NEWS | COMMENTARIES | SPORTS | HEALTH | ENTERTAINMENT Support Black Owned Businesses Houston’s Premiere Weekly Publication, Since 1989 Complimentary Haute Shots: CenterPointBee Busy: 7th Annual Hygiene For HopeHHD: Intradermal Monkeypox Vaccination Available Instagram: @StyleMagazineHTXTwitter: @HoustonStyleTAG US: #TeamStyleMag Facebook: @HoustonStyleMagazine AUGUST 18, 2022 – AUGUST 24, 2022 When Renters Become Voters In America Dr. John E. Warren Jesse Jackson Democracy Is Not A Partisan Issue Volume 33 | Number 34Houston Style Magazine President Joe Biden Signs Inflation Reduction Act Into U.S. Law INDIA: Local Leaders Support 75th Independence Day YSL Shoes. Regina Moretto Stylist. Photo by Robert TaylorNutcracker Tickets On Sales Now "GIRL TALK" Words By Erynn Haskins For XANDI(PhotoStylemagazine.comByRobertTaylor)

August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 www.StyleMagazine.com2

The committee chairs also refer enced a memo obtained by the Project on Government Oversight and shared with CNN last week detailing how federal investigators believed the Secret Service was impeding them from obtaining key information about the agency’s response to January 6, 2021, was significantly altered to remove reference to nearly all those efforts before a final report was presented to lawmakers in June. Despite the alleged obstruction from Cuffari, Maloney and Thompson made a renewed request for documents and for DHS OIG personnel to be made available for interviews with a deadline of AugustIn23.his August 8 letter, Cuffari indicated he would not be recusing himself, writing, “Once these matters are complete, we will consider a renewed request for documents, briefings, or tran scribed interviews.” August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 MINORITY PRINT MEDIA, LLC, D.B.A. Houston Style Magazine & Phone: (713) 748-6300 • Fax: (713) 748-6320 Mail: P.O. Box 14035, Houston, TX 77221-4035 ©2022 Houston Style Magazine, a Minority Print Media, L.L.C. Company. All Right Reserved. Reproduction in whole or within part without permission is prohibited. Houston Style Magazine has a 2019 Audit by Circulation Verification Council (CVC). Houston Style Magazine is a member of the Texas Publishers Asso ciation (TPA), Texas Community Newspaper Association (TCNA), National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA), Independent Free Paper of America (IFPA), Association of Free Community Pa pers (AFCP) and Members of Greater Houston Partnership(GHP). National Association of Hispanic Publications, Inc. (NAHP, Inc.), Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (HHCC), League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), Latin Women’s Initiative (LWI), National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ), Houston Association of Hispanic Media Professionals (HAHMP), National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ), and Supporters of Great er Houston Sportsreggiedominique@me.comReginaldSocialeditorial@stylemagazine.comJo-CarolynManaginglisa@stylemagazine.comLisaAssociatefpagejr@stylemagazine.comFrancisPublisherPartnership(GHP)Page,Jr.PublisherValadezEditorGoodeMediaEditor/VideographerDominiqueEditor Brian brian_barefield@yahoo.comBarefield Food Writer Alex PHOTOGRAPHERSwww.askjudgemathis.comJudgewww.rolandmartin.comRolandjjackson@rainbowpush.orgJesseNATIONALalexandriajack1991@gmail.comJackWRITERSJacksonMartinGregMathis Vicky ADVERTISING/SALESeditorial@stylemagazine.comRobertartrepreneur91@gmail.comMikeWilliamealy1906@gmail.comWilliamvhpink@gmail.comPinkEalyMunozFranklin AdVertising emAil
Maloney and Thompson have previously called for Cuffari to recuse himself from the investigation, saying they had lost confidence in him after he waited months to inform Congress that Secret Service text messages from January 6 had been erased. “Your obstruction of the Com mittees’ investigations is unacceptable, and your justifications for this noncom pliance appear to reflect a fundamental misunderstanding of Congress’s author ity and your duties as an Inspector Gen eral. If you continue to refuse to comply with our requests, we will have no choice but to consider alternate measures to ensure your compliance,” Maloney and Thompson wrote. As CNN has reported, the Secret Service texts were erased as a result of a previously scheduled data migration of its agents’ cell phones that began on January 27, 2021, exactly three weeks after the attack on the US Capitol. In their Tuesday letter, Maloney and Thompson reveal that Cuffari wrote to them on August 8 informing them he would not be complying with their requests. “To protect the integrity of our work and preserve our independence, we do not share information about on going matters, like the information you requested in your letters,” Cuffari wrote. “Similarly, we do not authorize our staff to sit for transcribed interviews with your committee about these ongoing matters.” Cuffari said that once “these matters are complete,” his office will “consider a renewed request for docu ments, briefings, or transcribed inter views,” according to Tuesday’s letter. CNN has requested comment from the DHS IG office.
The lawmakers also raised questions of whether Cuffari is using the ongoing criminal investigation into the missing text messages as an excuse to obstruct“WeCongress.areconcerned that you are now improperly using a criminal investi gation that you only recently announced to hide evidence from Congress of your misconduct and mismanagement,” Ma loney and Thompson said. In his previous letter, Cuffari defended how he has informed Congress, writing to Maloney and Thompson, “con sistent with the law, I have reported to Congress various access issues that my office has experienced since 2021,” and cited DHS OIG’s semiannual report sent to Congress in November 2021. But, Maloney and Thompson state that the November report “made no mention of Secret Service text mes sages,” and was given to Congress “nine months after communications were requested from the Secret Service, and long after your office learned that text messages were missing.”
Former President Of the United State of America at The White House
Two top House Democrats are accus ing the Department of Homeland Security Inspector General of ob structing their investigation into missing Secret Service text messages related to the January 6 Capitol attack, escalating tensions between Congress and the watchdogInagency.aletter on Tuesday, House Oversight Chairwoman Carolyn Ma loney and House Homeland Security Chairman Bennie Thompson, who also chairs the House January 6 committee, wrote to DHS Inspector General Joseph Cuffari, detailing claims of how Cuffari has not cooperated with their previous requests to provide documents or make his employees available for transcribed interviews in their ongoing investigation.
Top House Democrats Accuse DHS Watchdog Of Obstructing Investigation Into Missing Secret Service Text Messages
Secret Service 'Missing Text' – PART 4

By Jesse Jackson, National Political Writer
While the United States cham pions democracy across the world, our own democracy is under siege. Nothing is more funda mental to democracy than the right to vote – yet there is no explicit guarantee of the right to vote in the U.S. Consti tution. The U.S. ranks near the bottom of industrial democracies in voter turn out. This isn’t accidental – many states purposefully create barriers that make it difficult to register to vote or to cast a ballot. The sensible answer to this is to create — and enforce — the right to vote for every citizen. The 2020 presidential election witnessed the highest turnout in recent history. Eighty million people voted for Joe Biden; 74 million for Donald Trump. Yet, another 80 million who were eligible by age and citizenship did not vote. In midterm elections, like the upcoming election this year, voting turnout plummets to an average of about 40 percent of eligible voters casting ballots.Partof this low turnout comes from neglect: campaigns focus their resources and attention on targeted segments of the population. Too often poor and working people get no atten tion. Part of this comes from intent – the purposeful suppression of the vote. At the founding of the nation, U.S. leaders purposefully limited the right to vote. Initially only white, male landowners could vote. After the Civil War, the 15th Amendment outlawed discrimination based on race in the right to vote, yet across the South, that right was systematically suppressed, through organized terror, poll taxes, literacy tests, or ridiculous hurdles like correctly guessing the number of beans in a jar. After much struggle, the Voting Rights Act, the centerpiece of the civil rights struggle, outlawed those tactics and Black turnout surged across the South. In the wake of Barack Obama’s victorious presidential campaigns, however, the Republican Party became ever more intent on making voting more difficult – particularly for Blacks and Latinos and the young. And after Don ald Trump’s defeat – and Republican embrace of his Big Lie that the 2020 presidential election was stolen, Repub licans in various states have launched a concerted drive to restrict voting and to give Republican partisans more power over the casting and counting of votes. Over 400 bills have been introduced to make registration and voting more difficult. In 2020, a presidential election held in the midst of the pandemic, record numbers of voters – particularly people of color – elected to vote by mail or to vote early, in order to avoid crowds and lines on Election Day. Forty-three percent of voters cast a ballot by mail; only 21 percent cast their ballot on ElectionSoDay.Republicans – particularly in swing states where they control the state legislature – have passed measures to make voting by mail more difficult, to make it easier to disqualify such votes, to cut early voting days, to cut back on the number of polling stations particularly in urban areas. In all, The Voting Rights Alliance lists 61 different measures created to make voting more difficult, ranging from punishing voter registration groups to excessive purges of the voting rolls, to limits on student voting or on voting by those with a criminal record, to voter intimidation at the polls and more. These measures – pushed par ticularly in the so-called swing states –are given greater power because of the structural impediments to democracy in the U.S. For example, Democrats have won the popular vote in seven of eight presidential elections since 1992, but because of the electoral college, have won the presidency only five times. Add to that the obscene role of big money and increasingly dark money in politics – unleashed by decisions of the activ ist right-wing judges on the Supreme Court, and the principle of one person, one vote is Standingeviscerated.inthe way of rectify ing voter suppression is another struc tural impediment to democracy – the Senate created “filibuster rule” which requires a supermajority of 60 of 100 senators to overcome a filibuster to get anything done. In just the last two years, Republican senators have repeatedly used the filibuster to block electoral re form, torpedoing the For the People Act, the Freedom to Vote Act, and the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. These would have limited big mon ey in politics, made voting registration easier, policed voter suppression in the states, and revived the Voting Rights Act to impede suppression measures target ed on minorities. A minority of senators representing a largely white minority of voters are blocking reforms that would empower the American people to vote and make their voices heard. Democracy should not be a partisan issue. Voting should be ground ed on the right of citizenship, not the interests of politicians. Eligible voters should be registered automatically. Election Day should not only be a national holiday, but early voting days should be extended, not constricted, voting sites should be convenient, not distant, election management should be nonpartisan, not subverted. One thing is clear. Our democracy won’t survive for long unless the people demand it – and vote to remove those who are subverting it. You can write to the Rev. Jesse Jackson in care of this Newspaper or by email jjackson@rainbowpush.orgat:
Group Of Young People Standing At The Entrance Of Polling Place. (Dreamstime)
15 4 August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022

COMMENTARY: When Renters Become Voters August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 OPENING SOON OFFER ENDS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31ST Greater OST/South Union Must be 18 years old, or 13 with parent/guardian. Billed monthly to a checking account. Subject to annual fee. State/local taxes may apply. Offer available at participating locations only. Planet Fitness locations are independently owned and operated. © 2022 PFIP, LLC $1 DOOWN $10 A MONTH
As we move toward Midterm elec tions and continue to struggle with evictions and rent increases mostly based on greed and not need, it appears a good time to make the connection once again between those who vote and the quality of life, or the lack thereof, for so many. Consider the following fact. For ty nine percent of the residents of San Diego County and its cities are renters. While new construction continues to grow with more high-rise apartments and condos, and the homeless rate con tinues to increase, the average person will not be able to afford to live in one of these new structures. The reality is that most renters throughout San Diego County and the state of California are not voters. Landlords not only vote, but also con tribute to candidates who run for office. Consider also that no one appears to have looked at how many of our Judges themselves are landlords. Once again, I would like to remind you of what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said about the power of the vot er eight years before the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was enacted. In May of 1957, Dr. King said: “Give us the ballot and we will fill our legislative halls with men of good will…”“Give us the ballot and we will place judges on the benches of the South who will do justice and love mercy…”
Fifty-seven years later, we have the vote, but no longer use it for the purposes that Dr. King spoke of. If we did, we would have city, county, state, and national elected officials who would see the relationship between the lack of rent control and homelessness. We, the people, have the right and re sponsibility to make the issues before our elected bodies and not have them determined for us. In 90 days, this country will have a Midterm Election in which those who bought the Big Lie with Donald Trump are planning to use to further do away with voting rights and the democratic process. Mainstream media is not talking about voter regis tration. No one appears to be placing dollars in our communities to get out the vote. But it is up to each of us to determine that “Black Votes Matter” While Black voters may not be as many in number as White and Latino voters, there are still enough of us to determine the outcome of any election as proven by our electing President Joe Biden in 2020.
As of this week, this newspa per will have voter registration cards available for those who choose to stop by and pick one up or need help filling out one. We encourage those of you who read this, no matter what state you are in, to get involved in voter registration and the concerted effort to get out and vote in November 2022, just a little more than 90 days away. We still have time to make Dr. King’s words of 1957 a reality in 2022.
Commentary By Dr. John E. Warren, Publisher, The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint for
I Got This!
6 President Joe Biden signed a sweep ing $750 billion health care, tax and climate bill into law at the White House on Tuesday -- marking a major victory for his administration and the Democratic Party ahead of the midterm elections.Biden said during a signing cer emony in the State Dining Room that the legislation, called the Inflation Reduction Act, is “one of the most significant laws in our history.”“With this law, the American people won, and the special interests lost,” Biden told an audience of Dem ocratic members of Congress and administration officials. “For a while people doubted whether any of that was going to happen, but we are in a season of substance.”Thebill signing is the latest celebration of a major legislative ac complishment for Biden this summer, having already held bill signings at the White House last week for a bill aimed at increasing domestic semiconductor production and increasing benefits for veterans affected by toxic burn pits in Afghanistan and Iraq. Biden has also chalked up wins on several other fronts in the last few months, including a bi partisan gun reform bill, ordering the successful mission to kill al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, sending billions in aid to Ukraine to help that nation defend itself against Russia’s invasion and helping Finland and Sweden begin the process of joining NATO. And throughout Tuesday’s
COVID is unpredictable. I need to protect myself, my family, friends, and my community. So, I got my booster for extra protection against COVID’s worst outcomes and for powerful peace of mind. Paid for by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Find COVID boosters near you at declaring failure while those committed to making real progress do the hard work of governing,” the President told the au dience. “Making progress in this country, as big and complicated as ours, clearly, is not easy. It’s never been easy. But with unwavering conviction, commitment and patience, progress does come.” The act accomplishes several key Biden legislative agenda items, representing the largest climate invest ment in American history and making major changes to health policy by giving Medicare the power for the first time to negotiate the prices of certain prescrip tion drugs and extending expiring health care subsidies for three years. The legis lation will reduce the deficit, be paid for through new taxes -- including a 15% minimum tax on large corporations and a 1% tax on stock buybacks -- and boost the Internal Revenue Service’s ability to collect. It will raise over $700 billion in government revenue over 10 years and spend over $430 billion to reduce carbon emissions and extend subsidies for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act and use the rest of the new revenue to reduce the deficit. He underscored that “every single Republican in Congress voted against this“Everybill.”single Republican in Congress voted against lowering pre scription drug prices, against lowering health care costs, against the fair tax system. Every single Republican -- ev ery single one -- voted against tackling the climate crisis, against lowering our energy costs, against creating good pay ing jobs. My fellow Americans, that’s the choice we face -- we can protect the already powerful or show the courage to build a future where everybody has an even shot,” he continued.
NATIONAL: President Joe Biden Signs Inflation Reduction Act Into Law
August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022
White House ceremony, the President underscored the significance of what he sees as his administration’s accom plishments -- despite being written off when past negotiations for his legislative agenda failed.“Today, too often do we con fuse noise with substance. Too often we confuse setbacks with defeat. Too often we hand the biggest microphones to the critics and the cynics who delight in US President Joe Biden speaks during a signing ceremony for H.R. 5376, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, in the State Dining Room of the White House on August 16, 2022. (Photo by MANDEL NGAN / AFP) (Photo by MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images)
By Maegan Vazquez and Donald Judd, –

HEALTH: Center For Desease Control (CDC) Streamlines COVID-19 Guidance
• Reiterating that regardless of vac cination status, you should iso late from others when you have COVID-19. August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022
“We’re in a stronger place today as a nation, with more tools— like vaccination, boosters, and treat ments—to protect ourselves, and our communities, from severe illness from COVID-19,” said Greta Massetti, PhD, MPH, MMWR author. “We also have a better understanding of how to pro tect people from being exposed to the virus, like wearing high-quality masks, testing, and improved ventilation. This guidance acknowledges that the pan demic is not over, but also helps us move to a point where COVID-19 no longer severely disrupts our daily lives.”
• Recommending that if you test positive for COVID-19, you stay home for at least 5 days and isolate from others in your home. You are likely most infectious during these first 5 days. Wear a high-quality mask when you must be around others at home and in public.
If your results are positive, follow CDC’s full isolation recom mendations. If your results are negative, you can end your isolation.
• Recommending that instead of quarantining if you were exposed to COVID-19, you wear a high-quality mask for 10 days and get tested on day 5.
• If after 5 days you are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of medication, and your symptoms are improving, or you never had symptoms, you may end isolation after day 5. This updated guidance is intend ed to apply to community settings.
• Updating its guidance for people who are not up to date on COVID-19 vaccines on what to do if exposed to someone with COVID-19. This is consistent with the existing guid ance for people who are up to date on COVID-19 vaccines.
he CDC is streamlining its COVID-19 guidance to help peo ple better understand their risk, how to protect themselves and others, what actions to take if exposed to COVID-19, and what actions to take if they are sick or test positive for the virus. COVID-19 continues to circulate globally, however, with so many tools available to us for reducing COVID-19 severity, there is significantly less risk of severe illness, hospitalization and death compared to earlier in the pandemic.
• You should also isolate if you are sick and suspect that you have COVID-19 but do not yet have test results.
In support of this update, the CDC is: • Continuing to promote the impor tance of being up to date with vac cination to protect people against serious illness, hospitalization, and death. Protection provided by the current vaccine against symptomatic infection and transmission is less than that against severe disease and diminishes over time, especially against the currently circulating variants. For this reason, it is important to stay up to date, especially as new vaccines become available.
By Greta Massetti - CDC – – Newswire

August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 www.StyleMagazine.com8
AHarris County judge denied a bail bond company’s request to block the 10% minimum premium rule passed by the Harris County Bail Bond Board earlier this year. This marks the second court to uphold the rule’s legal ity. The hearing was argued by Harris County Attorney Christian D. Menefee and First Assistant County Attorney Jonathan Fombonne.
COUNTY: Harris County Attorney – Christian Menefee Statement on Win in 10% Bail Bond Rule Case A Big Step In Protecting The Citizens Of Harris County
By – Newswire Harris County Precinct 2 Commissioner Adrian Garcia gave the following statement: “Public Safety is my priority. That’s as true now as County Commis sioner as it was when I was Sheriff. We in Harris County take a comprehensive approach to protecting communities. No shortcuts. The bail industry isn’t making us safer. Bondsmen are getting rich, while those accused of violent crimes are getting out of jail. I am proud to have proposed this rule which had unanimous, bi-partisan support at Commissioners Court. People accused of violent crimes should not get any discounts while they await trial. This affects no one accused of the most mi nor, nonviolent offenses who would be stuck in jail because they aren’t able to pay. County Attorney Menefee’s work on this issue and the judge’s fair ruling are important to keep our communities safe.”
The Sugar Shack Ernie Barnes Ernie Barnes, The Sugar Shack 1976, acrylic on canvas, Collection of William O. Perkins III and Lara Perkins. © Ernie Barnes Family Trust
Christian D. Menefee Adrian Garcia – Harris County Comissioner, Precinct 2
County Attorney Menefee issued the following statement: “I’m glad the judge recognized that the bail bond industry’s arguments were meritless. This is an important victory for families and communities who have been affected by violent crimes, and I’m pleased with the court’s decision.”
Scan and Buy Tickets
On view for a limited time only After a Houston Chronicle ex posé revealed that some local bondsmen had been taking payments as low as 1% to bail out defendants, Commissioner Adrian Garcia proposed a resolution at Commissioners Court requiring the industry standard of 10% down for those accused of violent crimes. The reso lution passed unanimously. The rule, later proposed and passed by the Harris County Bail Bond Board, requires bail bond companies in Harris County to collect a minimum 10% premium before serving as a surety for people charged with certain violent felonies, including murder, rape, aggravated assault, etc. August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022

August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 www.StyleMagazine.com10 2022 SEE MORE + Bee Busy Wellness Center H Bee Busy Wellness Center – 7th Annual Hygiene For Hope H H BACK 2 SCHOOL H #NHCW2022 H #SCHOOLSUPPLIES H #HYGIENEGIVEAWAY H Bee Busy Wellness, 8785 West Belfort, Houston, TX 77031 H 1300 Bay Area Blvd., Houston, TX 77058 Telephone Number: 713-771-2292 H

 August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022

For more information about monkeypox, prevention tips and resources, visit houstonhealth. org or call the department’s call center at 832-3934220.
August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 www.StyleMagazine.com12
Eligibility Criteria Expanded To People Diagnosed With HIV By – Newswire
Houston Intradermal Monkeypox Vaccination
The threat of monkeypox to Houston’s gen eral population remains low. Monkeypox is rare and doesn’t spread easily between people without close, personal, skin-to-skin contact. Symptoms include a rash or sores that can look like pimples or blisters and may be extremely painful, fever, headache, weakness, chills and swollen lymph nodes.Monkeypox can spread from person to person through prolonged face-to-face contact, intimate con tact and or close contact with the infectious rash, scabs, or body fluids. Contact with items such as clothing or linens that previously touched the rash or body fluids is another way monkeypox spreads.
The Houston Health Department on Tuesday switched to intradermal monkeypox vaccination, an injection just under the skin, and expand eli gibility criteria to the estimated 26,000 people living with HIV in Houston and Harris County. “We are eager to protect many more people in our community,” said Dr. David Persse, chief medical officer for the City of Houston. “We hope to avoid the high number of cases that other large cities are currentlyChangingreporting.”to intradermal administration of the JYNNEOS vaccine follows revised clinical guidance recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CD) and the Texas Department of State Health Services.Thedepartment has vaccinated 2,942 people subcutaneously, injecting the medication into the tissue layer between the skin and muscle. More than 800 people received their first doses this past weekend at a special clinic that the department organized to progress quickly through booked vaccination appointments. The department has also coordinated with local physicians to ensure vaccination for another 242 people. The department for about two months has strongly advocated for additional vaccines from the federal government and will continue to do so. The federal government has allotted 16,780 doses in sep arate shipments for Houston and Harris County. This week the department expects to receive a second shipment of about 10,100 doses. It received the first shipment totaling 6,740 doses on August 2. Delivery of the second shipment will boost the department’s inventory to 21,301 doses. The monkeypox vaccination regimen is two doses given four weeksTheapart.department in late July received 5,024 doses separate from the current allotment. It provides 30 percent of all shipments to Harris County Public Health. Houston current ly has 265 confirmed cases. Most of the cases are among gay, bisexual men or men who have sex with men.Monkeypox vac cine has not been wide ly available nationwide. However, widespread vaccination is not recom mended at this Groupstime.priori tized by the department for monkeypox vaccina tion are: · People confirmed to have had high- or intermediate-risk contact with someone with monkeypox. · People who attended an event or venue where there was a high risk of exposure to someone with confirmed monkeypox virus through skin-to-skin or sexual contact. The department works with event or venue organizers to identify people who may have been present and at risk of exposure while at the venue. Other groups re
The illness usually lasts two to four weeks. It can spread from the time symptoms start until the rash fully heals and a fresh layer of skin has formed. People who suspect that they have monkey pox symptoms such as new unexplained rash or sores need to contact their doctor to set up a screening appointment.
ceiving vaccination priority are people age 18 and older who: · are men who have sex with men, and have had multiple or anonymous sex partners within the previous 21 days, · have a sex partner suspected of having monkeypox, such as a rash or sores, · are HIV positive or on HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), or · have had a diagnosis of chlamydia, gonorrhea, or early syphilis within the previous 3 months.
Health Department Began

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August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 www.StyleMagazine.com14 2022 SEE MORE + HARRIS & FT BEND COUNTY'S H Haute Shots Of The Week H Houston Is A Great Place To Live and Play – We Capture The Haute Shots Every Week! Dwight and Genora Boykins Celebrating 33-YearsPresident Joe Biden Selfie with US Rep. Al Green Please VOTE "BETO" For Texas Governor Beyoncé Lookin Flawless w/hubby Jay-Z Mayor Turner Address UT-MDA Health Pro. Reuel Williams with Mayor Turner Al Green DC selfie with Pete Buttigieg The Mayor's Back 2 School FEST Michelle Obama thanking Serena Williams for being a positive light in this world Haute MEMES From The Internet

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August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 www.StyleMagazine.com16 W ith over 500,000 collective streams on digital sales plat forms, Houston’s Newest R&B Artist Xandi, hosted an exclusive listening party for newly released album “Girl Talk” August 3rd at The Spot Eado. Xandi is a young singer/song writer born and raised in Houston. Having a passion for performing and a love for R&B music since the age of 4, Xandi discovered a talent for writing her own music.The young superstar has written ALL of her songs including her first mainstream single “You”, her first EP titled “Feels Like Nirvana”, her second EP “Catharsis”, and her third EP “By My Lonely” which can all be found on all major platforms.
HSM: How did you get your start as a singer in Houston?
HSM: As I was listening to the album, I felt like the opening track gave SWV vibes. Where did you find your inspiration and sound?
• XANDI Let go, it’s from a direct situation I was going through at that time, that song was a direct reflection of what I had going on in my love life at the time.
• XANDI It was good! We hosted it at my parents’ club, The Spot Eado and it was a great experience. The whole city came out - old elementary classmates and it was good to see people singing the words to my songs.
• XANDI [My sound is] old school R&B feel mixed with new school, I’m also inspired my Mary j Blige, India Arie, Jill Scott, Jazmyn Sullivan, Summer Walker, music like that. I like to fuse old and new. I also incorporate a Houston vibe with my music.
HSM: Where can readers follow you?
HSM: Tell us about ‘Girl Talk’
HSM: You and your team hosted a ‘Girl Talk’ listening party Aug 3rd, how was it?
• Photo By Robert Taylor • Styled By Regina Moretto
• XANDI On instagram you can find me at @xandiofficial and on Twitter @officialxandi_ . You can find ‘Girl Talk’ on all streaming platforms just search girl talk. Also check out my latest single ‘Say My Name’ out now.
By Erynn Haskins, Feature Writer –
HSM: Is there a song on the album most personal or one you resonate with the most?
HSM: So, what’s next? Any upcoming promotional tours or appearances? • XANDI Right now my songs are playing on the radio 93.7 [The Beat]. I am also singing national anthem at Prairie View vs. TSU on Sept. 3rd. You can also find me performing around the city, and at community service events. I want to touch the city. I also have another EP coming
• XANDI I’m from Houston and grew up in Pearland. I went to Dawson high school. For college I attended Howard University, and when I finished I built my career here. Houston is an underrated gem in the music industry and I want to connect with the city.
Follow XANDI @XandiOfficialat:
• Shoes By YSL GIRL TALK XANDI out in the next month. We’ve already recorded 3 songs for it.
• XANDI Girl Talk is me being truthful with myself and my goal was to have no skips. I truly feel like there are no skips [on this EP] and anybody can listen to this all the way through. The differences with all my other projects is that I make music for me and with ‘Girl Talk’ it is all about me trying to relate to feminine energy, heartache, ups and success, missing people, it is a way to connect us in that way, we [women] can relate to.
COVER: Houston Break-Out Artist – XANDI Release EP "Girl Talk " 500,000 COLLECTIVE STREAMS ON ALL DIGITAL PLATFORMS
HSM: We heard that you wrote all your songs and that’s very impressive; tell us more about your journey as a • songwriter.XANDI I started out singing covers and then wanted to find a way to put out my own music and so I started writing remixes. That’s how I got started and my songwriting just grew with it. August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 South Union Place Community Center 7210 Scott St., Houston, TX 77021 Bring a Valid ID and Covid 19 Vaccination Card (if you have one) PARTNERS: Let's Get Vaccinated: Friday, August 19, 2022 11:00-1:00 PM $25.00 Gift Cards for the First 50 Vaccine Recipients!
CITY: Federal Grant Helps METRO Roll Into Greener Future With The Addition Of 20 Electric Buses METRO Is Receiving Funds To Replace Aging Buses
By – Newswire METRO Board Chair Sanjay Ramabhadran, joined by fellow Board Members Lex Frieden, Diann Lewter, Troi Taylor, and agency leaders, celebrate the FTA’s award of $21.6 million to the Authority with local, state, and federal officials. by 2030 is a key component of MET RO’s Climate Action Plan, adopted earlier this year. Federal funds, which cover 80 percent of costs, will help the Houston region transition to more ener gy-efficient transit vehicles quicker. “This grant of $21.6 million will help METRO double its initial purchase of 20 full-sized electric buses to 40,” said METRO Board Chair San jay Ramabhadran. “Our move toward environmentally friendly vehicles also supports Mayor Sylvester Turner’s Complete Communities initiative and is focused on equity and accessibility.”
City of Houston Mayor Syl vester Turner acknowledged the award announcement as a collective effort, adding the event marked a great day for the city and transit agencies across the country. “We are happy to support MET
METRO Board of Directors Chair Sanjay Ramabhadran joined other Board members and agen cy leaders along with local, state, and federal officials to celebrate the Federal Transit Administration’s (FTA) recent award of $21.6 million to the Authority for the purchase of additional electric buses and related charging infrastruc ture. U.S. Department of Transportation leaders issued the following statements: “The awards, funded through President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastruc ture Law, will help communities across America,” said U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. FTA Administrator Nuria Fer nandez added that investments will also give more Americans access to opportunities that transit creates. “When a transit door opens, whether it is a bus, train, or ferry, it is a great equalizer for everyone in our nation,” said MovingFernandez.awayfrom diesel buses to 100 percent zero emissions purchases RO and I am thrilled with the work that has been done by this agency’s Board and its executive team,” said Turner. “Coordination is very important. Who would have thought that the city of Houston, the energy capital of the world, known so much for its cars and trucks, would be moving forward with electric buses? The best for this city is yet to come.”

Diversity and Title Sponsor On 2022 Meet The Buyer
David J. Lesar Doubles-Down on Diversity
Back 2 School Fest. Haute MEMES From The Internet
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on Diversity
Commissioner Rodney Ellis Mayor Sylvester Turner's
David J. Lesar, CEO CenterPoint To
Mayor Turner – CenterPoint Tops

All in a day’s work, Shalisa Roland, public relations director for Visit Lake Charles (VLC), received a media inquiry about Ms. Jonnie’s Gingerbread House, 720 Alamo St., and needed to provide updated images. Kathryn Shea Duncan, social media director for VLC joined forces with Roland to capture new images and social media content including a TikTok that is currently creating an Internet sensation for local business owner, Kevin Ames. The TikTok was posted the morning of August 4, and by 10:30 a.m. when Ames opened the store, there was already a line through the parking lot. By this time, the video had already reached 50,000 views. Ames sold out of goods at 2 p.m., and even then, he had customers waiting in line through his dining room area and never had a chance to leave the counter. The following day, Ms. Johnnie’s Gingerbread House sold out at noon, and they’ve sold out every day since at 2 p.m. As of August 16, the TikTok has more than 118,000 views, 600 comments, and 700 shares. VLC’s Ins tagram has 11,500 views and 670 likes. Facebook has reached 60,000 people with 84,000 plays, 500 shares, and more destinationSupportersmarketers.have come from across the world, including residents who were previously unaware of Ms. Johnnie’s Gingerbread House. For more information, or to view VLC’s TikTok account, log on to visitlakecharles, or check out Facebook or Instagram for more inspiration on Southwest Louisiana. For details on Ms. Johnnie’s Gingerbread House, find them on Facebook, or call the store 337-474-9278. About Ms. Johnnie’s Ginger bread House: Leona Guillory Johnnie, owner of Mrs. Johnnie’s Gingerbread House, began her baking journey 40 years ago. She went from a home-based bakery to a storefront, offering pies, cakes, teacakes, pralines, and sweet breads. Her son, Kevin Ames, is continuing her legacy today. At Mrs. Johnnie’s Gingerbread House, sweet dough pies are freshly-baked daily for a sweet treat on-the-go or to enjoy in their dining room. The top-selling pie flavors are sweet potato, peach, and pecan.
For details on Ms. Johnnie’s Gingerbread House at 720 Alamo St, Lake Charles, LA, 70601 and find them on Facebook, or call the store 337-474-9278. than 1,200 comments. “I never really realized the power of social media. We have been overwhelmed in a good way. We’ve also sold out early every day since the release of the video! I normally send out about 10 shipments a month. We received about 40 in two days from all over the map in the United States. I am currently looking for help to fill the orders and maintain my store,” said Ames. The demand for the pies, both at the store front and shipping, resulted in Ames calling in family members to help with production and keep track of orders on social media. The business has since created its own TikTok account, posted FAQs and the menu on the Facebook page, and Ames is communicating with consumers via social media to inform everyone of product availability and how to receive baked goods through shipping.TikTok has rapidly become one of the most popular platforms to be adopted into social media strategic plans for destination marketing organi zations. Creators can quickly produce compelling content with the potential of instantly bringing people together for a shared experience, which is one of the main goals of social media for August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 Do not leave kids or pets in a ALWAYS • Park safely • Look in your back seat • Lock up CLOSED VEHICLE To report kids or pets in hot cars, CALL 911 for any amount of time! Cars can become an oven in just 10 minutes.
CULINARY: Visit Lake Charles' TikTok Goes Viral Promoting Ms. Johnnie's Gingerbread House
By – Newswire

August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 www.StyleMagazine.com20
Peter Pan (2004) Choreographer: Trey McIntyre Music: Sir Edward Elgar, Arranged Niel DePonte September 9 - 18, 2022 Houston Ballet’s season begins on September 9 with Peter Pan. Based upon the popular children’s story by Sir James M. Barrie, Peter Pan is a capti vating performance following Wendy, John, Michael and Peter’s escape to Neverland. Told through the eyes of a child, this interpretation of the children’s classic tale features flying sequences, swashbuckling swordfights, giant pup pets, and costumes inspired by punk fashion sure to mesmerize audiences of all ages. Experience what Broadway World calls, “a magical ballet produced by a supremely talented dance com pany.” Houston Ballet’s performances of Peter Pan are sponsored by The Wortham Foundation, Inc. and King and Spalding Good Vibrations Red Earth (1996) Choreographer: Stanton Welch AM Music: Peter Sculthorpe The Letter V (2015) Choreographer: Mark Morris Music: Joseph Haydn
ARTS: Houston Ballet – Single Tickets For Fall 2022 Performances Are On Sale Now The Public Can Now Reserve Tickets For Peter Pan, Good Vibrations and Nutcracker By Kathy Coleman, Arts Editor – • Newswire
Houston Ballet announces the sale of single tickets for fall 2022 performances on July 14, 2022, at 10 am CTS. The 2022-2023 season kicks off with two spectacular ballets — Trey McIntyre’s Peter Pan (September 9-18) and Good Vibrations (September 22 - October 2) before clos ing out the year with one of the Ballet’s most celebrated traditions, Welch’s The Nutcracker.“We are excited to return to the stage with these two fantastic fall per formances before ending the year with Houston’s ultimate holiday tradition, The Nutcracker,” said Stanton Welch AM, Houston Ballet Artistic Director. “Our team is hard at work preparing our spectacular fall performances, and we can’t wait to share another holiday season with the Houston community.”

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Peter Pan (2004) Choreographer: Trey McIntyre Music: Sir Edward Elgar, Arranged Niel DePonte September 9 - 18, 2022
The Nutcracker (2016) Choreographer: Stanton Welch AM Music: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky November 25 – December 24, 2022
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Good Vibrations (World Premiere) Choreographer: Arthur Pita Music: Christopher Austin September 22 - October 2, 2022 August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022
Good Vibrations (World Premiere) Choreographer: Arthur Pita Music: Christopher Austin September 22 - October 2, 2022 On September 22, Houston Ballet presents Good Vibrations. Good Vibrations sets the stage with a triple bill full of energy with Red Earth, The Letter V and a long-awaited world premiere by internationally acclaimed choreographer, Arthur Pita. Red Earth celebrates Australian artistry, transport ing audiences to a world where adver sity is expressed through movement, accompanied by an original score from Peter Sculthorpe and artwork from sce nic designer Kevin “Pro” Hart. In The Letter V, created by famously musical choreographer Mark Morris on Houston Ballet in 2015, dancers move to the music of Joseph Haydn’s Symphony No. 88 in G RoundingMajor. out the program is Pita’s world premiere, Good Vibrations, originally set to debut in the 2019-2020 season. This work marks the first time Pita has choreographed on Houston Ballet. Set to a commissioned score by Christopher Austin, with references to The Beach Boys’ legendary song, ‘Good Vibrations,’ this program is a whole vibe. Houston Ballet’s performances of Good Vibrations are funded in part by The City of Houston through Houston Arts Alliance. Arthur Pita’s Good Vibra tions is underwritten by Leticia Loya. The Nutcracker (2016) Choreographer: Stanton Welch AM Music: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky November 25 – December 24, 2022
The ultimate holiday tradition returns with the grandeur audiences expect from Stanton Welch’s The Nutcracker. From snowflakes to sword fights to the Christmas tree that reaches the sky, this ballet is a nostalgic annual tradition and perfect holiday experience for the whole family. Be there as Clara and Drosselmeyer make their journey to the Kingdom of Sweets and meet the Sugar Plum Fairy and her prince in the land where the real magic happens. Welch’s The Nutcracker features hun dreds of roles and a myriad of exquisite details that will leave you finding some thing new in every performance. This year’s performances are dedicated to Patsy Chapman for her decades of service to Houston Ballet and the Nutcracker Market. [Houston Bal let’s performances of The Nutcracker sponsored by Houston Methodist, Baker Botts LLP, Bank of America, H-E-B, United Airlines, Shell Oil and KPRC] To learn more about Houston Ballet’s fall 2022 performances at the Wortham Theater Center, please www.HoustonBallet.orgvisit:

ARTS: Get FREE Tickets To Houston's First-Ever Theater Week One Week ONLY – August 22-29, 2022
• Bach’s Cello Suites
as well as community
Houston Theater Week in cludes blockbuster shows offered by Houston’s permanent resident com panies: Houston Symphony, Houston Ballet, Alley Theatre, Houston Grand Opera, DaCamera, Performing Arts Houston, Theatre Under the Stars and The Hobby Center. These groups are joined by several of Houston’s out standing community theater groups and professional music ensembles like: ROCO, Dirt Dogs Theatre Company, Main Street Theater, Mercury Cham
Winnie the
groups located throughout our
By Kathy Coleman, ARTS Editor – Newswire
vide the public with a great bargain, it also supports everyone involved in making these state-of-the-art produc tions from the
companies in
continuing to grow in popularity and success.” The
The Houston Artist Commissioning Project ber Orchestra, Kinetic Ensemble, 4th Wall Theatre Company and more. Some of the classic and cutting-edge performances include:
Adaptation Not only does
The New Musical
as neighborhoods and communities be
August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 www.StyleMagazine.com22 T he first annual Houston Theater Week is the largest consumer promotion celebrating live the ater and performing arts in Houston’s history. For one week only, August 22-29, 2022, theater enthusiasts and novices alike can take advantage of exclusive Buy One, Get One FREE ticket on 77 exciting and diverse shows. (Important note: August 22-29, 2022 is the designated week where people can purchase tickets at the exclusive discounted rate. The performances run at various times throughout the 2022/2023 performance season.)
performers to be
professionals in
shows and performances are below. To purchase tickets,
• Chicago The Musical Cinderella • DaCamera Presents Kendrick Scott’s: Unearthed Dance Theatre of Harlem Handel’s Messiah Legally Blonde the Musical Mary Poppins Rent • She’s Got Soul STOMP
• Ain’t Misbehavin’
• Disney’s Pooh: Stage this pro elite hind-the-scenes the downtown Theater District well yond. Theater Week was developed to showcase and strength Houston’s diverse professional arts portfolio,” said Hous ton First President & CEO Michael Heckman. “We are proud to partner resident the heart downtown theater city look forward to this campaign 2022 Houston Theater Week menu of please
“The Theater District Houston Association is thrilled to collaborate with Houston First Corporation on this new cultural tradition that celebrates our wonderfully diverse performing arts and live event scene. And with 18 professional performing arts organiza tions joining forces there is truly some thing for everyone,” said Jim Nelson, Chair, Theater District Houston Asso ciation.
www.HoustonTheaterWeek.comvisit:ThespecialofferpromocodeforHoustonTheaterWeekis:HTXARTS.FirstLadiesOfDiscoRetroMusicBoxTourKeneticEnsemble–HerStoryDanceTheaterOfHarlemCIrqueDreamsHolidazeRagamalaDanceCompany August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce The Leader of Houston’s New Majority® Annual Luncheon & Business Expo Sponsorship opportunities available (713) 644-7070 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2022 Hilton Americas-DowntownLUNCHEON11:45AM–1:30PMBUSINESSEXPO10:00AM–3:00PMBusinessAttire The Largest Annual Luncheon & Business Expo in Houston Event Underwriters

August 18, 2022 - August 24, 2022 www.StyleMagazine.com24 In-store only 7/21 - 8/30. See for details. ©2022 HEB, 22-6384