NEWS | COMMENTARIES | SPORTS | HEALTH | ENTERTAINMENT Support Black Owned Businesses Houston’s Premiere Weekly Publication, Since 1989 Complimentary Haute Shots: Eric FaganARTS: H-E-B presents WINE & FOOD WEEKTHHS: Monkeypox – Confirms First Death In Texas Instagram: @StyleMagazineHTXTwitter: @HoustonStyleTAG US: #TeamStyleMag Facebook: @HoustonStyleMagazine SEPTEMBER 01 – SEPTEMBER 07, 2022 Your Right To Vote Is Not Tied To A Political Party Dr. John E. Warren Jesse Jackson We Can Make America Better Volume 33 | Number 36Houston Style Magazine Chief Troy Finner HPD "Sea Of Opportunities" Youth Fundraiser Luncheon HONORS: Dr. Ben Chavis Honored By Joe Biden Bun B - Founder Photo by Nick Scurfield ARTS: Blues & Jazz SUNDAYFestivalH SEPT BURGERTRILL18THPOP-UP@CITYHALL

September 01, 2022 - September 07, 2022 www.StyleMagazine.com2

The Ford administration realized it had a problem because if it handed over the documents and the tapes to Nixon, people might see this as a cover-up. September 01, 2022 - September 07, 2022 MINORITY PRINT MEDIA, LLC, D.B.A. Houston Style Magazine & Phone: (713) 748-6300 • Fax: (713) 748-6320 Mail: P.O. Box 14035, Houston, TX 77221-4035 ©2022 Houston Style Magazine, a Minority Print Media, L.L.C. Company. All Right Reserved. Reproduction in whole or within part without permission is prohibited. Houston Style Magazine has a 2019 Audit by Circulation Verification Council (CVC). Houston Style Magazine is a member of the Texas Publishers Asso ciation (TPA), Texas Community Newspaper Association (TCNA), National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA), Independent Free Paper of America (IFPA), Association of Free Community Pa pers (AFCP) and Members of Greater Houston Partnership(GHP). National Association of Hispanic Publications, Inc. (NAHP, Inc.), Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (HHCC), League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), Latin Women’s Initiative (LWI), National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ), Houston Association of Hispanic Media Professionals (HAHMP), National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ), and Supporters of Great er Houston
a moving van arrived in front of the White House. And the moving van was there to pick up Nixon’s documents and his tapes.And the Ford administration thought, “Oh, my God, what are we going to do?” So they went to their Office of Legal Counsel, and they asked, “Who owns Nixon’s tapes and his papers?” (Naftali is paraphrasing here and above.)
Congress Interviened And Passed A Law To Sieze Nixon's Documents
Richard Nixon was within his rights to say, OK, they’re mine and take them back to California.
And so Congress passed a law called the Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act of 1974 that effectively seized all of the Nixon materi als and considered them public property.
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Before Nixon Presidents Owned Their Papers
Nixon Exchanged Access To His Papers For His Pardon By Historian – Timothy Naftali
The person in charge of the Office of Legal Counsel at the time was a lawyer named Antonin Scalia. And Antonin Scalia said presidents do. It is our tradition in the United States, it goes right back to George Washington that the president’s own their papers, and their papers include anything that went to them and anything generated by their staff. There was no differentiation between public and private documents. It was very similar to the way in which the King and Queen of England control documents.There’s nothing in the Constitu tion about this, and there was no law. Congress had not gotten in volved because it’s a matter of the execu tive branch, and public opinion had never been such to force presidents to consider their materials public.
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So the Ford administration sought an agreement with Nixon to make sure that the documents could be available for the court cases, and that he couldn’t destroy them for a certain period of time. That agreement was part of the agreements that led to the pardon. Rich ard Nixon had to agree to this in order for Ford to give him a pardon. Nixon agrees to it. Ford gives the pardon.
Here Is Why The Public Owns Former President Trumps Presidential Records
Just because something is private doesn’t mean presidents were allowed to sort of show it around at their golf club.
As Told
Food Writer Alex
By Zachary B. Wolf for CNN Special to
Nixon’s Papers Are Seized. This Was A Very Big Deal This was unprecedented in US history. Absolutely unprecedented. No president’s materials had ever been treat ed this way. All previous presidents had -- they or their estates -- viewed presiden tial materials as private documents. That includes when the CIA gave presidents national security stuff. All of that.
That former President Donald Trump apparently tried, despite a subpoena and negotiations, to hold documents from his presidency away from the National Archives is -- as with so much of Trump’s presidency -- completely unprecedented.Asto why the public owns presidential documents, it’s a relatively recent development that, as with so many of the curbs on the presidency, has roots in Watergate. Historian Timothy Naftali, a professor at New York University and former director of the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum, told me the whole story. His words, edited for length and flow, are in italics, and I’ve added some subheads. After Leaving Office, Nixon Wanted His Tapes and Papers A few days after Nixon resigned, Former President Donald Trump waves while walking to a vehicle outside of Trump Tower in New York City on August 10, 2022.
And then Congress finds out about it and says, “Oh, my God, no, no, no, no, no. Yes, it’s true the Ford admin istration is go ing to make sure the docu ments that are needed for the court cases are available, but then Nixon can destroy whatever hasn’t been subpoe naed. We don’t want that.” (Naftali is paraphrasing here.)

Police brutality against Blacks – some of it caught on video for the first time sparked the largest interracial protests across the country in our history. Now the reaction against Black Lives Matter and police reform is a central theme in our elections. Inequality has reached obscene extremes, yet Republican obstruction aided by a few corrupted Democrats blocked long overdue tax reforms.As the culture has become more enlightened, the reaction has become ever fiercer. Progress is not a guaran teed outcome. A right-wing majority on the Supreme Court overturns settled law and precedent to rule that abortion is unconstitutional. Justice Clarence Thomas argues that contraception, and the right to love the one you choose are similarly at risk. Conservative justices have opened the floodgates to dark mon ey in our elections. They’ve invented gun rights that would have astounded the Founders. They’ve gutted the Voting Rights Act and are targeting affirmative action. In the end, however, democracy empowers the people to decide. Even a reactionary majority in the Supreme Court can be overruled. When the people in the red state of Kansas voted overwhelmingly to protect the right to abortion, they sparked a response that is spreading across the country. Now our democracy itself has come under attack. Yet it is worth noting that when Donald Trump sought to overturn the results of a presidential election, public officials at the state level almost all of them Republican ironically – and public officials in the Justice Depart ment and the White House, including the vice president, again all loyal Re publicans stood firm on respecting the people’sWechoice.have every reason to be frustrated and enraged by the inequities and the injustices of today’s America. Sometimes it seems that those who want to take us backward are on the march, and those who want to make a more per fect union are in retreat. Yet, look back at the past decades, we’ve come a long way – despite the setbacks, the rancor, new unmet challenges. Despair may be fashionable, but hope is rational. And with hope, commitment and energy, we can continue to make America better. You can write to the Rev. Jesse Jackson in care of this Newspaper or by email jjackson@rainbowpush.orgat:
Serena Williams practices in preparation for the 2022 US Open at USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center on Aug. 28, 2022, in the Queens borough of New York City. ((Matthew Stockman/Getty Images/TNS))
15 4 September 01, 2022 - September 07, 2022
By Jesse Jackson, National Political Writer
enefits of a long life include lived memory and perspective. Today, it is easy to despair about America – with its extreme inequality, its continuing racial divide, its fragile democracy, Its partisan feuds, and the shaky state of an economy hammered by pandemic and catastrophic climate change. Yet it’s important to remember how far we have come, the progress that has been made, and the possibility of change that is the promise of America. “Make America Great Again” is a popu lar slogan – but it’s worth remembering that in some ways, America today is far greater than it was in the past. I can remember when African Americans growing up in South Car olina could barely hope for change. Now, we can vote for change. Racial divides still exist, but we have achieved greater equality under the law today than we could hardly have imagined 70 years ago. America is still a work in progress, but progress has been made. Black soldiers coming out of World War II returned to a country that would not allow them to stay in a white hotel or to use a whites-only restroom. Across the South, schools were legally segregated and unequal.Blacks and women couldn’t sit on juries. Blacks were systemically denied the right to vote. Today, African American may ors govern in cities across the South. Blacks, Latinos, women and Asian Americans are competing in and often winning elections. A Black man was elected president of the country with a majority of the votes – twice. Board rooms that once were all white and male now have opened the doors, at least a crack, to minorities and women. African American actors find roles in adver tisements for general audiences. The popular culture is far more integrated than most of our neighborhoods. This week we will celebrate Serena Williams as the greatest of all time – in tennis of all things. Dr. King’s “dream” became famous. We’re still dreaming today, with much to be done, but some of the dream has already come true. Progress is never easy and never unopposed. Every era of reform sparks a reaction. We see that now. When Lyndon Johnson, a Democrat from the South, championed the Voting Rights Act and the war on poverty, Republicans responded with their “Southern strate gy,” grounding the party in the South among whites embittered by the change.

Your Right To Vote Is Not Tied To A Political Party
Commentary By Dr. John E. Warren, Publisher, The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint for
t appears that our recent discussions about the importance of each of us becoming Registered Voters and using our right to vote has been taken by some as an endorsement of a political party preference, as a necessity to voting. For the record, there is no constitutional re quirement of a political party affiliation as a condition of voting. One only has to declare a party affiliation in states requir ing such affiliation for voting Democratic or Republican in primary races. While the Democratic and Republican parties are dominant political entities, in the State of California there are more Independent registered voters than Republicans. There are also other parties that many of you have heard of, such as Libertarian. We have focused on the Re publican Party as a threat to Democracy because of their national efforts to impose voter suppression in states where they have intentionally made it more difficult to vote. The Republican Party has system atically redrawn election districts so as to weaken or neutralize the Black vote with the intention of limiting Blacks and other people of color from gaining political office. Those who are in office make policy, as we have seen with the removal of ballot boxes, the elimination of Voting Precincts so as to make lines longer and to create more difficulty for voters, the pass ing of laws prohibiting giving people in voting lines food or water while they wait to vote, and in some places the elimina tion of Sunday voting. The Republicans, under the leadership of Senator Mitch Mc Connell, has voted against every bill passed by the House of Representatives to bring relief to the American people in such areas as reducing the cost of prescription draws, restoring the Voting Rights Act provisions struck down by the Supreme Court in 2013, and the restoration of the protections lost under the recent Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court Decision on Abor tion Rights. Former President Trump and those who rally around him have become the party of those who would reduce or eliminate rights that so many have fought and diedButfor. be not mistaken, the Dem ocratic Party, while it has worked long and hard to restore and protect the kind of gains we have seen under President Biden, still have not done as much as it could for the people who put him in office. Without the Black vote, there would be no President Joe Biden. Yet he did not move to sign Executive Orders to fight Voter Suppression as he did with great speed to help overcome or provide protections available to him after the Supreme Court’s decision in Roe vs. Wade. For those who register to vote in the coming General Election, one may register as an Independent and still vote on November 8th. This time, it’s the Demo cratic Party which is the lesser of the two evils. Therefore, we need Democrats to keep control of the Senate and we need Democratic members elected to Congress to keep control of that body since all the legislation geared to the needs of everyday people are coming from the Democrats at this time.Let’s stop looking for excuses for not registering or preparing to vote and look at what we need and want in elected officials at all levels during the next two years. Without a vote, needs and wants don’t count.

By Stacy M. Brown for – Newswire In#10MillionMoreBlackVoters.”additiontohonoringthework of Dr. Chavis, the awards recognized the Atlanta Student Movement, civil rights leaders, and others who have shaped AmericanOverhistory.80individuals are receiv ing awards from President Biden this year at ceremonies held at North Caro lina Central University in Durham, the Elks Lodge in Delray Beach, Fla., and MorehouseAmongCollege.themany notable recip ients were Dr. Otis Moss Jr., Rev. Dr. Lawrence E. Carter Sr., Dr. Anne Win bush Watts, Dr. Clarissa Myrick-Harris and Thurgood Marshall Center Trust Inc. President Thomasina W. Year wood. A final ceremony is scheduled for September 10 at the Thurgood Mar shall Center Trust in Washington, D.C. “We are eternally grateful to all venues for hosting the awards program this year,” said Dr. Beverly Kee, Executive Director of Premiere Coalition Partners Association, LLC., a Maryland-based certifying organization for the Presidential Volunteer Service Award Program. “We have a very impressive list of honorees who are making a meaningful difference in their communities, and this venue is so fitting for such a prestigious event,” KeeAheadstated.ofthe 2022 midterms, Dr. Chavis said it’s important to reg ister new voters. The NNPA and the Transformative Justice Coalition are in the middle of a campaign to register 10 million more Black voters. “We’ve got work to do,” Dr. Chavis “Ideclared.thank President Biden for the Life time Achievement Award for Commu nity Service and Civil Rights. Equality, equity, and justice are on the ballot.”
NATIONAL : President Joe Biden Honors
NNPA's President Dr. Benjamin Chavis, Jr. With A Lifetime Achievement Award
OPENING SOON Greater OST/South Union Must be 18 years old, or 13 with parent/guardian. Billed monthly to a checking account. Subject to annual fee. State/local taxes may apply. Offer available at participating locations only. Planet Fitness locations are independently owned and operated. © 2022 PFIP, LLC $1 DOOWN $10 A MONTH Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis Jr. with Dr. Otis Moses Jr. Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis Jr. with Thomasina W. Yearwood.
On behalf of the NNPA and the Thurgood Marshall Center Trust, as well as on behalf of all my fel low Civil Rights Movement comrades who were present at the President Joe Biden 2022 Lifetime Achievement Awards on the campus of the historic Morehouse College in Atlanta, I express my profound gratitude to President Biden and Vice President Harris,” Dr. Chavis remarked.National Newspaper Publish ers Association (NNPA) President and CEO Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis Jr. has received the President Joseph R. Biden Jr. Lifetime Achievement Award for Community Service and Civil Rights. “On behalf of the NNPA and the Thur good Marshall Center Trust, as well as on behalf of all my fellow Civil Rights Movement comrades who were present at the President Joe Biden 2022 Lifetime Achievement Awards on the campus of the historic Morehouse College in At lanta, I express my profound gratitude to President Biden and Vice President Harris,” Dr. Chavis remarked. “At a time when our nation is facing renewed challenges to our de mocracy, it was very timely to reassert the importance of the right to vote, the Black Press of America, and the need to continue the fight for freedom, justice, equality, and equity,” Dr. Chavis con tinued.
“We are committed to achieving
September 01, 2022 - September 07, 2022

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he Houston Police Department is committed to relational policing. The community is important to us, and we remain committed to bridging the gap between youth and police. We have several programs that allow us to accomplish this goal: Houston Police Explorers, Gang Prevention Unit (GPU), Greater Houston Police Activities League (GHPAL), Youth Police Advisory Council (YPAC), My Brother’s Keeper (MBK) and Teen and Police Service (TAPS). While their mis sions differ, we have one common goal - to inspire and build up our youth. We are dedicated to fostering youth while encouraging them to be current youth ambassadors and future leaders. We would not be able to ac complish these goals without the help of our community supporters. While we continue to actively engage our youth, we need your help to make our efforts go even further. Please join us in our “Sea of Opportunities” fundraising luncheon where we will highlight the impact of our programs and share upcoming op portunities in the community. The event will take place on Thursday, September 15, 2022, at 11 :30 a.m. at the Downtown Aquarium, 410 Bagby Street. Check-in will begin at 10:45 a.m.
September 01, 2022 - September 07, 2022 www.StyleMagazine.com8
Supporting Our Are Youth – Greater Houston Police Activities League Fostering and Encouraging current Youth Ambassadors and Future Leaders Make a difference! Become a Sponsor, Purchase a Table (seats 9) or Ticket and Advertise with us! Secure your seat with us at: police/vip/ghpal.htm · Purchase tickets to attend the event$125 · Purchase a company table - $1 ,000 included)(Advertising · Donate at a sponsorship level (table, guest executive command staff and included)advertising Your support changes young lives and builds a STRONGER Hous ton. Thank you in advance for your gra cious contribution. Your donation will help us continue to develop Houston’s future leaders. Please return your response to: HPD – Greater Houston Police Activities League 1200 Travis Street, 21st Floor, Houston, TX 77002 Phone: 713-308-3200 E mail: ELECT POLITICALADVERTISINGPAIDFORBYTHETONIV.SMITHCAMPAIGN,MONICAL.AKOMPI,TREASURER SMITH TONI FORT BENDfor DEMOCRATICCANDIDATE ToniV.Smith itoni.v.smithf ELECTIONDAY EARLYVOTING OCT24-NOV4 NOV8 YOUTH: HOUSTON POLICE DEPARTMENT – GHPAL " Sea Of Opportunities" Fundraiser Luncheon By City Beat at – Newswire

Post-Covid Conditions
Sometimes there are some who have been infected by the virus that causes Covid 19 can experience long-term effects known as post-Covid conditions (PCC) or long Covid. It is also referred to by other names such as: long Covid, long-haul Covid, post-acute Covid or chronic Covid.
By Greta Massetti - CDC – – Newswire
There Are Long COVID-19, or Post-COVID Conditions You Should Know About
Unfortunately, there is no test to diagnose post-Covid conditions, and people may have a wide variety of symptoms that could come from other health problems. Your health care provider considers a diagnosis of post-Covid based on your health histo ry including if you had a diagnosis of Covid 19 either by a positive test or by symptoms to exposure, as well as doing a health examination. Post-Covid condi tions may not affect everyone the same way. Most patients’ symptoms slowly improve with time. However, for some the conditions may last month or years and may sometimes result in disability. General symptoms may in clude: tiredness or fatigue that inter feres with daily life, symptoms that get worse after physical or mental effort, fever, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, coughing, chest pain, fast beating or pounding heart (palpitations), difficulty concentrating or thinking, headaches, sleep problems, dizziness or lightheadedness, change in smell or taste, depression or anxiety, general di gestive symptoms including diarrhea or stomach pain, and joint or muscle pain. Those who are more likely to develop long-Covid are: people who have experienced a more severe Covid-19 illness and especially those who were hospitalized or needed inten sive care; people who had underlying health conditions; those who were not vaccinated; and those who experience multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS) during or after their illness. The best way to prevent postCovid conditions is to protect yourself and others from becoming infected. Being vaccinated and staying up to date with vaccines against Covid 19 can help prevent infection and protect against severe illness. Research sug gests that those who are vaccinated but experience a breakthrough infec tion are less likely to have post-Covid conditions compared to those who are unvaccinated.Living with a long Covid can be challenging, especially when there are no immediate solutions. However, people experiencing post-Covid con ditions can seek care from their health care provider to come up with a personal medical management plan that will help improve their symptoms and quality of life. Talk with your physician if you think you or your child has long Covid or a post-Covid condition. Also another important note, as of July 2021, “long Covid”, also known as post Covid conditions, can be consid ered a disability under the Americans with Disabilities (ADA).
What you need to know is that post-Covid conditions can include a wide range of ongoing health conditions that can last weeks, months or years. These long-term conditions are found more often in people who had severe Covid-19 illnesses, however anyone who has been infected can experience post-Covid conditions, even people who had mild illness or no symptoms at all. Those who are not vaccinated and become infected may also be at a higher risk of developing post Covid conditions. The CDC is working to understand more about who experiences post-Covid conditions and why, includ ing whether groups disproportionately impacted by Covid 19 are at higher risk. September 01, 2022 - September 07, 2022 HEALTH:

• Use insect repellent that contains DEET. Children require insect repellents that contain less than 10 percent DEET. Do not apply DEET on babies. Adults need insect repel lents that have more than 10 percent DEET. Keep the storm sewers clean to reduce mosquito breeding:
• Seal cracks and gaps in the house.
• Pick up litter and other debris from your yard and the street.
Residents are strongly recommended to take precautions to prevent mosquito bites:
September 01, 2022 - September 07, 2022 www.StyleMagazine.com10
• Don’t let lawn water or car washing water enter the street.
• Repair household water leaks, and move air conditioner drain hose frequently.
• Pet water bowls and birdbaths should be emptied and refilled at least twice a week.
• Sweep up lawn clippings, leaves and limbs from sidewalks, drive ways, curbs and gutters.
• Report water and sewer main leaks and breaks to 311. Anyone with West Nile symp toms should speak to a physician and get tested.Visit the department’s dedicated website for more information and prevention tips about West Nile virus.
• Keep the mosquitoes out of your house: • Keep doors and windows closed.
The Houston Health Department urges people to take precautions against West Nile Virus as stand ing water from recent thunderstorms creates potential breeding grounds for mosquitos.Historically, from mid-July through early October the department will receive reports of human West Nile virus infections. This year, Houston has seen one reported infection and no deaths. If infected with the virus most people experience mild illness charac terized by flu-like symptoms including fever, headache, body aches, and occa sionally a skin rash and swollen lymph glands. West Nile virus infection in severe cases can develop into encepha litis, inflammation of the brain, or men ingitis, inflammation of the membrane surrounding the brain. Severe infections can cause high fever, headache, stiff neck, disori entation, coma, tremors, muscle weak ness, and paralysis. Symptoms usually develop three to 15 days after infection with the Althoughvirus. the elderly and those with weakened immune systems are at the highest risk of severe illness, the virus poses a risk to all residents.
• Wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts, especially from dusk to dawn.
• If mosquitoes are in the house, use flying insect spray, following label instructions. Other actions to prevent mosquito breeding: • Empty, remove, or dispose of any thing in the yard that can hold water: flowerpot saucers, cans, toys, litter, rain barrels, plastic sheeting, etc.
HEALTH: Houston Health Department Urges Precaution Against West Nile Virus Standing Water From Recent Thunderstorms Possible Breeding Ground
By – Newswire
• Keep the rain gutters on your house clean and properly draining. September 01, 2022 - September 07, 2022

September 01, 2022 - September 07, 2022 www.StyleMagazine.com12 2022 SEE MORE + Fort Bend Sheriff's Gala H Fort Bend County Sheriff's Foundation – Inaugural Awards Gala & Fundraiser H H Fort Bend Sheriff – Eric Fagan H Fort Bend Sheriff's Foundation – Dave Moss H MC – Pooja LodhiaH Entertainment – Joe Carmouche Band H Safari Texas Ranch H 7PM • Saturday, August 27, 2022 H Formal Attire

 September 01, 2022 - September 07, 2022
Harmony Public Schools is proud to announce that 227 teachers in the Greater Houston area are recipients of the Teacher Incentive Al lotment, a special fund created to reward the state’s highest-performing teachers. The recognition means these Harmony teachers will receive up to $22,000 in additional salary starting this fall and again for the next four years. 50 of those teachers received a "Master" designation and will earn the maximum allotment for their extraordinary efforts in helping boost student achievement. “We are honored to have some of the best and brightest educators shaping the minds of students,” said Ramazan Coskuner, Harmony Pub lic Schools Houston South & West Districts Superintendent. “We are so thankful to the TEA for recognizing their diligent“Thiscontributions.”designationmeans to me that my hard work is paying off. That I work as strategically as possible to group my students and teach my stu dents to become successful. Harmony has helped me greatly to reach this designation,” said Suzanne Wu, a firstgrade teacher at Harmony School of Exploration.The Teacher Incentive Allot ment was created by the Texas Legis lature in 2019 as part of the state’s new education bill, known as HB3. The primary purpose of HB3 was to provide new funds for across-the-board pay raises for Texas teachers. Harmony used those funds as well as others for one of the state’s most comprehensive pay increases for its staff, including $3,000$5,000 raises for each of its teachers in base pay, with additional dollars for working hard-to-staff subjects and for the length of Additionally,service.
HB3 also created a separate funding pool - known as the Teacher Incentive Allotment - for the specific purpose of providing an addi tional salary for teachers who demon strated exceptional performance in hardto-staff teaching positions, including in low-income and rural communities. Harmony Public Schools is a Texas-born, Texas-wide public charter
# StopHateNow Hate crimes increased by 44% from 2020 to 2021 in the U.S. If you see or experience a hate crime, report it. HCDAO VICTIMS SERVICES (713) ANTI-DEFAMATION274-0250LEAGUE(713)627-3490 LGBT SWITCHBOARD 24-HOUR HELPLINE (713) 529-3211 THE MONTROSE CENTER (713) 529-0037
JOBS: Harmony Public Schools Teachers To Receive Up To An Additional $22,000.
Harmony has 227 Teachers in the Greater Houston that are recipients of the Teacher Incentive Allotment, a special fund created to reward the state’s highest-performing teachers. school system with campuses serving PreK-Grade 12 students in 23 cities across the state, including Greater Houston, DFW, San Antonio, Austin, El Paso, Waco, Lubbock, Odessa, Bryan, Beaumont, and the Rio Grande Valley. Harmony’s curriculum places a heavy focus on STEM skills, Character Educa tion, project-based learning, and college readiness. Harmony Public Schools is currently accepting applications for the 2022-2023 school year for both students and team members. About Harmony Public Schools Harmony Public Schools are 60 high-performing PreK-12 college preparatory charter schools throughout Texas. More Info go to:
By City Beat at – Newswire

• Avoid close, skin-to-skin contact with someone with a new, unexplained rash.
• Stay home when you are sick. People who have been exposed to a known case of monkeypox are eligible to be vaccinated against the disease. Some people at high risk of infec tion may also be eligible for vaccination. Health care providers with patients at high risk of severe illness should work with their local health department to facilitate administration of the JYNNEOS vaccine and treatment with the antiviral medication TPOXX.
DSHS is posting the latest information, guidance for the public, health care providers and others, and updating case
• Avoid close, skin-to-skin contact in large crowds where people are wearing mini mal clothing, such as nightclubs, festivals, raves, saunas, and bathhouses.
he Texas Department of State Health Services has confirmed the first death of a person diag nosed with monkeypox in Texas. The patient was an adult resident of Harris County who was severely immunocompromised. The case is under investigation to determine what role monkeypox played in the death. “Monkeypox is a serious disease, particularly for those with weakened immune systems,” said Dr. John Hellerstedt, DSHS Commissioner . “We continue to urge people to seek treatment if they have been exposed to monkeypox or have symptoms consistent with the disease.” People should contact their health care provid er if they have fever, chills, swollen lymph nodes and a new, unexplained rash. People who are diagnosed with monkeypox should stay home and avoid close contact with others until the rash has fully resolved, the scabs have fallen off and a fresh layer of intact skin has formed. For most people, infection with monkeypox is painful but not life threatening. Monkeypox is a preventable disease that spreads through close contact with an infected per son. There are things everyone should do to help prevent the spread of monkeypox:
– Newswire
September 01, 2022 - September 07, 2022 www.StyleMagazine.com14
• Do not share cups, utensils, bedding or towels with someone who is sick. – Texas HHS Confirms First Death
MONKEY POX Has Claimed First Death Of Person Diagnosed In Texas

Trill Burgers won the title of the best burger in America from “Good Morning America” in July, capping a weeklong competition against concepts from across the United States. Since launch
Sunday, September
2022 • 3PM
osted at Houston City Hall (901 Bagby St, Houston, TX 77002) in downtown Houston from 3-7 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 18, the pop-up will feature Trill Burgers’ full menu, including the OG Trill Burger, Grilled Onion Burger, Vegan Smashburger, and seasoned fries, with burgers for sale on a first-come, first-served basis until they sell out. This Trill Burgers pop-up will take place just weeks after the City of Houston’s own official Bun B Day (Aug. 30), first proclaimed in 2011. The day was set aside to celebrate the impact that the musician/entrepreneur continues to have on the region, from his days with the influential rap duo UGK to championing Houston’s vibrant city culture across the world. “I invite everyone to join us for a Trill Burger experience and have some fun. We are excited about part nering with Bun B, whose music and award-winning burger are respected across the country,” said Mayor Sylves ter Turner. “Not only is he a founding father of Southern hip hop, but his time as a professor at Rice University and his constant outreach to the community should make every Houstonian proud.” Working in conjunction with the City of Houston, the city hall event promises a family-friendly afternoon picnic environment with Trill Burgers complemented by some of Bun B’s favorite local Houston food concepts. Some of those include Boutte BBQ, Captain Ceviche, Rick’s Seafood, Fluff Bake Bar, and Kicpops. There also will be special guest musical performances from hip-hop act Buddie Roe and coun try artist Rich O’Toole. “I’m always excited when I can celebrate my personal and professional accomplishments with the city, and this Trill Burgers pop-up at City Hall is designed to do just that,” Bun B said in a statement. “Thanks to Mayor Turner, we are planning a great day with local Houston vendors and music just for you, H-Town.” Kroger will be the Official Gro cery Partner of the event, with activities for the whole family, including a game zone, hydration stations, cooling tents, free food samples, and activities for kids in attendance, including balloon artists and face“ a proud supporter of local businesses and nonprofits,” said Teresa Dickerson, Kroger’s corporate affairs manager for the Houston re gion. “We believe this is a great way to live our purpose, feed the human spirit, and uplift the communities we serve.”
City Hall • 18, - September 01, 2022 - September 07, 2022 COVER: Mayor Turner and Bun B Announce " Trill Burger
Bun B Trill Burger VOTED Best Burger In U.S.A. By ABC-13 – Good Morning America ing in Houston with pop-ups in 2021, Trill Burgers has been a certified smash at music festivals around the country, in cluding Rock The Bells, Rolling Loud, Something in the Water, the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival, and Ro deoHouston. Trill Burgers hosted a popup on Aug. 14 at 8th Wonder Brewery, drawing more than 1,500 guests with a line that started at 8:45 a.m., more than three hours before the pop-up started at noon. Trill Burgers – owned by Bun B, Andy Nguyen, and Nick Scurfield plans to open its first brick-and-mortar location in Houston soon. About Trill Burgers Trill Burgers is a smashburger concept owned by Bun B (Bernard Freeman), restaurateur Andy Nguyen and publicist Nick Scurfield. Launched in Houston in 2021 with a series of popups, Trill Burgers features an OG Trill Burger with 44 Farms Texas beef, Trill Sauce and pickles; Grilled Onion burger with caramelized onions; and a vegan smashburger. . It has become a fixture at major events across the country and has been a hit with celebrities includ ing Snoop Dogg, Busta Rhymes, Ken Griffey Jr., and James Harden. More Info:
Pop-Up" At Houston City Hall For A Family Friendly Event
By City Beat for – Newswire

September 01, 2022 - September 07, 2022 www.StyleMagazine.com16 2022 SEE MORE + HARRIS & FT BEND COUNTY'S H Haute Shots Of The Week H America Is Diverse, Has Jobs, Friendly People and Success – Haute Shots - Every Week! Haute MEMES From The Internet

WINE: H-E-B WINE WALK At Market Street Thursday • October 6, 2022 • 6-9pm • 9595 Six Pines Dr. • The Woodlands 77380 By City Beat at – Newswire
Make it a private party with a Deluxe Hospitality Tent. You and your closest friends can secure your own “home base” to take in all Wine Walk has to offer.See the website for all the de tails:
ne of the most beloved wine events is back to wind down this year’s Wine & Food Week events in The Woodlands. The 18th annual H-E-B Wine Walk at Market Street takes place Thursday, October 6th. The theme this year is “Illuminated,” and this fun event will shed light on great wines, culinary creations, and lifestyle enthusiasts. Fans are sure to light up with excitement as they relish this annual all-inclusive celebration.The move to the fall was so successful that Wine & Food Week will continue to host the event in October, giving a weather advantage to wine-go ers who can enjoy cooler temperatures while sipping and strolling their way down Market Street. The event encour ages attendees to put on their favorite bling, light up attire and enjoy a night of illumination. Don’t have a way to “self-illuminate”? Light sticks and glow necklaces will be randomly distributed. Either way, it will be a sight to see as the night lights up at Market Street for this treasuredCoveringevent.three blocks of Mar ket Street and jammed packed with a cornucopia of culinary creations, wine displays with industry experts, craft beers, live music, and incredible wine experiences. More than 40 wine tasting tents, 40+ craft beer selections and dozens of culinary offerings from area restaurants, chefs and caterers will be featured on Market Street. Bring your thirst as tasting stations will offer choices from 250+ beverages September 01, 2022 - September 07, 2022

September 01, 2022 - September 07, 2022 www.StyleMagazine.com18 2022 SEE MORE + FROM AROUND THE WORLD H Haute Shots Of The Week H America Is Diverse, Has Jobs, Friendly People and Success – Haute Shots - Every Week! Mayor Turner – Celebrating Lucille'sSTAR POWER: Beyoncé and Rhianna Do You Follow @Boopsalot Nicole Murphy and Grandbaby Black Skinned Women Are Beauty Snoop Dog and His POPS Judge Zinetta Burney with old friend – Allen Parker, Parker services: Sept. 09, 2022 People Supporting Our Community NBA Legends. . .Once Upon A Time New Frenchy's Almost Ready Good People Supporting Our Community

 September 01, 2022 - September 07, 2022 Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce The Leader of Houston’s New Majority® Annual Luncheon & Business Expo Sponsorship opportunities available (713) 644-7070 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2022 Hilton
The Largest Annual Luncheon & Business Expo in Houston Event Underwriters

Diunna Greenleaf
Eric. He released his first record at 16 for Elektra records to a fantastic response from the media and music fans around the globe. Multiple releases followed. His latest album, Crown, was released on January 28, 2022, to rave reviews.
The Sugar Shack ,
Houston Blues & Jazz Festival • Sunday., Sept 25, 2022
a limited time onlyOn view through September 5 Scan and Buy Tickets
ARTS: Jazz Up Your Sunday Night With Eric Gales and Dianne Greenleaf
azz up your Sunday night with the sounds of various artists headlining at the upcoming Houston Blues Festival. See the famed Eric Gales and Diunna Greenleaf for experience like none other at Houston’s downtown night spot – The Rustic Houston. Eric Gales Eric Gales is a musician of ex quisite ability with the gifts of singing and playing guitar with his left hand. Often compared to distinctive Hendrix, Gales has a style uniquely his own. He
A woman who needs no intro duction in the jazz community, Diunna Greenleaf, is known as the leader of Blue Mercy. With hometown roots right here in Houston, Greenleaf, like soul to create a kind of blues that can only be done by her with her band, Blue Mercy. Her unique style has allowed her to perform stateside as well as in ternationally. She has performed at the Lugano Blues Festival in Switzerland, the Bern Jazz Festival in Switzerland, and the Cahors Blues Festival in France. When Diunna is not singing jazz, she is working jazz. She served three years as president of the Houston Blues Society, making history as the first woman ever elected to this posi tion. During her presidency, she used Eric Gales – Guitarist Diunna Greenleaf – Vocalist 1976, acrylic on canvas, Collection of William O. Perkins III and Lara Perkins. © Ernie Barnes Family Trust
On view for ing, was released on June 15, 2022, reviews.
By Kathy Coleman, ARTS Editor – • Newswire
to rave
J September 01, 2022 - September 07, 2022 FEATURED ARTIST CINDY OLMES OCTOBER 8-9 2022 SATURDAY & SUNDAY 10 AM TO 6 PM DOWNTOWN SAM HOUSTON PARK & ALLEN PARKWAY n 250+ National & International Artists n 19 Disciplines of Art n Live Music & Entertainment n Active Imagination Zone n Frost Bank VIP Hospitality Lounge n Haak Wine Garden n Art Installations & Exhibits n Food Truck Park n Craft Beer Garden n Culinary Arts Stage TICKETS ON SALE www.bayoucityartfestival.comNOW

The tour targets Black girls, young women, and gender-expansive youth, between the ages of 12-24, to give them a safe space in which to open ly communicate. The main attraction at each event is the teredmingandworkshopsinteractivewillVillageDreamthatfeatureprogramcenaround
egan Thee Stallion’s The Pete and Thomas Foundation has partnered with Southern Black Girls and Women’s Consortium (South ern Black Girls) for the Journey Dream Bus Tour. The month-long caravan kicked off this month in Atlanta, GA and will make a stop in Houston on September“I’m13th!really excited to have The Pete and Thomas Foundation partner with the Southern Black Girls and Women’s Consortium on this special initiative,” Megan said. “We both share the same goals – to empower our young Black women, give them the resources to succeed and help them pursue their personal and professional dreams.”
There is so much in store, and we look forward to all the great work we will do together. This just the beginning.”
By Kathy Coleman, ARTS Editor – • Newswire mental health and wellness, beauty, arts and culture, entrepreneurship, S.T.E.M. and dream-building. Local community organizations germane to the host city will also help with the festivities of this free and open to the public event that will feature music, food trucks, game stations, swag bags, and giveaways. “We are super excited to partner with The Pete and Thomas Founda tion,” added LaTosha Brown, visionary founder of Southern Black Girls and co-founder of Black Voters Matter. “Megan is the ultimate Southern Black Girl. She is an entertainer, an artist, and a creative, who masterfully balances be ing a hot girl, a college girl, and a busi nesswoman, and she certainly embodies the unapologetic spirit of our organiza tion. Our partnership with The Pete and Thomas Foundation adds fuel to the mission of the Joy is our Journey tour, which is to connect with Black girls and young wom en Blacked,bratespacescreatethethroughoutsouthandsafetoceleunlimitunabashedgirljoy.
The Pete and Thomas Founda tion helps Megan flex her philanthropic arm to uplift and assist women, children, senior citizens and underserved com munities in Houston, Texas and across the world. She founded the nonprofit organization in 2022 to focus on the fields of education, housing, and health and wellness. Those areas align with the intentions and activations of the Joy is our Journey Dream Bus Tour, and their support will help to amplify the experience and bring joy to Black girls and women in each tour city, as well as expand their footprint into Texas.
ARTS: Megan Thee Stallion Brings Southern Black Girls and Women Consortium To Houston Texas Southern University • Tuesday, Sept 13, 2022
Houston, Texas tour date is below: Tuesday • SEPT. 13, 2022 –Location: Texas Southern University Time : TBD Community Partner: The Pete and Thomas Foundation Register Friday,willBlackBushttps://JoyHouston.eventbrite.comHere:TheJoyisourJourneyDreamTourwillculminatewiththe2022GirlsDreamConference,whichtakeplaceinBirmingham,AL,September16-Saturday,Sep tember 17.For more info on the work and impact of the South ern Black Girls and Women’s Consortium, visit:
September 01, 2022 - September 07, 2022 www.StyleMagazine.com22 M

Date/Time: Friday, September 23 –Saturday, September 24, 2022 – 8 p.m. Location: Dell Hall, Long Center for the Performing Arts, 701 W. Riverside Dr. Tickets: $19-$79; Student Rush tick ets available 20 minutes prior to the performance for $5 cash with cur rent student ID & upon availability Box Office: 512.476.6064; www.Aus; 1806 Rio Grande St.
OTCHAIKOVSKY'S SYMPHONY NO. 4 & BENEDETTO LUPO PERFORMS RAVEL September 01, 2022 - September 07, 2022 ART: Austin Symphony Orchestra Begins "Your Musical Escape" With Season Opener – VIRTUOSITY
Benedetto Lupo, Piano Peter Bay, Conductor
By Kathy Coleman, ARTS Editor – • Newswire Marvel as your Austin Symphony Orchestra (ASO) takes back the stage with the opening of their 112th season, “Virtuosity.” On Friday, Sept. 23, and Saturday, Sept. 24, the ASO will welcome the audience in Dell Hall with the extraordinary dance-like composition that is John Estacio’s Won drous Light, followed by pianist Ben edetto Lupo performing Maurice Ravel’s delightful Piano Concerto in G Major. The second half of the program showcases Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s virtuosic Symphony No. 4 in F Minor, a favorite in the concert hall. Pre-concert engagements in clude the return of the well-attended “Concert Conversations” from 7:10 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. in Dell Hall. Jeffrey Blair from KMFA hosts these free lec tures and special guest pianist Lupo will will be present for interactive photo opportunities and Steinway will be on site with a Spirio Italian-bornpiano.pianist Lupo won national acclaim in 1989 after earning the bronze medal in the Eighth Van Cl iburn International Piano Competition, the first Italian to do so. He has had the pleasure of performing with every major orchestra in his home country, and as such has acquired quite a reputation. Lupo establishes a unique con nection to any work he sets his mind to, making his interpretations “free of anything predictable or routine…entire ly his own, thoughtful and fresh,” raves the Washington Post. Amazingly, he still manages to maintain “unfailing beauty of tone matched with solid technique and refined musicality” (Baltimore Sun), and Montreal’s Le Devoir put it best, “Lupo went to raise the bar to a height where it was not expected… everything was supreme.” Lupo now teaches at the Nino Rota Conservatory in Italy, taking breaks to serve on several competition juries, as well as gives masterclasses across the globe. Additionally, he has been on multiple PBS programs chron icling his time at the Eighth Van Cliburn International Piano Competition.

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