Houston Style Magazine Vol 34 No 32

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NEWS | COMMENTARIES | SPORTS | HEALTH | ENTERTAINMENT Support Black Owned Businesses Houston’s Premiere Weekly Publication, Since 1989 Complimentary SceneFour HAUTE SHOTS: Astros Visit To The White House Mayor's 2023 Back 2 School Fest - A Success! Instagram: @StyleMagazineHTX Twitter: @HoustonStyle TAG US: #TeamStyleMag Facebook: @HoustonStyleMagazine AUGUST 10 - AUGUST 16, 2023 Ensuring A/C Access for All Houston Area Residents Houston Housing Authority Ben Jealous Unlikely Allies & Uncomfortably Large Coalitions Volume 34 | Number 32 Houston Style Magazine BCBSTX Champions Maternal and Infant Health In Special P ro gra m H BEE BUSY + HYGINE FOR HOPE + SATURDAYH IS OUT WITH DEPRESSION JUDGE - LINA HIDALGO
August 10, 2023 – August 16, 2023 www.StyleMagazine.com 2


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Triumph Igniting The Citys Spirit

The George R. Brown Convention Center came alive with excitement and anticipation this past Saturday, August 5th, for the 13th Annual Mayor’s Back 2 School Fest. This much-awaited event, sponsored by the renowned Shell and masterfully orchestrated by the Mayor’s Office of Special Events, was not just another edition - it was, by many measures, the most successful yet. View the event’s vibrant highlights here

A staggering 18,000 students, accompanied by their families, flocked to the Convention Center, marking the second year of in-person festivities post the challenging COVID-19 times. The gathering was more than a mere event – it was a testament to the city’s indomitable spirit.

Mayor Turner articulated the sentiment perfectly, “Amid the shadows of the pandemic’s aftermath, it’s paramount for us to champion equity, particularly for our young gems. We’re well aware that several Houston households are grappling with financial constraints, which sometimes means foregoing essential school utilities. Our Back to School Fest is more than just about providing tools – it’s a promise, ensuring every child walks into school with confidence.” A significant highlight was the health prioritization, which included dental and vision screenings, immunizations, COVID-19 vaccines, and even hair cut vouchers.

In a magnificent display of unity, over 5,100 backpacks were handed out at the event, with the rest of the whopping 25,000 backpacks reaching the community via local non-profits, City Council chambers, and the harmonious interfaith community. The range of services and informational exhibits only served to emphasize Houston’s unwavering commitment to holistically address the needs of economically challenged elementary students and their guardians.

Such a massive event owes its success to the unparalleled backing from corporate sponsors and community believers. It’s impossible to not mention the indispensable Shell USA, Inc., the stellar Houston First, and the ever-supportive Houston Food Bank. Their faith and gener-

osity have lit up thousands of young futures, bringing to life Mayor Turner’s sentiment: “We’re shifting destinies, one young scholar at a time.”

Christina Jones, the dynamic Vice President of HR, D&I and Employee Relations at Shell, emphasized the longstanding alliance with the city. “For over a decade, we’ve had the privilege of aligning with Houston, fostering programs that lay the foundations for student triumphs. Our eyes are on the future, ensuring growth for the community we cherish.”

A fitting epithet for Mayor Sylvester Turner, as coined by Olivera Jankovska, the Director of Mayor’s Office of Education and Youth Engagement, is the “Education Mayor”. She explained, “His dedication to crafting a radiant future for Houston’s students and families, through initiatives like this Fest, shines a beacon of hope and commitment.”

Indeed, Houston’s 13th Back 2 School Fest was not just an event but a symphony of community, commitment, and hope.

Event Sponsors & Supporters

Presenting Sponsor : Shell USA, Inc.; Host & Sponsor: Houston First; Community Partner: Houston Food Bank; Sponsors: Texas Health and Human Services; University of Houston; Checkers; Comcast; Kelsey-Seybold Clinic; Legacy Community Health; My Connect; Texas Children’s Health Plan; Verizon; YES Prep; DentaQuest; Justice for Children; Coca-Cola Southwest Beverages; Houston Community College; Prairie View A&M University; Metropia; 2024 College Football Playoff National Championship Host Committee; First Service Credit Union; INB Sina Foundation; Enterprise; Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers; Texas Barber College; Jetco Delivery; Staples; Southwest Airlines; Crimestoppers of Houston; National Kidney Foundation; Houston Astros; METRO; STS Brand; McDonald’s Houston; Media Partners: CW39 Houston; Telemundo; KSBJ; Vida Unida

The Mayor’s Back 2 School Fest Presented by Shell is produced by the Mayor’s Office of Special Events. For more information, visit the website at: www.HoustonTX.gov/btsf.


Mayor’s Back 2 School Fest

Community Impact

11,683 Students Registered

5,153 Backpacks Distributed

614 Height/Weight Checks

216 Routine Immunizations by Houston Health Dept.

159 Dental Screenings by Houston Health Dept.

111 Screenings by Kidney Foundation

19 Covid-19 shots by Houston Health Dept.

3 www.StyleMagazine.com August 10, 2023 – August 16, 2023
#HoustonBack2SchoolFest - A Success! #HoustonBack2SchoolFest #HoustonBack2SchoolFest


Spend your energy figuring out what’s the one thing that you can agree on with a political foe,” Gen. Colin Powell told me years ago. “Figure that out and you can get a lot done.”

We’re seeing that proven across the Midwest from Illinois to North Dakota where unlikely allies with different interests and perspectives are joined in fighting against several multi-state carbon dioxide pipelines proposed by huge agribusiness and fossil fuels companies.

For some, it’s a simple as private companies trying to take private land that belongs to someone else to make private profit for themselves. For others, the pipelines would extend our reliance on dirty fuels and prolong pollution from industrial farming and the ethanol producers it supplies. Together they see the pipelines as unnecessary, destructive to precious land, and potentially dangerous.

“We might not agree on a lot of things, but this is something we will all oppose, these pipelines,” says Kim Juncker, who farms land with her husband in Butler County, Iowa, that could be grabbed for what’s called the Navigator project. “We will lock arms on this one.”

Juncker calls herself a “constitutional conservative” and explains her political leanings and in her view those of many landowners simply: “We like our property rights and we like our freedom.”

Environmental activists have seen that opposing pipelines demands the voice of the people who own land that they don’t want to sell to the developers.

For their part, landowners appreciate that environmental groups bring their organizing expe -

rience and their capacity to monitor the smallest details in the fight. One of the biggest challenges is farmers are busy farming and can’t make opposition a full-time job.

Tim Baughman, who owns land with his sister in Crawford County, Iowa, that could be disrupted by the Summit pipeline, attended a safety meeting with the developer last week; the only reason he learned of the session was hearing about from a farmer in another part of the state. In turn, he does his best to keep two other landowners informed. They’re among nine in the county who haven’t signed voluntary easements for the pipeline to cross their land and are less

connected to the digital world, he says.

More than 150 landowners now join weekly Zoom calls with environmentalists to share information and strategy. One outcome is that more than 460 landowners have filed to intervene when the Iowa Utilities Board holds its hearing in a few weeks over the Summit pipeline’s request to take land through eminent domain. That’s no small feat as Baughman’s own filing to intervene was 51 pages long. Our system allows for the power of enough people to thwart the power of money, which the pipeline developers certainly have. That’s how opponents have man -

aged to claim some big wins.

In North Dakota, the public service commission last week denied Summit the permit it needs to move forward, citing issues from impact on cultural sites and wildlife areas to property values; the company can reapply. In Iowa, the House of Representatives passed a bill that would have significantly limited the pipelines’ ability to take land involuntarily with nearly twothirds of Democrats and 80 percent of Republicans in support (the bill unfortunately was killed in the state Senate).

To really harness that people power, we need to build coalitions that are uncomfortably large. That’s what pipeline opponents have done. People who will question whether carbon is damaging the climate are fighting alongside people who will question the role of biofuels in prolonging our fossil fuel addiction.

In a country that can feel so divided, there’s promise in that beyond the pipeline fight. As General Powell told me, “As you win one victory together, you might just discover along the way that there’s something else you agree on.”

Ben Jealous is executive director of the Sierra Club, the nation’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization. He is a professor of practice at the University of Pennsylvania and author of “Never Forget Our People Were Always Free,” published in January.

You can write to the Rev. Jesse Jackson in care of this newspaper or by email at: jjackson@rainbowpush.org

August 10, 2023 – August 16, 2023 www.StyleMagazine.com 4
General Colin Powell
5 www.StyleMagazine.com August 10, 2023 – August 16, 2023 Restrictions apply. Not available in all areas. Streams DO come true. 1-800-xfinity xfinity.com/10G Visit a store today No matter what you’re into, streaming has never been easier than with the Xfinity 10G Network. With a reliable connection, you can sit back, relax and enjoy your shows. Or movies. Or live sports. All without missing a beat on the network made for streaming. Because cliff-hangers should come from plotlines—not your WiFi connection. So get way more into what you’re into when you stream on the next generation Xfinity 10G Network. Offline_Ent HSD No Offer ad 10.8125x13 HoustonStyle.indd 1 8/7/23 2:18 PM

LOCAL : Houston Housing Authority's Bold and Transformative Heat Relief Initiative: Ensuring A/C Access for All Residents in HHA Affordable Housing Properties

transformative program that marks a significant stride towards creating safer and healthier living environments for some of the city's most vulnerable communities. “With record-high heat indexes becoming the new reality in Houston, the work we do today will bring relief to current and future residents alike. Our hope is that we have set a new standard, becoming a model for other housing authorities to pursue the well-being of their residents." said HHA Chair LaRence Snowden.

HHA will begin installations throughout the summer and expects to have the units in place over the next several weeks.

With scorching summer temperatures reaching unprecedented levels of over 100 degrees, Houston is facing the hottest summer ever recorded. The effects of climate change make life without air conditioning not only unbearable but also perilous. In response to this urgent call for action, The Houston Housing Authority (HHA), under new leadership, has taken a historical step forward by introducing the Heat Relief Initiative. This unprecedented program provides air conditioning for every resident living in

HHA public housing properties.

"I may be new to Texas, but it didn't take long to realize that people living without air conditioning is not acceptable. It’s not a luxury, it’s a necessity. So, I knew we had to take action, fight for the money, and fix this issue," said HHA President and CEO David A. Northern Sr.

Despite no current mandate for air conditioning provisions in housing agreements from The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD),

and the absence of any state or city laws requiring public housing to have A/C, HHA recognized the problem and secured crucial funding for the Heat Relief Initiative from HUD.

“While HUD has not mandated it, we fought tirelessly to secure funding, and our persistence has paid off. Our commitment to our clients means they should never have to endure such intolerable conditions,” said Northern.

The Heat Relief Initiative is a

“We recognize the talent within the local business community and invite Houston's business community, specializing in air conditioning installation, to submit bids immediately” added Northern. Detailed guidelines for the job can be found on our website using solicitation number IFB 23-4 https://housingforhouston. com/doing-business-with-hha/current-solicitations/

15 6 August 10, 2023 – August 16, 2023 www.StyleMagazine.com
David A. Northern Sr.
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15 8 August 10, 2023 – August 16, 2023 www.StyleMagazine.com 2023 SEE MORE + White House - 1600 Pennsylvania Ave www.StyleMagazine.com
Justin Verlander and Mary Benton Dave Mincberg, Dave Martin & Yordan Alvarez Mary, Jeremy Pena and Stephanie Jeremy Pena and Art Pronin Stephanie Paige and US REP. Al Green 2022 World Champion - Houston Astros PORTRAIT TIME at the White House in Washington, DC Framber Valdez, Cindy Clifford & Bryan Abreu MVP of World Series – Jeremy Pena First Lady Michelle Obama Portrait Paula, Dusty and Mary
H Biden fetes Dusty Baker and Astros during White House Visit H H Monday, August 07, 2023 H White House, Washington, DCH
Sheila Jackson Lee, Stephanie Paige, Paula Harris and Mary Benton

H On Monday, President Biden celebrated the Houston Astros, the 2022 World Series victors, at the White House. He warmly acknowledged Dusty Baker’s perseverance in capturing his debut championship as a manager in a quarter-century of effort. Sharing a light moment, Biden quipped to the septuagenarian Baker about overcoming doubts due to age, something the President could relate to. “People thought you’d had your time, Dusty. Believe me, I get that.”

It’s notable that before joining the Astros in 2020, Baker had a storied career. Not only did he celebrate a World Series win as a standout outfielder for the Los Angeles Dodgers in 1981, but he also helmed teams such as the San Francisco Giants, Chicago Cubs, Cincinnati Reds, and Washington Nationals. He filled the shoes of AJ Hinch at the Astros, who had been dismissed in early 2020.

9 www.StyleMagazine.com August 10, 2023 – August 16, 2023 2023 SEE MORE + White House - 1600 Pennsylvania Ave www.StyleMagazine.com
Jim Crane - Houston Astros Owner President Biden fetes Dusty Baker and the Astros in the White House. Paula Harris admiring the White House Portrait of President Barack Obama. Robert Gallegos and State Rep Morales Commissioner Garcia & Cindy Clifford Commissioner Garcia and Dave Martin
Dusty Baker and Cindy Clifford Dave Martin and Justin Verlander President Joe Biden enjoying the Houston Astros in the White House.


Over 21 million Americans are grappling with clinical depression, and among them is Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo. In an open letter to Harris County residents, she revealed her diagnosis and her decision to take a leave of absence for treatment. Hidalgo's message underscores the necessity of treating mental health conditions with the same importance as physical ailments.

She emphasizes that the long-standing stigma surrounding mental health has stopped individuals from seeking the essential help they need.

"Depression and other mental health illnesses are part of the human condition, and mental health illnesses should be treated just like any other health condition," expressed Hidalgo. She urged openness about mental health challenges and shared her own

struggles, hoping to inspire others to prioritize their well-being and seek assistance.

Hidalgo candidly disclosed that she had silently battled her condition before an official diagnosis

last month. Following medical guidance, she opted for treatment at an out-of-state facility in late July. As the senior member of the court, Commissioner Rodney Ellis will temporarily preside over Commissioners' Court,

while Hidalgo's chief of staff oversees her office's operations. While not physically present, Hidalgo remains reachable for emergencies.

Hidalgo's transparency is both courageous and commend able. Upon hearing the news, elected officials, including Mayor Sylvester Turner, extended their support, emphasizing that seeking help is a sign of strength. As difficult as this may be, Judge Lina Hidalgo is not alone in facing this challenge. A 2023 report showed that over 30% of adults meet the criteria for having depression and/ or anxiety. Thankfully, she is in the care of doctors who recognize that this is treatable and is committed to getting better," stated Mayor Sylvester Turner, who hopes this experience will encourage others to seek help if they need it.

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Pastor T. Leon Preston, Pastor Tim Dixon, Pastor M. D. Morrison, Pastor Walter August, Dr. Joe Ratliff, Dr. Remus Wright, Dr. Mia Wright, Pastor Suzette Caldwell, Pastor Rudy Rasmus, Interim-Pastor Gusta Booker III, Pastor Harvey Clemons, Bishop Donald Thompson, Pastor Terrance Johnson, Dr. F. N. Williams II, Pastor Greg Patrick, Bishop Destry Bell, Bishop Kenneth Murray, Pastor Alton Mitchell, Pastor E A Deckard, Pastor Carl Colston, Pastor Gerald Shanks, Pastor Jabez Abraham, Dr. Ross Collins, Pastor Byron Stevenson, Pastor Wendi I. Turner, Pastor Roderick Dawson, Pastor Cassandra Scott, Pastor Billy Williams, Pastor Trevy Washington, Bishop Johnny Tates, Bishop Kurt Thompson, Pastor Ja’Mail Johnson, Dr. Andre Lewis, Pastor Maurice McGartha, Pastor Murray Martin, Bishop Bill Hines, Dr. Craig Hayes, Pastor Carl Davis, Dr. Rhonda Dickey, Pastor Charlene Glover, Pastor D. E Broadnax, Pastor William Hennesy, Bishop Maceo Delagraentiss, Pastor Anthony Wilcots, Bishop Dewayne Sheriden, Dr. Kenneth Campbell, Bishop Prince Bryant, Pastor John Murray, Pastor James Nash, Pastor Michael Smith, Dr. Reginald Rose, Bishop Elehue Livingston, Pastor Louis Sidney, Pastor Revlon Belle, Dr. Samuel Massie, Pastor David Pope, Rev. Kenneth Basile, Pastor Lou McElroy

Special Guests:

Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner, Missouri City Mayor Robin Elackatt, Pearland Mayor Kevin Cole, Stafford Mayor Ken Matthews

Fort Bend County Judge KP George, Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, Fort Bend County Commissioner Grady Prestage, Fort Bend County Commissioner Dexter McCoy, State Senator Boris Miles, State Representative Alma Allen, State Representative Ron Reynolds, State Representative Senfronia Thompson, State Representative Shawn Thierry, Fort Bend County District Attorney Brian Middleton, Missouri City Councilmember Jeffrey Boney, Fort Bend County Sheriff Eric Fagan, Fort Bend County Constable Daryl L. Smith Sr , HAUL President Judson W. Robinson III, Mr. Claude Cummings Jr., Mr. Howard Jefferson

August 10, 2023 – August 16, 2023 www.StyleMagazine.com 10 U.S. Congressman Al Green Hosts SLAVERY REMEMBRANCE LEGISLATIVE UPDATE FREE COMMEMORATIVE BREAKFAST Featuring Special Guests: Prominent Clergy, Public Officials, and Civic Organizations Saturday, August 19, 2023, at 8:30AM Wyndham Hotel near NRG Park 8686 Kirby Drive, Houston, TX 77054 Honoring State Representative Al Edwards: The Father of Juneteenth Saluting The Historic Houston Black Press FREE TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC Eventbrite Registration Required – Arrive Early – Limited Seating For more information, please contact our office at (713) 383-9234 or visit https://algreen.house.gov Congressman Al Green will provide a legislative update and status of the designation of a Slavery Remembrance Day This resolution advanced the inculcation of a National Day of Remembrance to help ensure the evils of slavery are never forgotten and thus never repeated. His resolution was introduced and passed in the U.S. House of Representatives in the 117th Congress and recognized by President Joe Biden in 2022 Special Invited Clergy Guests: Dr. James Dixon II, Dr. William A. Lawson, Dr. F. N. Williams Sr., Dr S.J. Gilbert II, Dr. Max Miller Jr., Dr. Ralph West, Dr. Marcus Cosby Bishop Dana Carson, Pastor Terry Anderson, Pastor Reginald DeVaughn, Pastor Sam Smith, Dr. Robert Childress, Pastor John Ogletree,
Judge Lina Hidalgo

Depressve episodes can be triggered by various life events, such as job loss, the death of a loved one, or financial struggles. Nobody is immune to these challenges, and while some emerge from depression more easily, others may require extended assistance. This is where professional help comes into play.

The recent decision by Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo to take a leave of absence to prioritize her mental health has cast a spotlight on clinical depression.

Among the spectrum of depressive experiences, clinical depression stands out as a severe form of the illness. Those grappling with clinical depression often endure pervasive sadness throughout the day, coupled with a loss of interest in regular activities and social withdrawal.

Yet, clinical depression extends beyond the common life-induced symptoms. Family and friends may notice a profound change in your overall demeanor. Thoughts of death may loom large in your mind, while feelings of sadness, worthlessness, and restlessness


can disrupt your ability to concentrate on daily tasks. Thankfully, counseling and medications can bring relief to these symptoms.

The National Institute of Mental Health reports that nearly 7% of the population is affected by major depression. Women face a higher risk than men, possibly due to factors like menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause. Stressors from work, school, and the complexities of daily life can also heighten the risk of depression.

An official diagnosis requires assessment by a medical professional. Treatment commonly involves a combination of antidepressant medication and talk therapy. In rarer cases, treatments like shock therapy and electroconvulsive therapy may be considered.

Taking control of depression involves recognizing triggers, adhering to prescribed medication, and maintaining open communication with your healthcare provider.

If you're seeking support in Harris County, the Department of Public Health offers a list of mental health resources at PublicHealth.Har-

risCountyTX.gov/Resources/Mental-Health-Resources, while the Houston Health Department can be reached at HoustonHealth.org/services/frontlines or through the 9-8-8 helpline.

Call 211 Texas

For help with local mental health care services 24/7.

Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

Call 988

Trained crisis workers are available to talk 24/7.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

Treatment Referral Helpline

1-877-SAMHSA7 (1-877-726-4727)

General information on mental health and treatment referral, 24/7

The Harris Center

Location: 9401 Southwest Freeway, Houston TX 77074

Availability: 24/7 Mon-Fri 7:30 am – 3:00 pm (Walk-in Clinic); 24/7 (Helpline); Helpline: (713) 970-7000, press 1 or

simply dial 988

Website: https://www.theharriscenter.org/

Service(S) Provided: Mental Health

Counseling-General, Developmental Disability, Youth, Substance Abuse Service Area: Harris County

Harris County Community Services


Location: 9418 Jensen Drive, Houston, TX 77093

Availability: Monday - Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Helpline: (832) 927-4955

Website: https://csd.harriscountytx. gov/Pages/default.aspx

Service(s) Provided: Rental assistance, emergency utility assistance, food, clothing and mental health referrals, housing and community resources, transit services, after school programs, meals for the elderly and disabled, disaster recovery, social services, health care and activities for seniors, homeless services, bereavement services

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11 www.StyleMagazine.com August 10, 2023 – August 16, 2023

Beyoncé’s Tour Paid $100,000 to Extend DC Metro Hours

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Beyonce "Renaissance" tour invested $100,000 to extend the operating hours of all 98 Metro stations in the Washington, DC, region by an hour. The decision arose from the show's delay due to heavy rain and lightning at the outdoor FedExField venue.

The transit authority revealed that the extra hour, funded by the tour, covered the cost of increased train services, station accessibility, and operational needs.

Despite a shelter-in-place announcement because of lightning, the show proceeded after a two-hour wait, resulting in some individuals needing treatment for heat-related issues.


Ne-Yo Apologizes for Comments About Parents of Trans Kids

Jamie Foxx Apologizes to the Jewish Community for Social Media Post StyleMagazine.com - Newswire

Broadway Actor Clifton Oliver

at Age 47 StyleMagazine.com - Newswire

Ne-Yo has apologized for his remarks on gender identity and parenting trans children. The singer expressed regret on Twitter for comments made during an interview with VladTV. “After reflection, I deeply apologize for any hurt caused by my comments on parenting and gender identity,” the statement reads.

“As an advocate for love and inclusivity in the LGBTQI+ community, I understand how my words may have been seen as insensitive.” Critics highlighted medical evidence supporting gender-affirming care for youth after the interview was uploaded on YouTube. CNN has contacted the artist's representatives for comment.

Jamie Foxx is addressing a social media post that was criticized as antisemitic. In a now-deleted post, he referred to a prior message that raised concerns.

The Oscar-winning actor posted on Instagram, “I apologize to the Jewish community and those offended by my post. I realize my words caused offense, and I'm sorry. That was never my intention.” His original post mentioned Jesus' death, leading to misinterpretations. Foxx clarified that "they" referred to a fake friend, not a specific group. He expressed love and support for all and apologized to anyone offended. This follows a recent hospitalization due to a medical issue.

Stage actor Clifton Oliver, known for his role in "The Lion King" on Broadway, has passed away at 47. Family and friends confirmed his death via social media. He succumbed to an undisclosed illness early Wednesday morning after spending six weeks in the hospital, according to his sister's Facebook post. Oliver's partner sang Psalm 23 to him as he peacefully passed away.

He had a prominent career on Broadway, starring in productions like "The Lion King," "Wicked," and "In the Heights." Broadway community members commemorated him on social media, and the New Amsterdam Theatre will dim its lights in his honor.

August 10, 2023 – August 16, 2023 www.StyleMagazine.com 12
By StyleMagazine.com - Newswire
Beyoncé Clifton Oliver Ne-Yo Jamie Foxx
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Fort Bend County Judge KP George delivered his highly anticipated annual State of the County address today at the Houston Marriott Sugar Land. The event was hosted by the Central Fort Bend Chamber and the Fort Bend Chamber of Commerce and was attended by a diverse audience of community leaders, business representatives, and residents. The theme of the address, "Honoring the Past, Celebrating the Present, and Advancing into the Future," encapsulated Judge George's comprehensive vision for the county.

In his address, Judge George showcased the county's commitment to progress across various sectors. Key highlights of his speech included an emphasis on infrastructure development through collaborations with both public and private partners. These collaborations aim to enhance existing infrastructure and drive forward future projects, focusing on crucial areas such as drainage, mobility, and overall quality of life improvements for Fort Bend




commitment to bolstering the county's economic landscape by attracting businesses to the region, thereby reducing the need for residents to commute to Houston for employment.

He spoke about the imperative need for shovel-ready industrial sites with essential infrastructure to foster economic growth and attract new businesses. The plan involves investing in critical aspects, such as roads, water, drainage, power, broadband, and rail spurs, to provide businesses with the necessary tools to operate efficiently.

County residents.

Infrastructure initiatives that Judge George emphasized include:

Working with the Texas General Land Office (GLO) on a significant investment of over $57 million for drainage improvements.

A groundbreaking $712 million 2023 Mobility bond.

$153 million for a 2023 Parks and Recreations bond.

A dedicated effort to ensure broadband access for every resident

within the county in the near future.

One of the standout initiatives is the creation of the "Fort Bend County Texas Public Facility Corporation," designed to provide workforce housing solutions for middle and low-income families. Additionally, Judge George announced the establishment of an "Industrial Development Opportunity Committee" with the intent of attracting increased industrial investments to the county.

Judge George underscored his

Furthermore, Judge George is actively addressing homelessness in Fort Bend County. He highlighted an initiative, that passed through the Commissioner’s Court, that allocated $4.5 million, obtained through federal COVID-19 assistance, to establish a transition or temporary housing center in Rosenberg.

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13 www.StyleMagazine.com August 10, 2023 – August 16, 2023

Scenefour has unveiled more than forty collections, gaining particular recognition for its pioneering "rhythm-on-canvas" artworks. This innovative process involves drummers generating abstract works in collaboration with SceneFour, translating their movements behind the drum kit onto the canvas. Cory Danziger, Co-Founder and Conceptual Artist of SceneFour, has worked alongside Artist Ravi Dosaj since 2004, exclusively dedicating themselves to crafting collaborative


Four brings Shelia E's funky drumbeat paintings to life, capturing the vibrant essence of her distinctive style.

To date, rhythm-on-canvas releases encompass collaborations with a host of musical luminaries, including Mickey Hart (Grateful Dead), Bill Ward (Black Sabbath), Carl Palmer (Emerson, Lake, and Palmer), Chad Smith (Red Hot Chili Peppers), Mike Mangini (Dream Theater), Will Calhoun (Living Colour), Jose Pasillas (Incubus), Mario Duplantier (Gojira), Dave Lombardo (Slayer), Chris Adler, Cindy Blackman Santana (Santana), Sheila E., Carmine Appice (Vanilla Fudge), Rick Allen (Def Leppard), Frank Waddy (Parliament), Nick Menza (Megadeth), Steven Adler (Guns N' Roses), Dave Weckl, Terry Bozzio, Matt Sorum (Velvet Revolver), Billy Cobham, Roy Ayers, Mikkey Dee (Motorhead), Chris Fehn (Slipknot), and Chad Sexton (311).

08/10/2023 • Project: RFP 23-06-15

Part-Time Reporters Wanted

TeamStyleMag Reporter, will be responsible for researching and writing informational news articles and stories about real events using a fair and unbiased perspective. Their duties include interviewing experts, gathering first-hand accounts of events and organizing an outline into a cohesive, interesting story in our local Harris County GMA.

Interested applicants should send a resume via email to our Publisher, Francis Page Jr. at:


art with renowned musicians. Notably, SceneFour's recent artistic venture involves Shelia E, a distinguished percussionist honored with a Hollywood Walk of Fame star. Often dubbed the Queen of Percussion, Shelia E is part of the Escovedo Family, alongside her father Pete Escovedo and brother Peter Michael. Her impressive collaborations encompass luminaries like Prince, Marvin Gaye, George Duke, and Ringo Starr.

The All-Star Band of Scene


The Houston Independent School District

The Houston Independent School District is soliciting Request for Proposals (RFP) via the District’s electronic bidding portal. Proposers may login to view specifications and submit their responses at the following link:

https://houstonisd.ionwave.net/Login.aspx until 12:00 p.m. (CST) Wednesday, September 13, 2023, for the following solicitation:

RFP 23-06-15 Purchase and Repair of Custodial Equipment

Pre-proposal conferences via Microsoft Teams will be held in conjunction with this RFP. Information regarding dates, times, and instructions to receive a link to join the meeting can be located within the electronic bidding portal under the “Event Details” tab specific to this solicitation.

Expanding their rhythm-oncanvas concept, SceneFour has incorporated legendary guitarists into their creative process. Employing a specially designed glove, SceneFour collaborates with guitarists to craft visual masterpieces by translating the

musicians' fretboard movements onto canvas. Collaborations with Joe Satriani, Yngwie Malmsteen, Page Hamilton (HELMET), Scott Ian (Anthrax), Gus G. (Ozzy Osbourne), and Frank Gambale have all been unveiled. SceneFour's collections frequently grace galleries across the United States and have even been showcased in international museums. Up until 2019, seven coffee table books have meticulously documented SceneFour's released collections.

August 10, 2023 – August 16, 2023 www.StyleMagazine.com 14
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Houston Style Magazine

HEALTH: BCBSTX Champions Maternal and Infant Health with Expansion of Special Beginnings Program

These factors profoundly influence maternal and infant health outcomes.

The initiative is not confined to a single region. While it has a statewide reach, particular emphasis is directed towards Dallas-Ft. Worth, Houston, Rio Grande Valley, and Austin.

Apart from the Special Beginnings program, BCBSTX has been active in maternal and infant health through other means. They have amplified the Centering Pregnancy care model and provided hypertension kits to mothers vulnerable to high blood pressure complications.

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) has intensified its efforts to bolster maternal and infant health by expanding the Special Beginnings program. This move seeks to widen member benefits and collaborate with community partners to promote the health of mothers and infants throughout Texas.

The expansion comes after concerning state reports. Texas recorded 90% of avoidable pregnancy-related deaths and ranked last in prenatal and maternal health-

care accessibility among all US states. This alarming data underscores a national issue where both maternal and infant mortality rates are distressingly high, and there’s a rising need for improved care access, including behavioral health for new mothers.

Dr. Mark Chassay, BCBSTX’s chief medical officer, expressed the significance of this initiative, emphasizing Blue Cross’s deep-rooted history of serving Texas for almost a century. The enhanced Special Beginnings program aims to:

1. Launch impactful maternal health programs to decrease preterm births, low-birth-weight

babies, and manage emergencies.

2. Broaden healthcare services access, emphasizing behavioral health during all pregnancy phases.

3. Boost public consciousness and community involvement to lessen maternal health disparities, prioritizing a diversified maternal health workforce.

Dr. Angela Moemeka, another senior figure at BCBSTX, highlighted the need for an encompassing approach, considering factors like transportation, housing, medication adherence, and societal biases.

Furthermore, the recent Blue ImpactSM grants for 2023-24 have been awarded to entities focusing on maternal and infant health, including Family Service, Baylor College of Medicine, and Parkland Health Foundation, among others. This program, having granted over $23 million in the past 12+ years, underscores BCBSTX’s enduring pledge to Texas’s children and families’ well-being.


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Dr. Mark Chassay –BCBSTX’s Chief Medical Officer


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