Houston Style Magazine Vol 32 No 20

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Houston Style Magazine May 13 – May 19, 2021

Houston’s Premiere Weekly Publication, Since 1989

Volume 32 | Number 20



Jesse Jackson

Is The COVID Vaccine Safe For Our 12-15 Aged Children? Words By Jo-Carolyn Goode

COVID-19 Is A Global Threat That Requires A Global Mobilization

Mayor Sylvester Turner Appointed New President of The African American Mayors Association

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The “Gray Divorce’ Trend In United States

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Week of May 10, 2021


Houston Metro Fallbrook, 111 Fallbrook Dr., 77038| Walk-up | Mouth self-swab | Daily: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. | Appointment not required but available via curative.com.


Acres Homes Multi-Service Center, 6719 W. Montgomery Rd., 77091| Drive-thru or Walk-up | Mouth self-swab | Wednesday, Friday, Saturday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m. | Tuesday, Thursday: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. | No appointment required.


Houston Community College – North Forest, 6010 Little York Rd, 77016 | Drive-thru | Nose self-swab | Monday-Saturday: 10 a.m.—7 p.m. | Registration available onsite or online via doineedacovid19test.com.


United Memorial Medical Center, 510 W Tidwell Rd., 77091 | Drive-thru | Healthcare nasal swab | Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. | No appointment required.


Clark Community Center, 9718 Clark Rd, 77076 | Drive-thru or Walk-up | Nose self-swab | May 11-15: 10 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. | No appointment required.


Kashmere Metro, 5700 Eastex Freeway, 77026 | Walk-up | Nose self-swab | Daily: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. | Appointment not required but available via curative.com.


Metro Addicks Park & Ride, 14230 Katy Fwy, 77079 | Drive-thru | Nose self-swab | Wednesday, Friday, Saturday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m. | Tuesday, Thursday: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. | Call 832-393-4220 for access code.


Memorial Park Conservancy, 1153 East Memorial Loop Dr., 77007 | Walk-up | Mouth self-swab | Daily: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.| Appointment not required but available via curative.com.


Houston Community College – Northeast Campus, 555 Community College Dr, 77013 | Drive-thru | Mouth self-swab | Monday-Saturday: 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. | Appointment not required but available via docshealthtesting.com.

10. Minute Maid Park, Lot H, 1643 Memorial Dr, 77002 | Drive-thru or Walk-up | Mouth self-swab | Mon.-Wed.: 8 a.m.–4 p.m. | Th: 12–8 p.m. | Fri.: 8 a.m.-4 p.m. | Sat.: 8 a.m.-3 p.m. | Appointment not required but available at curative.com. 11. University of St. Thomas, 3800 Montrose Blvd, 77006 | Walk-up |Shallow nose self-swab | Daily: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Appointment not required but available via curative.com. 12. Leroy Crump Stadium, 12321 Alief Clodine Rd, 77072 | Drive-thru | Healthcare nasal swab | Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. | Appointment not required but available via texas.spartancovidtesting.com. 13. Houston Metro West, 11555 Westpark Dr, 77082 | Walk-up | Mouth self-swab | Monday-Saturday: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. | Appointment not required but available via curative.com. 14. PlazAmericas, 7500 Bellaire Blvd, 77036 | Drive-thru | Healthcare nasal swab | Monday-Saturday: 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. | No appointment required. 15. Southwest Multi-Service Center, 6400 High Star Dr, 77074 | Drive-thru | Nose self-swab | Monday - Saturday: 10 a.m.—7 p.m. | Registration available onsite or online via doineedacovid19test.com. 16. Miller Outdoor Theater, 6000 Hermann Park Dr., 77030 | Walk-up | Mouth self-swab | Daily: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. | Appointment not required but available via curative.com. 17. Magnolia Multi-Service Center, 7037 Capitol St., 77011 | Drive-thru or Walk-up | Mouth self-swab | Wednesday, Friday, Saturday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m. | Tuesday, Thursday: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. | No appointment required.

18. Houston Community College – Southeast Campus, 6815 Rustic, St., 77087 | Drive-thru | Healthcare nasal swab | MondayFriday: 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. | No appointment required. 19. Edgewood Community Center, 5803 Bellfort Ave, 77033 | Drive-thru or Walk-up | Nose self-swab | May 11-15: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. | No appointment required.

20. Houston Community College – South Campus, 1990 Airport Blvd, 77051 | Drive-thru | Healthcare nasal swab | MondaySaturday: 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. | Appointment not required but available via covidtest.tdem.texas.gov.

21. Cloverland Park Bessie Swindle Community Center, 11800 Scott St., 77047 | Drive-thru or Walk-up | Nose selfswab | May 11-15: 10 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. | No appointment required. 22. Hiram Clark Multi-service Center, 3810 Fuqua St, 77045 | Drive-thru or Walk-up | Mouth self-swab |Wednesday, Friday, Saturday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m. | Tuesday, Thursday: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. | No appointment required. Rev: 05/08/21 8:30 a.m.

COVID-19 Call Center: 832-393-4220


May 13 - May 19, 2021


Publisher Francis Page, Jr. fpagejr@stylemagazine.com Associate Publisher Lisa Valadez lisa@stylemagazine.com Managing Editor Jo-Carolyn Goode editorial@stylemagazine.com Social Media Editor/Videographer Reginald Dominique reggiedominique@me.com Sports Editor Brian Barefield


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May 13 - May 19, 2021




COVID-19 Is A Threat That Requires Global Mobilization By Jesse Jackson, National Political Writer


ndia is now ground zero for COVID-19. Saturday, it suffered a new record of more than 335,000 new infections and over 4,000 deaths in one day, while hospitals run out of oxygen and beds, and as morgues and crematoria are overwhelmed. In total, a staggering 22.6 million people have been infected, with 246,116 deaths. With 1.3 billion people, India is the second most populous country in the world. From across the country and across the world, there are increasing demands that the Prime Minister Narendra Modi order a lockdown of the country to help staunch the spread of the virus. This may be imperative, but one can understand the reluctance to do it. When Modi enforced a 21-day lockdown last year, it helped squelch the spread of the disease but caused a 24% economic contraction in the first quarter of 2020 and widespread desperation among India’s large numbers of migrant workers. More recently, at the same time Modi put off another lockdown, he displayed Trumpian irresponsibility by holding a mass political rally with thousands of largely mask ‘less’ people crowded together and refusing to halt the huge Hindu pilgrimage of millions to bathe in the Ganges River. To some extent, as The Lancet, a medical journal noted, this is a “self-inflicted catastrophe.” With India in distress and much of the world desperate for access to vaccine supplies, supplier nations have been slow to respond. China is by far the largest supplier of vaccines, having shipped more than 240 million doses to countries across the world, more than the rest of the world combined. It promises to ship 500 million more.


China, fierce rival of India, immediately stepped in to promise to supply countries that India was forced to cut off to fight its own outbreak. China’s vaccine is not as effective as those developed by Pfizer and Moderna, but it surely is better than nothing. Last week, the Biden administration finally challenged the US drug industry, and announced that it would support an international waiver of intellectual property protections on COVID-19 vaccines during the pandemic. This is a long overdue measure, but if the industry continues to resist, the negotiations are likely to take months that the world can ill afford. Even though the companies benefited greatly from government subsidies and guaranteed purchases -- and have seen their profits and stocks soar -- they have a large stake in controlling production to ensure continued profits over time. The Biden administration decision -- if aggressively enforced -- will put public health over private profit. As the pandemic rages in India and Brazil, it poses a continued threat to the world. If it isn’t brought under control everywhere, new variants will develop and most likely spread, even to countries that have succeeded in inoculating their populations. The pandemic is truly a global threat that requires a global mobilization. At the national level, global cooperation has been slow to develop. Instead, the surge to supply countries in need is propelled less from a unified global effort and more from a competitive national “vaccine diplomacy,” with India, China, Russia and now the US vying to win hearts and minds through vaccine supplies. Fighting the pandemic isn’t just

May 13 - May 19, 2021

Covid-19 Requires Global Mobilization the responsibility of governments. This is a global, human tragedy. The pandemic spreads through the air, so no people are safe unless all are safe. We need at outpouring of citizen action -- telethons by stars and musicians, increased donations from foundations, mobilization of volunteers, ramping up of production of supplies -- to ensure that vaccines are available, and citizens are mobilized to receive them. We need increased global efforts to get the vaccine into rural areas and into the poorest ghettos and barrios of the poorest nations. Joe Biden announced that he would rely on science for advice, but we can’t rely on science or on government alone. Popular mobilization is essential. If we are to address common global threats such as contagions or climate change or nuclear war, we must develop a global perspective. Now it becomes ever more apparent that, as Dr. Martin Luther King taught long ago, “all life is interrelated. We are caught in an


inescapable network of mutuality; tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. ... As long as diseases are rampant ... no man can be totally healthy, even if he just got a clean bill of health from the finest clinic in America.” In the global struggle to meet the threat of Covid-19, this basic truth is more important than ever.

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May 13 - May 19, 2021


Mayor Turner Accepts Top Leadership Role In African American Mayors Association (AAMA) By www.StyleMagazine.com – Newswire

Photo by Karen Eure Wilson

Outgoing AAMA President – Mayor McKinley L. Price, DDS of Newport, Virginia mayors are amplified on all fronts.” Outgoing AAMA President Mayor McKinley L. Price, DDS said, “It was an honor to lead the African American Mayors Association. As I reflect on the past year, I am deeply proud of how our organization and mayors led on policing reform, support of HBCUs, COVID recovery and so much more. We speak on behalf of those who are often overlooked and marginalized and advocate for the change our nation needs to create strong, equitable communities. I am excited to see Mayor Turner advance the organization even further.”

Sylvester Turner – Mayor of Houston, Sworn-In As The New President of African American Mayors Association (AAMA)


his week, Mayor Sylvester Turner of Houston, Texas was sworn in (virtually) as the new President of the African American Mayors Association (AAMA). Mayor Turner takes over for outgoing AAMA President, Mayor McKinley L. Price, DDS of Newport News, Virginia. “I am honored to lead the African American Mayors Association. The nation’s 500+ Black mayors play a crucial role in advancing our nation forward. We have a unique understanding of the needs of our local communities and the tailored policies necessary to address them. We are also deeply in tune with the challenges communities of color face and the support needed to overcome those obstacles,” said new AAMA president Mayor Sylvester Turner. “As I look to the future of AAMA, I look forward to elevating our voices on the most pressing issues facing our nation. Black political leaders can and should be a driving force on climate change, voting rights, and so much more.” Mayor Turner is an esteemed public leader with a strong record of uplifting and strengthening local communities. Since being elected to lead Houston


May 13 - May 19, 2021

in 2015, Mayor Turner has spearheaded and supported efforts to curb homelessness, implement policing reform recommendations, address budget deficits, create jobs, and more. He also heads the Climate Mayors, a bipartisan group of more than 470 mayors dedicated to combating climate change. As president of AAMA, Mayor Turner will uplift Black mayors’ voices on critical policy issues, particularly those that disproportionately affect communities of color. He will advocate for efforts to tackle climate change, support Black businesses, bolster funding for infrastructure, expand voting access, and address policing reform, among others. He will also elevate innovative, effective programs from Black mayors nationwide that bolster communities of color and can be replicated elsewhere. Mayor Karen Weaver, former mayor of Flint, Michigan and interim executive director of the African American Mayors Association, said, “We are very excited to have Mayor Turner at the helm of our organization. He is a champion for voting rights and environmental justice and a leader on our nation’s most important issues. We know that he will help ensure the needs and perspectives of Black


The African American Mayors Association

(AAMA) is the only organization exclusively representing over 500 African-American mayors across the United States. AAMA seeks to empower local leaders for the benefit of their citizens. The role of the AAMA includes taking positions on public policies that impact the vitality and sustainability of cities; providing mayors with leadership and management tools; and creating a forum for member mayors to share best practices related to municipal management.



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May 13 - May 19, 2021


THE ‘GRAY DIVORCE’ TREND: As The Gates Split Shows, More Older Couples Are Getting Divorced Opinion By John Duffy – www.CNN.com / www.StyleMagazine.com

Bill and Melinda Gates – Co-Founders of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, were married In 1994 and have (3) three children – Rory John (21), Jennifer Katherine (25) and Phoebe Adele Gates (18).


fter 27 years of marriage, Bill and Melinda Gates have Tweeted out their decision to divorce. Why would two people in a long-standing marriage -- a union that has seen the couple through the making of billions, and the establishment of one of the world’s largest foundations -- decide to part ways? In most marriages, after decades together, we know each other’s routines, the idiosyncrasies of our families of origin, the cadence of each other’s workdays, and how we like our coffee. After so many years of marriage, we know our partners at their best and, of course, at their very worst. Many couples will have raised children together by this time and discovered things about one another they admire, as well as ways in which they wholly disagree. One might think that, if any of these issues suggested incompatibility, a marriage would end long before a couple was in their 50s or 60s. That’s not the case anymore. In my current work with couples, I have noticed a discernible difference in older couples in long-standing marriages. Years ago, the vast majority of my client couples who weren’t happy in their relationship chose to remain married out of convenience or routine, or even a sense of familiarity. Over the past few years, many are deliberately choosing to part ways. My client base mirrors the divorce rate for Americans 50 and over, which has doubled since 1990. Why are older people getting divorced? One soon-to-be-divorced woman told me that she sees her life in chapters. And although she thought her current husband would be part of her life through all of them, she now wants to do some of the writing on her own, and


Bill Gates Current Net Worth Is $134.1 Billion Dollars • William Henry Gates III is an American business magnate, software developer, investor, author, and philanthropist. He is the co-founder of Microsoft Corporation. Wikipedia

perhaps, one day, with another partner. She means no harm to her husband and wants to free him up to find true happiness in his next chapters as well. Couples aren’t simply “drifting apart” over time anymore. One or both people in the marriage are making an overt choice to change course for the time they have left. And recognizing that life is short and precious, one or both partners choose what they feel is the most fulfilling path. They tend to believe that, if a marriage is not working for them, it really isn’t working for their spouse either. So, they afford themselves the space to gain, or regain,

same-sex friends about the problems in relationships: the lack of sex or connection, the boredom with the everyday, the annoying habits, the tightwad or the overspending spouse. In the past few years, more and more couples are talking with one another or with me, their therapist, openly, about their dissatisfaction in their relationships. Couples are now likely to talk through the nature of their relationships and determine whether they want to work to sustain their marriages or part ways.

happiness and fulfillment.

I’ve also noticed that the taboo surrounding such re-evaluation, and even the notions of separation and divorce in the wake of a long marriage, is rapidly diminishing. As we live longer lives, many people, like the soon-tobe divorced woman, are seeing their lives in chapters. And the marriage that carries them from their 20s to their 50s or 60s is a most important chapter, one in which they encounter financial hardships, establish careers and raise children. Many choose this as their lifelong story, abiding by tradition. But more and more, others are willing to consider the possibility that, even if they were the right match for one another at

What’s changed in long-term marriage and divorce

There are a number of reasons for the more deliberate splits. I find that traditional models of marriage do not work uniformly for all couples, especially those in middle age. These people no longer assume their marriage is necessarily a lifetime commitment if it no longer works for one or both partners. People re-evaluate their relationships in real time. This, in my experience, is relatively new. We have historically been tight-lipped around any dissatisfaction in marriage, often following the trope of complaining to

May 13 - May 19, 2021

Taboos are less prominent


one time, or for some time, they may not be so any longer. They sometimes seek therapy to talk it through.

A new chapter in a longer life

After raising kids or seeing a spouse through a career, many married people I’ve worked with in middle age want to re-invent themselves. They want to start a new career or embark on new adventures, often on their own, sometimes with a friend, or on occasion with a new partner. They may feel as if their marriage has lost all joy, or they have lost their connection to one another. Now that we are living so much longer on average than our parents a generation ago, I’ve worked with many middle-aged clients who feel like now is the time, while there is enough time remaining, to pursue that next chapter. I’ve worked with some people in their 70s and even 80s who regret not taking that opportunity for themselves, remaining in a marriage that too often feels lifeless, stale or filled with conflict.

Why men and women leave

I find that men are more likely to end a marriage in middle age to either pursue another relationship or engage more fully in a relationship they are involved in already. This ‘smacks’ of the midlife crisis stereotypes: men chasing youth by feeling desired, often by younger women. Some men I’ve worked with also say they have fallen out of love, and they want to afford themselves the opportunity to find love again before their time runs out. Women who initiate breakups, on the other hand, are often looking to change their lives. Many have described to me that they still feel quite young in their 50s and 60s and that their husbands





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Couples who have been together half their lives or more have options available to them that were not open to their parents at midlife. If you are displeased with your relationship, do not assume it’s too late to work on it. Talk to your spouse openly about the nature of your feelings, and what your spouse, or the two of you together, might do to improve things, or to inject new life in your relationship. Change your work patterns so you can spend more time together. Protect time to date one another, so that you can get to reacquainted with one another on a romantic and sexual level if those elements are missing. In essence, if you feel your relationship remains viable but needs work, try to write those next chapters together. And if need be, seek a therapist to help guide you through the process. Finally, you may feel as if this iteration of your relationship has run its course. I strongly suggest spending some time with your spouse calmly explaining your feelings if you feel comfortable and safe doing so, and that your level of communication allows for such a talk. Allow each other the grace to reflect upon the good that has come from the years you have spent together: the children, the jobs, the battles won and lost, the humor, and the love. Then, you can release each other to complete your next chapters apart.



Some couples have chosen to stay together for decades, until their 50s or 60s, in order to provide a stable, consistent and loving environment for themselves and, most especially, their children. I’ve worked with several who have suffered for many years with loneliness and isolation, loveless marriages, and sometimes carry ever-growing disdain and resentment for their spouse. This can be a years-long, very painful exercise that, in the end, may not benefit the kids at all. The young people I work with tend to tell me they want their parents to be happy. If being together doesn’t provide that, they understand. And a respectful break in an unhappy or unsatisfying marriage models healthy relationships for our kids. These changes in the way we look at marriage in our 50s and 60s can also be seen as quite healthy and refreshing. Because we are more open to talking with one another about what’s working -- and what’s not -- in our marriages, couples seem to be developing healthier relationships that have the opportunity to truly grow and deepen

If you are unhappy in your relationship



Are these trends healthy or damaging?

over time.


seem older and less energetic. They tend to be the spouses seeking new careers, new adventures and new opportunities. They may start a business or get in shape or move to another part of the world. For the divorcing middle-aged women – I’ve worked with – the reasons seem to be more experiential. Some of them are not even picturing future relationships. For men, on the other hand, the reasons given tend to be based on what they feel is missing in their marriage, which they feel they can discover in another relationship.


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May 13 - May 19, 2021


Is The Covid-19 Vaccine Safe For Our 12-15 Aged Children?


very parent wants to do nothing more than to protect his or her child from any kind of danger. They want to be that shield. That superhero that will do whatever it takes to keep their child safe. And when they can’t figure out how to do that it leaves them in a state of panic. A little over 14 months ago parents, along with the rest of the world, went into panic mode. A virus that no one had heard of overtook the universe and no one had definitive answers on what it was, how to contain it or how to treat it. Months of isolation, hours upon hours of trial and error with sound research finally allowed some light in our dark spaces with an approved vaccine. Pfizer became the first drug company with a vaccine approved for distribution in the U.S. Pfizer is again leading the pack with the first vaccine approved for children between the ages of 12-15. Like with the rollout of the vaccine for adults, many have concerns and questions with the top one being, “Is the COVID-19 vaccine safe for my child?” Children once were the population least likely to be affected by COVID-19. Numerous infectious disease doctors said because children are not the primary spreaders of COVID their risk level was low due to their still developing immune system and few health problems. But now with so many adults getting the vaccine children are now the leading population for getting COVID. Some stats even indicate that more children have been hospitalized for COVID-19 than the flu. Doctors are in a push to get as many people vaccinated as possible before other variants of the cornavirus spread causing more positive COVID-19 cases. Though some believe the 12-15 age group is at low risk for getting the cornavirus they still should be closely watched as they could spread the virus easily. With more and more states reduces restrictions and schools considering full time in-person instruction,


May 13 - May 19, 2021

this age group has an increase interaction with others and can bring all those germs home to their parents and grandparents who may have weaken immune systems resulting in a surge of the virus. “Adults living in a household with a child engaged in full-time in-person school had an increase in odds of reporting COVID-19 like illness, loss of taste/ smell, or positive SARS-CoV-2 test within previous 14 days,” said Dr. Sara Oliver of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases to CNN. The US Food and Drug Administration is getting ahead of this pending problem by approving the emergency use of the Pfizer vaccine in children 12-15 year olds on this past Monday. The Center for Disease Control has also followed up with their approval for teens and preteens as well. “Today, I adopted CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices’ (ACIP) recommendation that endorsed the safety and effectiveness of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine and its use in 12- through 15-year-old adolescents,” Dr. Rochelle Walensky, Director of the Centers for Disease Control said in a statement. With this hurdle reached, Pfizer is looking on to the future by preparing to submit for authorization of the vaccine in children ages 2-11 this September. Currently, they are testing the vaccine in children as young as 6 months old. Like wise the FDA is exploring the approval of vaccines next month in children under 12.

Will teens and parents want the vaccine?

Allowing more people to be vaccinated is welcomed news in many areas including with Pres-


ident Joe Biden who commented that an additional 17 million people are now eligible to be vaccinated. “Now, I encourage each of them and their parents to get their vaccination shots right away,” Biden said. How many parents and teens will follow President Biden’s advice? The number is uncertain. In the first few days when the vaccine was first ready for distribution many adults flooded drive-thru stations, hospitals, doctor’s offices, and pharmacies with their sleeves rolled up ready for their shot. But there were still hundreds more on the sidelines with the “wait and see attitude.” Due to past history with health crisis in American and the use of Americans as guinea pigs and other horrid history, many had their guard up when it came to the vaccine. More researched and the history of others did bring some around to get the vaccine but there are still some not in favor of it at all. Will adults subject their children to the same scrutiny? Absolutely! A question at the top of parents’ minds is how safe is the vaccine for children. In clinical trials no significant adverse effects were reported in children ages 12-15 deeming it safe by health professionals. Another concern was the administration of the vaccine in conjunction with other vaccines. The CDC has said there is not a major concern and vaccines can be given without regard to time. In fact, children may need to catch up on their vaccinations like those against influenza, tetanus, meningitis and human papillomavirus (HPV). The American Academy of Pediatrics also backs these claims. Parents will need to give consent in order for their child to be vaccinated. As soon as they are ready, they don’t have to wait. Pharmacies, hospitals, and doctors’ office already have an ample supply of the vaccine ready to be administered in the arms of this new population. In some states, several children have already eagerly received the vaccine. One Georgia teen was more than ready to be vaccinated after watching one of his friends suffer with COVID. The thought of him contracting the disease frightened him and getting the vaccine will ease his fears. While another teen wanted to get the vaccine so they would feel more comfortable going out in public. These sentiments of these teens are similar to those of adults. Going back to our original question, “Is the COVID-19 vaccine safe for children ages 12-15?” All studies up to now indicate it is. Nothing can be 100% safe but at this point in time it is our best defense beyond wearing masks, washing your hands and social distancing. It is also best to put up your best defense possible against any threat to human life. Educate yourselves and make the best the decision for you and your teen.

For more information, visit:


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May 13 - May 19, 2021

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9 Good Jobs That Have The



By www.BlackDoctor.com

e know there is something that you don’t like about any job you have, but with these jobs, it’s worse. From 2000 to 2012, the overall rates of suicide for people aged 16 and older rose 21 percent, the CDC found. That works out to an approximate increase from 13 to 16 suicides per every 100,000 people in the United States. But among farmers, fishers and foresters, the suicide rate was dramatically higher — at 85 suicides per 100,000 people. For males in those jobs, the rate was even greater. Their suicide rate was 90.5 suicides per 100,000, according to the report. At the turn of the century, The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) database on cause of death by occupation study found some interesting stats on the jobs with the highest suicide rates and ranked them. It is important to note that NIOSH sample size: For black men, the most suicidal jobs with a large sample size were police & detectives (2.55 times higher than average); furnace operators (2.01 times higher


May 13 - May 19, 2021

than average); and electricians (1.78 times higher than average). For black women, the most suicidal jobs with a large sample size were protective service occupations (2.79 times higher than average); sales supervisors (2 times higher than average); and packaging machine operators (1.96 times higher than average). 9. SCIENTISTS Starting off, those who are most stressed or depressed are more likely to commit suicide. And the work of a scientist can be quite stressful. The push to discover and innovate as well as to constantly publish new findings creates a lot of stress in a field where the competition is rather fierce, and sometimes, even cut-throat. Suicide rates amongst scientists are surprising, with scientists having a likelihood of committing suicide at a rate of 1.28 higher than the general population. For every 45 male suicides in the field, there


are an estimated five female suicides per year, with one prominent example of a female chemist, (chemists being the scientists most likely to take their own lives), committing suicide by swallowing cyanide upon refusal of a research grant. 8. PHARMACISTS Generally, Pharmacists prescribing patients their medications, oftentimes a thankless job. Furthermore, when some patients cannot afford to pay for their medications or insurance will not cover said medications, the pharmacist often takes the blame. Another thing pharmacists’ have to deal with are the big pharmaceutical companies, sometimes treated as a sales rep as opposed to a health care professional–all of which adds to the frustration when they too want to see the best for their patients. Pharmacists also have a substance abuse rate of nearly 20% higher than average, which contributes to the rate of suicide amongst pharmacists to be 1.29 higher than average.

7. FARM WORKERS Working out in the field can be downright stressful if you just look at the extreme weather condition but, add that is one of the lowest paying jobs in America, with a salary of less than $20,000 annually. Not only is the work hard, it is also dangerous, working with heavy machinery. There were 216 farm accident fatalities in 2012 alone, prompting Forbes magazine to rank farming as one of the nation’s deadliest jobs. 6. ELECTRICIANS The electricians suicide rate is 1.36 higher than average. While being an electrician can be a lucrative profession, it can also be difficult when the economy is bad and work is scarce. Beyond the stressful economic factors that may affect electricians, there have been recent studies that have posited that an electrician’s long-term exposure to electromagnetic fields could ultimately affect brain chemistry. The electromagnetic fields may affect melatonin production in the brain, which can potentially lead to depression, potentially culminating in suicide. 5. REAL ESTATE The world of real estate can be a high risk, high reward profession, just think of the housing crisis in 2008 when housing prices plummeted, the world of real estate has become crazy. The lack of stability in real estate, particularly not knowing when the next paycheck may arrive if the housing market is weak, may very well be one of the main reasons why real estate agents commit suicide at a rate of 1.38 higher than the average person. 4. LAWYERS According to studies, before even graduating from law school, a reported 40% of law students already suffer from depression. Once practicing, lawyers are nearly four times more likely to suffer from depression than the average American.

The extremely long hours, poor public opinion, difficult cases and clients, and moral battles within attorney/ client privilege can be reasons why lawyers commit suicide at a rate of 1.33 times higher than the national average. 3. FINANCIAL PLANNERS This is a correlation between financial workers and suicide that has been witnessed by the public since the Great Depression when stockbrokers who had been bankrupted leapt from buildings to their death. The suicide rate amongst financial workers in America is 1.51 times higher than average. In the first three months of 2014 alone, there were already 11 reported suicides amongst those in finance. 2. DENTISTS When was the last time you were truly happy to go to the dentist? Not many people can say that they were. A dentist’s suicide rate is 1.67 times higher than the American average. Being a dentist brings with it long hours, reluctant and difficult patients, and not a strong guarantee of success or stability. Because of this, studies suggest that dentists are more likely to suffer from mental disorders, but are also more reluctant to seek treatment for disorders. 1. DOCTORS** Doctors are 1.87 times more likely to commit suicide than the average American. While suicide accounts for roughly 2% of all deaths amongst the general population in the United States, 4% of all physician deaths are by suicide. The high-stress nature of the job. Studies have shown when a doctor suffers from depression or another mental disorder, they are reluctant to seek treatment, potentially fearing for their practice if word of their own need for professional help were to be revealed.

www.BlackDoctor.com www.StyleMagazine.com

May 13 - May 19, 2021



DON’T FORGET + MAY 31ST IS MEMORIAL DAY www.StyleMagazine.com

H 2021 Social Media Haute Shots + Around Town H

Judge Lina Hidalgo #MothersDay21 Jolando Jones #MothersDay21 Kerry Washington #MothersDay21 Laurie Vignaud Family #MothersDay21

Will Smith & Jada Pinket-Smith #MothersDay21

Mrs. Erika Dickerson with Son – Landon, Jr. aka @Boopsalot


May 13 - May 19, 2021

Barack and Michelle Obama #MothersDay21

#Deavre and Ebone #MothersDay21

Chloe, Niki, Blaire and Jeremy Scott #MothersDay21

First Lady Sonya Stevenson #MothersDay21



elcome back to The Open House. Have you ever wanted to get your real estate license but didn’t know where to start? At least once a week I get asked about the process, so this week I wanted to share with you how you can become a Texas Real Estate Agent. The Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) is the state’s agency that governs real estate practices and issues out the official licenses. The first thing they require you to do is meet the qualifications. These include:

The Open House: With Realtor Falyn Davis

How To Get Your Texas Real Estate License

Must be a citizen of the United States or be lawfully admitted Must be 18 years of age or older Must be honest, trustworthy and have integrity Once you meet all the qualifications, you can officially enroll in a real estate school. There are plenty of programs in Texas and online that you can attend, as long as it is a qualifying education provider, you are good to enroll. You must complete and pass 6 courses (180 hours) in order to fulfill the education requirement. Once all the courses are completed, you can submit your course completion document to TREC with your application. You can submit an online or paper

Falyn M. Davis


3. Pass the state and national

application found on TREC’s website. Remember, you only have one year from the date your application is filed to fulfill the following requirements:

1. Get your fingerprints taken

and pass your background check 2. Complete 180 hours of real estate courses at a qualifying education provider

exams 4. Be sponsored by an active Texas licensed broker to work

Cell Phone: 832-396-6276 Email: FalynMDavis@gmail.com

After you meet all the requirements and a broker has accepted your license, you can begin working as a Sales Agent! If you have any questions on the process or would like real estate school recommendations, please feel free to reach out to me! I would love to assist you.

Social Media: @FalynDavis

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May 13 - May 19, 2021



DON’T FORGET + MAY 31ST IS MEMORIAL DAY www.StyleMagazine.com

H 2021 Social Media Haute Shots + Around Town H

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee with daughter and Mom #MotherDay21

Teneshia & Mom - Lisa Hudspeth

Dr. Camille Cash, MD #MothersDay21


Angela & Zoé Jones #MothersDay21


May 13 - May 19, 2021

Roslynn Bazzelle and handsome son – Derrick #MothersDay21

Ride Wild. Ride Free. Electric Bikes Are Here…

Congratulations Lauren Anderson and Chris Stanaway On Their Upcomig Neptuals

It’s Not Good For Democracy – Judge Lina Hidalgo



UPDATED CDC GUIDANCE: People Vaccinated Against Covid-19 Can Go Without Mask Indoors and Outdoors By Elizabeth Cohen and John Bonifield - www.CNN.com


Dr. Rochelle Walensky – Director Of Center For Disease Control

eople fully vaccinated against Covid-19 do not need to wear masks or practice social distancing indoors or outdoors, except under certain circumstances, the director of the US Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention announced Thursday. “If you are fully vaccinated, you can start doing the things that you had stopped doing because of the pandemic,” Dr. Rochelle Walensky said during a White House Covid-19

briefing. “We have all longed for this moment when we can get back to some sense of normalcy.” Walensky said the science supports the new recommendation that “anyone who is fully vaccinated can

participate in indoor and outdoor activities -- large or small -- without wearing a mask or physical distancing.” She cited three studies -- one from Israel and one from the United States -- that show vaccines work. The Israeli study, which was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, showed the vaccine was 97% effective against symptomatic Covid-19 and 86% effective against asymptomatic infection in over 5,000 health care workers. There have been reports of “breakthrough” infections among vaccinated people in the United States -- a small number among more than 117 million people in the United States who are now fully vaccinated. Walensky noted that “the resulting infection is more likely to have a lower viral load, may be shorter in duration, and likely less risk of transmission to others.” Walensky’s announcement has a few caveats. She warned that people who are immune compromised should speak with their doctors before giving up their masks. She also said that “the past year has shown us that this virus can be unpredictable, so if things get worse, there is always a chance we may need to make a change to these recommendations.”


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May 13 - May 19, 2021



DON’T FORGET + MAY 31ST IS MEMORIAL DAY www.StyleMagazine.com

H 2021 Social Media Haute Shots + Around Town H

Melanie Wilcox with beautiful daughter – Faith – #MothersDay21

Young Sylvester Turner with Family #MothersDay21

School Teacher & Americas First Lady

Christian Menefee with Wife - Kaitlyn and Mother #MothersDay21 In This HOUSE. . .lol

Smiles – #Boopsalot


POLICE WEEK: Mayor Turner at Houston Police Officiers’ Memorial paying respects to In The Line Of Duty Fallen Police

May 13 - May 19, 2021


Council member Lynn Clouser #MothersDay21

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