away as he somewhat matches her tones. They took the crowd on a sonic journey and closed out to a rousing standing ovation. Saturday was yet another gorgeous day on the grounds. One of the early performers was Houston’s own Bel-Ami who was a crowd favorite. The laid back environment gave way to some great energy as Calvin Richardson took to the stage and belted out his hits, even performing in the VIP area of the audience. A special paring of the group Blackstreet came out and sang the groups hit records while everyone sang along. The ever so talented Eric Benet and his band set the stage on fire as the sun began to set. He crooned through his years of hits and continuously thanked the audience for making each of those songs hit records. He joked around with the crowd, dipping in and out of his own quirky “southern accent”. Last but not least, the hip hop legend Doug E. Fresh and the original Get Fresh Crew took to the stage to close out the festival. Doug emceed the people through classic hip hop songs, classic television theme songs, displayed his dynamic connectivity and crowd control. The self proclaimed “greatest entertainer in the world” had the entire place on their feet with his world famous ‘beat boxing’ abilities. For more info visit www.austinurbanmusicfestival.com

Packed Houston for #AUMF2015

1/4-Page AD TEMPLATE Musiq Soulchild

Calvin Richardson

HOUSTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE TO PROPOSERS The Houston Independent School District located in the Hattie Mae White Educational Support Center at 4400 West 18th Street Houston, Texas 77092 will accept proposals, until the stated date and time deadlines, in the Board Services Office, Level C1 • PROJECT 15-03-03 – PROJECT TITLE: RFP/ MEDICAID REVENUE MAXIMIZATION SYSTEM – WITH A DEADLINE OF 1:00 P.M. APRIL 15, 2015. A PRE-PROPOSAL MEETING WILL BE HELD AT 9:00 A.M., APRIL 7, 2015 IN CONFERENCE ROOM 2C12 AT THE ADDRESS LISTED ABOVE. Proposals are available on the HISD web-site at www.houstonisd.org. The District reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, or, to accept the proposal that is most advantageous to the District. The District sells obsolete assets on-line at www.PublicSurplus.com.



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Cadillac Brings Innovation and Luxury to 2016 Cadillac CT6



Julian Sparks, Special to Style


osted at the infamous Naval Yards of Brooklyn, New York as Cadillac opened the CT6 World Premiere Event with an opening presentation by Cadillac President Johan de Nysschen. The CT6 is the first of eight new cars Cadillac will create to expand in the next decade. The main point to take away from this re-invention of a large sedan is it is uniquely Cadillac. The CT6 has the most advanced body structure with mixed-materials composed of steel and aluminum reducing the weight by 200 lbs. Cadillac has created the most light and agile large sedan with its rocket science manufacturing techniques. The executives want you to know Cadillac is back with the new CT6. Its has all wheel drive, active rear steering, and magnetic ride control. the bold and spacious interior has night vision, a rear camera, and a 360 degree camera on all sides. Adding the custom quilting patterns and unique perforated seats with multi-adjusting features truly makes this a luxury vehicle. Ed Welburn current Head of Design at General Motors spoke with me saying, “What excites me is the design of the vehicle draws you in and once you get in its amazing.� This Cadillac CT6 is the epitome of a modern luxury car, and with its many features it will surely be as staple of the Cadillac brand. This premiere event of the CT6 is showing that Cadillac will continue to bring luxury and innovation to the 21st century. For more information, visit www.cadillac.com

Toyota Provides the Next Adventure with the New Tacoma Truck



Julian Sparks, Special to Style

to take away from the night. With DJ Questlove spinning music all night there was never a dull moment at the party. Even Darryl McDaniels of Run D.M.C. was in attendance taking pictures with fans, creating a truly New York experience. The new Toyota is definitely a truck that will provide fun and adventure to any driver on the road. For more information, visit www.Toyota. com.


he Toyota Great Adventure began at The Standard Hotel in Chelsea, New York. The exclusive event introduced guests to the new Toyota Tacoma. This huge new innovation that Toyota will soon unveil to the public was the star centerpiece of the evening. The goal of the night was to let people have a great time and enjoy the Toyota 12

April 2 - April 8, 2015

experience. The event was hosted by The Standard Biergarten, which provided gigantic pretzels, bratwurst, and authentic German beers all night. The German themed event gave a worldly feel to the party, and really made you feel Toyota was a larger than life brand. Adventure and fun were the main points www.StyleMagazine.com


The Undertaker’s Wife

t’s supposed to go like this: You are born, you grow up, graduate from high school, then college. You fall in love, get married, have two-point-five children and a mortgage with a two-car garage, you grow old, then you die. It’s supposed to be like that. But, as they say, if you want to see God laugh, make plans – and in the new book “The Undertaker’s Wife” by Dee Oliver with Jodie Berndt, He surely saw plenty that was funny. Dee Oliver was destined to marry a wealthy doctor. That’s what she thought, growing up in Virginia Beach. Doctors had money, and who doesn’t appreciate money? Plus, they were good with that in-sickness-and-in-health stuff, and Oliver was not. A doctor, she decided, would be a perfect husband. And that was the plan – until Oliver met Johnnie. He was an older (35-year-old) man, handsome and charming. He was also a funeral director and on their first date, he was on-call – which meant that before they reached their destination, they had to retrieve a corpse which accompanied them on their evening. Still, Oliver fell in love and, though their early romance was on-again-off-again, she married Johnnie, birthed three children, and they lived happily ever after. Almost. When Johnnie suddenly had a stroke and died, Oliver wasn’t sure what to do. She’d only ever been an undertaker’s wife and a mother, so she prayed about her dilemma – and then she found an application for mortuary school in a pile of bills on Johnnie’s desk. God and Johnnie, she figured, were sending a message. She returned to school, got good grades, and eagerly anticipated her internship.

And that, she thought, would naturally be done at Johnnie’s family’s funeral home. Why not? She loved the staff, understood procedures, and knew the clientele – but Johnnie’s brother, the business’s new CEO, inexplicably sent Oliver packing. None of his nearest competitors would hire her, either. And so, with temporary license in hand and three daughters to feed, Oliver became “a widowed [Southern] white socialite working in an all-black funeral home in a most definitely all-black neighborhood…” Oh, how I loved this book. And oh, how I hated it. First of all, you can throw out every stereotype you’ve ever heard about funeral homes: there’s nothing at all morbid or stuffy inside “The Undertaker’s Wife.” Author Dee Oliver (with Jodie Berndt) made me laugh again and again, in fact, and I was completely captivated by her amazement at the turns her neatly-planned life took. There’s so much charm here, so much gratitude, and a much-needed change of heart and race-based attitude inside an unusual story. And yet, there’s the irritation. Oliver leaves readers hanging off the steepest of cliffs and with no apologies, which almost made me regret this book – almost, but not enough to say it’s not worth reading, because it definitely is. S o look for it and hold the growls. Instead, do what I’m doing: wait for the sequel while you laugh with “The Undertaker’s Wife.” Just maybe that’s how it’s supposed to be. Share this story online at www.stylemagazine. com.


Terri Schichenmeyer, Literary Writer


by Dee Oliver with Jodie Berndt

c.2015, Zondervan $15.99 / higher in Canada 224 pages

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Raegan Boutte, Special to Style

It Follows: A Perfect Thrill to Gross You Out


her decision to pass it along to someone else. Maika Monroe displays an incredible performance as we watch her character tormented thorough out the film and struggle with the idea of passing the curse to her childhood friend who volunteers to have sex with her and rid her of the curse and torment. This film unlike many other horror films succeeds where others fail. Director Mitchell’s choice of style and direction allows the audience to actually care about these characters and their unique plights. You root for the main character throughout the film and feel every bit of dread , despair and hopelessness she feels as she and her friends plot to rid themselves of this evil super natural thing. This horror film really wins with the audience because it manages to play on our most natural fear of being watched and followed. If you’re looking for a thrill and you want to see something dark and scary and a little horrifying, then grab a bucket of popcorn and a date because this would be the perfect movie to fully engross yourself in. It Follows is the type of movie that does just that! Expect this film’s creepy, eeriness to follow you into the night even after you leave the Movie Theatre. Filmed in Detroit, Michigan, It Follows debuted at the Cannes Film festival in 2014 to critical praise. Rotten tomatoes have it at a current rating of 95 and if you’re a scary movie fan like me- you won’t be disappointed! It Follows opened this Friday, March 27 to select theatres.

t Follows is a small budget, restricted released film that is garnering a lot of excitement lately. Directed by Robert Mitchell, it stars actress Monika Monroe. The film has been classifies as a super natural horror indie film and is currently gaining a lot of attention from Horror movie fans. It Follows released on March 27, 2015 features a casts of newcomers Maika Monroe, Keir Gilchrist, and Jake Weary. The plot follows a young girl (Monika Monroe) who is pursued by a supernatural force after

a sexual confrontation. In this horror story the director Robert Mitchell deals with multiple themes such as: sex, guilt, and fear as the main character is inflicted with a curse of a supernatural, human like figure after having sex with a guy she hardly knows. She then learns the only way to rid herself of the curse, is to pass the curse along by having sex with another person. Since the curse was passed onto to her through consensual sex, she becomes deeply conflicted with


One Woman’s Story: Living and Helping Others with Inherited Lung Disorder


Family Features


heezing, shortness of breath and chronic bronchitis are often associated with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). However, they are also symptoms of a serious genetic form of emphysema called Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency, also known as Alpha-1. For Peggy Iverson and her family, the symptoms and risk of this life-threatening condition are all too familiar. Alpha-1 is a hereditary condition in which the body does not produce a protein known as alpha-1 antitrypsin, which protects lungs from damage. Alpha-1 has been identified in nearly all populations and ethnic groups, and it is the most common known genetic risk factor for emphysema. The National Institutes of Health estimate that more than 100,000 Americans may have Alpha-1; only 10 percent of these cases have been properly diagnosed. Up to 3 percent of people diagnosed with COPD may have undetected Alpha-1. The importance of early diagnosis and intervention Alpha-1 is commonly first misdiagnosed as asthma or COPD. In fact one study shows that 43 percent of Alpha-1 patients see at least three doctors before receiving a correct diagnosis - and that it takes an average of nearly eight years from first symptoms to diagnosis. During that time, lung damage progresses. Peggy’s mother, Helen Kline, was 45 years old when she began experiencing shortness of breath. She learned she had lung damage, even though she had never smoked. Further testing soon revealed Helen had Alpha-1. Unfortunately, Helen’s lung function continued to decline, and she passed away from Al-


April 2 - April 8, 2015

pha-1 in 1984, at the age of 54, just nine years after her diagnosis. Because of her mother’s diagnosis, Peggy was tested for Alpha-1 in her mid-20s and learned that she too had the condition. For Peggy, this early diagnosis made all the difference. It allowed her to make lifestyle changes to protect her lungs, which included seeing a pulmonologist yearly. Peggy was able to begin treatment immediately when her lung function began to decline in 2000. Nowadays, Peggy treats her condition with Zemaira(r) (Alpha-1 Proteinase Inhibitor [Human]), from CSL Behring, which works to restore the alpha-1 antitrypsin protein her body lacks. Peggy, who is now 61 years old, is striving to help others with Alpha-1 find the education and support they need to manage their condition and lead happy lives. Inspired to help


Classification: Horror/ Indie / Small Budget Share this story online at www.stylemagazine. com.

In 2006, Peggy attended her first Alpha-1 national conference and was inspired to begin an Alpha-1 support group in her hometown in Iowa. After running the local support group for five years, Peggy became a coordinator with AlphaNet, a not-for-profit organization serving the specific needs of those with Alpha-1. As an AlphaNet Coordinator, Peggy provides support, education and resources to others with Alpha-1, on an ongoing basis, to help them manage their condition. Most important, though, she gives others hope. “It is possible to live a great life with Alpha-1 due to the many resources and treatments available,” said Peggy. This initiative is part of the Alpha-1 Disease Management and Prevention Program developed by AlphaNet to support those with Alpha 1, their families and healthcare providers. The goal of the program is to help those with Alpha-1 improve their quality of life and efficiently manage health resources. “I feel blessed to serve those with Alpha-1 every day,” said Peggy. Peggy also heads fundraisers for Alpha-1 research and enjoys spending time with her husband, Pete, and two sons, both carriers of the Alpha-1 gene. CSL Behring is a global biotherapeutics company committed to the Alpha-1 community. For more information about CSL Behring or Alpha-1, visit www.zemairacarez.com. Read the rest of this story on stylemagazine. com.


Mixed Chicks Awarded NaturallyCurly’s 2015 Editor’s Choice Award


ixed Chick’s miracle working Morning After Redefining Foam is now a NaturallyCurly 2015 Editor’s Choice award winner for best refresher for type 3 curls. Chosen by 12 NaturallyCurly editors who spent several months testing hundreds of products designed for wavy, curly and coily hair, the competition was stiff, but Mixed Chicks made the grade. Designed to re-energize day-old curls, their Morning After Redefining Foam gives limp locks new life without shampooing or water. Just pump, scrunch and go! Allowing for beautiful fresh curls without the hassle or time it takes to re-wash and re-style, no wonder it’s a winner! The Morning After Redefining Foam is great for: • Refreshing yesterday’s curls. • Applying to dry hair (no need to wet hair) to boost and freshen curls. • Great for cold climates. Founders Wendi Levy and Kim Etheredge are “mixed chicks” who turned their frustrating haircare woes into an opportunity to create products that could handle the wily locks of bi-racial men and women everywhere. The result was a line of naturally beautifying solutions that transcend all hair types to provide the control, shine, and health they deserve. Morning Redefining Foam is $14.99 
 For information, visit http://www.mixedchicks. com

ADVANCED SINUS CENTER Tired of dealing with headaches, facial pressure and pain, fatigue, nasal congestion, difficulty breathing through nose, postnasal drainage, allergies, and sinus infections? RELIEF IS HERE! For more information on a safe & minimally invasive in-office procedure BALLOON SINUPLASTY www.allergysinusvoice.com Dr. Shaista Husain MD FACS | Diane Ofili PA- C Ph: 8323661477 Fax: 7133918368 | 8323661479 1315 St. Joseph Pkwy #1109 Houston Texas 77002 mwww.StyleMagazine.com oc.enizagaMelytS.www April 4102 2,6-2April yraur8,be2015 F-02 yraurbeF

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The Root Causes of Unhealthy Communities

Keon L. Gilbert and Keith Elder, Special to Style


ixty-two percent of Americans say they are very concerned about their health.* It’s unsurprising that those who express the most concern are most vulnerable, underserved, and lacking economic means and educational gains. By contrast, a national poll conducted by Robert Wood Johnson Foundation in partnership with Harvard School of Public Health and National Public Radio surfaced another predictable finding: Those who rank their

health high and are economically stable are likely to have more control over their health. The more control, the more effort people put into improving their health. Health is a matter of individual, community, and national priority. The factors that contribute to our health remain a part of daily conversations at home, work, school, and where we worship. A healthy life begins in childhood, and factors such as child abuse or neglect, lack of high-quality medical care, personal behavior, viruses/bacte-

ria, stress, and environmental pollution increase the risk of illness and premature death. But additional threats identified by underserved Americans include living in segregated neighborhoods, where there is often less access to health care facilities, quality education, full-service grocery stores, and recreational outlets. Many studies describe the influences of community structures on the chronic stress that many racial, ethnic, and lower socioeconomic groups experience. Witness the recent devastation of communities lacking equitable social, economic, and policy structures. The factors that prevent low-income communities and communities of color from accessing health care also prevent them from accessing other valuable resources that decrease the risk for poor health. Poor-quality housing, limited public transportation, high crime rates, and other socially disrupted conditions reduce sense of community, access to health care, and the ability to manage chronic diseases properly. Children suffer the most damaging effects of these inequities. Poor childhood experiences and exposures can lead to poor adulthood outcomes, as the unhealthy circumstances that negatively affect children have a similar impact on adults and lead to concentrat-

ed poverty and unhealthy communities. We know that eating fruits and vegetables, reducing stress, limiting consumption of fast food, and limiting alcohol, sports drinks, and sugar-sweetened beverages will help to improve health. On a broader scale, however, the environments we live in should offer access to healthy food, reduced exposure to drugs, less environmental pollution, greater access to quality medical care, and more economic opportunities through jobs. We need a greater emphasis on improving our social, economic, and living environments so that all Americans can be healthy from childhood to adulthood. Keon L. Gilbert, DrPH, MA, MPA, is an assistant professor in the Department of Behavioral Science & Health Education at Saint Louis University’s College for Public Health & Social Justice and a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) New Connections grantee. Keith Elder, PhD, MPH, is chair of the Department of Health Management and Policy at Saint Louis University’s School of Public Health, and an RWJF New Connections alumnus. For more information, visit www.rwjf.org.


Minute Maid Park’s New Mazda Club Level Photography by Roswitha Vogler


n Wednesday, April 1, 2015, Houston Style Magazine was on hand at Minute Maid Park as the Astros and Aramark unveiled the new Mazda Club Level. Media got the first exclusive look of Minute Maid Park’s Park’s newly renovated Mazda Club Level. Highlights included an exclusive tour of the new concourse and retail store on the Mazda Club Level, and an opportunity to sample new concession offerings from Aramark. The Houston Astros completed a full renovation of the Mazda Club Level this offseason in a continuing effort to improve the fan experience at Minute Maid Park. Some in attendance were Astros Senior Vice President of Business Operations Marcel Braithwaite, Aramark Resident District Manager at Minute Maid Park Mat Drain, Aramark Executive Chef at Minute Maid Park Dominic Soucie Chef, restaurant owner and Aramark chef partner at Minute Maid Park Bryan Caswell and Mazda Gulf Region General Manager Craig Salsberry.


April 2 - April 8, 2015



Cadillac CT6 Reveal at NYIAS Photography by Francis Page, Jr.


n Tuesday, March 31, 2015, Houston Style Magazine was on hand at the Naval Yards in Brooklyn, New York for the New York International Auto Show as revealed the new Cadillac CT6. Cadillac President Johan de Nysschen proudly showed off the latest addition in the automaker’s luxury fleet of vehicles. The massive sedan is just one of the many vehicles Cadillac is rolling to expand their line in the next 10 years. Keeping in tradition of using quality material matched with the best innovation, the CT6 combines premium materials with rocket science technology. General Motors Head of Design Ed Welburn noted that once potential buyers get inside they would be amazed. Get a look at the Cadillac CT6 when it hits showrooms at your local Cadillac dealer.

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Rollins and Davis’ 75th Birthday Celebration Photography by Vicky Pink


ouston Style Magazine was on hand as Patti Page Rollins and her best friend Dorothy Davis celebrated their 75th birthdays will a blowout birthday bash. Ever since they were 5 years old Rollins and Davis have been inseparable attending elementary and secondary school together at St. Nicholas Catholic School. The pair returned to their old stomping to celebrate their birth with a host of family and friends. During the celebration, the pair received congratulatory recognition from President Barack Obama, and former Presidents George Bush, Bill Clinton, and Jimmy Carter as well as from Mayor Annise Parker and other elected officials. Some in attendance at the party were, Rollins’s children – Tina Stepter (James); Lynn Page (Martin Troupe), Francis Page, Jr. (Kristyn); Rollins’ grandchildren – Rachel Powell, Gabrielle Page, Khayla Page, Cynthia Page Randall, and Teresa Page Robinson; Davis’ sister - Lavern Smith; Davis’ children – Duane Davis, Keith Davis, Greg Davis, and Troy Davis; Davis’ grandchildren – Christopher Davis, Jr., D’Angelo Davis, Victoria Gordon Walden, Cameron Davis, Taylor Davis, and Gabrielle Davis; Davis’ great grandchild – Christopher Davis; and a host of others.


April 2 - April 8, 2015



ever artists owned music streaming service called Tidal. The subscription streaming service that Jay-Z purchased for a cool $56 million will allow users to join with two monthly subscriptions levels - $10 for a compressed format and $20 for CD-quality streams. Tidal has an extensive library of 25 million-plus tracks, 75,000 music videos, and curated editorial articles, features and interviews written by experts. Tidal gives artists the control on how their music is consumed and Jay-Z hopes will make music fans respect music again. For more information, visit www.tidal.com.

Whole Foods Market® Voss to Donate to Local Nonprofits


hole Foods Market Voss will donate 1 percent of net sales for each of the first five days the new store is open to local nonprofits. The store opens Wednesday, April 8th, at Voss and Woodway. As part of the company’s commitment to supporting its communities, all stores donate 5 percent of net sales once a quarter. Local nonprofits to benefit from Whole Foods’ generosity are the Houston Symphony, Quilts for Kids, Pup Squad Rescue, Trotter Family YMCA, and Houston Arboretum. The new Voss store, at 1407 South Voss Road, will replace the company’s Woodway location, which will close April 3. For more information, visit www.wholefoodsmarket.com/stores/voss.

Howard Schultz

Houston-Area JCPenney Stores Receive Company’s Highest Distinction


even Houston-Area J. C. Penney stores received a very prestigious honor from J. C. Penney Company, Inc. as one of its top performing stores with the Founder’s Award at a special leadership conference in Dallas. The Founder’s Award is the Company’s highest distinction for leadership excellence, recognizing top performers from across the Company. At this year’s ceremony, only 104 of approximately 1,060 stores, six out of 52 districts and four out of 14 supply chain facilities received the coveted award. The Founder’s Award is presented to teams that truly excel in the areas of financial performance, customer and client service, and business expertise. For more information, please visit jcpenney.com.

SeaWorld® Unveils Plans for New Dolphin Habitat Opening in 2016


eaWorld San Antonio announced that the park will begin construction this spring on a new addition that will open in 2016. This project, one of the largest single capital investments in the park’s 27-year history, will include a revolutionary new area for dolphins. The new habitat will double the size of the park and will be transformed into two new ways to experience dolphins. Guests will be able to go beneath the water’s surface to see dolphins swim and play as well as swim with the dolphins themselves. For more information, visit www.seaworldparks.com/en/seaworld-sanantonio.

Jay Z Launches 1st Artist Owned Music Streaming Service


ay-Z and 16 of his music friends are changing the way artists get paid for their music with the first

Starbucks Stands Firm in Supporting Same-Sex Marriage


ince announcing their support of same-sex marriage, Starbucks has felt a backlash from some Christians. Some have sold their shares in Starbucks while others have signed the petition at DumpStarbucks.com. Founder of Corporate Morality Action Center, Tom Stobhar, brought attention to the drop in Starbucks sales and earnings as result of their support. Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz quickly responded stating not every decision is about economics and that Starbucks embraced diversity as a sign of respect and dignity for their partners and customers as he noted the company’s 38% shareholder return for the last 12 months. For more information, visit www.starbucks. com.

McDonald’s Tests All-Day Breakfast


an Diego McDonald fans have a new reason to sleep a little later. McDonald’s is testing an all- day breakfast menu of select McMuffins sandwiches in the area. McDonald’s, which usually stops breakfast sales at 10:30am, is trying out this new strategies to help struggling sales. Other menu changes include bringing back its version of chicken tenders called Chicken Selects and cutting back on chicken raised on antibiotics. For more information, visit mcdonalds.com.

Dr. Mary Schmidt Campbell

Six Houston Firms Win AGC/Willis’ Construction Safety Excellence Awards


Jay Z

es. Because of their exceptional leadership in safety six Houston-based firms were awarded these safety awards in different categories. For more information, visit www.agc.org.

hirty-seven firms were named the nation’s safest construction companies in 2014 by the Associated General Contractors of America. AGC, which oversees the Willis Construction Safety Excellence Awards, an annual ranking of construction safety programs, selected the winners reviewing the safety programs and results from contractors all over the nation then inviting the top three firms in each category to present to and be questioned by a distinguished panel of judg-

Dr. Mary Schmidt Campbell Named President-Elect of Spelman College


he Board of Trustees of Spelman College announced the selection of Mary Schmidt Campbell, Ph.D., as the College’s 10th president since its founding in 1881. Dr. Campbell assumes the role officially August 1, 2015, having served as dean emerita of the Tisch School of the Arts and university professor in the Department of Art and Public Policy at New York University.
 Spelman’s current president, Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum, will step down in July after 13 years at the helm of the nation’s most selective historically Black college for women. For more information about Dr. Campbell and the presidential transition visit www. spelman.edu/president-elect.

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