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Xfinity technicians Mitchell Johnson and Natalie Spellman recently ditched their fiber cables and tools to join Comcast Texas’ Surprise Squad for the day. The dynamic duo sprung into action to give a group of firefighters a big surprise.
Equipped with trays of succulent BBQ from a popular Kingwood establishment, the pair paid a surprise visit to a group of hungry firefighters at Houston Fire Station 102. The station is located on W. Lake Houston Pkwy in Kingwood – an area where the Xfinity 10G Network is set to launch this year.
Tim Mattfeld is a firefighter who works on the ladder trucks. He’s also a cook at the station where he whips up meals for the entire crew. At first, Mattfeld didn’t understand why he was given the night off kitchen duty.
“Kinda caught me off guard really,” said Mattfeld. “We’ve never had somebody like Xfinity just show up with cameras and BBQ. It was kinda fun.”
Spellman took to the fire station’s public address system and called the firefighters to the kitchen for a free BBQ dinner – compliments of the technology leader Comcast. As Spellman rallied the first responders, Mitchell put out the brisket, smoked turkey, sausage, sides, drinks and dessert – for the firefighters who had just returned from a call in the sweltering heat.
“Initially some puzzled looks. Somebody said we got BBQ and those looks turned into smiles pretty rapidly,” said Christopher McAllister, District Chief, Houston Fire Department. “Firemen are not afraid to eat, something we’re good at.”
“Honoring service people means a lot to me.,” said Johnson. “We’re all caring for our community as one big happy family. That’s what firefighters do and that’s what Comcast does.”
The Surprise Squad was not done yet. They went out to their Xfinity truck and unloaded a brand new grill – rolling it into the fire station’s bay.
“We tend to be carnivores. Getting a new grill is like Christmas for a firefighter,” McAllister said.
Spellman said she hoped the surprise shows the first responders how much they’re appreciated in the Kingwood community.
The Xfinity 10G Network is expanding to more places across southeast Texas. Anyone who wants to learn when Xfinity services will be available in their neighborhood can visit Xfinity.com/mytown to sign up for updates. www.StyleMagazine.com
The last Apollo mission launched a few weeks before I was born. I grew up hearing people describe an audacious goal as a “moonshot.”
What excites me lately is how poised for a comeback this country is for the environment and the economy. I think of it as our “Earth shot,” and my home state of Maryland is emerging as Cape Canaveral’s successor.
Sparrows Point is one of our launchpads. That’s where Orsted, a wind energy company, will manufacture what it needs to power about 300,000 Maryland homes as part of a state goal for offshore windfarms to provide electricity to about 3 million homes. That also will create 125 good jobs that pay well. All on a site that once housed the world’s largest steel mill.
The Free State is showing what can happen when bold leadership and real dollars meet to address climate concerns.
Governor Wes Moore and the state legislature last year set a goal for Maryland to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 60 percent by 2031 and reach net zero emissions by 2045.
They’ve begun pursuing those goals, from demanding dealers offer more options for zero-emissions cars and trucks each year until reaching 100 percent of sales in 2035 to permitting community solar power projects to bring that renewable energy to more homes and businesses.
The White House and Congress did their part last year by passing a historic spending package directing nearly $400 billion to growing clean energy and revitalizing American manufacturing. In Baltimore Friday, Vice President
Kamala Harris announced a $20 billion loan program for underserved neighborhoods that she called “the largest investment in financing for community-based climate projects in our nation’s history.”
The unprecedented clean energy package provides tax incentives, grants, and loans for much of what Maryland seeks to accomplish. There are tax credits of up to $7500 for buying new and used electric cars and trucks. Pretty soon, the neighbors I see at our local watering hole near the Chesapeake Bay will be far less interested in my electric Ford F-150 because they’ll have one of their own.
Similarly, there are rebates of up to $8,000 for home energy efficiency upgrades like heat pumps and rooftop solar panels. This helps balance the upfront costs that hit
immediately with the energy cost savings that only accrue over time. Owners of multifamily buildings can get rebates of up to $400,000.
Transportation and electricity use make up nearly 60 percent of Maryland’s greenhouse gas emissions, which makes this federal support vital and targeted.
The real test is to make sure the benefits of clean energy and the good jobs that will come with it are shared widely and fairly across Maryland and every state.
“The climate crisis impacts everybody, but it does not impact all communities equally,” the vice president noted. “Poor communities, rural communities, Native communities and communities of color are often the hardest hit and the least able to recover.”
We see this in places like
West Baltimore where I spent summers with my grandparents and where the childhood asthma rate is five times higher.
We need more contractors to do those energy upgrades, and there are federal dollars to provide that, for example. We must ensure that people from the communities most in need have a place in that training, as they’re the ones most likely to serve their neighbors.
“When the President and I invest in climate, we intend to invest in jobs, invest in families, and invest in America,” Harris told the crowd at Coppin State University.
In the 1920s, National Geographic called Maryland “America in Miniature” for its terrain and waters. Let’s hope that nickname takes on a broader meaning as my state becomes the clean energy model it aspires to be and does it in a way that allows all residents feel the benefit. It’s then we’ll know that this Earth shot led to that “one giant leap for mankind” we’ve heard about.
Ben Jealous is executive director of the Sierra Club, the nation’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization. He is a professor of practice at the University of Pennsylvania and author of “Never Forget Our People Were Always Free,” published in January.
You can write to the Rev. Jesse Jackson in care of this newspaper or by email at: jjackson@rainbowpush.org
ATexas A&M University department head involved in the failed efforts to recruit a Black journalism professor said Friday that then-President M. Katherine Banks interfered in the hiring process and that race was a factor in university officials’ decision to water down her job offer.
“The unusual level of scrutiny being given to the hiring of Dr. [Kathleen] McElroy was acknowledged by one administrator to have been based, at least in part, on race," said Hart Blanton, head of the department of communications and journalism.
"Regardless of the source of any such pressure, I understand it to be illegal for any employer—much less a public university—to subject a job candidate to stricter scrutiny due to her race or color."
McElroy, a 1981 Texas A&M graduate and the former director of the University of Texas at Austin’s School of Journalism, turned down an offer to reboot A&M’s journalism program earlier this month after a fraught negotiation process first reported by The Texas Tribune.
What originally was a tenure-track offer was reduced to a five-
year position after conservative backlash arose in response to the hire. It was then lessened again to a one-year position from which she could be fired at any time. McElroy ultimately walked away from the negotiations, saying the final offer “makes it clear they don’t want me there.”
The collapse of the hire sparked outrage and concerns about academic freedom from faculty. Blanton said that Banks — who resigned from her position earlier Friday in response to the
fallout — misled members of the Faculty Senate during a meeting Wednesday by telling them the decision to change McElroy’s job offer was made solely within Blanton’s department and without her involvement. Banks repeatedly told professors that she did not approve any changes to McElroy’s offer letter.
“To the contrary, President Banks injected herself into the process atypically and early on,” Blanton said. He also said he was “shocked” to see his signature was used in the
revised versions of McElroy’s job offer without his consent. He said he shared materials related to the incident with the university’s legal staff on Thursday, the night before Banks’ resignation was made public.
Blanton's one-page letter did not go into specifics, such as how Banks became involved in the process or who acknowledged that race was a factor in the debacle.
Laylan Copelin, vice chancellor for marketing and communications at the A&M System, said Friday that the system is in the early stages of an investigation into McElroy’s hiring process. That inquiry, he said, will include interviews with Blanton, Banks and others and a review relevant documents and communications. He added that system leaders “have read, heard and understood the concerns of our Aggie community stemming from the attempt to hire Dr. Kathleen McElroy.”
“We are determined to get to the bottom of what happened and why, learn from the mistakes and do better in the future,” he said.
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United States Senator Tim Scott, elected in 2016 as the first black U.S. Senator since Reconstruction and in 2010 as the first Republican African American elected from South Carolina to the U.S. Congress since 1897, has raised the money and poll numbers to qualify to compete on the August 23 debate stage with former President Donald Trump.
"I am running because I believe America can do for anyone what America has done for me. We are going to work as a country together to restore hope, create opportunities, and protect the America we love," said Scott, who recalls himself as "the grandson of cotton-picking sharecroppers and the son, with my brother, of a Nursing Assistant single mom."
He worked at a North Charleston Chi-Fil-A when he quit football and was going to drop out of school, but he finished school and later graduated from a local college. He built his insurance and real estate businesses and served as a local Councilman before beating "Segregationist" Senator Strom Thurmond's son Paul in a Republican Primary for
Congress and later being appointed by Governor Nikki Haley to become a U.S. Senator himself.
Key indicators from favorability to fundraising and early-state polling say Scott may be the ascendant antidote to Trump, competing with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for second place in Republican Presidential Primary polling for the '24 Republican Presidential Nomination. Seen as a marathon contender, since Scott entered the race in May, his standing has slowly climbed
in Iowa and New Hampshire. A University of New Hampshire poll found him third among Republican Primary Voters, inching ahead of rivals former Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey and former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and Governor from his home state, Haley.
Scott, with his buoyant bid and bold smile, is also staking out third place in recent Iowa polls, and a few national polls have shown him as the second choice. He is the only one of the current
Presidential rivals to purchase television time this early. Scott and his support groups have secured up to $40 million to run ads in Iowa, New Hampshire, and his home state of South Carolina (the first three Presidential nominating states). Scott now is the only candidate for President to have locked in precious airtime that far in advance.
Scott's supporters were promoted in the New York Times this past week, testifying that his positive campaign message and Pro-America general appeals provide a contrast to his rivals and remind many of the ascendency of President Reagan's "Morning in America."
The 5'11 tall Scott says, "Our country is founded on a Jewish and Christian rock requiring us to fight for right. Our rights don't come from any government. Our rights are inalienable. They come from a Creator, and our fight to redeem 'em." He told Second Baptist Church in Houston, "If we want a better America, I think it starts with faith in God and faith in each other."
man to hold the esteemed position of CWA President, while Salaam, a native of Wilmington, Delaware, becomes the first Black woman to serve as Secretary-Treasurer.
In a groundbreaking election at the 79th convention of the Communications Workers of America (CWA), history was made as Claude Cummings Jr. and Ameenah Salaam were elected as the new leaders of the union. Cummings, hailing from Houston, Texas, is the first Black
Taking the reins from Chris Shelton, who dedicated 55 years to mobilizing, representing, and organizing with CWA, Claude Cummings Jr. steps into the presidency with a wealth of experience. Prior to his election, Cummings served as the vice president of CWA District 6, advocating for over 45,000 members in Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas. His union journey began in 1973 when he joined Southwestern Bell Telephone Company (now AT&T) as a Frame Attendant and Communications Technician, where he maintained systems for prestigious clients, including NASA. Cummings' ascent to District 6 Vice President and now CWA President marks historic milestones, being the first Black
man elected to these esteemed positions.
Ameenah Salaam's election as Secretary-Treasurer further enriches the union's leadership diversity. Her union career began in 1991 when she joined Diamond State Telephone as a customer service representative. Her dedication to workers' rights and representation saw her rise through the ranks, becoming a CWA Local 13100 steward and later Vice President of the local. Since joining the CWA national staff in 1997, Salaam has been a pivotal force in organizing, bargaining, and mobilization campaigns. As an assistant to outgoing President Chris Shelton, she
played a crucial role in strategic planning, fiscal responsibility, and advancing CWA's core mission.
The combined leadership of Claude Cummings Jr. and Ameenah Salaam ushers in a new era for CWA, representing a significant step towards greater inclusivity and progress within the labor movement. With their wealth of experience and dedication to workers' rights, they are poised to lead the union towards an even brighter future.
H Mayor Sylvester Turner Leads Diverse Delegation on Three Country West African Trade Mission to Nigeria, Cote d’Ivoire and Ghana Including: Martha Castes Tatum, COH Members – Tiffany D. Thomas and Karla Cisneros along with representatives from Texas Medical Center, Chevron, Haliburton, Port of Houston, East End Maker Hub and the Ghana-Houston Chamber of Commerce H
In the vast and vibrant state of Texas, H-E-B, the beloved supermarket chain, has been on a mission for the past ten years – a quest, if you will. This quest has brought them on a remarkable journey, exploring every nook and cranny of the Lone Star State in search of the most exceptional, mouthwatering products it has to offer. From salsas that pack a punch to delightful cookies, from aromatic coffee to artisanal cheeses, H-E-B has left no stone unturned in their pursuit of Texas-made excellence.
The year 2023 marked the tenth anniversary of this extraordinary competition, and it was clear that H-E-B was
First up was William "Billy" Trainor of Verdegreens, an urban farm in Acres Home. What set Verdegreens apart was the groundbreaking methods that utilized 90% less water than traditional agriculture. With one acre dedicated to hydroponic farming and another to no-till organic production, Verdegreens' commitment to sustainability and freshness was truly commendable.
Next, there is Anh & Joseph Trousdale, the brains behind PhoLicious, an authentic and instant pho that wowed the judges. It is a product that promised to deliver all the flavor and taste of traditional pho without the time-consuming preparation.
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not slowing down. For a decade now, they have scoured the Texas landscape, tasting, testing, and handpicking the finest products that embody the true spirit of the Lone Star State. This year was no exception, with more than 600 products vying for a spot on H-E-B's coveted shelves.
The search began months ago, with H-E-B's Business Development Managers
diligently reviewing over 21 hours of video submissions showcasing 632 innovative products. These products came from entrepreneurs hailing from 132 cities across Texas, each one eager to share their passion and creativity with the world.
In the end, after much anticipation and deliberation, ten finalists emerged from the pack. Among them, three hailed from the
July 26, 2023 (Houston, TX)
… Miller Outdoor Theatre (MOT) keeps the entertaining performances coming this September. Check out the entire 2023 performance and event calendar and details on how to obtain FREE tickets for the covered seating at milleroutdoortheatre.com. As always, all MOT performances are free and open to the public. Staying home? Remember, many evening performances are livestreamed and available free at the Miller Dream Stream link on the website.
Friday, September 1, 8pm
Luna Li and Dengue Fever in Concert produced by Asia Society Texas Center
Featuring Luna Li’s gorgeous indie-rock dreamscapes, and Dengue Fever’s electric update of Cambodian
psych-rock, with a special guest performance by dance group UH Modern.
Saturday, September 2, 8pm Mozart by Moonlight produced by Mercury Chamber Orchestra
A dreamy night featuring a selection of classical favorites by Mozart including “A Little Night Music,” one of the most popular works of classical music of all time.
Friday, September 8, 8pm Lakecia Benjamin and Phoenix produced by Da Camera
Award winning saxophonist Lakecia Benjamin fuses traditional conceptions of jazz, hip-hop, and soul. Her electric presence and fiery sax work has inspired invitations to share the stage with legendary artists including Stevie Wonder, Alicia Keys, and The Roots.
Saturday, September 9, 8pm
The Music of Sam Cooke – A Change is Gonna Come starring Bradd Marquis and the Magnificents
A fantastic new show depicting the life and music of one of America’s most iconic and talented performers, the legendary Sam Cooke. This evening features a rip-roaring soulful performance alongside a live big band.
Friday, September 15, 7:30pm
El Grito at Miller Featuring Mariachi Nuevo Tecalitlán
Celebrate Mexican Independence Day with the stirring Grito ceremony followed by a rousing performance that encompasses the colorful heritage and culture of Mexico. Featuring the fabulous Mariachi Nuevo Tecalitlan. Presented in partnership with the Consulate of Mexico in Houston. Mariachi Nuevo Tecalitlán has an extraordinary history of being one of Mexico’s best mariachi music ensembles with a group of people playing instruments performance record that spans over 5 decades and more than 60 album recordings.
Saturday, September 16, 8pm
The Houston Jazz Festival produced by Houston Jazz Collective The American Master Series features the spectacular Duke Ellington Orchestra directed by Charlie Young. With special guests Paul Mercer Ellington and Tierney Malone, featuring the artwork of acclaimed artist Jack Whitten.
Friday, September 22, 8pm
This Austin-based supergroup led by front man Kevin Russell describes itself as a sonic melting pot of Texas blues, New Orleans R&B
funk, and horn-driven Memphis soul.
Saturday, September 23, 8pm
Romantic Masterpieces produced by Texas Medical Center Orchestra
The prize-winning Texas Medical Center Orchestra returns with a spectacular lineup filled with romantic music for Miller’s 100th Anniversary season.
Friday, September 29, 7:30pm ROCO in Concert: Seismic produced by ROCO
Two breathtaking world premieres and an exhilarating tale of love, intrigue, and adventure will dazzle audience members as ROCO kicks off its 19th performance season.
Saturday, September 30, 7:30pm Salsa Y Salud produced by Foundation for Modern Music
Texas’ biggest live Salsa and Dance show! Featuring international, regional, and local artists, in an original production.
Thursday, September 21, 11am Dance of the Insects presented by Young Audiences of Houston
The study of entomology is so much fun when dance and poetry combine to tell the fantastic lives of insects, caterpillars, bees and more! Great for grades PK-3.
The Alliance’s proposal was deemed the sole best submission, and Houston City Council approved the award on June 21, 2023.
The Alliance was recently awarded $750,000 of grant funding from the City of Houston Mayor’s Office of Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence (MOHTDV) to design, execute, and administer an evidence-based, preventive, domestic violence intervention program. The MOHTDV’s goal is to provide funding for projects that are innovative, culturally competent, and focused on intervening in communities of color and ethnic minorities when it comes to preventing domestic violence.
The Alliance’s Center for Resiliency, of which the Alliance Wellness Clinic is a part, is well-positioned to spearhead this project, the Multicultural Community Domestic Violence Intervention Initiative (MCDVII). In partnership with Baylor College of Medicine, the Alliance Wellness Clinic has adapted the “Living Peace” curriculum, an evidence-based, gender-transformative, group psychoeducational and psychotherapeutic activity, to better meet the needs of specific ethnic groups being targeted for this intervention. This innovative approach aims to reduce violence against women in refugee, immigrant, and underserved communities in the City of Houston by engaging men and boys, teaching them healthy alternative behaviors.
Existing relationships with religious and community leaders from ethnic groups including the Afghan,
Congolese, Sudanese, and Burmese communities will be leveraged to recruit community liaisons who will work with mental health clinicians to help launch the “Living Peace” intervention. In short, this initiative will be community-based, culturally competent, and linguistically appropriate. Proposed outcomes of the “Living Peace” curriculum include creating a safe space for men to discuss potentially sensitive topics, such as feelings of frustration and powerlessness; increasing utilization of healthy coping strategies by participants; encouraging reconsideration of patriarchy and gendered norms; improving the ability to identify, express, and process feelings; and recognizing domestic violence as a potential generational problem.
Unfortunately, refugee, immigrant, and underserved communities in the City of Houston have experienced high levels of interpersonal and gender-based violence. Additionally, these communities traditionally lack access to mental health interventions and have been disproportionately impacted by
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With new political challenges rapidly emerging in Texas, coordinated action among the state’s civil rights advocacy groups is essential.
That’s why the Urban League Texas Delegation will hold an “Urban League Fights for You Rally” at 3 p.m. Wednesday, July 26, the first day of the National Urban
League (NUL) Conference being held at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston through Saturday, July 29.
The Urban League Texas Delegation includes the Houston Area Urban League (HAUL), the Dallas-Fort Worth Urban League Young Professionals and the Austin Area Urban League. The rally will
serve as a major platform for individuals, organizations and civil rights allies to unite and address statewide systemic injustices.
As prominent Texas-based civil rights organizations, all members of the Urban League Texas Delegation are committed to working with partners, stakeholders and community members to bring meaningful
the COVID-19 pandemic. The MCDVII will support community outreach, psychoeducation, and behavioral health services for potential harm doers from these communities, aimed at reducing the incidence of domestic violence, increasing calls for service, and bridging service gaps. “The MCDVII is an additional tool to apply toward the solutions that are intended to moderate gender-based violence, specifically in refugee, immigrant, and underserved communities in the City of Houston,” said Aarti Goswami, MA, MEd, LPC-S, Vice President, Center for Resiliency, The Alliance. “Most importantly, instead of pitting the needs of women against those of men, the MCDVII is intended to assess and address both through an appropriately gendered lens. This is in perfect alignment with The Alliance’s mission of creating ‘Opportunity for All’,” she said.
For more information about the Alliance Wellness Clinic, please visit thealliancetx.org/wellness-clinic
change to Texas politics. Through participation in panel discussions, workshops and networking events at the NUL Conference, the members will highlight urgent issues in marginalized communities throughout Texas — with a particular focus on the Houston, Dallas and Austin areas.
“The Houston Area Urban League, the Dallas-Fort Worth Urban League Young Professionals, and the Austin Area Urban League are honored to stand together at the National Urban League Conference,” said Judson Robinson III, president, and CEO of the Houston Area Urban League. “By uniting our voices and collective efforts, we aim to drive meaningful change in Texas politics and advocate for the rights and opportunities of all Texans.”
Members of the Delegation will welcome all conference attendees, partners and supporters to visit their booths in the conference’s exhibition hall to learn more about their programs and initiatives. The delegation is eager to connect with fellow advocates, strengthen networks and empower one another to create a lasting impact in Texas and beyond.
For more information about the “Urban League Fights for You Rally,” the NUL Conference or the Houston Area Urban League, please visit www.haul.org. www.StyleMagazine.com
Carlee Russel, the Alabama woman who earlier this month went missing for 49 hours after making a 911 call about a child on an interstate, said she was not kidnapped and did not see a baby on the side of the road, according to a statement from her attorney.
The statement from attorney Emory Anthony – read by Hoover Police Chief Nick Derzis during a news conference Monday afternoon – said the 26-year-old woman never left the Hoover area and acted alone.
“My client apologizes for her actions to this community,” Anthony said in the statement.
The statement didn’t indicate where Russell was while a large search for her took place.
“We still don’t know where she was,” Derzis told reporters Monday, adding, “Only Carlee knows, and maybe now her attorney.”
On July 13, Russell was driving to her home in Hoover from her job
in Birmingham, about 10 miles to the north, when she called 911 to say she was stopping her car to check on a child.
She then called a family member who lost contact with her – though the line remained open, according to the Hoover Police Department.
She returned home on foot about 49 hours later, at around 10:45
p.m., according to Hoover police.
“We ask for your prayers for Carlee as she addresses her issues and attempts to move forward, understanding that she made a mistake in this matter,” Anthony said in the statement.
Derzis said charges against Russell are possible and his office is discussing the case with the Jefferson
video,” he said. “I cannot tell you how great it feels to have your family kick in in such a way, and y’all know they kept it airtight, they didn’t let nothing out, they protected me, and that’s what I hope that everyone could have in moments like these.”
Foxx has been spotted in Chicago in recent weeks, where he had undergone medical treatment at a facility that specializes in rehabilitation care for patients with physical impairments, brain or spine injuries. The “Ray” star went on to set the record straight over rumors on social media.
“As you can see, the eyes are working, the eyes are working just fine. I’m not paralyzed, but I went to hell and back, and my road to recovery had some potholes as well. But I’m coming back and I’m able to work.”
Jamie FoxxJamie Foxx is speaking out for the first time since he was hospitalized in April for an undisclosed medical condition.
The award-winning actor and musician, 55, posted an Instagram video update for fans overnight on Friday.
In the video, Foxx addresses the speculation as to what led to his hospitalization, although he did not reveal details of what happened.
“I know a lot of people were waiting
or wanting to hear updates but to be honest with you, I just didn’t want you to see me like that, man,” he said. “I want you to see me laughing, having a good time, partying, cracking a joke, doing a movie, television show. I didn’t want you to see me with tubes running out of me and trying to figure out if I was gonna make it through.”
Foxx credited his daughter and sister for saving his life.
“To them, to God, to a lot of great medical people, I’m able to leave you this
The video comes a few hours after Foxx posted a photo of himself on top of a gold car with the caption, “big things coming.”
The Oscar winner concluded the video by saying, “I love everybody and I love all of the love that I got … If you see me out from now on and every once in a while I just burst into tears, it’s just because it’s been tough, man. I was sick, man. But now I got my legs under me, so you’re gonna see me out.”
County District Attorney’s office. Police do not know what Russell’s motivation was, Derzis said.
Police will meet with Anthony on Tuesday, he said.
Investigators were supposed to meet with both Russell and Anthony on Monday, but the attorney emailed the statement and asked the chief to read it to the media.
The Houston Independent School District Purchasing Services Department located at 4400 West 18th Street, Houston, TX 77092 is soliciting Request for Proposals (RFP) via the District’s electronic bidding portal.
Proposers may login to view specifications and submit their responses at the following link
https://houstonisd.ionwave.net/Login.aspx until 2:00 p.m. (CST) Monday, August 21, 2023, for the following solicitation:
RFP 23-06-01 Bulk Oil, Lubricants, Antifreeze, and Related Supplies and Services
A pre-proposal conference via Microsoft Teams will be held in conjunction with this RFP. Information regarding dates, times, and instructions to receive a link to join the meeting can be located within the electronic bidding portal under the “Event Details” tab specific to this solicitation.
President Joe Biden made a significant announcement on Tuesday, designating a new national monument to honor Emmett Till and his mother, Mamie Till-Mobley. This decision comes amidst an ongoing national debate over how to effectively teach the painful aspects of American history in classrooms.
In a ceremony at the White House, President Biden emphasized the importance of confronting historical truths and rejecting attempts to bury or erase them. He firmly stated that Americans must learn not only what they want to know but also what they should know about their country, including the good, the bad, and the truth of its past. The monument was designated on what would have been Emmett Till's 82nd birthday, adding a poignant significance to the occasion.
Emmett Till was a Black teenager whose brutal murder in 1955 served as a catalyst for the civil rights movement. His mother, Mamie Till-Mobley, displayed immense courage by demanding an open-casket funeral, allowing the
world to witness the shocking brutality of racism. However, nearly seven decades later, concerns have arisen as dozens of states have taken steps to restrict the teaching of issues related to race or racism in schools, leaving students in the dark about America's darkest chapters.
In response to these restrictive policies, the Biden administration demonstrated its commitment to preserving history and promoting reconciliation. President Biden asserted that only by acknowledging the truth can healing, justice, and progress towards a more perfect union be achieved. Vice
President Kamala Harris, also speaking at the event, acknowledged that the nation's history is a combination of tragedy and triumph, and it is vital to remember and teach the full history, even when it is painful.
Recently, Vice President Harris made a last-minute trip to Florida to address new state education guidelines that sparked controversy. The guidelines required middle schoolers to be taught about how enslaved people developed skills that could, in some instances, be applied for their personal benefit, as well as mentioning acts of violence involving
African Americans. Harris condemned those attempting to erase or rewrite the ugly parts of America's past and inciting unnecessary debates that divide the nation.
The new rules in Florida were enacted after Governor Ron DeSantis signed the Stop WOKE Act, aimed at preventing teachings or mandatory workplace activities that perpetuate notions of privilege or oppression based on race, color, sex, or national origin. Despite accusations from DeSantis that Harris and the White House misled the public about these rules, President Biden's advisers consider the issue a winning one, particularly in engaging young voters and communities of color ahead of the upcoming election.
The national monument designation is the fourth of President Biden's administration and serves as a poignant reminder of an essential chapter in American racial history that should not be ignored.
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The Negro Motorist Green Book, a new exhibition developed by the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service (SITES) in collaboration with award-winning author, photographer, and cultural documentarian, Candacy Taylor will be on display in Holocaust Museum Houston’s Josef and Edith Mincberg Gallery Sept. 1 through Nov. 26, 2023.
The Green Book provided critical, life-saving information on restaurants, gas stations, department stores and other businesses that welcomed African American travelers during an era of segregation and Jim Crow laws. The annual guide, created in 1936 by Harlem postman Victor Green, was published until 1967.
The exhibition, made possible through the support of ExxonMobil, will offer an immersive look at the reality of safe travel for African Americans during the mid-century, including artifacts like business signs and postcards to historic footage, images, and firsthand accounts to convey the apprehension felt by Black travelers. The exhibit will also illustrate the resilience, innovation and elegance of families striving to live a
full life in America and bring focus to a vibrant parallel world of African American businesses, the rise of Black leisure class and the important role The Green Book played in facilitating the second wave of the Great Migration.
Through research by the Texas Historical Commission, 115 former black travel sites have been identified in Houston, with 13 sites “still standing” and eight of those noted in The Green Book. One of the most iconic sites on the list is the historic Eldorado Ballroom at Project Row Houses in the Third Ward, recently reopened after a $9.7 million
ExxonMobil predecessor Standard Oil Company of New Jersey played a significant role in the distribution of The Green Book through its U.S. network of Esso stations, helping to provide motorists opportunities for safer and more comfortable travel. Esso stations were the only major retail distributors of The Green Book. Esso also employed many African American engineers, scientists and marketing executives, and welcomed Black motorists at its stations.
ExxonMobil will host Free
Family Sundays on the first and third Sundays during the duration of the exhibit. For more information, visit hmh. org/GreenBook