Houston Style Magazine Vol 34 No 27

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MICHAEL RUBIN’S WHITE AFFAIR Photos By Kodaklens 4th Of July In Bridgehampton NEWS | COMMENTARIES | SPORTS | HEALTH | ENTERTAINMENT Support Black Owned Businesses Houston’s Premiere Weekly Publication, Since 1989 Complimentary Maestro Ermanno Florio METRO Celebrates Heights New Bus Shelter Comcast Connectivity Transformation in Galveston Instagram: @StyleMagazineHTX Twitter: @HoustonStyle TAG US: #TeamStyleMag Facebook: @HoustonStyleMagazine JULY 6, 2023 – JULY 12, 2023 Moms Who Triumph Through Adult Education Irais Torres Jesse Jackson Right-Wing SCOTUS Justices Are Not Acting Alone Volume 34 | Number 27 Houston Style Magazine Travis Scott Grand Jury No-Bills Criminal Charges H Statements on Affirmative Action Ruling H
July 6, 2023 – July 12, 2023 www.StyleMagazine.com 2


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Graduation is a significant milestone, but it will be particularly special for 77 courageous adult learners who overcame challenges and got a second chance to earn their high school credentials.

Students in Harris County Department of Education’s high school equivalency (HSE) program will walk across the graduation stage in front of family, friends, and teachers on Saturday, June 24, 2023.

For graduates Jared Polanco and Irais Torres, the obstacles to their success included motherhood at an early age.

“I left school in my senior year only a few credits shy of graduating,” said 22-year-old Polanco. “I was in love and wanted to start my family early. I left because I thought I didn’t need my education and could find a job anywhere. My parents were not very happy with my decision, and they were right because I couldn’t find a job that would pay me a livable wage.”

Four years and two kids later, with another on the way, Polanco realized she needed to make a change. “Being a mom, I wanted to further my education and help my husband because we’re a team,” she said. “Now I know that I do need my education.”

Polanco got to work and found HCDE’s Adult Education program online. She decided it was the right avenue for her when she learned that HCDE would not only prepare her for the HSE exams and reimburse her for the cost of the tests, but would also provide employability skills training and connect her to job opportunities.

“I really liked my courses and completing my HSE with HCDE,” said Polanco. “If I could rate it from 1 to 10, I’d give it a 100. I had very patient teachers. I did my online courses in the evenings from 6 to 9 p.m., and they were so, so motivated to help me. They made

me feel comfortable.”

The experience of earning an HSE as an adult sparked a newfound love of education in her. Polanco has also completed various online childcare training courses through the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service to help broaden her opportunities.

“My HSE is only the first step on the path that I want to go. Now I know that anything I do is possible,” said Polanco. “I want to be a teacher and a nurse. Right now, I am applying for a job with Harris County Department of Education. It’s a dream for me to work there because it’s where I got my GED and grew as a person.”

Elsewhere, Torres, a native of Veracruz, Mexico, has also found a new sense of pride in working towards her HSE.

“Unfortunately, I couldn’t finish middle school because of personal reasons that are very emotional for me.

But mainly, it was because we don’t have the opportunities over there

that we have here as children,” said Torres. “It’s very hard to go to school. I’m from a very little town where there is only elementary and middle school. If you want to go to high school, you have to go to other cities. We also didn’t have the money for transportation to go to those other schools.”

Read the full story online at StyleMagazine.com.

3 www.StyleMagazine.com July 6, 2023 – July 12, 2023
Irais Torres Poses With Her Son Jared Polanco Irais Torres


The right-wing gang of six justices on the Supreme Court just ruled that affirmative action in university admissions at Harvard and the University of North Carolina violates the Constitution. Do not be fooled. This ruling is not limited to the elite universities that seek to ensure diversity in their student bodies. It is not limited to education. The right-wing majority on the Court is escalating war on the reconstruction that was launched by the civil rights movement.

The court ruled that race is a suspect category even when used to remedy discrimination.

This ruling will be invoked to reverse efforts to guarantee equal employment opportunity, to provide opportunity for minority contractors, to counter discriminatory housing restrictions, to challenge hate crimes motivated by race. With this ruling, the Court declares that it is not only blind to the systemic racism that still scars this nation, but hostile to efforts to remedy that racism, arguing that they offend the Constitution. As Justice Katanji Brown Jackson wrote in her blistering dissent, “this is a tragedy for us all.”

The decision of the gang of six, written by Chief Justice John Roberts, is only part of the Court’s assault on equal rights under the law. Roberts also penned the court decision in Shelby County v. Holder that gutted the Voting Rights Act — and has opened the gates to racially discriminatory election measures in dozens of states.

The right-wing justices are not acting alone. Across the country, an increasingly extremist Republican Party has made race-bait politics a centerpiece of its agenda. In Florida, for example, Gov. Ron

DeSantis, now a leading contender for the Republican presidential nomination, has outlawed teaching the truth about America’s history of slavery. He has banned any diversity, equity, and inclusion programs. He is waging war on what he calls “woke” corporations that seek to defend equal rights under the law.

African Americans and Latinos are not the only target.

The Civil Rights Reconstruction helped lay the groundwork for the expansion of rights for women, the LGBTQ community, the disabled, and the young. It is not accidental that the reactionary court majority now moves to overturn established law by terminating the right to abortion — and women’s control of their bodies. On Friday, it also established — again against all precedent — a First Amendment

right to discriminate in a case aimed at refusing service to gay couples. That surely will lead to cases that test the right to refuse service to Blacks or Asians or Latinos. This Supreme Court would take us back to the days when young African Americans could be arrested for seeking to be served at a lunch counter.

We’ve suffered this form of brutal racial reaction before. After the “Second Founding” — the passage of the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments after the Civil War — this country began the first reconstruction, designed to ensure equal rights under the law to the newly liberated slaves.

That progress was met with fierce resistance from the plantation overlords that had profited from slave labor. The Ku Klux Klan

unleashed a campaign of terror to smash the fusion coalitions that were beginning to grow, and to deprive Blacks of not only the vote but more generally of equal rights. Conservative justices on the Supreme Court embraced the new apartheid, ruling that “separate but equal” – in which the separation ensured that there was no equality — satisfied the Constitution. By the time they were finished, they had twisted the 14th Amendment designed to provide all with equal justice under the law to a corporate weapon against workers organizing to demand their rights in the workplace.

This Court’s right-wing majority would take us back to the days when store owners could refuse to serve minorities, when women had no rights, when gay marriage was a sin and against the law.

They will not succeed. We aren’t going back. They are tribunes of white privilege — cosseted by their circle of billionaires — standing against an increasingly diverse and proud people. They will not prevail — but only if people of conscience stand up, across lines of race, religion, region. The first Reconstruction led to a brutal reaction that imposed legal apartheid on this country for 100 years. We must not allow this new reaction to reverse our progress toward equal justice under the law.

You can write to the Rev. Jesse Jackson in care of this newspaper or by email at: jjackson@rainbowpush.org

July 6, 2023 – July 12, 2023 www.StyleMagazine.com 4
Harvard University


New office provides collaborative space, synergy with like-minded non-profit organizations to create a thriving Third Ward community

Civic Heart Community Services

(Civic Heart) relocated its headquarters to One Emancipation Center at 3131 Emancipation Avenue in Houston’s Third Ward in June 2023. The 34-year-old organization, the largest black-founded non-profit organization in the Gulf coast region, formerly known as Change Happens!, recently announced its name change to Civic Heart Community Services.

As it continues to add programs and services, Civic Heart has outgrown its previous location on Elgin Street, home to the organization for the past 18 years. The new 10-year lease for 13,028 square feet allows Civic Heart to remain in the historic Third Ward, while adding much needed space to accommodate the growing number of programs and services.

Just since 2019, the organization increased its investment in the community by 240 percent and now offers 25 programs in 59 Texas counties through grants and partnerships with a wide range of partners, thanks to its dedicated team of 75 culturally diverse employees and more than 280 volun-

teers. The organization helps avert youth from a life entangled in the youth justice system; enables families to access health insurance; acts to end HIV and prevent substance misuse; helps those experiencing homelessness with housing and other essential support including connection to employment and mental

health treatment; provides mentoring to refugee youth as they adapt to living in a new country; and much more.

Located across Emancipation

Park in Houston, One Emancipation Center was developed by the Midtown Redevelopment Authority (MRA) in partnership with the Center for Civic and

Public Policy Improvement (CCPPI) as Houston’s first central headquarters for affordable housing programs. Serving as a hub for affordable housing initiatives, office space, and community gatherings, the building opened in 2021 and houses a mix of organizations engaged in affordable housing advocacy, administration and support services.

“Civic Heart has been a part of the historic Third Ward for the past 34 years,” said Helen Stagg, Civic Heart CEO. “There is still a great need for community services in this area, so it was important to find our new headquarters right here to continue our work in this community and preserve our heritage. We are delighted to find our new home in One Emancipation Center, with its tenant mix including several other non-profit organizations working to create a thriving Third Ward community. We are excited about the synergy of working in kinship with others whose mission closely aligns with Civic Heart.”

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5 www.StyleMagazine.com July 6, 2023 – July 12, 2023


Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York said Sunday that some Supreme Court justices are “destroying the legitimacy of the court,” amid a lack of oversight, calling it “profoundly dangerous” for democracy.

“We have a broad level of tools to deal with misconduct, overreach and abuse of power, and the Supreme Court has not been receiving the adequate oversight necessary in order to preserve their own legitimacy,” Ocasio-Cortez told CNN’s Dana Bash on “State of the Union.”

The progressive lawmaker cited recent allegations against Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas over ethics improprieties. Her comments come as the court wrapped up its term with a slew of consequential rulings, including ending affirmative action for college admissions, clocking student loan debt relief and limiting LGBTQ protections.

Alito did not disclose a luxury 2008 trip he took in which a hedge fund billionaire flew him on a private jet,

even though the businessman would later repeatedly ask the Supreme Court to intervene on his behalf, ProPublica reported. In a highly unusual move, Alito preemptively disputed the nature of the report before it published last month.

Thomas, meanwhile, has fielded sharp criticism after a separate ProPublica report detailed his relationship with GOP megadonor Harlan Crow, including luxury travel and other lavish gifts

and his family the home where the justice’s mother still lives.

The real estate transaction and the bulk of the hospitality went unreported on Thomas’ annual financial disclosures, as did Crow’s reported payments for the tuition of a grandnephew of the justice.

Thomas has defended the omission of the Crow-financed travel from his reports, saying he was advised at the

“If Chief Justice Roberts will not come before the Congress for an investigation voluntarily, I believe we should be considering subpoenas, we should be considering investigations, we should pass much more binding and stringent ethics guidelines,” Ocasio-Cortez said Sunday.

Senate Judiciary Chairman Dick Durbin, an Illinois Democrat, previously said his committee would mark up legislation on Supreme Court ethics after lawmakers return from their July 4 recess. Durbin had also asked Chief Justice John Roberts to appear before the Judiciary panel – a request that Roberts declined in April.

Ocasio-Cortez on Sunday also called on the Biden administration to keep pursuing student loan cancellation after the Supreme Court blocked the president’s student loan forgiveness plan Friday, rejecting a program aimed at delivering up to $20,000 of relief to millions of borrowers.

July 6, 2023 – July 12, 2023 6
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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY 14th District)


Today's decision is even more concerning given the recent actions in Texas to outlaw Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at public universities under Senate Bill 17. Even with these needed DEI initiatives, the racial gap in higher education, as Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson said in her dissent, is "indisputable."

“Today, the United States Supreme Court has willfully ignored centuries of slavery and invidious racial discrimination in its decision to invalidate the use of race in admitting university students. The Supreme Court has made the primary method of upward mobility in this country even more difficult to access for students of color. Educated young people of color advancing in our society and economy is a goal that people of good will should wholeheartedly support. Regrettably, this is a step backward for our country and a shameful moment in our history.”

“Today, the U.S. Supreme Court rendered its decisions on two significant cases, Students for Fair Admissions v. University of

North Carolina and Students for Fair Admissions Inc. v. President & Fellows of Harvard College, which challenged affirmative action in higher education. Unfortunately, the Court's ruling struck down the use of affirmative action in admissions at Harvard and the University of North Carolina, contradicting decades of precedent. This decision is deeply troubling and undermines the progress we have made in advancing racial equity and diversity in higher education.” – Ron Reynolds

“My experience as a Black lawyer has put me in spaces where almost

no one looked like me or had similar life experiences. This Supreme Court decision eliminates a key program that was working to help ensure that those rooms look different when Black kids like my son head to college.” -

"Today's Supreme Court decision to overturn affirmative action in college admissions is a profound setback for our nation and the pursuit of equality and justice. I am the product of affirmative action. I had the opportunity to receive a top-tier education, but the rest was up to me. That same

opportunity has now been stolen from millions of young people from marginalized communities who still grapple with the effects of systemic racism. This is yet another reminder that advances and victories will not last if we don’t sustain the fight. The arc of the moral universe doesn’t bend on its own. It’s taken constant struggle and sacrifice to make advances—and it will take the same to sustain those advances and push forward. This setback will not deter us from pursuing a more just and equitable future for all." –

Today’s Anti-Affirmative Action opinion issued by the U.S Supreme Court is a dark victory for extremists. A departure from the values embodied in our Declaration of Independence and Constitution which supported the executive orders of President Kennedy in March 1961 and President Johnson in September 1965. This ruling declares that all men and women are not created equal and advances the agenda of supremacist ideology.

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7 www.StyleMagazine.com July 6, 2023 – July 12, 2023 If you hear celebratory gunfire: • Call 911 • Notify Crime Stoppers Anonymously at 713-222-TIPS What goes UP , must come DOWN. Stray bullets CAN KILL.
July 6, 2023 – July 12, 2023 www.StyleMagazine.com 8 Black Girl Beautiful ���� 2023 SEE MORE + BRIDGEHAMPTON, NY www.StyleMagazine.com H Annual WHITE AFFAIR Hosted By Michael Rubin H The Hautest 4th of July Party on The GLOBE • Tues, July 4th H The Hamptons, NY
The White Affair Host – Michael Rubin Kim Kardashian and La La Leonardo Di Caprio Host – Michael Rubin with Jack Harlow Host – Michael Rubin with Ralph Lauren and Tom Brady Kevin Hart with Eniko Hart James Hardin and
Baby Dj Khalid and Swizz Beatz Host Michael Rubins BridgeHampton House Kylie Jenner Host – Michael Rubin with Kevin Hart and James Hardin

H Annual WHITE AFFAIR Hosted By Michael Rubin H

Photos Credit To Our Friends: @Kodaklens, @MichaelRubin and @KylieRubin

9 www.StyleMagazine.com July 6, 2023 – July 12, 2023 2023 SEE MORE + BRIDGEHAMPTON, NY www.StyleMagazine.com
Black Girl Beautiful ���� Host – Michael Rubin & Daughter – Kylie Rubin w/ Ben Affleck and J Lo Kelly Rowland Kevin Hart and Dave Chapelle Usher Performed at The White Affair Jay Z and Beyoncé Lil Baby , Party Host – Michael Rubin , La La with Kim Kardashian

GALVESTON: Comcast’s Digital Equity Crusade: A Groundbreaking Coalition Igniting Connectivity Transformation in Galveston

In a world where the need to bridge the gap between those who need assistance and those who can offer it is ever-increasing, we had the pleasure of attending an inspiring Brunch and Learn event. This was a unique collaborative effort between the United Way of Galveston and Comcast Houston that took place on Friday, June 30, from 10 am to 12 noon at the Wright Cuney Recreation Center in Galveston, Texas.

The event, graced by representatives from Francis Page, Jr., Publisher of Houston Style Magazine, other partner agencies, community partners, and local officials, underlined the spirit of community and collaboration. Galveston’s leaders were brought together by Comcast for an insightful session fostering fruitful interactions.

Comcast’s commitment to digital equity aims to connect individuals swiftly, efficiently, and affordably. Houston Style Magazine, aligning with this initiative, is set to extend these efforts’ reach, connecting more people to essential resources.

Toni Beck, VP of Comcast Texas, shared plans to close the digital divide. The event also served as a platform for Comcast to understand barriers and accelerators to this goal. A unique twist was Misha McClure, Comcast’s Director of External

Affairs, announcing donations to all attending nonprofits and new laptops for the Lift Zones, enabling participants without personal devices to engage in digital skills training. Thanks to Comcast for their investment in people and nonprofits - connecting online truly #ChangesEverything.

July 6, 2023 – July 12, 2023 www.StyleMagazine.com 10
For more about Comcast’s impact and their digital equity work, visit: www.ComcastTexas.com. All Attending Nonprofits Received Donations and New Laptops for their Lift Zones
Francis Page, Jr, Publisher of Houston Style Magazine with Toni Beck, VP of Comcast Texas and Kristyn Page Francis Page, Jr, Publisher of Houston Style Magazine with Nicolas Jimenez, VP External Affairs of Comcast Misha McClure, Director of External Affairs of Comcast Texas
11 www.StyleMagazine.com July 6, 2023 – July 12, 2023

Travis Scott – the rapper and producer who organized the ill-fated 2021 Astroworld Festival – will not be indicted in connection with the crowd crush that left 10 people dead and injured hundreds at the event, District Attorney Kim Ogg announced Thursday.

A grand jury also decided not to indict additional people connected to the festival who were part of the police investigation, including chief of security John Junnell and festival director Brett Silberstein.

“In this instance, the grand jury of the 228th District Court of Harris County found that no crime did occur, that no single individual was criminally responsible,” Ogg said.

“It is tragic that 10 innocent people were killed while trying to enjoy an evening of music and entertainment, something many of us do routinely and


the department will release the entire criminal offense investigation in the coming weeks.

The Astroworld tragedy left 10 people dead when the concert quickly turned into chaos as concertgoers were crushed, with many struggling to breathe as people crowded near the stage during Scott’s performance.

The turmoil prompted officials to declare the concert a “mass casualty event,” police said at the time. It was unclear at the time what Scott saw from the stage and whether he was aware of the conditions in the crowd.

without a second thought to our safety. But a tragedy isn’t always a crime, and not every death is a homicide,” Ogg also said. “This grand jury’s determination has no impact on the many civil lawsuits pending.”

The victims died of “compression asphyxia,” according to the Harris County Institute of Forensic Sciences.

The youngest victim was nine years old. Multiple lawsuits have been filed against Scott and other organizers, including the entertainment company Live Nation. The defendants have denied the allegations that negligence in the planning and promotion of the festival contributed to the deaths.

“While waiting patiently for the District Attorney’s decision to not file charges, Travis Scott has been inaccurately and wrongly singled out, despite stopping the show three separate times and being unaware of the events as they

were unfolding,” Scott’s spokesperson Ted Anastasiou told CNN Thursday. “Now that this chapter is closed, we hope for the government efforts to focus on what is most important - stopping future heartbreaking tragedies like Astroworld from ever occurring again.”

“Criminally speaking there is no case,” Scott’s attorney, Kent Schaffer told CNN by phone.

Schaffer delivered the news to Scott, who is out of the country for a concert.

“He is ecstatic. It’s a huge weight that has been removed from his shoulders. He’s looking forward to getting back home after being cleared by the grand jury,” Schaffer told CNN.

The grand jury met for six hours and homicide detectives testified, according to Schaffer.

Houston Police Department chief Troy Finner said on Thursday that

METRO Celebrates New Bus Shelter Artwork in Historic Independence Heights

By StyleMagazine.com - Newswire

METRO Board Members and staff along with U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, Houston City Council Member Karla Cisneros and leaders from the Independence Heights neighborhood cut the ribbon on new bus shelters designed in partnership with the community.

"At METRO we strive to invest in

communities that we serve," said METRO Board Chair Sanjay Ramabhadran.

"We are honored to make this investment, but also help share these special stories of perseverance and of the pioneers of Independence Heights."

The Independence Heights neighborhood is a historic Black community and the first

city incorporated by African Americans in Texas.

The new bus shelter designs feature the neighborhood’s rich history and stories of the many notable figures of the community. "It is a project that has been a labor of love ... When people are riding, they will see pictures of the first mayors, pictures of young

He continued to perform nearly an hour after injuries were reported, but did not know of the mass casualty declaration until the following morning, his lawyer said at the time.

Earlier in the day, authorities at the festival reported unruly behavior, with a handful of injured attendees taken to the hospital the day of the festival, Houston Fire Department logs showed at the time.

These earlier incidents are part of what led to the crowd conditions, with Houston Police Department’s lead homicide investigator Mike Barrow saying during Thursday’s press conference that a key cause of the compaction in the crowd was the early large number of concertgoers gathering at Scott’s main stage in anticipation of his show.

In a statement released after the deadly event, Scott said he was “distraught by the situation and desperately wishes to share his condolences and provide aid to (the victims) as soon as possible.”

people in the schools, pictures of the early businesses," said Tanya Debose, executive director of the Independence Heights Redevelopment Council.

The four shelters are located at Main @ 32nd Main @ 43rd Airline @ 34th and Yale @ Cockerel. METRO will continue to partner with the community for more designs, which will be installed over time.

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July 6, 2023 – July 12, 2023 www.StyleMagazine.com 12
Travis Scott seen in southern France, on May 22


RYDE, a leading transportation solutions provider, is excited to announce the launch of its new initiative in collaboration with Evolve Houston and Council Member Carolyn Evans-Shabazz of District D: a Free, 100% electric, on-demand Third Ward Local Shuttle. This innovative service aims to enhance mobility and accessibility to essential services, such as employment, healthcare, education and public transit for residents in the vibrant Third Ward community.

RYDE has partnered with Evolve Houston, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting sustainable transportation, and Council member Shabazz, to bring this much-needed transportation solution to the Third Ward. The project is part of RYDE's commitment to providing eco-friendly and affordable mobility options that benefit both individuals, local communities and the environment.

Key to this initiative is the Ride Circuit App, a user-friendly platform

that enables residents to request rides and navigate the Third Ward service area seamlessly. By downloading the app, users gain access to the on-demand, point-to-point local ride-share service, allowing them to travel free of charge to any destination within the coverage area.

The Third Ward Local Shuttle operates from Monday to Friday, between 8am and 4pm, ensuring that residents have convenient transportation

options during regular business hours. Currently scheduled as a 12-week pilot program, RYDE is actively seeking additional funding partners to support the expansion of the pilot.

"We are thrilled to introduce the free, on-demand Third Ward Local Shuttle in collaboration with our funding partners, Evolve Houston and District D," said Jesse Landry, Co-Founder of RYDE. "This service represents our commitment to sustainable and accessi-


It Alliance’s Kijana Youth Program was recently awarded $14,000 of grant funding from the Center for Afterschool, Summer and Enrichment for Kids, or CASE for Kids, a division of Harris County Department of Education. The County Connections Youth Summer Initiative 2023, funded directly by Harris County, supports non-profit organizations that address the need for youth services during the summer.

The Alliance’s Kijana Youth Program provides services to create opportunities for refugee and immigrant youth to achieve academic success and to cultivate valuable leadership skills. Kijana tutors provide academic tutoring, math/science labs, and computer lessons to over 280 students in the Gulfton area of Southwest Houston each year. In addition to academic support, Kijana tutors also involve the students in various cultural, team-building, and leadership activities, including physical recreation, art projects, music and dance, field trips, and volunteer projects.

Initiatives funded by the CASE for Kids County Connections program provide comprehensive summer programs, short term projects, and summer camps hosted in person or virtually from a variety of locations including schools, community centers, apartment complexes, and churches.

The vision of CASE for Kids is to ensure that every child in Harris County will have access to high-quality, expanded learning opportunities. CASE for Kids believes a quality out-of-school time program provides avenues for opportunities for youth to excel, explore, and expand their horizons before school, after school, on weekends, and during the summer.

Sandra Buchholz, Director of Education & Literacy, The Alliance, said,

“County Connections funding will allow the Kijana Program to provide activities for youth in grades 8 -12. Activities will include career exploration; guest speakers from various industries that reflect the communities we serve, such as entrepreneurs and Workforce Solutions representatives; financial literacy and credit workshops; college exploration, such as ways to pay for college and college campus tours; tutorials on completing job applications; job readiness

ble transportation for all, empowering Third Ward residents to travel conveniently within their community while contributing to a cleaner environment."

RYDE's Third Ward Local Shuttle is a testament to the company's dedication to social responsibility, environmental sustainability, and community engagement. By providing an inclusive, zero-cost transportation solution, RYDE aims to bridge the gap in mobility options for residents of the Third Ward, fostering connectivity and independence.

For more information about RYDE and the Third Ward Local Shuttle service, please visit www.rydecompany. com/thirdward and download the Ride Circuit App from the App Store or Google Play.

activities; and assistance in creating a resume for high school participants. Students will also have the opportunity to explore technical and certificate training programs that pay living wages and don’t require a 4-year degree. Younger kids will participate in cultural activities, arts and crafts, book club, music lessons courtesy of Nameless Sound, and field trips.”

The Alliance’s Kijana Youth Program is one of 17 grantees sponsored by Commissioner Lesley Briones to provide engaging summer activities at sites across Harris County Precinct 4. We are grateful to Harris County and Commissioner Briones for their investment and support of out-ofschool time programming.

For more information about The Alliance’s Kijana Youth Program, please visit thealliancetx.org/kijana-youth-program.

13 www.StyleMagazine.com July 6, 2023 – July 12, 2023
Kijana Youth visit The Health Museum in the Museum District of Houston, Texas


Picture this: a charming small town nestled in the Shenandoah Valley region of the Blue Ridge Mountains, known for its rich history and picturesque scenery. That is Lexington, Virginia. This destination has become increasingly popular for visitors looking to explore the great outdoors and explore significant historical landmarks, including the Virginia Military Institute (VMI), Washington and Lee University, and the Stonewall Jackson House. These sites offer a glimpse into Virginia's past and Lexington’s vital role in the Civil War.

Before you get out and about in Lexington, VA make your accommodations to check into The Georges. Welcoming guests for over 25 years, this is a charming boutique hotel located in the heart of historic Lexington, Virginia. This cozy and inviting property offers a comfortable home-away-from-home for travelers looking for a relaxing and authentic experience.

The rooms are spacious, beautifully decorated, and equipped with all the amenities that modern travelers

need. The Georges recently acquired the neighboring Sheridan Livery Building which expanded the property from 21 guestrooms to 33 and increased banquet and event space. Each room has its unique character and charm, with antique furnishings and luxurious bedding that will make you feel like you are stepping back in time but very modern at the same time.

Situated in the heart of Lexington, The Georges is just a short walk from some of the city's top attractions. Visitors can also explore the many shops, galleries, and restaurants in

downtown Lexington, all within easy walking distance.

Located a short walk away from The Georges, is one of the main attractions in Lexington.

Founded in 1839, the Virginia Military Institute(VMI) is the oldest state-supported military college in the United States. Visitors can tour the VMI campus and see the cadet barracks, parade ground, and other historic buildings. The VMI Museum, which displays artifacts and exhibits related to the school's history is also worth visiting. Known for "the VMI way" of

doing things, the college has a rich history, especially with its involvement in the Civil War.

If you prefer to have a chauffeur for a day, the Lexington Carriage Company is a popular tourist attraction located in Lexington, VA. Visitors can expect a scenic and peaceful ride through the historic downtown area while riding in a beautiful horse-drawn carriage. The guides are knowledgeable about the city's history, and they provide interesting commentary throughout the tour.

The tours last approximately 50 minutes and are suitable for all ages. Visitors can also choose to customize their experience with private tours and special event packages.

Read the full story online at StyleMagazine.com.

July 6, 2023 – July 12, 2023 www.StyleMagazine.com 14



After 32 years as Music Director of Houston Ballet, Ermanno Florio will step down from his position at the end of the 2023 – 2024 season. Since joining Houston Ballet in 1992, Florio has been the Principal Conductor for every production – from the classics of Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev, and Stravinsky to the many world premieres by Artistic Director Stanton Welch AM and other world-renowned contemporary choreographers.

"It has been a privilege and an honor to have led so many fine performances with the Houston Ballet Orchestra and to have accompanied the wonderful dancers of the Company for more than three decades," said Florio. "I will always treasure the many beautiful and memorable productions we have created together, and I am very proud to have played a part in the musical development and growth of our Orchestra. I feel fortunate to have worked closely with so many dedicated, talented colleagues. Although I'm stepping down as Music Director of Houston Ballet, I will continue with my international conducting career and look forward to the possibility of guest conducting with

the Company in the years ahead."

Florio was appointed Music Director of the Houston Ballet in 1992. From 1998 to 2001, he also held the position of Music Director of the American Ballet Theatre. From 2004 to 2012, Florio was Music Director of Het Nationale Ballet in Amsterdam and continues as principal guest conductor with the Company. The highly versatile

Florio has impressed both audiences and critics in the world's major centers and maintains an active conducting schedule which has included extensive engagements with major ballet companies all over the world, including New York, London, Paris, Tokyo, Vienna, Berlin, Amsterdam, Milan, Rome, Zurich, and Geneva.

Florio's extensive discography

includes video releases of critically acclaimed performances of Don Quichotte with L'Orchestre de L'Opera National de Paris, which won the Cannes Classical Music Award for Best DVD in the category of Concert and Ballet Recordings, and Le Corsaire with American Ballet Theatre, which won an Emmy for Outstanding Classical Program in the Performing Arts.

Florio's numerous music arrangements include Houston Ballet's very own Marie and La Bayadère choreographed by Stanton Welch.

“Under his extraordinary musical leadership, Ermanno has been able to bring dancers and musicians closer together and thrill Houston’s audiences with his artistry,” said Artistic Director Stanton Welch AM. “His collaboration with all has resulted in continuous wonderful performances and contributed greatly to our company’s artistic success, all while helping to build the reputation of Houston as one of the greatest cities in the world for art. He is an exceptional musician, conductor and collaborator. I am forever grateful for having had the opportunity to work with him over the last two decades.”

15 www.StyleMagazine.com July 6, 2023 – July 12, 2023


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