NEWS | COMMENTARIES | SPORTS | HEALTH | ENTERTAINMENT Support Black Owned Businesses Houston’s Premiere Weekly Publication, Since 1989 Complimentary Haute Shots: Jolanda JonesJOBS: COH and HCC Sign Resliency MOUHHD: Monkeypox – What To Do If You Get Sick? Instagram: @StyleMagazineHTXTwitter: @HoustonStyleTAG US: #TeamStyleMag Facebook: @HoustonStyleMagazine AUGUST 25, 2022 – AUGUST 31, 2022 Our Vote: Our Weapon Against Racism Dr. John E. Warren Jesse Jackson Right To Register and Vote Not a Partisan Issue Volume 33 | Number 35Houston Style Magazine PARK HOUSTON Wins Recognized as Parking Organization of the Year RIGHTS: First Slavery Remembrance Day - A Success! Book Forward Written By. . . BernNadette Stanis – Best Known For Her Iconic Character: THELMA of "Good Times" Photo by Pixel ConsultsARTS: Blues & Jazz Festival "I SARAHRoadmap–AGREEFINALLYWITHGODIAMFABULOUS"NewAbundantLifeBookAvailableAtAMAZONMARIEDANIEL

In a separate case brought by American Oversight, it was discovered that the Defense Department wiped the phones of top departing Defense and Army officials at the end of the Trump administration. That meant any texts from a number of key witnesses to events surrounding January 6, 2021, were deleted.
ICE Agents Told To Wipe Phones
In the Friday filing, ICE Chief Technology Officer Richard Clark said the agency couldn’t provide informa tion sought by American Oversight, attested that the phones for most of the officials named in the lawsuit had been deactivated and noted that it indicated the mobile phone data has been wiped clean. American Oversight contends that many of the devices were wiped after the organization requested texts messages from the officials in 2019.
Under Trump-era rules, ICE instructed employees to erase data from their agency-issued mobile phones when they returned their devices or left the agency, according to the court filing. That guidance, issued in No vember 2017, along with a subsequent 2018 memo, dictated that employees are responsible for wiping their phones and saving separate records if official business was conducted on the phone.
As CNN reported earlier this month, the Department of Homeland Security said it would immediately stop wiping mobile devices of high-level of ficials and political appointees without backing them up, launching a 30-day review of policies and practices for retaining text messages and other elec tronic messages.
The phones of several top Trump-era Immigration and Customs Enforce ment officials were deactivated when they left their positions and the data contained on them likely wiped, a court filing released late last week shows. The revelation came in a pub lic records dispute between ICE and watchdog group American Oversight, which has sought emails and text mes sages from former acting ICE directors Thomas Homan, Matthew Albence and Ronald Vitiello in a controversial immi gration-related case. It follows recent controversies over wiped government phones and erased text messages, in cluding the potential loss of information relevant to investigations into the Janu ary 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol.
“We cannot stand by as agen cy after agency admits that it destroys public records,” said Heather Sawyer,
DHS – ICE Agents Under President Trump Told To Wipe Phones When Leaving Agency
executive director at American Over sight, in a statement. “Text messages often contain crucial information on what federal employees are doing and why they are doing it. The obligation to retain these records is not optional — it is the law.”
3August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 www.StyleMagazine.com2 August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 MINORITY PRINT MEDIA, LLC, D.B.A. Houston Style Magazine & Phone: (713) 748-6300 • Fax: (713) 748-6320 Mail: P.O. Box 14035, Houston, TX 77221-4035 ©2022 Houston Style Magazine, a Minority Print Media, L.L.C. Company. All Right Reserved. Reproduction in whole or within part without permission is prohibited. Houston Style Magazine has a 2019 Audit by Circulation Verification Council (CVC). Houston Style Magazine is a member of the Texas Publishers Asso ciation (TPA), Texas Community Newspaper Association (TCNA), National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA), Independent Free Paper of America (IFPA), Association of Free Community Pa pers (AFCP) and Members of Greater Houston Partnership(GHP). National Association of Hispanic Publications, Inc. (NAHP, Inc.), Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (HHCC), League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), Latin Women’s Initiative (LWI), National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ), Houston Association of Hispanic Media Professionals (HAHMP), National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ), and Supporters of Great er Houston Sportsreggiedominique@me.comReginaldSocialeditorial@stylemagazine.comJo-CarolynManaginglisa@stylemagazine.comLisaAssociatefpagejr@stylemagazine.comFrancisPublisherPartnership(GHP)Page,Jr.PublisherValadezEditorGoodeMediaEditor/VideographerDominiqueEditor Brian brian_barefield@yahoo.comBarefield Food Writer Alex PHOTOGRAPHERSwww.askjudgemathis.comJudgewww.rolandmartin.comRolandjjackson@rainbowpush.orgJesseNATIONALalexandriajack1991@gmail.comJackWRITERSJacksonMartinGregMathis Vicky ADVERTISING/SALESeditorial@stylemagazine.comRobertartrepreneur91@gmail.comMikeWilliamealy1906@gmail.comWilliamvhpink@gmail.comPinkEalyMunozFranklin AdVertising emAil
The ICE filing released Fri day is part of an American Oversight and ACLU of Massachusetts lawsuit seeking records regarding the federal criminal prosecution of Judge Shelley M. Richmond Joseph, including the emails and text messages of senior agency officials. The Massachusetts state judge and a court officer were charged in con nection with a criminal defendant’s exit through a rear door of a courthouse in April 2018, while an ICE agent waited at another entrance.
The review followed weeks of heavy criticism over lost text messages at the Secret Service and revelations that the phones of top former DHS officials Ken Cuccinelli and Chad Wolf were wiped after they left office. It’s unclear how the DHS re view impacts the phone policy at ICE, which is part of the department. CNN has reached out to ICE and DHS.
Former Acting ICE Directors Thomas Holman Matthew Albence and Ronald Vitiello
By Geneva Sands for CNN Special to

he recent electoral primaries are giving us important insight into the future politics of our country. All one must do is look at the number of Trump supporters winning primary elections for a place on the November General Election ballots. Eight out of ten of the Republicans who voted to im peach former President Donald Trump have either lost their primaries or decid ed not to run again. Just this week, we saw Congresswoman Elizabeth Cheney lose her primary race as a Wyoming Republican to a Trump supporter of the “Big Lie” that President Biden did not win the election. Let there be no doubt that racism in the form of fear of the Black and Brown voting electorate is at the heart of the Trump movement of voter suppression and planned efforts to decertify future elections. Our vote is our most important weap on against this movement of racism cloaked in the “Make America Great Again” movement (MAGA). When we allow low voter turnout in the primary elections, we set the stage for the big November General Election Republican sweep that would not only give back control of the U.S. House of Representa tives and the Senate, but also encourage the acceleration of Hate Crimes we are presently experiencing against people of color. If we want victories during and after the General Election of November 8th, 2022, we must get involved NOW. How? Check your Voter Registration. If you have moved since the last election, fill out a new voter registration form. We have them available at the Voice & Viewpoint office or go online. It was our votes that gave the state of Georgia two democratic Senators, shifting the balance of power in the U.S. Senate back to the Democrats. If Black Votes Matter (BVM), then we must vote because there are enough of us to make a difference in the general elections this November. If we plan to vote, then we need to be sure we are registered and at the present address. If we don’t vote, then we can’t complain about rent increases, gas prices, lack of daycare, and job opportunities. We will stay on this issue until we see some activities. We are less than 90 days from the election. What are you doing? Our vote is our weapon because there are only three things that corporate America fears: (1) lost profits, (2) bad publicity, and (3) a vote cast against corporate interest. Our vote has been our weapon since the Voting Rights Act of 1965 which the U.S. Supreme Court has sought to dismantle. Now that Trump has stacked the Court with his conservative right judges, our vote for those who sit in the Congress and the Senate represents the only way to neutralize bad Court decisions like Roe vs. Wade. Again, are you preparing to vote, or will you just leave it to others to fight for your rights?
The reason isn’t a mystery. In most democracies, national govern ments take responsibility for registering their citizens to vote. In many countries, registration is automatic when citizens become old enough. In others, like the United Kingdom, governments take responsibility to seek out and register eligible voters, something like how our Census Bureau takes responsibility to get people counted in the census. In the U.S., voting laws are decentralized. In most states, getting registered is left to the individual. Some states purposefully make it more diffi cult to register – requiring various forms of documentation, requiring in-person as opposed to online registration, lim iting volunteer efforts to get people registered and more. So, while turnout of those who are registered 86.8 percent in 2020 is relatively high, only 64 percent of the voting age population is registered. That compares to 92 percent in England, 93 percent in Canada, and 94 percent in Sweden.Failures in registration lead to lower voter turnout – and disproportion ately impacts those who are younger, less educated, and less wealthy. Blacks, Latinos and Native Americans are also less likely to be registered and thus to vote. The problem is reinforced by how our high-cost electoral campaigns are run. Campaigns target those who vote not those less likely to vote. Candidates often make little or no effort to appeal to those who tend not to vote. That lack of appeal and attention then makes their turnout even worse. Making it easy to register and vote should be embraced by all Ameri cans no matter their party or their poli tics. The Freedom to Vote Act would set national standards for voting, including automatic voter registration, same-day registration, online registration, and standards for maintaining voter rolls and the like. It failed in the Senate due to a filibuster supported by all Republican senators. Sen. Marco Rubio, (R-FL), a former presidential contender, claimed that the Act and the renewal of the Vot ing Rights Act constituted a “radical progressive agenda,” pushed by “Marx ists in Washington, DC” and a “leftist elite class.” The Chamber of Commerce opposed making voting easier. Since Donald Trump spread the Big Lie that the election in 2020 was stolen, Republicans in states across the country have sought to make it harder to register and vote. Last year, according to the Brennan Center, Republican legisla tors in 19 states passed 34 laws making it harder for Americans, and particularly Black and Latino Americans to vote. Hundreds more were filed this year. The purpose is clear. In the South after the Civil War, Jim Crow laws were passed to keep Blacks from voting. The plantation crowd wanted to keep newly freed Blacks from com bining with working and poor whites to form multiracial coalitions to transform their states. “Thus,” Dr. King noted, “the threat of the free exercise of the ballot by the Negro and the white masses alike resulted in the establishment of a segregated society.” Today is no different. Repub licans – supported by corporations and the rich – want to limit the ability of working and poor people to come together and vote to transform the country. So, claims of voter fraud focus on urban areas with large minority pop ulations. And voter restriction schemes are targeted to make it harder for those populations to vote. But America cannot credibly champion democracy abroad while undermining it at home. Those like Sen. Rubio, who consider democracy a Marxist plot, do this nation a great disservice. The right to register and vote is not a partisan issue – it is a democratic essential. And now once more, citizens must rally to defend it from those who would undermine it. You can write to the Rev. Jesse Jackson in care of this Newspaper or by email jjackson@rainbowpush.orgat:
The United States trails most other developed democracies in voter participation. Our neighbors Mexico and Canada, our European allies, our Asian friends like South Korea, and Australia all have higher voter partici pation than the U.S. does.
By Jesse Jackson, National Political Writer
4 August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022
Ballott box with a person casting vote on blank voting slip. ( Dreamstime )
The right to vote, Dr. Martin Luther King taught in his famous “Give Us the Ballot” address, is one of the “highest mandates of our democratic tradition.” Democracy is founded on the right of citizens to decide via popular, free and fair elections who should rep resent them. Across the world, the U.S. champions democracy. Yet at home the right to vote is embattled.
COMMENTARY: Our VOTE: Weapon Against
Commentary By Dr. John E. Warren, Publisher, The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint for

(2) Improving air ventilation - air filters and filtration can trap virus parti cles from accumulating in the air which can reduce the possibility of exposure to the virus; Increasing air filtration in your HVAC system (heating, ventilation, air conditioning) is highly recommended. You can also turn your HVAC system to the “ON” position rather than “AUTO” which will allow the air system to pro vide continuous air flow and filtration. Turn on exhaust fans to increase air flow. Use portable high efficiency air cleaners and also open windows for fresh air when you can do so.
he City of Houston’s on-street parking management division ParkHouston has been named the Parking Organization of the Year by the International Parking & Mobility Institute (IPMI). IPMI’s Professional Recognition Awards acknowledge professionals and organizations who operate, maintain, and manage parking and mobility operations. The awards also celebrate those who are changing the perception of the industry as a ca reer and profession. Award winners are nominated by their peers and selected by a committee of industry professionals.
(4) Good hygiene including hand washing, using hand sanitizer and dis infecting your home are all critically important. When using gloves, throw the gloves away and then wash your hands with soap and water. (5) Wearing well fitted masks in restricted indoors because they are made to contain droplets that you breathe, cough or sneeze out so you don’t spread to others. Respirators (N95) are recommended because they fit closely on your face and over your nose and mouth to keep particles including virus that causes Covid 19. (6) Avoid contact with persons sus pected or confirmed of having Covid 19 whether they feel sick or not, this will minimize your risk of catching the virus.
(3) Moving indoor activities out doors because viral particles spread much quicker indoors as opposed to outdoors.
(8) Getting tested periodically and especially if you have symptoms; use the laboratory or viral tests. You can order free tests at Free tests are also available through the City of Houston Health Dept. (9) Following recommendations in case you are exposed; you remain at home whether you have symptoms or not because you can still spread the virus to others. You should monitor symptoms for 10 days and then get tested. This updated guidance is intend ed to apply to community settings.
he CDC wants to ensure that everyone is aware that there are many ways your actions can help protect you as well as your family and community from the spread of Covid 19 and severe illness. Those prevention acts include:
7August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 www.StyleMagazine.com6 August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022
About PARKHOUSTON ParkHouston is committed to supporting all Houstonians through public safety, quality of life, economic development, and sustainable transpor tation. As a solution-focused division of the Administration and Regulatory Affairs Department in the City of Houston we service and maintain over 9,500 parking spaces across the City. When you stay connected to ParkHouston, you will learn tips and educate yourself - let’s go from No Parking to #KnowParking. Visit us at to learn more.
By Greta Massetti - CDC – – Newswire Parking Program was implemented in the Midtown area. “It’s always a particular honor for us to recognize outstanding profes sionals and organizations in parking, mobility, and transportation.” said IPMI CEO Shawn D. Conrad, CAE “This year’s winners exemplify a commitment to excellence, innovation and creativity that persevered through a difficult and challenging time of pandemic recovery, and it’s a privilege for us to honor them and be part of their professional circles. They make us all better.” “The City of Houston is grate Congratulating PARKHOUSTON In Council Chambers – Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner Declared Tuesday, August 23, 2022, PARKHOUSTON Appreciation Day By Proclamation To The entire PARKHOUSTON Team. ful to have the work of ParkHouston recognized by IPMI. Daily, the entire team works diligently with a customer centric focus in the field and at their desks to keep Houston safe, sustain able, and accessible to all who use our streets for parking” said Maria Irshad, CAPP, MPA Assistant Director for the Administration and Regulatory Affairs Department Today is declared ParkHous ton Appreciation Day by the City of Houston. Mayor Sylvester Turner presented a proclamation to the entire ParkHouston team this past week at City Hall commemorating their international recognition for the service provided to Houstonians.Additional details on this year’s award winners can be found in a special feature in the July 2022 issue of Parking & Mobility Magazine. ParkHouston was honored in-person at the 2022 IPMI Parking & Mobil ity Conference & Expo held July 24-27 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
(7) Increasing space & distance - some particles that we breathe can contain virus particles. The closer you are to a greater number of people, the more likely you are to be exposed to the virus that causes Covid 19. To avoid this possible exposure, you may want to avoid crowded areas or keep a safe distance between yourself and others. Always wear your mask in crowded areas.
NATIONAL: PARKHOUSTON Recognized As Parking Organization of Year By IPMI By City Beat at – Newswire COVID – How To Protect Yourself & Others – Prevention Acts from CDC-P
International Parking & Mobility Institute (IPMI) IPMI is the world’s largest and leading association for professionals and organizations in the parking and mobility industry . IPMI Professional Recognition Award winners showcase dedication to their colleagues, their organizations, and their communities.
(1) Staying up on all vaccinesespecially those with compromised immune systems who should stay up to date on your vaccines & boosters to significantly reduce the risk of getting sick, being hospitalized or even dying.
ParkHouston was nominated for this year’s award for their commitment to advancing innovative ideas and em bracing technology. ParkHouston is a customer-focused agency, responding to more than 10,000 service requests with a 97% on-time response rate. The department supports Houstonians with programs that promote public safety, quality of life, economic development, and sustainability, such as the develop ment and enforcement of dedicated bike lanes throughout the city. Additionally, after substantive research, a Community

9August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 www.StyleMagazine.com8 August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 The Inspire Change Grant, presented in partnership with the Houston Texans, ConocoPhillips, Coca-Co la Southwest Beverages and Ashley, will fund programs, seed projects and create partnerships that support social justice and racial equity initiatives in Houston. This grant should be used to fund organizations, programs or initia tives that reduce barriers to opportunity. An Advisory Committee will select winning nonprofits that will receive funds to create change in the following areas of priority to include, but are not limited to: • Anti-bias/Anti-racism Youth Diversity Training • Criminal Justice Reform • Education • Employment • History of Minority Groups in America • Homelessness • Mental Health SupportGRANTS:Access Apply For A HOUSTON TEXANS –Inspire Change Grant For Non-Profits To Support Social Justice and Racial Equity Initiatives In Houston By – Newswire • Poverty • Racial Equity • Relational Policing • Support for Children with Incarcerated Parents\ • Workface and econom ic development nessMinority/Women-owned(specificallyBusiEnterprisesMWBE) “It’s an honor to award these incredi ble nonprofits and programs in such a meaningful way,” said McNair. “The organizations’ unwavering commitment to Houston’s youth and their families is unmatched, and we’re proud to help them continue to make a positive impact on the next generation. We know that it takes all of us to inspire change and we are looking forward to seeing their continued work to reduce barriers for so many in our community.” The grant recipients represent a wide range of social justice initiatives, includ ing health advocacy, incarceration and criminal justice reform, homelessness, youth development, education and men tal health. Groups had the opportunity to apply for grants ranging from $10,000 to $50,000. Apply com/community/inspire-www.houstontexans.Here:change-grantDeadline:September16,2022. OPENING SOON OFFER ENDS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31ST Greater OST/South Union Must be 18 years old, or 13 with parent/guardian. Billed monthly to a checking account. Subject to annual fee. State/local taxes may apply. Offer available at participating locations only. Planet Fitness locations are independently owned and operated. © 2022 PFIP, LLC $1 DOOWN $10 A MONTH

The agreement opens the door for all aspects of the city’s focus on cit izens and employer resilience and con nects the college with departments and programs of the city that seek resilience and preparedness for neighborhood and community organizations.
Beginning this fall, HCC will upskill the City of Houston’s workforce through seven resiliency courses: Re siliency 101 + Community Emergency Response Training (CERT); Disaster Case Management; Facilities and Infra structure; Disaster Recovery; Drones, Data Science, and Internet of Things; Public Safety and Rescue; and Medical Triage. The courses will support strengthening skills in Business Conti nuity, Disaster Recovery Compliance,
11August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 www.StyleMagazine.com10 August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 2022 SEE MORE + The Collective H U.S. Congressman Al Green – Slavery Remembrance Day H H Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner H Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis H H Commemorative Breakfast H Legislative Update H Prominent Clergy H Civic Organizations H The Collective H 8:30AM • Saturday, August 20, 2022 H Honoring Dr. William A. Lawson & Dr. F.N. Williams, Sr.
“Today, on the fifth anniversa ry of Hurricane Harvey, I am pleased to announce the City of Houston’s partnership with Houston Community College’s new Resilience Center of Excellence and the Operations Training Facility and all the many ways we will collectively pave the path for a stronger and more prepared citizens, workforce, and community and a more resilient future.”
By City Beat at – Newswire
n the fifth anniversary of Hurri cane Harvey, Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner and Houston Community College (HCC) Chan cellor Cesar Maldonado, Ph.D., P.E., signed a Memorandum of Understand ing that will enroll City workers in resiliency training programs taught by the college as early as this fall. The agreement was signed be fore 175 business, education, and gov ernment leaders attending a symposium hosted by the Resilience Innovation Hub and the college at Amegy Bank West Loop. “Five years back, as we faced the wrath and impacts of Hurricane Harvey, it was a moment of reckoning for us as a city,” Mayor Turner said “It spurred us to think more cohesively about response and recovery; and most importantly, it urged us to think about building forward from recovery, from response towards resilience.
HCC Chancellor Cesar Maldonado, Ph.D., P.E., and Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) during Resiliency event. Project Management, Team Building and Communications. An additional 30 courses and programs will follow in 2023. “As Mayor Turner recently stated, the lessons learned from Hurri cane Harvey and subsequent disasters have identified one common take-away: When we work together as a team, Greater Houston is always resilient,” Dr. Maldonado said. “In light of this obser vation, we must remain vigilant so these disasters will not harm our families, our neighborhoods, our companies, our fa cilities and the community-at-large. The HCC Resiliency Center of Excellence and Operations Training Facility will contribute to addressing preparedness and long-term mitigation from future floods, storms, snow and ice, pandemics and other challenges.”
For more information about HCC’s Resiliency training programs,
JOBS: City of Houston and HCC Sign Agreement To Train Resiliency Workers

However, the type of treatment for a person with monkeypox will depend on how sick someone gets or whether they’re likely to get severely ill. Most people with monkeypox recover fully within 2 to 4 weeks without the need for medical treatment.
• Do not shave the area with the rash until the scabs have fallen off and a new layer of skin has formed. Shaving can spread the virus and cause more lesions.
“This brilliant memoir is all about giving YOU, the reader, an intimate view into the life of an extraordinary Spirit who has survived and thrived through a chronic, debilitating illness, emotional turmoil, mental warfare, spiritual depletion, and will prove to be your roadmap to joy and wellness. This exquisitely crafted personal narrative is one of the most moving accounts of courage, tenacity, faith, and inspiration I have ever had the privilege of reading. Very succinct, compelling, and difficult to put down. This book fits multiple categories, including autobiography, self-help, and inspirational. A must-read! You will want to buy several copies for sharing when needed for those who will inevitably be uplifted by her words.”
COVER: Sarah Marie Daniel Releases "I Finally Agree With God – I Am Fabulous"
Sarah Marie Daniel believes that for every fall, we all have the ability to rise, and we must make a concerted effort to live each day with gratitude, joy and a passion for life. Ms. Daniel has been an entre preneur since the age of 25. Now, reinventing herself at the tender age of 56, she is the Founder of JAWA, LLC (The Joy And Wellness Academy), where her greatest desire is to use her life as a symbol of hope and a beacon of light amidst darkness. “My only goal is to move you past your pain, guide you into your power and purpose, and help you discover the best parts of YOU. So, let’s get to it!”
• Keep skin lesions/rash clean and dry when not showering or bathing.
• Eat healthy and get plenty of rest to allow your body to heal.
Wellness Coach and Transformation Guru Sarah Marie Daniel has been battling an undiag nosed, progressively debilitating condition that mimics Multiple Sclerosis for over 25 years. After falling over 6,000 times, resulting in broken bones, teeth, ribs, scratches, scrapes, burns and far too many emotional battle scars to name, still she has mastered the art of dusting herself off and getting back up again. Her book, “I Finally Agree With God, I AM Fabulous” is a roadmap for the realization of destiny. Throughout the book, she reveals her secrets for unprecedented triumph, a skill necessary for an abundant life. The book to be released on September 2, 2022 recognizes the journey of barriers broken, those still on the horizon, and commemorates the author’s late mother’s 86th heavenly birthday.
The book is published by 13th & Joan Pub lishing House, an independent, minority-owned pub lishing house founded by literary industry writer and veteran Ardre Orie. The book will be released in the early September of 2022 with national and internation al distribution in digital formats and print.
~Sarah Marie Daniel
13August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 www.StyleMagazine.com12 August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022
Literary Offering To Transform Joy and Wellness For The WORLD
Order Your Copy At Amazon
~ Debra L. Ward
Taking Care of Yourself • Use gauze or bandages to cover the rash to limit spread to others and to the environment.
About the Author
• Wear a well-fitting mask around other people until the rash and all other symptoms have resolved.
Some people, like those with a weakened immune system or genital or rectal rashes, may need treatment. Drugs used to treat monkeypox require a prescription and must be requested by a healthcare provider through the local or state health department.
There is no treatment specifically for monkey pox. Because the viruses that cause monkey pox and smallpox are closely related, drugs and vaccines developed to treat and protect against smallpox may be effective for monkeypox.
Sarah Marie Daniel – Wellness Coach, Transformation Guru and Now Author.
• If you have rash on your hands, be careful when washing or using sanitizer so as not to irritate the rash.
• Don’t lance (pop) or scratch lesions from the rash. This does not speed up recovery and can spread the virus to other parts of the body, increase the chance of spreading the virus to others, and possibly cause the open lesions to become infected by bacteria.
• Wash hands often with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, especially after direct contact with the rash.
Monkeypox – What To Do If You Are Sick?
FAMILY: Sarah brother– Henderson Smith sister – Nedra Hall and nephew – Marcus Hall
By – Newswire
FAMILY: Sarah mother – LaVerne Smith sister – Nedra Hall
Monkeypox Typically Lasts 2-4 Weeks. Learn What You Can Do. . By – Newswire Managing Your Symptoms Medicines like ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) and acetaminophen (Tylenol) can help you feel better. Your healthcare provider may prescribe stronger pain relievers as well. For rash in the mouth, rinse with salt water at least four times a day. Prescription mouthwashes, sometimes called miracle or magic mouthwash, or local anesthetics like viscous lidocaine can be used to manage pain. Oral antiseptics like chlorhexidine mouthwash can be used to help keep the mouth clean. Contact your healthcare provider if pain becomes severe and unmanageable at home. Rash Relief Your healthcare provider may prescribe med ication like povidone-iodine or other products to be added to the water in a sitz bath.
FAMILY: Sarah mother – LaVerne Smith brother – Henderson Smith sister– Nedra Hall and brother– Charles Davis-Smith
About 13th & Joan Publishing House 13th & Joan is the fastest-growing minori ty-owned publishing house dedicated to its mission of cultivating authors and stories that nourish both mind and soul while leveraging innovative oppor tunities to engage new generations of readers. The company was formed on October 13, 2015, by Ardre Orie, a Celebrity Ghostwriter who has committed to over three decades as a writing professional. 13th & Joan’s clientele includes VH1, MTV, WETV, BRA VO, CENTRIC, YouTube, Grammy Award-winning artists, and the NFL, as well as a bevy of entrepreneurs and everyday heroes.
• If you have rash on your hands, wear gloves that are non-irritating when handling common objects or touching surfaces in shared spaces. If you can, use disposable gloves that can be discarded after each use (e.g., latex, polyurethane, or nitrile gloves). Reusable gloves should be washed with soap and water between use.

15August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 www.StyleMagazine.com14 August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 2022 SEE MORE + HARRIS & FT BEND COUNTY'S H Back To School – Haute Shots H Houston Is A Great Place To Live, Work and Play – We Capture The Haute Shots Every Week! Haute MEMES From The Internet Scan and Buy Tickets The Sugar Shack Ernie Barnes Ernie Barnes, The Sugar Shack 1976, acrylic on canvas, Collection of William O. Perkins III and Lara Perkins. © Ernie Barnes Family Trust On view for a limited time only On view through September 5 Scan and Buy Tickets

17August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 www.StyleMagazine.com16 August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 2022 SEE MORE FROM AROUND THE WORLD H Haute Shots Of The Week America Is Diverse, Has Jobs, Friendly People and Success – Haute Shots Nia Long and Lorenz Tate To Reunite for "LOVE JONES" 25th AnniversarySolange Makes History – First Black Woman To Compose NYC Ballet Stephen and Monique Brown Celebrating 21 Years Chloe & Halle On ESSENCE Are RED Haute Black Skinned Women Are Beauty Beyoncé New Album Is #1 HAUTE Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck's Wedding Pictures One Of The HAUTEST Couples Jennifer Is H-E-B Is Best Grocery Store – Brian Clifford Jolanda Jones TX Dist. 146 Is HAUTE #TeamStyleMag Supporting Houston, Fort Bend and Harris County Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce The Leader of Houston’s New Majority® Annual Luncheon & Business Expo Sponsorship opportunities available (713) 644-7070 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2022 Hilton Americas-DowntownLUNCHEON11:45AM–1:30PMBUSINESSEXPO10:00AM–3:00PMBusinessAttire The Largest Annual Luncheon & Business Expo in Houston Event Underwriters

Leandro Erlich: Seeing Is Not Believing
By Kathy Coleman, ARTS Editor – • Newswire Visitors to the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, have only a few more weeks to view two groundbreaking exhibitions, Virtual Realities: The Art of M.C. Escher from the Michael S. Sachs Collection and Leandro Erlich: Seeing is Not Believing before the exhibitions close on Monday, September 5, 2022 The Museum will be open on the Labor Day holiday Monday, Sep tember 5, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tickets are available at and visitors are encouraged to purchase their tickets in advance of their visit.
ARTS: Houston Blues & Jazz Festival Featuring MonoNeon Andy Timmons and James Francies
19August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 www.StyleMagazine.com18 August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 We want our Houston Style Mag azine readers to have fun and experience an evening of great entertainment of Blues and Jazz includ ing three performances in one night at the Houston Blues and Jazz Festival at the 713 Music Hall on Saturday, Sep tember 24, 2022, starting at 7:00pm.
MonoNeon Known as MonoNeon, Dy wante Thomas Jr. is an American bass ist, experimental musician, and native of Memphis, Tennessee. He is known for his presence on YouTube playing bass guitar and known for being one of the last people to work with Prince. Thomas is a Grammy Award-winning artist for participating in the 2020 NAS studio album King’s Disease. While Thomas is right-handed, he plays left-landed up side down on a right-handed bass guitar, which allows him to use heavy string bending on the upper strings. His slap ping style/technique is unique because he executes everything upside-down but still uses the thumb for slaps and fin gers for pops. Musicians like Marcus Miller have noticed his playing style.
Three Artist – One Night ONLY – Sat., Sept 24, 2022
About the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston Spanning 14 acres in the heart of Houston’s Museum District, the main campus comprises the Audrey Jones Beck Building, the Caroline Wiess Law Building, the Lillie and Hugh Roy Cullen Sculpture Garden and the Nancy and Rich Kinder Building. Nearby, two house museums—Bayou Bend Collec tion and Gardens, and Rienzi—present collections of American and European decorative arts. The MFAH is also home to the Glassell School of Art, with its Core Residency Program and Junior and Studio schools; and the International Center for the Arts of the Americas (ICAA), a leading research institute for 20thcentury Latin American and Latino art. Additional resources include a rep ertory cinema; two significant research libraries, the Hirsch Library and the Powell Library and Study Center at Bay ou Bend; public archives; a conservation studio; and an off-site storage facility. The MFAH collections include in-depth holdings of Pre-Columbian and African gold, American art, European paintings, and distinguished interna tional collections of modern and con temporary art. Particular strengths are in postwar American painting; postwar Latin American art, with a focus on Concrete and Constructive art from Brazil, Argentina and Venezuela, as well as contemporary photo-based work and large-scale installations; international photography, with notable concentra tions in Japanese, Latin American and Central European photography as well as American and Western European; prints and drawings, including the entire 1980-1994 archive portfolio of Peter Blum Editions; and international deco rative arts, craft and design, in particular contemporary.
He was called “a pianist with liquid dynamism in his touch” by the New York Times. Since his debut al bum Flight entranced listeners in 2018, pianist-producer James Francies has expanded his explorations of sound bending and orchestral approaches to the music. Collaborations across stylis tic realms including those with Child ish Gambino, Pat Metheny, Mark Ron son, The Roots, YEBBA, Chris Potter, Common, Eric Harland, Marcus Miller, DJ Dahi, and Ms. Lauryn Hill have enhanced his development and refined his sound. In issuing Purest Form, his second Blue Note release, Francies ac cesses intimate chambers of his artistry across 14 tracks, interpreting love, grief, frailty, and fortitude. Francies, like his Blue Note predecessors Robert Glasper, Jason Moran, Chris Dave, and Kendrick Scott, is a proud Houstonian and a grad uate of that city’s High School for the Performing and Visual Arts (HSPVA), one of the nation’s most reliable incuba tors for era-defining jazz talent. He met Questlove and Roots keyboardist James Poyser a few years ago—subbing for Poyser on Roots concerts and The Tonight Show Star ring Jimmy Fallon participating in the Roots-produced Hamilton cast recording, in addition to other film and TV score work organized by Quest; and, currently, collaborating with The Roots emcee Black Thought on a Broadway show.
Houston Blues & Jazz Festival Saturday, September 24, 2022 713 Music Hall at 7 p.m. Event–DangerDangerMonoNeon–DywanteThomas,Jr.JamesFrancies–'LiquidDynamism'
ART: Seeing Is Not Believing – On View Only Through Monday, Sept 5th One Of Two Groundbreaking Exhibitions
The MFAH hosts the largest and most comprehensive exhibition of works by M.C. Escher ever presented. Virtual Realities features more than 400 prints, drawings, watercolors, printed fabrics, constructed objects, wood and linoleum blocks, lithographic stones, sketchbooks, and the artist’s working tools.
Conceptual artist Leandro Er lich creates visual paradoxes and opti cal illusions that force you to question your perception of reality. He renders everyday situations confounding—a staircase that misleads to go nowhere, or an elevator that appears partially stuck below ground.
Virtual Realities: The Art of M.C. Escher from the Michael S. Sachs Collection
By Kathy Coleman, ARTS Editor – • Newswire Southern soul, blues, and funk heavily influenced his musical background. “… I got another one of those emails a few months later asking to come back… this time, it was to work with Prince this was late 2015… I be came his bassist for a new band he was forming with Kirk Johnson on drums, Adrian Crutchfield on saxophone, and Donna Grantis on guitar. We played various shows at Paisley with Prince. I started recording with him during that time (late 2015/early 2016). Kirk said, “Prince wants you to come to Studio A.” When I got there, Prince played a track from the recording album; it was just him and me in the control room. He handed me his guitar and asked me to play along with the track to see how it sounded. After I played, I gave the guitar back to him he smiled and said I would see you in a minute. My final time with Prince was in February for a late-night studio session. “If I knew that would be my last moments with him, I wish I would have said to him, “I love you. Thank you for embracing me and giving me a Featurechance.”arti cle, Bass Mu sician Maga zine by Kilian Duarte Andy Timmons As guitarist for pop-metal band Danger Danger, Andy Timmons toured the world opening for Kiss and Alice Cooper, sold over a million records worldwide, and had two #1 videos on MTV, plus amassing a discography that includes seven solo releases that range from blazing guitar instrumentals to blues, and even a Beatles/Elvis Costel lo-inspired collection of pop tunes. Timmons embarked on a solo career in the mid-90s. His newest album Electric Truth, was released on April 1, 2022, where he explores blues and jazz. “If there ever were a “guitarist’s guitarist,” it would be Andy Timmons. The Danger Danger shredder turned solo artist has spent nearly 30 years creating instrumental rock that’s both innovative and exciting (most releases in this category are one or the other, sel dom both). On his latest album, Electric Truth, Timmons touches on facets of blues, jazz, funk, and more, never losing sight of his musical identity along the way. Call it zealous, adventurous, larger than life: All that and more would be accurate descriptors for this six-string savant. We sat down with Timmons to discuss his creative inspirations, ambi tions for the future, and that time he ac cidentally upstaged Steve Vai.”Andrew Catania, James Francies

August 25, 2022 - August 31, 2022 www.StyleMagazine.com20 In-store only 7/21 - 8/30. See for details. ©2022 HEB, 22-6384