Houston Style Magazine vol 31 No. 11

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March 12 - March 18, 2020

Houston’s Premiere Weekly Publication

Volume 30 | Number 11


Jesse Jackson

NO, President Trump, The Never-Ending War in Afghanistan Is NOT Over

Pandemic Hits Houston Houston Leaders Hold Press Conference on Coronovirus

Honoring Powerful Women Words by Bell • Photography by Anne-Marie Caruso

Laurie Vignaud Follow Us #TeamStyleMag

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Appointed President and CEO Unity National Bank

HISD Public Education Matters Luncheon

HCC - State of the College Luncheon

Adversity Challenge Accepted

N E W S | C O M M E N TA R I E S | S P O R T S | H E A LT H | E N T E R TA I N M E N T Support Black Owned Businesses


March 12 – March 18, 2020



Publisher Francis Page, Jr. fpagejr@stylemagazine.com Associate Publisher Lisa Valadez lisa@stylemagazine.com

Managing Editor Jo-Carolyn Goode editorial@stylemagazine.com Social Media Editor/Videographer Reginald Dominique reggiedominique@me.com

Metamorphosis 20th Annual Conference July 10th

Sports Editor Brian Barefield


Jesse Jackson jjackson@rainbowpush.org


Roland Martin www.rolandmartin.com Judge Greg Mathis www.askjudgemathis.com

PHOTOGRAPHERS Vicky Pink vhpink@gmail.com William Ealy Williamealy1906@gmail.com

Comcast Leaders Discuss Women’s History Month

Semetra Samuel semetra@artistikrebelcreative.com Mike Munoz artrepreneur91@gmail.com Robert Franklin editorial@stylemagazine.com



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d.b.a. Houston Style Magazine & StyleMagazine.com Phone: (713) 748-6300 • Fax: (713) 748-6320 Mail: P.O. Box 14035, Houston, TX 77221-4035 ©2020 Houston Style Magazine, a Minority Print Media, L.L.C. Company. All Right Reserved. Reproduction in whole or within part without permission is prohibited. Houston Style Magazine has a 2019 audit by Circulation Verification Council (CVC). Houston Style Magazine is a member of the Texas Publishers Association (TPA), Texas Community Newspaper Association (TCNA), National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA), Independent Free Paper of America (IFPA), Association of Free Community Papers (AFCP) and Members of Greater Houston Partnership(GHP). National Association of Hispanic Publications, Inc. (NAHP, Inc.), Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (HHCC), League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), Latin Women’s Initiative (LWI), National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ), Houston Association of Hispanic Media Professionals (HAHMP), National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ), and Members of Greater Houston Partnership(GHP)

Recipe for A Sweet St. Patricks Day


March 12 – March 11, 2020



Why I Support Senator Bernie Sanders By Jesse Jackson, National Political Writer


am proud to endorse Sen. Bernie Sanders for president of the United States. While I consider Joe Biden, his opponent for the Democratic Party nomination, a decent man, I stand with Bernie. Here is why. I stand with Bernie because it is vital that Donald Trump be voted out of office in November. Poll after poll has shown that Bernie Sanders leads Trump, generally with a greater margin than other contenders. Sanders has the highest popular approval rating of any public official in America. That is not because he is warm and fuzzy. It is because people know that he tells it like it is. Integrity and credibility are two essential attributes in taking on a con man like Donald Trump who lies constantly. Sanders has the history, the vision and the platform to defeat Donald Trump. He is best situated to expose Trump’s fake populism. He voted

against the corporate trade treaties -- and can expose Trump’s broken promise to workers on trade. He opposed the war in Iraq -- and can expose Trump’s broken promise to end the forever wars. He led the call to build an economy that works for working people -- and can expose the reality that what Trump calls the best economy ever still does not work for most Americans. Sanders champions an agenda that will address the fundamental challenges facing working people. That includes Medicare for All to ensure that health care is a right, not a privilege -something particularly imperative in the age of coronavirus. A Green New Deal that addresses the existential threat of climate change while creating millions of good jobs. Tuition free college and large investment in education and advanced training so that every child can get the education he or she needs. A $15

minimum wage, politics to empower workers and unions, and a trade policy that works for working people. Comprehensive immigration reform, universal childcare, criminal justice reform to end mass incarceration and more. Sanders will beat Trump by summoning America to a new day, not by calling for a return to yesterday. Democrats cannot defeat Donald Trump without inspiring young people to come out and vote in large numbers. Bernie Sanders is the only candidate who has inspired a new generation and earned their overwhelming support. In the face of Donald Trump, many seek shelter in the safe, the establishment, the so-called moderate. We should not forget the record of moderate, establishment candidates -- from Walter Mondale in 1984 to Mike Dukakis in 1988 to Hillary Clinton in 2016. Democrats do not fare well as the party of Wall Street or the credit card companies. We win when we bring the working class and the middle class together, when we stand for diversity against division, for the poor against greed. No candidate has done more to forge that coalition than Bernie Sanders. Dr. Martin Luther King would be proud that African American voters are called the “black firewall” in the 2020 campaign. He would ask a simple question: What will be the return on the firewall’s investment? With the exception of Native Amerians, African Americans are the people suffering the greatest social and economic distress in the United States. Our needs are not moderate. The most progressive social and economic path gives us the best chance to catch up and

Sen. Bernie Sanders represents that path Joe Biden is a decent man, but he has a different record. We said no to Clarence Thomas, he said yes. We said no to the Crime Bill, he championed it. We said no to the Iraq War, he cheered it on. We favored affirmative action, he sought to limit it. Sanders, on the other hand, is called a radical, a man of the left. But he represents not the left wing, but the moral center. Health care for all is the moral center. Tuition free college is the moral center. A Middle East policy that recognizes both Israel and Palestine, the moral center. When he asked for my endorsement, I expressed my concerns about pressing issues. Sanders was happy to confirm his commitment to almost all of them, ranging from Medicare for All, to a wealth tax that would provide funds to reinvest in America, to largescale investment in public education, to ensuring that every teacher is paid at least $60,000 per year, to putting an African American woman on the Supreme Court, to promising an end to endless wars. In 1988 when I ran for president championing a Medicare for All plan, Bernie Sanders, then mayor of Burlington, endorsed me. Now I am proud to stand with him not only because he stood with me, but because he stands with working people across this country. You can write to the Rev. Jesse Jackson in care of this newspaper or by email at jjackson@rainbowpush.org. Follow him on Twitter @RevJJackson. Share this story onlne at: www.StyleMagazine.com.

5 Takeaways As Biden Takes Command of Democratic Race On Super Tuesday By CNN / StyleMagazine.com


oe Biden is marching to the Democratic presidential nomination. The former vice president handily defeated Bernie Sanders on Tuesday in Michigan’s primary -- halting the Vermont senator’s hopes of a comeback in the state where he’d stunned Hillary Clinton four years ago. Biden also notched massive wins in Idaho, Mississippi and Missouri. Sanders won in North Dakota. Washington hadn’t been called yet, but as of Wednesday morning, Biden was in a tight race there with Sanders, another state Sanders needed to win. Tuesday marked a clear turning point in the Democratic race. Biden is building a powerful coalition of African Americans, suburbanites and rural white voters who previously backed Sanders, while Sanders is failing to produce the


electorate-changing turnout of young voters that he’s promised. Democratic figures, from one-time 2020 candidate Andrew Yang to the party’s biggest super PAC, Priorities USA, lined up behind Biden after his Michigan win. Biden and Sanders are scheduled to debate Sunday night in Arizona. But Sanders is entering a brutal stretch, with primaries next week in Arizona, Florida, Illinois and Ohio -- all states he lost in 2016. There’s also the reality that coronavirus could crowd Sanders out of national headlines and make it impossible for him to leverage something that separates him from Biden: his ability to turn out massive crowds at rallies. It all makes a comeback even more difficult. Here are Five Takeaways from Tuesday’s Contests:

March 12 – March 18, 2020

Biden begins his pivot

Speaking at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, Biden delivered a message of Democratic unity, extending an olive branch to Sanders and his supporters -- almost as if the Vermont senator had already exited the race. “I want to thank Bernie Sanders and his supporters for their tireless energy and their passion,” Biden said. He echoed a common Sanders line on health care, touted their “common goal” and said they would work together to defeat Trump. It capped a 10-day stretch in which a largely counted out Biden completed one of the most sudden and dramatic reversals of fortune in modern political history. It started with his mas-


sive win in South Carolina’s primary, built with his wins in 10 of the 15 Super Tuesday contests and was capped off with a victory over Sanders in Michigan, a crucial general election battleground. Biden has shown some vulnerabilities -- most urgently, his lack of support from young voters. But he is also outperforming Clinton in the primary race with suburban and white working-class voters, giving Democrats a clear potential path to victory in November. Biden made clear Tuesday night he is eager to turn his attention to a general election match-up with President Donald Trump. Sanders, meanwhile, countered Continued on Page 6


March 12 – March 18, 2020


HEALTH Houston’s Coronavirus (COVID-19) Plan Of Action By StyleMagazine.com Newswire


ear Houstonians and Visitors,

I continue to closely monitor the threat of novel coronavirus, now officially known as COVID-19. There are currently no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the city of Houston and the threat in our city remains low. Public health officials indicate there will likely be more U.S. cases in the days and weeks to come. If a case is confirmed in Houston, we are ready to respond. The Houston Health Department routinely investigates and contains infectious diseases and is well-prepared to handle a case of COVID-19. On Feb. 13, a person under quarantine at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio became the first confirmed case of NOVID-19 in Texas. It’s important to know this individual has been in quarantine since arriving to the base and poses no increased risk to the public.

While COVID-19 is an evolving public health threat, based on current information, the risk to Americans remains low and there is no need for people to take out-of-the-ordinary preventative actions. According to Dr. David Persse, local health authority for the Houston Health Department, the more serious viral threat to Houstonians right now is the flu. Every year, there are upwards of 40,000 preventable flu-associated deaths in the United States. While COVID-19 is a new respiratory disease, ways to prevent it mirror flu prevention:

• Wash your hands frequently

• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth • Avoid close contact with people who are sick

• Stay home when you are sick

• Cover your cough or sneeze

• Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces • Get a flu shot. Although the flu vaccine does not offer protection from novel coronavirus, this situation is a good reminder to get your seasonal flu shot if you have not already done so.

I’m aware of false rumors regarding businesses in Houston’s Asian community. Dr. David Persse reiterates there is currently no reason for people to avoid any Houston business due to concerns about COVID-19. I encourage you to support the businesses in our Asian community as many have been negatively impacted by false rumors. Please stay up-to-date by visiting bit. ly/2020Coronavirus and following @ houstonhealth on Facebook and Twitter.

Sincerely, Mayor of Houston Sylvester Turner

5 Takeaways As Biden Takes Command of Democratic Race On Super Tuesday Continued from Page 4

Biden’s unity message with nothing at all. At home in Burlington, Vermont, he did not speak Tuesday night.

Sanders has a decision to make Michigan delivered Sanders his best night of the 2016 primary, reviving his campaign as Clinton threatened to run away with the nomination. In 2020, the state might have done the opposite -beating down his campaign and opening the path for Biden to break clear in the delegate race. Sanders’ loss in Michigan is both a mathematical and psychological wound. For years now, Sanders and his supporters have pointed to the state, and his success there, as evidence that he would have defeated Trump in 2016 -- and would if given the chance now. The Vermont senator didn’t run away from the stakes; instead, he ran toward them, canceling a trip to Mississippi


March 12 – March 18, 2020


in order spend more time in Michigan, which he repeatedly called “the most important state” voting on Tuesday. But the added time did not add up to a better-than-expected result. Biden, like he did in Missouri and Mississippi, grew his support and delegate lead. And just like after the former vice president won in South Carolina, he also got a boost from some of the party’s biggest names, who argued that the race is over and Sanders should acknowledge as much. The Sanders campaign has rejected any suggestion that he might consider dropping out any time soon -and certainly not before Sunday night’s debate -- but those hopes could soon be replaced by a colder calculus. “He’ll debate,” a Sanders aide said of his upcoming showdown with Biden in Arizona on Sunday night. The aide wouldn’t go any further.

Honoring Powerful Women During National Women’s History Month Houston Style Magazine Salutes Women


By BELL, Feature Writer

arch is National Women’s His- dedicating her life to shine a light on tory Month. It encourages us to the crisis and put it on a national stage honor the women who came be- through award-winning documentaries fore us and fought for equality among all such as “Not in My Backyard”. She creraces and genders. Hundreds of women ated, produced, and directed three new have paved the way and continue to shows proving using her talents to sift pave the way for millions of women out celebrities, activists, influencers, and today. They simply pass the torch to advocates looking to make a difference the next woman. During this month we on a national platform. During National remember Sojourner Truth, Louisa May Human Trafficking Prevention Month Alcott, Susan B. Anthony, Coretta Scott (January), Jacquelyn (founder of Real King, Rosa Parks, Katherine Johnson Beauty Real Women) teamed up with and more. During this month, we will Empower, Stand, Serve, Impact (ESSI) also celebrate International Woman’s for a powerful event, honoring those Day, which celebrates the social, eco- who have survived human trafficking. nomic, and political achievements of The keynote speaker was the first widely women around the world. These women reported internet-related child abducted are making strides in making the world victim and survivor Alicia “Kozak” a safer place for young women. Two Kozakiewicz. of these women Jacquelyn Aluotto & Jacquelyn’s main focus and Alicia “Kozak” Kozakiewicz sat and dream is to inspire people through sospoke with us about some of the efforts cially conscious entertainment that is they have been making to assist women making a difference and giving back. all around the world. Although she has worked with many “Of all the evils for which man celebrities and received numerous has made himself responsible, none is amounts of accolades including conso degrading, so shocking or so brutal as gressional recognition for her work, she his abuse of the better half of humanity; doesn’t just sit behind a camera. Jacquethe female sex.” -Mahatma Gandhi lyn works with local law enforcement Gandhi spoke those words over in Houston, Texas to save women and 70+ years ago and here we are in 2020 children on a daily basis. It is as if she advanced with so much technology, has restless satisfaction as her phone you would think we could finally give was going off late into the night as we an answer to his spirit that we have were speaking. Speaking with her about changed for the better. Instead, accord- human trafficking was like unlocking ing to the U.S. Government, Houston is Pandora’s box. The women that she the largest hub for Human Trafficking. saves experience: physical abuse, emoAccording to the Department of Health tional abuse, physiological grooming and Human Services, of the more than and it doesn’t stop there. The women 50,000 people annually trafficked from are stolen from their homes, taken from Don’t to into paythe up front? foreignwant countries United States, their kids, forcibly put on drugs, and yes, With a Refund Transfer, your tax and when they are saved, they a quarter enter the country preparation through sometimes related fees can be deducted from your refund after all return as they have fallen in love with Texas. Additionally, at any given time, services are complete. It’s easy and convenient. Get a their abusers. Do you know the amount Texas contains around 25% of the trafState Refund Transfer at no additional cost when you buy a Federal Refund ficked persons in theTransfer. United States and of struggle it takes to save women dealalmost a third of the calls to the National ing with these problems all while being Human Trafficking Hotline are from a mother to a little girl yourself? Yet, Texas. Texas is also a huge transit site Jacquelyn does it, has a passion for it, for domestic trafficking, with around and lives it every single day. twenty GRIGGS percent of domestic Her keynote speaker Alicia 5247 RD trafficking victims travelingTX through Texas. Kozakiewicz also has an aligned pasHOUSTON, 77021 sion. You Google her name and all of Jacquelyn Aluotto, a producer, 713-643-2100 director, and human trafficking activist her trauma is online. Although she tells Refund Transfer (RT) is a tax refund-related deposit product by Axos Bank™, Member FDIC. Fees apply. You must meet legal chilling story thefees. one thing requirements for opening a bankfront account. lines RT is a bank not a loan, andthat is limited to the size of your refundoften, less applicable has been on the indeposit, Houston, You can e-file your return and get your refund without a RT, a loan or extra fees. Maine License No: FRA2. ©2018 HRB Tax Group, Inc. that caught our eye was the fact that

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Jacquelyn Aluotto after she was rescued, she immediately When I think of women’s hisstarted advocating for children. She cre- tory, I think of these women. I am so ated Alicia’s Law, which ensures ded- glad we stopped waiting for women to icated funding to the Internet Crimes die before we give them their flowers, Against Children (ICAC) Task Forces. before we celebrated them for their efTo provide a deeper understanding of forts, before we shined a light on all of victimology and predatory crime, Alicia their hard work, blood, sweat, and tears, has earned a master’s degree in Forensic literally! The future of young women is Psychology. For 17 years she has also being built on the backs of these wombeen on the front lines, reliving her en. I was honored to just exist in their story as she tells it to save kids. When presence and share a space with them. asked does she think justice was served, To see the full interview, tune in to she was stumped. “I’ve haven’t thought Houston Style Magazine Facebook page. about that,” she said. She had been so Share your stories and hashtag eager to make sure that she save chil#WomensHistoryMonth, dren from this type of torture, that she #InternationalWomensDay and #HSM. never stopped to think about her own justice.

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March 12 – March 18, 2020


5/18 - 5/22 EARLY VOTING


Comcast Leaders Discuss Women’s History Month By StyleMagazine.com Newswire


March is Women’s History Month, and Comcast is using this opportunity to celebrate a few women leaders in our company, by sharing their views about the role of women in technology. Learn what it’s like to be a woman in the technology industry, their life’s motto, and their favorite part about their job.


LaVone Jones – VP








For Texas State Board of Education DISTRICT 6 Paid Advertisement paid for by the Campaign for Kimberly McLeod for Texas State Board of Education - District 6


March 12 – March 18, 2020

Cindy Garza Roberts – Director

Why is celebrating Women’s History Month important? “Women’s History month is important to celebrate because it highlights the many achievements made by women. We have a rich history and have made significant contributions to society. By recognizing and celebrating Women’s History month, we help fuel and inspire the passion of women leaders in the next generation.” – Stephanie Brown, Vice President, Finance and Accounting “It’s important that we take time to recognize and appreciate the contributions of women—those who’ve made notable ones and those who make everyday contributions that change our world for the better. Celebrating ourselves is so significant when we think of the girls that are watching us. We have an obligation to show them that is more than okay to pat ourselves on the back. After all, we rock! – Lavone Jones, Vice President, Human Resources The successes all women enjoy today are because of the accomplishments & risks those strong women before us took. It is our responsibility to ensure those strides are not forgotten & we continue to set the foundation for those that will come after us. – Cyndy Garza-Roberts, Director, Community Impact What has your experience been like as a woman in leadership at Comcast? “The first word that comes to mind when thinking about my experience as a woman in leadership at Comcast is amazing! At Comcast, I have been extremely fortunate to work for and learn from both male and female leaders that have invested in and advocated for me, which has helped me to grow my career and has shaped me into


Stephanie Brown – VP

the leader that I am today. I am lucky to work for a company like Comcast that focuses on diversity and inclusion; a company where my gender doesn’t affect my ability to grow in my career; a company where everyone’s point of view is heard and respected. It’s been an amazing journey thus far, and I can’t wait to see what lies ahead!” – Stephanie Brown, Vice President, Finance and Accounting “I feel very fortunate to be at Comcast because I have an opportunity to share my experience in the community with the Senior Leaders. I feel respected for my experience, which allows me to partner with our Senior, and rising leaders. I am especially passionate about mentoring young women, and Comcast has given me the opportunity to do that.” – Cyndy Garza-Roberts, Director, Community Impact “It’s been tremendous and sometimes moving experiencing working in a leadership role here at Comcast. Women are truly valued for their diversity of thought and voice as well as the unique perspective we bring to roles that were historically male dominated. Comcast is committed to ensuring that women have opportunities for advancement within the company. As a female leader, I am proud to work for a company that was named one if the best workplaces for women in 2019. I feel like my voice is valued as much as my male colleagues.” – Lavone Jones, Vice President, Human Resources We salute women across the country and celebrate their work in the technology field. Join us on social media by sharing about a woman who has influenced you, and how you’re investing in our future women in tech. #WomenInTechnology


Chris Young Makes 6th Appearance at Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo

Black Violin to Bring “Classical Boom” Style to Houston, Texas “Black Violin upends cultural and musical stereotypes…an unexpected blend of classically trained musicianship and hip-hop beats and inventiveness.” —The Miami Herald


he weather didn’t stop the crowd from coming out on Monday night at the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo to have a little fun! And it didn’t stop this writer either. I was ready for everything country star Chris Young was going to leave on the stage. Before a crowd of 50,000 attendees, Young took the stage as he had done many times before and gave an unforgettable performance. He opened up his performance to the spring break crowd with his first ever number one hit from 2009 “Gettin’ You Home (The Black Dress Song).” From that classic track, Young moved to another crowd favorite his multi platinum

Chris Young song “I’m Comin’ Over” followed by “Drowning,” written about the death of a friend. Soon fans didn’t even have time to worry about the rain outside because they were jamming inside. By the end of the night, through his showmanship and music Young had more than proven why this was his sixth rodeo appearance and had a career that spanned over 15 years. He will most likely continue to be a staple on the Houston Rodeo rooster.

“Their music will keep classical music alive for the next generation.” —NPR


ociety for the Performing Arts (SPA) presents classical hip-hop crossover duo Black Violin in the Impossible Tour on Tuesday April 7, 2020 at 8 pm in Jones Hall. With a list of collaborators including Kanye West, Lil Wayne, Alicia Keys, Wyclef Jean and Wu-Tang Clan, the group showcases their genre-bending “classical boom” sound. Fierce ad-

Violist – Wil Baptiste and Violinist – Kev Marcus

vocates for educational outreach, Black Violin will also host a workshop for orchestra students from Cesar E. Chavez High School in Jones Hall on April 7th, including a special collaboration with the students during the performance.

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March 12 – March 18, 2020 1/15/20 4:11 9 PM




he community was invited to get involved in the Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee Freedom Trail Event. Some in attendance were Mayor Sylvester Turner, US Senator John Cornyn, Algenita Davis, LaRence Snowden, Deidra Fontaine, Justin Mabrie, Nata Koerber, Cydonii Miles, Gerald Womack, City Councilwoman Letitia Plummer, Commissioner Rodney Ellis, Wanda Adams, and State Rep. Borris Miles.


March 12 – March 18, 2020


Adversity Challenge Accepted XFL Roughnecks Overcome Early Deficit To Stay Undefeated By Brian Barefield, Sports Editor


hey say you can tell who a person really is once they experience adversity. Send them through a little struggle and pain and it will be revealed to the world what they are truly made of. This past Saturday the Houston Roughnecks (5-0) showed the city and the Seattle Dragons (1-4) exactly who they are and how they have the will and determination of the citizens of “H-Town” running through their bodies. The Roughnecks overcame an early 14- 0 deficit to defeat the Dragons by a score of 32-23 in front of 19,773 loud and rambunctious fans, most of whom were dressed from head to toe in Roughnecks apparel. Running back James Butler had two huge rushing touchdowns to go along with 52 yards rushing in the victory. “They (Dragons) were giving us lite boxes so that just gives me and Andre (Williams) a chance to eat,” said Butler. Another player who had to be ready to get back on the field and eat up the competition was the XFL leader in reception yards (455) and three-time

XFL Star of the Week recipient, Cam Phillips. He had something to prove after a poor performance in Arlington against the Dallas Renegades where he finished the game with one reception for nine yards. The former Virginia Tech wide receiver torched the Dragons for 122 yards receiving and two touchdowns to bring his total to nine which also leads all wide receivers in the XFL. “Game planning wise, a lot of teams have started to take notice and respect me a little,” said Phillips. “We just keep pushing each other in practice and stay optimistic.” Positive thinking and attitude were definitely put to the test this week when it came to Roughnecks quarterback P.J. Walker. With his former Indianapolis Colts teammate, starting quarterback Jacoby Brissett in attendance, Walker got off to a very shaky start. On the second possession of the game he fumbled on the Houston 20yard line that lead to Seattle’s first score of the game. Walker would turn the ball over

again when a pass into the flats intended for wide receiver Sam Mobley was intercepted by Dragons defensive back Marko Myers and returned all the way to the Roughnecks one-yard line. That would lead to a Seattle score by quarterback B.J. Daniels to put the Dragons up by nine points (23-14) late in the third quarter. That would be the last score for Seattle as Walker (351 yards passing, three touchdowns, and three turnovers) would lead Houston on three scoring drives to put his team in position to win their fifth straight game of the season. “Winners are always going to bounce back,” said Walker in the postgame press conference. “I never put my head down. I just told the guys ‘I got them.’” One reason the Roughnecks offense was able to stay so upbeat about deficits and turnovers is due to the belief in their defensive unit. Houston’s defense put on another stellar performance by limiting Seattle’s offense to just 201 total yards for the game. It was their second half resil-

iency that limited the Dragons to just nine points. That makes the fifth team in a row the Roughnecks have limited to less than 10-points in the second half. Led by former NFL coach Ted Cotrell, Houston would force three punts and a turnover on Seattle’s last four offensive possessions to seal the victory. “We are relentless,” said Houston linebacker Edmond Robinson. “We try to get all eleven hats to the ball.”


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March 12 – March 11, 2020


“Bread for Words: A Frederick Douglas Story” By Terri Schlichenmeyer, Literary Writer


t’s that time of day and your stomach’s growling. That’s what happens when you’re hungry and you need to eat: your body reminds you that a growing kid like you needs good food. Feeding your belly makes you stronger, and in the new book “Bread for Words: A Frederick Douglass Story” by Shana Keller, illustrated by Kayla Stark, a young boy finds something to feed his soul. Little Freddy didn’t know when he was born, but he knew where: he came into the world in a cabin in Tuckahoe, Maryland, and he lived there with his Grandma. He did for awhile, anyhow, until the day Grandma sadly told Freddy that he had to leave the cabin because he was a slave and Old Master needed him at “the Great House Farm.” Freddy didn’t exactly know what a slave was, but he quickly learned that being one meant lots of work and he absolutely had no say-so about it. The only reason for that, as far as he could tell, was that his skin was dark and Master’s son, Daniel, was fair-skinned. This also meant that Daniel had a nice bed with blankets, while Freddy had nothing like that at all. Daniel also had schoolbooks, but when Freddy asked to learn to read and write, he was told that it was “Unlawful” and “Unsafe.” Maybe he shouldn’t have asked: his questioning got him sent to Baltimore, where he was supposed to take care of a boy named Thomas. Once there, Freddy got a better bed and just a little education, thanks to Thomas’s mother – but then Thomas’s father be-


March 12 – March 18, 2020


came very angry when he learned that his wife taught Freddy some words! Thomas’s father knew that if Freddy could read, he might try to reach for freedom. It was right then that Freddy knew how reading “could loosen the chains of bondage.” It was then that he knew he had to make a plan. “That moment” made him figure out a way... No doubt about it: your child loves books. Most kids do; they love the pictures, the words, and the goodness of snuggling up with a new story. “Bread for Words” is one they’ll love to share. You’ll have plenty to discuss with your little book-fan, too, once you’ve read this tale together. Author Shana Keller uses a small-but-momentous chain of events to introduce children to the life and work of Frederick Douglass, and it’s all told quite minimally, staring with small slices of plantation life and ending with Douglass’ search for learning. This brevity makes the story more powerful in its lack. Hint: don’t bother with the afterword; it mostly just repeats the body of the book, but do read the author’s notes. Properly introduced and explained in a kid-friendly way, they could send kids running for more information. While illustrations by Kayla Stark could be fun for small children, this book is really more for early grade-schoolers who enjoy biographies and history. Introduce “Bread for Words”to your 6-to-10-year-old, and they’ll be eager to bite into it. Share this story online: www.StyleMagazine.com

A Sweet St. Patrick’s Day By Culinary.net

Photo courtesy of Getty Images


ven if you’re not Irish, a green treat like this Luck o’ the Irish Mint Pie can get you and your guests into the festive spirit. With enough seasonal flavor to go around, this recipe makes two pies, so be sure to cut every leprechaun a generous portion. Find more festive recipes at www.Culinary.net.

Luck o’ the Irish Mint Pie Makes: 2 pies (9 inches each)

3 3/4 cups heavy whipped cream, divided 8 ounces cream cheese, softened 1 1/4 cups, plus 2 tablespoons, powdered sugar, divided 5 drops green food coloring 1 1/4 teaspoons vanilla extract, divided 1/4 teaspoon mint extract 1 bag mint chocolate candies, chopped, divided 2 chocolate cookie crusts (9 inches each) 1 bag mint chocolate candies

To make filling: In bowl of stand mixer, whisk 2 1/2 cups heavy cream until stiff

peaks form. Transfer to bowl. In separate stand mixer bowl, beat cream cheese on high 2 minutes. Gradually add 1 1/4 cups powdered sugar and green food coloring; mix until smooth. Add 1/4 teaspoon vanilla and mint extract; mix well. Fold prepared whipped cream into cream cheese mixture. Fold 1 cup chopped mint chocolate candies into filling. To make frosting: In bowl of stand mixer, whisk remaining heavy cream and remaining powdered sugar. Add remaining vanilla extract and mix until stiff peaks form. Pour filling into crusts and smooth tops. Fill decorating bag with frosting and pipe thick band around edges of pies. Then pipe circle dollops evenly around edges of pies. Scatter 1 cup chopped mint chocolate candies in middle of pies. Place whole mint chocolate candies into each dollop of frosting around edges of pies. Refrigerate until firm, 5-6 hours.


March 12 – March 11, 2020






Photography by Vicky Pink


nity National Bank celebrated the historic appointment of Laurie Vignaud as Chief Executive Officer and President. The bank was also celebrating 155 years of Blacks in banking. Effective January 1, 2020, Vignaud assumed day-to-day leadership of the company and joined Unity’s Board of Directors. Reagan Flowers, Mia Wright, Sharon Owens, Argentina James, Kristyn Page, Shawntell McWilliams, Julie Griffith, Joycelyn Williams, Laquita Passmore, and Stephanie Snp




Photography by Vicky Pink

ayor Sylvester Turner held a press conference about the Coronavirus and Houston’s plan to address it. He said the health risk from COVID-19 remains low for Houstonians. He also spoke about how public health experts indicate there is no need for the general public to avoid large gatherings in Houston. He further explained why the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo would continue which was that the rodeo is primarily a regional event with attendees from the Houston area, where there is currently no community spread of COVID-19. More information can be found online by logging onto HoustonEmergency.org.


March 12 – March 18, 2020






Photography by Vicky Pink


ouston Community College invited the public to their 2020 State of the College as they featured HCC Chancellor, Dr. Cesar Maldonado. He provided highlights of how HCC has fundamentally re-engineered the institution, what’s next in innovative approaches to education, and how HCC is equipped to fuel Houston’s future for the next 50 years and beyond. Some in attendance were Mayor Sylvester Turner, Tammie Campbell, Rhonda Skillern-Jones, Laolu Davies, Dr. Laura Murillo, Andrea Bonner, and City Council members Carolyn Evans-Shabazz, Robert Gallegos.





Photography by Vicky Pink

t was a packed house of 700 people at the 2020 HISD Foundation’s Public Education Matters fundraising luncheon. HISD Interim Superintendent Grenita Lathan delivered the annual State of the Schools address during the benefit. Lathan issued a call to action urging supporters to work together by employing; the event included a panel discussion with Lathan, Professor Stephen Klineberg of Rice University, and former New Jersey Education Commissioner Christopher Cerf. HISD’s Westside High School Chamber Singers and Westbury High School’s Jazz Ensemble provided musical entertainment. Some in attendance were Jack Christie, Aiesha Odutayo, Barbara Roberts, State Rep. Jarvis Johnson, Houston ISD Trustee Wanda Adams, Dr, Laura Murillo, and Laolu Davies.


March 12 – March 11, 2020



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March 12 – March 18, 2020




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